Georgia courier. (Augusta, Ga.) 1826-1837, August 30, 1827, Image 1

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VOL. 2. AUGUSTA, GEO. THURSDAY, AUGUST 30, 1827 ,„ r 7 B «a»*«®»rAa. ttiursd.iv, 1 AT 2 O'CLOCK. T. ST. „ .. „ , r A' s Prick Buildings, opposite Mr. Cummings A 1 . ir.Ho. a I aw Building., M’Intosh Street. DIRECTIONS. i,.-of Land and Ftgracs, by Administrators, Execo- l " nr Guardi.w, ore required, by tfew, to be held on the j TtiDsdav ill the month, between the hours often in the ; • r ,.,'„on ru'd three, in the afternoon, at the Court-house of ( ' ..Vonntv in which the property is situate-—Notice of, ; hrtp . .los niu-t i>e given in a public gazette StXT. days j j.-uions to the day of sale. Notices of the sal j »f personal property must be given in ■ ' KC manner, FORTY days previous to the day of.-ale. Nolirt* to the debtors and creditors of all estate, must tic I neblisliei! for FOR F\ days* , e, ' \otiee that application will be made to the Court of Or- , •: ,ar-. for b'vae to sell land, must be published for RhU 1 MONTHS. FOR THE GEORGIA COURIER. X»IA&*GTTE Between o Yankee and Southern Farmer. [co.vcr.ur>Ei>.] p cf|,(.re’s no fear of lliaf. dust ■hem i they’]! make them pay as much as much as they can any how, do what we i may. But answer this objection. The woollens bill is intended to affect only iliosc cloths which cost less lhan $4 per , nrd, such as the labouring classes wear, j Thus it oppressively exacts the earnings j 0 f die poor, while it does not interfere j with the rich. Why, sir, it will take j neatly all niv crop of cotton to supply J my negroes with winter clothing. At this i j-!te, the clothing of each of them will! cist me ns much as my 7 own, till the time ! c in:' 1 .-, that you talk of, when American j ,.■! ,ih sh ill be as cheap as.the English. j Y. I said cheaper. But as regards the ; quality of burden you complain of as beim impcis-. d bv the woollens bill. If it extended to cloths ot the first quality, it would not in the least lessen the burden i f those who buy the coarser stuff; and he isofan unjustifiably uncharitable dis- ;; istiion that would wish, others to partici pate in what he deems an evil, when such participation would not diminish liis own suffering. But it is not an evil, as I be- a .rc proved ; and the reason is easily given why the woollens bill did not ox- tend to cloths of tiie finest kind. The nnnfacturcr should he enabled to make inferior clu'h well, before he attempts the m'erior. When he is perfect in the ( oi.-so article, a duty may he laid on the j fair, and tlie manufacturer will sooner j accecd in his endeavors. Really, si", j a > cl iusd of the woollens bill, that con- j tins 'his objection of yours, is peculiarly j 1 ivorable to von;, and was, I do believe, I • y-' i:i expressly tA satisfv you southern j ■.-entry. Only think ! i'i the (till .did ex- j land to. superfine cloth,..yon pr.Qi-d, herb ; : e.i'b'd southerners would have to wear] ut four or five broad-cloth coals ofaj .'■ road or two coarser, and not so well wove as those you h vo worn. The duty j n s lperfiii ' cloth is only deferred, and Vhep it is 1 lid no part of it will fill on the laboring classes. I*. Von arc ton ready sir, with your !urs upon tiie high-minded population of the south. I have at mv tongue’s end, as vmi said, wherewithal to retort ; but shall not give ii vent, unless provoked past bearing. We have not met to wrangle. T. Why, cant you take a joke l Per haps it is too true. However, I did not : itend to give offence. F. Well, never mind If vou’11 read lluclianan’s speech on this subject, you may see that tiiis woollens bill, if passed, is likely to exert a very unhappy influence on the morals of certain of oik fellow- citizens, from the inducement which it holds out for the commission of fraud, arid perjury. Y. Psha! I’ve read Buchanan’s speech, and all he says about perjury, and its bad effects upon morals is fudge. For, if con science in this country were so little re garded—if a man would forswear himself j fir such a petty pecuniary consideration | cs ?,!r. Buchanan intimates, the midnight! murderer would never be hung in our land; fur he has only to offer a small sum of mo- ' noy, and many might be found who would, for such a reward, swear him off. Its! improper influence upon morals, wouldI not, l think, be sufficient to make it a na-j tional concern. That was but a shallow excuse Mr. Buchanan gave for his vote a- j gainst the woollens bill. P. Well, I did’nt think much of that I myself; but he gave a better one. TliCj woollen manufacturer is protected, while! the wool grower is left to shift for himself, though he reeds assistance no less than the other. Y. The fact of the manufacturer being protected, conduces of necessity to the success ofihe wool grower. For the for mer being protected, the demand for the raw material will of course increase ; t|jjs Nvi\l raise the price of the article, coqge- quently the wool grower will have increas ed inducements for exertion. Moreover, a tax Row existing on imported wool, and A greater being soon to be laid, if th wool- ions bill succeed, the wool grower will be able, and I guess he will always be wil- !ing, to jew tbe manufacturer, as you say the manufacturer will do the buyer. And the impolicy of imp os i n g a duty on import ed wool, which should lie heavy enough to exclude it, and which should commence ••immediately, is manifest; for such an act Mould in efteci put a stop to the manufac tories for several years, since it will be some time before sheep shall be sufficient ly numerous in the United States to fur nish the quantity of wool necessary to keep the manufactories at work. The clause regulating the importation of wool is thus shown to be conformable to exist ing circumstances. Buchanan’s reasons tvont hold. - p . I think so too : but he did not say ?ralf that might have been said. I mistrust the protecting systerp. on this account:— Ttie manufactories .have been crying to Congress lor some years, past, “protect us, protect us, or we’ll starve —we can’t support ourselves without help from you.” Yet all this, while capital after capital, has been repeatedly vested in manufactorios. Why, this fact gives the lie to them at once. Y. Well, this-does look bad—I don't like it. They are are a / greedy sot to tell the truth. But if it will enrich a few cove tous individuals, why should wc reject the measure, if, as I have, or will show, it be one conducive to national prosperity ? P. That’s true; but then you yankces— I’d almost as leave throw mv money away as give it to the peddling Y. Take care, or you’ll vent your spleen-upon ihe yankaes in. spite of your resolution to the contrary. We did not meet to wrangle, as vmi toldrmo a little while ago. But the whole seevo? ofihe opposition is out at last. You despise the ynnkees, either from your own fancied, nr from their real, superiority, and you’d ra ther send to the Chinese for your cotton manufactures, than to give your money to your brothers of New-England, for as good, and as cheap. How P If we had, our money’s our own.— But this tariff is not uniform in its opera tion. The interests of the North, and South, are irreconcilably different—’he former being manufacturing, and the latter agricultural. Y. The tariff w : ll be uniform.—It ex tends equally, from Maine to Georgia ; and as to the northern section of the Union bping manufacturing, and the south ern agricultural, why,it’s so much the bet ter. \ ou give us the raw material, and we’ll give in exchange the manufactured. The tariff too, will open a new and exten sive market for your cotton, which will, in a short time, more tb||p counterbalance the little diminution it may occasion in your exports. And besides, then, instead of getting manufactures in exchange for your exported cotton, you may bring the money pard for it home, and thus increase very much the floating capital of the coun try. 0, sir, domestic manufactures must be encouraged. P. Oh sir, you either do not, or will not understand me. Its extending from Maine to Georgia, is not the kind of uni formity I mean. The southern states, from having fewer manufactures, w ill im port and consume more than the northern. They will therefore have to pay more than an equal proportion of the imports. Is that uniform? If the woollens hill be conformable to - the letter of the constitu tion, it plainly is not so to its spirit. F, If, after the woollens bill shall be come a I:uv, the southern states continue to import their woollens from England, it will, m-be-sure, operate very decidedly a- gninst the interests of the southern section. But farther importations will be in effect precluded, and another source opened, whence the south may be supplied on the same terms with the north, or the west ; and these terms will, as I have shown, soon be better than those on which foreign cloth is now procured. Is not this a uni formity conformable to the spirit of the constitution, most strictly and jealously, construed ^ Tell me how it will unequal ly tax any portion of the country. P. I’ll be shot if I can. I believe it will be fair and equable in its operation ; but, in that excellent memorial of the citi zens of Colleton District, So. Carolina, I observed, among others, most of which I believe I have proposed to you, one ar gument against this woollens bill, which, of itself, is, I think, of sufficient power to overthrow it. The memorialists exclaim against the tariff, because its avowed ob ject is to protect domestic manufactures, which they affirm is unconstitutional, as indeed is evident; no expressed, or fairly implied power so to do, being gi anted bv the constitution to Congress. And, since an amendment of the constitution provides “that powers not delegated to the United States by the constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or the people,” I contend that this attempt of the general government to protect domestic manufac tures, is an invasion ofstate rights: for, if manufactures must be protected, it is the right of the states only to do it. But the present administration has, in the - pinion of many, shown itself not very regardful, or respectful of state rights. Y. Oh, that’s all fudge. The memo rial you spoke of, is indeed, as you say, excellent. In language, it is dignified and nervous—in sentiment, manly and firm; and the arguments urged in it, are as good as such a. cau*e will admit of But the exception it takes to the woollens bill, on account of the alleged unconstitutionally of its object, is more ingenious and well handled, than well founded. L*r us turn to the constitution, and examine. By Art. 1st. Sect. 8, of that instrument, Congress is expressly invested with the power of “ laying and collecting duties and imports.” Now what are the two great objects that most speedily and naturally occur to the mind, as to lie obtained by laying and col lecting duties, and imports ? Assuredly, either to supply a national revenue, or by the power which it gives of excluding for eign articles of any kind, to encourage the production or manufacture of the same in our own country. There may be others, but these are the two chief and.first occur ring objects of a tariff. Now;, if the great formers of our constitution did not intend that the general government should pos sess the right of protecting domestic man ufactures, do yon think that they would have left totally unqualified,' as‘they have, a clause from which that right is so plainly to be implied? To suppose that those men, qiiipk sighted and jealous as they were of their country’s liberty, could have passed, unobserved, the fact that the pow er of prohibiting domestic manufactures was derivable by implication from Art. 1st, Sect. 8, is absurd. If, therefore, they had not intended that this should be one of the legal powers of Congress, the suc ceeding clause would have forbidden it. since it can be implied from the foregoing. Since then the power of prohibiting do mestic manufactures belongs constitution- al'v to the general, government, the a- mendment you have quoted proves that the exercise of this power by Congress is no invasion ofstate rights. If the invest ment of a right of this nature in Congress, had been dangerous lo liberty, and its ex ercise particularly inimical to the welfare of the southern states, (as the memorialists assert it is,) do you suppose that during the whole of that anxious period between the first appearance of the federal consti tution and its final adoption, amid the calm deliberation of some—the heated discussion and violent animosity of others, and the intense interest of all throughout the United States, the fact that this power could be implied, would have escaped, as it did, the maledictory notice of men, ac customed, as the men of those days were, to examine with all searching, mistrustful eves, every public instrument affecting their political atulcivil freedom? WmtM not the discriminating, all grasping of the southern Patrick Henry, have seen, and seeing, would he have passed without comment the impolicy of intrusting this power to Congress, had it been impolitic? Do not believe it! Patrick Henrv, and 1 Ids associates in opposition to the fedora! constitution, were men able to, an-1 accus tomed to look through the suhjccls of their investigation, to trace them in all their effects, to follow them in all their bearings, to examine how they would act; at present, and with prophetic eve glanc ing into futurity* to predi.-.t with a confi dence seldom belied, and a certainty tbal seldom failed, their after influence, ^hn question of adoption of the constitution called forth to thfar utmost the mighty minds of these miglitv men. They saw all, and feared many of the implied privi leges of Congress, but that of prohibiting domestic manufactures was not o”o of the number those patriots fmrr.d. Far from it. Mr. Henry, grounded one of Ids ob jections to the constitution on the fact of hs not, in his npitron, afford*:ig tho-.n en couragement in terms suffir-'P-niljf explicit. P. A on talk as if von were making a 4th of .Tnfv soperii. Bn* di es'not the picture that D“. f ooprr has drawn of iho injustice practised bv the Eng!>«b manu facturers, of the prejudicial effects the encouragement of domestic manufactures is like to have on the South, tend to damn your sanguine anticipations as to the good policy, or general utility of the measure? Y. Not at all. Anticipations as to the good or ill effects ef our manufactures, founded on E .giish experience in this branch of industry, are not worthy of much confidence, on account of the mani fest dissimilarity of circumstances attend ing our institutions and theirs. Dr. C. talks of oppression exercised upon the British wool grower through the influence of the manufacturer, and infers that like oppression will soon be experienced in this country. Now, , the interests of no class of our fellow-citizens can be set at nought, or made subservient to the inter ests of another, except it be done with the concurrence of Congress; nor mav till Fresh NO. 33. couragement of our manufactures, drawn 1 from English experience, which will be found on consideration equally untenable. It is said that when we shall have become p . pm si rr fully established as a manufacturing na-. ARLi0 ^,- 00 ^ ^ j T0 - , > tion, we will of course be subject to the 1 ' No. 249 Bkoad-stp.fft, same fluctuations that have so often visit- | A few doors below the Banks, ed manufacturing England; a distressing 1 f and fearful instance of which has but late- ! * Ha .I!:! U r^!!! ived ^ rom ly occurred in that country. We are warned of the danger of those fluctuations, and taught to believe that ice would be as destitute of resources in such emer- j gencies as the English are. But this is I not so. Circumstances proper • to^our | country will afford us exemption from! like distresses. I'* from any cause, a tem- ] porarv cessation of manufactures should ! occur, ours will not be reduced to the wretched condition in which we have late- i ly seen the British manufacturers; they! will be in no danger of perishing for want j oflood: they may immediately resort to the cultivation of the earth for subsistence, and they will obtain it. Centuries must elapse before this will become impractica ble in our country. Not so in England, where the density of population and the consequen* scarcity of vacant lands take i away all resource of this kind, There, if j the manufactures fail, the manufacturer | must starve, or he supported by the public j or private charity. Having set aside this 1 argument against the encouragement of! domestic manufactures, I will now offer \ one for it. Suppose we were engaged in ] war. War with any country would, in a j great degree, obstruct all importation— ] war with England would put a total stop ! to that of all articles procured thence.— | We would then have to rely for our j woollen goods solely upon our own manu factures—they not being extensive would be unable to meet the multiplied demand that must ensue. Consequently one half of the people would be almost destitute of clothing, and the other half clad with inferior cloth, sold at four or five times ! the present price, or its real worth; and j that too at a time when all the resources I of the country should be applied to the j vigorous support & cat-vying on ofihe war. 1 P. But you’ve forgot what Dr. Cooper : said as to the effect the woollens hill will ] have on the interests of the South. Y. No, I Inv’nr. Bat 1 proved, and j you acknowledged, that it would bh fair and equable ;u its operation, and promo tive o{'general prosperity. And if I pro ved that it would be so, no one can prove that it would not. So we’il let that rest. But, M.-. Planter, don’t you think that Dr. Coepm-, some circumstances consi dered, such as his being a foreigner, and having fled from oppression in his own country to seek safety and freedom in this, has assumed rather too high atone on this tauff question? Is’nt it indicative of bin little modes’} 7 , and a want of a proper sense of decorum, that he should presume so loudly to censure lire most conspicuous- men of the 7 land that has afforded him the home his own country denied? That he should take to task s<> imperatively, as he lms done, the Congress if the U. 8. ? I do think it impudent: liot at all comport ing with my idegis of decency. ^ P. I’m somewhat of your opinion my self, and I believe most people are so; but I expect that you ore particularly ! vexed with him, because he called you ] Yankees “Lords of the spuming jenny,” j and “Peers of the power-loom.” j Y. Well, I dont like that: but it is not I because he misapplied these epithet;' to j the Yankces; I should equally disapprove I if he had vented his satire upon the West, to their former supply, a splendid assortment of Fashionable Goods, Suitable for the season.—Amongst ichich art 1 ])ICT1 Plaid Silks, various patterns, A Rich G.ros de Naples, all colour^, Black Italian Lutestring, Double and plain Florence Silks, Green India Silk, Black Mode, Plain Batteste, Bobinett Lace veils. Bobinett half Handkerchiefs, Barage Scarfs and Handkerchiefs, Black, White, and Green itatin i Crape. Rich Gauze Bonnet and Cap Ribbon, plaid and Plain Belting 1 . Superfine Nankin and Canton Crapes. Rich figured, and fine plain Swiss Muslins, 6-4 Mull, Jaconet, ami Cambric Muslins, Furniture and Garment Dimity, Rich Fancy Calicoes, Thread Lace, Insertion Trimming. Ladies’ and Children’s Caps, i>ilk, Linen and Cotton Hose, Horseskin and Kid Gjtoves, Buff and Plaid Cravats, Black arid White Cravats, Irish Linen, Cotton Sheeting 1 and Shirtings, Artificial Flowers and Wreaths, Columbian Lace, Chain and Leaf Gimp, Foundation Muslin, Willow Sheets, Chip Hats, Pearling anil Piping Colds, Marking Cotton and Canvass, Clarke’s Spool Cotton, Linen and Cotton Floss, Linen and Cotton Tapes, Flat and Round Bobbin, Millinet and Buckram, Bonnet Boards, And an extensive assortment of LARGE SHELL AND SIDE COMBS. Ladies Bead Purses and ReticulC-s, Ladies Morocco do Together with many othei articles in the DRY GOODS and FANCY LIND and an excellent assortment of PERFUMERY, which will be sold extremely low. July 30 24 tf An Elegant Nlantlep'ieee . CLOCK, Will he disposed of by Chances to be determined by the Drawing of the N. York Consolidated Lottery The chance which shall be tonnd to correspond with the first dra-.u number in the at-ive I utte- ry, will be entitled to the Clock. Only 54 Chances, at $1 50. APPLY AT BEERS’ OFFICE. August 2 25 SUG AR. BACON. &e 13 happen in England, unless through the I ° r the Soiiili, or any other portion of ihe medium of Parliament. But the ebrrupti bility of the British House of Commons is much better established than the cor ruptibility of the American Congress.— Corruption has frequently found its way into the former, and may always do so, far more readily titan into the latter, on account of the great inequality that sub sists in their representative system. Large districts of country, containing a dense population and having peculiar interests of their own, remai.t very imperfecily and inefficiently represented, while towns of inconsiderable importance, both as to situation and population, are allowed an all unequal and influential participation in the national councils. Want of integrity is most to be apprelteuded in those repre sentatives whose election depends upon the fewest voters, and who represent the smallest districts. Since then the British House of Commons is chiefly composed ot such representatives, it is not wondei- lul that corruption should sometimes pre vail in that body, and insure the success of partial, sectional and tyrannical mea sures. The injustice done to the British wool growers, and so harped upon by Dr. Cooper, must have been effected bv those members of Parliament whose manner of election renders easily corruptible. But none of these circumstances favoring cor ruption exist in our representative system. Representation is equal and throughout the United States, aud the sparseness of population is such that ex tensive districts have but a single repre sentative, thus rendering it impracticable fot designing and unworthy men to obtain, by electioneering arts, power which they might use for their own or sectional purposes. For these reasons, no particu lar class of men in our country can acquire sufficient influence in Congress, by tam pering with the integrity of its members, to carry measures oppressive to any other class, and prompted by self-iuterest only. We have, therefore, no cause to expect that the disregard to the welfare of the wool growers, which exists in England, will be transferred to our country. But there is another argument against the en* HALL & HARDIN. Hoeing purchased the Slock of GROCERIES of Mr. A. P. ROBERTSON, non Id again inrite the attention of their friends and the public gen erally, at No. 151 Broad-street, where theyJm tend keeping a constant supply of Choice Groceries: St. THEY HAVE ON HAND, O*. Croix aiul Nevv-Orlenns Sugars, Loaf and Lunij> do. White and Green Cofiee, Cognac Brandy, Holland Gin, N. E. Gin, Canal Whiskey,- superior quality. Cicili an-1 Teneriffe Wine, London Porter, Imperial Gunpowder and-Hyson Teas, Pepper and Spice, Table Salt, ” Spanish apd Common Segars, Chewing Tobacco, of superior quality, Sperm and Tallow Candles, Swedes and Russia Iron, Cotton Bagging and Sacking, Newark Cider, suitable for bottling, k.c. &c. And at .Xo. 151, they have a general as sortment of Seasonable DRY GOODS, All of which is offered for sale on the most ac commodating terms. June 7 10 tf Union. If our public men, or our public measures, or our public any thing, deserve censure, why let ihein have it: but let not Dr. Cooper be the censor. He has the right to-be-sure of expressing his opinion in the manner he chooses, but there’s one way more becoming than ano ther, and there’s such a thing as modesty, however little Dr.- Cooper may have to do with it. P. Never mind, let Dr. Cooper go to the dogs. I’ve only one thing more to offer against this woollens bill. Mr. M’- Dulfie says (and he ought to know) that it is intended merely as a bribe to secure the support aud subserviency of a large section ol country to the political views ot Adams and Clay. F. Yes, 31 r. M’DuOle says so, (and he ought to know better,) and he says more than that: but Mr. MT)uffie don’t prove it, nor can he. If the motives ot the ! Administration w’ere such as are attributed 1 to it, measures particularly favoring some I other hitherto inimical portion ot the j Union would have been proposed. The | Northern interest is devoted to Adams ] already. Bribes are not necessary there. | How inconsistent are the enemies of Adams ! It is said that the woollens hill | wmsgot up by him oniy for party purposes, j to secure support: yet the same persons' cry out against it, as being made for New ] uniform i England, a section of whose support the present Administration is already sure!— ! No, 31 r. Planter, they’ll say the same of any and every thing Adams does. He can’t act so, but he will be charged with acting from improper motives. 3Ir. Plant- er, a’ut you an Adams man ? P. Not I, faith. I’m all for Jackson. I like the woollens bill now, but not Adams. If we bad time I’d tell you why I prefer Jackson, but we can’t talk poli tics now, I have an engagement about this time. Good morning! (Exit.) Y. Damn the follow!—(nobody heard me I hope)—I knew I could make a tariff if not an Adams man of him. But I’ll do both yet. I wMI go now’ and convert another infidel neighbor of mine. (Exit.) P. H. LEWIS r. 3?. GIBSON, (wheeleh’s building,) OFFERS FOR SALE, 24000 Lbs. Sweeties Iron, 200 Casks Thomastown Lime, 50 Bbls. Flour, 15 Bbls. Apple Brandy, 35 Kegs White Lead, 30 Boxes Raisins, 10 Quarter Casks Wines,- assorted, 10 Reams Writing Paper, St. Croix Sugar in Hlids. and Bbls. . 5 Tierces Jare.aica Coffee. July 12 19 tf Ol v Peach Brandy, Monortga- hcla Whiskey, &fc. LANDING FROM STEAM-BOATS COMMERCE AND ENTER PRIZE. 30 Boxes Claret Wine, 6 Half Pipes do. 10 Bbls. Double Refined Sugar, 65 Kegs Spiced Salmon, 12 Boxes Brandy Fruits 15 do. Capers and Olives- 10 do. London Pickles, (assorted) 12 Hampers French Cordials, 10 Boxes West India, do 3 Pipes Holland Gin. 2 do Otards Bi.indv 50 Half Bbls. No. 1 Mackerel, IN STORE. 30 Bbls, Newark Cider, 60 Boxes Crab, do. (equal to Champaigne.) 20 Bbls. No. 1 Mackerel, 10 Casks London Potter, &c. &.C. 60 Five Gallon Demijohns, 10 Hampers Wine and Porter Bottles. 15 Boxes white and Brown Soap, 20 M. Superior Spanish Segars. together with a complete assortment of GROCERIES, Of the Choicest Kinds, and on-fair terms, For Sale by N. BYRAM 310ORE, No. 202, Broad-Street. June 7 10 tf NOTICE. M essrs, a. i. l g. w. huntingtcn. will act as our attorney, during o..r absence from the State. Juwe C3 AMPLE r L ROVv’AND. 16 tt Hitds. New-Oileans Sugar 22 do St. Croix «lo 6000 lbs. Bacon 25 bbls N. Gin 10 do N Rum 20 do iiiskey 25 do No. 3 Mackerel 6 do LoafSugas 12 do Cana! Ftour 1 cask London Best Porter 20 (tags prime Green Coffee 50 do Shot, assorted 15 boxes Raisins 5 bales brown Shirting nr.d Skectn g 2 cases Plaids and Stripes tor sale bv Collins <$l Man ton, No. 310 Brocdstrc August 6 26 9t RUSSIA & SWEDES TONS Russia and Swedes IRON, for sale on accommodating terms, for approved pa per. KERRS it. GRAHAM. August 2 25 tf Ur awn Numbers* New York Consolidated Lottery* CLSSS 5tit. 34, 51, 50, 38, 53, 43, 39, 33. Holders of Prizes can obtain the Cash, or re new in the UNION CANAL LOTTERY, 31st Class. The drawing will he received here on Saturday next. Pi izes of $20,000, $6,000, $5,000, $4,000, fcc. £ic.—Tickets $6, and Shares in proportion. RHODE ISLAND LOTTERY, 7th CLASS, DRAWS NEXT WEDNESDAY. The Drawing received here on Tuesday, the 11th September. Tickets only $3, and Shares in proportion. This J.ot try has prizes of $6000, $2000, $1200, $1100, two of $100, he. iic.t nnd sunny smaller j.rize3 of consider able amount APPLY at BEERS’ Fortunate Lotterv Office, No. 241, Broad-Strceli August 27 32 tf Welts 4* Kihhe, Take this oppor tunity of informing our Friends in the City and Country, tiiat owing to our being burnt out on t'.ie night of the 2d rtf July, that we hare removed to the Brick Building, formerly occupied as the Post-Office, between Broad-street and tiie Man sion House, where wc continue our business as D J AFEHS & TAXiO&£, In all its various branches. We have on h ind, Goods of all descriptions, such as will suit ti e lovers of fashion with any article of genteel Dress. Augusta, Aug. 27 32 tf Mrs. Adam Hutchi son bogs leave, respectful ly, to inform her friends and the public, that her School fojr the instruction ofyoung Ladies and Children, will be open in Augusta, on the first Monday of October next. August 27 32 tO The Subscribers Respectfully inform their Friends and the E-jb ■ tic in general, that tl cir WARE-HOUSES AND CLOSE STORAGES Arc ncnc in complete order for the commencement ofihe New Year's business. G i RATEFUL for past favors, they w ith eon- r fidence again.solicit that liberal patronage bestowed on them the iast and previous seasons The undivided attention of each of the concern will be exclusively devoted t- the duties of their business—and they will he orovided to make the usual advances on Produce in Store. YVm. Sims, Williams & Co. Augusta, August 27, 1827. 32 ISt GIN SAW IRON. T HE subscribers hare this day received a fresh supply of Sheet Iron, in excellent or- der, well suited te the manufacture of Cotton Gins, which they offer for sale at No. 317, Broad Street. J.CATLIN, ii Co. Augusta, Aug. 27 32 3t FOR SALE LOW, I F APPLIED for immediately, a complete set of School Desks and t«-nches. Also a Stove. Application to be made to the subscriber, or in his absence, to Mr. Law on the premises. JAS. SHANNON. ALSO, An excellent new Dray and Harness. August 27 S3 tf CASTINGS FOUND. S OME of my children found yesterdav ui the House occupied by mv family Ovens and Lids, and one small Skillet. 1 were concealed in the dust, and are appare new. Persons who have lately lost such cits, may have them by describing the prop and pay ing for this advertisement. Apply t' Subscriber, No. 323, North side of Broad-St IIE.NRY ROBER Julv 23 22 t: INSTINCT PRINT