Georgia courier. (Augusta, Ga.) 1826-1837, September 27, 1827, Image 1

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VOL. 2. AUGUSTA, GEO. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27. 1S27. PUBLISHED EVERY MONDAY AND THURSDAY, AT 2 !?'^fcOC3i P. I/L A ' r Howard's Brick Building*, opposite Mr. Cumrilings' ' i,aw Bii.ildinjs, M'fntoeli Street. DIRUf'TION?-. Sa!a? of Land and Keproei, by Administrators, c T-c n- tor<, or Guardians, are required, by law. to be lield >ri t!ie ;,r-t Tuesday in tbe tnnntli, between tile hours of ten in the forenoon and three in the afternoon, at the Court-house of the roimty in which the property is situate.—Notice of tiie-e sdes must be piven iti a public gazette SIXTY’ days previous totlie day of sale. Notices of the sale of personal property must be piven in line manner, FOItTY days previous to the day of sale. Notice to the debtors and creditors of an estate, must be published for FORTY days. Notice that application will be made to the Court of Or- ,Unary for lcvae to sell land, must be published for FOUR MONTHS. - THE MONKEY. I dinm think, that in a 1 nature there s a marc curiouser crature than a monkey. I rnak this observe frae being witness to an extroordinary event that took place in Hamilton flirt 1 " or four days after my nev er to be forgotten battle of too Brceks.— Some even gaed tin?'length to say that it was to tfiti full mair curiouser titan that affair, in sae fir as the principle perforoi- cr in the ae case was a rational man, whereas in the ither he wasonlv a bit ape. But folk may talk as they like about mon keys and ery them d ew. for ix-ing stupid and mischievous, 1 fac ane will no gang that length. Whatever they mnf be on the score of mischief, there can bh nae doubt, that, sae fir assumption is concer ned, they are just nncomm n ; and for wit and fitn tliev would beat any man black and blue. In fact, I didna think that mon- Itevs are beasts ava. I hae a half notion that they wore just wee hairy men that canna, or rather winna speak, in case they pe made to work like ither folk, instead of loading a life of idleness. But to 'lie point: I nnre had a monkey, nne of the drollest looking deevils ve ever saw. lie was gav an big for a monkev, and was hairy a’ ovver, except his face and bis fit hurdles, which had a degree of bareness about them,‘and were nearly as salt as a lady’s lonf. Weel what think ve that I did wi’ the heastie ? Odds, man, I dressed him like a Heeland man, and put a kilt upon him, and a lang tailed red con*, and a blue hannnt, which for security’s sake I tied, woman like, helmv his chin, wi’ twa bits of yellow ribbon. I not only did ibis, but I learnt him to walk upon his ava hinder legs, and to carry a stick in his right hand when he gaed out, the bet ter to support him in bis periginations.— lie was for a’ the world like a wee man in kilts—sae much sae that when Glengarrv the 1 Iceland chieftain, wha happen ed to be at Hamilton on a visit,to the duke saw him hv chance, he swore hv the pow ers, that lie was I'ke ane of the Celtic So- cie'y, and that if I lik it he would endea vor to get him admitted a member of that h >i!v. i. at the time Glengarrv was jo'kin, but 1 hue s : rire had glide rea ls on.for thinking that he was in real earnest as \ndrew Brand says that h“ & lie Celts h ie been like to cm ane ani’her’s throat-., and that lie midi mean t..:s ns an affront uporv.t!*ni. llt'osnmrver, I m inn do Glen garry the justice tosav, that h id he got m\ Nos' y (that was his name)Jmade a member, he wadua hue proved the least witty or courageous of the,society, and would hae done nae disgrace totlie chief’s recommen dation. But I am fleeing awa like a shuttle frar the subject on band. Wet 1, : t turned out in this manner, as ve shall hear. Ae af ter noon towards the gloomin, I was obli gated totak’a stapdomi to he cross, wi’a web uuilei my arm, which I had finished f r M :. Weft, the muslin manufacturer.— Rv way . f frolic, a gavan foolish ane I al- 1 w, I brochf Nosey alang wi’ me. He h’d on, as for ordinar’ his Heeland dress, and walk ir behint me, w’ the bit stick in his liantd, and his tail stickin out fra below lus kilt, as if hr* bad been my flunky. It was, after n,’ a queer siebt, and, as ntav be supposed, I drew a hail! crowd of bairns after me, bowling out. ‘Here’s Willy M’- Gee’s monkey,’ and ga’eing him nits and ginger-bread, and makin’ as muckle of the crattir as could be, for Nosey was a great favorite in the town, and every body lik it him for lvs droll tricks and the way he Used to grin, and dance and tumble over his head, to amuse them. On entering Mr. Weft’s shop, I found it empty; there was na a leering soul within. I supp sed he had gang out for a licht; and being gayan familiar with him, I took a stap ben to the backshop, leaving Nosey in the fore ane. I sat down for twa or three minutes, but nae body made his appearance. At last the front door, which I had ta’en care to shut after me, opened and I look’t to see what it could be, thinking that, nae doubt, it was Mr. Weft, or his apprentice. It was neither the ane or the ither, but a strong middle a- ged, red faced Heelandman, wi’specks on, and wi’ a kilt and abannet, by a’ the world my monkeys, made me keep my gravity. It was plain his lost property. At this siebt I began that Donald had ta’en Nosey for ane of! lo grew a’ ower, and now saw the need- his ain contrymen—and the thing after a’ cessity of stapping ben, and saving my wasna greatly to be wondered at, and that for three reasons: Firstly, the shop was rather darkish. Secondly, the Heelandman had on specks as I hae just said : and it was like ly on this account that he was rathershort sigh>ed ; and employer frae fariher damage, bodily and itherwise. Nac sooner 'had I made mv appearance than Donald let go his grin of Mr. Weft’s nose, and the latter, in a great passion, cried out, ‘ William M‘Gee, I tak ve to witness what I hae sufferit fra this j bind thirsty Heelandman! It’s no to be j Thirdly, Nosey, wi’ his kilt, and ban- j endured in a Christian countrv. I’ll hae ! net, and red coat, was, to a’, intents and j the law of him, that I will. I’ll lie whup- | pm poses; as like a human creator as a j pit but I’ll hae amends, althugh it costs’ monkey could weel be. j me twenty pounds !’ Nae saoner, then, had he got the note, • ‘ What’s rhe matter ?’ quo’I, pretend-, tnan he opened it our, and look ti ta wi’ * iog ignorance of the haill concern. 4 What, t Ins wee glowrin’ restless een, as if to see, | in the name of Nebuchadnezzar, has set j that it wasna a forgery. He then shook j ve thegither by the lugs?’ Then Mr. ; his head like a doctor, when lie’s no very i Weft began his tale; how lie had been j sure what’s wrung wi’ a person, but wants collared and weel nigh thrappled in bis,’ to mak’ it appear that he kens a’about it —and continued in this style till the Hee- lundman’s patience began to get exhaust ed. ‘ Can ye no cinng the note, old shentlc- man?’ quo’ Donald. Nosev gi’ed his head anothet shake, and lookit uncommon wise. ‘Is the note not goof, sir ? spqk the Heelandman, a second time., but the cra- ain shop ;—then the ither fauld how in ! tne first place Mr. Weft’s grandfather, as] he ca’ed Nosey, had stolen !iis note, and i how, in the second place, Mr. Weft him-! sell had insulted the great grand Take ofj A •■gyle. In a word, there was a flesperatj kick up between them, the ane threepmg j that he would tak the law of the ither ini-j mediately. Na, in this respect Donald j gaed the greatest lengths, for he swore E A G h QjK SlTiVSfQLDS-STIlSST, AUGUSTA. UTTHE SL B.-jvRIBERS respectfully tender their grateful acknowledgments foi tiie liberal nat- n^i;„ , ?w a . g !l h!,,le,t °u < i 0, l fLrred , Up0n thl take " ,is opportunity of informing their friends and the cgrocs at Auction, BIT I.ATHA3VI IIUIiL. O X the first Tuesday in October next at the lower .Market-house, at 11 o’clock, will be ; sold, ! THREE NEGROES. Viz : ! A Negro Roman, a good washer, cook, Sic. aliout 22 years, and her two Children, one about d years and tbe other about 1 vear oTage. Titles warranted.-—Tcims nt sale. Sept. 24 40 t.l p lie, that their establishment having been considerably enlarged, and undergone many exten- :'- e repairs and improvements du: ine file late summer, flier flatter them‘"Ires that it will ii w ■ them to lender every possible comfi to favor them with their company. rt, convenience and satisfaction, to all who 11133- he induced tur, instead of answering him, only gi’ed j that, rather than be defeat, he wad carry 1 another of his wise shakes, as. much as to ; his cause to the House of Lads although ■ any, ‘I’m no very sure about it.’ At this i it cost him thretty pounds sterling. I now | Donald lost temper. ‘ If the note doesna please ye, sir,’ quo’ he, ‘111 thank ye to gie me it back again, and I'll gang to some ither place.’ And he stretchit out his hand to tak hand o’t, when my frien’ wi’ the tail, lifting up his stick, lent him sic a tvhack owe the fingers as made him pu’ back in the twinkling of an ee. ‘ Got tamn ye auld scoundrel,’ said the saw it vas time to put in a word. ‘ Hocts touts, gentlemen,’ quo’ I,; ‘whats the use of a’ clishmaclaver ?—| Ye’ve baith gotten th th man ; ‘ do ve mean to tak my money frau than the twa, looking round the shop'! me ?’ And he lif.ed up a rung big eneucht ] spied the beastie sitting upon the shelf! i to fell a sfot, and let flee at the monkey; grinning at tiiPin, and putting out his'; but Nosey was owar quick for him, and j tongue, and wiggle waggling his walking jumping aside, he lichted on a shelf before j stick over Ids left elbow, as if he had heen ane could snv Jock Robinson. Ifete he J (flaying upon the fiddle. Mr. Weft at rowed up the note like a bow in bis j this apparition set up a loud lauch ; his hail' 1 and put into his coat pouch like- j passion left him in a moment, when he onv rational cratur. Not only this, j saw the ridiculous mistake that the Hee- bnt he mock it the Heelandman bv a’ 1 landman had fa’en info, and I tliorhi lie manner of means, shooting out his I would ban bursted bis sides wi’ evendown j tongue at him, spitting ai him, and grin- ! merriment. V first Donald I ink it des- ning at him, wi’ his queer-and outlandisli j perare angry, and, juding frae the wav he physiognomy. Then he would tak his ! was twisting about his mouth and rowing tail in his twa hands, and wag i' at Donald, ; his een, I opined that he intended snni" and sleeking his nieves, lie would seem to j deadly skaith to the monkev. Out his | threaten him wi’a leatherin’. A’thegiih- | guile sense, of which Heejandmen are 07* The Millidgevilie and Savannah STAGE OFFICES arc wrang sow by kept at the p \Qj p T\VFH\ ^ tire ug, or my name’s no William M‘Gee. 1 A LKA ' I’il wager ye a penny-piece, ihat m\ mon key Nosey is at the bottom of the bus. find charge, as reasonable as at any similar establishment in the citv FIELDS KENNEDY ness. Nae sooner ' I [n , addl * l on‘o 'he above mentioned improvements, we will have ready by the first day of October, •" i Me Of loUt SI ABLE on Bay-street, jnst above tbe Bridge, convenient to the river, and rapa- 1* ' >le of , hoIdl "S lll ° Hundred Horses, with a vacant adjoining ; . 0 t for their exercise. Drovers will ItfEW-YORK Comolidated Lottery. Class 7th, To lie drawn on WEDNESDAY, the 26th i r *c , •md :ht draw mg may be expected on SAT Lit. DAY, the oth Otfober. Highest Prize$20,000 SCH1ICE. had I spoken the word, : Augusta, September 3, 1827. EDMUND BUUG. 34 tf •Mrs. Adam Hutchison’s SCHOOL, W"» »9 ft', he was desperate impudent, and encmcl to try tbe patience of a saunt, not to speak <>’a het Muided Heelandman. Itwasgude for sair een to see 'how Donald behav it on this occasion. He raged like ane de mented, misca’ing the monkey beyond measure, and swearing as m<>nv Gaelic | aitlis as niiclit hae for a twal-month. air’d an During no a’togitlier destitute, got the better of an anger, and lie roared and lauched like the very mischief. Nor was this a’, for nae sooner had he bogag to lauch, than the monkey did the same thing, and held its sides in precisely the same manner, imi tating his actions, in the most amusin’ wav orUinar man imaginable. This only set Donald a this time, I ; lunching mair than ever, and when he never steer’d a foot, but keep it peening j lifted up his nieve, and shook it at Nosey tike my monkeys. Now, what think ve Nosey was about a’ this time ? He was sittin behind the counter upon the lang tHree,Iiirgit stool that stood foment Mr. M elt s desk, and was turning over the leaves of nis ledger wi’a look which, for auhl fashioned sagaciousness, was won derful to behold. I was sae tickled at the sight, that I paid na sort of attention to the Heelandman, but continued looking frae the back shop at Nosey, lauching a’ the time in my sleeve-—fori jealoused that some queer scene would take place be^ tween tbe twa. And I wasna far wrang, for the stranger, taking out a pound fra Ins spleanchan, handed it ower to the monkev a id speered at him, in his droll novlan de- e fleet, if he could change a note. When I heard this I thocht I would hae lauch- ed outiicb ; and nathing but sheer curos- hv to see how tbe thing would end frae the back shop upon a’ that was gang ing on. I was highly delighted ; and jo d- owsing that Nosey was over supple to be easily 7 catched, -I had nae apprehension for the event, and remained snug in mv birth to see the upshot. In a short time in comes Mr. Weft, wi’a piece of lowing paper iri his hand, that he had got frae the next door to lichs the "hop; and nae sooner did Donald see him th in he ax’d him for his note. ‘ What note, honest man ?’ said Mr Weft. ‘ Got tamn,’ quo’ Donald, ‘ the note the auld scounrel, your grandfather, stole frae nip.’ ‘ My grandfather!’ answered the ither wi’amazement. ‘ I am flunking, honest man, ye line had a glass ower muckle. My grandfather has been dead for sax eeu years, and I ne’er beard tell till now • bar. he was afief.’ ‘ Weel, weel, thon,’ quo’ the Heeland man, ‘ I don’t care naetliing about -it. If lie’s no your grandfaither he’ll bo your fait her, or your brither, or your cousin.’ ‘ M v fait her, or my brither, or my cou sin !’ repeated Mr. Weft, ‘I ruaun tell ye .plainly, frien,’ that I hae neither faither, nor brither, nor cousin of onv description, on this side of the grave. I dinna under stand ye, iionest man, but I reckon that ye hea sat ower lang at tiie whiskey, and tny advice to ye is to stap awa harne and sleep it aff.’ At this speech the Heelandman last a’ patience, add lookit so awfully fairce, that ance or twice I was on the nick of com ing forrit and explaining how matters really stood ; but curiosity keepit me in a good humoured wav, what think ve that the cratur did ? Odds man, he took the note frae his pouch, where it lay rowed up like a bow, and papping it at Donald, hit him as fairly upon the nose, as if it hae been shot out of a weel-aimcd musket. There was nae resisting fliis. The haill three, or rather the haill four, f>r Nosev joined us, set up a loud lauch, and the Ileelandman’s tvas the loudest of a’, showing that he was really a man of sense, and could take a joke as weel as his neighbours. W hen the lauchin’ had a wee subsided, Mr. Campbell, in order to show that he had nae ill w ell to Mr. Weft, ax’d his par don for die rough wiv he had treated him, but the worthy manufacturer wadna hear o’t. “ Hollis, man,” quo’ he, “ dinna sav a word ab-mt it. ft’s a mistak a’ thegether, and Solomon himseJJ, ye ken, whiles gaed wrang.” Whereupon the Heelandman bought a Kilmarnock night cap, price eleven pence happenny, frae Mr. Weft, and paid him part of the very note that brocht on the ferlv I hae just been relating. But his guu'e* wall didna end here, for he insisted on takin’us a’— Nosey among the lave—to the nearest public, where be gi’ed us a friendly glass, and we keepit tawking about monkeys, and whit not, in a manner at ance edifying and amusing to hear. A MODERN PYTHAGOREAN. L be opened on Broad-street, a few doors above 1) ctor Wrays, at the house formerly occupied by Judge Wilson, ou the first Monday of October Mrs. 11. ill lie happy to give private instruc- t ons in Composition, and the higher brnncli^ of Education, to young Ladies who desire to devote j a portion of their time to mental improvement. j Instructions also given in Dra ,- ingand Paint j ing. in lam and Ornamental Needle Work. | 1 Tins of admission made known at the School ! Room. Sept. 24 40 tf THE nVDEiiSIGNED Has removed to An 307 Brom.'-slrcet. in the Cen tre Tenement of Messrs. McKenzie Sf Bennoch's Brick Stores, and continues to devote his atten tion to the COMMISSION BUSINESS. He is now receiving from Neic-York, Philadelphia, and Boston, Off COSraZS-ft'ZttSCTT* Pieces Hemp Bagging, (42 inch. - ) 100 bags Coffee, 156 ban els Whiskey, 30 ban rels Dutch Point Gin, 10 boxes and 12 barrels Loaf Sugar, 20 quarter casks Malaga Wine, 30 kegs Richmond No. i Tobacco, 10 boxes Whittemore’s No. 10 Cotton Cards 10 barrels Linseed Oil, 100 kegs White Lead, 10 bales Stripe and Plaid Domestics, 10 bales brown and bleached do 10 bales London Duffil and Point Blankets, 10 boxes Wool Hats, 15 packages Shoes, assorted, With many other Goods suitable to the season, for sale on reasonable terms. ALEXANDER BRYAN. Sept. 24 * 40 tf SiS' w£S F. P. IBSOSy, (’s building,•) OFFERS FOR SALE, 24^ >00 l' b s- Sweedeslron, 200 Casks Tboniastown Lime, 50 Rbls. Flour. 15 Utils. Apple Brandy, 35 Kegs White Lead, 30 Boxes Raisins, 10 Quarter Casks Wines, assorted, 10 Reams W riting Paper, St. Croix Sugar in Hhrls. and Bbls. 5 Tierces Jamaica Coffee. Jely 12 If) tf RUSSIA & SWEDES 1 rltiZE OF $20,000 1 11 11 5,000 1 11 11 2,500 1 11 11 2,000 1 11 11 1,500 1 11 11 1,080 5 1* 11 1,000 5 11 11 1)00 5 1* 11 500 5 11 11 . 400 JO 11 n 200 20 11 11 100 46 i» 11 70 46 11 ti 60 46 11 11 50 46 1* if 40 92 if 11 30 92 if 11 20 TONS Russia and Swedes ITiON. for sale on accommodating terms, for apptoved pa- i Per. _ KERRS £1 GRAHAM, j August 2 25 tf tv 11.1 prizes ot ,s]J unu $b, amounting io- tiie whole to $124,020, all payable- in Cash. Only about one and a half blanks to a prize. 1 iefeets §6—Halves $3—Quarters $1 5Q APPLY AT BEERS’ Fortunate Lottevv Office, No. 241, Bi oad-Streef. OT" A few Chances may be bad by early application, in the UNION CANAL LOTTERY,$25,000Highest l l'ize. Tickets $6. Drawing will be received by Friday Sept: 24 • u ’ nig •got a man. - - 40 tf The name of R. H. WILDE. Esq. having been announced as a Can didate for Congress without a' knowledge of existing chained to the back shop and I just thocht : circumstances, it is positively withdrawn—his I would bide awee, and see how the affair 1 <n £ n<ls '' ,11 support Mr. Gilmer. was like to end. 1 Scpt ~ 24 «0 2t 4 Pray, wha are you sir ?’ said Donald putting his hands in his sides, and looking through his specs upon Mr. Weft, like a deevil in carnit. 4 Wha are you, sir, that daur speak to me in this manner. V Ft % ee School, j T HIS Institution will ren-w its operations on j June 7 Monday next, the 1st October. — Ol Patch Bra -ihj, Mononga- liela Whiskey, Spc. LANDING FROM STEAM-BOATS COMMERCE AND ENTERPEIZE. 3® Boxps Claret W’ine, 6 , alf Pipes do. 10 Bids. Double Refined Sugar, 65 Kegs Spiced Salmon, 12 Boxes Brandy Fruits 15 do. Capers and Olives 10 do. London Ptrkles, (assorted) 12 Hampers French Cordials. 10-Boxes West India, do 3 Pipes Holland Gin, 2 do Otards Brandy 50 Half Bbls. No. 1 Mackerel, IN STORE. 30 Bbls, Newark Cider, 60 Boxes Crab, do. (equal to Champaignc,) j 20 Bbls. No 1 Mackerel, 10 Casks London Porter, k.c. £:e. 60 Five Gallon Demijohns, 10 Hampers W ine and Porter Bottles, 15 Boxes white and Brown Soap, 20 M. Superior Spanish Segars. together with a complete assortment of GROCERIES, Of the Choices! Kinds, and on fair terms, For Sale hy N. BYRAM MOORE, No. 202, Broad-Street. 10 tf Having purchased the. Stock of GROCERIES of Mr. A. P. ROBERTSON, would again invite the attention of their friends and the public gen erally. m So. 101 Broad-street, uhere they fu tend keeping a constant supply 0j Choice Groceries: TIIEV HAVE ON HAND, W . . k^T. Croix and New-Orleans Sugars. Loaf and Lump do. White and Green Coffee, Cognac Brandy, flolland Gin, N. E. Gin, Canal Whiskey, superior duality, Cicili and Teneriffe Wine, London Porter, Impei ial Gunpowder and Hvson Teas, Pepper and Spice, Table Salt, Spanish and Common Segars, Chewing I obaeco. ofsuperior quality, Sjjerm and Tall ,w Candies, Swedes and Russia Iron, Cotton Bagging and Sacking, Newark Cider, suitable for bottling. &c. &c And at JVo. 151, /key have a general as sortment of Seasonable DRY GOODS, Gf All of which is offered for sale on the most ac- i WHISKEY, RUM, Jy <7/A. j f Just received from New-York anu Philadelphia ,; HHDS Rye Whiskey Jn10 do jN. R. Rum * , 30 Bbls Country Gin 20 do superior Beer, Fidler L Taylor’s brand 20 do Newark Cider 20 Qr. Casks Sicily Madeira, Teneriffe. Muscatel, and Malaga Wines Muscovado Sugars, in hbds and bbls Coffee in Lbis and bags and a general as, sortment of GROCERIES and DRY GOODS constant.y on hand, lor sale on reasonable terms b y BUGO i;. GREENWOOD, 224, Broad Street February 12 77 F OUR months after date application will be made to tbe Inferior Court op Richmond County, whiie sitting for Ordinary purposes, fos leave to sell fifty acres of Land, in Jones Coun ty, adjoining land of Mr. Moore and Mr. Breed love, 7 miles from Clinton, belonging to the heirs of Littlebury Wilson, deceased, and to be sold for their benefit. ELIZA \v ILSON, Guardian. Sept. 24 40 ti - commodatin; June 7 10 tf 4 Wha am I ?’ said the ither, dropping q “ t r 24 ayable advauCe - Pay Scholars received as usual, at $3 per ] 40 ot the remnant of the paper which was burn ing’ close to his fingers, 4 1 am Saunders Weft, Manufacturer in Hamilton, thats ' l ^1'* * ^ j 1 ? 1 * ti 11 o , I -l-V the public, that she will continue her School And I am 1 onald Lampbeil, piper S ! on the first Monday in October, in the ouse sister’s son to his Grace the great grand j 5 ‘ tuate 4 between Mrs. Martin’s and the City Take of Argyle,’thundered out the Hee- Hali ’ - n Grcen - stree U lor the instruction of ...» R E5PECTIULLY informs her friends and the landmanHvi’ a voice that was fe.-’ 4 some to hear. 4 And what about flint V quo’ Mr. Weft, rather snappishly as I thocht. 4 If ye were the great grand Duke of Argylehim- sell’ as ve ca’him, I’ll not permit you to kick up a dust m my shop. 4 \e scounrel,’ said Donald, seizing Mr. AY eft by the throat, and shaking him till he tottered like an aspenleaf, 4 div ye mean to speak ill of his grace the Tuke of Argyle ?’ And he gied him another shake —then, laying hauled of his nose, he swore that he would pul’t as lang as a cow’s tail, if he didnt that instant restore him youn^ Ladies in the English and French langua ges. Drawing and Painting, 4tc. Sept 24 40 St NOTICE. I N conformity to the Proclamation of his Ex cellency the Governor, an Election will be holden at the Court-house, in the City of Augus ta, on the first Monday in October next, for a member of Congress, to fili the vacancy occasion ed by the resignation of E. F. Tatnall, Esquire. - H. McTYRE,j. 1. c. r. c. Y* WALKER, j. 1. c. r. c. S. HALE, j^i. c. r7 c. J. S. HOLT, j. 1. c. r. c. D.'BERRY, j. 1. c. r. c. Sept. 24 - 40 2t FALL GOODS. THE SUBSCRIBER HAS RECEIVED A PART OF HIS SUPPLY OF FALL DRY 7 GOODS: Consisting of a well selected assortment of L ONDON Duffil and Point Blankets Sattinets, Kerseys, &lc. White and Red Flannels Blue and White Plains, otc. fcc. ■WITH A LARGE AND HANDSOME SELECTION OF ' FANCY GOODS: COMPOSED OF Colored Plain Gros De Naples Black, Figured and 1 lain, do Italian Lustrings New Prints With an extensive assortment of other new and useful Goods, which are cffercdfcn fairterms J. KYLE, 231 Broad-street. Sept. 17 .38 fit At No. 115, Earner of Broad and Cen're-Streets, THS SU3SC3.I33U3S. Has just received, in addition to his former stock of GROCERIES, jQ pipes Cognac Brandy, 2 do Holland Gin, 6 qr. casks Teneriffe and Malaga Wines, 6 kegs Cordials, 20 barrels Apple Brand}', 15 do \\ liiskej 7 , 14 ! hds. St Croix and Orleans Sugars, 40 baas Coffee, 14 kegs and boxes Tobacco, .10 boxes Whittemore’s No. 10 Cotton Cards, 30 pieces 42 inch Cotton Bagging, 20 reams Letter and Writing Paper, 100 do Wrapping do 2 tierces Hardware and Cutler}-, 40 boxes New Northern Cheese, 3 casks do do 2000 bushels Liverpool Salt, which will be sold low for cash W. A. MITCHELL. Sept. 17 38 3t JUST PRINTED, AND FOR SALE AT THE OFFICE OF THC gt,oiLnxA co^nrsn, ECLARATIONS. BLANK POWERS OF ATTORNEY', MAGISTRATES SUMMONS’, NOTICES OF INSOLVENT DEBTORS,. CLAIM BONDS, SHERIFF’S TITLES. MAG1S RATE’S EXECUTIONS. NOTARY’S NOTICES, LAND DEEDS, RECOGNIZANCES. MILITIA EXECUTIONS, Jt C . kc. July 26 o'- CASTINGS FOUZSU. S OME of my children found yesterday under the House occupied by mv family. Two Ovens and Lids, and one small' Skillet. They were concealed in the dust, and are apparently new. Persons who have lately lost such arti cles, may have them by describing ilie jiropertv and paying for this advertisement. Apply to the Subscriber, No. 323, North side of Broad-Street HENRY ROBERT. July 23 on NOTICE. ESSRS. A. I. & G. W. HUNTINGTON. wiU act as our attorney, during our absence from the State. June 28 TAMP LET L ROW AND. 16 tf B EGS ie.ave, most respectfully, to inform the inhabitants of Augusta that she intends o- peninga MALE and FEMALE SEMINARY, on the first day of October next, a few doors above the upper market. Males underten, and Females ofany age, will be admitted. Also, a few young Ladies will be taught Drawing aid PaintiDg on reasonable terms. It will be expected that Parents or Guardians, on entering their Children, will pay in advance. Persons living out of the city, and wisoing to have their Children Boarded and Schooled, w i 1 be well accommodated and every care taken of their morals and be aviour. Terms will be mo derate, and mane known on application by letter or otherwise. Sept. 2D 39 2t mww F OR Sale, superfine lilour, at §6.50 per bbl. fine do. §5,50. Apply to the subscri ber, upper end Broad.street, near Camp field’s YY arehouse. Sept. 20 BE-NJ. SIMS. 39 ot MRS. OUERZESEW, R ESPECT! L LLY informs her friendsand tae public, that on the 1st of October next, she will open her BOARDING and DAY' SCHOOL for YOUNG LADIES, in Ell is-st reef, the second house from the corner of Washington-street, an.* next floor to Mr. Mealing’s brick house. Her course of Instruction, will be the different branches ol anF.nglish Education, usually ta’ugh: terms made known on application to Mrs. G Sept. 20 32 4: r INSTINCT PRINT