Georgia courier. (Augusta, Ga.) 1826-1837, September 13, 1827, Image 2

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GEORGIA COUEtER. i. o. mraosm Amt hswjtUr MSAzznre, PUBLISHERS. pn in p'lMithed -verr Monday and , at |5 w» per annum, payable in ad- TVm»—1%i» Paper i« Thursday afternoon, at |5 _ , Tanre, or |0 (X) at the expiration of the year. TT Advertisement* not exceeding a sqnare, inserted the A rat time or IB 1-2 tents, and 43 3>4 cents for each con tinuance. t'? - IL 1 ' FOR THE tJEORGIA COURIER. THE VI3WM3 OF\ '*t¥HTVOSrrt. ( Contia\ e d-) “ Soon after this occurence, George departed to a distant College* to complete his studies, and was not to return until he '* graduated. Cecilia and mysel7 etfdea- r vored to compensate ourselves for the lo"®s of his society, by conversing of him, and reading his freqaent letters. We often walked together to those places which brought, more strongly to our memory, the interesting incidents associated with her brother; and every such place* was retr* dered sacred by the dearest ties of friend ship and of love. My feelings towards Cecilia were similar to fhosfej ft hiving brother must entertain, for a favorite sis ter. There was much more of passion, than belongs to fraternal affection; but, I did not yet perceive that the ardour and lervency, which were really intermixed with my love. Every time I saw her, I drank more deeply of the intoxicating passion ; every look, that beamed from her sprightly and intelligent eye, gave a how thrill of delight; every song, that she warbled, nay, every word she uttered, augmented and invigorated the engrossing passion, which became the most vital and essential portion of mv constitution. It entwined itseif with all my prospects, thoughts and actions ; it was interwoven with every feeling of my heart; if en throned itself supreme, in the innermost the interesting little incidents of our last meeting, and to look forward with delight ful anticipations, to the time when I should again be charmed #ith her society: Oh ! she was the fairest,- purest, loveliest of nature’s children her excellence was so transcendant, that it seemed transplant ed from the most delightful shades of hea ven, to cheer add irradiate for a moment* the world,- iheii to return incorrupt and pure ais it decended. I knew that f was in love; frit who could have so long asso ciated with such an angel, without paying the homage of his heart, add bowing in adoration of her all surprising; excellence; Cold must have been the son! and chilled to every warm and generous affection, that (lit/not 4f3l widnjdeasurc in con- tern plating ^ffrject I was not of so. dip and heartless * constitf'Uon, for every pulse told my love; every throb of t,ny heart—every wish I had, was /tiled Willi one object, and only one. Yet I had made no formal acknowledgment of my passion ; onr sentiments of each other ap peared so vvell understood^ to require no explanation, and our continued inter course was preserved, as I flattered my self to our mutual satisfaction. ri*George had been absent three years, and although the time had rapidly passed, when we thought of him it appeared al most a century. Cecilia often told how many inquiries she would make when he returned—how curious she would be a* bout his appearance, bis manners and his progress ; vet she always said, she loved him so well when he went away, that she “ could not bear to think that he would be in any respect altered.” “ But Cecile,” l answered, “ he will he changed, from the noble boy to the intelligent man—from the brave and sprightly youth, to the well educated and accomplished gentleman. You too, have changed from the interesting and lively child, to the elegant lady; but these ty, her beauty, always remarkable, be came pre-eminent, and her form more graceful and sy’lph-like. Any one would have believed, on seeing her, that her beauty was already in perfection, and the most critical eye could not point ont a Single feature, that cotild he improved i yet a few months would exhibit a surpris ing increase of beauty ami symmetry.—* Every day added fresh grace to her move ments, and new elasticity to her step. Jn her lover’s imagination, all nature assumed new charms at Iter approach, to do due homage to her superiority. As she geutlv tripped it over the verdant fields, even the tender Hew drop seemed unconscious ot her tread ; or if it were shaken, it re linquished its brilliant hues without regret, to the transcendant beauty of the goddess ot morning. Even now, I can see her coming with the fragile step of youth and,; .her lovely face covered with, smiles ; all her affectionato com?anions and the happy triumphant looks, of the active enough to receive from her, recesses r.fmv soul. I changes will increase and strengthen your As she gradually advanced to maturi- mutual affection. I sometimes envy my friend, Cecile; so anxious, so kind .and affectionate are vow inquiries about him. Would you,” I continued with a gentle pressure of herdelicate haod,wfri^i drove the blood to her face, “ wo«?<Lyou, if I were absent, evince a similarauxiety about me? Would vou pore with the same eagerness over the contents of my letters? And would your answers contain as many wishes for mv speedy return and continu ed welfare, whether absent or present ? Would you allow mo to love you with more than ft brother's love; and would I be blest with a return of that love? I love you, Cecilia, not only as a sister, 'or you are mv only sister, and you have of ten called me brother : my feelings have hmg since taught that my affection com bines all the delicacy and tenderness of a brother’s, with all the fire and ardency ot a lover’s. Without your presence, exist ence would be a blank ; the pleasures of society worthless, unless you participate would be the blackest despair, without Vour sweet influence, 1o sooth the anguish of my mind. Say, then, will you always continue as heretofore, my friend and confidant ? Will you permit me to be more than your brother—your lover ? “ Can we nor,” she answered, “ con tinue as before?—we have always been friends—we have always loved each other with fraternal affection.” “ You are sensible,” said I, “ that wo are fast approaching an age, when' the same intimacy cannot be maintained.— You know me too well, to require a more formal declaration of my sentiments. I have so long loved you, that it must have been apparent in a thousand ways. I am sincerely, wholly, unreservedly devoted to you. I admire, esteem and adore you. Can I hope that my passion as reciproca ted in the bosom ? Answer, and with a word, consign me to despair, or make me the happiest of men.”- “ She answered not, and yet her sweet consenting smile, her timid blush, her gen tle pressure of my hand, told me more than a thousand words. *** “ The consent of our parents was un hesitatingly given to our union, and it was agreed, that I should spend one year in College, and after the lapse of another, have my highest hopes crowned with per fect felicity, by being united to lier my soul held most dear. Oh! how often have we conversed of future happiness and plans!—how many delightful anticipations were connected with the sweet prospect of our union!—how many vows of un changed, eternal, unchangeable affection! —how many reproaches were uttered a appeared a Wank »h rrty existence, had a I f Here the violesce of his feelings com- j Geuerai SSZ2-: Mr. Ea... sence, .and my chierv enjoyment, whin which appeared like exhausted nature, separated from her, was to reflect upon sinking into, final repose. I pras exoeed- ^ 1 ' - * Ci “ ' ingiy alarjflj&d, and the first kind anil endearing tokens of morning congratulation. How often have I envied the little creatures, the privilege of (heir friendly salutation, which was in variably a ki*s to each. The beauty and comeliness of her person were surpassed by the intelligence and cultivation so emi nent in her mind, and by her amiftble dis position and her interesting conversation. Iler voice top, was the sweetest and most melodious, that natme ever bestowed*up* on one so fair ; and whenever its harmo nious notes wore heard, hushed irnmedi- atelv, was the noisv mirth of the children, and their attentive demeanor, their pleased countenances, paid the most perfect, be cause the most Sincere homage to its sweetness. No sport was so interesting, as not to be immediately relinquished, for the far superior pleasure of listening to her songs. The most aspiring ambition of her plavmates—the wildest effort of their voting imaginations, nnd their gayest vis ions of perfection, could pot snrpasss the exalted idea, thev entertained of her; and, after vainly attempting to imagine some new feature, that might he added with advantage, or some trait of character, that might he improved, the end ,of all must be the comprehensive wish, that they might he like Cecilia Reminson.— As she was unequalled in grace and amia- hlenes«, so site maintained the same supe riority in school over the most intelligent and studiou : of her classmates, and there, as every v.-here else, she stood pre-emi nently alone In short, if there-ever ex isted on earth, what the minds of poets sometimes conceive, she was a pure spe cimen of humn'n perfectibility,—in Sail except, that all her charms could not save her from her premature fate. “ Alas ! those were halcyon days—the da vs when youth and beauty, and happi ness, surrounded and cheered me—when ) we, just budding forth, cast a gleam of joy upon every thing around. But now, the recollection of the past, is like the bright flash ofltglvning, which irradiates with an unnatural, but welcome light, and then leaves me to all the accumulated gloom of despair; but I will not antici pate. “ Mr. Reminson spared no pains sir expense, in the education of his children.. His superintending and paternal care watched their progress, and assisted their advancement; and now George was ab- smr, Oecflia engrossed t’jost of bistime. His anxious attentions xere amply repaid by 'he assiduity of Vis daughter, which mode his labors bjfh light and agreeable. She was, in r .onsequence, not only well educated, ' 0ut accomplished ; ami her manners vere so polished, that she was prep? red, even rn the polite circles of the k r gest citv,tobear away the palm of cor rectness and refinement, as well as that of beauty and intelligence. I was in her v^.'vupany every day, and it would b&\' e spring to get'' water to revive turn, and it was not without continued exertion that I succeeded. For some time after,, the wildness of his look—the vehemence <*f his gesture—the distress which seemed t o weigh upon him* made ine think that rea son ha d forever departed. But this vio lence began to subside; his words became more connected, and I began joyfully to perfceive, that ray apprehensions were groundless, and that he was a corti posed and sensible state of mind. “ These paroxysms” said he, ^ are frtecjiient. When I contrast what fvwas, with what I am—when 1 recollect that my road Ness, my folly, my crime, has oc casioned the change, hature cannot bear th4 thought, but sinks under its weight.-— But l will resume f i, tterrupted him, and told hriwtbat it would be better to compose his nffrftf, and forget, if possible, the events, the recol lection .if which gave him so much pain. <Fop ’et!” said he, with a solemn ce. When the murderer forgets the dyjnrr look vfhis victim—when hell for gets To torttflreXhbr mast abandoned inmate: then, oh ! not AjU then, can I forget. But I will comply wit.b y°»r request, so far as to stop until my exhausted strength is some what recruited, for -I /® ar W *ll (,t h- erwise, be cijual to the task/ \ ou, too, require some rest.” He then laid hiimafif on the ground,and while I was ruminattVg ** n the hidden mystery of bis narrative, J felt oppressed with a drowsiness, whicit All my curiosity and anxiety could not dispel. It soon took complete possession «u c my senses, arid the repose I enjoyed, although unset tled, was, notwithstanding, .yfty gratify ing to my alniostexhausted natyrt'. [ To be continued.] ' ' FROSl THE N’ATfQJfAI. INTELLIGENCER. No. II. The letter of Gen. Jackson to Bever ly, as well as his subsequent address, con tain a clear inference, that no other prop osition was made to him by ? or from Mr. Clay, or any of his friends, and that no o- tlier communication of simiiiar character, was made by any individual but Mr. Bu chanan. The communication made by this’Gen tleman to Gen. Jackson constitutes the whole foundation for the grave charge which he has brought against Mr. Clay and Mr. Adams—and this is all the au thority he had for the belief that Mr. Ad ams lias made, or Mr. Clay accepted, a corrupt proposition. If he has other ev idence let it be produced : until it is pro duced, the public must believe that this was the only ground of his opinion. Mr. Buchanan made no communication from Mr. Clay, or from his friends, to Gen. Jackson ; nor did he even state to him that any combination had been form ed between Mr. Adapts and Mr. Clay, or of State, to induce the friends of Mr. Clay to vote for Mr. Adams. Mr. Buchanan had no knowledge of a- ny improper influence or corrupt proposi tion. He disclaims the Idea of being the author or bearer of any such communica tion. lie made known distinctly, in Oc tober last, that ho could not sustain the charge of Gen. Jackson. It results, there fore by an irresistible inference, that Gen. Jackson has no evidence, nor ever had, either that Mr. Adams, or his friends, made any proposition to Mr. Clay or his friends, or that Mr. Clay, or-npy of his friends, had made any proposition to Gen. Jackson, or his friends. Here the question might end. We may charitably ascribe the error to misappre hension ; and as Gen. Jackson has done injustice to Mr. Clay, he will, no doubt, have the magnanimity to make the suita ble acknowledgments. This misapprehension of the General is the source of all the accusations that have been made—all the calumny that has been uttered, and all the malignity and abuse which has been vented on Mr. Clay. To how many members of Congress this communication was made, with what other exaggeration and coloring is not known—to how many the secret was in trusted, and how far the story has gone on the authority of the General, cannot now bo traced. It is known that Gen. J. privately com municated to the Editor of th5 Telegraph, thaj he had rejected corrupt propositions from Mr. Clay, or his friends, and that this is the only foundation for all that has been published in that paper on that sub his statement, Mr. Eaton would probab ly have confirmed it; and, if Mr. Btichan- an had died, the evidence of a most shame less and corrupt proposition from. Ml - . Clay would have been complete, and no thing could have saved him and Mr. Ad • ams from the indignation of the country.-— But it is happy for them and the country that Mr. Buchanan lives—thank God 1— to defend his own character, and protect their fame from the meditated sacrifice. General JackXon may have been de ceived. We are not the searchers of hearts. God forbid! But it requires the exercise of the greatest candor and moderation to believe that he could have misconceived or misapprehended the nature of the pro position. Without impeaching his integ rity, or impugning his motives, it must be confessed that no man ever acted under the influence of higher temptation or of •stronger passions. Issuing warm from a violent and angry political conflict; stung by disappointment, it requires the exer cise of charity to believe “ that he was “impelled by no private resentment, stim ulated by no personal injury, and instiga ted by no expectation of reward and that he wawfltoved only by a sense of the public goofl. The charge itself is of the most serious character. It involved the ruin of Mr. Adams and Mr. ClaV—a rival ru ^ and enemy ; the hopes of a great political exk'ausTod strength is some-'Lpaify, and his own elevation to the Presi- dency—the consummation of all his earth ly hopes, and the realization of all his dreams of ambition. All the motives of in terest, and all the impulses of passion, were present to his mind. In accusing a noth el man of high Crimes against the State, before the tribunals of the country, he imposed on himself an ob ligation of extraordinary virtue, purity of motive, uprightness of mind, and truth of allegation. It is enough, without in the least degree reflecting on his veracity or his purity, which will not now be question ed, to know that there is not a shadow- of truth, or the slightest foundation for the charge which has been made. No man who knows Mr. Buchanan, and the rise and progress of this accusation, will doubt that the General is indebted to his ima gination and other revelations for the sin gular delusion, perhaps honest, but cer tainly unfortunate delusion, under which he lias labored. The proposition of Mr. Buchanan is so unique, so remarkable in its chaiacter, that the mind does not perceive how an idea so different, so opposite, could have been cjnccived. . The only explanation and a- pnlogy for the conduct of the General, is to be found in tbe fact, that the conversa tion, at that time, made no impression on his mind, and that ho did not understand it as a corrupt proposition. That Idea came long afterwards—-it was a s second thought, arising out of the imperfect recol lection of what took place at that interview. If he had understood that Mr. Buchan an was t he hearer of a corrupt proposition from Mr. Clay, and was a familiar confi dential friend, to his suggestions, and giv- gainst the tardy footsteps of time, which j e ct. It is acknowledged that he made a would so long delay the consummation of our joy; and it was only when impatience for this event clogged his rapid wing, that time appeared to move less swiftly on ward. It was expected that George would return, before I left home, and his presence would cheer and enliven the heart of his lovely sister ; but nothing would diminish the regret I would feel during my absence, but the pleasing asso ciation of the past and the more delightful anticipations of the futuve. Her letters, however,, and 1 her miniature, which she gave me, would make me imagine myself stiiknear her • and I told her that I could thus converse with her even at a distance. “ Oh, it was an elysium upon earth !— ■it was the brightest paradise ever formed, even in the fervent imagination of the most inspired poet. I could not bear, for a mm men t, the idea that my hopes could be disappointed. To cherish the thought would have driven me to madness. And yetT have turned this heaven into a hell! —I have blighted, an# forever, this fair est Eden of anticipated bliss ! My rash hand, in evil hour, committed the fatal deed—rov happiness, and that of all mv. friends, were destroyed by my desperate* impetuosity! Great God L what have I nctf done ?” public avowal of the fact to a large party at dinner at his own house, in the pre sence of Beverly—that this was circulated through all the papers for months— that the General mentioned it at tav erns without much reserve, on his |vay to Wheeling, and on board the Steam boat, afterwards, to different persons. How far the story had privately circulated, no one can now tell. What unfavorable im pression it made upon the public mind, can only be imagined. The high source from whence it emanated, the minuteness of the circumstances, the particularity of dates, all conspired to give credit to the charge. What meanx had the accused of defending himself? Even now the ex planation comes too la'ie. Justice cannot now be done to the fajne of Mr. Clay. Truth is slow in its progress, and will ne ver overtake the error, or eradicate the impressions and 'prejudices it has created. The antidote will not reach the poison, it is too widely diffused. By what a frail tenure do public men hold iheir fame ! which even a breath of suspicion may blast! How uncertain all buraan evidence! how feeble our memo ries ! how violent our suspicions ! how im perfect our senses! how strong our pas sions ! ■ MOM THE NORFOLK XRtALDv Mr. Jeferson** Election and kis Appoint- merits to Office. It has been the fate of the present Ad ministration to do bq one act bat what has been denounced in tne severest terms by its mortified and disappointed opponents, notwithstanding the-very measures so ar ranged are but a continuance of that pofi- under former administrations the decided approbation of a enhim amjld answer ?. JteJutse. ttSfitferefof? 1 Iddef? Adams”? Would ho not at least have communicated the fact to some friend?— Would lie afterward have congratulated Mr. Adams on his election, at the Presi dent’s house, the same night, and after wards at his public inauguration, and given other evidences, written and published, of his acquiescence in the decision of Con gress? The whole course of his conduct, then highly approved for its magnanimity, forbids the idea that he seriously believed the charge he has since made. If he had any Information of a corrupt intrigue to betray the rights of the People, or knew of any unfair or dishonorable deal ing to defeat iiim, why did he notdenounce it, pursue it, and expose it ? Why did he keep it secret, until after the election, and then circulate it clandestinely among his friends, editors, organs, and agents? If the General then knew and believed what he now remembers of Mr. Buchanan’s con versation, bow can he be excused for witb- holdingthe information from the House of Representatives, where the charge fell unsupported, or from the Senate, of which he was a member, during the pendency of Mr. Clay’s nomination for a high office ?— Mr. Buchanan has given a true explana tion of this affair, and one which reconciles the whole of General Jackson’s conduct. “ He could not I think, (says Mr. Buch anan) have received this impression, until after Mr. Clay and his friends had actual ly elected Mr. Adams President, and Mr. Adams had appointed Mr. Clay Secretary of State. After these events had transpi red, it may readily be conjectured in what manner my communication might have led him into the mistake.” After the combination of the new ele ments of opposition, the spirit of faction went forth to put down the Administration, right or wrong—to poison the public mind with false clamors end malignant accusa tions. The vague suspicions, and dark surmises, and misterious suggestions of His friends, worked on his imagination, and magnified the conversation of Mr. Buchan an into a most treasonable plot, and cor ruption stood before him, patpible and tan gible. His visions were, revealed to his friends, who confirmed his belief, and made assurance doubly sure. He believes the Impressions now on his mind, although he may not be'able to trace them to any particular period. The General has de ceived himself,betrayed an innocent friend, and disappointed the hopes of his party. The subject is instructive, and will be pursued. The object of this is to show that Mr. Buchanan’s conversation is all the evi dence in the possession of the General.— That this has been the fruitful source of all these calumnies. That it has been se- cretly, although actively circulated: That it made no impression at the time, hut grew and magnified itself in his imagina tion. *- ‘ *" ’■ * ~ cy.« large majority of t he republican party of this country. It is not nay purpose at this time to enter into a defence of the present executive, nor to shew their strict accordance with those principles of Con stitutional law, which have heretofore been the basis of our legislation, and which were never questioned till the present virtuous Chief Magistrate came into of fice. All I propose is, to call the atten tion of your readers to what took place on the elevation of Mr. Jefferson (by the House of Representatives and not by the people^ to the Presidency of these'States, and I think it will be evident that Mr. Jefferson was as much liable to the sus picion of intrigue and corruption as Mr. Adams, for after all it is but hollow sus- pi^bn, and that too proceeding from inter ested and disappointed individuals. Mr. Adams has been abused and villf- fied for distributing offices only among his friends, such as had been instrumental in promoting his election, and to those who from their situation or talents were likely to be of service to his administration.— Some have even gone so far as to assert, that no one opposed to him or Mr. Clav, need ever hope for success in, any appli cation no matter what might be their pre tentions or clajms to office. That these are most gratuitous assertions every can did mind must acknowledge that will take the trouble to enquire, for it is well known that Mr. Adams has paid more regard to the qualifications of candidates than to their political opinions, and that in no one instance has either an unfit person been appointed, or any, removed from office to make way for friends on account of their hostility to him. What course did Mr. Jefferson pursue in relation to this most delicate and embarrassing branch of the President’s power! He was scarcely warm in his seat, when he turned out ev ery man from Maine to Georgia who was known to be unfriendly to his election, and put in their places none but warm and ac tive friends on whose support he could with confidence rely. It is notorious that he distinguished by the highest marks of executive favor every member of Con gress on whose vote his election depended or who in any wise he had reason to be lieve promoted the success of that elec tion. I will mention a few cases most glaring and extraordinary, and yet no one ever dared to accuse this great and stood man of intrigue and- corruption. Mr. Charles Pinckney of South Carolina, al though not a member of Congress, was one of the most warm, active, efficient and zealous promoters of that election. It was well understood that the votes of S. ' pomted Attorney for the district of New- York, and thus tbe road of proferment was opened to him. Not satisfied with this, his brother was raised the distin. guisbed place of Minister Plenipotentiary to the French republic. I could swell this catalogue to a much greater magnitude, hut I fear, were I to proceed, it might be supposed that I har boured uncharitable suspicions of the in tegrity of tbe then Chief Magistrate, and of the purity of the gentlemen whom he thought proper to promote, when God knows I never questioned and never can question the purity of bis intentions. This was the language of tbe virtuous and en lightened Bayard, when speaking of these < transactions in the Senate of the United States, in reply to a desultory and ran dom speech pronounced by the present Governor of Virginia. Has Mr. Adanu pursued any such course as is here shown to have been pursued by Mr. Jefferson? The latter, with scarcely an exception, di rectly gratified every man by appointment to office, who had contributed in any way to the promotion of his election, add yet he was not reviled and abused, and char ged with iutrigue and corruption in thus rewarding the services of bis f iends. '-Rut Mr. Adams, who has very rarely appoint ed to office any who were instrumental in promotingjiis election, is to be denoun ced without <he shadow of foundation, as lottcn with intrigue, and totally unworthy of the confidence of the American people, when Mr. Jefferson for doing the same things a hundred limes oftner (but I con fess in more virtuous times) escaped without the slightest imputation on his moral character, or subjecting any of the numerous persons who were objects of his special favour to the disgraceful charge of coalition A intrigue. These are among the many ominous signs of the times that bode no good to the republic. The pre sent opposition is the most hetrogeneous mass this or any other country ever wit nessed, its materials are so discordant and inconsistent, that hating and despising each other as they do, it would be im possible for them to keep together one j hour were it not for that rooted hatred and | their fell determination (for in this alone do they unite,) to put him down at all hazards. All their hopes of perferment nav, in fact, their character and standing with the people, depend entirely on the success of the desperate cause in which they have embarked, knowing as they do, and as I trust in God they will leel, that defeat must bring with it merited ignominy and consign them to the shade, to mouri; over their blighted schemes of selt agran dizement, and to pine in secret, over the galling disappointment which will be pro duced by the re-elctibn of that eminent in dividual who was thought worthy of the high confidence of Washington, Jefferson Madison and Monroe. an observer. "atlgq- and ble, his industry knew no hounds, the doubtful polilicis of that State were at last decided and her vote thrown into the scales of Air, Jefferson. Afr. Pickncy was shortly after rewarded with the appoint-' ment of Minister Pleninotentiary to the Com t .of Aladrid, an office as high and as honourable as any in the gift of the pres ident. .To be sure Iiis talents and ser vices might have merited this great pre ferment, but I believe no one ever heard of the great talents and services of Mr. Charles Pickney, except in connexion with that affair. In the house ofRepres- entatives no small value was placed on Air. Claiborne, of Tennessee ; his impor tance was well known and duely apnroci- ated. He was assidnously courted and flattered by both the contending parties. The vote of a state was at his disoosal. He hesitated for some time, hut finally gave in his adhesion and the high dignity of Governor of tbe Mississippi Territory was the reward of his vote. The friends of both parties greatlv felt the conse quence of the vote of Mr. Linn of New- Jersey. The delegation of that state con sisted of five members.—Two were de cidedly for Mr. Jefferson and two decid edly for Mr. Burr. Mr. Linn was con sidered doubtful for he had been cautious in concealing his preference, and of course his position as arbiter of the vote of a State necessarily attracted the great est attention and observation. Both sides spared no exertions to win him ; in and out of the house he was looksd upon as a very important man, and while the friends of Mr Burr calculated on his support, he suddenly declared for Mr. Jefferson and thus gave him the vole of New Jerseys, His disinterestedness was not passed over in silence ; such was not the fashion of the day ; he was appointed the Supdrviser of his district—one of the most lucrative offices at that time in the gift of the Go vernment. Even Mr. Lyon, of Ver- niont, in those agitating times, which it is hoped will never again visit *this coun try,, assumed an importance which no thing but his peculiar situation in that eventful period could entitle him to. His absence alone would have given the vote of a State to Mr. Burr: by his presence he nentralized the vote of Vermont. It would have been too much to have given an office to Mr. Lyon. He was unfit for any thing, his character was too low.—» But some reward was due, and Mr. Lyon’s son was handsomely provided for in one of the executive offices. Mr. Edward Livingston of New-York, held in that stormy day, a most conspicious and com manding station every body was sensible ofthe great consequence of this gentleman. It was considered that his means were far more extensive than bis own vote——Nay more than the vote of New-York was be lieved to be in bis power." To what par- It will be shewn now whaf the .ty he acceeded, and what course he fol- i* ;♦ ^ k- loured; is too well knriwn to be again re- * charge is, and how it is sustained by the evidence. HAMPDENi pealed. He also was remembered, and ap ■ JUfW* - •_ KENTUCKY ELECTION. Upon the whole, it is not certain tha? the friends of the administration have suc ceeded in electing more titan Jive mem- » -C-a B .. Jjdr* ty have probably elected six, and may have obtained a seventh ; a result as un expected as it it mortifying. It ispeacu- liarlv vexatious, because it is the result ot accident, and not consonant to the dear ly assertained will of a majority of the People, who will be found to have given, in this Congressional election, an aggre gate ma jority in favour, of the Administra tion, of more than fen thousand; to have elected a Senate, consisting of 38 members with a majority of 4 or 5, and a House of Representatives, consisting of 100 mem bers, with a majority, not much, if any, short of 20 in favor of the Administration —tho elections t.fning almost universal ly upon the national question.” It is remarked by the Alexandria Ga zette, and if is certainly a curious fact, that fn one of the disj/fricts (the 12th) in which the Jackson candidate was elected, “ the Administration majority was great er, by several hundred votes, than the combined Jackson majorities, in tbe 1st, 5th, and 10th districts which send Jack- son members.” The Gazette further states, on the authority of Kentucky pa pers, that “ four out of the seven Jack- son members,are from the districts in which the Administration have a decided major* ity of firm friends.” In forming an opinion of the political character of the State, we may, however resort to the resul.t of the elections for tbe Legislature, as well as to those for Con gress. On this point, the Lexington Reporter states that theelection of mem bers for the lower house of the State Le gislature, in six counties had resulted io the choice offifty-one Administration, A thirty-four Jackson men, that fifteen counties remained to be heard from* which gave last year nine Jackson mem bers and six Administration. The State Senate, is composed of 22 Administra tion men, and 16 Jackson men. In giving these and similar statements, it is probable that many readers will partici pate in the disgust which we feel in being compelled to class whole masses of intel ligent and independent citizens as <( Jack- son men,” or Adams men,” or aBy maa’s men ; but the language of party obliges us to do it to be understood. ' N. Intelligencer. BUFFALO, AUGUST 23. ( From Green Bay.—-The steam-boat Henry Clay arrived this morning from Green Bay. We learn from Dr. Jameison, a passenger in the boat, that a treaty was concluded, fixing the boumfaries between the Menimonias, Winnebagoes, Chippe- ways and New-York Indians—that a sec- tion of land on the Fox river, 24 by 12 miles, was purchased of the Indians—and that there was no apprehension of any fur ther aggressions on tbe part of the Wiu- nebagoes.—Emporium. If you are vexed or angry, yoo will have two-troubles instead of one. INSTINCT PRINT