Georgia courier. (Augusta, Ga.) 1826-1837, August 30, 1827, Image 2

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mmmmm TOR THE GEORGIA COURIER. TIIF. IIARP TO THE SPIRIT i ;i Ting a song of wild delight, When Nipe’her wand shall flpurisf Amid the gloom of darkest night, And bid me faith to cherish. « My harp with softest toaes shall greet. That angel form advancing, To yonder dome, where both shall meet, And mingle joys entrancing, .11 hang it on yon spiral’s! fine : ’Tivixt heaven and earth its number.-: •'"hall wake to life,love’s purest dream, And hymen from his slumbers., I'll hang it o’er yon altar high, V. here joy in place of mourning, With deep devotion’s deepest sigh, And love her incense burning- 'iiall mingle with its softest ton- ^ That spirit pure rejoicing, k And swell tlm anthem with her name ? -AVtljcb on rnv heart is deep engraven; ( ; T.) “ happier days” enjoying, TIDES, ft—- from T::r. united n ites review THE DISINTERRED WARRIOR. Gather him to his grave again. And solemnly and softly lav, Beneath the verdure of the plain, The warrior’s scat oral hones nwav. I’nv the deep reverence taught of old. Th e homage of man’s heart to death, 'Tor trifle even with tl.p mould Once quickened by the Ahn’ghtv’s breath. The soul hath hallowed every part;— That remnant of a martial l.row, Those riiis that held the mighty heart. That strong arm—a lid ’ti.s strcngfhl.css now. ‘ pare them—each mouldering fragment spare Of God’s own image—let them rest, Till not n trace shall speak of where Tli. awful likeness was impressed. ror he was fresher from the hand That formed of earth the human face, And to the elements did stand In nearer kindred than our race. I ', many a flood to madness tost. In many a storm lias been his path, lie hid him not from heat or frost, But met them, and defied their wrath. Then were they kind—the forests here, Givers and stiller waters, paid A trilsute to the net and spear Of the red ruler of the shade. ..r mils on the woodland branches lay. Boots in the shaded mould below; The stars looked forth to teach his way. Tiie still earth warned him of the foe. A noble race ! but they are gone, ith their old forests u Lie and deep. And we have built our homes upon Fields where their generations sleep; T heir fountains slake our thirst at noon, i. pon their hills our harvest waves, Our lovers woo beneath their moon, Ah, Ictus spare at least their graves !. — BF,ACTIFI : L EXTRACT. My mother’s voire ! how often cigeps Its cadence on my lonely hours ! Like healing sent on wings of ijleep, Or dew to the unconscious flowers. I can forget her melting prayer, While leaping pulses madly l;y ; But in the stii! unbroken air, Her gentle tones comes • teating' by, And years, and sin and manhood flee. And leave me at my mother’s knee. The Book of nature, and the print Of beauty on the w liispCi iag sea, Give aye to me some lineemeut Of what I have oeen taught to he. My heart is harder, and perhaps My Manliness has drunk up tears, And there's a mildew in the lapse Of a few miserable years— B it natui e's book is even yet, : With all my mother’s lessons writ I have been out at eventide Beneath a moonlight sky of spring, W hen earth was garnished like a bride. And night i; ci on hersilver wing— When ou.-jtmg leaves and diamond grass, Ami waters b-Cpiug to the light, And all that tikes the pulses pass With wilder liectjicss, throng’d the night- When ail was beauty—then have I, With friends ou whom ray love is flung J.ike myrrh on winds of Arabv, Gaz’d up where evening’s lamp is hung, And when the oeautii'ul spirit there, Flung ofer nit' its-goldeii chain, My mother's voice c.tme on the I.'he tballght dropping of the rain— .and resting ou some silvYr star The spirit of a bended knee, I've pour'd her low and fe; rent prayer. That our eternity might be Jo rise in heaven like stars at night, And tread a living path of light. MARRIAGE VOW. A woman’s vow is far too long Upon a marriage day ; Tor surely when a woman loves, She’ll *■ honor and obey.” •*&3$9&>~ IMPROMPTU. 41 State Rights,— There are in use among those men who makes politics a a profession, certain phrases of supposed or real influence, which, ifrequired to he explained, no man could so define as to hit the popular and varied meaning, much less reconcile with common sense. ‘ Slate Rights,” in the mouth of certain politi cians, has become a phrase nearly allied to “ w itchcraft,” and is used with as much formality and official importance as if it did, in reality,, mean something. The brilliant, but dissolute and heartless Sheri dan, in Iris love of wit and a good thing, ANECDOTES. wjrtby fellow, clapping him on the shoul der, a pheasant, killed upon the grounds of his Majesty. Ah! said Joseph, killed upon the grounds of his Majesty ? you couid not have found a better I’ll warrant. As they apprnched the town, the rain con tinued to fall, Joseph asked his compan ion where he should set him down, Sir, replied the soldier, it is too greeted kind ness, I am afraid of abusing your ***** • H** 'j PROPOSALS BIT P. PH1CH, JR. SO. 66 LOMBARD-STREET—PHILADELPHIA, For publishing a Literary Journal to be called TIIE _ embellished With No, no, said the emperor, y^ur street ? ( The serjeant naming tiie place of his res- ( , J n t ! | instructivecompamou for the parlour, and idencc, requested to know to whom lie , ^ appropriate attendant at the Toilet—tube is- was indebted for so much politeness.— j sued every Wednesday, commencing with the first Guess in Your turn, said Joseph. Mon- j Wednesday rn July next, sicur is a soldier no doubt? . Right sir. ! No exertion will be spared to render THE j , . . T ■ . .11,. .i . i SOUVENIR,” in all respects worthy the patron- Lieutcnant ? Lieutenant! belter than that. ; age _ of the ptlbl i c , both as a cheap and elegant A l/Ol.oncl j cnl p 0 rkunof useful and interesting information, The a nd a valuable repository of choice specimens of Strict attention will Captain? Better than 1 hat. perhaps ? Better then that I say. TIIE IRISHMAN’S GAMECOCK. A gentleman residing in the vicinity of. N. Fork, was* desirous of raising some gamecocks, and accordingly despatched his Irish servant to the city to purchase a quantity of eggs. The Irishman returned highly pleased with the success of his mis sion, and placed the eggs under a hen to hatch. He watched the process of incu bation wiih great impatience, and when tiie future prize-fighters emerged front has, at various times, betrayed how he and j their oval prisons, he seized upon one other men with whom he acted, despised, j mid hastened with jot’ to exhibit it to his : at heart, the means, the principles, and j master. | men, upon which their popularity and sue-! “-Master, Master, ’ cried Pat, “ ounlj ; cess depended. In England, in the days] jisTlook her ! of Fox and Sheridan, as. well as now,! “Parliamentary Reform” were great ! bird and discovered it to be a duck! As . r j words, and without an unceasing and i:oi- fonishment and indignation prevented hint j Marshall . Letter tlian t ‘ iat - Ah • It is i sy use of them, no man stood a moment’s from replying, and Pat continued, j fj ' IC Emperor, l ..e very man, said Joseph, chance for the favor of the Whig part of! “ Theparaty orchards of ould Ireland j unbuttoning lus great coat and exhibiting j of the Nation. Sheridan, of couise, did ' never seed the like of this—look at his I -j IS decorations, . There was no room to : not neglect so potent a means for advanc- | hill, and look at liis fat—(turning up the ! fa!l °| l onc s kneRS m the carnage. Tne I in? his popularity, though, like the rest of webbed toes of the biped) whit a jewel i culprit was overwhelmed will i them, from that day to this, not even ex- : of a fighter he’ll mik—die holy St. Pat- ! anc * supplicated t:ie emperor to let him out cepting Sir Francis Burbett, according to ; rick couldn’t trip him up.” . Orator Cobhetr, he cared no more for | ; ,ny Pheasant,you would be too happ _ “ reform” in parliament than he did lor An Irishman meeting a very tall man 1 w11 lstl “ lllin a * 10 p 11,1 ’ *° ^ r,t 01 *“ r ( pondents who may be expected t uis own relorm. Me take it, tnerolore, . m the street, cried out, by my faith, if I 1 - - 1 *" - - that “ Parliamentary Reform” in England , was as tall as von, and you as small as me, ! and “ State Rights” in America, in the what a pa : r of grenadiers we’d make— j months of politicians, mean any thing but i that’s a bull, cries a oyestaoder ; then gei ■ what they seem to mean. • out of tho wav, honey, for lie misht take j Sheridan, who was amazingly averse to you for a calf, and toss you over his head. S all labor, used to have a short way of rid- | —, ! ding himself of the too prying curiosity of ,. - r ■ ,, - , . , . .( ® . „ * 1 Ala foi !’ said a little Frenchman to Ins many honest oupes to the “ relom. svs- - . , . . 1 . „ , - . " ! friend, as laey walked behind a young t loin, w ho were naturally desirous to know | , ’ , J , - - • ~ , . , - , , , j - • , i strut, who assumed a vast consequence to what extent he would insist upon “rat- ‘ | liamCntary Reform.” He would silence, n M cn lin 'lilrtcn^ litv frwanrlv fia rlrt rtl! Thomas B. Wait & BOSTON’, Publish monthly, a Periodical Work entitle JOURNAL OF EDUCATION PB.OSPBCTUS. T HF. spirit of inquiry, which has of late y extended to every tiling connected w . human improvement, has Ween directed with p i cnliar earnestness to the subject of eduratio, ^ . In our own country, the basis of whose instit !; Splcildld Quarto Engravings, j tions is felt to be intelligence and virtue, this t - • . , , , , . has been recanicd as oue of no ordinary inter HI & work is intended as an agreeable and b , , r and has excited a zeal and an activity wt-rtf , its importance. By judicious endeavors to r* the character of instruction to the promt, j requirements of the public mind, much hash,, done to continue and a-celenfle the career improvement. Thcsevcry efforts, however, ? this success, have produced the conviction t;- inuch remains to be done. A periodical work, devoted exclusive!to catios. would spem likely to be of peculim The gentleman cast his eyes upon tllC ! 1 * 1C ot ‘ iei ' thawing oft into one j .VndVnr-^n'f'"tHF 1 viee at tbe present day. when an interest in - - 'corner of the carriage ; can you be a Field ‘ Tt, f THE subject is so deeply aud extensively felt a, e 1 SOUV ENIrl. and a constant watch fulness pre- , . 1 - . A served over the i Merest* of virtue. period have opportunity and disposiuon for t A portion of the contents will 1 e as follows : j ■ xte » sl 'j e interchange and d.ltusion of tho,;--. 1 ‘Talcs, original and selected from the best I b f en wlavorably combined. Science and Liv, 0 Ariel ican and 'Fa.eign publications; Biographi- i a f* re h f ve *‘'‘r respective pub!,cations m-.i. ’ cal Sketches of ilistin^ulshed persons,^male and j J 1 re j u ar intri ' i ' * ro ™ *e pies>, and contn 1 ; female, particularly the latter ; Anecdotes, Bon ^ ut,n S-wakulably to the dissemination ofknr , \ J Vo,s. .yc If'c. The original matter necessary i » ni * But educa,10n - a subject . ! ‘for this department of. our paper will he furnish- ! ,hc h^est practical importune > every strut, who assumed >n the strength of belrg worth $30,000- M i foi ! I should like to make one grand No, no, said Joseph, a Tier having eaten I ed by individuals who are advantageously known j it v & r c m-i i u!i iid ro vide'd ' l" ill V ’ ’ 1 3 1 to the public through the medium of them Lite-! ’ rcn w» ,,s unprovided u ith one ot tk arv productions; besides the numerous corrcs- j P°P ular ^nd useful vehicles of information. ’ ’ * to contribute. »»nutc detail of the advantages which mm items of intelli- I ex P cctcd to iosu, t from n periodical work. s '„ gence. foreign and domestic occnn nrcs, deaths, i a . s * s now P ro posed, v> c t link unnecessary \\; : mariiagcs, he. I 3. Kngravhigs.—The first number of every , . ' ■ - month will be rmbellishetl with a splendid quarto t0 P r ° c ^ d m our undertaking. NOTICE TO PLANTERS. j Copper Flute Engraving, fitted to the size of the 1 ^ leading object ol the Jot rn ai. will npiIE Tlerchants of Savannah, dcsiious of i work among which v,i:l be the following. Jj improving the quality of Upland Cotton in ! Alhambra. Ancient Fal-lMan. the State of Georgia, hereby offer a premium of ; nee of the Moorish Burning Fountain, one FIFTY DOLLARS, for the best wagon load of | Kings in Spain | of the seven wonder^ Jl°t | withstatiding the eas : lv. I do not intend to let you q until you get home, and, in reality, there he set him down. I the success of other publications of t class before us, we feel abundant encoura j reply. They cannot tell you what “rights” ■ are lost, nor what has become of them: j for that would bring the matter too near ! an inquiry to suit their purpose. It is i however, a ihir:^ when undefined, that j will do to beat amalann dpon, but such has been the indiscreet use made of it, and such the palpable absurdity ofJs the People no longer run al the cry of “Wolf! WoH !”—National Advocate. — Am. dole of Captain Hull—communi cated bp one of his officers.—During the cruise of the frigate United States, in 1826, this ship lav at anchor in the port ot Callao. 'The Castle, which commands the port, was in possession of the Span iards commanded by Gen. Rodil, and was besieged and blockaded bv the Pat riot forces. One, night the British 84, Cambridge, Capf. Mali?, came into the above port, and was fired upon by tiie Castle ; a boat was despatched immedi ately by Cap?. Malig to inquiie the cause of the outrage. Gen. Rodil replied that lie supposed the Cambridge to be the U. States Frigate, Capt. Hull, and he did not consider it proper for any neutral ship of war to anchor within gunshot of the Castlo during that crisis. This answer was communicated to Capt. Hull, in the morning, by Capt. Malig. Capt. II. im mediately cleared his ship for action, 1 double shotted, the guns, hoisted his broad lour gentleman who are blustering about! ,. . . . ,, , , r i ,i. - > • .up. . t>■ • m 1 ma lot it would make me one grand or- ; the country, ana crying out “ State Rights! , fc !“ Lost State Rights !” Ask them what) tunc ' | State Rights ? “ Oil, any State Rights,” j i they will answer you : and inquire where I Some caution is requisite, in passing | they arc—“ Oh, any where” is still their ’ our opinions upon strangers; a caution however which few of us adopt. At a public levee at the court of Sf. James, a ; gentleman said to Lord Chesterfield— j “ Pray, my lotd who is that tall, awkward woman, yonder?”—“ That lady sir, re-! plied Lord Chesterfield, “ is my sister.' 1 ' j The gentleman reddened with confusion j and stammered out—“ no, no my lord, | I beg your pardon ; I meant that very ugly woman, wdio stands *e.\t to the Queen.” “ That lady, sir,,’ answered Lord Chesterfield calmly—“ that lady, sir, is—my ivifc." I'p'iiml Cotton, of not less than eight bales— ; View of the permanent' _of Danpliiny. THIRTY DOLLARS for the second local of not Bridge over the Sclutyl-!Grotto of Oselles. less than eight hales, and TWENTY DOLLARS kill. | Temple of Pluto, for the third be.-t load of not less than eight bales, i .Etna, from the Gardens Pont Du Card, near the growth and property of the person sending j of the Prince ofBisea-| Nismes. Languedoc, the same to be exhibited. The exhibition will ria. . iSanssure's ascent o- 19tb i View of St. Petersburgh j Mont Blanc. Petty’s ! Arcli Street Ferry, Phi:- Cascade near Ovsans, adelphia. ! Dauphit.y. Paraclete, founded by Desert of the Grand Abelard. i Chartreuse. Giant’s Causeway and East Prospect of Gi- BrulgeofBrido.n. ! ant’s Causeway. State Prison, Auburn, Castle of Segovia. New York. ILakeof KiHarney from Tynwald Hill, Isle of Keniuure Park. Each Subscrilvcr will thus be furnished yearly with 13 superior Copperplate Engravings, the price-of which if purchased singly would more than double the annual cost of the entire work. •1. The Toilet.—In addition to the usual Litera ry matter contained in similar publications, the Proprietor has completed an arrangement by If the offer pectable exhibition, one or two more will take place in the course of the season, and the same premium be awarded. The Cotton be ing equal, a pieference will be given to square bales The following personsJiavc been appointed to award premiums, viz : EEN'J. BURROUGHS. IV M. GASTON. TlIOS. BUTLER. STEPHEN C. GREEN. JOS. AUZE. Aug. 27 32 When Gen. Lincoln went to make pence with the Creek Indians, one of the cb-efs asked him to sit down on a log. lie was then desired to move, and, in a few minutes to move further. The request was repeated till the General got to the end of the log. The Indian then said, “Move farther;” to which the General replied, “f can move no farther.” “Just so it is with us,” said the chief; “ you have moved us back to the water, and then ask us to move farther l” —S>Q£3— Nov it Application of Electricity, cr New Way to Pay Old Debts. A certain physician, who possessed a powerful Electrical Machine, discovered a sheriff making rapid strides towards liis house ; and suspecting from circumstances that lie had some designs on Jiis personal A leading nish a record of facts, cmbiacirgi mation the most diligent inquiry ran procur regarding the past and present state of;-, in the United States, and in foreign countries. \ opportunity will thus be afforded for a fair ca parison of.the merits of various sy stems of i struction. The results of actual experiment v. be presented ; and the causes of -failure, ns as of success, may thus be satisfactorily, and be made to suggest valuable improvement, The conductors ofthe Jotms.w. will make their constant endeavor to aid in diffusing tub ed and liberal tines of education. Nothing. • seems to us, has more influence in retardin', tr progress of improvement in the science of in,; - lion, than narroi and impartial views of r. i. - education should be expected to produce. J M ., i lectual attarnmeats have been too exclusively f„ object of attention. It is too common a ihinvt cons dor a man well educated, if lie has inndr proper use of the facilities for the acquisition, learning; though the restilt may have been ob tained at the expense ol his health, and w ith nine neglect of that moral culture, which is thesiir,. foundation of happiness. In many plans of of, cation, v.hieh are in other respects excellent. fact seems to have been overlooked that man ; sesses an animal, and a moral, as well as an in tellectual constitution. Hence the fatal nee 1 .,,: j which he will be enabled to furnish correct <lc- ! scriptions ofthe prevailing fashions, both foreign | of the requisite provisions for the developci land domestic, illustrated with elegant engra- j of the corporeal system, fc the coi.ii, nutinn j rings, besides the regular series, cnce in each j improvement of health, the only loir ' | quarter; places of fashionable resort; sketches I mental as well as b- lily power. 'J he n: :i I of life, manners, he. &ic. at the earliest possible ! partment of education has too I period, and from the most authentic sources. ! 5. Editor’s department; Notices of passing I events: The Drama, New Publications; Criti- i cisms ; Reviews, he. he. ; pendant and tlm American colours and 1 liberty, the worthy M. D. made prepara- said to liis chief officer I'll see if he will | fre into met Tho frigale was soon mi- j der way, with tomkins out, matches light- ! cd, and sailed close to the C istle without i receiving a shat. But a boat was sent b) - j General Rodil to Capt. Hull, with an apoloyy, which was accepted, and the j frigate returned to her former anchoring i ground. No doubt existed in the mir-’s i of any ofthe officers of Captain Hull, that I a severe engagement would ensue, if the I fiigaie was-fired upon.— T/iomaston Reg j. Woman.—Tiie following picture of , woman, taken from an essay in the Quar ! terly Review, is recommended to the at- ; tentton of out countrywomen, j Speaking of the middle ranks of life, the writer observes-, “ There wo behol ’ woman in all her gloi,y :- not a doll to car- | ty silk arid jewels, a puppet to be <lan- j slierifi’ again dated to touch the fatal | ^- v c 9 xconi ^ children, an idol for j knocker, than he found himself twelve [ pr°f*.ne adoiation ; always jostled of (lie j nearer the centre of the earth a tions accordingly, to ward off the antici pated attack. Attaching a conductor (from his electrical apparatus) to the knocker on the front door, he then charg ed the machine to a very high degree, and waited the result. Tiie steps which ascended to the front door had an eleva tion of fourteen feet. Clothed in all the importance of thp law, the sheriff ascend ed, and with a firm grasp seized the fatal knocker. Instantly he found himself at the bottom of the steps. After having re covered in some measure from a blow given bv^ an 'liveable power, and having Collected Ids scattered writs and execu tions, together with Ills scattered senses, j in the United States and elsewhere, whereas n-jt lie made a second nttembt: wonderin'* at j orc spurious mixtures made in imitation ,1 ■ . i p • jv” of it, is supported by the Faculty. This fact of- h \‘ if, l IOfJ ] in F n ? , i fers an argument so plain and conclusive, that it •Meanwhilethe doctor had again charged ; needs o'nW to-be mentioned to enforce convic- Iiisfiithful conductor. No sooner had the | tion. TERMS. j 1 1 HE SOUVENIR” will be published every ' lVeduesday morning, on extra-medium fine white ; paper, printed-with new and elegant type, and j decorated, in addition to the cngrav’ngs alluded ; to above, with many appropriate embellishments. | Each No. will comprise eight pages, stitched and j expressly adapfed for binding. At the expiration of every year, or (he close of n volume, subsori- i bers will be furnished gratis with a general index | of the contents, and a handsomely engraved ti- j tie page. Price of subscription R2 20 per annum paya- | ble in advance. Post Masters and others out of the city, procuring five subscribers and becoming responsible for the payment will be entitled to a For the cure of Scrofula, or King’s Evil, Ulcers, ! sixth copy grat!-. Rheumatism, Syphilitic, Mercurial and Liver j TJie Copper-Plate embellishments will he su- Complaints, and most Diseases arising in de- j perintef.ded by the Publisher, and the tvpo- bilitated constitutions, or from an impure state j graphical part* of this work will he under theex- of the Blood, fcc. he, j elusive direction of Messrs. Atkinson k. Alexan- ! der, who have been so long known to the public j as able and enterprising artizans, that it is eutire- | ly unnecessary to say that so far as they are con- TIJUPIN lV i/ANTIGNAC, AGENTS. Here just received a fresh supply of the celebrated Swaim’s Panacea. rjT HIS Medicine has acquired a very extend- 5 nd and established celebrity both in Hos pital and Private practice, which its efficacy alone lias supported for these seven years past. As a spring or fall purifier it has given new constitutions to thousands, it is by its operation on the Blood that such surprisingcures have been performed in numerous diseases. The effect of this medicine is such as not to in terrupt either business or pleasure, and requires only the common restraint of moderation in diet. It is conveyed by the circulating fluids, and cor rects their tendencies to all (hose diseases which originate in vitiated blood, diseased liver, or der praved appetite, k is a safe medicine, and re moves all those evilsWhich an unsuccessful use of mercury so often- occasions. No onp, how ever is advised to take it without first fully con vincing himself of the truth of what is here stated and the rectitude of the Proprietor’s intentions. This Medicine has the singular fortune, a just tribute to its •t eat merit, of being recommended by the most celebrated Practitioners of Medicine cerned, there can be no doubt as to the elegance of its execution ; and with regard to his own share of the arrangements, the Publisher binds himself, in case he should fail to perform anv es sential part of his undertaking to refund the { rice of subscription. Agents will shortly be appointed in different partsof the United-States, until which time sub scriptions w ill be received by PHILIP PRICE, Jr. No. 66 Lombard street, Philadelphia, to whom all orders must be addressed, post paid.—And al so 6y Judah Dobson, 108 Chesnut street; at the Office of the Saturday Evening Post, No. 112 Chesnut street, two doors belo w the Post-Office. July 9 17 Prom Dr Win. Price, formerly Surgeon of the Pennsylvania Hospital, he. 5 ., ' Liverpool, (exg.) Sept. 1823. j true place winch natuie and socie.y would ; C0IJ{ j time. Remembering the old adageffcea, prepared by Mr. Swains, of Philadelphia, assign tier, by sensuality .or by contempt ; j u beware 'of the th rd time.” he.ywffiedi- j has recently been introduced here by Dr. Price, t admired but not respected; desired, but | a * c ] v quit the premises lefri'ih” uie doc- j fi ’ oni the United States of America, where it is | not esteemed ; ruling by fasliion, not ttf- ! ‘ (or in f.,u possession of the “castle” he A 10 ' vex,en ' ii V e jL. uscd iu thc treatment of a tarie- j fection ; imparling her weakness, not her | ,, ad s0 %rel ] defended. a . ' ' V '' " l ° n,C I constancy, to which she should I exalt: the source and the mirror of van- ! i'.v. i j - “He see, her as a wife partaking the | cares arul cheering the anxiety of the has- j band ; dividing his labors by domestic dil- j igence, spreading cheerfulness around oer; with a hole seeing a beautiful l-.idy pai.iti in her stocking. ■ To see a lady of such grace, \> nh so much sense and such a face, So slatternly, is shocking ; Oh ! that you would with Pallas vte, Your brushes and your paints lay by, And leara to mend vour stockins Rail River Monitor. Anecdote of Joseph II.—The empe ror, Joseph II. who was remarkable for the simplicity ofhis manners, was in the habit of riding out frequently unattended, for liis sake, sharing thc decent refinemets i Babitcd in a plaiu s.irlout, and exhibiting f the world without being vain of them ; ' onl y t!l < ! appearance ofa private gentle- j placing all her pride, all her joy, ali her j n3 ™* Otie morning that Joseph thus dis- ! happiness in the merited upprobatiou of! gaiscu, was chiving alone iu the environs ! the man she honors. j f th « 1 ca P rta I l ,» , 5t fj e ? an t0 rai ’b w ben he j “As a mother we find her the affection-! » card himself hailed by a pedestrian, who ! ate, the ardent instructress of the children ; same moment made hinra sign to j she has tended from their infancy ; train- jT n P - , T"} 10 ern P ernr re inecl up his horses, j ing them up to thought and virtue, to med-! Sir . said tIie soldier, (for it was the serjeant j.itation ;u*d benevolence, addressing, them. | °flhe Royal Guards that approached) ! as rational beings, and preparing them to j wou ^ R be impertinent to demand a place i he men and women in their turn.” i by your sjf-e? it would not inconvenience j y°u greatly, since you are alone in your Few persons are aware of the amount I carriage, and it would save my uniform, of the Jewelry business done in Philadei-. which was put on new to day. Save your uniform my brave fellow, and take vour phia. A single house employs 116 indi viduals ; some idea ot the value ofthe ma terials used in their manufacture may be formed from the fact, that in that estab lishment, tlie mere sweepings of the work i op, cleared of rubbish, produces about $17-00 of pure gold annually. The quan- of pi ecious stones used, is very great, and their cost must be immense. There Very few people, properly speaking, live ! is a finger ring with a single diamond in iding to live ano- ‘ ibe above establishment, for which $1500 t present, but are prov her time. is charged. seat, said Joseph. Where do you come from this morning ? where do I come from? Ha ! hal said the serjeant, from the house of a game-keeper, one ofmv friends where I have iust been making m splendid breakfast. What had you there ; Guess. Peas Porridge? Peas Porridge! better than that. Sourcrout?—Bette' than that. A loin of Veal ? Betierthan that. Faith, said the emperor, I am at the end of my guesses. A pheasant, my Of the efficacy of this preparation Dr- Price hes hadabundantand most satisfactory evidence, daring a coarse of experiments made under his direction, nhiist Surgeon of the Pennsylvania Hospital; and since liis arrival in England, lie has had the good fortune of witnessing many ad ditional instances of its successful administration. Thc diseases in which this Medicine lias been pat Ocularly useful, are those arising from con stitutional causes—as in the various forms of Scrofula, whether affecting the bones, joints, or soft parts; and in cases, where a disposition to this disease is manifested by debility oulv, it operates as a preventive to the local disease by its beneficial effects on the constitution. It is equally efficacious in mercurial disease, and in the secondary forms of Sypilis, and has lately been gwen with marked success ia chronic dis eases of the Liver, which had resisted the careful exhibition of mercury It has, likewise, very re cently been administered with decided advant- age by ope of tiie most distinguished Surgeons in London, in a case which had entirely destroyed the right eye of the patient, and a great portion of the side of the face. WM. PRICE, M. D. May 28 7 INSURANCE AGAINST if IMPORTANT PAMPHLET. We have collected the Charges against Mr. Clay, in all their forms, beginning with George Kremer’s, and have embodied them with the re sponses in Pamphlet form, which may now be had at the office ofthe Baltimore Patriot. The work is arranged ;.s follows :— 1. Mr. Clay’s letter to Judge Brooke cf Virginia; giving his reasons for his intended vote for Air. Adams— 2. Kremer’s charge in a letter to the editor of the Columbian Observer, at Philadelphia— 3 Mr. Cla.y’s Card— 4. George kremer’s Card— 5. Mr. Clay’s appeal to thc House of Represen tatives, calling for a Committee of investiga tion— 6. Report cf tho Committee, of which Mr. P. P. Barbour of Virginia, was Chairman— 7 Mr. Clay’s nomination to the Senate, and the votes thereon— [Here the matter ought to have rested, but no, ajtcr a lapse of two and a half years, Gen. Jackson opens the subject anew, as follows:] 8. Carter Beverly’s celebrated Fayetteville letter, in which he gives General Jackson’s accusato ry remarks at his own house, “ before all his company”— 9. Gen. Jackson’s letter to Carter Beverly.— 10. Air. Clay’s reply— 11. Gen. Jackson’s reply to Air. Clay, in which he gives James Buchanan, a member of Con gress from Pennsylvania, as his authority for his assertions about bribery, corruption, See. 12. Air. Buchanan’s reply, which effectually prostrates to the earth every imputation a- gainst Air. Clay and his friends— 13. Mr. Clay’s mastprly Speech at the Lexington dinner, in which he takes a vivid and full view of the whole ground. This is one of the most interesting and import ant publications that is to be found in the history of American Politics, Those of the Jackson party who are open to conviction and are seeking for truth, are invited to call with the friends of the administration and ) supply themselves. Aug. 37 . 32 restricted to an occasional word of parental probation or reproof; or, at the best, t . " > limited by thespherr of domestic life. T; •; u ral consequence of the restrictions the u laid on education, is, that ve often f, i t same individual a learned head, but a dt i lit t. j body, and a neglectpd heart. Education 4 on', we think, be regard* d as the means of fi tii - t,.- for the i'Lch-1 ge of all Ins duties : it ~hoiild pr (luce vigorous and hardy bodies, trained to p -v, erfu! action, and inured to privation and f- - >7 . hearts formed to all that is pure and rob/.- 1 moral principle; and minds prepared for o. dent exertion in 1* .attever mar be rtn-ir ttv-p. meat in the ereat business of aeromplisliins t!.- purposes of human existence. Under these as pressions. v e shall give to physical edwc'l< • ti...- proportion of our attention which seems ih: : its importance. Mural education we shall c der as embracing whatever is to form the h and stamp the character. Thc infiuen. •: of *. ample in the sphere of daily intercourse, we re gard as the most powerful instrument iu tiie ! matioii of moral habits. In no light d ; v. c can- template the pi ogress of education with more- satisfaction, than when we view it as elevating and purifying the gient body ofthe comrmmit aud thus affording to the attentive and refleetin parent, thc pleasing assurance, that his clTor: with his children at home, will not he counter act. il by contaminating example abroad. 1’ar- ticular attention will be paid to domestic educatin'. or that which emanates from parental and tannh influence ; nor shall we neglectpersonrl educe tion, or that which consists in the voluntary for mation of individual character. The subject of female education is one which was deemed unspeakably important, he ban no hesitation in expressing our conviction that it has not yet received the consideration which it merits. Whatever concerns tiie culture of thc female mind, extends ultimately to the formation of aH minds, at that early and susceptible p rw<! when maternal influence is forming’ the impr< s ons which eventually terminate in mental am moral habits. But the theme is too full of impor tant and interesting topics to admit of disem-:'!: 1 in a prospectus. There is no department of oar labours, frofti which we anticipate a higher grab ! fication, than enr endeavors to aid tire iu.-'v \ tion ofthe fomale sex. j Our efforts shall be directed chiefly to ear’, j and elementary education, because it is, in cur | view, more important than that of any other p ! riod or department. At the same time, we sh - 1 not omit the higher branches of science and lit erature, nor the training preparatory to prof< ,: sional pursuits. In particular branches of in struction, w i have no favorite theories to obtrude To what is of old standing, we have no ho^tuitv arising merely from its being old. Novelty w shall always regard as an indifferent circut stance, rather than a. recommendation. But ex planatory, practical instruction, under ® iiatever name it may appear, we shall be happy al! time> to aid with our best exertions. As our pages are to be devoted exclusively to the cause of education throughout our country- an earnest and cordial invitation is gi- en to per sons in every quarter, who take an interest in our labours, to assist us by thc communication o’- useful and interesting matters. CONDITIONS. The work will be published monthly, on fine paper and new- type. Each number -vill contai ■ 64 pages, in octavo. Terms four dollars per ar. num. August 2 52 J OHN BEACH having resigned the agency •t the Hartford Fire Insurance Company in consequence of his intended removal from the State, the Board of Directors have appointed the Subscriber their Agent, who will take risks on property in Augusta and its vicinity. Apply at the store recently occupied by said Beach, No. 317, Broad Street, where the Agent can be found or at the store of J. it W. Catlin, JOEL CATLIN, Agent April 26 90 (t.f DR. M’WHORTER will continue his Professional Services in the City and its immediate neighborhood. May 24 Q JOB PRINTING, Neatly executed at this Office. NOTICE. T HE subscriber having become the purchaser of a Tract of Land, survey-*L/in 1S06. for Thos. Sandwich and then jaining ' lands of Ar- gus Alartin, John Moore, John Mdiedge, Geonfl Wisinger, O. Eve and Hansony gives this pubb‘ notice to all whom it may concern, that he wr- proceed to have the same restsrveyed on Thors' day the 30th instant. H. MEAL INC- August 20, 1827 30 3t FOR SALE. T HE six acre Lot above Turknetts Spring adjoining the property of W. Smith, Es; The situation is commanding and pleasant, anu it is in the neighbourhood of good water. l r - disputed Titles will be given to the purchaser. FOR TERMS APPLE TO W. A. BUGG, Agent May 31 * « Blanks of all Descriptions, Printed and for Hale at this Office INSTINCT PRINT