Marietta advocate. (Marietta, Ga.) 1843-18??, March 06, 1863, Image 1

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BY- iv. M. GOODMAN - . shc Iflslnctti* The Hifkly Advocate Is published every Friday Morning ni $2 03 a year in Advance, WESraITTLAM TOfiIL ROAD. BMtr* Atlanta t" t hattaww-m, 13b Miles, JOHN S. T'i l a \ ND, Superintendent. '7 / /'•■•., 'nge? ifYafn. Leaves A . . i. : y, at 7 lift P. m Arrives a :t;t ■->’:ra,’ - 4 51 a. m Leaves dl - ga, - - 5 Ot) i*. xt Arrives at . riur-a, - - * 230a. m Express freight cf; Passenger Leaves Atlanta, - 5 50 a. ? .Arrives at Chattanooga,- - o 47 f. M Leaves Chattanooga, - -3 15 a. m Arrives at Atlanta at 3 38 r. m. oTsueT Valiiibls Property i Marietta. 80 Shares of $25 each of Rail Road Stock. TWO Houses and Lots in Marietta, one the Residence of Col. C. i>. Phillips, with 67 acres of land attached, pood farm ttrnl orchard, with a large and splendid assortment of fruit truss Ac. Consisting of Apple's, Rears. Reaches and grapes, with kitchen and out houses. The other a honse apd lot near the episcopal Church, with good* garden, kitchen and out houses all in repairs. ALSO 81) Shares of Rail Road* Slock, of $35 each in the Nashville A Chattrnooga R. U. I will show the property to any one wishing to purchase. N. B. GREEN. Marietta, 23th Dec. 1862. SSOD RELIABLE medicines J HAVE now on hand a good supply of Scathing Synif for Children Teething, WiEtar’s Balsam of Wild Cherry, Ayers’ Cliorry Pectoral, “ Pills, ‘f Ague Care, Bull's S?.rsapanlia, ELECTRIC OIL, PLASTER Mc.Vlistcr’s All Healing Ointment, Vernoa’a Celebrated Bye water, And all the leading articles in the Drug A Med icine line. mmm hoot* ETetCheic House, (A CARD.) HAVING lately taken possesion of the House formerly called the Fletcher House, hut more recently known as the Kemiesnw L ..--e, aid having associa ted in its Sap/;-ine ndaucQ (Jol, V. M. WHITE, i would respectiully nu liounce to my son :i- friends and pat. rons anti he pin-i. generally, that the House w: *be «>|. and the ensuing week for the rooeptie- oi Boulders and the travel! n . pubii and that no effort will be spare ! to give to all the most ample satisfaction. July 16, 1862. 28—ts DIX FLETCHER JMB- All Letters on business will be address ed to FLETCHER A WHITE Marietta, Ga. Notice to Debtors and Creditors. ALL persons having demands against the es tate of Capt. I’. H. Prather, late ot Cobb County, deceased, are requested to present them properly attested, to the under signed within the time prescribed by law ; and all persons indebted to said estate, are required to make immediate payment. Jan. 27, 1863. t.'kkingl' 1 fet!Cuto, ' H - Georgia Cobb County: Executors Sale. BY virtue of an order from the Ordinary of said County, there will be Sold on the Ist Saturday the 7th of February, at the farm of the late Cant. R. II Prather, in Milton County, about 2 miles from Roswell, the- perishable property of said R. H. Prather deceased, con sisting of Corn. Shuck? Cotton Seed, Wheat, Peas Ac. ‘ Terms Cash. Saif o commence at 11 1-2 o'clock, A. M. This Jan. 27 ’63. T E.lUNfh Kxc ' cutors - MA.SU ETTA, GA., FIIIDAY, MARCH 11, IHU& BUSINESS CAKbS. A. N. SIMPSON Attorney and Councellor at Law MATtTKTTA GEORGIA. October 6. ly. A. J. lIANSELL, Attorney at Law Si Solicitor in Chancery. M ARIETTA O EOI’CU. October if, tv. JOHN,,O,, t G|R'r)tFIA, Attorney and COuncellor at Lav? Mißfem -.Georgia. July 29, !yl (i. 1%. LESTEK. ATTORNEY AT LAW Martkita, Georgia, '\T' r ILL practice in the Blue Ridge Circuit V T the Supreme Court of Georgia, and the Districi Court at Mrrietta. February 29, 1361 ■}+. DAVID UHVIV. GItKKM.KK ULTUdi. IHWJN & m Tf.l’.H, ATIORNEYS AT LA W, A*arietta, Gfa... "f>US!NESS confided to their professional I ? nranagement in the fnlhuving coulities will be transafted. vits: Campbell, i’auWing. l'olk, Cobb, Cherokee, Forsyth, bumpkin. Fulton and Milton. Alsoi in the District Court at Marietta, and at the Supremo Court at Atlanta. The District Court sits at Marietta on the second Monday in March and September. Re turn 20 days before Court. feb29-’6l-ly. N. 33. GR33 E 3ST. A-ttoruey and Cpnntjcllor at LuW, Marietta,, Cobb county C-a. Will practice, and, give prompt attention to all business confided to hi* professional care, in the IHst]iut Court of Hie U. >. at Marietta, The Supreme Coyrt of Georgia, at Atlanta, and the Superior and Tnfe 'ior Courts of the Kidgo or circuits. Especial attention given to the collection ot debts, and the securing of a!! manner o:’ claims. Prompt.and sfllcicnt attention will be given to all manner of business in the (ourts of Ordina ry in the county of Cpbb and adjoining :o mties. WJL PHILLIPS. J. T. Bt’RKMALTER PHILLIPS & BURK HALT EH, JL.t tornoys nt Taaw, MttrieUn, Geopgiu. ffiti practice in f’lilton, Paulding and all the counties'of the Blue Ridge Circuit, in i’io Su preme court, and District court, marietta male ACADEMY! A MALE teucheris wanted, for tin’ above Academy. Applicants may apply tu the undersigned, ur tu any of tho Tnu'i-e.v N. L. CHESTER. I eb. i 6t!i, 63. Paulding Sheriff Sales. WILL bn sold before the Court house door in Ibe town ol Dallas on the first Tuesday in April between the legal hours of Mile the following piop-rly to wit* I.ot of Land No. 41Sin the 19 Dis’l and 3d section ol Paulding County let - led to satisfy a Tax !i. fa. issued from tho Tax Collector ot Paulding County. Levy made ami returned to me by Cpu*> stable this February the 23th 1863. 0. B. BAGGETT, Sheriff. HARK CHANCE! ■mma&ssf A Large Id well in in Mari etta* FOR SALE* fTAHhi place now owned and occupied by the !_ heirs of Di.Tyunent. deceased, situated Rear the Public Square. The dwelling, is two. stories, containing eight rooms, all well furnish ed. • A £goml kitchen and negro houses stable, cow house, carriage house, and other out buildings. A good garden and a tine selec tion of fruit trees. All in good condition. For further particulars apply to or addrers. ' A. N, SiAii’oUN, Ag't. Feb. 16, ’63. ADMINISTRATORS SALE. BY virtue of an order of the Ca*irt of Onli ndry of Pickens (’onnty, will be sold, on the first Tuesday in March next at the Court House door in said county, between legal sale hours the 11th undivided interest in lots of land No:, 86 and 59 in the Kith district *«d 2nd section of said county being about 29 acres more or less tho place well improved, about 50 or 40 acres of Bottom land Terms C**A. This Jan. 26th *63. T. M. JOHNSON, Obituaries. persons sending in Obituary Notices not ex ceeding five linos (for which there will fee no charge) must send One Dollar for every ter lines, to ensurejmblieauon. Southern Field it esi-je, * TERMS, Kor One Y.-ur........ S3 00 Six months i l)H Thiee muiilhs... 1 Os) Single e ....... Ten Keuts. Clubs of 10 ei and dre.'for c e year. $2 each. •• -i YtoontU, SI (‘noil. Address. JAMuJ GAIU/NKU, Peb. 12. J Vugusta, Ga. MEDICAL CARD ■""Bomriling to V ;i*. ol I eight laouu.o, i | in-unl, i .Uii ». i. -pdo ri .fly l , i'Otw,- i .ii j 1 tin ‘•‘’ jituf iu> Hfiivv:e u> vho eJ ! Marietta and its vicinity li i-.i-anphva of tpy' I’mfvi i Jii,. <>tlic-* on . 'e ■ f sq*iu;c v Imre 1 will bo ibam; in u« : .\ : nivjb w cl nut ii ute&iioiially engaged, um it my K>‘sulsu night. CitiBKUT 'Gv NANI', M. D. NOTICE l have ili.cuitiimed the <« ating Library * Perseus h*vit;l; Hooks’ : * ’>o>sci p!eii‘e return them. * T. S. TOW LL. DMINISTRAROK SALE. Pv vii- ' e of nn onTcr f» r » rt ots( >rdfna ry of MiUon oupty, will lac Fi 'uu the Jifst* Tuesday April nc.vt* 1.0t5..0f I.; n.j No ,2M 2l)':f: A>o# 235 A A of lhli {kiio\v;i us iheMill l. »l v'ith all appor taiuing. . V .W. lor ll •* benefr »: tl •• h«:rs and CD lifoisot K !>, Johuson Ph* place is situ aied on v illoVv Creek 2 mile ; «.A of ibcAvelk Terms This !•' b. 2f*ln I•. DA.NHTa Wiri fflT, Adi Fr. UIZXHIUIA, Paulding W r lIKiiKAS. j Sarahjil. < %ley. applies to bio lot letters of a\b trdsl rdttfi upou the estate of G. H. Gilley, in.. . said a nty deceased. These arc {!’.er,’foi*e, to cit; mid require, all and singular, all persons concerned' to be tnd appear at my oilice. 4 pii Da the Cfsi Monday in Marcia ucxHto s': cause if % iin> they have, wiiv nuld should not be gruuied tho applieanl. (Bren under my luml and •Ignal-.n this ".A l-'ebjmary iki;.3. S. B. McGl : VOU. OriTy rgMVO 'lANTliSafter dale aj denlion will be -*r made to the ordinary o bbbb County, for leave to sell the Lands and N'egrocs beloirg* ing to the estate of I'VM. Be. , u.late of Said cpuntydeceaaerl. January -d - ' { i iKOK(i \ A. Paulding county. TTTUERKAS, A. G.” Bullock, applies to Yf ine* for letters *f ailinlni-traMon upon the estate of A. L. Bullock, "Rle ol stud county ui ce.ibod. ,? These ere tberefcrO to cite and ad; ; l all and singular the kindred and creditors <>i said deceased, to fde their objections, if any they 'lave, in my office on or l?elb; L first Monday in March next, otherwise lowers ot ipT«> inis tration will be granted the applicant at that term o! the Cowl of Ordinary for said coumty; Given untier mv Invtul cud official signature t! '"j. February. 2d L s 63. »S. B. McG BEG Oil, Ordinary. GEORGIA, Cobb County: TGOfHKREAS. Tliomns 11.-J.iston ajiplies far V V lett -I'S ol aJmimstnil "II ni»on tlie vs tai« of Lumpkin J Klilwm iato of oaid county. dt'PPasod. TheßO arc thftrofore to cite all persons eon corned lobe amiapiioar at Uie Ordinary’s (Ufice on the liirt Monday in Maivli next, to show cause it' any liu’y have, why-said letters ahnutd not"be gran <‘J thoaiqdi' aut. Given under my hand ami otticial signature this 28th January. 1862. J. G. CAMRBELT , Ordinary. GEORGIA, Pi-.-kc-iis C-^uty. riAWO months ..fter il.itu npjdi••a'.ion will bo J maile'to.lhc Court of Ordinary of Ri* kens onnty Georgia at the fir.-t regular term atlci expiration of two months from this native b r leave to sell the lands belonging to the cstnto of G. It. Edwards late of said emijity deceased, for the benefit of heirs and creditors of said de ceased. This Jan.-26ta’63. 5 It. IS. MeCUTI UKN, A. lin’r. ADMINISTRATOiI’S SALE. i>Y vivtu'* of an order Jcom. the Court- of Gr > diuur.v oi I’ivk! me b’cuhty will be sold on Iht* first TtL'Lflay in Varch next*, at the Court Htuigc door iu Laid county, bet\vt en the legal hours of Kile, the uKdivul* <1 lull interest iu lot of land Ni*. 2SO. in sth district A 2:F. section ol tiuid County, being 80 vu*i«‘s move nr le.-s, to’v ably well improved. Terms Cash. Tins Jan nary *2(Ah 1863. "6 E. M. ALLBED, Adm’i GEORGIA, Milton Cut.vr.y WHEREAS, Ransom Bennett ap plies to me for Guardianship over the persons eel property of Alien .Land Samantha Ben nett, minor children of F. M, Bennett, Intc of said County deceased. These are therefore to cUe anil admonish all anu singular those concerned to file their ole jeetion if any they have, in my office, on or before the First hUnd.rj •in March next, otherwise, letters ot Guardianship will bv granted the applicant atyhat term of the Court of Ordinary for Milton county. Given under this January 29 1*63. O. P. f'ivELTON, Ordinary. GEORGIA., (Jobb County. WHEREAS, B. tV. Donehoo, applies * me for letters of Guardianship r r persons and property of Fanny O. (7 • the and Sarah E. Bell, orphans of J- vorge tv. deceased. jseph If, Beil These are therefore, to and singular those ee- cite and adreomsh all tions, if any tin ..eerned, to file their ittijeu letters of -j have, in my office, giherwise applie duardianihip will be grapteil the ' .^at. vji vou under ray’hand at office, this January. I 2S 1883. J. G.' CAMPBELL,'Ordinary. Wo find tho following e .'r . wdii.nrv story iu tl:o Mi/i) : !e ‘Advertisei.’ it >3 almost iticfolibb and Imt for tho cUac-.c ter of that paper we wottl'l hi.* 'lispf'seti to pass it by as a lietion or at a. {Treat exaggeration. V’> odo not believe however, tl at tho ‘Advertiser’ would pubiUh it except on good- mtJoi itv. tTukuotvn Heroes.’ MiS.jis. Euii'JKs: In the ‘F.rre:iin{j !of id," eiiibar 16, in an urliole with Ute i shove oupi ion extraoten irom tho (,’h j Icstou gs. ,xur>j U.C iwiifl, ns.-# ioru ’A I ’ IniMehoi-e—-a ouvall’y .Dinu, s.u -l lo be | Irom Tex..s— tin.Ure to wi.d. n step cuu io- a jwif ti MHUches r. L'o.’eucnoi mMd with tlica* cou.if.t.•••! to pt'flo.’di the aiv.uuus gutuih r» ,|U liv'd of bn-*.’ This soldier m* imuuu Folilaiiie, a pri .yato in the ‘'Oatupb. II ILnS"J»s, Sd regi ment Virginia cavalry. He Hilo e'.a. st Son of tiie Rev. lislwaid l'’ulit»bn-> an • Episcopal', ear .luck sou, Missies*psi, who cbnirvi iiidf-d the Ltuit 1-tib'o-', of tho 18tU reg’iiufiit M sjppi volutiU’crs, iu ths first lutt'q of Muiiussas, niul wiio is lionoi ably •t. WdtVas Irot'A. in VVashinffo.'i'o. n-tv, ii *»*, in 4841, while ids parrot-, resided there, mid was named after his father’s |i iciul, t.enetai Mnnboau La war. i’rcriotis t-» the present, rufoiu tiot: Ljuiar Fontaine lived in his n*t ve state, was educated in A#stb: and at the military academy in Bastrop and-learned r cd ; praelientlj ttio m<-st eSsenliut duties of a soldier as a lexitu Ranger and lmu ter on the fronticru of Weßtom Texas, where he was -uiisuipi-Sied ns a dextsi" ous nder and skd.ul njail;.;fti*u. .\js soon as the war coreineilced he cau.e U> Mi.-sissippi and e*. sted as a private 111 the first eornpacy orgairixcd lor Ihe defence of J lie State, 1 ‘b e .Mississippi Hi lies,’ <»f Jaekiofi, eoitiuiinn*'d by Gtrptaiu ivybert Hißitii, the heroic f ul. riuatii who fell at Mul’oi'dsviMo, Kostnckr. Under this excellent officer he served at l’Smsa cola, as mi infantry soldibi , and then as foi artillerist until ho was transferred to his tiddler’s company in tee array ol tho Boiuimie. At the battle of Manassas he was severely wounded by a cannon snot of them so badly tbatTie vnisiinfife 'to'” further duty as an in taut i v soldier. — Finding that ho was unwilling to be dis charged, his father procured hint a transfer to Capl'nin Alexander's cou:pa> ny (Ii 2d regiment Virginia ca*aliy.— l u or GeiHTids Jackson usd Ewell he distinguished himself in the b*tUlo6 of Front Royal, Gross Keys, and all the ac tions of the Valley. Near Wiuchcater, in company wLh a y.qujg gentlonion from Campbell county, Virginia, private John Moon, he performed a feat without a parallel iu the’ annals of war, and which, ii mentioned with the highest commons datitm in General Ewell's official report.- Those two young men, una-sUte-: and alone churgod a piece of artillery plant ed on tho V\ iucliestsr turnpike manned by eight of the enemy, kill and and w ound ed two of their number, di’wvo lho res’ from the gun aud brought it oil' i tri umph io iheif coiniuandvV Near St'i.s burg a shell exploded against his burst) head, blowing it to atoms aid bra king Lamars thigh While his comrades were carrying him from (lie field, anoth er shell wounded him severely iu the liip. Scon at'ier his wounds were dr< fl ed while ly ny at tree, a n-iaic ball pe> ctrated the ! ack ol In J o. k, passed dowu near hiH sp;ue ad lo.lg and where tin surgeons irave not been able io lied it. Si#c«i ttau his l ight leg and si ! - have reuiained paralyzed. He recovered sufficiently to obtain leave of absence from !ne hospital in Charlattcsrille for several w e.-k--,' which ho spent with his company in -performing military Jny with Iris cmldbes tied to his saddle. 1» "ins c .inl l lion h« iought seven battl-s - Ilazol rivei budge, UanonUm spring's, the Rappahannock or Waterin'* Bridge ti<e battles ol tin 2'J li, doth anil 3ls; of Manassas, and tho 6aR e of German town. While the enemy were shell',nar War ren ton Springs, G. mu'tii it. 11. Anderson wished lo uAccrtait. what division «f the army occcupied tho Nm Ui bank ot tb RapahanuoCk Ins position. jj voiiiuieered to bring him the m ,,n, swa, y the surprised three of the y s m , m , f pick- sac- brought tlic-j, £ th , rivei to tiie irem-ral wl- . . . i ° ... give liu; crutch ed hero a ceindwa 1 c , . . , ... , ~ .o coinplimentnig his skill and galiai- , ~7 ~ * .*iy. At tho battle ol ltasol river ■ , ~ , , f his era' * u,m * ie broke ono of -ohos, and one of the enemy's her BLS without a rider, ran against him and oroke the other. Iri the second day’s fight at Manassas, he had hors-' killed uuder him, and another tho day a.ter at the battle of Germantown. \\ liile purs suing the enemy’s cavalry, a pistol shot penetrated his car., grazed ins temple and knoeked leni Irom Ida h.'ire, rimee he has boeti 'proiii'iuiceal iaeompotont tu perform ni litary duty on aec onto!' thi. wou..-t*>, and while acting ns a volant er oil hospital iurioagi.s, he Inw. captured YOL. XX—NO. 9. 1 n r pris oner 5 xvi'h' it any ass.'. Amiec, avui 'knicvi m»u.y 'of ih ci. ’ey. In ti '.brent | battles he has ; six hoiset billed un j dor h.m, ; rd 1 have no d< übt Inn kdlcd i -Jnie of the enemy th.-iu any soldier iu i om army. j If skill, courage and Ustrdqnls m«l I tisetbl service oti the battle ur-H d-.-s. iv« I prombti-'U, he has nobly eurtrol it— • Ju ; -t 1 1" fore the resignation of lihr llotr. !'!. w, Randolph lie was itouiuiiKiudod j lor prom, tion by Geu. Ewell; but so far ! jus me it has been overjooked, and an i 'unknown hero,’ capable of and Lling and ■ leading an army to victory, is a mutila-. I ted private, white sc<<i o of 'cro.--» road I poUtiai»Ci>, tinaeOfthud py -or. sabro j and to he ipar ot battle, ar - i cniuni'inding companies and l egiment, . Ii will gratify the friends of our tm j known lierhcri t«» learn that Lxiunr Fon -1 tamo's the author ot the beautiful lines which have recently been published in l all our papers commencing 'All quiet I along the l'o-:ouiiac to night,’ a copy of | which corrected by the author, is here j with enuioa.d: •ALL .QUIET ALON’G THE POTO | MAC TO NIGHT." j J>y Lamar Fontaine, c-uiup.uiy 1, fid ! regiment Virginia cavalry. Written ; while on Picket on tho bank of tie Po-. toinac, lStil. “All quiet along the Potomac nigjit,” Except here and there a stray pick et Is shot, as he walks on his beat t > and fro, Ry i» rlfb-nianJiuLiii a. thicket, '! is not!iing--a private or two now and then Will not count in the news of the battle; Not an officer dost! only «n» of tha men Moaning ou!,_a!l alone, tho death rattle. "-'L quiet along the Potomac to nigh:," M here the soldier’s lie peacefully and rewiring, And their, tents iu tho rays of the AThe light of their camp fired are gleaming. A f remulmis sigh, as a gentle night wind Thro’ tho forest leaves slowly is creepng V liile tlus_ stars up above, with . glittering eyes, Ke p gnsrd over the army while sleeping. There’s only (ho sound of the !or.o sentry’s tread, As lie tramps from the rock tu tha fountain, A.ud thinks of the two on tho low trundle bed Imf asay ia the cot on the nioun-- tain. His inu'L.’t fails slack—his'face, dark and grim. Grows gentle with Memories ten der, As he mutters a prayer for tho chil dren asioi p, And their mother—“may Heaven defend her." Th ‘ moon seems to shine as bright ly as then— -1 hat night wheu tho love yet un> spoken, Leiped up f» his lips, and when low intirmiu-’d voas V\ ore pledged to be Cvcr unbro ken. Then diawing his sleevo roughly over his oves, Ife and Lsh*s oil the tears ci,ar arc; And gufiiets UtsgiVj olc-se up to Ilia breast As ii trx down the heart’s ”:,ng. u r - passes the fountain, the blasted pine Irv',. And bis iooist.-p is lagging and weary; Yet onward lie goes thro’ the bro:d belt of light, Toward tbs shades of the forest so divary. Harkl was it ths night wind that rustled tha leaves? Was it tho moonlight so wond’rous flashing? It looked like a ritlcl “Hul Ma-y, j o *1 bye!" And tiis blood is ebbiug and splash ing. "All qrret along the Potomac to-* night.” No sound save tho rush of Uro riv er; While soft falls the dew on the face of the den t, The picket’s off hitv-fercvcr