Georgia courier. (Augusta, Ga.) 1826-1837, June 28, 1827, Image 3

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There is no other way to explain the extensive sales of cotton goods on one hand, and the very limited sales of cotton on the other. It will thus be absolutely necessary that the spinners first clear out, and that importatibns cease, before an equilibrium, that is to say a sound state, can be re-established. , i flame. The torch then - . ubile Pedro suddenly rushed at ;l;:btis»0,bhi S! pad^ a nd>™«hmg«n on the head of the fr.v.' dercr, lli^t he stag- a light motion benwc* - ed arm On lookii-S ap Ire bc>ield a la- maie tmi »'»« Mross 'f e “'"“"T*" i n Moorish robes, with a tong black veil. A flame played round her , •, her right hand she held a spear, and^in her left a human skull. Her tout 'ensemble gave her the appearance of a. faend from the regions of infernal ven- ean ce. The Marquis, convinced this was an incantation of some horrid en chantress, determined to see il her power were real, and therefore cautiously fol lowed her through the turning vaults, till they arrived at a spacious cavern, seem ingly the excavation of some hill. I j ,e en.chantress having placed herself m 1 * e -entre, stood with her bare feet upon the s kull. and waved her spear, which was tipped with fire. From the circle arose a blue flame, which plainly exhibited her demoniacal countenance, as with her left hand she threw back her veil. “ Sacred powers!” exclaimed the Marquis to him- ulf “ it is the same figure I beheld ill I this.year from the U. S. 58,5-58, the’detestable chamber of the castle of! last year 70,552; but th. . I ... mi t rtnfpocc ihnn rlrpw ! 26,519 bales more than at trip ‘ \iontillo . The enc - | Rice continues firm—the story from her breast a little book, written m i human blood, upon the skin of a murderer, and proceeded to read her incantation. Flames and clouds continued to rise, v\ hile livid and forked animals shot across the cavern, till the Marquis began to fear tuffocation, and in his agony pronounced i fervent prayer for his protection. “ He comes i” suddenly exclaimed the enchantress, with a scream of terror, and immediately tremendous thunder and viv id lightnings announced the entrance of a figure of g ; gantic stature. Fire encircled his waist, and he leaned on a rod ol flam ing steel. The Marquis, appalled at his tremendous form, endeavoured to avoid the sight, hut he was rive tied to the spot, and the next moment sunk ponseless on the ground. Wi: m he recovered his senses, he found hisnselt :n total darkness, ..nd all was quiet. Hu doubted at first it t were not altogether a v. m, but >.lie sit uation in which he found h'nirelt, convin ced him of the truth. Fm more than an hour lie groped about t disentangle him self from this dark abode, and at length perceived, as lie drew near to the grave, a female form bending over that o r Fedro, y/hoin he doubted not was the enenantress, [By the Ships Hudson and Burminghani from Liverpool and Queen Mab, from Havre, at New York.] Liverpool, May 8. The demand for Cotton, on Saturday and to day, has been steady, without alteration in prices; the sales in the two days are about 3200 bags chiedy American. London, May 4. COTTON.—The purchases of Cotton for the week ending last night Inclusive, are not exten sive; but the Market is firm,-on account of the favourable reports from the manufacturing dis tricts. Extract of a letter dated London, 5th May, 1827, received per Hudson. “The transactions in this market are numerous bnt the prices nontinue low; Bowed Cottons heve arrived largely and sell extensively, 6] a 7A in bond. Rice 38 a 39 Havre, May 1. “ The situation of our Cotton market presents more firmness, as well as more encouragingpros- pects than we were able to give on the first of April, The vent for goods and twist in the man ufacturing districts, is extensive at low prices, k if the market is not overstocked, it is hoped the present rates for cotton may be maintained.— Good qualities are scarce so that ’an advance of ] to £ sous has been obtained within the last fort night on those kinds of American. Brazil Cot ton has been depressed through the month and sales have been Ivith difficulty at reduced rates. The sales of American Cotton in April amounted to 11,087 bales—import 6.181. Whole import ‘he same time and is now ■ me last year, market is not more than 200 casks, but a vessel it arrived from Charleston with 659-easks H AVRE, May 3. A little more business was done in <•••■ : Cotton Market at the latter end of this m ••t 1 and at trifling advance of about n'farthh <r tea half pen ny a sol. The quantity sold in Ap il was 14 000 bales, and the imports 9,400 hales. The stock on hand on the 1st instant was estimated at 57,000 bales. The accounts from Rouen are more favor able; but until our stock can he materially redu ced by a cessation of.'importations, we can enter tain little hope of any material improvement in prices. New- York, June 16. A very fair and steady business has been done in cotton during the week ending the 15th, at previous current prices. Tbe'intelligence by the "Birmingham had caused considerable activity on Friday, and enabled sellers to realize former ask ing prices. No change in Rice. A steady busi ness doing in Coffee; stock of every description moderate. A good dealhad been doingin Brown Sugars; prices wifhout alteration- U. S. Bank Stock on June 16th, 122^ a 122 5-8. ivoring to recall tlie assassin Pedro THE MABKET. REVIEW of the Augusta Market, for the week WHOLESALE PRICES BAGGING—22 cts. BACON—lb. 7 a 8] c. BOTTLES—Wine, gross, $12. Porter „ . ,, $13. BEER—barrel, $10 all. COTTON—7.] a 9 cts. CASTINGS—English, lb. 6^ cents. American, 5 a 5 l-2%ents. COFFEE—lb. 14 a 17 c. CORN—bushel, 60 a 62^ CANDLES—Augusta, lb. 17 a 19 t Northern, 16; Sperm 37 cents, CIDER—barrel, 7 a $8 FISH—Mackerel, No. 3, bbl. $5 a 5.] - - — a7 to life. As he endeavored to pass in the gloom, the sorceress exclaimed, “ Thou shall not escape me yet! though [thou hast broken one spell, I now arrest thee in the name of Belzebub, chief of the inferuals!” immediately after, the Marquis felt his feet grow to the earth, and his eyes lose tlieif perception, but the use of his tongue remained. In his terror he. exclaimed, “ Wretched cnchaptress, in the name ofj FLOUR—Superfine, the Almighty, that name'at which thou Fine, $6 tremblcst, I charge thee to restore me !” He then crossed himself, and instantly 'he incantation ceased. The stairs be- \tme visible to him, and he ascended to his father’s library, where he retired iin- .uediately to bed, overcome with fatiguo ind affright. His sleep however, was broken and interrupted, and he saw no termination to his misery, while Pedro and tiiis enchantress had the power to - '••meat him. (To be ccnilrmcd.) | plenty. !r. soiii-’ ofthe villages iu Kent, when a man is Known to have beaten his wife, it is usual to strew ■ liaff before his door ; then the joke runs through the town, thatsuch a mart was thrashing last night, as the chaff was seen iu front of his house. Such notoriety is said to be a more wholesome restraint on bad husbands, than any legal enchantment. COMMERCIAL. SAVANNAH MARKETS. june 23d, 1827. COTTON,—The transactions iu uplands da ting the past week have been limited. The ex treme quotations extend from 8§ to 10A ; such qualities as bring 9^ being very scarce. The stock in market light. charleston - , junk 23. COTTON.—The sales of Upland have been pretty extensive during the week for the stock on hand. The market is getting scarce of the finer qualities, which command 10£ cents. Fair quali ties for the Liverpool market command 9 a 9], at which rates the principal sales have been made ; a q larter of a cent, advance is however now demanded. The stock of long Cottons is so diminished that there is no room for transactions of any consequence in them. CHARLESTON, JUNE 20. from Havana.—Letters from Havana by the Lovely Kezia, dated 9th nst state that there was nothing new at that place. They quote Rice, Slj a 5 ; Sugars, assorted 8.J 9^ a 13J, Whites $12 a 13L Browns S a 9 ; Coffee 1st qual. 9 a 2d qual. 6 a 7; Molasses very scarce, 6 rials keg. From the' New-York American. Extract from a letter, dated Havre, 1st May, IS27. ' The Hall,” or Mari, at Rouen, of 2Sth April, nas been pretty fair, without however producing my amelioration in our Cotton market. The cause of this may easily be explained, although at first sight appearing problematical. It is evident that Oris owmg to the follies of so many in 1826. Jur s, nners, allurred by the low prices, unknown ill then, have forced their work and their pur chases at 18 and 17 sous, The natural conse quence has been, that the quantity of cotton yarn been out of all proportion with the wants of >ur manufacturers, and that the same spinners, ■•av ing no means, have been compelled to sell at .1 loss. Out this imprudence of the spinners, has -risen another evil. Theii forced sales have cre ated a beljgf, that our consumption had much in- cieased, since indeed the monthly sales, which in f-o were 12,000 a 13,000 {bales, increased in S26, from 16,000 to 18,000 boles per month. Nothing more was wanted to make the Arneri- ans believe that the wants of France had aug mented in that proportion,'and they have, incon sequence, overstocked us with cotton; but the r eal consumption, which after all must be the re gulator, has left the spinners in the lurch, and mese ia their turn have made the importers suf- •fr GUN POWDER—$750. Canisters, various brands, doz. $ 3 75 a 7. GLASS—Window, 8 * 10, 50feet, $4 ) Ame- 10x12, 50 ,, 4 50 5 rican IRON—Swedes, lb. a 5|c. LIME—unslacked, cask, $3 a 3 50 LEAD—Bar, lb. 9 cents. MOLASSES—gal. 30 a 34c NAILS—lb. 7 a 8.] cents. PORTER—London, doz. $4 a 4 50. RICE—lb. 3 a 3| cents. SPIRITS—Cog. Brandy, gal. $1 30 a $1 50, Bordeaux do 110 a 125 c Holland Gin, gal. 100 a 110 cents. Jamaica Rum, „ 110 a 125 cents Whiskey, gal. 33 a 47c. Northern Gin, 35 a 44 c.' Northern Rum, 47 a 50c scarce SPICES—Peppir, lb. 21 a 22 cents. Pimento, , ; 25 c. 'Ginger, ,, 8 a 10 „ SALT—bushel, 75 a 80 cents. STEEL—German, lb. 14 cents., Blistered, „ 8 a 10 SHOT—bag, $2 25 a 2 50 SALT PETRE—lb. 13 a 14 cents SUGARS—St. Croix, lb. 10£ a 1J£ cents. New Orleans,—8 a 10<£ Muscovado „ 9 a 10* „ Imaf, 18 a 21 „ ) Lump' „ 16 a 17 c. S °' SOAP—lb. 7 a 9 cents. TEA—Hyson; lb. $1 10 cents. Gunpowder „ $1 30 a 1 40. Do. in cannisters, $3 75 per cannister WINES—Teneriffe, cargo gal. 100 a HO cents Do. L. P. $1 50 „ Malaga, sweet, „ 85 ,, Port, „ $175 a 2 50 Madeira „ $300 a 4 25 Claret, doz. $5 a $10. EXCHANGE—on Charleston. 60 days, 5 dis. ,, Sight, 1 prern. on NeV York, 60 days 1 dis. Bank Checks, 1 prem. SPECIE—£ a 1 pm.—U. S. Notes, J a 1 pm. Darien Money; 4 dis N. Carolina do. 5 ,, Cape Fear, do. 5 ,, Holland Gin—100 a 105. Salt—Liverpool, coarse, 50. Sugar—Havanna White, 13 a 14, Brown 9, Mus covado, 9 a 10, St. C-oix, prime, 10 a 103, New Orleans 8jfa9, Refined Loaf, 17J a 18J, Lump 16 a 17. Coffee—Havanna green, 16 a 16^, St.. Domingo, from good to green, 15 a 15J. Hyson Tea—110 a 120 cents per lb. Rum—Jamaica, 100 a 140 cents, |West India, 82, nominal. Molasses—West India, 32, New Orleans 32 a 33 none. British Dry Goods—50 a 65 per cent, advancing. Crockery—26 a 40 per cent. adv. sales. London Porter—3 a 3 50 per .dozen. Iron—Swedes $5 per hundred ; English, none ; American $5 3-8 per hundred, Sheet, per cwt. 10 a 12. EXCHANGE. Darien Bank Notes—2 a 3 dis. Bank of Macon—1 dis. N. Carolina State Bank Notes—6 dis. State Bank of Georgia Notes, payable at their Branches, other than Augusta, J per ct. dis. FREIGHTS. To Liverpool, - - 5-8d France, - - 1 o-4c. New-York, - - 1 1-4 per bale. Current. CHARLESTON, JCNE 25, 1827. WANTED, to attend in a Bookstore, and make him self generally useful, a smart active Boy or Young Man. Enquire at this office. June 28 16 tf NOTICE. All persons havin' business with the subscribers, will please call on Messrs. R- B. L D. G. Haviland, who are duly authorized to give receipts, and act as our agents during our ab sence from this State. WASSON &. NICHOLS- Augusta, Geo. June 27,1827 16 3m Cotton—Upland Cotton Bagging, Rice—Prime, Inferior, to good. Flour—Philadelphia, 1 Richmond, > Baltimore, Howard-st. 5 Do. Wharf, Alexandria, Coffee—Havanna, prime, I good, > middling } St. Domingo, Jamaica, fine green, Molasses—W. India, good, Havanna, New-Orleans, in hlids. &. bids Whiskey—hhd.Penn. (dull) Do. bbl. do Do. hhd. New-York Do. bbl. Gin—Holland, Weesp’s best, Anchor Scheidam—direct import, Northern, Rpm—Jamaica, (direct importation) a 125 120 West India, do 80 New England, hhd. 38 Ditto bbl. 40 Brandy—Cognac, 4th pf. (direct ini.) 150 a 175 " ’ ' 135 a 140 none drill 4£ 48 a 53 48 a 50 18 4 a 4£ 20 a 23 10 a 12£ 54 a 6] 9 a 10A 8£ a 9 12 25 9 i a 10 9 a 10 8 a 9 8 94 a 10 20 a 23 3 2 1-8 a 2;] 5A a 5| 5.] 5^ a 53 none 14A a 15 14 none none 32 a 33 none 35 a 37 32 33 30 31 120 100 38 a 40 do. 7| 13 17 ( 38 Do. Bordeaux, Apple Brandy, Iron—Russia & Sweden, pr. cwt. Corn, (cargo) Peas, Black Tepper, (advancing) Tobacco Butter—Prime Goshen, Common, Bacon—Corn Fed. Hams, Lard, Tallow, Bees Wax, Sugar.—Musco. Jam. fine (declining) Do. St. Croix, do Do. Matanzas, Do. Havanna, New Orleans, Havanna, white, Do. brown, Loaf Sugar, refined (declaring^ Salt—Liverpool, coarse,'(bags of? 4 bushels,) Do. in bulk, Turks Island) Oats, Ha v, prime Northern Pimento, Beef—Boston, No 1, Do. do. No. 2, Do. Mess, Pork—New York Inspection Mess Do. Prime, Do. New Orleans Inspection, Candles—Northern, Charleston, Sperm, Magkarel—No. 1, No. 2, No. 3.. EXCHANGE. N. Carolina State Bank Bills, 5 a 5^ per ct. dis. Newborn and Cape Fear do. 5a5] per ct. dis. Georgia, do. A per ct. dis. DIES, On Tuesday morning, the 26th instant, Mrs. Mary Coghlan, of this city, in the 48th year of her age, reliot-of the late James Coghlan. The Second Dr meins OF THE GREEK & FUiASKI MONUMENT LOTTERY, Will be received To-Morrow afternooto. NEARLY ALL THE Capital Prizes, Are still in the Wheel and one more drawing completes the Lotterry. PRIZES OF #5,000 1,000 500 200 100 fye. ARE TO BE DISTRIBUTED. The whole number of Tickets is but 3000. Whole Tickets $6, and shares in proportion. APPLY AT BEERS’ Fortunate Lottery Office, 241 Broad-street, Augusta. June 28 - it 2ft£W»YOim Consolidated Lottery. CLASS NO. 2, FOR 1827. Was draum yesterday, in the Cify of New-York- Fifty-four, number Lottery—eight drawn ballots. SCHEME. 1 Prize of $15,000 is $15,000 10 10 25 46 92 1140 8280 do do do do do do do do do do do do do 4.000 is 2,750 is 2,500 is 2,250 is 1,176 is 1.000 is 500 is 200 is 100 is 50 is 20 is 10 is 5 is 4.000 2,750 2,500 2,250 1,176 5.000 5.000 2.000 2,500 2,300 1,840 11,500 41,400 Boston Inspection 40 a 43 1 1-8 a L-J' (advancing) 25 Sh H a 7 9A a 10 Hi 8 a Si 6 a 7 13 a 14 16 a 18 31 a ‘-'4 G 6 4.i Steamboat f eo. Washington. P ASSENGERS who intend going by this Boat on Saturday morning next, are re quested to enter their names, at the Counting House of A. Mackenzie, previous to that time, when conveyances will be provided to carry them to the Boat, at or near Silver Bluff June 28 It GttvrtHL SAVANNAH, JUNE 25, 1827. DOMESTIC PRODUCTIONS. Si to' 10i $2 a 21 51 a 5J 55 75 a 100 30 a 33 39 a 40 42 4i 13 12 40 34 8 Cotton Rice Flour Corn—Per bushel. Hay—Northern, Whiskey New England Rum Northern Gin Tobacco Manufactured do. Tallow Pork—Mess 12|; Prime, 84 Mackarel—No. 1, $6|, No. 2, 5i, No. 3. 4 Bacon—4f last public sale. Lard—9. % Butter—18 a 22, Northern inferior 12. Soapr—Yellow, 6 a 9 cents. r . 1 Candles—Northern 14, Georgia 18, Sperm 30 a 36 Cheese—8 cents,'dull, Lumber—Ranging Timber. 4 a 6; do. Ship Plank 16 a 18, do Scantling and Boards 18, do Floor ing 14 a 16, White Oak Hogshead Slaves, 15 a 17, Red Oak do. 12, Shingles, rafted 3, boated 3 50 a 4. FOREIGN PRODUCTIONS. Bagging—42 inchr'24 Oznaburgs—10 a LI. ' Cognac Brandy—Otard Dupuy &Lo. brand 1/5 a 180: other brands 115 a 130. Hamilton Riflemenl Y OU are hereby ordered to appear on your Parade Ground, in fiont of the City Hall, on Wednesday, the 4th July next, at half past 9 o’clock, A. Mi, armed and equipped aceording to the by-laws of the Corps, (with six rounds of blank Cartridges.) Ey order of Captain Camming. ROBERTSON, O. S. June 28 - 16 2t HAMBURG SPRm&S, (S0UTH-CAR0L1NA.) T HE Subscriber respectfully informs his friends in Hamburg and Augusta, that he intends furnishing a Dinner, at the above named Springs, on the 4th of July next, to Subscribers, at one Dollar each. Dinner to be on the table at 3 o’clock. He likewise takes the liberty to inform his friends, and the public generally, that he has erected a Bathing House at the Hamburg Springs, where may be had at all times, Warm and Cold Baths, at the low price of, a Warm Bath for 25 cents, and Cold for 12A,cents. DAVID LYNAR- Hamburg, S. C. June 28 16-2t NOTICE M ESSRS. A. I, & Q. W. HUNTINGTON. will act as our attorney, during aur absence from the State. . „ TA.MPLET & ROWAND. June 28 V 9624 Prizes, 15180 Blanks, 24,804 Tickets, $99,216 In this Scheme composed of 54 numbers, ar ranged by ternary Combination with 8 drawn ballots, there will be 56 prizes with three of the drawn Numbers on them; 1288 with two of them on, and 8,280 with one of them on. Those hav ing none of the drawn numbers on them will be blanks. To determine the fate of the 24,804 tickets in the scheme, the 54 numbers, from 1 to 54 inclu sive, will be placed in a wjieel on the day of the drawing, and eight of them will be drawn out, and that ticket having on it as a Combination the 1st, 2d, and 3d drawn numbers, will be entitled to the prize of $15,000 That having on it, the 3d, 4th and 5th, to *4.000 That having on it, the 4th,' 5th and 6th, to 2,750 That having on it, the 5th, 6th, aed 8th. to 2,500 That having on it, the 5th, 7th, and 8th, to 2,250 That having on it, the 9th, 7th, and 8th, to 1,176 Those five having on them the 1th, 5th, and 9th, ? 4th, 6th, and 7th, ( 4th, 6th, and 8th, ? 1,000 4th, 7th, and 8th, ( 5ti, 6th, and 7th, ) Thoso ten having on them, the 3d, 4th, and 6th, 3d, 5th. and Eth, ? 3d, 4th, and 7th, 3d, 6th, and 7th, ( 4d, 4th, and Eth, 3d, 6th, and Eth, I 500 3d. 5th, and 6th, 3d 7th, and fitb, ( 3d, 5th, and 7th, 41h 5th, and 7th, ) Thqsetcn having bn them, the 2d, 4th, and 5th, 2d, 5th, and 7th ? 2d, 4th. and 6th, 13d, 5th, and 8th, 1 2d, 1th, and 7th, 2d, Cth, and 7th, ? 200 2d, 4th, and 8th, 2d, 6th, and Eth, ( 2d, 5th, and 6th, 2d, 7th, and clh, > And all others with three of the drawn numbers on theta (being 25) each. $100 Those 46 tickets with two of the drawn numbers on, and those two the 1st and 2d, each 50 Those 92 tickets with two of the drawn numbers on, and those two the 3d and 4th, or the 5th and 6th, each 29 All others with two of the drawn numbers on, (being 1150) each . 10 AnJ all tickets having one only of the drawn numbers on, (being 8280) each " 5 No ticket having drawn a prize of a superiar denomination can be entitled to an inferior prize. All the prizes pavabie as usual, forty days af ter the d awing; subject to a deduction of fifteen inhabitants of Augusta and its per cent. THE DRAWING WILL BE RECEIVED HERE ON SATURDAY, THE 7TH JIULY. Whole Tickets $5 00 Halves 2 50 Quarters 1 25 APPLY AT BEERS' Fortunate \joUev\ Office, 241. Broad-Street, Augusta. AN ORDINANCE. T O prescribe the mode of assessing the dama ges and benefits receive! by the owners of property, in consequence of the opening of Mar- bury and Campbell streets, and for other purpo ses. 1 * Whereas, on the application of the owners of two thirds, in value, of the .real property, in squares, bounded by Marbury and Campbell streets, the said streets have been opened from Broad to Sooth Boundary street, and alt the ne cessary improvements have been made prepara tory to the assessment of the damages sustained and benefits received by the holders of property on said streets, and it is desirable that said dam ages and benefits should be ascertained and set tled. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of Augusta, That the Judge of the Court of Com- ‘ Pleas be, and he is hereby requested to cause a Jury to be drawn in said Court with the least possible delay, whose duty it shall be, to meet at a time and place of which not less than fi'e days previous notice shall be given by the udge of said Court, in one of the public papers ofthe City, at. the expense of Council, that all persons interested may know when and where to attend; and it shall be the duty of said Jury, to assess the damages sustained and benefits receiv ed by the ownetfr of property in consequence of the opening ol either of said streets, and to re turn their verdict to said Court; as authenticated rcopy of which it shall be the duty ofthe Clerk of ■ Council to procure in not less than days after it shall be returned, to enter an exact copy ot it among the minutes of Council, and to pre serve the authenticated copy among the records .ofthe city. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained. That it s mil be the duty of the City Collector and Trea surer to use due diligence to collect the sums as sessed by said Jury against the owners of proper ty;, which shall be decided to be benefitted. Sec. 3. And be it further ordained. That if any owner of property, his or her agent or attorney, shall neglect or refuse to pay the sum assessed against him or her, for benefits received by the opening of either of said streets, for more than ten days after the same shall be demanded, exe cution shall issue, on the application of the City Collector and Treasurer, against th^ property of the person so neglecting or refusing, for the a- mount assessed, with the addition often percent, for such neglect or refusal. Sec. 4. And be it further ordained, That the City Collector and Treasurer be, and he is hereby directed to pay out of the amoums ordered to be collected by him, in the second section of this ordinance, to every owner of real property on said streets or either of them, whatever sum may be assessed in his or her favor, as a compensa tion for damages sustained by the opening of either of said streets. Sec. 5. And be it further ordained, That the officers of the Court of Common Pleas, be allow ed by Council the customary- fees for the perform ance of the duties herein required by them. Sec. 6. And be it further ordained. That when on the requisite application, any existingstrect shall be extended or widened, of any new one.- opened and put in passable order, so that all the damages sustained and benefits received can be at once assessed, it shall be the duty of the Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, on the applica tion of the Mayor, to cause a Jury to be drawn to assess the damages sustained and benefits by the owners of property thereby,in the same man ner as is herein prescribed, in legard to the dam ages and benefits sustained or received, by the opening or extension of Marbury and Campbell streots. Sec 7. And be it further ordained. That all ordinances and parts, of ordinances, militating a- gainst this ordinance, be, and the same are here by repei led. Done in Council the 5th day of May-, 1827. SAMUEL HALE, Mayor. By the Mayor: Geo. M. Walker, c. e. June 28 J6 «Richmond Hussars. A PPEAR on ycur Parade Ground, in front of the Mansion House, on Wednesday next* the 4th July, at 9 o'clock, A. M. dismounted, with white pantaloons. By order of Lieu! Geo. W. Summers, _ Commanding. June28 l6 tf SAJLT. ~ Landing from Sleam-Eoat Comparfy$ Boat, No. 4, 3500 BLSHLLS SALT, for sa’ebv GEO. R. JESSUP, 330, Broad-Street. June 1*1 jo CORN. Bushels of Prime Beach Isl-Mid CORN, in store, for sale in lots to suit purchav- ers.—Apply to , „ HALL &. HARDIN. June 7 i 0 tf SUGAR, COFPEH, AND . BAGGING. w®? Bafr:ne 60 Bags Green Cofie, 30 do Rio do 50 Buis. Old Ohio Whiskey; 10 Hhds. Philadelphia do 39 Uhls. Baltimore Gin, 20 do Northern Rum, 20 do Newark Cidet, 20 do Albany Summer A!<- 10 Pieces Saft Sat king, 60 Boxes Soap, 20 Sperm Candle*, 20. dp Northern do 50 °° quality Havana Sogars 20 do KQisinjp^. 5 Casks Lom]op..Porter, 5 Barrels SmoE^J Beef,. Cognac Brandy, HolWl Gin, Jamaica Rum; Madeira, Tenerifie, antnllalgga Wines Iron, Salt, Shot, Lead, Sic. l or sale on reasonable terms, by GEORGE R. JESSUP, 330 Broad-street June 14 12 6t *8Ml8g AN ORDZS7A37C23* • T O alter and amend the Second Section of the General Ordinance. Sec. 1. lie it ordained by the City Council of Augusta, That in addition to the requisitions of the Second Section of the General Ordinance, each and every person applying for a Dray Li cense, shall be required to provide before the first day of July next, a staunch iron bound Cask, of a capacity not less than sixty gallons, which shall bo kept filled with water, convenient to the loca tion ofthe horse and dray, during the night, and which shall, on the first'alarm of fire, be immedi ately transported by the drayman to the scene of conflagration. Sec, 2. And he it further ordained, That the drayman shall, on the occasion of a fire, be under the command of a captain of the fire company, and such other officer as he may appoint under him ; and he shall also have power to call them out for practice twice in each year, if he shall deem it necessary. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained, That when a fire shall have taken place and have been subdu ed, the draymen shall be mustered by the officers having command, who shall make return to Coun cil of the namber of each dray present, noting the first, second, third, fourth and fifth drays which attend with their water casks full „„ me amercm bran , Sec. 4. Be it further ordained, That the dray- ! ,i !C Coach making business, done oa th man who shall first attend, shall receive five do!- I reasonable terms, lnrs, the second four, the third three, the fourth | May 17 two, and the fifth one dollar each ; nnH everr i 1 drayman who shall be in town, and shall not at- j tend a fire when it may happen, or beubsent with I -» his horse and dray, shall without .good and suffi- j m rS (TS 4* St £1 £ cient excuse, admitted bv Council at its regular | ftr ZJLdC/Mu/HZiCt meeting thereafter, be deprived of his license, and be declared incapable of ever after holding one. -4 Done in Council, the 14th day of May, 1827. SAMUEL HALE. Mayor. By the Mayor: Geo. M. Walhes, c. c. . June 28 15 THOMA8 a. HAZ.I, Offers for sale, low for f ash, or Tou Acceptances, COACHES & GIGS: A complete assortmentrcceired from (he d ferent manufactories at Newark, and i vicinity—Coach and Gig Harness, good assoi ment—Real Cochineal, Blue, and Black More eo—Harness Leather—Full and Ha f Plated G Joints—Plated Bands—Coach and Gig Hand! —Plated Beading, from No. 1 to 4—Coach Lac kc. hi. kc. One Hundred Gallons Copal and oth VAR33XSXZ, Of his o.wn manufacture, warranted genuin prepared, particularly for Coach, or Cabinet, i Pointers use. Having been for many vears a quaintad with the art of making and” using Va nish, be flatters himself, that Coach makers at consumers will find it to their advantage to su ply themselves at his establishment Orders f any quantity will be put up on as good terms ; it cau be bought at New-York. Orders for Gigs, Coaches, or Sulkies, finish) in the newest and most approved style, will 1 filled at short uotice. . REPAIRING in” ail the different branches 4 mtf DAILY LINE OF Dr. George A. Buck- lit, offers hrs services to the BKTWEEX FAYETTEVILLE, N. C.k PETERSBURG THE above line of H Coach' s, will leave Y 'etteville every morninj .2 o’clock, arrive in Rale at one P.M. dine, and le | Raleigh, at2, and arrive in Looisburg S'uuday t 9 P. ?.?, Leave Louisburg next morning a I and arrive in Petersburg next day in tiim | take the Stages or Hi cam-bo cts going North.- vicmiiv. in June 28 15 3t TO RKNT, From the first of October next, the Building, No. 161 Broad-street.owned and occupied by the subscribexs — i The stand for business is desirable. The store for pleasantness and convenience is not equalled by any in the city, and is ad mirably calculated for an extensive Wholesale and Retail Dry Goods business. The dwelling contains four spacious rooms, pleasant and con- venieht for a family. JEWETT, .ABELL Sc Co. June'28 16 tf NOTICE.-During the „ _ Subscribers’ absence from the State, Messrs. L. Reed and R. Gresham, will act as our Attornies. CARLTON. COOK k KN0WLT0N. June 11 112m3ni professions of Medicine and Surgery. His office is in the adjoining building to Mr. Lafitt’s boarding house, on f.lackintusk-bircet. June 11 11 *f NOTICE^ Two Fencible Uniforms for sate, and will be disposed of low. Apply at tiiis office. June 21 14 tf THE. SUBSCRIBER, Is now receiving and opening, four doors, above ' -the City'Hotel, AN ELEGANT ASSORTMENT 0T GLASS, CHINA, AND EA&THE 1WM1, Direct from Liverpool, which he will sel 1 LOW •- For Cash, or Ton:/: Acceptance. ASSORTED CSL&T2S, Put up particularly for Country .Merchants. JAMES BONES. June 12 - il I2t JOB PRINTING, Neatly executed dt this Offit Tl.'-s line will blanch at Louisburg, and i every Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday and Sa ' d; , b'jpvay of Warrenlon, Lawrenccvilie ! Dii viddie, C. H. and every Monday, We’d i day and Friday, by way of Enfield, Halifax i deifie d—Yet- .-ning,leave Petersburg at half- i 7 o’clo u. 1’. M. every Sunday. Tuesday, Th j day and Saturday evenings, by way of Din fd.’e C. IL, Luv rcncevilie and WarrenSon ; every Monday, Wednesday and Friday even j by v*ay oi Betim.:!, Halifax, ami Enfield, am ; rive in Louisburg next day at 10, P. M. : b | Louisburg next < . gv, at 2,. A. M. breakfast in i h'igh, and arrive at 1 ayettcvi’le same- even | by 9, P. M. 1ms route besides being the nearest, ehea I an<1 !l| ««t expeii(io;is)presents many inducem i to travellers, t.iat cannot be offered by auv c ! lc s|d,n 3 ,roln the Southern to the Northern St; j !, t ,T , ;7 ;t . S -' Vi,h {he W «hington, Baltimore : Pfciladelpiua Steam Forts at City point—it i 1 *” a '“o* 1 healthy country is inter$ecte< ! ,,. !e ‘»4>ortout Stage lines,and passes thro j ” - t ie P) me,pal lowns in the upper part oj , --tatc ot N. C. In (ire State House at Ral, is the nruch admired Statue of Gen. Wa.rimm ! by Conova : near (he road are the Shocco Er ! wick, and .pusses Mineral Springs, to and f i winch carriages are always in readiness f or j conveyance of visitors. The accommodate, , these.cral stopping places ate such as ca, fail to give satisfaction. Tim line is fund. | with good Horses and Coaches-sober. ta , I cvf!r -V attention paid to the to mence of Passengers by the proprietor.--, who J reside constantly upon tlie line. Scats take j p e t La! ' n - vet£e l Ho:el - Fayetteville, at Niblo’ Peters mrg, and at most of the Public Hou , the intermediate tert.os libu - d. IT. A V ERY, O. SALTMVRSH. I I- fOMPKlNS. / Ibfgprieioi and otheis ’ March 29