Georgia courier. (Augusta, Ga.) 1826-1837, September 24, 1827, Image 2

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- — GEORGIA COURIER. bad arrived, when in strict conformity to tiie law of uations, and in fulfilment of t)ie duties of equal aud impartial justice to all parties, the acknowledgment ot the inde- j pendonce declared by the Spanish Ameri- I can Colonies coujd no longer be withheld. On the day after the President’s mes sage of the 8th of March was received by the House, the Spanish Minister, Andua- ga, addressed to the Secretary of State a remonstrance against the measure it re commended, and a solemn protest against the recognition of the Governmentsof the insurgent Provinces of South America.— ——— 1 " 1 " j He was answered, on the 6tli ot April, by AN EXPOSITION. j a letter recapitulating the circumstances Of thr policy of the United Stales towards the 11 nrlt.T which the L, States had yielded “ to an obligation of duty of the highest J. G-. X&’TSHORTEa, HBIfav 3SEAUN3, PUBLISHERS. rrr-ms.—This Paper if published every Monday and Thursday af'ernoon, at $5 <K) per annum, payable in ad vance, or Vi 00 at the expiration of tiie year. ET Advertisements not exceetling a square, inserted the arst time or 62 l-'2ceuts, and 13 3-1 cents for each con tinuance. new Republics of America So lout; as the attacks which have been made in Mexico, upon the character and policy ■*!' tiie Government of the United States of America, and upon the honor and reputation of the undersigned, were con fined to anonymous publications, they ex cited no other feeling than thato'cou- tempt, and. have been passed over with silent scorn. But when the respectable Legislature of Vera Cruz embodies in a solemn appeal to the Mexican nation, die substance of these unfounded calum nies, he feels that he would be wanting to himself, and to the Government he represents, if he forebore any longer from vindicating the character and conduct of the United States in their relations with these countries, or if lie suffered such in- terpaetrtions to go forth to the world, Sanctioned by so respectable an authority, unanswered and unrefuted. Vera Cruz suspects that a “ sagacious -and hypocritical foreign Minister (allu ding to the undersigned) equally zealous for the prospei ity of liis own country, as inimical to that of Mexico, calculating “ order, by recognizing, as independent “ States, nations, which, after defiberate- “ ly asserting their right to that character, “ had established and maintained against “ all the resistance which had been or “ could be brought to oppose it.” On the 24th of April, this Minister gave notice that the Spanish Government had disavowed the treaty of the 24th of August between O’Donoghue and Itnr- bide, and had denied the authority of the former to conclude it. On the 11th of February, 1822, the Spanish Extraordinary Cortes adopted the Reuort of a Committee, proposing the appointment of Commissioners to proceed to South America, to negotiate with the Revolutionary Patriots concerning the relations to be established th^Mfter in regard to their connex^gfr. wlUjBppTn.— They declared at the same time all trea ties made with them before that time by Spanish commanders, ‘ implying an ac knowledgment of their. ,independence, null and void, as not havit% been autho rized bv the Cortes; and, on the next that the aggrandizement and glory of his j da . v < ,llp y P :issf,c! three resolutions : the nattn, must be in the inverse ratio of the ory* and aggrandizement of the Ufiited exican Slates, so that the former would gain all the latter might lose, Sc vice versa: calculating that the agriculture of Mexico must swell its limits so immensely, as to render insignificant, and almost null, that of the North, provided Mexico is permit ted to move forward peacably in the new order of things, calculating that in time the commercial and friendly relations between Mexico and Great Britain might prove xlisadva ntageous to the interests of the coun try ; conceived and brought forth the most terrible and disorganizing project for the Republic—the project of propagating and maintaining hatred and want ol con fidence, and consequently d vision and parties between the simple and worthy Mexicans—ho established the xite of "York” - ! ! ! It is not the intention of the under signed to analyze the effects, which, ac cording to the opinion of the Legislature of Vera Cruz, have been produced by the establis«ent of this rite, nor to enter into the question whether or not it has proved- ,4 more dangerous and more destructive than would have done the landing of twenty battalions of Spanish troops in the coun try.” He will confine himsef to a plain exposition of the conduct of the U. States of America towards these countries, and of his own during his residence here ; and endeavour to answer by a simple state ment of facts the suspicions of the Legislature of the State of Vera Cruz, which appears to be founded upon the vit uperations of venal writers, “ who” to use the words of the Legislature, “ in or der to maintain themselves, are under the dreadful necessity of prostituting their consciences by calumniating and sullying the conduct of i ood men.” From the first dawning of the Indepen donee of Spanish America, the feelings and sympathies ofthe People of the Uni ted States were enlisted in favor of the cause of liberty, and the sentiments ofthe Government were in perfect harmony with these of the. People. Their policy, their interests, and their feelings, all con curred to lead them to favor the cause of the independence of these countries ; and first annulling expressly the treaty be tween O’Donoghue and#turbide ; the se cond, ^that the SpanishKovernmenr, by “ a declaration to all ofrers with which it “ has friendly relations, makes known to “ them that the Spanish nation will re- 14 gard, at any epoch, as a violation of 44 treaties, the recognition, either partial 44 or absolute, of the independence of the “ Spanish Provinces of Ultrmanr, so long 44 as the dissensions whicjfnust between “some of them &the M^KSolis, are not “terminated; with whafeverelse may serve “ to convince foreign Governments that 44 Spain has not yet renounced any ol the 44 rights belonging to it in these countries;” the third resolution recommended to the Government to take all necessary mea sures, and to apply to the Cortes for the needful resources to preserve and recover the authority of Spain in the Ultra-marine Provinces. These measures ofthe Cortes were not known to the President of the United States when he sent to Congress his mes sage ofthe 8th of March, but ntey were known to the Congress of the U. Staffts when it passed, almost unanimous!} 7 , me resolution by which they frankly and un reservedly recognized the independence of the American States, without making their acknowledgment the price of any favor for themselves, although at the hazard of in curring the displeasure of Spain. In the passage of this resolution the undersigned took an active part. This review of the proceedings of the United States, in relation to the indepen dence of Spanish America, has been taken not only to show the consistency of the principles by which they were uniformly dictated, and that they have always been disinferested and eminently friendly to the new Republics, but likewise to disprove the suspicions of the Legislature of Vera Cruz. How different then has been the con duct ofthe United States from that which js imputed to them by the State of Vera Cruz ! If they really had regarded the agqrandizement of these countries as des tructive of that of their own, is it probable they would have been so sh«jrt-sighted, as not to have foreseen that the best and ea- a short exposition of their conduct will ' siest mode to prevent this aggrandizement, prove that ihev used every effort to assist that c.ause, consistent with the character of neutrality, which their duties towards Spain obliged them to maintain between the contending parties. As early, as August, 1818, the United States made'a formal proposal to the Bri tish Government for a concerted and co- temporary recognition of the indepen dence of Buenos Ayres, at that time the only one ofthe South-American States, which, having declared its independence, Could be regarded as having actually a- chieved its emancipation from Spain. It Did not suit the policy of die British Go vernment to aocpde to this proposal, and they declined it. This avowal on the part of the United States, of its teadiness to recognize the independence of Buenos Ayres, became a subject of consideration at the delibera tions of Ai\-!a-Chapelle, and there is reason to believe, that the plan which was was to assist Spain to maintain her soyC' reignty ovc them ? or at least not to ex ert 'heir utmost efforts to favor the acqui sition of their independence? Tlie Le gislature of Vera Cruz gives the under signed credit for sagacity and zeal for the prosperity of liis own country,at the same time that it accuses him of being hostile to that of Mexico. Wiihtheexertionofasmall portion of that sagacity, he ought to have formed the opinion in 1822, which is now attributed to him. He must have been aware that the measure which he urged with so mnch zeal, would be followed by other nations ; that the recognition of the new States of America wonld contribute to secure the independence of Mexico, and to call into existence all those resour ces of this great nation, which lie is now represented as desirous of destroying, as incompatible with the prosperity of his own country. . In a discourse pronounced in favor of the recognition of the indepen- proposed and matured there, of a joint j dence of the American States, he used mediation of the European .alliance be- j these words : tween Spain and her Colonies, for resfor- : ing them to her authority, failed from the well-known intentions of the United States, and the refusal of Great-Britain to accede to the condition of employing force eventually against the South-Americans for its accomplish men*. On the 30th of January, 1822, a resolu tion passed the House of Representatives ofthe United States, of which body the undersigned was then a member, request ing the President to lay before the House the communications from the Agents < f the United States with 'lie Governments South of them, which fad declared their independence, and those from the Agents of such Governments in Washington with the Secretary of State, tending to show the political condition of their Govern ments, and the state ofthe war between them and Spain. In transmitting to the II mse »h- papers celled f.r by ibis resolution, the President inb'-s Message of the 8th of March. 1822, d,e dared bis own persuasion, that the time It has been supposed by some, that 44 the independence of these Colonies 44 would injute the prosperity of the Uni- 44 ted States—possessing a more fertile 44 soil, and raising the same productions, 44 they would drive us from the markets 44 of Europe. It has been said that Colo- j 44 nies are safer neighbors than free States, 44 and that so long as they were bound 44 down by the oppressive restrictions of 44 Spain, they would neither be dangerous 44 rivals nor formidable competitors. It 44 is unwise in us therefore to offer them “ any encouragement. Not only the best 44 feelings of tiie heart revolt at such a 44 conclusion, but it is manifestly fake—it 44 is our interest that thev should be free. “ With an extensive line of coast, with 44 numerous navigable rivers, facilitating “ their internal trade, with a popul ation “ of more than 15 millions,almost without 44 manufactures, with a demand for one 44 hundred million of dollars, and without 44 the means of carrying on their foreigu 44 commerce, these countries rajesect 3 i H market for the skill and industry of our 44 merchants which promises the greatest 44 advantages.” 44 The intercourse of the Provinces of 44 Spanish America with these countries, 44 will augment their means of information, “ and will enlighten them on the subject 44 of Government, on public welfare and •* private happiness. With the increase “ of knowledge, will arise free aud well “ organized institutions, the refinements “ aud various wants of civilization. This “ cannot fail to produce a demand for all “ the manufactures of this country, and “ for all the objects of trade.” He has seen no reasons since to change the opinion he expressed upon this occa sion, Ifthe Legislature of Vera Cruz, instead of listening to their suspicions, had con sulted the history of the policy pursued by the United States in their intercourse with foreign nations, they would have seen that Government pursuing an open,frank, and magnanimous course towards them all, neither attempting to wrong the most fee ble, nor suffering wrong from the most powerful. Neither do they fear a fair competition with any nation. If nature has denied them the fertile soil, the cli mate, and the rich mines of gold or silver, vhich Mexico possesses, they are more than compensated, in their estimation, by the noble harbors and bays which indent their coast, by the bold and navigable streams whicti facilitate their internal trade, and above all, by the industry and enterprise of their hardy and virtuous po pulation. Guided by enlightened views of political economy, and motives of the soundest policy, they are desirous to see their neighbors wealthy and powerful, in order that they may be more efficient allies and more profitable customers They are more advanced in the arts and in’commerce than Mexico or Colombia; but what wouid this profit them if neither Mexico nor Colombia possessed the means of purchasing their manufactures, or of employing their shipping? They are uni ted to those nations so intimately by com mon interests, that, if the liberties of Ante rica, were to be attacked through them, the United States would be compelled tn stand forth in their defence. What then would it avail those states that their neigh bors should be reduced to poverty and weakness ? The Legislature of Vera Cruz suspects that the commerrial and friendly relations which exist between this country and Groat Britain may in time prove disad vantageous to the interests of the United States. In what manner, the sagacity of the undersigned is at a loss to understand. HWe too tfae Government of the United &ates, suspieious of tire Legislature om'era Cruz have any foundation in truth, have proceeded with equal improvidence. SoJa*were they from believing that the fr^lfdly relations which might be formed D«ween Great Britain and the new Ame rican States ever becoming prejudicial to their interests, that they invited great Bri tain to join them in recognizing the inde pendence of these countries. They af terwards urged the Cabinet of St. James* to follow their example and thev have constantly and earnestly used their good offices to induce the Governments of Eu rope, including Spain, to treat with those ol Spanish America on the footing of in dependent nations. Th^y exulted iii seeing their example followed by Great Britain, and are satisfied that the interests of the two countiies, with respect to the new States of America, are identified. Having thus answered the suspicions of Vera Cruz, by a simple statement of facts, the undersigned feels it a duty to himself to disprove the assertions made by .hat Legislature, that in order to engender dis cord between the worthy inhabitants of Mexico, who were living in perfect harmo ny before his arrival, under the dominion o f the Scotch Masons, he established the rite of York 11 The rite of York existed before his ar rival in this country. He found the Lod ges already established, and he did nothing more than send for charters for them from the Grand Lodge of New-York, at their request, and iustal the Grand Lodge of Mexico. If the undersigned had found in Mexico a despotic Government, he would not have taken even this small part in the es tablishment of Masonry in the country ; but he could not suppose that any objec tion could be made in a Republic against the formation of an institution so purely and perfectly Republican as that of the Ancient York Masons. If this institution, dedicated in his own country to charitable and philanthropic purposes exclusively, has been perverted to those of political combinations, he has had no part in its ap plication to such uses, and embraces with eagerness the opportunity m>w afforded him of declaring that he never has assisted in anv Lodge where political principles were discussed, or political combinations formed, and that, since 7 he public voice has accused the Ancient York Masons of following the pernicious example of the Scotch Masons, by using their institutions for political purposes, he has withdrawn himself entirely from their meetings. He did not therefore, '•'■conceive and bring forth this project;” and whether the estab lishment of the rite of Y r ork in Mexico has been productive of good or evil, he has stated ihe only par* he lias had in its creation. And he can declare that he has never taken any part in the internal con cerns of Mexico, unless to advocate in a Republic, on every fitting occasion, the superiority of a Republican form of Gov ernment over all others; to explain the practical benefits of the institutions of the United States, aud the blessings which his countrymen have enjoyed, aud still continue to enjoy, under them, be consi dered an interference with the internal concerns of the country. That the undersigned, or the Govern ment which he represents, should bo de sirous to see established in this country, a Monarchy, and a Bourbon, or decendant cf Iturbide planted on the throne of Mexi co, is too absurd to. merit a serious an* sw eV. The Government of the United States holds, that every nation has an un deniable right to choose whatever form of government it may judge proper, and the Uoited States have not interfered, nor will they ever interfere, with that right; but both that Government and the People of the United Stales are Republicans, and bailed with the most heartfelt satisfaction the establishment of a Federal Govern ment in Mexico. On this subject the o- pinions of the undersigned stand recorded. The mistake committed by the Legisla ture of Vera Cruz, in supposing the pre vailing party to be governed by ihe un dersigned, is apparent, from the single circumstance of the extraordinary delay which has attended the conclusion of the negociation which brought, him to this country. It is with deep regret that the under signed has found himself under the neces sity of exposing the fallacy of the manifes to issued by the Legislature of VeraCruz. The Legislature of a respectable and so vereign State, ought to have been more cautious than to publish serious charges against the character and conduct of a foreign Government on suspicions which are not only unfounded, but which have been clearly and incontrovertibly disprov ed : or to hazard assertions affecting the reputation of a foreign Minister, unsub stantiated by the slightest proof, and which have been shewn to have been utterly false. J. R. POINSETT. ' Legation of the United States, } Mexico, July 4lh, 1827. J —©S©— We copy the following article from the Releigii Register, under the influence of the disposition by which we trust our con duct will always be marked, to do all men justice, and to condemn no man unhear- ed: FRO V, THE RALEIGH REGISTER. “ It will be recollected by our readers that we copied into the Register, some weeks ago, an ex tract of ^letter from Governor Kent, of Mary land, to a friend of his in Lentucky, referring to the systematic and violent opposition which had of late been made to the present Administration, and, amongst other things, to General Saunders’s attack on Mr. Clay, during the last session of Congress, and liis inconsistency in making it, as he (Gen. S.) preferred Mr. Adams to Gen. Jack- son, in proof of it says, “ that not ten minutes be fore the election of Presid-nt by the House of Representatives. Gen, Saunders came to him, with anxious countenance discovering deep concern, aud u-ing these emphatic words: ‘I hope to God you may be able to terminate the election on the first ballat, for fear we from North Carolina may be forced to vote for Gen. Jackson.” We have a communication from Gen. Saunders, denying the truth of the above statement of Go vernor Kent, in terms the most posiliv •; decla ring that he was decidedly opposed to the election ofMr. Adams, and that, after Crawford, Gen. Jackson was his choice—a fact which, tie says, was well known at the time to all liis political friends in congress, In justice to Gen. Saunders, we announce this statement; but we must be excused fiom publish ing his communication. It not only charges our selves and the Editors oL-tfre Intelligencer, and all others who are friendly to the Administration witli being subsidised, subservient to the will of the Secretary of State, Sfc.; but uses a coarseness of language towards Governor Kent to which we cannot consent to give publicity.” 'Ve are very sorry to learn, from thisar- ticle, that General Saunders has not only lost his temper in the present political fer ment, but shews melancholy symptoms of having also parted with his senses. No thing less than such an awful visitation could have induced him to lend himself to the purposes, and become the retailer of the slang of the unprincipled and desperate demagogues who charge us with being 44 subsidized,” or “ subservient to the will of the Secretary of State.” We are sorry that the editors of the Raleigh Register did not allow Mr. Saunders all the lati tude he claimed. We propose him if he will send the rejected communication to us, tha it shall have speedy insertion.— Nor should his gauntlet long lie on the ground. Nay, we accept it before hand, and, with the blessing ofProvidcncc, ifhe gives us the opportunity, he shall at least have blow for blow. Gen. S. before he became bewitched with faction, and in deed for some time afterwards, was our personal friend. He would have remain ed so to this day but for the exasperation into which he wrought himself during the last week of the late session of Congress. We wish him still very well, and hope that he will prosper in liis personal concerns.— Bn: he stiai! not be allowed with impunity ■o deal out his political abuse of us. He has neither right nor reason to do so: and he shall not do so. We do not mean to interfere in the question between Governor Kent and General Saunders, who are so directly at issue on a matter of fact. Every one who is acquainted wijh Governor Kent knows him to be incapable of knowingly saying the thing that is not—nor can we believe that Gen. Saunders, however blinded by part} zeal, is capable of doing so. There must have been some misap prehension in the matter, which, upon an eclaircisement, will doubtless be made manifest. For the present, however, we think it proper to say, that if Gen. Saunders did not entertain the sentiments imputed to him by Governor Kent, others now of his party did. We do know, that, pending the late Presidential Canvass, there was an almost unanimous agreement amongst the friends of Mr. Crawford, that, in the event of his failure to succeed, either of the other Candidates should be taken up by them in preference to Gen. Jack- son. In repeated conferences with Mem bers of Congress friendly to the election of Mr. Crawford, we cannot recollect that one of them ever seriously favored the claims of Gen. Jackson. The ex hibition of strength in bis behalf at the election, was viewed as a momentary ebul lition of popular feeling in favor of mere military success, and was never considered as an evidence of p deliberate preference of Gen. Jackson (who has ever avoided or resigned civil offices) for the highest civil office of the Government. We go further. The same opinions, which prevailed then, exist now. There is Dot a man of intelligence and character in-the country, Dot run wild with party, who believes that General Jackson is the best qualified man in it for the Presidency. The whole excitement in his favor, among intelligent men, is artificial; and design ing politicians avail themselves of the de lusion of the moment to serve their own purposes. Gen. Jackson’s fame is the cloak to their own ambition. Supposing such an accident to occur as his election to the Presidency (accident, indeed!) if he acts honestiy and like a Republican, it would not be a twelve month before the most conspicuous of his present parasites would become his most violent opponents. Nat. lntelliscnccr. Extracts from Mr. Hopkinson's speech on the management ofthe Seminole War. I do not enquire, as some gentlemen have done, into the orgin of this war or, decide who was the immediate aggressor. of the Sedators, a fid among them those o Mr. Eppcs, the late distinguished Sena tor from Virginia, for venturing, to ques tion the public conduct of Gen. Jacks npq Let them defend the other actions quoted by us, which they were among the first and loudest to condemn. We challenge them or any of their present co-operators, t 0 disprove a tittle of the articles which they pronounce to be calumnious, aud which so far from intendmg malice, was written with reluctance, with studied forbearance and under the indispensable necessity 0 f defending our opposition to Gen. Jack- son’s election, to which we have ever had rooted objections, on public grounds solely.—Naf. Int. Litestfrom Europe* CHARLESTON, SEPT. 22. By the arrivals .at New-York, of the ship Henri IV. from Havre, and ship F/<?- The commanding general, whose conduct t r [da, and Thomas Dickenson, from Li- we are now investigating, has nothing to do with this question. It is liis duty to fight tne battles of his country, and carry on the war according to the laws of his country. Those who send him to the field must answer for the war according to the laws of his country. Those who send him to the field must answer for the war. I may say, however, that I presume the or gin of this war is the same with all our In dian .vars. It lies deep beyond the pow er of eradication, in the mighty wrongs we have heaped upon the miserable nations of these lands. I cannot refuse them my heartfelt sympathy. The tide of civiliza tion, for so we call it, fed from its inex haustible sources in Europe, as well as by its own means of augmentation, swells ra pidly and presses on the savage. He re treats from forest to forest, from mountain to mountain, hoping, at every remove, he has left enough for his invaders; and may enjoy in peace his new abode. But in vain ; it is only in the grave, the last re treat of man, that he will find repose.— He recedes before the swelling waters ; the cry of his complaint becomes more distant and feeble, and soon will be heard no more. I hear, sir, of beneficient plans for civilizing the Indians, and securing their possessions to them. The great men who make these efforts, will have the ap probation of God and their own conscience but this will be all their success. I con sider the fate of the Indian as inevitably fixed. He must perish. The docree of extermination has long since gone forth, and the execution of it is in rapid progress. Avarice, sir, has counted their acres; and power, their force ; and avarice and pow er march on together to their destruction. You talk of the scalping knife ; what is it to the liquid poison you pour down the throats of these wetched beings? You declaim against the murderous tomahawk ; what is it, in comparason with your arms, your discipline, your numbers? The con test is in vain ; and equally vain are the efforts of a handful of benevolent men a- gainst such a combination of foice stimu lated by avarice, aud the temptations of wealth. When, in the documents oil your table, I see that, in this triumphant march of Gen. Jackson, he meets from time to time, (the only enemy he saw) groups of old men and women, and children, gather ing on the edge of a morass, their villages destroyed, their corn and provisions car ried off, houseless in the depth of winter, looking for death, alternately to famine and the sword; my heart sickens at a scene so charged with wretchedness. To rouse us from a sympathy so deep, so inevitable, we are told of the scalping knife and the tomahawk ; of our slaughtered women and children. We speak of these things, as if women and children were unknown to the Indians—as if they had no such bpings a- mongst them—no such nearand dear rela tions; as if they belong only to us. It is not so. The poor Indian mother crouch ing in her miserable wigwam, or resting under the broad canopy of Heaven,presses her naked infant to her bosom, with as true and fond emotion as the fairest in our land, and her heart is torn with as keen an anguish if it perish in her sight. More than one of the Combination prints has had the assurance to accuse us of calumniating General Jackson in the article wherein we referred to several in cidents in his public life, going to shew 7 , as we thought, a habit of temper and ac tion incompatible with the highest civil trust and dignity. The fact of this action shews that they are of the same opinion as ourselves, that the traits of character there developed are not such as recommend General Jack- son for the Presidency : for, if they are why do they fall into a violent passsion with us for stating them ? If they are reputable to him as a public man ; if they add anything to his just fame, or afford promise of future eminence, why is it es teemed a calumny in us to develope them? The only question about these state ments, then, is as to their truth: because, if true, they are not calumny, but history— and the allegation of their being calumny only proves the irresistibility of the con clusions which flow from them. As to their truth, then, we aver that they are indisputable ; that there is not a word or a syllable of them which is not on record, either in the documents of the Government, or in undisputed newspapers publications. The statement of Mr. La cock, referring to the personal threats of the General to cut off the ears of members of Congress, w 7 as copied at the time it was made, with suitable expressions of disgust by the very prints which now head the Party combined against the principles which they once proclaimed from the house-top. The Richmond Enquirer, only three years ago, being several years after his defence ofthe Committee of the Senate, pronounced General Lacock to 44 be 44 a man of high character—a man of truth.” The Editors of the Richmond Enquirer of course believed every thing that Mr. Lacock stated concerning Gen. Jackson. Let them come forward, theu and defend the threat to cut off the ears verpool, we have French and English Papers to the time of their sailing, ISth August. The New Ministry.—The king held a’ court in the state apartments of VVindsor Palace, on the 17th of August, on which occasion Viscount Goderich was present ed to the king, and kissed hands upon be ing appointed first lord of the treasury; Mr. J. C. Herrics was presented to his majesty by Viscount Goderich, first lord of the treasury, and received the seals of office as chancellor of the exchequer ; lord YVm. Bentick was presented by the Right Hon. Charles Wynn, the president ofthe board of control, and kissed hands on be ing appointed Governor General of In dia, in the room of lord Amherst ;• Cap tain Conroy, Secretary of the Dutchess of Kent, was presented by the Marquis of Lansdownc, principal secretary of-State for the Home Department, and was knighted. Mr. Herries and lord Wm Bentick were sworn in as Privy Council lors. It was understood that the Duke of Portland was declared to be the Lord President ofthe Council. The project of adding Algiers ti France, begins to be discussed at Paris—- one of the journals recommends that ad vantage be taken ofthe present hostilities to reduce the country under the French dominion and to make it a colony. A letter from Bilboa, Spain, of 31st Ju ly, states that three wealthy and respecta ble Americans, on a party of pleasure, overtook some ladies, t.> whom, among other things, they remarked, that the weather was hot, to which one of the la dies replied, not hot enough to burn ah the negroes. Tiie Americans walked on, but were shortly pursued by a Spaniard, who said they had insulted his wife, and he would chastise them—he killed one with a poignard, and wounded the other.- so that their lives arc despaired of. The offender was an officer of the Royal Vo lunteers and regidor of the town. II< was in prison. Extract of a letter of the 21st July, from Odessa.—“Letters ofthe 17th inst front Constantinople, leave little hope that the Sultan will consent to accept the mediation of the Great Powers. The ar maments become mote considerable every day, although the suppression of the re bellion of the Greeks is their sole osten sible object.” . -a^Mo- Passage of the Vessel over Niagara Falls.—Extract of a letter to the printers of the Albany Advertiser, dated Buffaloe, September 9. I would have written yesterday some few lines on the subject of the 44 condemn ed ship,” but it was utterly impossible The public houses at the Falls were so thronged, that almost every inch of the floor was occupied as comfortal le sleep ing apartments. My companions and myself slept upon three straws for a bed, and had a feather turned edgeways for a pillow. At about 2 o’clock, P. M. the word was given, “ she comes! she comes!” and in about half an hour, she struck the first rapid, keeled very much and lost her masts and spars, which caused her again to right. Imagine to yourself, a human being on board, and the awful sensations he must have experienced on her striking the rapid, which appeared for a moment to the beholders to be her last; but as l observed before on her masts giving" way,, she again righted and was turned side* ways, in which course she proceeded to the second rapid where she struck and stuck about a minute, and it seemed as though the elements made their last grid i desperate effort to drive her over the ra pid. She was thrown completely on her side, filled and again righted and proceed* ed on her course. Here let me remark, there were two bears, a buffalo, a dog, and several other animals on board. The bears now left the wreck and laid their course for shore, where they were caught, and brought up to Mr. Brown’s Hotel, and sold for §5 a piece. The buffalo likewise left the schooner, but laid his course down the falls, and was precipita ted over them, and was killed, as is said, by a spar falling across his back, and as for the other animals, ii is not known wbat became of them. The vessel after going over the second rapid was turned stern foremost, in which way she was precipitated over the mighty falls, and when about half way over, her keel broke, and in a few seconds she was torn to fragments. There were probably from thirty to fifty thousand spectators who witnessed this novel and imposing spectacle. IMPORTANT FROM SOUTH AMERiCA. Extract of a letter from a Gentleman of the first respectability and intilligence, received at our News Room, per schr. Monroe, di.ted “Laguira, 22d Aug. 1827.—This de partment since the departure of Bolivar, on the 6th of last month, for Bogota, via Carthagena, has remained entirely quiet; yet every disposition is evinced of hostil ity, by words only, against the Liberator and his decrees, while exercising the ex- traordmary powers assumed under the Constitution in calming the disturbances o# Venezuela.