Georgia courier. (Augusta, Ga.) 1826-1837, October 18, 1827, Image 3

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AUGUSTA. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1S27. We lack information from a few Couu- ties to have full returns of the recent Elec- tion—the Counties to hear from will not make a material change, ami the votes now stand thus: /•' 0 r Governor, Forsvth 22220 Scattering 9072 Ear Congress, Gilmer 20377 * Charlton 11758 Cor Convention, 104^7 No Convention, 19G23 Tl»e Colton Planters of Georgia and South-Carolina, are referred to an adver tisement of sundry Merchants of Augusta, inserted in this day’s Courier. The Letter of Gov. Kent, of Mary land, in reply to Gen. Saunders, of N. C. will be found in this day’s paper. In the Courier of the 8th inst. we published the address of Gen. S., so that our readers now have an opportunity of judging be tween the parties. the Counsellors bf State and ministry had been summoned to Si. Il-defonso in con sequence of Mr. La ml) having demanded some explanation as to the importance of the disturbances in Catalonia and the men- ti ncture as solemn as a Gothic tem- ! sures taken by tbe Government to prevent the The em, and trout a determination t » act cisively with regard to Portugal, object ot tlip Council was to concoct an answer for Mr. Lamb, and to regulate the number of troops to be sent against P»o- tugal. Tbe disturbances in Catalonia were increasing, and according to the We believe the public will agree with us, when they have read Mr. Eaton’s Let- ter, that lie had nothing new to say ; and moreover, like a great many others, that he continued to write after hr, was dune. That such loose surmises, such insinua tions, such careless chit-chat, und childish incidents, should employ the thoughts of our great men, is mortifying to every one who is solicitous about the aspect which his country presents to the world. For instance, Mr. Eaton builds a grave super ' ~ pie, upon tbe circumstance of Mr. Clay’s passing not far from Gen. Jackson without perceiving and speaking to him, until something roused him from his reverie and rendered him attentive to the objects j by which lie was surrounded. Wouldit not : have done Mr. Eaton nwe credit to have | believed, that his ' ed and pondering on the mighty which were the source of his daily medi tations ] Were there no circumstances in tory on the 17 of Julv over Mr. Clay’s life, which would warrant the supposition that his anxious thoughts were still laboring in the cause of bis adopted children, the South American Republics? Were not the sufferings of unhappy Creece still struggling in agony beiore him, suffi cient to absorb all consideration of minor concern ! Or, if you please, he was weigh ing the importance of the great decision winch he was soon to make between the two leading candidates, whose talents were, in future, to sway the destinies of his country. Is this the more probable, or Mr. Eaton’s great conclusion, that he hud, in a meeting of the Kentucky dele gation, determined to vote against Gen. Jackson, and therefore did not wish to speak to him( By tin 1 by, the meeting of the Kentucky delegation is spoken of by Mr. Eaton as a very uncommon thing —such a tlnng never happened before or since at V\ as’mngton; and some nameless i somebody, the author of the East Room ■ Letter for,aught we know, told him (Mr. ! E.) that he was told that thryh <d a moet- THREE DAYS LATER. .YEW YORK, OCT. S The ship Antioch, Capt. Rich, a new ship, on her first Voyage, arrived ai tins port yesterday afternoon, from Liverpool whence she sailed on the 4:li til*. The, editors of the Gazette are indebted to Cap- lain Rich for a Liverpool paper of the 4th, and the London Morning Chronicle of the 3d tilt, from whence they have ex tracted every tiling of moment. The. ar rangements for the New Ministry were in a (air way ofsoon being brought to a close. Mr. Ilerries had an audience with the King on the 1st, and was offered the office of Chancellor of the Exchequer, which it was understood he had consented to ac cept. Lord Laudsdmvn also wailed on the King on the 1st, and the result of his audience was very satisfactory. A coun cil was to be held at Windsor on the 3d, to be attended by Mr. Huskisson, Mr. Merries and Mr. Charles Grant, for the purpose of receiving respectively the appointments of Colonial Secretary, Chancellor of the Exchequer, and Presi dent of the Board of Trade and Treasury of the Navy. The Morning Chronicle in reference to this subject says, “ His Majesty is under stood to have displayed throughout, the ut most anxiety to prevent whatever might have a tendency to produce disunion, and thus endanger the existence of the admin istration- Those who have founded their i P e PPf> hopes of returning to power on anv sup pose 1 partiality on the pari of his Majes ty, for one part of the Cabinet more titan another, will be mortified to loam that his Majesty again and again expressed his wish to perpetuate the liberal policy on which the administration has lately been conducted.” A private letter from Madrid published in Paris Constiiu'ionel, mentions that Current. CHARLESTON Cotton—Sea-Island, lb. Santee, and Maine, Upland, Bagging, (42 inch) Rite—Prime, Inferior, to good,' Flour—Philadelphia, 1 Richmond. y Baltimore, Howard-st. ) Do. Wharf, Alexandria, Coffee—Havaua, prime, 1 good, > middling ) St. Domingo, Jamaica, line green, Molasses—W. India, good, Havanna, New-Orleans, in hhds. k Whiskey—hhd. P* nn. Do. ' bbl. Do. hhd. New-York Do. bbl. Din—Holland, Weesp’s best, Anchor, Seheidam—direct import, Northern. Rum—Jamaica, (direct importation) West India, do New England, hhd. Ditto bbl. OCT. 13, 1827. 21 a 25 17 a 19 9-i a 11 £3 a 25 2| a 3 51 a oj 54 150 a 5 75 17a 18 14 a 15 14 none 18 35 3> 34 y> a 38 32 a 33 34 none 34 120 100 [ 38 a 41i a 110 115 i SO i 29 i 40 Drawing Received TO-MORROW EVENING. $ 15,000 Highest Prize Union Canal Lottery, The Drawin Cla>s 33d ng will be received by Friday Night’s Mail. 3<8'JKBSt3U PRIZE OF $15,000 Brandy—Cognac, 4th pf. (direct im.) 140 a 155 ! do. Do. Bordeaux, Apple Brandy. Iron—Russiak Sweden, pr. cwt. Corn, (cargo) Peas. Tobaceo- M .iiqtiis Campo Segrado, it would require six r<’at mind was abstract- ! thousand men to prevent the insurrection hemes I fro " i ' spreading. The Riisiiin forces, under General Packewitsch obtained a considerable vic tim Persians on the banks of the Araxes. The latter lost 400 killed, 160 pr isoners and two stan dards ; the Eusians had 9 killed and 29 wounded. Billings’ Liverpool Advertiser, of the 4 : h, says : “ The Saies of Cotton on Sa turday and to-day, Monday, amount to about 2500 hags to the trade, at previous prices. Th e market continues fiat.” r l lie Constitutional Charter for Greece, which has just been published, provides for the free exercise ol religion, and equal protection for every person, whatever his mode of worship; the state of Greece is to he divided into provinces. It admits the sovereign rights of the Hellenists, whether born in Greece, or a foreign country of a Hellenian father, provided they come and reside in Greece. Torture and confiscation of property are abolished. It prohibits slavery of all kinds—the de tention of any person in prison more than 24 hours without the cause of his arrest | being made known to him—guarantees I the freedom of the press. The sovereign | power of the nation is to he divided into j three--Legislative, Executive, & Judicial. —• Napoleon's Fart well to his Guard.— | Napoleon having now resigned himself to I his fate, whether for good orevil, ttrfepar? mg, and tluR Mr. Chv had there begged j e d on the 20tb April, to depart for his (scarce) Georgia, 1 Fayetteville, > Kenlucky, ) Butter—Prime Goshen, Common, Bacon—Corn Fed, Hams, Lard, Tallow, Beps Wax, 110 a 125 32 a 34 dull 44 40 a 4-5 45 IS ■34 a 44 (plenty) 18 a 20 8 a 12i 7.1a 8 10 a 11 97 a 10 12 Sugar.—Masco Jam. fine (declining) 10( n 11* do Do. -it. Croix, Do. Matanzns, Do. Ha vann?, New Orleans, Havanna, white. Do. brown, Loaf Sugar, refined (declining) Sail—Liverpool, coarse (bags of) 4 bushels,) < Do. in Iin'k. Turks Island, 104 alii _ 9 a JO 8.7 a 9 o 5 5 10 20 40 40 02 2104 8280 3.000 2.500 2.000 1,000 1.500 1.100 1,000 500 400 300 200 100 50 40 20 10 5 N. B. MOORE, Ao. 202 Broad-Street. . Offers for Sale the following Articles, of the ^ CHCICH^ HINDS, For the use of Families, on reasonable term TEAS. Gunpowder, Imperial, Powchong, Souchon Hvsoii, Young yson. COFFEE. Jamaica, Cuba. Old Java CHOCOLATE. Boston No. 1. SUGARS. Treble Refined Loaf, Double di. do., Single 1 do. do.. Lump'., White Havana do., Brown Ja maica do., Muscovado SPICES. Mace; Nutmegs, Cloves, Cinnamon, Cnssia, ’ Black Popp r (ground.) do. do. (whole.) Cayenne j 1 epper, Pimento, Jamaica Ginger. WINES. _^ ^it e Spark Champaign. Old Madeira, Sherrv, Sicily .Madeira, Malaga Sherry, Teuerifle, Claret Old Port. i SPIRITS. Old Cognac Brandy. Bordeaux do., Holland i Gin, Jamaica Rum. Pea. h Brandy, Motiongaheia ^ and itish \\ hiskey. Northern do MALT LIQUORS. London Biown Stout, do. do. Porter CHEESE. Double Gloster, Northern. LIQUEURS. Creine de Noyeau, Parfait Amour, Ore me de 1 Auuisctle Sutfin, Huile de Rose. FRUITS. (safe—, BY \YM. HENRY EGAN. : TO-MORROW, the 19th ft. at 11 o'clock, a 1 Colton Range. next door above jltttrs Lrewiter Jf PrtscoEs Store, A V ENTIRE STOCK OF HOUSEHOLD AND KITCHEN FURNITURE, 1 j Kill be positively sold without the least restm-, CONSISTING OF Feather Beds and Aiattrasses BodstCMiU and Cribs Dining and Tea Tables. Sideboard Andirons Shovels and Tongs Bureau. Chairs. Venitian Blinds 8ofa. l enders. Looking Glasses Pavilions. Toilot Tables Pictures and Maps Kitchen Cupboard ( hina Tea Service, Dinuer Service Breakfast ditto Plated and Brass Candlesticks frays. Bedding, with the usual number of Ci linarv Utensils. Terms Cash. wL At 12 o'clock, sundry articles of GROCERIES, &c. Candle rickets§3,Halves $2 30, Quarters^! 25 APPLY AT BEERS’ Fortunate Lottcrif Offlc., No. 241 Broad-st Augusta 47 It October 18 Spit mlid Drawing. 8 a 94 134 94 1 2i nets, H y. prime Northera. Pimento. 35 it 90 a Wiimji g-*on. ®1 3-4 a 1 G’enrgpfown, §14 ft ( urpen’ine— V V 1 iLuington, hard, D'i d» soft, White Pin- Beards, clear, 2 3-8 , Merchantable, 14 r Pii' h Pine Boards, 12,a 2j 42 5? t 55 40 Maryland Literature Loiterv, Was Drawn in Baltimore Yeslerdav; and the drawing will he received on Friday the 26th. 1 Prize of $'20,000 1 „ „ 10,000 10 „ „ 2,000 And many other considerable Prizes. Tickets .$5, H lives 02 50, Quarters $1 25 APPLY AT BEERS’ CMFICE. Oct. IS It Muscatel Raisins French Primes, Turkey Figs, Zante Currants, Fr. Soft Shell Almonds ALSO, 1 < vcelleut Family Horse, gentle in Harness. 1 good Work House. October 18 It • - PICKLES. French Olives, do. Capers, Walnuts, Onions, Gherkins, Mangoes 1, Beef—Boston, No Do. do. No. Do. Mess. Pork—New York Inspection Mess, Do. Prime, Do. Now Orleans Inspection, Candles—Northern, Charleston, Spemt. Mackarel—No. 1.( „ ) No. 2.7 , Bosto " ( No. 3.1 I,ls P e( ' tI0!1 ^ EXCHANGE. N. Carolina State Bank Bills, 34 4 per e( His. Newbera and Cape Fear do. 4,f 5 per ot His. Geor S' a , do. 1 a 1.4 per ctdis, 7j a 8 9&a 10 14 11 none 124 Ifi a 18 31 a 34 6 t 5J 43 Cotton Bacffms: and «\ai\s. them not to desert him! Mr Eaton and others of 1 lit™ same school are very fond ‘.if ilie authority of “respectable” corres pondents : they are convenient person- ages. We shall soon have recourse a wain lo our old friend, “ the Man in the Moon.” We have nearly exhausted his l ist letter, but his broad phiz peers over a vast por tion ol both land and'water, and sees as many of those tilings, which are not to be seen, as any other person. We expect to hear from him shortly, when this matter shall be made as plain as the dog stand ing' at the old gemleman’s feet. The Kentucky papers received by last evening’s mail, brought ns the unpleasant ! Lave intelligence of the death of Doct. Young, one ol the Representatives in Congress from Kentucky. He died on the 19;h ult. alter a few days ol painful illness, regret ted by all who knew him. Doct. Young was re-elected in August last, as a friend of the Administration —Alex. Gaz. place of retreat. But first he had the painful task of bidding farewell to the bo dy in the universe most attached to h m and to which he was probably most ai- tnched—his celebrated Imperial Guard. Such oftheni as could be coilec.ed were brought out before him in review. Some natural tears dropped from his eves, and his features had the marks of strong emo tion while reviewing, for the last time, as he must have ihen thought likely, the com panions of so many victories. He ad vanced lo them on horse back, dismount ed, and took his solemn leave. ‘ All Europe,’ he said, “ had armed against him; France herself had deserted him, and chosen anoihor dynasty. He might, he said, ‘ have maintained with his sol diers a civil war for years, but it would rendered France unhappy. Be Office. October 11 Blank Checks on tae Bank of Augusta, for sale at this Pieces Prime Hemp Bagging, 42 inch, 100 Casks Cut Nails, assoited, FOR SALE EY WJ1. ROBINSON. October IS 47 2m FISH. Salmon, Mess Shad, Mackerel, Nos. 1, 2 k. 3. ! GROCERIES. Sounds and Tong’ll s. Smoked Beef, ditto ! Tongues, Pickled do. Butter Crackers, Water do. ; 1 inest Salad Oil. \Y bite Wine Vinegar, Ciller do. j Best Loud -u Mustard, Spanish Segars, Velve. i 1 oiks. Demijohns, Wine Bottles by the gross, ! Porter do., Cavendish Tobacco, F.oraliaid’s Cut ! do.. Rappee ami Macaboy - Snuff! Spin. Candles. I White Soap, Biown do., Windsor do., Poland I Starch, Superfine Four. W kite Beaus, English Split Peas, Fine Table Salt. Saltpetre, I carlash. i 8ugat Vi lla s WUnm Ketchup, Cider in I bbls and hexes kc. kc. kc. \ Fresh Supply of the above articles on the River, expected iira few days. !O j All Orders from the Country executed at the shortest notice. Oct. IS 47 tf DIMOCK Ac .MARSH, No. IG4, Broad-Street, AT THE «\u gust a Clothing Stove, Have jasl received per test arrivals, a large add splenditl assortment of READY MAD.. s>: A \\yi fr ' J i>, fr - f' ^ vf 1 a ti vLt i.‘ 04 BEN \PSLF.V. a Novel, by the author - of Rraihbletve House, Ton Hill, kc. 2 vols $2 25 rent 45 S VINGS BANK. T HE Citizens ol Augusta, friendly to tl|ees tablishment of a Savings Bank, art| re- qui-sted to attend an adjourned meeting. at| the city Hall, on Saturday next, the20th install, at 4 o’clock, P. M. October 18 Checks on the North,’at % p r . c t. premium in sums totpit purchasers DOMESTIC & FOREIGN GOODS. 100 hales Cott.m Sheetings aud Shirtings, 20 bales Stripes and Plaids, 10 do prime Negro Cloth, 6 cases Satinetts, blue and blue mixtures, 2 b. les l ickings, 4 ca?es blue Cloths ; a few pieces extra-fine, 12 bales London Duffii, Point, and Rose Blan kets, 8 do red and white Flannels, 10 cases Prints, n»>w anu handsome style, 2 do Linens; 1 case Ginghams, new style, 1 do Verona Handkerchiefs, 1 do Brown Linens. 1 bale Cassimeie Shawls, 2 cases Sea Island Shirtings, 4 bales Bockings, 1 case Tartan Plairis. Boinbazeits, Choppas, Black Silk Handker chiefs. Hosiery, Gloves, Sewing Silk, Threads, kc. &lc. kc. for sale by WM. ROBINSON. October 18 47 2m THE am RICAN SHOOTER’S MANUAL, 25 rents. Jijismo of l PERI INK Blue Black, Olive and Clnief colored Frock Coats. Blue, Black, Claret und Olive colored Dre-r Coats. Blue. Green, Steel Mixed, kc. kc. Coatees, 'due. Black and Fancy coloied Pantaloons, Satinett Pantaloons, some very fine, Black eiilk. Velvet, loielnctt. Valencia. down k other Fancy Vests, handsome P, Blue and Black Cloth ditto : Plain and f illed Linen Shirts, Cotton and Flannel. do. Cotton and Flannel Drawers, Flannel S irts. Cravats, different Patterns, Plaid and Camlet Cloaks. Swans dternS 1 vol. §1 . TWO HUNDRED AND MNE-DAYS, ora Journal of a Traveller on the Continent, by J. J. Ho<rg. ;> vols. St’2 00. i HE GUARDS, a Novel, 2 vols $2 25 cts. ALSO, A few more copies LIFE OT NAPOLEON, bv the Author of Waverly, just received and for *“ :t> THUS. BASINGER, N«. 299. October F8 47 2t A large assortment of' SERVANTS’ CLOTHING, DR. CHAMBERS’ Remodx Vov latempcvanee. fg 'H E Subscriber, on the decease of the late Dr Win. Chambers, took into his posses- personal esLate of-ihe ileceased, and Besiiles other articles too numerous to mention Those’ customers who have patronized the estab- 'ishment. are invited to continue as they have and always will find their garments well made, and of the best materials, and as low as can be' aff-.rded in tbe Southern Market. Transient customers are ako invited to cali and judge for thorns Ives. ARIEL CiiOK. Agent. October 11 4.*, ‘ w fit 100 sion the FOR SALE BY BEERS, BOOTH & Si October 18 4 NEW FALL GOOD *¥ * - y. STAPLE ,y f C Has just received, direct rmn New-York, a la supply of EtNCY GOODS Winch are offered at low prices N-<. 1/5 Broad-streeii October 18 47 —i- Shoes and Colton Cards. JL sP'sew PACKAGES SHOES, comprising a complete assortment; among which are three thousand pair as prime Brogans and Negro Shoes, as are in the market. 40 Boxl-s Whittemore’s Cotton Cards, No. 8 k 10 FOR SALE BV WM. ROBINSON. Oct. IS 47 2m B? WARDING. T HE Subscriber has just returned to town. and occupies the same house (in Green-st ' as formerly, n - -— ■ ' C ’ U1 accommodate a few tnor- Boarders, either with rooms or as dav boarders BEJVJ. SIMS. Oct, IS 47 3t I laitlilul, ho continued (and (lie words were remarkable,) “ to the uew sovereign whom France has chosen. Do not lament my (ale—I will always be happy while I know you are so. I could have died—nothing was easier—but I will always follow the road of honor. I will record with mv “ ( : pen the deeds we have done together—I It is reported in Canada that a discovery | cannot embrace you all, but f embrace has been made, that lour men who had y,,m- general. (He pressed the general found a silver mine in the Upper Province, - - have worked it for ihe two with profit and advantage. Three of them are said to be Americans, and one an Eng lishman; and the secret was divulged in lo his bosom.) “ Bring hither the eagle,” past years, —j ie embraceii the sta <dard, and con cluded—“ Beloved Eagle, may the kisses I bestow on you lung resound in the hearts of the brave ! Adieu, my children—adieu Consequence ol a dispute between the my brave companions, surround me once parties. - — - - - more—Adieu !” Drowned in grief, the . .. t j veteran Soldiers heard the farewell of . o i 1 Correspondent.—A gentleman j their dethroned leader—sighs and mar at Paris writing a few days since to a lady at St. I etersburg thus commenced his let- 1er : Madam, I should apologize for wri ting to you in my shirt sleeves:byt the aitu Tlu .,u weather has been so excessively hot, that I ^ to necessity—fico?* Napoleon. have been under the necessity of tucking — them up.—Le Furet. mers broke from their ranks, but the emo tion burst out in no threats or remonstran ces.' They appeared resigned to the loss of their general, and to yield like him, Hydrophobia.—There seems to be some secret connexion between a humid atmosphere aud this tremendious maladv; lor in the Arabian desert, where no dew lolls, notwithstanding the intolerable heat, animals have never been known to grow •uad. Grain.—“All sorts of grain ought to be cut, whenever the straw immediately below the ear is so dry, on twistiDg it, no juice can be expressed; for then tbe grain can not improve, as the circulation of the juices to the ear is stopped. It matters not that the stalk below is green. Every hour that the grain stands uncut, after passing this stage, is attended with \oss."~Sinclair. yjggfy- 1 Tlfe undersigned have formed a Partnership under the firm of A. B. k IV. LONGSTREET. Their Of fice is over the Store of Messrs. Win. H. Moreau k. Co. No. 208 Broaa-street. AUGUSTUS B. LONGSTREET. WILLIAM LONGSTREET Octobci 18 47 i m Co-partnership Notice. ’4 4 II. LI AM ROBINSON k THOMAS TAY- v’ LOR. have formed a connexion in busi ness, under the firm of THOMAS TAYLOR & Co , in neon, Geo. where they are now open ins a handsome assortment of Merchandize, which they offer for saie on liberal terms. October 18 ,7 2m Staff Officers A and Members of the different Volunteer Corps attached to the 10th Regiment, are requested to j attend an adjourned meeting, to be held in the j Superior Court Room, Citv Hall, on Friday, the ] 19th inst. at 7 o’clock. P. M. By order <f the Chairman. BRUX, Sec’ry. 1 a meeting of sundry Merchants of Angus- ’ Oct. 18 It To ihe Planters of Georgia and j South-Carolina. Premiums should be awarded for the best loads of Upland Cotton, which may be exhibited in this place, on Broad-street, opposite the Banks, tetween M In tosh and Jackson-streets, on the Wth day of December next, at 10 o'clock, as fol- lows:— For the best load ol not less than seven bales, being a.t the time of exhibition the property of the Planter in whose name it mav be exhibited, and of his crop, a premium of 75 dollars. 1 or the second best load of not less than seven bales, a premium of 50dollars 1 or the third best load of not less Ilian seven bales, a premium of25 dollars. 1 lie following persons were appointed to judge on the occasion : found prej ared a large quantity of Doctor Cham- 4>ers’ remedy for intemperance. He hereby informs the public, that he has dis posed ofall tiie Medicine so found, to Dr. James H. Hart, and Mr. Andrew M. Fanning, of this c : ty. In making this disposition, the subscriber has been actuated by a due regard to the interest of the heirs of the intestate, as well as from a wish to give the extensile use to the virtues of the discovery, whatever they may be—and lie can further add with confidence, that the gentlemen who will hereafter be the venders of the remedy for Intemperance, as prepared by the Inventor, have been intimately connected with Dr. Cham bers iii his lite time—have been his agents in com | pounding the medicine, and are acquainted with its composition. Silvanus Miller, Public Administrator, kc. O'The medicine will hereafter be prepared and soid by the subscribers?, who alone are in possession of the original Keceipe of the inven tor, ai the office of the late Dr. C. in the baseni- nt story of Rutgers’s Medical College in Duane street, east side of Broadway, and at the Medical store of Dr. Hart, corner of. Broad-way aud ( hamber street, 3 doors from Washington Hall, New York. The astonishing success whicli this rem-dy has obtained in restoring habitual inebriates lo so- hriety, has established its virtues beyond all con tra fiction, and supersedes the necessity of any further comment. Ihe remedy is as innocent os it is effectual; so much so, that it is often given to children in fe brile complaints, and frequently,used as a family medicine for Dyspepsia, see. All that is required, to ensure its specific effect is to abide strictly bv the directions. It is put up in packages sufficient for one individual cure, aud accompanied with ampte directions for its use. signed in the hand- wiitingofthe subscribers, without which none are genuine. We are induced to adopt this mea sure, as in consequence of the grpat cefebritv whieh Dr. Chambers’ "medicine lias obtained, there have been, and doubtless w ill b rious imitations. On enclosing to us ihe usual price, §5. postage paid, the medicine can be sent Bids. Philadelphia Superfine ffe.-ft ELOl’R. of excellent quality, just received aud for sale bv October 1 Walker. 42 fit May & STORAGE AND COMMISSION BUSINESS. T he subscriber, thankfui for the patronage extended to him, begs leave tr, tender hi • services lo bis ft lends and the public in the above business ; and by prompt attention to the saiw*. hopes to meet with a continuance of their favors Advances will he.made on Cotton stored when required, and all Cotton from the country In- suvedfree ol expense to the planter or merchant. EDW. CAMPFIELD. Augusta, Sept. 13 37 ID' The Editors of the Georgia Journal and Statesman and Patriot, will publish the above six times each, and forward their accounts to the Georgia Courier Office for collection. 3,000 BUSHELS CORN 100 BARRELS WHISKEY, I’OR SALE BY Samuel Hale. October J1 45 3c” THE WARE-HOUSE C55%S(2IS3IOIf SuSItJSS!} W MLL still he continued, by the undersigned,- at the. central, convenient and^well known establishment, first above ihe “ Ea<4t- Taveru”—Where he solicit* a cont-nuatioii °of that liberal patronage which he hAs heretofore received. Insurance will be effected on all sp - ci-s of merchandise committed to his charge, at the lowest possible rates, if it be desired and a request made to that effect. lie I obacco Inspection will many sp.,- | a Ko be kept up at this house, and mv country friends. (Tobacco growers especially,) would d'o • , .well to he particular to enquire for “ Shelto,.’ jy ma,t ; T?.those who are jmab’e to pay^on ! Ware-House,” where they will at all times personal application of the individual at our office, | the highest market prices for ail Toh-w-™ ; the medicine will be administered gratis. 1 11 «- ^ tobacco m JAMES H. H ART. M. D, A. M. FANNING. Successors to W. Chambers. The above valuable article, is for sale by R. 15. IIAVI LAND & Co. Agents. October 18 47 3in specteii by him. 3 Wi B. SHELTON 34 tf Nfew .Fall avu\ Winter A. T. SIBLEY, McGRAN, A. B. WALKER, T. G. CASEY, EDW’D THOMAS. BIT’ Editors of newspapers in Georgia and So. Carolina, friendly to the above object, will please give this a few insertions. Oct. 10 47 ATTENTION! \22nd District G. vtt. ^ PPEAR on your Parade Ground, in front LATHAM HULL, No 210, Broad-Street. JNFORMS his friends and the public, that he i« now opening a large quantify of fresh im ported ft ! comprising as complete an assoitinent of Staple and Fancy Fabrics as was ever offered in this city; nil of which will be sold for cash or city acceptances, by wholesale of the Western Hotel. Green-street, on Sst- or re,a ‘b ,,D an y credit not exceeding 12 months. atas low prices as can be bought in tbe Southern states. Oct. 1 JOHN BTTArRE. Offers his services folds friends and the public in general, to transact the WARE MOUSE AND Cowmission Business, H E has taken the Ware-House lately occupi ed by HOL1 k H ARE, on Wasbington- a treet, not far from the Mansi ot-House, conveni ently situated for the Trade that comes j n on the Savanu th. Louisville, and the new Miiledeevil! Roads, ft■» w.__ xi -* - , 6 turday next. 2ist inst. at 10 o’cloek, A. M. arm ed aud equipped as the law directs. By order of Capt. Parker. FOX, o: s. October 18 It 42 tf BALTIMORE & Lard! 10,000 JOB PRINTING,, Neatly executed at this Office. Octobe BUSHELS Liverpool ground 1 Salt, 200 Pieces Baltic Hemp Bagging, VR SALE BY AUSTIN R. GORDON, Mach Josh-Street. 43 4t 200 PRIME HAMS, 4 200 do shoulders, 10,000 lbs. do MIDDLINGS, au’l 50 kegs LARD, for sale bv A. SIBLEY. Augusta, Sept 27 41 8tis - The Ware-House is thought, from it- location, to be safe from Fire, which is doubtless an object of importance to Planters wlm store Cotton. Every attention shall be paid to the in terest of lho-e who place thejr Cotton or other property in his care, and the most reasonab'e charges made on all business. Advances will b« made on Cotton « he,, required. Goods will be bought and furnished to bis customers on the most liberal terms, as advances on Cotton stored tor sa*e. ' September 3 34 2m v °* T, ’ e G yygia Journal and Washington News, w,II pwWish the above far two months, and to 1 ward their accounts for settlement. ft?" Mr. Abner Washburn, jr. '* ." u, * ,or ' ze 'l Agent, during ny absence iron this City. y § WARNER August 36 S3 tf >; INSTINCT PRINT