Marietta advocate. (Marietta, Ga.) 1843-18??, May 22, 1863, Image 1

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(BIIC Jllftllf ttcl (lilt; BYE. M. GOODMAN. She Marietta gWvwi’te. The Weekly Advocate la publisluid every Friday Morning at $2 00 a year iu Advance, Rates of Advertising.—Wo have ad vanced our rates for legal advertising in accordance with the action of the Convention of the Weekly Press as fol lows : Citatiana for letters of adrn's’tidn $4 00 “ “ “ dismissory 700 Leave to se’l land and negroes .7 00 Notice to Debtors and Creditors 500 Sales of land or negroes 10 lines or less 7 50 Oh all other advertising, except by special Contract fur one or mor« months, the advance wilt be'lifty per cent on former prices. Notice to Debtor* and. Creditor,'. ALL persons having demands against the es tate of John E. Price, late of Pickens county, deceased., aro requested to present them, properly made cut, wittin the time pre scribed by law ; and all persons indebted to said estate, are hereby required to make im mediate pay men t. April 7 ’63. WM, GODFREY. Adm’r. Administratoi’s Sale. WILL BE SOLD on the first Tues day in June next, before H-v Courthouse door in the city of Marietta. Cobb county, between the legal hours of sale, lots o-V.and, nos. 77. 78, ten acres of the south half of 79, west half of 13S, 139, cast halfof 14b, and 151, al> in the llith district and 2nd section, containing in the whole 210 acres, more or less, and known as Reuben M. Benson's place. Also, will be sold six Ne groes. viz : Ben., about 18 years old ; Emalisa, about 31) years and child : Dony about 9 years old: Henry, about 7 years : Lawn-nee. about 5 years; and Lucinda about 3 years. Sold by order of the Court of Ordinary of Cobb county, as the property of Enoch M. Hvr.s,*n. decease.*!, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms made known on the day of sale; This April 1 L 1863. • REUBEN LATIMER, Adm’r. Cherokee Sheriff Sales- WILL be'xo’-J before the Court House doojin the town o! C’.intuii on the first Tuesday in June next within the legal hours of safe the follow ing property to-wit: Defendants interest, it being two thirds inter est in Lots of Land Nos. 433, 431. 505, 506. 507. 508 and 576, in the 15th Dist.. 2d Sect. Also 1 Skew-bald lu.-rse. T two hosse Waggon, Buggy and harness, levied on the property of Richard Meager to satisfy afi f» issued from the Infe rior Court of Cherokee County- in f.vor of Isaac McConnell vs said Meager. Also one estray horse 6 or 7 y •!■'. with a star Li-- ia forehead -ab at 5 feet high with a scar across his fsrehead. April If '63. JAMES A FOWLER. Sh'ff. Georgia- Cherokee County. WHEREAS Lemuel Cook, applies to me for letters of adiuinislrati .n upon the estate of Elijah Underwood, late of .said county . deceased. These are Rjcrefora to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred atjd creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law. to show cause if any they have, why said letters of administra tion should not be granted the applicant. Given under my hand and offieia* signature, this Slav 9. 1863. JAMES JORDAN. Ordinary. GEORGIA, Cherokee County. WHEREAS, Mary Putnam. applies to me for letters of administration upon the estate of Thos W Putnam late of caid county de ceasa.l- These are therefore to cite and admonish all an<l singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased. to file their objections if any they Save, in my oiliee. within the time prescribed bv law. otherwise letters of administration will bi granted the applicant. Given under my hand, as Ordinary, this 9th Muv, 1863. - ' " JAMES JORDAN, Ord’y. TFt.ij.le IST isi. GEORGIA, I Court of Ordinary, ) Cobb County. I Ft 'b- Regular Term 1863 ) It appearing to the Court by the petition of. James IL Alexander, that Charles J. McDonald, deceased, late of said county, did in his lifetime enter into an agreement in writing with James fl, Alexander, as partners to build and con struct a Corn A Flour Mill on sweet water creek in Campbell County, in said State, on es hind the property of said Charles J. Mgßuald decease J, to-wit: parts ot lots includ?»ff’Nos. 164,166. 167 and 163, in the first district of said 'county. containing in the aggregate two huu 'dred acres, more or less, by which said Charles J. McDonald agreed to make to James 11. Alex ander warrantee titles to one half interest in said Lands and Mills and appurtenances, upon -Jama’ IL Alexander complying with the terms afsaid agreement. And it further' appearing the. Court, that James 11. Alexander has com plied with said ngreementTis to three eighths of said agreement and that the remaining five eighths have been taken possession of and sold by the Executors of said Charlei J. McDonald, deceased. Therefore all persons concerned are hereby notified and required to file their objections, if any they have in my office within the time pre scribed by law, why the Executors’ of said C. J. .McDonald, deceased, should not be ordered to execute letters to James IL Alexander to the said three eighths interests in said Mill and Lands Ami it is furtherj ordered that a copy of this Rule be published in the -‘Marietta Advocate," -si public newspaper of this County, for the space of three months. JNO. G CAMPBELL. Ord’y. A true extract from the Minutes of tho Court this March 2. 1863. JOHN G. CAMPBELL, Ex Officio Clerk, C. O. Wanted to Hire. Wanted to lure, by the day, for Fifteen or Twenty Days, and perhaps longer, THREE on FOUR able-bodied Negro me i, tor which the Itiglmst cash price will be paid. \pplv inimmHately to the Advocate Office. May 12 - . 1>63. MARIETTA, GA., FRIDAY, MAX 2-2, 1883. | ADMINISTRATORS SALE. f WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in June I next, before the court house door in 'liltor. j county lot of land whereon Ferdinand Jett, rest ded at the time cf his death. Number not rec olected. situated one and a half miles from Ros u ell. Sold for Ihe benefit of the heirs iinddred itors. Terms on the duv. April 20. 1863. *A.R. HICKS. Ex or. ANNIE JETT, Ex trix. Clerks Office of Inferior Court. ALL persons concerned atv liernr notified thatS, 11. MeClesky, a the Peace in and for the 611th district G. M.. transmits to •mo the following certificate, as an Estray dark Brindle Bull, unmarked, supposed to be three years old this spring, appraised by R. R. Bryan, and 11. JL Roberson to be worth twenty-five dollars. A I rue extract from the Estray Book. Thi- Ajn-il J 1. lt<"L W. W. CARRELL. C. I. C. Isaac Sewell 1 vs I „ .. • . Clillord <V Leann. j Bill for Revision Ac, Dan. S. Anderson. John Ji. .VcAfeft. I It appearing to the Court that the Defendants Clifford & Beann, resides oui of this State. It is ordered that by the next term of this Court, they plead answer and demur, not demuring alone, or that the bill in above case be taken pro ron/ as to them, ami that this order be put upon the minutes of Court, and be publish ed once a month far four months in the J/.nietta Advocate, which shall constitute sufficient .ser vice of the same. GEORGE D. RICE. Judge S. C. A .rue extract from the minutes of Lobb Su perior Couit th: • April J’tu 1863. DILLARD M. YOUNG, Clerk. '5 S7TIEREAS. S. J. Ramsey administrator nn » » the estate of Samuel Thompson late of said .-ounty, deceased, applies to me for lette:S of dismission from the administration of said estate. These are therefore to c;l ? and admonish all and singular tho-e concerned to file their objec tions, if any they have, in my office.on or before the second Mom .ay in July next, otherwise letters of dismission will be granted the appli cant at that term of the Court of Ordinary for said county. Given under my hand at office, in Marietta this January 1 1863. J. G. CAMPBELL, Ordinary. Georgia- Cobb L'aunty. WHEREAS. John Gann, Guardian of Peni na, (--.-i.-ge A JepthaGana. applies to me for dismissi /a from said guardianship. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular those concerned to file their objec tions, if any they have, in my office on or betorc the first Monday iu APRIL next, letters of Dismission will be granted the applicant at that term of the Court ot Ordinary. iiiven under iuy hand, at office, this 11th 1 ebruary. 1863. J. G. CAMPBELL. Georgia Cobb County:- WIIEREAS, John Gann administrator de bonis non with the will annexi <l. of John Steward deceased, late of said coumy, applies to me for dismission from his administration. These are therefore, to cite and adnionish all ami singular those oneerned to file their objec tions. if any they have, in my office on or before the Ist Monday in July next, otherwise letters of administration will be granted the ap plicant at that term of the Court of Ordinary of said county. Given under my hand, at office, this 29th December. 1862. 43 JNu. G. CAMPBELL, Ordinary. TWO MONTHS after date upplicas tion will be mads to the Ordinary of Cebb County for leave to sell the Lands belonging to the estate of William B. Dunn deceased. S. R, MgCLESKY, *d,ar. April, 1G 1863. Ijjxecutors Sale, WILL BE SOLD ou the first Tuesday In June next, before the Court house door, iu the city of Marietta, Cobb county, be tween the legal hours of sale. One negro wo man, about ”Byears old, named Mary, who is a a good washer and ironer. Sold by order of the Court of Ordinary of Cobb county, as the property of P. 11. Prather, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceas ed. Terms on day of sale, this 14th day of April 1863. GEO. THOS. E. K ING, Ex’ors. • NOTICE. ALL PERSONS having demands against the estate of Mathew Varner, deceased, arc requested to ]n-csent them properly attest ed, v. : ; hin the time prescFiced by law. to the umlcrsigned : and all persons indebted to said estate, are reminded to nidke immediate pay ment- This aprii 14th l<->63, • SAILIII Gi VAiiNER, Exes. ZXotive, ALL PERSONS having demands against the estate of William N. Dunn, deceased are requested to present them properly attested within fbe time prescribed by law, to the under signed, and nil persons indebted to said estate, lire requested to make immediate payment. : This ApriHl, 1763 8. R. M’CLESKV, Admr. NANCY' DUNN, Adm>-. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. BY' virtue of an order from the Court of Or dinary of Pickens County- will be sold or/ the first Tuesday next at the Cour House door. In 'paid county, belwpen the legal hours of sale, the trad of whereon John E‘Price resided at the time, of his death, con taing 160 acriismore or lessi, kjiown as lot No., J 53, in 12th dist., anti 2d aeStion. Said land be ing tolerably well improved. Terms nffldc known on day sale. WM. GODFREY.'Adm'r. May I. 1863. GEORGIA, Miltoii. County. TWO MONTHS after date, appli cation will be made to the court of Ordinary ' of Milton county, for leave to sell the Lands belonging to the estate of Abner Phillips Sr., late oi said eountv. deceased. ANDREW PHILLIPS, adm’r. April. 2n.l 'C3. Notice to Debtors and Creditors. All persons having demands against the es tate of William Pitts deceased, arc requested to present them properly attested, within lhe time prescribed by law, to the undersigned, and all persons indebted to said estate are reipiested to make immediate payment. This April 14 r 63 S. R. McCLESKY. adm’r. Notice lo Debtors and Creditors. A 1.1. persons having demands against ths es late of Suiuui-l Lovele.-s. late of Pickens county., aie requested to present them to the undersigned, properly attested, within the time prescribed by law : and ail persons indebted to said deceased ate required to make immediate payment. Apr.l.7. 1863. T. M. JOHNSON’, adm’r: Administrator’s Sale By virtue o( an order from the Court of Ordi nary of Pickens County, will be sold on the first Tuesday in June next at the Court House in said county, between lhe legal hours o! sale the land wheieon George I?. Edwards resided at the tins'- of his death being 50 acres of lot No.. 17. in the I3th di-trict an I 2d section said place i- Well improved. Terms cash. This April 7 1863. R. B. M< CUTCHEN, rdm'r. Notice. Ail persons'having demands against fhc es tate of Jane A. Smith, lute of Cobb County, de ceased. are requested to present them, proper ty attested, to ihc undersigned, within the time pn sc Ibed by law; and all persons indebted to said estak are. required to make immediate payment. This 27th April. 1853. NOEL B. KNIGHT Adm'r. Geoi'gia. CcM County. . IVIIEREAS. Benjamin Bullard, applies to me ’ I for letters ot Ailministration on the estate of Williamson Rav. late of said county, deceas ed. These are therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular those concerned, to file their objec tions. if any they have, in my office, on the first Monday in June n< xt. why slid let ters of administration should not be granted tac applicant. "Witness my hand and official signature, this 27th April. isß3. JNO. G. CAMPBELL, Ord'y GEORGIA, Paulding county. WIIEREAS, James Cantrell applies to me for letters of administni’ion upon the estate of James Rogers, late of said county deceased. These are therefore to cite nnd admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said, deceased, to file their objections, if any they 'lave, in my office on or before the first Monday in June next, otherwise letters *of adminis tration will be granted the applilffint at tliat term of the Court of Ordinary for said county, Given under my hand and official signature, this April 27th 1863. S. B. McGREGOR, Ordinary. GEORGIA, Paulding County; WHEREAS. J. L. Kiker. applies to me for. letters of administratin upon ihe estate of V. iL Dukes, late of said county deceased. These are therefore, to cite and reqiiire-’all and singular, ail persons concerned, to be and appear lit my office, in Dallas, on the .first Monday in June iy-xt, to show cause if any they have, why said letters should not be granted ’.lie applicant. Given under my hand and offieia! signature this 27th April 1863. S. B. McGREGOR,Ord'y GEORG-IA, Paulding County. 'TTriIEREAS, M-rtlm Matthews, applies to W me for letteis of administration upon the estate of W. J. Mathews, late of said county, deceased. These are therefore to cite and Admonish all and singular ilio kindred and creditors of said deceased to file their .-iyectionsifany they have on or befomMi' 3nd Monday in June ndxWTtherwisa Li4tc;-s of Administration will be granted the iqiplicaiit. Given under my hand and official signature this April 27th 1863. S. B. McGREGOR Ord'y. Notice to Debtors and Credito* s- \LL persons having demands against the Es tate of J. S. Picken-, late of Cobb county deceased are requested to present them proper ly attested to the undersigned within the .time prescribed by law. and all persons indebted to said estale are requested to make immediate pay meat, April 271 b. J''‘ - -3. Many I’. Pickens. Adm'x. GEORGIA, Cul-b County: WHEREAS. E. L. Litchfield, applies for letters of administration upon the es tate olV'ii ’ ini T. Shelton, late of said county dei’e-asod. These arc therefore to cite all persons con cerned to be and-appear at the Ordinary's Oiliee on Hie first Monday in June next, to shot, cause if any they have, why said letters should not be granted ’the applicant. Given under my band and .official signature this 27th April. 1863. J. G. CAMPBELL, Ordinary. GEORGIA, Cobb County. '• WIIEREAS. Williiqn L. Gault. applies to me for 'letters of Guardianship of the persons nnd projierty el' Caldcnia and 11c bomia Loverton, orphans. 1 These are therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular these concerned, to file their objec tions, if tiny they have. |n my office, otherwise letters of ’< Jun/diaivhlp will be grunted the applicant. L x Given iind'-r my hand at office, this April 271 b 1863. ,1. G. CAMPBELL. Drdinnfy INSURANCE ABENCL LIFE AND FIRE. SOUTHERN INSURANCE COM PAN Y. SAVANNAH, GA. . CAPITAL $500,000. Lynchburg Hose and Fire Insur ance Company" ~ . • CAPITAL, $200,000 RISKS taken on favorable terms. W. F. GROVES, Agent. Marietta. ov<»L<rl3, Jt(.2, 40 ■ ts E.M.ALLEN, Resident Dentist C CONTINUES lhe practice of his profession > in all its branches, and solicits thc.pntron ageof those who will pay tlieh bills tipon pre sentation, and consider them presented when the operations are finishe<L I am compelled to adhere mot trictly tc lhe cash system, in order to comply yself with lhe demands of others.’ ,7J9“ OFFICE over the Post Offic Marie.ti, Feb. 4tb, 1862. For Sale, A Tract of Twenty-fire acres, on the "Western A Atlantic R. R.. IJ miles below Marietta, house ol four rooms two fire places. Darn, .Smoke-house «tc. About six acres cleared, Small Orchard and Vineyard of selected trait. l*ie remainder of lhe laud well timbered. Ap ply bi R. MEEK. GOOD RELIABLE MEDICINES. HAVE now *n hand a good supply of _ Soothing Syro\»£or Children Teething Wistar’s Balsam of Wild Cherry, Ayers’ Cherry Pectoral,. - " Pillis, “ Ague Cure, Bull’s Strsaparilla, IXECTRIC OIL. HEBREW PLASTER ■ McAlister’s All Healing Ointment, Vernon’s Celebrated Eye water, And all the leading articles iu the Drug k Med cine line. WtIMAM ROOT Th® FletQMr House. (A CARD.) HAVING lately taken possesion of the House formerly called llu? Fletcher Hdusc, but more recently knowu as ihc Kennesaw House, and having- associu*. ted in its Supcrintcndance C<>l. V. M. WHITE, I would respectfully an nounce to my former friends and pnt» rons and the public generally, that the House will be opened the ensuing week for the reception of Boaiders and the travelt-.ig pub ic and that no effort will be spared to give to all the must ample satisfaction. July id, 1862. 28-ts DIX FLETCHER. All Letters on business will be address ed ta FLETCHER .1 WHITE Marietta. Ga. Georgia Cobb County: Executors Sale. BY virtue of an order from the Ordinary of said County, there will be sold on the Ist Tuesilay in June next, bek-re the Court House door in the city of Mariella, one negro woman Margarett. about twenty-seven years and six months <>L‘. In accordance to the last will and testament of Joseph T. Howze, late of said county deceased tor the benefit of t lit? heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms Cash. This April 29th 1863. JOHN GANN, Ex’or. Geoi’gia> Pickens .County. WHEREAS. L. W. Hall, applies to tne for letters of administration upon th«K>state of John IL . d late of said county de ceased. The ,e are iherefore. to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appeal;at my office, within the time prescribed by law. to show cause it any they hate, why said letters should not be granted' flu- applicant. Given under mv hand, at office, this April 20lh 186 2-. \V II Simmons. O‘<ly. TWO MONTHS after date applica* tion will be made to the Ordinary of Cobb County for leave to sell the. Land belonging to the estate of Wm? RiUis deceived. S. 11. Me 2 LESKY, Adm’ar. April. 16 1863. VOL. XX—NO 20. - -A-TSt ID GRDCHRBS! I,still keep up ns jar ns .the exi gencies of the time - W.JI alrwi; S:<>cks,xif Drr Goods and Groceries, nt m v sc veial Stores. I know that it is hnposmlde tj iß oid fr-n; nn’- thinking people charges of “Extortin,.” whet) vo<t keep anything to sell. Rut any on- cnns-ion Jit ■ fsfy himself if he will p« in» f , t| J( , Market nr 1 >mr chase, whether he can sell Good* an'’cheaper tlmri on and bye I cannot prevent the advance o7 prices ata o i keep up my stocks, mint nuv the advance and charge it to my customers. Ido not buy goods and hold them for higher pricey, but of for them, ar soon as pniv.hascti to tnv en*t*>rueri and ain tints neither Sprciilntor nor ExHorti'iner’ but study to presi rve the charctor of a Merchant n class of men as ...,.,ent!al to the the welfare of society as any other. » I promise my customers to buy where I can buy cheadcst and to sell at reasonable advances npoti the cost. ' E ’ P I GE 2L. T. S. PO WELL, “Succe or to Markley k Bro, Apothccax-y Bookseller station r-r. Marietta, G-corgia. Tn addition to his usual stack, has just recci/ed and offers for sale, English and American Pins. Ivory I'ibc Combs at low prices, Dressing anJ Rocket Combs, Jluir Brushes, Topth Brushes, Cloth Brushes, Shoe Brushes, White Wash Brushes, all sizes, Blacking, in Boxes and Cans. Gui’dc-'u andFlowor Seed* Woreestershiie Sauce*--To3iato Catsup—English Mustard in 141 b Cans. Tbbaeeo, SCOTCH and MACCABQY SNUFFS. Venitian Red—Spanish Brown— Chrome Green—Chrome Yellow. Prime Rio Coffee, Black Pepper, Nutmegs, Clovesand Mace.- Borax Epsom Salts Copperas Cream Tartai'— Suda, andE«senco of Jamaica Ginger. —o — POMADES, SOAP, and PERFUMERY. BIA NK & Memo. Books of all qnah lies. Copy Books,* Primers, Sealing W ax,’ Writing Papers, Envelopes, Pens and Pencils. BIBLES and TESTAMENTS from common to very fine. POETICAL WORKS of Cowper. Milton.. Mo«t«, Pope and Thompson, SHAKES PEA RES; complete works. MEDICAL TEXT BOOKS. Ui<xixoT e .«s. A-n oxeellent article of Pure Co< oiac Brandy; Wolfs Best Wine, Ac. <ie. Jolni T. ZU£.o"vi Commission Merchant, AND » Gono r»I Agent, Atlanta* Georgia.’ Jan’y 9.186 g. ’ tc.