Georgia courier. (Augusta, Ga.) 1826-1837, September 03, 1827, Image 1

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OBCUA COURIER. VOL. 2. AUGUSTA, GEO. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1827 NO. 34. PCf.nSMUD EVERY MONDAY AND THURSDAY 2 O’CLOCK. P. WE. vo r(I> Brick Building, opposite Mr. Cummings j,u\v Buildings, M'Intosli Street. Mr-Ho"" If the monitor within your breast, be as the Duke of Wellington ("Cheers.) not already awakened, or you regard not Many circumstances lead me to this conclu- what is said to you, listen, I charge you, | sion. Amendments which preceded that to the still small voice of conscience/ It j of die Noble Duke had payed Hie wav can admonish vou more potently, and . for him ; I believed, unconciously to him- convince you mo'rc deeply, than can words self. Certain words were omitted in the from the lips of man. Ifyou have not al- , first clause of the bill, without which, the ...linns, are require,!, liv law, to be held on the I rea£ j v begun to feel that vou owe vour be-, amendment of the noble Duke could not Ti’*^Y in the month, het^en the 1 ing t " 0 an Almighty and Eternal ‘'Author,; have been mooted. When, I say, I see ‘ n nd that you have offended, not merely | these and other little circumstances, I can- against human ordinances, but against the : not help thinking there was some master immutable laws of the infinitely wise and righteous Ruler of the Universe; if you directions. of and Higrott, by Administrator.., Exycn cnoSn and three in Ih, . , rounty in which the property is situate^—Notice °r >‘-c s des must lie given in a public gazette SLvJ x days -evious totlie day of sale. Notices of the sale n{ personal proper! v most lie given ill , r manner, FORTY days previous to the day of sale.' Notice to the debtors and creditors of an estate, must he ^ :■ 'dished for forty days. r 0r . 1 do not already believe that vour accoun- Noliee that application will he mad, to the Court oi , J * . , inarv for levac to sell land, must be published for MM- ; tablllty IS not COllfined to tills WOlId, dS MONTHS. sure as you still exist, you will one day know it; and you will soon know, that SENTENCE OF STRANG. The following is Judge Ducr’s address ,o Strang when he pronounced the sen tence nf the law upon him.* It had a per ceptible effect upon the prisoner, and the whole audience appeared deeply impres sed with the awful solemnity of the occa- sion: Jrssc Strang! Hearken to what I shall sav to you. You have been indicted on . . the oaths of the Grand Inquest of the | even for one so vile and wretched as your- county of Albany, as a principal felon in hand which directed the movements of the various machinery by which the object was attained. That that surmise is correct, I have no doubt, for else it would not have been possible to have got toge ther voters, so discordant on every other without the divine mercv, vou must meet! subject to agree upon a point which every eternal punishment—as sure as there is a j impartial person must conceJe to be anv q 0( j. j thing but advantageous to the professed Prepare then, to meet him face to face, object of the bill. \\ e do not, theiofoie, Pray if you ever have, or ever can for his I propose to bring forward ^any permanent mercy ; for that only can avail you now. j Die you must—fin earth you can expect no pardon—from heaven alone, must you look for it ; and there may be mercy there the Murder of John Whipple, to which indictment on your arraignment you plead ed Not Guilty, and for your deliverance put yourself upon your country. The ju ry selected from that country, for your tri- ul, have found you Guilty and it remains only for the court to passsentence ofdcath against you. Have you aught to say why the judgment of the law should not be pronounced upon you ? You say nothing. Nothing is to be said. The crime for which you are to suffer is of the de epest dye—the circumstances un der which it was committed are of the most atrocious character, and your guilt has been most clearly established. By your own confession, you planned and execu ted the destruction of the deceased, with the most deliberate and perfidious cruelty, Not with the ferocitv of the tiger, but with the cunning of the serpent and the malig nity of a fiend. Impelled by lust and av arice, you directed your subtle machina tions to the possession of the person and properly of his wife, and having succeed ed in one part of your design, you pursu ed it with remorseless energy and unre lenting perseverance until you had remov oil as you supposed, the solo obstacle to the accomplishment ot the other, i nu commenced by seducing this weak, infat uated woman from her allegiance to her husband; proceeding, you beguiled her from her duty to society, her family, and her God, and ended her ruin with the mur der of her husband ; and had you escaped . . c , .. t detection, you would probablv novo real tation that tempted j self. But it is to be obtained only from the infinite mercy of the God whom you have denied ; through the merits and in tercession of the Saviour you have despis ed; and by the influence of the holy spir-j it, whose aid you have rejected.—Full' and unfeigned repentance, is the only con dition on which it is vouched. But your heart of stone must be converted to a heart measure. In honesty, I am bound to make that answer to the question put to me. But I have no doubt," that whatever temporary delusion may exist upon this question, that it will pass away in the course of another session of Parliament, and that in particular on the clause which has been under discussion to night will not stand in our way, as it will be discussed out of doors, and its true nature be under stood by the country. Other amend ments also the House will then be prepa red to acquiesce in, and, altogether, I have no doubt that that which is now difficult, Wells <$• Kibbe, Take this oppor- - t tunity of informing our j Friends in the City and j Country, that owing to j our being burnt out on the j night of the 2d of July, that we have removed to the Brick Building, formerly occupied as the Post-Office, between Broad-street and the Man- • sion House, where we continue our business as DRAPERS & TAILORS, i In all its various branches. We have on hand, Goods of all descriptions, such as will suit the j lovers of fashion with any article of genteel ! Dress. Augusta, Aug. 27 32 tf j H, To Rent, A Store No. 136, Broad Street, next above E. Wood & Co.—Apply on the premises or toj. X. Fhilnot. August 20 ' 30 <t\r JtZtl l*!80i ilii TO RENT, of flesh—you must be brought to feel, aud | will shortly be easy. Before I sit down, I abhor as well as to acknowledgeyour guilt; | beg to say that any allusions I may have and through penitence and contrition, must! made to the Duke of Wellington, have your soul bo purified. Be not, however, j been made in no spirit of hostility to him, deceived ; your onlv hope of pardon after j as I am satisfied that however much we death, depends on the sincerity of your j may differ as to the whole of his. clause, repentance before you die. For in the j and that he over values it I think will grave there is neither repentance nor for- j shortly be seen, lie yet thought be was giveness, neither can man venture to assure j acting rightly. In conclusion I hog to you of pardon : for God alone can read your heart. Improve then, the time affor ded you. It will be long enough for ev ery essential purpose of preparation; bin not for encouraging vain and delusive im aginations, or reviving lingering regrets, or fallacious expectations. From this in stant consider yourself cut off from the world and all that therein is; look only up on your entrance to the next. And at your . final departure, seek not the applause of ! men, hut humble yourself as it becomes ! you before an offended God. Affect not j the character of an heroic felon, but cn- ' deavor to behave like a Christian ; and ! however contrite and penitent 3 r ou may j feel, be not deluded into supposing your- ! self a martyr or a saint, but remember to 1 the last moment of your life, that yqp are sav, that unless I am better advised- than at present, the measure that is brought forward next season shall be the same in principle, and tend" to the same object, and I trust in God it may secure the same advantages as were likely to be atiended by the bill of this session fchcers.)” ?.ed the guilty expect you to these acts of complicated villain'.— IT, tithe murderer seldom escapes detection, nr l/es for anv length of time concealed. Even-handed justice sooner or later is sure m overtake him; and a special Providenre scents frequently to discover him, when, trusting to his artifices, lie thinks himself secure. 'Phismay have been the case with you. You probably imagined that if v ou could f'iudo tlie vigilance of man, your guilt would continue umevenled, or even, that if yon could escape punishment in this world, you would have nothing to appre hend in that which is to come. But jus tice lias been swift to overtake you, and you now stand convicted, trembling and weeping before a tribunal of your fellow j men. How will you appear before your God/ Perhaps you doubt that there is a God, and from the selfish obduracy’ ot vour conduct, as well as from reports foun ded on your own confessions, which though not officially’ before us, have from their notoriety reached our ears, we fear that your heart has been long since hardened, and your mind darkened into Atheism ; that infidelity was the source of an early and intense depravity, and the ultimate cause of your last most aggrava ted and henious crime. ^ ou have indeed pursued your career of blood, regard less of God or man. You have defied the powers of the earth, and set at nought the vengeance of heaven . Reckless ot your own fate you have not scrupled to involve in it, the temporal and eternal doom of o- thers.—You have sent a confiding hus band suddenly’ to his account; and sought the destruction, body and soul, of a treach erous and deluded -wife. And you have done all this without provocation, without resentment, without animosity’, without passion ; but iu cold-blooded malignity, and from heartless calculations of profit to yourself. In contemptjot the divine com mand, y’ou coveted y’our neighbor’s house and his wife, and in order to obtain them, you have violated without compunction, every remaining precept of the moral law. If you had no dread ot eternal conse quences, and deliberately resolved to ha zard your own reputation, your peace of O MR. BMHM. FFERS liis services to the Citizens of Au- Tite sentence of the law is that you Jesse Strang otherwise called Joseph Or ton, be taken hence to the place from whence you came, there to remain in cus tody o ’the sheriff' of the county of Alba ny until Friday the 24th of August, inst. on which day, between the hours of twelve at noon and three thereafter, you arc to be brought forth by the said sheriff to a place to be by him selected for the purpose, and there liung by the neck until you are dead —And may God have mercy on your im mortal soul. Iu the debate on the Corn Laws in the British House of Commons, on the lSth June, Mr. Canning delivered two. anima ted speeches, the second of which has a .remarkable conclusion, as follows ; “ It is asked, why I do not introduce a permanent bill? That, sir, was a point I avoided, as I did not wish to subject my self to the necessity ofapplying myself to it. But the question lias been asked, and I shall reply to it. I know no reason why I shoud hold one language within the walls of this House, and another out of them: hut if I were out of them, I should j answer fairly, that it was because there existed in the House of Parliament, a deep rooted spirit to reject wlfatever bill of that sort the House of Commons might think fit to send up. (Lord and long cheering.) Is there any r man, either out of or in the House, who will lay his hand on his heart and say' that hebelieves no such spirit to exist, (hear, hear.) I have conversed with men of all parties in this House, and they have all seen it, and agreed with me in opinion. Some did it in lamentation, others in indignation and anger, and some again in triumph. Out of litis House the same opinion prevails, and not a single man have I conversed with who has not seemed convinced that the hundred and thirty-three votes for a ccrtaia amendment were guided by no bond ot sympathy bc- vond a disinterested conviction of the ad vantage to be derived from the course they pursued. (Loud laughter.) I have | conversed with those who walk the streets i —(continued laughter)—yes, I have j conversed with those who walked the j ('Peals of laughter.) I have! ho intends opening a SCHOOL, on Monday, September the 3d, in lleynolds-strcet, within a few doors of the Episcopal Church, wltctc those committed to his care, can be instructed in Latin, Greek, English, (comprising,) Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, Geography,.kc. kc. kc. Mr. f'eahan can produce testimonials from the President and Vice-President of the Philoso phical and Classical Seminary of Charleston, South-Carolina, and confidently hopes by his assiduous attention to give every satisfaction to Parents and Guardians, who may be so kind as to patronize him. mr r leferences can be made toitlr. Beahan, at the School, or to the Rev E. Swiney, at the Roman Catholic Parsonage. August 30 ‘ 33 2t AUCTION. COMMISSION BUSINESS. T HE subscriber continues to transact the AUCTION fc COMMISSION BUSINf- SS, and solicit* a share of patronage fiom his friends and the public. The strictest punctuality may be relied on in rendering sales, with proceeds, as soon as effected. LATHAM HULL. Auctioneer, A'o. 210 Broad-street. August 30 33 wGt Doctor Griffin W. Holland, respect- fully tenders his profes- T'v ’ 1 va,ua T l i ,e Esta . blis !‘ m ™ t ’ k, TY’ a *\ ,,e • " i „• JL Mansion House, lit the City ot Augusta. situated on Green-street, and at present occupied by Mr. M’Keen. The accommodations are ex tensive and good. The situation is considered one of the most eligible tor a Public House in the city. Possession given on the 1st of October next. For terms apply at the Branch Bunk. Augusta. June 7 HI if sional services to the ci tizens of Augusta, 'nffd its vicinity. He may be found at all times, except when engaged in the duties of his profession, at the Office of Dr. Win. Savage, or the Mansion House. August 20 30 6tp ABYEXITISEME ^ T. Persons having busi- ’ness in the following Coun ties, (to wit:) Bibb, Mon roe, Pike* Upson, Butts, Henry, Newton, Crawford, Houston, Fayette, De Kait , Coweta, Carroll, Troup, Muscogee, Lee, Twiggs and Jones, can have it promptly attended to by the undersigned,-by leaving the papers in the hands 6f Wrn. Longstreet, Esq. who is authorized to receipt for the same. PRINCE k POE. of Macon. Augusta, 23d Aug. 1S27. 31 w3m Mrs. Adam Hutchi son begs leave, respectful ly, to inform Iter friends and the public, that her School for the instruction of young Ladies and Children, will be open in Augusta, on the first Monday- of October next. August 27 3*2 tO NOTICE. The Copartnership of Shepard & Chichester, was dissolved on the ISth July last by mutual consent.— Those having claims against the firm, will please to present them, and those indebted, to make pay ment to to them, oi to J. P. Force, their at torney. August 10 29 Ot During my absence ~ from the City, Mr. Tho’s G. Casey, and my broth er, Frederick Harris, will attend to any buiincss in which I am interested. August 9 WILLIAM HARRIS. 27 tO city. July 26 Barna M’Kinne, Esq is our authorized Agent, du ring our absence from the HAND & BARTON. 23 tf tt?” Mr. Abner Washburn, jr.. is inv authorized Agent, during my absence from this City. F. S. WARNER. August 30 33 tf’ NEXT LOTTERY. RIIODE-IS LA ND West Baptist Society Lottery. _ 7th CLASS. The Drawing will be received here, onTUES- ! DAY, 11th September. Highest Prize $6,000. 1 Prize of $2,000 1 yy 1.200 1 yy 1,100 2 yy 1,000 5 yy 4,000 10 yy 250 NOTICE. All persons having business with the subscribers, will please call on Messrs. R- B. fc D. G. Haviland, who are duly authorized to give receipts, and act as our agents during <xir ab sence from this State. WASSON Si NICHOLS. Augusta, Geo. June 27,1827 16 3iu w e are authorised to announce-Robert Dillon* Esq. a candidate for the Representative Branch of the Legislature at the next election; August 2 24 tf TO RENT, The two story Brick Building, oc cupied at present by Doctor Dacosia and Mr. Weshburn. The stands are well calculated for a Grocery or Dry Goods business, being situated in a commercial part of the city. AI.SO, Tlie Dwelling occupied by Dr. Fielding, in a. healthy and pleasant part of this place. Posses sion given on the first October rt xt. For terms apply to WM. P. PEARMOND August 20 *' 30 wtO TO RENT, And possession given fust October, Three Dwelling;. Nos. 1, 61, and 60, Broad-street: <,r either of them would be sold, or exclfanged for Negroes or landed property, in this c/V the adjoining counties, if not more than 30 or r‘.> miles from town. ANDREW MACI.EAN August 9 27 4tw lags ill TO RENT, The House and Lot, on Bridge- Street, at present occupied by Mr- James Murray, AI.SO, The House and Lot, on Biidge. Streci. at present occupied hr Messrs J. fc R: Kirkpatrick. ALSO, a Four Houses a:-«d Lots, in the lower end of town, on Green and Ellis Streets.— Possession given on the first of October next. Apply to E. BUGG. August 27 32 tf I! 1 s§s SB TO RENT. Two convenient Dwelling Houses on the South side of Broad-Street near the lower end of the Market, one at present occupied by Mr. B. B. Cheshire, and the other, lately by Mr. Charles Wilson, the Kitchen of the latter is prepared for moulding Candles, and the dwelling has a convenient stoic on Broad-street. Possession given on 1st Octo ber. Applv to J G. M’WIIOKTEBf. July 19 21 wt6. NOTICE. I! 8 W ILL be Rented, at the Market-house, in the City of Augusta, between the usual lioutT Cur enlc5, on-thc first Tuesday in September next, the HOUSES and LOTS, belonging to the estate of M. C. Leavenworth t—The Richmond Hotel, on Broad-street, and opposite the New Market. ALSO, Two Tenements, adjoining the same, suited for Stores, rented for one year from the first of Oc tober, when possession will be given. Approved notes will be required. SAMUEL HALE, Adm’r. Aug 30 33 2t NOTICE.—We have hf&S? appointed Mr. Alexander Bry an our Agent, during our absence from the city. H. VV. SCOVELL & Co. August 9 27 St , We have appointed Mr. B. F. Verdeuy, our lawful Attorney, during our absence. J. L. ANDERSON, & Co. June 11 Htf streets. mind, and oven vour moral existence in : ; “ „ n d ntber emi k\c prosecution of your nefarious ends— j conversed with Members, and other e had you no consideration, no remem- nent persons whom 1 Dave brance of your friends ? Did it never cross your active, scheming, restless mind, that you had honest parents and other reputa ble connections, whose good name would be tarnished—whose peace would be in jured, whose lives might terminate in sor row for your crimes? If your heart were not of stone, it it could have felt one touch of humanity, that reflection would have staid your murderous hands. If in the hardness and self sufficiency of vour heart you forgot or despised them; yet, will not this Court overlook their request, or disregard their grief; but from respect to their unmerited suffering, will spare them the additional pang of ordering your life less body for dissection, and in the exer cise of its discretion, direct it to be deliv ered into their hands* ..vthe street, and have never met w anv man that maintained thu proposition j that die conicidence of the one hutidre and thirty-three votes fin the Lords) up •. on the bill, "was not a coincidence depend- 1 ing upon its merits. I, for one am con vinced, from the correspondence produc- ^ ed by my right honorable friend, that the Duke of Wellington was satisfied as to j the result of his amendment, and also, thai 1 he considered he was doing his country a service by the course he was pursuing, but, looking to all circumstances, I cannot help thinking, that even so great a man as the Duke of Wellington has been something like an instrument in the hands of others. ('Loud cheering.) are several instances of such things hap pening in other times to great men as well With prizes of $150, $100, &c. Tickets .$3, Halves $1 50, Quarters 75. Packages of Quarters, embracing all the Com bination Numbers, and warranted to draw- least $5 10, with an equal chance for all the j , Capital Prizes, may be had: Price of Package, $13 50 cents. APPLY Al Fortunate Lottery Office No. 241 Broad-street. A few Quarters in the UNION C'A- iu vw .„. , NAL LOTTERY, Highest Prize 20,- casually met; 000 Dollars, may be had by applying this day or to-morrow. August 30 33 5t PGSSp Dr. George A. Buck- <j5v$r j,ix, offers his services to ilie inhabitants of Augusta and its vicinity, in the professions of Medicine and Surgery, His office is in Oic adjoining building to Mr. j Lafitt's boarding house, on Mackintosh-Street. ; June 11 11 tf NOTICE. n- j John P. Ring, Esq. w j* 1 : j.SS&r' transact business for. me in ill June 25, 1327 SILAS BRONSON. 15 tf TO RENT, The House and Lot, at present oc cupied by William A. Bugg, Esq. situ ated on Green-street, nearly opposite the Methodist Church. Possession given the 1st October. Apply to JOHN W. WILDE. August 30 33 w tO TO RENT, The upper Tenements of tile Store at present occupied by Mr. G. Lot, ( y o. 312,) south side of Broad-street; also, the House at present occupied bv Mr. Nelson, situated on the north side of Broad-street, below the market, a very conveni ent situation for a private family. For terms ap ply at the stoic of ’ A. 9IBLF.1. August 27 32 wff Strayed from the Asylum lot, on Sunday rnoi ning last, a dark coloured Cow, with a young Calf of the sam- colour—the cow is of the Ordinary size without horns and with a short tail. Whoever will drive her back to the Asylum, or give information where she may be found, will confer a favor on the owner, and shall be liberally rewarded for the trouble occasioned thereby, on application at the Afylum. August 23 31 Drawing Announced. The following very Splendid Lottery will be drawn in the City of Baltimore, on Wednesday, the 17th day of October next—All in One Day. Maryland Literature Lottery, CLASS 1. This Lottery is the most brilliant in the United States, containing, besides the Capitals of $-20,000 and $10,000, no less than Ten Trl*.; of $‘2,000 each. TO RENT, From 1st October next, a Dwelling on Reynold-street. in rear of the one on Broad-street, occupied by the sub scriber—a very comfortable house for u small family. WM. T, GOULD. July 26 23 tf IF Ml TO RENT, From the first of October next, the Dwelling House on Reynold-street, opposite the Episcopal Church, occu pied by M. Roll', Esq. The Dwelling, on the ally, in the rear of the subscriber’s grocery store, and now occupied In juries Oliver, Esq. The Store, on Broad-street, occupied by Mr A. S. Turpin, an excellent stand for business.— For terms enquire of BENJAMIN HALL July 19 21 tf TO RENT, From the first of October next, the Building, No. 161 Broad-street,owned and occupied by the subscribers — The stand for business is desirable. The store for pleasantness and convenience is not equalled by any in the city, and is ad mirably calculated for an extensive I\ holesale and Retail Dry Goods business. The dwelling contains four spacious rooms, pleasant and con- venieht for a family. JEWETT, ABELL k Co. June 28 16 tf 1 $20,000 is $20,000 1 10,000 is 10,000 10 2,000 is 20,000 10 1,000 is 10,000 10 500 is 5,000 20 200 is 4,000 20 100 is 2,000 40 50 is 2,000 100 20 is 1,000 150 10 is 1,500 300 5 is 1,500 i,000 4 is 36,000 >,GG2 Prizes, $114,000 20,448 Blanks, fg%: HUM.; ilh, WHISKEY, RUM, 4* GlN - Just received from New-York- and Philadelphia , HHDS Rye Whiskey Jd\w 10 do N. E. Rum 30 Bbls Country Gin _ I 20 do superior Beer, Fuller &i Taylor s brand 20 do Newark C-ider 20 Qr. Casks Sicily Madeira, Tc-nerifle. •Muscatel, and Malaga Wines Muscovado Sugars, in hhds and bbls Coffee in Bbls and bags and a general as sortment of GROCERIES and DRY GOODS, constantly on hand, for sale on reasonable terms, 3 i. greenwood, Notice is hereby given, j ijPSaB' that application will be made ! to the Bank of the State of Georgia, for thepay- i ment of the right hand half of a note for $100 j Letter E. No. 369, dated December 1825, and • made payable to S. IL-le, at the Blanch Bank at ^ __ _ rr Augusta—which half note was endorsed L. Good- : j 1QUSe ^j r £obb. w ; t h ten unimproved Lots, win k Co. and has been lost or stolen from the j which wou |,j be i 8t for a tenn of years, tor improv- mail between Marion, in Georgia, and Chailes- j an( j one house can be furnished on one of the ton, South Carolina. j i„t s a j a little expense, by moving it on one oi the ten. Applv for immediate possession to ' WALTON KNIGHT. 30 tf TO RENT, Two convenient Stores, with Dwel lings, Nos. 9 and 10 Bridge-row, ele gant stands for business, being conve- ■ nient to the market. Also, a Store House, in Hamburg, S. C. opposite the W are- 30,000 Tickets. O’ MODE OF DRAWING —The numbers will be put into one wheel ns usual—and in the otherwitt be putthe prizes above the denomination ef Five Dollars, and the drawing to progress in the usual manner. The 9,000 prizes of Four Dollars to be awarded to the tickets the numbers of which end with the terminating fi gut e of either of the Three first drawn numbers of different ter minations. The Five Dollar prizes will be a- warded to the Tickets having the two last figures corresponding with the two last figures of such number of the next drawn of different termina tion. A ticket drawing a superior prize will not be restricted fium drawing an inferior one also. Tickets A5, Halves 2 25j Quarters 1 25: Orders for Tickets in the above, and all re spectable Lotteries, will be promptly attended to ; and when requested, adventurers will be advised of the fate of their Tickets, immediately after the receipt of the Drawing. U J The Ca^kcan be had at BEERS’ for all Prizes obtained at his Office. (UTAH commanicatious must he post paid, and addresc-d to J. S. BEERSV/lu,?usta. August 27 32 w •Tun 7 L. GOODWIN k C 10 90do. FINAL NOTICE. ’j'Ugy- Those indebted to the Estate of James S. Walker, de ceased. are again requested to make payment. ! Those to whom the estate is- indebted, it is pre- ; suined have exhibited their claims. _ The affairs ' of the estate will be closed as soon as the law will admit. J- HUTCHINSON, Aden r. ! August 27 33 w6t August 20 by BUGG k F ebruary 12 224, Broad Street 77 tf Blanks of all Desc riptions, Printed and for Sale at this Office. DR. M’WHORTER ^ will continue his Professional Services in the City and its immediate neighborhood. May 24 6 TO RENT. A FROM the first day of October next, the Brick Store near the Market at present occupied by Messrs. Tick ling k Glenn. The Brick Store next below Wm. Smith, Junr. ot present occupied by Mr. C. Smith, and The Dwelling House on Rey- nold-Strcet, near the Eagle Tavern, at present oc cupied hv Mr. R. Malone. JOHN PHINIZY. July 19 19 w tf JUST RECEIVED. A Splendid Dicky Seat Coach. Also a new supplypfNorthern Gigs. Also, a complete assortment of Coach and Gig Harness, v lijch will be sold on terms to suitpurchasers. ON HAND, Light Coaches. Gigs and Sulkeys. Gigs, Car riage's and Sulkeys built to order. Repairing at short notice. THOMAS G. HALL. July 16 20 wtf NOTICE. T HE subscriber takes this method of inform ing all those xrho may be indebted to him. (for Tuition,) either by notes or accounts, which notes or accounts were due on tie 1st of October 1826, that if not settled before or at the 1st of October, will, without partiality, be placed in proper bands for collec’ion. CHARLES GRENVILLE August 13 28 tf>