Georgia courier. (Augusta, Ga.) 1826-1837, September 20, 1827, Image 1

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M —— ~" — —— - " VOL. 2. AUGUSTA. GEO. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1S27 NO. 39. PCnUSHF.n £««««’ AN'D ™^FDAV : at 2 0'CIiOCK. P* M , Hi ,„Jd*. Brick.BuWinss, opposite M'.Gufflming'’ Ruildings, M’Intosh Street. DIRECTIONS. rmtifiA Stprors, bv Administrators, fcxecti- • ••; W '**• *<> on • i -i : u pMlav in the month, between the hours often in the j ;« «v»a r»fYornnnn. at the Lourt-house of ever devised or proposed any pLn by which that event was to be controlled ot influenced; nor is it alleged lint any committee, or any portion of his friends, made any communication to the friends ot General Jackson, or to any other parly. All such union for such purpose is denied ; and no charge of that nature is implied in the letter of General Jackson. !■ is re lied on to establish the crime, that a sin gle friend made proportions ; and on hrnv JIW , . many violent presumptions must this rest? debtors and creditors cf an estate, must be , rp o w j{ . That a corrupt pr »OOsili'>n WUS be made to the Court nf^Or- ma( ] e j that it came from Murklev; that he was the frie^J of Mr. Clay ; and then the inference is to follow, that he whs au thorised t) make the negotiation. But nothing has been exhibited to show r h 1 ■ either of these are true ; and they wdl be , „r end three in the afternoon, — --- which the property is ^‘unte.-Notwe of -■XZ mMtbc glven'in’a'pnhBc gazette SIXTY day. ■is to th 1 'day of sate. , ’ ices of the sale of personal property must be given tn manner, FORTY days previous to the day ofjsaje. Notice to the published for FORTY days Notice that application will ...— . rntrR narvforleva6! land, must be published forl-ULR MONTHS. -FROM THE NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER. No. III. The honor «f human nature, the exi*- ■ nee of free government, the dignity ot ■'he country, and the highest interests ot individuals, are involved- in* the appeal now made to the People. Free Govern ment call only rest on virtue and intelli gence. If we are already rotten before we are if the mos't eminent and the most nielli gent arc corrupt or corruptible— vlutt will be the purity of the People, the | Jackson has no oxhor authoi i freedom of elections, or the value of ‘our j Buchanan ; and Mr. b Or what hopes can be en- demonstrated to be untrue. Nomine ever been produced to shew, Tim' one friend ever made any comm ic on the subject—ii-'t even a jocose indiscreet expression, or a e>■ conversation ; nothing which can, slightest manner, attach to the cmr of anv man in the remotest degree c-.-t ted wi’ii M”. Ci ty, or hisfiiend It lias been heretefare shewn that institutions ? wrlaincd, that any future experiment will : JC more successful ? What becomes of the nrob!cm which we have been to- ilcmonsirate, and .which has never been ,,l ve( } The capacity of man to govern aim self? What arc the hopes of freedom o enslaved mart ? _ The question submitted is of the high- <st moment, whether wo regard the ua- -ure of the charge, the character of the ac cused, or the high tribunal to which the reference is made. The charge is most grave and solemn, uid the interests it involves reach far be yond the influence of the men of the pres ent dav. If true, it is a reproach upon man and all free government ; and if un true die charge itself shows the danger whith public men must In* expose 1 ; the excesses of parties, and the fierceness ot factioji. In such a case there is no appeal but to die People or tlie* Sword ; and the accu sers have elected their tribunal In ill * one case, as no punishment can exceed the offence, so, on lie o'her, should it he marked, signal, and condign. The ques tion is submitted,, not to the prejudices and passions of men, hut to their reason am. their judgment ; and what party they may rapport, or what principles they may atl- v .'.)••■*■*. it is equally 1 he duty of all men :andi l'ly T and honestly, without partiality, mid free from all bias, to decide this ques tion ; and let the public judgment fall where it nnv, the subject will be tully and freely examined. Accusation is challen ged and proof demanded. / The relation which General Jackson held, both to the parties accused and to the public, req bred either tluit the facts should have been made known and the charge exhibited, or that it should have remained in his bosom as a confidential de posit of one of his own friends. It re quire;! that he should have assured him self of the truth of the statement; but above all, that it should not have been circulated privately, to poison the public mind, without affording the parties an op portunity of meeting and rebutting it. It was due to his high character, bis magnanimity, and noble bearing, in a case in which lie was deeply interested, to avoid private scandal, dark insinuation, or personal reproach. lie declines now to be considered the accuser ; but.he has filed a certain infor mation, which he did not intend to be thrown into public journals, b t which now constitutes the re il ground of accusa- hat h** derives fV but lions &a conversation, with Mm-klev speaks of no conv-t tercourse wi; h Mr. Clay friends fi is entirely tm* noue own suggestion, adverted to the rut: pointment of M State—'•'said w; “ theGener l.” “ “ friends "'ere* w.v “ that lie thought “ act in concert Tin tion—whatever may have ber*n his inten tions. The information rests upon Gen. cnau; in his rsation oi in i' any of his ii- op, on his Mi. Markley i.-r” rek'tive a '.no ap- :\dams Secretary of s ci!c;iia;cd to injure fe. observed, Mr. Clay’s ;;:v ;i ached to him ; iev o* i; ; endeavour to t ■ ; election that “ they could elect Me. Adams or General “ Jacks *u at their pleasure “ that many “ of ihera would never agree* to vote for “ the latter, if they knew ho had predeter- “ mined to prefer another to Mr. Clay f<>t the first office in his gift,” &.c. &c.— Thoughoui ’he whole of-this friendly con versation, now ••eferred to after a lapse of almost three years, it seems drat, so fa from auy information being derived from Mr Clav or his friends, it is made up alto- logether of the thoughts, reasonings and suggestions, of his own mind, upon the s i e .- f parties, and what was likely to influence the votes of the friends of Mr. Clay, and what was the best mode of turn ing that influence in favor of General Jack- son. It was foreseen that this would turn at nothing more tha'n the speculations on probabilities by two active and confiden- , ial friends, both partjzans of the Gener al- It therefore became necessary to commit one or both of these gentlemen with Mr. Clay in such political ties and friendly intercourse, as would make him responsible for their acts and expressions or to create a presumption that they were authorized to treat in his name. Thus General Jackson says, ‘ fc approached by “ one, who as I understood, had always “ to that moment, been on familiar and “ friendly terms with Mr. Clay he al r-o says that Mr. Buchanan “ said he was informed by the friends of Clay,” &c. Now, as to Mr. Markley : He was a member from Pennsylvania; a friend of Buchanan ; consulting, as they often did on the Presidential election. Mr. Mark ley attended ihe Crawford caucus, and, on that memorable occasion, voted for General Jackson, and afterwards voted for him in the election in the House; but no period has been in favour of Mr. Clay or acted with his friends. The part he seems to have taken in these consultations (he advice he gave, and the opinions he expressed,’shew that he was an active gen. of the General, and the confidant of Mr. Buchanan. Failing to make Mr. Markley the friend famous character, and unfit to give any evidence and unworthy of belief if be does. Mr. Buchanan has declared that he is not ihef friend of Mr Clay, nor the agenrof asv other person ; but went as the friend" of Gen. Jackson, and on his own respon sibility. H w, then, does this communica- - ion attach to Mr. Clay ? It has not been traced to any individual connected with him in the remotest manner. Mr. Buchanan did not consider the conversation with Markley as any thing more than the casual remark of two friends accidentally met, and conferring, “as they often did,” on the best mode of securing the elec ion of their mutual friend. He did not deem it in the .light of a proposi tion, or as a communication from any other source. Whatever errone us impression nv.v, 'herefore, have been entertained on this subject it is hoped that his assurance | I! hb saiisfactoi v—that the mistake as -.veil hs die Injustice done Mr. Clayand all i ins friends, will be promptly and honestly | acknowledged. Besides the absurdity of holding Mr. lav responsible for the opinions or the nduct of every particular individual who may be attached to his person, to his political interest, there is wickedness as well as folly in connecting im with every idle speculation and ru mour, and referring to him every expres sion of every busy and officious friend.— How much worse, when private, familiar, nd confidential intercourse is violated, to raw forth sentiments from his enemies to palm upon the public and fix on him.— What public man could stand such "an or deal ? There is a consciousness in inno cence which defies detraction—a power in truth which will prevail over falsehood and malice—a sentiment in the bosom of every honest man, to which the injured never appealed in vain. This view of the case is preparatory to the examination of the charge founded on the information of Gen. Jackson, as it is explained by Mr. Buchanan. It is now freely submitted, whether, e- ve'n making Mr. Clay responsible for all that has been utterred by his friends, there is any thing developed which, in the slight est degree, attaches to him, or his friends, or any individual of them. The subject is instructive, and will be resumed. HAMPDEN. EAGLE TAVERI, OTT SLYNOLBS-STR2ET, AUGUSTA. T HE SUBSCRIBERS respectfully tender their grateful acknowledgments fot the liberal pat ronage hitherto conferred upon them, take this opportunity of informing their triends and the ppblic, that their establishment having been considerably enlarged, .and undergone many exten sive repairs and improvements dui ing the late summer, fhev flatter themselves that it will now ena ble them to render every possible comfort, convenience and satisfaction, to all who may be induced to favor them witli their company. STORAGE COMMISSION BUSINESS. f | tHE subscriber, thanktui for the patronage extended to him, begs leave to tender hi* services to his friends and the public in the above, business; and by prompt attention to the same,., hopes to meet with a continuance of their fjivar3. Advances will be made on Cotton stored when required, and all Cotton from the country* In sured free of expense to the planter or merchant.. EDW. CAMPFlELD. Augusta, Sept. 13 37 t> lEF The Editors of the Georgia Journal and Statesman and Patriot, will publish the above six times each, and forward their accounts to tiie Georgia Courier Office for collection. STORAGE AND Commission Business. f jlHE Subscribers beg leave to tender to their their services in the above-mentioned line, a,l their old stand. They offer to their patrons the homage of sin cere gratitude for past favors, and the assuranafr of unremitted exertion to deserve futune patrot*- 87® The Milledgeville and Savannah STAGE OFFICES are kept at the EAGLE TAVERN. In addition to the above mentioned improvements, we will have ready by the first day of October, an elegant NEW STABLE, on Bay-street, just above the Bridge, convenient to the river, and capa ble of holding Tiro Hundred Horses, with a vacant adjoining Lot for their exercise. Drovers will find charges as reasonable as at any similar establishment in the city. Augusta, September 3, 1827. FIELDS KENNEDY. EDMUND BUUG. 34 tf HALL & HARDIN. Honing purchased the Slock of GRO'CERTES of Mr. A. P. ROBERTSON, would again invite the attention of tlieir friends and the public gen erally, at No. 154 Broad-street, where they [in tend keeping a constant supply of Choice Groceries: THEY HAVE OS HAND, * s At No. 115, Corner of Broad and Centre-Streets *3 si strassflUB-ti s. Has just received, in addition to his former stock of GROCERIES, pipes Cognac Brandy, 2 do Holland Gin, 6 qr. casks Tencriffe and Malaga Wines, t> kegs Cordials, 20 barrels Apple Brandy, 15 do Whiskey, 14 lids. St Croix and Orleans Sugars, 40 hags Coffee, 14 kegs and boxes Tobacco, 10 boxes WhittCiiiore’s No. 10 Cotton Cards, 30 pieces 42 inch Cotton Bagging, 20 teams Letter and Writing Paper, 100 do Wrapping do 2 tierces Hardware and Cutlery, 40 boxes New .Northern Cheese, 3 casks do do 2000 bushels Liverpool Salt, which will be sold low for cash W. A. MITCHELL. Sept. 17 38 3t FALL GOODS. THE SUBSCRIBER IIAS RECEIVED A PART OF HIS SUPPLY OF FALL DRY GOODS: Consisting of a well selected assortment of T ON DON Duffil and Point Blankets Sattinets, Kerseys, &.c k^T. Croix and New-Orleans Sugars, Loaf and Lump do. White and Green Coffee, Cognac Brandy, Holland Gin, N. E. Gin, Canal Whiskey, superior quality, Cicili and Teneriffe Wine, London Porter, Imperial Gunpowder and Fly son Teas, Pepper and Spice, Table Salt, Spanish and Common Segars, Chewing Tobacco, of superior quality, ’Sperm and Tallow Candles, Swedes and Russia Iron, Cotton Bagging and Sacking, Newark Cider, suitable for bottling, &c. fcc. And at No. 151, they have a general as- . sortment of Seasonable DRY GOODS, JUST RECEIVES. A Splendid Dicky Seat Coach. Also a new supply of Northern Gigs. Also, a complete assortment of Coach and Gig Harness, which will be sold on terms to suit purchasers. ON HAND, Light Coaches, Gigs and Sulkeys. Gigs, Car riages and Sulkeys built to order. Repairing at short notice. July 16 THOMAS G. HALL. 20 wtf AUCTION COMMISSION BUSINESS. All of which is offered for sale on the most ac commodating terms. June 7 10 tf Ol, Peach Brandy, Mononga- hela Whiskey, Sfc, LANDING FROM STEAM-BOATS COMMERCE AND ENTERPRIZE. 30 Boxes Claret Wine, 6 Half Pipes do. Jackson’s recollections of a conversation! anti responsible agent of Mr Clav, it lias, in December, 1824, more than two years since been attempted to infer the fact from and eight months. It is that Vr. Bo- his appointment to an office in Philadel chanan informed him. in a deliberate con- phia. Look to the circumstances of his vcrsatioii “that lie had been fhformed j preferment to that office. Alter the elec- “ by the friends of Mr. Clav, that the - £>n of the President was over, and he “ friends of Mr. Adams had made over- bad faithfully voted for General Jackson, White and Red Flannels Blue and White Plains, &c. Sic. tores to them, saying, if Mr. his friends, would unite in Cl tv and tid of the; !l election of Mr. Adams, Mr. Clay should “ be Secretary oi State ; and the friends 11 of Mr Adams were urging, as a reason “to induce the friends ot Mr. Clay to ac- “ cede to their proposition, that it he was “ elected President, Mr. Adams would “ be continued Secretary ol State ; that “ the friends of Mr. 'Clay stated, the ” West did not wish to separate from the 11 West, and that, if h e would say, or 11 permit any of his confiedntial friends to “ say that, in case I was elected Presi- “ dent, Mr. Adams should not be continu- “ ed Secretary of State ; that, by a som- “ plete union of Mr. Clay and lw> friends, “ they would put an end to the Tresiden- “ tial contest in one hour.” . This decla- ' “ ration is qualified by two averments, u “ that he (the General) has not said that “ the proposal was made with the privity “and consent M \ Clay ;” “ nor that his “friends in Congress made propositions “ to me." It will be perceived that the aflove re flates only to the friends of Mr. Clay, and not to him individually; and there is no thing in the conversation of either Mark- ley or Buchanan that refers to any act or agency of his, personally, in this affair. Now in respect to his friends; They are spoken of collectively and as a party— Rot one friend ; but it is not pretended that Mr, Clay’s friends acted as a body or as a party, in any meeting, association, or conference, or that they, in that character, «ver acted in th* Presidential election, or and lie had lost his election in his own District, he presented the highest recom mendation to the President, perhaps,ever offered in support of any man, He was strongly recommended by a large number of the Pennsylvania Legislature, by se veral officers of the State Government, of the highest character, by a great majority of the Representatives in "Congress, as well as by the Bar. His recommendation was strongly pressed by his friends, and in a manner altogether irresistible. On no occasion has so much interest been ex cited. The appointment was made by the Secretary of the Treasury to an office in his Department, and in his ''wn State and is an evidence of the justice and liber ality of the Administration. And now, in the face of all this evidence, it is maintain ed, before the American People, that he was the friend and agent of Mr. Clay, making corrupt propositions to Mr. Buchanan, and that this office is his re ward. So, to effect their object upon Mr. Clay, they do not hesitate to renounce their friend, to expose him to the odium of the public, and, knowing that he could not be relied on to sustain the charge, they have accused him of every crime, and' pronounced him not only an unwilling but an incredible witness. Mr. Markley, a member of Congress, the friend of Mr, Buchanan, the supporter of Gen. Jackson recommended by the members of his own State Legislature, by a large majority of the friends of Gen. Jackson in Congress for the high office of Collector of the Port of Philadelphia, is now pronounced of in WITH A LARGE AND HANDSOME SELECTION OF FANCY GOODS: COMPOSED OF Colored Plnin Gros De Naples Black.. Figured and Flalu do Italian Lustrings New Prints With an extensive assortment of other new and useful Goods, which are offered on fair terms J. KYLE, 231 Broad-street. Sept. 17 38 6t 10 Bids. Double Refined Sugar, 65 Kegs Spiced Salmon, 12 Boxes Brandy Fruits 15 do. Capers and Olives, 10 do. London Pickles, (assorted) 12 Hampers French Cordials, 10 Boxes West India, do 3 Pipes Holland Gin, 2 do Otards Brandy 50 Half Bbls. No. 1 Mackerel, IN STORE. 30 Bbls, Newark Cider, 60 Boxes Crab, do. (equal to Champaigne,) 20 Bbls. No. 1 Mackerel, 10 Casks London Porter, &c. fcc. 60 Five Gallon Demijohns, 10 Hampers Wine and Porter Bottles, 15 Boxes white and Brown Soap, 20 M. Superior Spanish Segars. TOGETHER WITH A COMPLETE ASSORTSIEJfT OF GROCERIES, HIGH XX?E.' THOMAS BASINGER H HAS JUST RECEIVED IGH LIFE, a Novel, 2 vols. The Living and the Dead, by a Country Curate, 1 vol. Private Memoirs of Madame Da Hausset, La dy’s Maid o Madame de Pampadour, 1 vol. High-Ways and By-Ways. 3d series, contain ing “ The Cagot’s Hut,” “Seeing is not Believ ing,” and the “ Conscript’s Bride,” 2 vo^s. M’Kinney’s Sketches of a Tour to the Lakes, with 29 plates, 1 vol. A View of West Florida, embracing its Geo graphy, Topography, &c. with an Appendix, treating of its Antiquities, Land Tides, and Ca nals, and containing a Map exhibiting a Chart of the Coast, &c. by John Lee Williams, 1 vol. Together with a variety of other new publica tions. Sept. 17 48 2t FOR SALE Lof\ r , T F APPLIED for immediately, a complete set of School Desks and benches. Also a Stove. Application to be made to the subscriber, or in his absence, to Mr. Law on the premises. JAS. SHANNON. ALSO, An excellent new Dray and Harness. August 27 32 tf JOB PRINTING, Neatly executed at this Officer Of the Choicest Kinds, and on fair terms, For Sale by N. BYRAM MOORE, No. 202, Broad-Street. June 7 10 tf SUGAR, BACON, &c. 13 Hlids. New-Orleans Sugar 22 do St. Croix do 6000 lbs. Bacon 25 bbls. N. Gin 10 do N. Rum 20 do Whiskey 25 do No. 3 Mackerel 6 do Loaf Sugas 12 do Canal Flour 1 cask London Best Portdr 20 bags prime Green Coffee 50 do Shot, assorted 15 boxes Raisins 5 bales brown Shirting and Sheeting 2 cases Plaids and Stripes FOR SALE BY Collins & Manton, No. 310 Broad-street. August 6 26 9t T HE subscriber continues to transact the AUCTION & COMMISSION BUSINESS, and solicits a share of patronage from his friends and the public. The strictest punctuality maybe relied on in rendering sales, with proceeds, as soon as effected. LATHAM HULL, Auctioneer, No. 210 Broad-street. August 30 ' 33 w6t CASTINGS FOUIffXL S OME of my children found yesterday under the House occupied by my family. Two Ovens and Lids, and one small Skillet. They were concealed in the dust, and are apparently new. Persons who have lately lost such arti cles, may have them by describing the property and paying for this advertisement. Apply to the Subscriber, No. 323, North side of Broad-Street. HENRY ROBERT. July 23 22 tf NOTICE. M essrs, a. i. & g. w. huntingtcn will act as our attorney, during our absence from the State. TAMPLET &l ROVVAND June 28 16 tf RUSSIA & SWEDES IROJN. 60 TONS Russia and Swedes IRON, for sale ou accommodating terms, for approved pu^ per. August 2 KERRS & GRAHAM. 25 tf INSURANCE AGAINST £EWZS F. F. GIBSON, (wheeler’s buildisg,) OFFERS FOR SALE, 24000 Lbs. Sweedes Iron, 200 Casks Thomastown Lime, . 50 Bbls. Flour, 15 Bbls. Apple Brandy, 35 Kegs White Lead, 30 Boxes Raisins, 10 Quarter Casks Wines, assorted, 10 Reams Writing Paper, St. Cfoix Sugar in Hhds. and Bbls. 5 Tierces Jamaica Coflee. July 12 of the Hartford Fire Insurance Company in consequence of his intended removal from the State, the Board of Directors have appointed the Subscriber their Agent, who will take risks on property in Augusta and its vicinity. Apply at the store recently occupied by said Beach, No 317, Broad Street, where the Agent can be found or at the store of J. is W. Catlin, JOEL CATLIN, Agent April 26 90 tf BEDS & FURNITURE, :>ept. A. SLAUGHTER & C. LABUZAN, 4 35 7ip THE SUBSCRIBER CONTINUES AT TIIE IV/ A TU Tr* r-^YiTi at Lately erected by JOSEPH WHEELEREsq. near Wheeler's Buildings, and just below the upper Market House. Broad-slrcct, and near the Planters’ Hit el, Augusta. H E feels thankful for past favors, and begv to renew the offer of his services to his friends with the assurance that strict regard shall he paid to all - orders he may receive, and proper care taken of all property committed to his charge, and punctuality shill be observed i« all transactions of business in future. Liberal advanc s will be made on Cotton stor cd for sale, in Cash, or Goods, at cash rates, and on terms as accommodating as other Warc-ho.usp kcepets offer. ft?* Those persons indebted to the late firm of HOLT Si WARE, and to the sub* scriber on former transactions, will please cotnfc forward early this Fall and pay their debts, ap longer delay cannot be allowed. JOHN S. HOLT. Sept. 6 35 tf ' ' THE WARE-HOUSE conxaxissxoxr xtvsimsss ■y^TILL still be continued, by the undersigned. at the central, convenient and we) known establishment, first above the “Eagle Tavern”—Where he solicits a continuation o/ that liberal patronage which be has heretofore received. Insurance willYe effected on all spe-, cies of merchandise committed to his charge, the lowdfet possible rates, if it be bosired and a request made to that effect. The Tobacco Inspection will also be kept up at this house, and my country friends, (Tobacco growers especially,) would do w elt to be particular to enquire for “ Shelton’s Ware-House,” where they will at all times, get the highest market prices for all Tobacco i»- spected by him. Wm. B. SHELTON. Sept. 3 34 t f JOHN M’TYRE, Offers his services to his friends and the public i general, to transact the WAREHOUSE AND Commission Business, E has taken the Ware-House lately occupi ed by HOLT Si WARE, on Washington- slreet, not far from the Mansion-House, conveni ently situated for the Trade that comes in on th£ Savann ih, Louisville, and the new Milledgeville Roads. The Ware-House is thought, from it* location, to be safe from Fire, which is doubtless an object of importance to Planters who store Cottou. Every attention shall be paid to the in terest of those w ho place their Cotton or other* property in his care, and the most reasonable charges made on all business. Advances will be made on Cotton when required. Goods will be bought and furnished to his customers on the most liberal,terms, as advances on Cotton stored for sale. Septembers 34 Om O’The Georgia Journal and Wasf^ngton News, will publish the above for two months, and forward their accounts for settlement. The Undersigned continuing to carry on ihe WARE-HOUSE AND COM!MISSION* BUSINESS, At his OLD STAAD, South side Broad-slretij ^ OLIC1TS a continuation of the patronage of 13" '*' ’ ' • * * ' * F OR sale low for cash, if applied for immedi ately. ALSO, HOUSES TO RENT, from the first October next, well calculatec^for a Victualling or Oyster establishment. Apply at this office. Sept. 10 36 tf MENDENHALL’S Patent Improved Grist Mills. f*JTHE undersigned, living in Augusta, being 19 tf appointed, by Monfort S. Street, and John Wilson, Assignees of Moses Mendenhall, sole Agent, in future, for selling in Georgia the above important and valuable improvement in the Grist Mill, informs the Public that he is ready to dispose of the spine to those who may want only an individual right, or to those who may wish to purchase for counties. Those who prefer seeing specimens before they purchase, can be satisfied at my house, or can see several now in operation in thif neighborhood. Individual Rights §25. B. MIMS. May 28 5m 7 \£T The Milledgeville Journal will please to publish this weekly for two months and send the account to the office of the Georgia Courier for payment his friends, to whom he feels grateful for past favors, and assures them that his best exer* tions will be used to promote their interest in any future business they may confide to his care. O* Advances on Cotton stored in bis Wares House, will be made when required, and Jnsnr- - once against Fire to Ihe full amount of said a<V vances, will be made free of any charge to th* owner of the Cotton. JOHN C. HOLCOMBE, Sept. 3 34 6t The Subscribers Respectfully inform their Friends and the Pub lic in general, that their WARE-HOUSES AND CLOSE STORAGES Art nbfc in complete order for the commeneemeiiS of the New Year’s business. G RATEFUL for past favors, they w ith con fidence again solicit that liberal patronage bestowed on them the last and previous seasons. The undivided attention of each of the concern will be exclusively devoted to the duties of their business—and they will he make the usual advances on Produce in Store. Wm. Sims, Williams Sc Co. Augusta, August 27,1827. 32 18t tt?* Mr. Abner Washburn, jr. is ray authorized Agent, during my absence from thb City. F. §• WARNER. August 3p 33 tf