Georgia courier. (Augusta, Ga.) 1826-1837, October 15, 1827, Image 2

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JEOitGIA COURIER. J. a. wwiioRTEa AND HENar M2JI&OT&, PUBLISHERS. n Tinrs.—This Paper is published every Monday ami IThursday afternoon, nt $5 00 per annum, payable in ud- Bvancc, or $G 00 at the expiration of the year, wr Advertisemente noi exceeding a srpiure, inserted the I font time or 62 1 2 cents, and 43 3-4 cents lor eachcon- lg/nuance. ^From the N. Y. National Advocate, October 2.] We this morning have the satisfaction w of presenting to our fellow-citizens, an ad- h dress fron: the portion of the Republican General Committee, who yet maintain the-ground of the democratic party. It breaths a spirit which will find a res ponse in every heart “ determined to be free,” while jt will show to the democrats of the city and of the state that its rights arc guarded by vigilant, fearless and pat riotic men. We will not keep oitr read ers from the pcrsual of it, certain as we are, that there is a spirit up in this city to !iu over whelm the usurpations and the unpre- ip cedented coarse and tone of some 21 men in the employment of Clinton and Van 'js| Buren. 'j|| Fellow Citizens.—It is with sincere !aj regret that the undersigned, a minority of [H'j the Republican General Committee, of Hi! the city of New-York, find themselves re duced to the painful necessity of dissent ing from the unprecedented course recent ly adopted by a majority of that Commit tee, and now proclaimed, as an edict to be strictly observed in the primary meetings of the free and independent Republican Electors of this city, to be held in the several Wards on Wednesday, evening the 3d October instant. The terms of the pdict, are, that they (the people j shall elect such citizens only to represent them in their different committees as are favorable to the election of Andrew Jackson as President of the United States.—Before tve proceed, the undersigned beg leave to 9#k their fellow citizens if such a power of proscription and dictation was ever dele gated to or practised by any other gener al committee 1” And having perfect knowledge that no such power -was ever delegated, they believe it-to be their boun, den duty, and in the name of the free and independent republicans of this city, they do most solemnly protest against such dic tation. It is the sincere hope of the un dersigned that the ma jority of the General Cominit'co on the due consideration of the future consequences of such measures to our free institutions, wilj not persist in future overt acts of violence on the free ex ercise of elective franchise in the primary assemblies of the people. W.o do entreat tint majority most of whom are our friends to pause. The combination in these violent and unprecedented, measures -aim to influence the election of President of die U. States, when such election constitutionally be longs to electors to be chosen io dis'ricts by the people of this state, and docs not take place until about fourteen months from this date. Neither can tiie election of Senators or Assembly men, and far less the City Corporation now about to take place, have atiy proper bearing on the presidential election ; unless the secret in tent of the master spirit’s be, in case of their obtaining a majority in the ‘Legisla ture of this state also to breakdown the present electoral law to subserve their own purpose. It is therefore respectfully recommend ed bv the undersigned to the free and unbiased republican electors of this city, to meet on the evening of the 3d inst. in their several wards, pursuant to the recommendation of the General Com mit ee and in the first instance to decide whether the course dictated by a major ity of that committee in attempting to fore stall public semiment receives their sanc tion or whether they will not rather adhere to the old & established republican usages, It will not be denied that minorities have lights equally sacred to civil liberty with those of majorities, and that the exercise of ’hose righ s qii both sides, t-. be right, must he just and reasonable. . We sb all continue to lu-ld our scats in that Commit ee as the regular represen tatives f amour respective wards and do intend u>sustain these scales and guard the public interest in pari committed to Our care to the best of our ability; and we do now iu full confidence appeal to our republican fellowcitizens on the subject matter liereby presented for their consid eration and .final decision, disclaiming all dictation in the free and liberal exercise of elective rights as sesured to every indi vidual citizen by our general and state go- rei nmeat. JSltto- York Oct. 1, 1S27. JAS. FAIRLIE, PETER SHARP, WM. W, TODD, C. L SMITH, HENRYMEAD EWD. PHILIPS, ISAAC WEBB, NATHANIEL I. BOYD H. M. SALOMAN, HENRY MEIGS, ABM. R. LAWRENCE. STEPHEN WHEATON. Rgckville, Oct. 2d, 1827 Gentlemen—Aware of those courses which w l! be taken by the opponents of tho.Administration, iu claimiugthe victory in Montgomery county, I deem it proper to apprise you of the circumstances which enabled the friends of General Jacks *n to elect two members of the Legislature, by the small majority of 30 voles. Six candidates friendly io tho administration and three fi iendly to Gen. Jackson pre sented themselves on the day of election the consequent division among our friends, added to the unwillingness of many to blend the presidential election with that of tho Legislature, accounts for our failure in not electing four Administration Inen. The result however has given us the most consoling and satisfactory evidence of a decided evidence for Mr. Adams of from 4 to 500 votes, which I confidently assert will be exhibited at the ejeciiun, se curing beyond doubt the district to Mr. Adams; The Administration candidate for the Sheriffalty has succeeded over the Jack- son candidates by a majority of more than four hundred votes.—Nat. Inf. Mr. Eaton's Letter.—Not having any motive for preventing our readers from seeing any thing, of consequence, which may be published, by either party, in re ference to the Presidential Election, we give to our readers, to-day, the Letter of Mr. Senator Eaton, of Tennessee, which, from previous annunciations, they have had some reason to expect. The general tone and temper of the Letter of Mr. Eaton is such as to entitle it to commendation, especially by the contrast which it affords to the coarseness and rudeness of some of those publica tions, which the existing political contest has elicited from the friends and support ers of Gen. Jackson’s claims to the Pre sidency. Tho Letter of Mr. Eaton is, neverthe less, imbued with prejudice, which disco lors all his conclusions. His argument, respecting Mr. Clay’s motives and con duct, appears to be wholly fallacious, when it is recolletted, that not on the 30th of December, nor on the 22d of Jan uary, but many weeks before either date, Mr. Clay’s mind was made up as to the vote he should give, in case ot the election being brought, in the House of Represen tatives, to a question between Mr. Adams and General Jackson. As the reader’s recollection .may not carry him hack to the evidence of this fact, and as he may be induced to suppose, from Mr. Eaton’s Letter, that Mr. Clay’s Letter to Judge Brooke was the first intimation of his in tention in this respect, we have turned back to our file for 1825, for the follow ing document, to which it appears to be a proper time for recalling the attention of the Public, and which settles the matter, beyond dispute, in favor of Mr. Clay’s consistency and integrity in this matter.— Here follows the letter of Professor Drake already published in the Conrier. Nat. Lit. By an arrival at Baltimore from Smyr na and Gibraltar, we have later accounts from Greece than had previously reached us. It is said with an air of confidence that the Sultan, notwithstanding the first burst of indignation on his receipt of the requisition of the Allied Sovereigns, has, on more mature deliberation, consented to treat with the Greeks. We are anx ious to receive some further intelligence on this subject. If a treaty be on foot there will bo an armistice, and if even the ne- gocialion should fail, the Greeks will have some interval for repose and for recruii- ing their strength. It will be seen by these accounts, that Lieut. Washington, formerly of West Point, and who left this country to join the Greeks, has been killed by a random shot from a cannon.—Journal. By De Witt Clinton, Governor nf the State of New- York. Whereas, Eli Bruce, Sheriff of the coun ty of Niagara, has been charged before me with a violation of his duties as a good citizen, and a faithful officer, in being con cerned in the abduction of William Mor gan, and has been heard in his defence ; And whereas, in the investigation of the said accusation, it appeared that it was completely in the power of the said Eli Bruce if innocent, to establish his inno cence. And whereas, to afford him that opportunity, a decision on the complaint has been suspended for an ample lime, and he has given no explanation of his conduct; And whereas, it appears that a recent trial at Canadnigua of certain per sons charged with the f said abduction, the said Eli Bruce, when called on as a wit ness, refused to testify on several material points, on the ground of self-crimination; fr. m nil which, I am persuaded that he was a participant in the said abduction, and thereby lias rendered himself unwor thy of the official station which he at pre sent occupies ; I do, therefore; pursuant to tho powers vested in me by the consti tution of this state, remove the said Eli Bruce from the of Sheriff of the co’u ntv of N iagara. In witness whereof I have here unto set my hand and the privy (L. S.) seal o ’the state, at the city of Albany, this 26:h day of Sep tember, Anno Domini, 1827. DE WITT CLINTON. We are much gratified at this measure. A man, who, when holding so important an executive office as thutof sheriff, could be engaged ill so nefarious a transaction as that which has led to this result, must be totally u-. worthy of any trust or confidence, and all good people will approve of his dis mission. The N. Y. Enquirer says : “ We regret to perceive a few of the steady ft lends <>f Mr. Crawford, uniting with the very men who destroyed his elec tion in 1824.” There are very good reasons why the friendsof Mr. Crawford should be oppo sed to the election of Gen. Andrew Jack- son. It is impossible that men vyho have any regard for that gentleman, to support his violent and furious enemy ; a man who publicly threatened to cut Mr. Craw ford’s ears off; who audaciously declared the world was not big enough for him and and the Secretary of Treasury, and who, in his own house, when President Mon roe was his guest, avowed that the. only act which disgraced his administration \yas keeping Crawford in office. While his friends remember these violent denuncia tions they will not be likely to favor for the presidency the man who made them. LY. Xj N~at. From the Quebec Gazetfi. Attempt of an Eagle to devour a bot. A very singular occurrence happened the week before last, in thePaiish of St. Ambroise, about nine miles from this city. Two boys, the one seven and the other five years old, amused themselves in an adjoining field, trying to reap, while their parents were at dinner. A large eagle , soon came sailing over them—and with a i swoop attempted to seize the eldest, but j luckily missed him. The bird not at all j dismayed, sat on the ground at a short dis- ' tance.’ The bold little fellow defended- ed himself against his fierce antagonist, with the sickle he had very fortunately in his hand, and when the bird rushed upon him he struck at it. The sickle entered under the left wing, and the blow having been given strongly, went through the ribs, and passing through the liver proved fatal. The Eagle was afterwards sold to | Mr. Chasseur, who had stuffed it and pla ced it in his museum, where it may now | be seen. It is the ringtailed or Russian Eagle. The wings expand upwards of six feet. Its stomach was opened and found ! entirely empty. The little boy did not receive a scratch. Had the eagle seized him, his talons, which are of uncommon strength and about an inch and a half long, must have lacerated him dreadfully. There is little doubt, w’ithout the bird was much weakened by hunger, that ii blow or two from its beak would have torn out his eyes, and with the instinct peculiar to birds of prey, broken in a moment the thin parts of the skull about the eye, and almost instantly destroyed his life. Several eagles of this species breed in the high Capes about Cape Tourmente, below St. Joachim. In the fall they feed chiefly upon sea fowl and the caracasses of fish. In the summer months they are de structive to poultry, often carrying of}' a large turkey or a goose in iheir claws, from the barn door. The present is the first well authentica ted instance of their attacking children in this country ,which hascome to our know- ledge. Mr. Barry O’Meara controverts, in a letter in a London morning paper, a vast number of the facts and statements of Sir Walter Scott’s Life of Napoleon. It is currently reported, both in Paris and London, that General Gourgaud is abmi t put himself in communication with Sir Walter Scott, as to the mention made of him in the Life of Napoleon.— Indeed, it v. as said in Paris, that he had set out for England for that purpose—we hope the said General will be prevented from carrying his views to extremities. ERRY’S VICTORY, on Lake Erie, was celebrated on the 10 of September, by a public dinner near Frankford, Ken tucky. Gen. Jackson was invited to at tend, but he politely declined. The fol lowing is an extract from his reply to the letter of the. committee. “ The friendly notice you have been pleased to take of my public and private character, merits my sincere thanks, I beg you to accept them. It is true that reproach and calumny have opened freely their steams against me. Every thing dear to one at my time of life, who of necessity must repose for character and a good name, more on the past than the future ; and who must look rather to what has been, than what may be, has indeed been violently assailed. Placed before the people, I was not weak enough to presume that the volume of my life would not be opened and ransacked, and every public incident seized upon, that by possibility might be used to my disadvantage : yet I did hope that a liberal and generous feeling on the part of my countrymen would spare me at least those assaults which slander and falsehood might delight to inflict. In that I have been disappointed. Y'et have I found a redeeming security in this ; that truth was mighty and although for a time her principles might be obscured, in the end her triumph would be but the more complete, “ To each ofyou, individually,I beg leave to tender my sincere regard, and request you to present my respects to tiie citizens whom you represent, Very respectful!' vour mos’ ob’t serv’t: ANDREW JACKSON. To the Committee. Leghorn Aug. 16—(Extract ofa private letter.) A letter from the Isle of Zante dated the 2d of Aug. sa\s: “ Admiral Cochrane after having burnt the Egyptian brig Alexandria, and carried terror into the enemy’s country, has returned to Po- ros. Yesterday morning a little frigate of 30 canimns, and a schooner of the Pink ish fleet, passed our island for the purpose of going to Patros, suddenly Admiral Co chrane appeared near Scruples with the Helias and the Soter (Savor) a Philhellan brig ; about noon a brisk firing was beard, and in the evening we had news of the battle. This morning, early, the Hellas was seen bearing up to our island, along with the Soter which had in tow the ene my’s frigate, the Greek flag flying at the mast head. The Turkish crew had been obliged to surrender, after a resistance of ten minutes, their vessel having been great ly damaged by the fire of the Hellas. The Greek sailors were on its deck, endeavo ring to repair the injuries it had received. The mainmast was broken at the place which receives it but it would be easy to mend. The Greeks came so near to our port, that we were able, with a telescope to distinguish the men. As for the Turk ish schooner, it was taken without having any injury. The Greek vessel sailed to wards Clarenza, where they will anchor, and arm the schooner, by to-morrow morning. The New-England Palladium tells of a man named Lemon who was recently forced to pay a Large sum of money and on being spoken to about it, replied— “ Never roiud, I am not the first Lemon tbit ever was sotijcccrf.” C<pnER.—Cipher is a kind of* enigma tic character, composed of several ’letters interwoven, which are generally the initi al letters of the person’s name for whom ciphers are intended. It is also applied to certain secret characters, disguised and varied : used for the writing of letters that contain secrets not to be understood by a- nv but those, between whom the cipher is agreed on. This is now reduced to a se parate art, called Crytngraphia Polygra phia and Steganographia. The following is the best method to be observed iu communicating secret intel ligence by-ciphers. Take two pieces of pasteboard, or stiff paper, through which you must cut loDg squares, at different distances, as you will see in the following example. One oTthese pieces you keep yourself, and the other you give to your correspondent. When you would send him any secret intelligence, you lay the pasteboard upon a paper of the same size and iu in the spaces cut out, you write what y ou would have understood by him only, and then fill up the intermediate spa ces with somewhat that makesthese’words a different sense. The following is a let ter of assignation : “ [I shall be] much obliged to you, as reading [alone engages my attention [at] present, if you will lend me any one of the [eight] volumes of the Spectator. I hope you will excuse [this] freedom, but for a winter’s [evening,] I [doni] know better entertainment. If I [fail] to return it soon nevertrustmefor time [tocome.]” A paper of this sort may be placed four different ways either by putting the bottom at the top, orbv turning it over; and by these means the superfluous words may be the more easily adapted to the sense of the others. This is a very eligible cipher, as it is free from suspicion, but it will do only for short messages ; for if the spaces befiequent, it will be very difficult to make the concealed and obvious meanings agree together ; and if the sense be not clear, the writing will be liable to suspicion. We perceive with much regret though we confess with no great astonishment, that certain papers at the South, having ascertained that the statements made by Mr. Buchanan, relative to the averments of General Jackson, do not confirm, the impressions which the General’s letter and Mr. Beverh’s report did at first cause, have proceeded to offer up the character of Mr. Buchanan, as a sacrifice to their illiberal wishes. It so happens, that in the Presidential question, we find our selves in opposition to the Hon. James Buchanan, of Lancaster ; but our respect for his honour, his moral integrity, remains as it did when we recorded with approba tion every public movement of that dis tinguished individual: And we take the present occasion of saying to those who seek their own interest in villifying him, that the sphere of their influence is ex tremely limited ; Pennsylvania knows the worth of her talented citizens, and Penn sylvanians will not, as we believe, suffer a difference upon a single qncslion,to lessen their high respect for exalted talents, or gratitude for their public and beneficial exercise. Lancaster county will probably furnish a majority opposed to the presi dential predilections of Mr. Buchanan ; but that majority will not hesitate to do ample justice to the uprightness of their distinguished fellow-citizen. Would those that now assail Mr. Buch anan for not confirming all they desired, for not putting the “ yea and the amen,” to what he knew was not true, would they have failed to use his “accommodation” to his injury, when their failing cause re quired the sacrifice, had he (as he is most incapable of doing) swerved from his own conviction of right. This attempt to blacken the reputation of such a man as Mr. Buchanan, shows to what a reckless state have certain of the AVGUSTA. MONDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1827. vhat will serve their purpose will be used, and what will not must be destroyed. [17. S. Gazette A letter from a gentleman in London, dated Aug 11, says : “Just before the ill ness and death of Mr. Canning there were indications of an accommodation of the difference between the United States and this country, on commercial affairs.— The prejudices, of Mr. C. against our i Minister had subsided in a good degree,! and we have been assured that the dinner ! given to Mr. G. at Chiswick on the 30th ult. was intended as a mark of reconcilia tion. [Boston Centinel. Report of Deaths in the City of Augusta, during the week ending yesterday. UTiites.—3 female adults, and 2 children. Blacks.—1 woman and 1 child. Total 7. john marshall, sexton. (fj* The personalities of “Jedediah Pillman” exclude his “life and opinions” from the columns of the Courier# We publish to-day an interesting letter from General Jackson, declining to dine with a party celebrating Perry’s Victory. The idea of a man, at his stage of life, having to “repose for character and a good name more on the past than the future,” and “ looking rather to what has been, than what may be,” is affecting and beautiful. But no man in this country can rest on his past acts with a prouder confidence of futui c fa*»e, than can the Hero of New Orleans; and whether or not he shall enjoy any future opportunity of increasing his reputation, enough al ready exists to emblazon the page of his tory with his name. The ycang soldier, wiih eager ambition, may spring forward to the goal of his hopes and snatch fresh laurels in other fields; but the old Gene ral, adorned with the warrior’s wreath, rests proudly on his present trophies?— The laurels which the youthful aspirant seeks ill his country’s service, that coun try will award as his deeds may merit; but those which the old patriot has already won, she will cherish while he lives, and watering their sacred roots with Ifer tears, bid them bloom forever over his tomb ! The City of New York, judging from the papers, presents .at present a spectacle at which, as Mr. Noah would sa}', Admin istration men must weep, but we think at which Angels’ might weep. Tiie party arrangements of that great State, seem to us well calculated to keep the people completely in chains, and all their offices, from the highest down to the lowest, in the disposal nf a few individuals. VVe have ever been displeased with those inter mediate bodies, call them what you will, which .are unknown to the Constitution, and which, thrusting themselves, between the people and their legal organs, assume to themselves the direction of public opin ion. These “ regular nominations,” as they arc called, we consider very irregu lar, and their ultimate tendency, by vio lating public free-will, to concentrate all the powers of popular government in a few hands, should fix their character at once with all those whose principles and habits lead them to prefer a republican form of government. What should we do, if we were in the midst of all this bus tle, when here the very perusal of their papers puts us into such a fidget, that we could scarcely set still long enough to writo down these few remarks? We thought we lived amidst heat and bustle enough; but we thank our stars, that we live even in this hot climate, where both nature, and man’s political exacerbations combined, cannot equal the temperature which seems at present to be consuming the Citv of opposition arrived. It is an evidence that ♦Gotham. We hope they will soon have a frost. The Frankfort Commentator gives the list of the Congressional candidates in Kentucky, with the number of votes each received : Administration Candidates 42,127 Opposition do. 33,406 MORTISING MACHINE. . A paper published in the interior of the state of New-York, contains a description of a patent machine, invented by Simon Leroy, for mortising carriage hubs, bed stead posts, secretary and bureau posts, table legs, &C. The machines are-sold at twenty dollars each. Its virtues are thus described by the patentee. With this machine a boy of fourteen years of age, can do as much work in any given time as six men will do in the ordin ary way; besides it has the inestimable advantage of making every mortice alike. In carriage bubs the mortice may be kept clear bv means of a spring, placed at the back nf a chisel. The machine is small, and can be placed in any corner of the shop, it being not more than two feet eight inches in length, sixteen inches in width, and three feet high ; the weight of the whole does not exeeeffftfty pounds. The cost of the irofi work will not be more than two dollars'for each machine.. Any sized chisel can be used in the machine, from eighth of an inch to five quarters. The whole is formed without a wheel or pinion, is very simple in construction, and not lia- able to injury, and can be either made or repaired by any common mechanic. Charcoal is strongly recommended in cases of obstinate and dangerous constipa tion of the bowels or costiveness, in doses of two or three table spoonfuls every half hour in lime water, milk, or in water.— Charcoal is now used for many valuable purposes. -••* ’ . Administration majority 8,721 Delaware Election.—Mr. Johns, the Administration candidate, is elected by a considerable majority over his opponent, Mr. Bayard. Two-thirds of the Legisla ture Administration. Maryland State Election.—Out of 80, the Administration have 50, the opposi tion 30. The Baltimore Patriot states, that the strength of the Administration is not shewn in Maryland, becanse several Administration candidates were run io some counties, against one opposition candidate. In Baltimore, the papers state that Gdn. Jackson, at the last elec tion, had a majority of 900—at this elec tion it was reduced to about 400. New York.—The Ward Elections in j sitive hostility to John Quincy Adams. presented by tfie resignation of Col. Tat* nail. Oct. 13.—Cotton (new) 10 1-2 to It cents in Savannah. There were 11 deaths in Savannah in the week ending 9tb inst. No new case of malignant fever reported on the 10th.. There were three deaths by suicide in Charleston in the week ending the 7th. Messrs. Ed.tors: In the Courier ofthe——ultimo, an en quiry was made relative to the appropria tion of the money subscribed in the fall of 1824, for the purpose of passing wag. gons with Cotton, Tobacco, &c. across the Augusta Bridge free of Toll—to which I have seen no reply. It appears tome that the Agent to whom this money was -intrusted, ought, in justice to himself as well as the subscriber?, to have made a statement to the public. This statement is yet looked for, and is believed will be made if the money has been appropriated as intended. A SUBSCRIBER-' October 9, 1827. At an election by the Stockholders, (cp Directors of the Macon Bank, held on the 2d inst. the following persons were elected- for the ensuing yoar: John T. E. D. Traciy. G. B. Lamar. Robert Birdsong. Washington Poe. M. B. Wallis. John W. CampbcV John T. Rowland. Josiah Freeman. John T. Lamar, Esq. of Macon, war elected President of the Bank.—Mess. Greenville, S. C. Oct. 6. ■ More Gold.—\V e have just seen a smal* ore of very fine Gold, exceeding in value $150, brought from Tiger River, in Spar- tenburg, where Mr. James H. Randolph is now washing for this metal. This piece of Gold was not found in one body, but consists of several parcels melted into one. We sincerely wish Mr. Randolph success in his enterprise, as we know of no gen tleman more deserving of prosperity. Green. Republican. A letter from Louisiana says that Corn- necticut “ is not more sure for Adams, than Louisiana.” A letter from Cincin nati states that Ohio “will go almost unanimosly for the Administration.” Charleston City Gaz. We find in the/Warrenton (Virginia) Gazette, a notification in the following terms. Xemton Ticket.—A number of free* holders, believing that De Witt Clinton . of New-Y ork, possesses talents of the firs' order, and would, in die Presidential chair administer the affairs of die nation in a superior manner, intend calling a ge neral meeting in Warrentonto frame ar. electoral ticket for him in the State cr Virginia. — The Legislature of Tennessee converg ed at Nashville on the 17th ult. Gen. Wrn. Hall Was elected Speaker of the Senate, and Mr. Camp Speaker of the House of Representatives. City Gazette. —B©©— Fifteen thousand yards of Cotton Cloti. are wove daily at Lowell, Massachusetts — -czsJMe*- WASHINGTON CITT, OPT. 6. The. Indian War at an end.—We lean, from a traveller, that Col. M’Kermy, of this city, arrived at St. Louis on die 17tf Sept, from the Winnebago country. H&*■ brought information to that place that the Red Bird (the principal war chief of the hostile band of Winnebagoes) together with young Brave of the same band, had been given up to Gen. Atkinson ; thi Winnebagoes had sued for peace, and had promised to give up all the party which made the attack on the keel boars, and committed the murder of Prairie-du* CHien. &c. It is stated that at the fire in St. Jolin- street, on Wednesday morning, the branch pipe ofthe Resolution hose was suddenly obstructed, and on examination a living fish, of the perch species, about 5 inches- long, was found to be the cause. • Philad. Aurord —qq©— From the Baltimore P&triat. In the reply of R. M. Saunders, of Sa lisbury, N. C. to Gov. Kent, of the State of Maryland, published in the Jackson- press, Mr. Saunders holds the following language : “ From the commencement cu the last Presidential contest, to its termi nation, I harbored but one feeling, and expressed but one language, of preference for William H. Crawford, and a most po- the City of New York, have terminated in the choice of Jackson delegates. ITEMS. The late showers have raised our river but a few inches. It is very low. Returns from 46 Counties, says the Savannah Georgian, give a majority a- gainst a Convention of 2353. Mr. Gilmer has beaten Judge Charlton in the (late) first Congressional District, 737 votes. Only Emanuel and Montgo mery remain to be heard from. Montgo mery, it is said, gave a majority for Mr. Gilmer. It is probable, therefore, that the question will not be agitated, which was expected in case Judge C. received tUe majority in the District, lejt unro* Whatever may have been *Mr. Saui#- ! ders’s professions, pretensions, or prefer- 1 ences, made to Governor Kent, to the Editors of whom he speaks, or to any other person or persons, after he left hi? District, is not for me to say ; but, before the election for President took place, when Mr. Saunders was before the Peo ple as a candidate for Congress, he told his constituents, that, in case lie failed to obtain Mr. Crawford, his first—choice, he would unhesitatingly take up Mr. Adams as his second. It is not from any personal hostility that I have to Mr. Saun ders—for I have none—that has induced me to make this statement: I am a citizen of North Carolina, and from one ofthe counties that compose Mr. Saunders’s District. Another of his constituents is with me, in Baltimore, and is willing to testify to the truth of the above statement Truth near was indebted to a Lf/