Georgia courier. (Augusta, Ga.) 1826-1837, September 13, 1827, Image 1

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congregated in oq^place, it would seem to be the common rendezvous of the whole neighborhood. But no position, however secluded wr difficult of access, can secure them from the attack of the artful and vigilant hunter, who, when they are all quietly perched for the night, takes a stand previously chosen by daylight; and, when the rising moon enables him to take sure aim, shoots them down at lei- public or private worship, whose taste is grateful, and ever will be so, till Nature herself shall change—no tint of words can spot thy snowy mantle, or chymic power turn thy sceptre into iron—with thee to smile upon him as he eats his crust, the swain is happier than the monarch, from whose court thou art exiled.—Gracious Heaven! cried I, kneeling down upon the last step but one in my ascent—grant tbe health, thou great Bestower of it, aud give me but this fair goddess as my com panion—and shower down thy mitres, as it seems good unto tby divine providence, upon those heads which are aching for VOL. 2. AUGUSTA, GEO. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1827 NO. 37. ~rSSlvE*r MONirf iND THURSDAY, AT 2 O'CLOCK. P. WI. a Mr Howard’s Brick Building, opposite Mr. Cummings’ it Mr.** f aw BuiiJ-ng*, M’lntosh btreet. DIRECTIONS. Sale' of Lend and Fcgroes, by Administrator* Exeem- or Guardians, am required, liv law, to be held on the r-t Tuesday in the month, between the hours of ten in the • -brenoon and three in the afternoon, at the Court-house of .he county in which the property ,s «tu'Xte^toUce of huso a dca must he given in a public gazette SIXTY days previous to til 0 (lay of sale. * Notices of the sale of personal property must be given in | [r manner, FORTY days previous to the day of sale. “ Notice to the, debtors and creditors of an estate, must be -V Wished for FORTY days. . n Notice that application will be made to the Court of Or- Vinarv for levac to sell land, must be published for 1 OUt MONTHS. congregated in to be whole THE WILD TURKEY. Extract from a notice of Bonaparte’s Ornithology, conlaiti£( : in the 54th number of the isortk A- mcrican Review. The author dwells nt much lemrtIi on tVd inscription of (he Wild Turkey, wliich ; s accompanied with n beautiful drawing. He asserts manfully the original claim of America to this bird. The first certain account of it, he says, was written in 1525, bv Oviedo, in his History of the West liidies. It was sent from Mexico to Spain, j In the early part of the sixteenth century, ' and thence to England about 1 lie year 1524,—By degrees it spiead over Europe, and within a century was introduced in Asia, Africa, and the European -olonics. The origin of the English name, Turkey, as applied to this bird, is a little singular, j It was first brought to England at a time ! when it was customary to denote articles j cf luxury from foreign countries by this appellation, and as the bird was a delica cy of novel and rare occurrence, it took the same name. This error was perpelu- ! uted from the circumstance of its being i supposed to have come,through Spain, from Asia or Africa. Some naturalists repre sented it as having been known to the ancients, hut thev confounded it with the Guinea Fowl. The Turkey is in fact in digenous in America, and was a stranger to 1 he old world till after the discoveries of Columbus. Mr. Bpnaparte has given a list of twenty seven names, by which it has been called among different tribes of Indians. From the author’s full discrip- tion of this bird, we shall select two or three paragraphs, in which arc exhibited some of its habits. When about t r > cross a river, they select the highest eminences, that their flight may he the more certain ; and here they some times remain fur a day or more, as ii fur. the purpose ofconsultation, or In be duly prepared for so hazardous a voyage. Du ring this time the males gobble obstreper ously, and strut with extraordinary impor tance, as if they would animate their corn ea artful are a stand and, wli to take sure aim, shoots them sure, and, by carefully singling out those oh the low branches first, he may secure nearly the whole flock, neither the pre sence of the hunter, nor the report of his gun intimidating the turkeys, although the appearance of a single owl would bo suf ficient to alarm the whole troop; the drop ping of their companions from their sides excites nothing but a buzzing uoisem^iich seems more expressive of suprisdphan fright. This fancied secuiitv, or hecd- lessness of danger, while at roost, is cha racteristic of all the gallinaceous birds of North America.”—pp. 82—91. upon .them! The bird in his cage pursued me into my room ; I sat down close to my table, and leaning, my' head upon my hand, I be gan to figure to myself the miseries of confinement: I was in a right frame for it, and so I gave full scope to my imagina tion. I was going to begin with the millions of mv fellow-creatures born In connexion with these characteristics i to no inheritance but slavery ; but finding of the turkey, and the description of the i however affecting the picture was, that I bald eagle above quoted, it may he no could not bring it near me, and that the it!*pro;>cr Franklin’ ('unions, and ins ibo tl»»n» wltii iIn• hihhh.; ■- e ol- hardihood; “>«*s am jegree ol hardihood ; i»« “ 11(i | young also assume much of ’he pompous j air of the males, ihe former tails, and moving silently around. At j length the assembled multitude mount the tops of the highest trees, whence, at., s.g- ssal note from a leader, the whole toge'L- cr wing their way towards the opposite, shore. All the old and fat ones cross with- j out difficult, even whe^j the river exceeds j a mile in width: but tfin young, meagre, 1 and weak, frequently fall short ot the de sired landing, and are forced to swim lor their lives. This they do dexterously enough, spreading their tails tor a suppoi t, closing their wings to the body, stretching their neck forwards, and striking oat quick ly and forcibly with their legs. If i” thus endeavoring to gain the land, they ap proach an elevated or inaccessible bank, their exertions are remitted, they resign themselves to the stream for a short lime, in order to gain strength aud tlien with one violent effort escape from the water. But in this attempt all arc not successful; some of the weaker, as they cannot rise sufficiently high in the air to clear the bank, fall again and again into the watqr, and thus miserably perish. Immediately after these birds hav • succeeded in crossing a river, they fnr some time ramble about without any apparent unanimity of pur pose, and a great many arc destroyed by the hunters, although they.are then least valuable.* ‘These birds are guardians of each other, and the first who sees a hawk or eagle gives a note of alarm, on which all within hearing lie close to the ground.—■ As they usually roost in flocks, perched on the naked branches of trees, they are easily discovered by the largest owls, and when attacked by th<*sO prowling birds, often escape by a somewhat remarkable manoeuvre. The owl sails around illc spot to select his prey ; but uotwithstand- ig the almosi inaudible action of his pm- 5ns, the quick ear of one of the slumber- | rs perceives the danger, which is imrne- j [iateiv announced to the whole party by a iftucfc; thus alarmed, they rise on their |gs, and watch the motions ol the owl, idle, darting like, an arrow, would iuevi- ibly secure the:, individual at which lie limed, did not the latter suddenly drop ns head, squat, and spread his tail over lis back? the owl they glances over with- rnt inflicting any injury, at the very in fant that the turkey suffers himself to fall ieadlong towards the earth, where he is eeure from his dreaded enemy. ‘Wild .Torkies are very tenacious ot heir feeding grounds, as well as of the rees on which they have ouce roosted.— ’locks have been known tb resort to oue |K)t for a succession.of years, and lo re am after a distant emigration in search f food. Their roosting place is mostly n a point of land jutting into a river, diere there are large trees. When they iave collected at the signal of*a repeated obbling, they silently proceed towards heir, nocturnal abodes, and perch near Whether ; from tljc numbers sometimes place here to introduce Dr. humorous remarks, as contain ed in one of his letters, concerning the bird, wliich was chosen for the emblem of our nation. ‘“Others object to the Bald Eagle,” says he, “as looking too much like'a Dindm, or Turkey. For my part, I wish the Bald Eagle had not been chosen as the representative of our country ; he is a bird of a bad moral character ; lie docs not get his living honestly ; you may have seen him perched on some dead tree, where, too lazy to lisli for himself, he watches the labor of the fishing hawk; and and when that diligent bird has at length taken a fish, and is bearing it to its nest for the support of his mate and young ones, the bald eagle- pursues him, and takes it from him. With all this injus tice lie is never in good case; but like those among men, who live by sharping and robbing, lie is generally poor, and of ten very lousy. Besides, lie is a rank coward ; the little kingbird, not bigger than a sparrow, attacks him boldly, and drives him out of’the district. He is, therefore, by no means a proper emblem for the brave and honest Cincinnati of America, who have driven all the king birds from our country ; though exactly fir for that order of Knights, which the French call. Chevaliers d'Industrie. I am on this account not displeased that the figure is not known as a bald eagle, bin looks- more like a turkey. For in truth the turkey is, in comparison, a much more respectable bird, aud withal a true origin- fdnrirlTfTaTfcountries, bin llTe turkey was peculiar to ours. He is besides (though a little vain and silly ’tis true, but not the the worse emblem for that) a bird of enuif- age, and would not hesitate to attack a grenadier of the British guards, who should presume to invade his farm-yard with a red coat on.’”—p. 95. THE STARLING. -Beslirew the sombre pencil! said I, vauntingly—for 1 eijvy not it’s powers, which paints the evils of life with so hard and deadly a colouring. The mind sits terrified at the objects she has herself mag nified and blackened: reduce them to their proper size and hue, she overlooks them.—’Tis true, said I, correcting the proposition—the Castile is not an evil to be despised—but strip it of it’s towers— fill up the fosse—unbarracade the doors —call it simply a confinement, and sup pose his some tyrant of a distemper—and not of a man—which holds you in it—the evil vanishes, and you hear the other half without complaint. 1 was interrupt ed in the hey-day of this soliloquy, with a voice which I took to be that of a child, which complained, “ it could not get oni.” —I looked up and down tlie passage, and seeing neither man, woman, or child, I went out without further attention. In my return back through the passage, I heard the same w'-rds repeated twice over.; and looking up, I saw it was a Starling hung in a little cage.—“ I can’t get out— I can’t get out,” said the Starling. I stood looking at the bird ; and to every person who came through the passage, it ran fluttering to the side which they ap proached with the same lamentation (fit’s captivity—“I can’t get out,” said the Starling,—God help thee! said I, but I will let thee out, cost wlliit it will; so I turned about the cage to get to the door : it was twisted and double twisted so fast with wire, there was no getting it open without pulling the cage t” pieces—I took both hands to it. The bird flety to the place where I was attempting his deliverance, and thrusting his head through the trellis, pressed his breast against it, as if impatient.—I fear poor creature ! said I, I cannot set thee at liberty.—“ No,” said the Starling--“ I can’t get out-I can’t get out,” said the Starling. I vow I never had my affections more tenderly awakeued ; nor do I remember an inci dent in my life, where the dissipated spir its, to which my leason bad been a bub ble, were so suddenly called home. Me chanical as the notes were, yet so true in tune to nature were they chanted, that in one moment they overthrew all iny sys tematic reasonings on the Bastile; and I heavily walked up sta'irs, unsaying every word I had said in going down them. Disguise tby-self as thou wilt, still, slave ry l said I—still thou art a bitter draught' and though thousands in all ages have been made to drink of thee, thou art not less bitter on that amount. ’Tis thou multitude of sad groupes in it did but dis tract me— —I took a single cap tive, and having first shut him up in his dungeon, 1 then looked through tlie iwi* light'of his grated door to lake his pic ture. J beheld his body half was ted away with long expectation and con finement, and fell what kind,of sickness of the heart it was which arises from hope deferred. On looking nearer, I saw him pale and feverish : in thirty years the wes tern breeze had not once fanned his blood —lie had seen no snn, no moon, in all that time—-nor had the voice of friend or kinsman breathed through his lattice—his children— —But here my heart began to bleed, and I was forced to go on with another pfirt of the port! ait. He was sitting upon the ground upon a little straw, in the farthest corner of his dun geon, winch was alternately his chair and bed ; a little calendar of small sticks were laid at the head, notched all over with the dismal days and nights he had passed there—he had one of these little sticks in his hand, and with a rusty nail ho was etching another day of misery toadd to the heap. As I darkened the little light he had, he lifted up a hopeless bye towards the door, then cast it down—-shook his head, and went on with his work of afflic tion, I heard his chains upon h’s legs, as he turned his body to lay Ins little stick upon the bundle. * He gave a deep sigh.- I saw the iron outer into his soul. I burst into tears—rI could not sustain the picture'ofconfinement which my imagina tion had drawn. We are authorized to nnnounqp Holland McTyre a Candidate for the Senatorial Branch of the Le gislature, at the ensuing'election. Richmond county, 10th Sept. 1S27- 36 tf BEDS & Fl'RMTURE, F OR sale low for cash, if applied for immedi ately. ALSO, HOUSES TO LENT, from the first October next, weii calculated foi a Victualling'or Oyster establishment. Apply at this office. Sept. 10 ■ 36 tf TO RENT, From the first of October next, the Dwelling' on Ellis-street, next below Mr. Alexander Martin. For terms, = applv to JOSEPH P. MAHARREY. Sept 10 36 31 BiiiiS cheubxsots & pul- 51 e&x, MONUMENT LOTTERY. SECOND CLASS. To eb drawn in SAVANNAH, in five days of drawing (under the superintendence of the Commissioners appointed by the State of Georgia. The first drawing to take place in the month of December next. dressing myself to Liberty,.) whom all in The prizes: all floating from the commencement except the prize of $2000, u-hich will be deposited in th wheel on the third day, and the prize of §6000, which will be deposited in ihe wheel on the last day. HIGHEST rRIZE, 6.0®0 DOLLARS. 1 of $6,000 6,000 1* 2,000 <. 2,000 1 1,000 1,000 I 600 600 I 500 500 I 400 400 1 300 300 1 200 200 6 100 600 20 50 1000 30 20 600 180 10 1800 1800 5 9000 2044 prizes 3,956 6000 Tickets 824,1 m Tickets §5—Halms $2—Quarters $1 25 To be had in tbe gr eatest variety of Numberi at Fortunate Lottery Offig e No. 241 Broad-street. Sept 10 36 i 3'fr. Abner Washburn,] jr. less uiiicj uu — . t is myauthc riied Agent, during my absence fr om thrice sweet and graciobs goddess! (ad- this City. F S WARNER . st 3t? 33 tf UAGLB TAfERN THE SUBSCRIBER CONTINUES AT THE WA3BBMn®lB81£ Lately erected by JOSEPH WHEELER, Esq. near ITheeler’s Buildings, and just below the upper Market House. Broad-street, and Iht Planters’ Httel, Augusta. H E feels thankful for past favors, and begs to renew the offer of his services to his om aikiriroirDs-STitiiST, Augusta. FJpHL SUBSCRIBERS respectfully tender their grateful acknowledgments foi the liberal pat- •onage hitherto conferred upon them, take this opportunity of informing their friends and the public, that their establishment having been considerably enlarged, and undergone many exten sive repairs and improvements during the late summer, they flatter themselves that it will now ena ble them to render every possible comfort, convenience and satisfaction, to all who may be mduccd to favor them with their company. CGr” The Milledgrville and Savannah STAGE OFFICES are flip EAGLE « AY ERN. In addition to the above mentioned improvements, we will have ready by the first day of October, an elegant NEW STABLE, on Bay-street, just above the Bridge, convenient to the river, and capa ble of holding Two Hundred Horses, with a vacant adjoining Lot for '.heir, exercise. Drovers will find charge as reasonable a nt any similar establishment in the citv. FIELDS KENNEDY. EDMUND Augusta, September 3, H BUUG. 34 tf RUSSIA & SWEDES I » i HJ&LL (ft HARBIN, if I® Ii TONS Russia sale on accommodating per. ’ August 2 MURKS ; hvedes IRON, for approved pa- GK At! AM.- 25 tf Having purchased the Stock of GROCERIES of I Mr. A.'P. ROBERTSON, would again invite , the attention of their friends and the public gen- ! (rally, at So. 131 Broad-street, where they in 1 tend keeping a constant supply of Choice Groceries: NOTICE T HE subscriber tal-.f ; this 1 mg all those who un.y h (for Tuition,) either bv no; notes or accounts were due 1 ihod of inform- indebted to him,, r accounts, which, t e 1st of October S*C„ TULV HAVE OX HAND, 1826, that if not set-led before or at the 1st of October, will, without }■ Tiialitv, lie placed in proper hands fcrcolleci n. CHARLES GRENVILLE. August 13 23 tO. FOR SALE. jnniJK six icrc Lot above Tarknetts Snrhfe ! ne situation is cnuimuuuing and pleasant, and it is in the neighbourhood of good water. Un disputed Titles -.vill lie given to the purchaser. 10R TERMS AITI V TO \V. A. BUGG, Atrent. Mav 31 • 8 tf OTi O NE HUNDRED DOLLARS willbe given as a p: emiiim for the most approved Plan for the construction of a 3IASONJC HALL,, .to be erected in »his City, of the following dimen sions and description:—The Building to tic of Brirk, "i h a Brick or Stone front, four stories high, 0l> feet front, an.l extending 00 feet back.— The basement story must be flush with the stiect, calculated for two Stores, with back rooms, and an ample passage entrance between them The second story to be appropriated to fmblic purpo ses. The thiid story must contain a Lodge Room, and preparation rooms i and the fourth story, a Chapter and prepared- n rooms. The Masonic Hail must not cost to exc ed $22,000. Plans, with estimates, will be received by the un dersigned until tlie 1st November next. THOMAS I. WRAY, y d SAMUEL HALE, [ = ~ ALEXANDER M’KENZIE, }3p YVM T. GOULD, and j = = JOHN W. WILDE. Note.—Lumber maybe had in this City, at ten dollars and fifty cents per thousand, superficial measure ; and Bricks at seven dollars and fifty cents a thousand. Augusta, Geo. Aug. 23, 1827. 31 wlo2Q E? The Savanna Ii Georgian, Charleston City Gazette, Richmond Enquirer, National Intelli gencer, Baltimore Patriot, Pnulsort’s Daily Ad vertiser, Philadelphia ; New-York Enquirer, Bos ton Patriot. Masonic Mirror, and Providence Gazette, will please publish the above once a week until the 20th October, and forward their account* to the above Committee. and Ncw-Orleans Sugars, Loaf and Lump do. White and Green Coffee, Cognac Brandy, Holland Gin, N. E. Gin, Canal Whiskey, superior quality. Cicili and Teneriffc Wiu%, London Porter, Imperial Gunpowder and Hyson Tea- , Popper and Spice, Table Salt, Spanish and Common Segars, Chewing Tobacco, of superior onaliliT g»d(lcV^ii05^(a Irgn, Cotton Bagging and Sacking, Newark Cider, suitable for bottling, kc. kc And at No. 151, they have a general as sortment of Seasonable Ail of w hich is offered for sale on the most ac commodating terms. June 7 ]0 tf ZBWIS I s . S». <&iBSGW 9 (wheeler’s KPILDISG.) OFFERS FOR SALE, ? Lbs. Sweedes Iron, 200 Casks Thomastown Lime, f>0 Bbls. Flour, 15 Bbls. Apple Brandy, 35 Kegs White Lead, 30 Boxes Raisins, JO Quarter Casks Wines, assorted, 10 Reams Writing Paper, St. Croix Sugar in Ilhds. and Bbls. 5 Tierces Jamaica Coffee. • 12 INSURANCE AGAINST J OHN BEACH having resigned the agency Ol*. Peach Brandy-, Monunga- hela Whiskey, fyc. Cr* Those persons indebted to the late firm of HOLT ii WARE, and to the sul scriber on former transactions, will please come forward early this Fall and pay their debts, fs longer delay cannot Vie allowed. JOHN S. HOLT. Sept. G 35 tf STORAGE ANI) Comm ission Budnrss. rjIHE Subscribers beg.leave to tender to their friends aud the public, a continuance their services in the above-mentioned line, a; their old stand. They offer to their patrons the homage ol sin cere gratitude for past favors, and the assurauc of uuremitted exertion to dcserve future patron age. , A. SLAUGHTER £: C. LABI ZAV Sept.'4 55 7q> THE WARE-HOUSE cciffiiESsiorc BtjsiKEsr TTILL stilt be continued, by the undersigned. JOHN puLlic i, Offers his services to his friends an.l th general, to transact Ihe WAREHOUSE AND ( tf Fft*? taFen tboYYare-l^^sr- Fte! v - occapi- IJ ed by HOLT k. WARE, o„ H aLhLgto,.* street, not iar from the Mansi m-House, cuuvtm-. ontly situated for the Trade that comes it, (>l) Savanmh. Louisville, and the new MiiU-dgeviiie Roads. The Ware-House is thougiu, from its location, to be safe from Fire, which is doubtless an object of importance to Planters who store Collon. Every attention shall tie paid to the in terest of those who place tlioir Cotton or other property in his care, and tile most n .asonai.le charges made on all business. Advance- will b. made on Cotton when required. Goods will be bought aud furnished to his cust.-mers on the most liberal tenths, as advances oh Cotton stored fur sa'e. v ’* S*plember3 2iu O’ The Georgia Journal and Wasliin-fon News, will publish the above for two mouths, ami forward their accounts for settlement. The Undersigned continuing to , carry on the WARE-HOUSE AND LANDING FROM STEAM-ISO ATS COMMERCE AND ENTEIITRIZE. Boxes Claret Wine, 6 Half Pipes do. 10 Bids. Double Refined Sugar, 05 Kegs Spiced Salmon, 12 Boxes Brandy Fruits 15 do. Capers and Olives 10. do. London Pickles, (assorted) 1ST Hampers French Cordials, 10 Boxes West India, do 3 Pipes Holland Gin, 2 do Otards Brandv 50 Half Bbls. No. 1 Mackerel, IN STORE. _ of the Hartford Fire Insurance Company in consequence of his intended removal from the State, the Board of Directors have appointed the Subscriber their Agent, who will take risks on property in Augusta and its vicinity. Apply at I the store recently occupied by said Beach, No. | 317, Broad Street, where the Agent can Lj found ■ or at the store of J. ii W. Catlin, JOEL CATLIN, Agent April 26 90 tf Five Dollars Rwea rd. T HE subscriber offers the above reward to any person who will bring back to him his mulatto boy Frederick, and cautious any per son trom harboring said hov. W. BRUX. Augusta, Sept. 10 ; 36 2t JUST PRINTED, AND FOR SALE AT THE OFFICE OF THE GEORGIA COURIER, D eclarations, BLANK POWERS OF ATTORNEY, MAGISTRATES SUMMONS’, NOTICES OF.INSOL VENT DEBTORS, CLAIM BONDS, SHERIFF’S TITLES. MAGI5 • RATE’S EXECUTIONS, NOTARY’S NOTICES, LAND DEEDS, RECOGNIZANCES, MILITIA EXECUTIONS, lx. kc. July 96 23 Blanks of all Descriptions, Printed and for Sale at this Office. 30 Bbls, Newark Cider, 60 Boxes Crab, do. (equal to Champaigne,) 20 Bbls. No 1 Mackerel, 10 Casks London Porter, kc. kc. 60 Five Gallon Demijohns, . 10 Hampers Wine and Porter Bottlers, 15 Boxes white and Brown Soap, 20 M. Superior Spanish Segars. TOGETHER WITH A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF GROCERIES, Of the Choicest Kinds, end on fair terms, For Sale by N. BYRAM MOORE, Ho. 202, Broad-Street. Jane 7 10 tf SUGAR, BACON, 13 Hhds. New-Orleans Sugar ‘22 do St. Croix do 5000 lbs. Bacon 25 bbls N. Gin 10 do N. Rum 20 do Whiskey 25 do No. 3 Mackerel 6 do Loaf Sugas 12 do Canal Flour 1 cask LendoplBest Porter 20 bag* prime Gre o n Coffee 50 do Shot, assorted 15 boxes Raisins 5 bales brown Shirting and Sheeting 2 cases Plaids and Stripes FOR SALE BY Collins & Manton, No. 310 Broad-street. August 6 26 Pt At his OLD STAND, South side Broad-street, ^OI.ICITS a continuation of the patronage of hii friends, to^vvhom he feels grateful for past favors, and assures them that his - best, oxen- tions will be used to promote tbeir interest in an- future business they may confide to his care. (CF Advances on Co ton stored in his Ware. House, will be made when required, and Insur ance against Fire to the full amount of said ad vances, will be made free of any charge to the ow ner of the Cotton. Sept. 3 JOHN C. HOLCOMBI 3-t 6t The Subscribers Respectfully inform their Friends and the pul lie in general, that their WARE-HOUSES AND CLOSE STORAGES Are now in complete order for the. commencement of the Ncu> Year’s business. G RATEFUL for past favors, they with con. fidence again solicit that liberal’patronage bestowed on them the last and previous season* The undivided attention of each of the concern Will be exclusively devoted to the duties of their business—and they will he provided .to make the usual advances on Produce in Store. Wm. Sims, Williams Sc jCo. Augusta, August 27,1S27. 32 18t «Va Elegant ^lantlepieee ■CLOCK,| Will be disposed of by Chances to be determined by tbe Drawing of the N. York Consolidated Lottery. The chance which shall be ionnd to correspond with the first drawn number in the above Lotte ry, will be entitled to the Clock. Only 54 Chances, at it 50. BEERS' OFFICE. August2. - 25 FOR SALE LOW, r APPLIED /or immediatelv, a con of School Desks and benches. Als Ypplication to be made to the sub' his absence, to Mr. Law on the pi JAS. ALSO, An excellent 8ew Dtay and Ha August 27 friends with the assurance that strict regard shall be paid to all orders he may receive, and proper care taken of alt property committed t|iL his charge, and punctuality shall be observed idP\ all transactions of business in future. Liberal advanc-s will be made on Cotton stor ed for sale, in Cash, or Goods, at cash rate?, and on terms as accommodating as other Warc-hoiX keepets offer. the central, convenient and well known establishment, first above the ** Eagle Tavern”—Wheic he solicits a continuation of that liberal patronage which he has heretofore received. Insurance will be effected on nil spe cies of merchandise committed to his charge, at the lowest possible rates, if it be desired and a request made to that effect. Tiic Tobacco Inspection will also be kept tyi a^ this house, and my country friends. (Tobacco growers especially,) would do well tube particular to enquire for Shelton’s Ware-Ilouse,” where they will at ail Times, pet the highest market prices for all Tobacco iue- spected by him. Win. B. SHELTON. S. pt 3 34 tf . INSTINCT PRINT