Georgia courier. (Augusta, Ga.) 1826-1837, September 24, 1827, Image 1

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VOL. 2. AUGUSTA, GEO. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1827. NO. 40. PUBUSHED every MONDAY AND THURSDAY, 2 O’CLOCK, f. XVI* , u ard'6 Crick BuiWinrs, opposite Mr. Cummings’ At « r Haw “ aw Buildings, M’Intosh Street. DIRECTIONS. c a les of Land and Negroes, by Administrators, Execu- >or.« or Guardians, are required, by law, to be held on the ■ r -t Tuesday in the month, between the hours of ten in the (orenoon and three in the afternoon, at the Court-house of -he county in which the property is situate.—Moticc oi here g dcs must be given in a public gazette SIX i . days previous to the day of sale- V Notices of the sale of personal property must be given in ' 7:ke manner, FORTY days previous to the day of sale. Notice to the debtors and creditors of an estate, must be published for FORTY days. , n Notice that application will be made to the Court nr or dinary for levae to sell land, must be published for fUUti MONTHS. PROM THE NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER. No. IV. Let us now examine the charge, as it ■stands on the information of General Jackson, and on the evidence of Mr. Bu chanan. The charge has assumed every aspect, from daring assertion and bold denuncia tor!—until now it is rather insinuated than directly expressed. The charge first made on the avowed authority of General Jackson, was the let ter of Beverley, which is in these words? That Mr. Clay’s friends made a propo- “ sitian to his friends, that if they would “ promise for him, not to put Mr. Adams “ in the seat of Secretary of State, Mr. “ Clay and his friends would, in one hour “ make him (Gen. Jackson) President.” This accusation rests on the direct and unqualified declaration of General Jack- son, made deliberately, and in the pres ence of many witnesses. It is given forth in the most confident tone, and in the most imposing manner and without the least ■■explanation. Who that heard him, could doubt the truth of the declaration ? Who that read it could doubt that such a propo sition was advis<*dlv submitted, and as in dignantly rejected ? This arowal was thrown into the pa pers at a great distance, and was circulat ed far and wide unexplained, &. uncontra dicted by the high authority from whence it emanated. The charge was distinct, certain, and positive. It did not purport to be inferences and conclusions from loose conversations, imperfectly remem bered. The fact was placed beyond all doubt, as well as cautiously guarded against all detection. It referred neither to time, place or person ; it involved all the friends of Mr. Clay, and defied the power of investigation. The accusation was denied, and the accuser challenged ; and now at length specification is furnished, and the authority on which it rests. Let us with candor consider *he various parts of which the charge is composed— see how far it is sustained bv the evidence and thon make the application to the case as it standt I ofnre the public. The General, bv not denying, has ta citly acknowledged, the statement made bv Bevpiley. That is he admits that he did make the precise communication, which he has alleged, and which he has justified upon the authority of a con vention with Mr. Buchanan, who is mode to use *he precise phraseohijrv of Beverley. The General savs Mr. Bu chanan informed him “that the friends of “ Mr. ("May stated the West did not wish “ to separate from the West, and if I “ would sav or permit anv of my confi- “ dential friends to say, that, in case T “was elected President, Mr. Adams should “ not he continued Secretary of State, bv “ a complete union of his friends they “ would put an end to *he Presidential “contest in one hour.” ^he statements are precisely alike, and Mr. Buchanan is Confidently referred to, to establish the truth of the declaration. It is denied that any proposition was ever made bv Mr. Clay nr any of his friends, to General Jackson or anv of his friends ; and here the issnp is tendered. Mr Buchanan savs, “ T called upon ’‘General Jackson solely as his friend, up- “ on mv individual responsibility and not “ as the agent of Vr. day or anv other “ person ” “ I never have been the po litical friend of Mr. Clav, since he he- “ came a candidate for the office of Presi- “ dent ” Aeain : The conception never “ once entered mv mind, that he believed “ me to be the agent of Mr. Clav, or of “ his friends or that I intended to propose “ to him terms of any kind from them, “ or that he could suppose me capable of “ expressing the opinion that it was right “ to fight such intriguers with their own “ weapons.” Again he savs, “ When the “ Editor of the United States Telegraph, “ on the 12th of October last, asked me “ by letter for information on this subject I “ promptly informed him by the returning “ ™ail, on the l6th of that month, that I “ had no authority from Mr. Clay and his “ triends to propose any terms to Gen. Jack- son in relation to their votes, nor did I M ever m ake any such proposition.” It would seem that no candid or liberal mind can for a moment maintain that this charge is sustained—on the contrary it is exprsslv denied ; he disavows all connection with Mr. Clay- -disclaims the intention of mak ing any proposition—rejects as a man of honor the dangerous sentiments ascribed to him, and repels the imputation of being an active and conspicious agent in a cor rupt transaction. Itjs clear that whatever may have been communicated, and what ever may have made the impression that n proposition from Mr. Clay’s friends was intended to be made—none was authoriz ed—none was made—and even if there was reasonable’grouifd to believe that such proposition was raade, still it is now de nied, and Mr. Buchauan “ trusts he is a$ “ as incapable of becoming the messenger “ on such au occasion, as General Jack- “ son is of p • ving such a message.” “ “ That he wa ■ not the political friend” “ —“ that he had no authority”—“ that “ he never did make such propostion.” General Jackson says, “ The conclu- “ sions and inferences from that conversa- “ tion, the time, manner, and the circum- “ stances, satisfied my mind that it was not authorized.” The statement above must satisfy every one of the entire misconcep tion of the nature and object of the iuter view. That the opinion he entertained was not derived from any express propo sition, but that it was merely the conclu sions of his own mind, and inferences from facts imperfectly known. But it shews that to the jealous, trifles are confirma tions strong as proofs of Holv Writ. Among the circumstances to which he alludes, and which have no doubt recently operated strongly on his mind, (though they could not at the time) is that “ the second aftei day this communication and reply, “ it was announced in the newspapers that “ Mr. Clay had come out in favor of Mr. “ Adams.” Now this interview with Mr. Buchanan, and the rejection of the propo sition, was on the 30th of December, 1824; consequently, on the second ofJanuary it must have been known that Mr. Clay would vote for Mr. Adams, and conse quently they cannot accuse the friends of Mr. Clay of making any proposition, or engaging in any intrigue subsequent to that day, and it has been before shewn that none was made, or authorized, or intend ed to be made, on that day ; and we have before assumed as an inference, not to be resisted, that no other proposition of similar character was ever made to Gen. Jackson, and consequently it is demon strated that no proposition was made to him at anytime. If the proposition had been sub mitted by the friends of Mr. Clay, and had been spurnedj and Mr. Clay had, on the 2d day after announced in the pa pers he would vote for Mr. Adams, it would have been a strong circumstance on the mind of a man alive to every impres sion ; but it is denied that mv annuncia tion was made in twenty days—perhaps nothing certain was announced in thirty days thereafter. It is belived that nothing appeared in the papers, except those friendly to General Jackson, and that they consisted of rumors afloat,'suspicions, dark insinuations, which were intended to inti- medate Mr. Clay, to deter him from his purpose, and drive him into the ranks. On the 21st January, it is said that great uncertainty prevails, with regard to the issue of the election—many conjectures & rumors are afloat. On the 25th Kremer’s letter is written, and, on the 2Sth, a hold denunciation against Mr. Clay is publicly made bv the friends of General Jackson. So that there exists an extraordinary er ror in point of fact in the mind of the General, and consequently, the infe rence which he had a right to deduce from it, if true, falls to the ground. If the fact is not true, that M •. Clay’s determination to vote for Mr. Adams, was announced in the papers on the 2d day af ter the conversation with Mr.Buchanan, it clearly evinces (what was before intima ted) that this is the recollection of the General—that this is a second thought— At the lime it occurred, he could not have been so mistaken. When it was recent, and the affair actually pending, there could be no misapprehension as it regards the fact. It was a striking one in the mind of a man who was actually laboring under (he delusion that a corrupt proposition was made to him by the friends of Mr. Clay. But, at the moment, such a mistake could not have occurred, and consequently could not have tended to strengthen then impression on his mind. As, however, he has fallen into this error, it shows that it is an effort of his memory to recal dis tant events, which lie confused, and out of the order of time. Take the fact either wav, and it is fa tal. If it is true, then it is demonstrable that no proposition was at any time made to General Jackson. If it is untrue, the con clusions which he drew from it are also untrue ; and it is besides manifest that, as the mistake could not have happened when the events took place, it is an afterthought —a reminiscence. Perhaps this impor tant fact never occurred to his mind, until he began to summon his recollections, to form the specific accusation in the me morable letter to Beverly. The object is lot to shew any intention al error in stating the fact. He is believ ed to be as incapable of that as of enter taining any dangerous or corrupt proposi tion, and we bespeak the same candor and indulgence towards those who are deemed his competitors and peers. The object is not to blacken, or defame, or derogate from a man whose life is illustrated by the most signal victory; but to defend one falsely and ungenerously accused: whose publie course has been a line of light—il lustrating the triumphs of genius and the victories of mind. They are both the property of the country—they have both reflected glory upon her—-the fame of both should be cherished and appropriate honors awarded. It is time to end this unnatural strife, this mean ambition; and let the noblest contest be, not who can in flict the greatest injury or the deepest wound, but who has won the truest glory, and “ who shall bear the palm alone.” The character of an eminent public man has been vindicated by an appeal to the evidence which is alone furnished bythe cuser. One reflection rises forcibly to the mind ; the extraordinary position of Mr. Clay. Three powerful parties dispute the prize before Congress. His friends are supposed to hold the balance. It is be lieved that they will unite; that he has the power of controlling their will, and the power and intention presupposes that both are moved by corrupt motives. The question is referred to their umpirage; each parly begins to think and reflect up on events, and to speculate upon chances and probabilities: a thousand conjectures are formed—cabinets created—combina tions imagined—motives imouled—suspi cions engendered. One foretells that, if Mr. Adams is elected, Mr. Clay will pro bably be offered the situation of Sec etary of State. Another pi edicts that General Jackson will appoint Mr. Adams Secreta ry of State. Another finds it necessai v, or at least very proper, to inform Mr. Clay that General Jackson has made no such determination, and that he will cull to his aid men of the first virtue, talents, aid in- ■ tegriy. The parties are highly elated with hope j yet anxious, expectation mingling with ap- j prehension jealous and watchful. Mr. Clay’sjfriends deliberate and divide, The majority, from necessity, incline to one side. Both the other parties instantly unite and denounce him as a monster of intrigue and corruption. On one side, it is said *hat he is allured by the hopes of office: while, on the other, it is said he is alarmed by fear, and deterred by menace. Both are before him, which to choose the love of power and the impulses of ambition : the dread of the imputation of crime—of a bitter, unrelenting persecution, and of a deadly hostility. He is obliged to decide -—there is no escape ; he does fearlessly decide—the expected storm bursts on his head—he has intrepidly met, single hand ed and alone, the array of all the art talent, and power of this formidable conspiracy ; he has defended his fame and his life—re pelled with his indignaut voice, the foul and malignant calumnies, and beat back the torrent of abuse and invective, and he now meets them in an appeal to the justice as well as to the manly and gener ous spirit of his country. I conclude no proposition was madebv the friends of Mr. Clay to the friends of General Jackson; that thp charge contained in Beverly’s let ter, and repeated in Geneial Jackson’s to him are not supported. I add that, in October last, Mr. Buchanan informed the Editor of the Telegraph, who had been made a confidant in this affair by the Ge neral, that he had no authority, and made no proposition from Mr. Clay’s friends, and was incapable of making it. The subject is not exhausted, and must be pursued. HAMPDEN. TO RENT, The House and Lot, on Bridge - Street, at present occupied by Mr. James Murray. ALSO, The House and Lot, on Bridge jliiM ? tree k at present occupied by Messrs. J. it R. Kirkpatrick, i frriic also. 100 WHISKEY. BBLS. Philadelphia Whiskey. FOR SALE BY H. WESTON, No. 137, Broad-st eet Sent. 20 39 2tp EAGLE TAVERN, CN KLITWOLDS-STXIEST, AVGUSTA. .acknowledgments foi the liberal pat- ‘tySrfctatwtwJung thf ir trends and the rge™^&d undergone many exten sive repairs and improvements during the late summer, fhey flatter themselves that if Will now ena ble them to render every possible comfort, convenience and" satisfaction, to all who may be induced to favor them with their company. A k E OFFICES are {tT* The Milledgeville and Savannah ST kept at the EAGLE TAVERN. In addition to the above mentioned improvements, we will have ready by the first day of October an elegant NEW STABLE, on Bay-street, just above the Bridge, convenient to the river, and capa ble of holding Two Hundred Horses, with a vacant adjoining Lot for their exercise. Drovers will find charge as reasonable as at any similar establishment in the citv. v FIELDS KENNEDY. EDMUND BUUG. Augusta, September 3, 1827. 34 tf We are authorized to fJSsy announce Major ROBERT WATKINS, a candidate for the Repre sentative Branch of the State Legislature, at the ensuing election. Sept. 13 37 td We are authorized to announce HoELjdto for the Senatorial Bfench ofth the ensuing election. ^1 county, 10th Sept. 1827 ,4 TICE. We are authori^d ■ j**.*Sr announce Robert DillonTflfau a candidate for the Representative Brgm:h of the Legislature at the next election,. August 2 24 tf We are authorized to announce the Honorable — Richard Henry Wilde, as s= ' a Candidate for Congress, to supply the vacancy occasioned by the resigna tion of the Hon. Edward F. Tatnall. Sept. 17 38 td Flour, at §6.50 per Apply to the subscri- F OR Sale, superfine bbl. fine do. §5,50. ber, upper end Broad.street, near Campfield’s Warehouse. BENJ. SIMS. Sept. 20 39 3t MRS. GTORX&’S *iU, R ESPECTFULLY inform* her friends and the public, that on the 1st of October next, she will open her BOARDING and DAY SCHOOL for YOUNG LADIES, in Ellis-street, the second house from the corner of Washingtou-street, and next door to Mr. Mealing’s brick house. Her course of Instruction, will be the different branches of an English Education, usually taught. Terms made known on application to Mrs. G. Sept. 20 39 4t O N the first Monday in October next, the Rev. Mr. SMITH, will commence the in struction of a few young Ladies, in th highest branches of an English Edueation. The course proposed will embrace a liberal and comprehen sive system of instruction particularly in the de partment of Belles Lettres. For Terms and fur ther articulars, application may be made to him, or to Dr Watkins, Dr. Wray, E. F. Campbell, Esq. and Mr Augustin Slaughter. N. B. None will be received under Eleven years of age. As the number will be limited, and as he is desirous of making die necessary preparatory arrangements, the favor of an early application fot admission is solicited. Sept. 13 37 tO Wells f Kibbe, Take this oppor tunity of informing our Friends in the City and Country, that owing t< our being burnt out on the night of the 2d of July, that we have removed to the Brick Building, formerly occupied as the Post-Office, between Broad-street and the Man sion House, where we continue our business as DJ&AFRRS & TABORS, ; In all its various branches. We have on hand, Goods of all descriptions, such as will suit the lovers of fashion with any article of genteel Dress. Augusta, Aug. 27 32 tf I laving leased a tract of Land tor a term of years, situate on each side of Mc- Bean, at the junction with Savannah river, con taining 250 acres, originally granted to Zachari- ah Tenn. in 1763—I hereby forw'arn all persons that have been in the h; bit of trespassing upon said land, by using it for navigable purposes, ■•overflowing rafters, or cutting timber, to desist fr(tin J%e trespassing in future. W. A. BUGG. Sept. 6 35 wlm Four Houses and Lots, in the lower end of town, on Green and Ellis Streets.—— Possession given on the first of October next. Apply to E. BUGG. August 27 32 tf TO RENT. Two convenient Dwelling Houses on the South side , g. ., of Broad-Street near the lower end of the Market, one at present occupied by Mr. B. B. Cheshire, and the other, lately by Mr. Charles Wilson, the Kitchen of the latter is prepared for moulding Candles, and the dwelling has a convenient store on Broad-street. Possession given on 1st Oeto*. ber. Apply to J G. M’WHORTER. July 19 21 wt6. TO RENT, A very commodious Counting Room or Cotton Office, situated on Jackson street, npar the corner of Reynolds- street. Possession given on first dober proximo. Apply to Mr. Jas^tH ept. 6 35 tf TO RENT, From 1st October next, a Dwelling on Reynold-street, in rear of the one on Broad-street, occupied by the sub-. scriber—a very comfortable house for a small family. WM. T. GOULD. July 26 23 tf « mroTzce. John P. King, Esq. will transact business for me in my absence. SILAS BRONSON. June 25, 1827 15 tf DR. M’WHORTER will continue his Professional Services in the City and its immediate neighborhood. Mav 24 G Mrs. Adam Hutchi son begs leave, respectful ly, to inform her friends and the public, that her School for the instruction ofyoung Ladies and Children, will be open in Augusta, on the first Monday of October next. August ,27 32 tO MENDENHALL’S Patent Improved Grist 31 ills. T HE undersigned, living in Augusta, being appointed, by Monfort S. Street, and John Wilson, Assignees of Moses Mendenhall, sole Agent, in future, for selling in Georgia the above important and valuable improvement in the Grist Mill, informs the Public that he is ready to dispose of the same to those who may want only an individual right, or to those who may wish to purchase for counties. Those who prefer seeing specimens before they purchase, caa be satisfied at my house, or can see several now in operation in this neighborhood. Individual Rights §25. B. MIMS. May 28 5m 7 CP The Milledgeville Journal will please to publish this weekly for two months and send the account to the office of the Georgia Courier for payment. JUST PRINTED, AND FOR SALE AT THE OFFICE OF THE GEORGIA COURIER* D eclarations. BLANK POWERS OF ATTORNEY, MAGISTRATES SUMMONS’, NOTICES OF INSOLVENT DEBTORS, CLAIM BONDS, SHERIFF’S TITLES. MAGIS' RATE’S EXECUTIONS, NOTARY’S NOTICES, LAND DEEDS, RECOGNIZANCES, MILITIA EXECUTIONS, Sic. Sic. July 26 23 During my absence from the City, Mr. Tho’s G. Casey, and my broth er, Frederick H arris, will attend to any business in which I am interested. WILLIAM HARRIS. August 9 27 tO NOTICE. All persons having business with the subscribers, will please call on Messrs. R- B. Si D. G. Haviland, who are duly authorized to give receipts, and act as our agents during our ab sence from this State. WASSON Si NICHOLS. Augusta, Geo. June27,1827 16 3m ADVERTXSERZEreT. Persons having busi ness in the following Coun ties, (to wit:) Bibb, Mon roe, Pike, Upson, Butts. Henry, Newton, Crawford, Houston, Fayette, De Kalb, Coweta, Carroll, Troup, Muscogee, Lee, Twiggs and Jones, can have it promptly attended to by the undersigned, by leaving the paper* in the hands of Wm. Longstreet, Esq. who is authorized to receipt for the same. PRINCE Si POE, of Macon. Augusta, 23d Aug. 1827. 31 w3m FOR SALE, a ht.nd- some, well finished FENCIBLE UNIFORM, which will be sold low.— Enquire at this office. Sepr. 20 39 tf Notice is hereby given, tJSSr that application will be made to the Bank of the State of Georgia, for the pay ment of the right hand half of a note for §100 Letter E. No. 369, dated December 1825, and made payable to S. H le, at the Branch Bank a,t Augusta—which half note was endorsed L. Good win Si Co. and has been lost or stolen from the mail between Marion, in Georgia, and Chailes- ton, South Carolina. L. GOODWIN & Co. Jun 10 9Cd We have appointed Mr. tP<S? B. F. Verdery, our lawful Attorney, during our absence. J. L. ANDERSON, Si Co. June 11 11 tf CITY HOTEL, FINAL NOTICE. jilgSa. Those indebted to the Estate of Janies S. Walker, de ceased. are again requested to make payment.— Those to whom the estate is indebted, it is pre sumed have exhibited their claims. The affairs of the estate will be closed as soon as’the law will admit. J. HUTCHINSON. Adm’r. August 27 32 w6t Dr. George A. Buck- lin, offers his services to the inhabitants of Augusta and its vicinity, in the professions of Medicine and Surgery, His office is in the adjoining building to Air. Lafitt’s boarding house, on Mackintosh-Street. June 11 11 tf TO RUNT, And possession given the first of October next. T HAT well known Establishment on the North side of Broad-street, in the City of Augusta, long used as a Tavern and House of Entertainment, called the City Hotel—together with the Stables and out-hou«es attached to it — This Hotel is too well known to require further description. Those wishing to rent, would do well to make an early application to LOUISA WOOLFOLK, R. II. MUSGROVE, or A. McKENZIE. Sept 20 39 tO TO RENT, From the first of October next, the Building, No. 161 Broad-street.owned and occupied by the subscribers — The stand for business is desirable. The store for pleasantness and convenience is not equalled by any in the city, and is ad mirably calculated for an extensive Wholesale and Retail-Dry Goods business. The dwelling contains four spacious rooms, pleasant and con- venieht for a family. JEWETT, ABELL June 28 16 tf * TO RENT, ^ The House and Lot, at present oc cupied by William A. Bugg, Esq. situ ated on Green-street, nearly opposite the Methodist Church. Possession will be given the 1st October. Apply to •. JOHN W. WILDg^ August 30 33 wt TO RENT, The upper Tenements of the Stove * * iK al present occupied by Mr. G. Lot,, HtW 312,) south side of Broad-street*, ^J^Swalso, the House at present occupied by Mr. Nelson, situated oh the north side of Broad-street, below the market, a very conveni ent situation for a private family. For terms ap-^ ply at the store of A. SIBLEY. August 27 32 wtf TO RENT, The two story Brick Building, oc cupied at present by Doctor Dacosta' and Mr. WVshburn. The stands are Well calculated for a Grocery or Dry Goods business, being situated in a commercial part of the city. ALSO, The Dwelling occupied by Dr. FAckling, in • healthy and pleasant part of this place. Posses'-' sion given on the first October next. For term* apply to WM. F. DEARMOND. August 20 30 wtO TO RENT. “ a FROM the first day of October next, the Brick Store near the Market at present occupied by Messrs. Tick ling Si Glenn. The Brick Store next below Wm. Smith, Junr. at present occupied by Mr C. Smith, and The Dwelling House on Rey- nold-Street, near the Eagle Tavei n, at present op. cupied by Mr. R. Malone. JOHN PHINIZY. July I 19 wtf 1500 SADDLES. TO RENT, From the first of October next, the Dwelling House on Revnold-stree!, opposite fha Episcopal Church, occu pied by M. Roff, Esq. The Dwelling, on the ally, in the rear of the subscriber’s grocery store, and now occupied by James Oliver, Esq. The Store, on Broad-street, occupied bv Mr A. S. Turpin, an excellent stand for business.— For terms encuire of BENJAMIN HALL. July 19 21 tf FOR SALE, At the old stand of Bostwick.Gliber^ fc Co. some* of which are of a very superior quality. —ALSO— S ADDLE TREES, Hogskins, Slgtin^irt- die and Harness Leather, Plated, Brass, and Jnpand Saddlery Ware, Harness Mountin', Whips, Spurs, iic. together with every other ar ticle, usually kept iu hie SABDLER7 IZN2, all of which will be sold at the very lowest pri ces. S. KITTREDGE, No. 30! J Broad-Street, Augusta, Geo. July 19 21 tf FOR SALE LOW, I F APPLIED for immediately, a complete set of School Desks and benches. Also a Stove. Application to be made to the subscriber, or ia his absence, to Mr. Law on the premises. JAS. SHANNON. ALSO, An excellent new Dray and Harness. August 27 32 tf JOB PRINTING, Neatlv executed at this Office.