Daily journal and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1867-1869, August 10, 1867, Image 1

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By Rose & Burr, OAILT JOURNAL & MESSENGER. 8. ROSE a«18. B. BURR, moaam a mb pbopbmkhm. OFKlOß—Ketetou H»U Building—OHßßUT BT., . MACOK, pA. “ U»uou Jocmax. A MWMOKB u published every Wednesday. Three dollars per annum. sußsciipTioßr bates. ; v DAILY one Month : .41« do three Months—... L 350 Rates of Aovertising in Journal and Messenger.; squaras. 1 Umt:2time S tim*j4 time 6 time l w‘ki2 w*kjl lath 2mtb.Bm'Ui j 1 : i (** 1503 W 3 50 *9O SMi 8 SO! 12 00t 30 001 SUO! 2 2 00' 8 00 4 00| 5 00 0 00 7 w 18 00, * 00), 8# OOt ta Oil 8 8 00* 4 80; 6 00 7 00 » 00 10 00 18 W 80 00 45 Q» 60 00 4 j;- ■> 4 00: 4 00, 8 00, 10 00- 12 W 14 00; 20 00 M 00) 48 00 65 00 5 5 00 T 50 1 10 Column 6 00, 9 00 13 00> 16 OO 1 18 00- 20 00 80 00 » 00 1 65 00 80 00 do I | j t 86 00l 88 00 46 00 96 00 196 00 1 do 1 ' t I 86 00t 60 60s 100 OOf ISO 001 175 00 Advertisements inserted e. o. 4., 36 per cent, addition*!. Advertisements Inserted *t intervals longer, chsTped «s a am eeoh inser tion. _j' Terms Cash, before or on call after first insertion. Advertisements In local or (pedal column extra charge. A liberal number of changes will be allowed tree of charge to advertisers for longer periods than one month. ! Alimonies for contract advertising doe on first insertion el advertisement* CARDS, l)"- **• A - ■■***«■«. Over vie over MASBenburg * Co.’s Drag Store, MACON, GA. J, W. 9 l H 8 A C O . jxotors and General Commission MERCHANTS, BAY STREET. (SAVANNAH, GA. T. P. OAKHART. J. B. VAN WAOBNRR. W. H. WHITPORP. A. T. HANIIiTON. QARHART, WHITFORD A CO., MANUFACTURERS OF and DBALBRB IN Fine, Medium and Coarse CLO TH IMOS, (WHOLESALE.) AMERICAN EXPRESS BUILDING, 55, 57, 69 and 61 Hudson St., near Dprane, NEW YORK CITY. delß J. R. Walker, COTTON BROKER, AND GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT OFFICE IN DkLOACHE’S BUILDING, — NOS. 70 and 72 SECOND ST., (Up Stairs) MACON, OA. \IfILL make liberal advances upon COTTON, X f and consign to the most responsible Houses in New York. Cotton also bought; highest market price paid. Will take MARINE and FIRE RISKS upon the host Com pat) ies in Baltimore, which are really the most responsible on the continent. General State Agent for the BROOKLYN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, of New York— whose name Is Its recommendation. Aoknts, of good business character and respon sibility, wtll be appointed throughout the State, upon application to me. Correspondence solicit ed. Liberal per centage allowed. duly A _tf WEEKLY JOURNAL of COMMERCE For 1867. We believe we publish the best as well as th CHEAPEST Weekly Paper is ike Country. The Farmer, the Merchant, the Mechanic, the Manufacturer, the Professional Man, men of all employments, and the families of each and all of them And no paper so well suited to their wants. Notwithstanding the continued high cost of la bor and materials, we shall maintain our reduced scale of prioes for the Wmeg nr Journal of Com- H khc’B, so as to keep It wUhtn the means of every family in the laud. The rates will be as follows: To single subscribers, TWO DOLLARS A YEAR, Ten copies to one Address...... $17,50 Twenty copies to one addre55......... 85,000 For every dub or twenty an additional copy will be given to the person remitting the money. Money remitted by mail should be addresseil to JOURNAL DFCOMMERCE, 76 Beaver street, corner of Hanover, ma23-tf New York. 40,000 lbs Bacon % FOR SALS TO PLANTERS, ON CREDIT. ■- •««<*** “ k ~&. r^ MU SOON OK - *ff ; - -« *. <#- <■£' JBt "ML • ’ * *| r +—...'* *-* -Rf * W <r .-. ,4 • —'■ HKtIBITfI A FITTEEiSfIN .. ► v * . .V:*-’ * $ */*t; +**t**if+*f\ *%&§*%** Bk Mulberry Street. -1-*^ ■' ■’ ■ j - •■••;• »w** % 5$ julyll-lm V * Mtoon. - Umll: joiirtial into ittfGSf K '1 HOTELS, r ■.SSL .'■J—i- STEVENS HOUSE, 21, 28, 36 and 27 Broadway, IT. JT. orvoams BOWM.IMQ umem?. •* »*l* BBIIfirjAR FiAJI. rpHM HWVEKB HOUSE 4s well awLwtdely A haown to the tWMIUvg public. The location is especially suitable to merchants and business ■Sou ; ft 18 fa close proximity to the business part of Uu? city—ls on the highway of Soul hern and Western travel—and adjacent to all the principal Railroad and Steamboat depots. TUeßrrsvKNH House has liberal accommodation fer over 800 gnesta—it is well ftnrniahed. and pos seese* every modem iwpmrtmuK for die comfort and entertainment ol Its inmates. .The rooms are spacious and well ventilated—provided with gas ewry delicacy of the season— t modern rates. The rooms having been refurnished and remod eled, wu are enabled tat offer extra facilities for the comfort and pleasure of our Quests. CEO. K. CHASE A CO., Jelß-dom Proprietors. McAFEEHOUSE, OPPOSITE DEPOT, HUHVIItE, GA. rjiHR owner of this well-known House, takes 1 pleasure In notifying t|>e Travelling Public Uiat it has lately been enlarged, and has under gone thorough refitting. Quests will find the ta ble supplied with the bestthe country affords, and a number or polite and attentive servants will be in attendance. The Proprietor wiU spare no ex pen e to make It a FIRST-CLASS HOTEL, Aad from his long experience, lie Hatters himself that he can please the most fastidious. Meals ready on arrival of every train His liar, connected with the House, is stocked with Hue Liquors, Etc. W. M. McAFEE, Juno 12-if Proprietor. DOUGLASS HOUSE, ONE SQUA RE WEST OF COURT HOUSE, ALBANY, GEORGIA. D. J. OWEN, - - - - Proprietor. june3-tf CHEW AULA HOTEL, MJufaulu, Jila.y T. D. PATTERSON, Proprietor. Omnibus running to Depot and Boat Landing for the House, and to any part of the city. mal4-6in MARSHALL HOUSE. A. B. LUCE, Proprietor. Broughton Street, SAVANNAH, : : : : : GEORGIA rrUIIS house has been, recently, newly fitted n, X with tine furniture: has plenty of efficient servants, and the billot fare cannot be surpassed in the city. , Kates reasonable and sa*isfac‘ion guaranteed, leso-tf SOUTHERN HOTEL, Nos. 609 & 679 Broadway, IST B "W YORK. rhave the honor to inform the traveling public that 1 have become the Proprietor of this beau tiful Hotel, and am now painting, frescoing, deco rating, refurnishing, Ac., in the most splendid and luxurious style. The Building is of white marble, live stories high, fronting two hundred feet on the gayest part of Broadway ; most com modiously and comfortably arrauged for families and single persons, and is in one very midst of the most elegant stores and shops, and the most fashionable places of amusement. Elegant coaches and carriages always In readi ness to convey passengers to and from Railroad Depots and Steamers. The proprietor 1b determined that the SOUTH ERN HOTEL, In no respect, shall be excelled by any house in this city, and therefore leels confi dent that he can and will give entire satisfaction to his friends and the traveling community, ZEiEISTR/Y BRUCE, Late of Kentucky, Jy3-tf Proprietor. BARBER SHOP AND BATHING ROOMS, MICHAEL LOH, UNDER POST-OFFICE, Lanier House build ing, keeps a neat and tasty barber shop, lree from any objectionable features, and at all times orderly, and supplied with every convenience, and skilful employees. His BATHING DEPARTMENT Is nicely arranged, and Baths of any kind are furnished. ABFfl ’erras reasonable. ' july4-ti ICE! ICE! ICE! HAVING completed our arrangements, we are now prepared to furnish I O E—as CHEAP ss any other House in Middle Georgia, either by the POUND, the BLOCK, or CAR-LOAD. Residents of the city will find it to their advantage to give ue a call, as we have also got a choice slock of FAMILY GROCERIES, LIQUORS, WINES, ETC. AH orders from .the country, accompanied with the CASH, will be attended to. with promptness and dispatch. O’NEIL & DEMFSu'. ■ , No. 42 Third Street, July g ts ’ Floyd Hohse bqilcjipg. 13 T7IST DRIEST FU)UR-HAI> AND WHOLE SACRS, 75 Kegsfure Leaf Lard. Thirty Barrels Damaged Meal at $1.75. Bacon Sides ami Shoulders. LIVERPOOL SALT. TEN TIERCES CAROLINA RICE. FIFTEEN HOGSHEADS MOLASSES. TWENTY BARRELS SYRUP. ■ THIRTY BAGS 810 COFFER. A. B. 4 C. SUGARS. Sugar-Cured & Canvassed Hams, SEYMQUft, JOHNSON & CO. Macon, inly j».c ..: -7 ■■ ’ 3 .. - 11 ll y r ™Blw'ii* W; BACON. 40 “ HDa B B^S, .i"/iS louu^ BEYMODE, JOHNSON & 00. SALT. 100 aAC ‘‘ 3 “""“W - ■ 1 - SEYMOUR, JOHNSON * CO. July 9. «t MUM MESS Mpil. 6R.C ARDS inserted at the rate of 35 a quarter. BARBERS. M A HONE & WILDER, at the ISAACS HOUSE. Shaving, bhampoontog, Hair Cutting and Dressing; liair and whisker* Dyed. Also, Cup ping and Leeching; BOARDING. Private Boarding.—L. Phillips!' Boarding House, corner Fourth and Cherry streets. Quests furnished with pleasant rooms and table supplied with the best in the market. Tern., reasonable, CrNELL, W. A., near Railroad Depot, (east end), O Is prepared to receive transient and private boarders at reasonable prices. Quests furnished wit h pleasant rooms, and table furnished with the best in the market. BOOKS - AND STATIONERY. B OARSMAN, J. M., Washington Hall Building, 96 Mulberry street. Law, Medical, School and Miscellaneous Books, Blank Books, Stationery, Drawing Materials, etc. IJOKKE A CO., J. W., Dealers in Books and Sta t) tionery, and all the Novelties of the Trad*.— Book and Job Printing. Blank Books manufac tured. Second street. BOOTS AND SHOES. f \OX, JOHN W. t Dealer in Ladies’, Misses’ and \j Children’s fine Philadelphia made Shoes.— Gents’ fine Pump and Stitched Boots. Sole Leath et, Calf Skins, Eke. Masonic Hail Building, Cot ton Avenue. MEYER, M. S.. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Boots and Shoes. Cherry street, store form erly occupied by R. B. Clayton—next to Zeilin’s Drug Store. MIX A KIKTL.AND, Wholesale and Retail deal ers in Boots, Shoes, Leather, Lasts, Shoe Pegs and Shoe Findings. No. 3 Cotton Avenue. CfTBONQ A SONsI L. P., Wholesale and Retail O dealers in Boots and Shoes, Second street, op posite First National Bank. ciINGLETON, HUNT k CX)., Wholesale and Re- O tail dealers in Boots, Shoes, Hats, Trunks, Va lises, Umbrellas, etc., Mulberry street. CLOTHING. SHEA, J. L., Merchant Tailor, 61 Mulberry street, second door from corner of 3d bt. TURPIN & HERTZ, No. 90 Cherry St.—Whole sale and Retail—Men and Boys Clothing made to order lor our trade. W INSHIP k CALLAWAY, in 2d street. Full assortment of Men, Boys and Freedmen’s Clothing—all prices. CON FECTIONS. LONG, F. M m Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Confectioneries, and ail kinds of Fruits. Man ufacturers of fine Candles, Cakes, Etc. Best brands of Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes, etc. No. 66 Cherry st. CROCKERY. FLINT, T. J„ Wholesale and Retail dealer in China, Glass and Crockery Ware, Kerosene Utl and Lamps, House Furnishing Goods,etc. No. 80 Mulberry street, opposite Lanier House. DENTISTS. QROWE, Dentist, office over Payne’s Drugstore. DRY GOODS. Alexander a white, no. 2nd street. Dry Goods, Trimmings, Fancy'Articles,etc. FEUCHTW ANGER A Cos., E.. 43 Second street, Triangular Block, the old reliahle Wholesale and Retail Dealers In Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Hats and Shoes. Orders from abroad promptly filled. - _ | ijiLORSHEIM BRO’S, Wholesaleand Retail deal -1 ers in Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Hats, Boots, Shoes, -Hosiery, etc,, Second street, comer alley. -t,- . Cl UERNBEY, E. K., Cherry st., next to T. W, 3T Freeman’s. Dry Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Crockery, ete. ; NEW YORK STORE.—B. WAXKI.BATJk A Bro. Wholesale and Retail Dealers m Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, & Shoes, etc,. 47, Second street, NUSSBAUM A DANNENBERG, No. 14 Cotton Avenue, Wholesale and Retail dealers in Dry and Fancy Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, etc. ROBERTS, C. P.. Dealer in Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Notions, Etc., 45 Second street Xri=- gular Block. ROSS A CO., B. F. Dry Goods, etc. down stairs; I’nrnlture, etc. up stairs. No. Cherry street. Drug houses. fvLLIS, THEO. W., No. Cherry street. Drugs, Cf Chemicals, Ac. Prescriptions carefully pre- Y>AYNE, GEORGE, Wholesale and Retail deal m. er in Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Fancy and and Toilet Articles, Glass, Putty, Paints Oils, Ac., cornet' Mulberry street and Cotton AVenue. T)ETER A BLACKSHEAR, Wholesale and Re £ tail dealers in Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumery, Choice Toilet Articles, Patent Medicines, Surgical instruments, etc,, corner Third and Mulberry sts. FAMILY GROCERIES. fctREEMAN, T.. W., No. —Cherry Street. Fami- JP ly Supplies, Wines, Fruits, Game, Confection aries, etc. /S.REER A LAKE, No. 66 Third street. Grocer- VI ies. Provisions, W)nes, Confectionaries, whole sale and retail. FURNITURE. CALIiAWAY, M. P„ Dealer In Furniture. Car peffings, Oil Cloths, Window Shades, Coffips, etc.. Fourth street, near Cherry, CT TJERNBEY, 1 3T Freeman’s. Shoes, Crockery, REICHERT, F., Uphosterer and Cabinet-Maker, No. 39 Third street. Spring Mattresses and Furniture on hand. Repairing executed with dispatch. WT OOD, THOMAS, Agent,next to Lanier House, W dealer in Flue Furniture, Chairs, Mattresses, Parlor- Seths. Chamber Setts, Metalic Cases and Coffins, all styles. tt v GAS FITTING. STROBERG, CHAS. J.,JJas Fitter and Plumber. Rootling cmd Guttering. Distillery and Plumb Wurk. Floyd House Building, Third street. -- Anderson a son; j. h„ no. - 3d street, next door to Hardeman A Sparks’ Warehouse, Groceries and Plantation Supplies qvißhalesale and retail. r BURDICK & BRO., No. - 3d street, two doors from Hardeman A Sparks’ Warehouse. Pro duce—Corn, Oats, Hay, etc. i BOWDRE a ANDERSON, No. - Cherry Street, rear of burnt corner. Groceries and .Planta tion supplies. „if. , \ ( . , , —— : TTiAKMEK, JOHN, gomer Cherry street and Cot- I? ton Avenue. Provisions, fresh Country Pro duce, etc. - TONES, BAXTER * DAY, No. -Oottott Avenue. V Produce, Dime. eta. — LAWTON A LAWTON, No. -4th street,dealers in GroceriesandpantersSupplies. ATEGRATH A PAtXEßSON r Mulberry st, op lYi poslte Lanier House, a general assortment ol family Supplies, at wholesale and retail. ___ Af ORGAN A DUNLAP, ill Grocers and Commission fourth and Mulberry streets. GUNS, Hodgkins A SON, D.C m Dealers In fore At* Kishiiiu Tackle and Sportkm Good*. Kan i and Pistol Material alwaytilS?h2iKL No. 8 Mulberry street. s TMTcHENRY, PETER, Gunsraithing imd ngM iU ins. The best Gunsmiths’ jMteiHtfSKlPi on hand. All kinds of work doneintbußSfiM nor. with neatness and dispatch. No. «4 I UABDWAlllk'fl CARHART A CURD, No. - CherrjH ware, Iron, Steel, Cutlery, etc.. «i.^ UARKAit t TROUTMAN, Thlnldu»eLW/'fc I; Cherry and Mulberry, WhoMsfirt. .1 f'r dealers iu Hardware, Cutlery, Iron, StorjjH % : l'/ ——— — 1 tITRIGLEY & KNOTT No. «A **m- JH?°, r 1 10 \xpresa Office. Hard^«c ; -p Steel, Cutlery, Ac. ,» HATS, rTMffajyi * -■ JttMR HOHSK-Slgg ‘ t* > T7TZKL, ADAM, Horse Bhoei%joj > V?Js& ■ -Cl tween Plum and Pine. W.jrtsji Macon, Ga., Saturday, August 10, 1807. HOTELS. ... : >vlgi DROWN HOUBE. opposite Passenger Depofcoji r> 4th street. K. K. Brown A Son, pmprieEetfclf XSA ACS’ HOUSE, Ckerry street, between ith streets. Emanuel l*aa<ah|»opnetor. LANIER HOUSE, Geo. M. Logan, Proprietor, Mulberry street. Free Omnibus aad Boggage- * National hotel, 4th street, tidar Ptuwenger Depot. B. F. Dense A Son, Proprietors. PLANTERS’ HOTEL-Chenystr*ot,beiVeen 3d JT uaMthsarehtt. AJOsaMiqi.Propriotqr. * ... , ~ m . . ; TOHNSTON a OO. r E. J., dealers to W*tches. O Jeweiry, Silver and Plated Ware, corner of Second and Mulberry streets. manner. Casa paid for old gofilorSilvW, or token uexchange. WING, !«. H., dealar to Watches, Clocks and Jewelry repaired. LIVERY STABLE. LIVERY and SALE STABLE, Plnm street, op, Smite Passenger Depot, A. W. Chapman, Agent. Beet of Saddle Horses, Hacks, Buggies, etc., tor hire on reasonable terms. The best of Stock kept for sale. ‘ v*" ■" MAGISTRATE. ;J M p RANNISS, £. C., office in Journal and Mee- Vj eenger building, corner Cberry and Third ata; 1 I ustice of the Peace and General Insurance Agent, MANUFACTURING. ' . ."'1 HOLDRIDGE A GUERNSEY, Manufacturers of Sash, Blinds. Dbors, etc.; also, Carpenter ing Work generally, •Dixie Works,’ Cherry Street. , Manu facturer and Dealer in Steam Engines, Boil ers, Circular Saws, Grist Mills, Castings and Ma chinery in general. MILLINERY. T AE9SAU. Mrs. F., No. 68, Mulberry street. Mil -17 iinery, Dry Goods, Bmbroidery, Trimmings etc- HOWLANDTMrsT M. A., Millinery (foods. Stnvw Goods, Silks, Feathers, Flowers, Ribbons, Laces, etc., 44 Second street. STAMPINgI:MF*ORIUM, Mrs. H. C. Poole., AB kinds of Stamping done with neatness ana dis patch. Braiding, ana the latest Drees Patterns for Ladies and Children of every style and variety, o. 82 Mulberiy street. PHOTOGRAPHIC). PUGH’S Fine-Art Gallery, Triangular Block— A Life-like Pictures of every style and variety. The place ior a fine Likeness. TWIDDLE’S PHOTOGRAPHIC TO.MPr.B! XV Mulberry ancfifcecond streets, the most ext n slve establishment of the kind in the South. * ~ “ PHYSICIANS. office on 3d street in Floyd House. T)LACKSHEAR,J. EMMETT, office at Peter A JJ Blacksliear’s, corner of Mulberry and 3d sts. Residence on Walnut street. -TUTZGERALD A NOTTINGHAM, office on I? Cherry street, over E. Bonds. Residences— SSkisr M aud pine Btreet; wottii ? g - METTAKUR, H. A., office over Masseuburg, Son A Harris’, corner of 3d and Cherry sts. MAGRUDER, A, L. C. Residence and office corner of First and Pine Streep. PLANING MILL. TIOMLIN A GUERNSEY, Dealers in plain and nyugh. Bills, of any size, promptly piled, anp shipped to any point. Third street.'lfrL joining Artope’s Marble Yard. restaurants. IjILLS, H. N., Mulberry street, opposite Lanier J2j House—Meals at all hours, Mue Liquors al ways on hand. D ASDAL a CO., L. W.. No. 08 Cherry street, tm- XV der Journal and Messenger— Meals at all hours. Fine Liquors always on hand. KADDDKRY. BERND g., Manufacturer and Wholesale and .s®™“ ? ea it r J n Saddlery apd Harness Goods, done in best style and with dispatch. |- ITTLE^SManufabigw^|vE^ and Carriage Trimnilngs, Bhoe-Findingß Gla Bands, Machine Belting, etc. Cherry street SALOONS. TIENNER, JOHN, Brilliant Saloon, No, 45 Third Jj street. Best of Wines, Llqnora afid Cigars always on hand. « , T AWRENCeT GEO. D. ACO« Uher- i Tables—at all hours. Very best Llq)ior°,°ani||iMj ltte attention to customers, "siwiND machindsT^Sß QINGER'B Family Sewing Machine is O and only Machine that will do all kfHH Family Sewing. The Singer Manufacturing (M Second street, W. L. Seward, Agent, h STOVE DEALERS, T?AIdKNER & BURR, cor. Ckeby and 9d BtrctE X 1 trp stairs, dealer in Stoves and Tin-ware. pairing and Roofling exeented. f - Af oELROY, W. J., wholesale lii MiH IVI in Tin, Stoves, Copper, Mid hOB Copper Articles, Tin-ware, etc., 3 tween Cherry aud Poplar street AjH WHOLESALE fSM A .l ASBENBURG, BON & HA W iVI icals. Patent Med cfnes; AaM nnd Tliird streets. PreseripfW ROSS A SON, J. 8., Dry oM ies, Ac., corner 2and and TAGGERS A SON, GEO.T.,Groceii XV sioa Mevchwats, No. 52 .Cherryl® iSCorner \kr iLBUR, PEASE A 00.,-UottonH '«-'g j wss—wiii e.' THE ARROWiI and^Hl IRON HA-Nl ror a4m|fl rs rspv *■ r : ¥ 'd •i.'ifc [vmnitr iAhnoAft Mj'-moti iarui iTF.iirtiiyßi? q ’ 4LA WHU%VUaai.fl, O iRKSi? tny other Uo£ is Macon XijtMML- imu 150 boxes Caadlea. 4<|> saeka B«tt, tu»«pool «(4 Virginia. ftHaaek* N'ewFictu*. lOOsßckaOiiffee. 75 barreis choice Liquors and Win**. Ts barrels Lard 100 hhds. B*co». 26 barrels Mackwai and UsddofiA 100 kags Nails. 5,000 Ibe. White Lead. 200 boxy SO K»WB r BGSi«O* U DQZ6B liofl Fish. 50 dozen. Brooms. 60 bbls. Stewart’s Su|». 90 bbla Coppwelr^M— -50 TtVNS IBOJf TIES. A MO* 1 "Uftr Miu« used, and (n W feet order. We want to Dried Peochee, and will pey Mercbil Building and loan > 1 ManuiATTfiY Tkr i for the “ Merchants XJ* Association” have been on «4.T. R. Bloom. The capital five THOUSAND no more ' ' I. f ® v-wiiing Slock I■; 11 * tTtfSiihniiii in mmm l. ■. jfeSlHßwiSwtaF^ar e. a. yH albkh -■ -, t. j. fliH .. i *ft3gaf9HSHßUw3n WM. MAH ’ J. V. <>RIH *» juiyitOH within B F No. 68 I* WILL fill orders for rEACHES, pntUng'thein In bushel boxM, in good ofUer, piokol to suit the distance at tu» dollars a box, will send them as directed o’n thfrnecelpt of 12,00. My Fostofiffifris Macon, Ga. X JAMES TINLEY. Jny 131st. tw »LAWpN & LA WTO N-i Produce Merchants* FOURTH STREET, /"w M AGON, Or B^Ol AD- Ordera, aop'nnpanied by theea^^fl .HSk ■ 1 hadhaome twouty y many chronic system. The exterua i applies necuaeary preparation of «(g remedial agents, may be dexqf TliW Mineral spring, and ms tog art, should indue, thosaia lc diseases to coiue and bebtß teatiph shall be given to iwv* tyspepsia. Affections of Ehfi antd^Uc®^ k . Dillon sand Universal Cotton^ riMIISTIK. ’ aH ailM A ,-:i! "in oipl UU-Weaiß