Newspaper Page Text
A.V& fSTA.
3I0N0AV, OCTOBER 29, 1827.
(T7 J D tring the week, cmling yesterday, there
wl . re 4 deaths in our city—2 whites and 2 blacks.
Also infant still-born
Our river is again very low. Those
who wish tovsit Charleston or Savannah,
if lik,. the N. Carolina traveller, they do
not fnuft too much water by land, will be
, llre 16 find 'oo much land by water. The
Macon was to have left her moorings at
Bugg’s Car on Saturday, but the captain
found her moored too fast for all his enter
prise. The Hamburg is lying below the
briil?*', patiently waiting for the next flood.
We are sorry our Almanac does not ena
ble usto tell when that will be.
Our weather has been very cool for
three nights, producing heavy frosts. The
frost on Saturday night would not have
been unworthy of December. W e found
ice quarter of an inch thick in our basins.
The effects of the change are every j
where apparent. The honors of vegeta
tion have been dreadfully sullied. Many
of them are trampled under foot; but some
of the brightest, “ as loth to quit their
hold,” still clin^to their supporting stems,
the “ sra'hed” witnesses of the violence
of the wintry blast. But it is a bad wind
that blows nobodv anv good. We hope
ear friends, who have been languishing on
the bed of sickness, or Vacillating in weak
ness on the boundary line of disease and
health, roav feel the invigorating effect of
cold weather, and cheeke, wh'oh have
long been blanched with the paleness of
the lilv, mav lie soon Unshed with the red
ness of the rose.
Our disfhiTtiishod citizen, the Hon,
V\ n.1.1\m IT. Or.'Vwford is at present on
a visit to this city, and is apparently in
good health.
The fieorgbui of the 23d, contradicts
the reports which have been circulating
relative to the health of Savannah. Its
ti mbh g iod ;md tbp c-'l-zons who have
been absent during the summer, either on
business or pleasure, have poEe-nllv re
Among the chatme.s of the different rrv-
htary corns ord*>- Pr t by G'>n. Brown, we
perceive M :ior Bavnw's company r, f *h°
4;li Arti)1erv, which has been stati 'tied
fpr three vears at tb» Arsenal nea- this
place, hits jieyn ordered to orci'pr Port
id Henry, near Baltimore. We ran-
11 " f Pttrt wi'h *he gentlemen who have
• 'Oen attached to ties command, widioul
exnressin ,T one reevet for >he : r absence,
r nd our hope iliot, as Acre, distinguished
for >nfe!ligpiice and nrentlerrtanlv conduct
thev mav snecoed ia cr a inin<r the respect
and esteem ,-f every cnmmnnitv into
whose bosom fartijpe niav throw them.
I Loir place ’s to he occupied bv Fan-
iiiug’s comoanv of the 2d, now stationed
it Fort Delaware.
I be Npv York Courier of the IDh.
• vs, Anew Cotfon received thorp bv the
diin Savannah, was held at 12 1-2 els.
II e think but littlo of those politicians,
aose principles - t rp a? iinspt*h'd ns thp
ames—change with popular whims, and
^re as vnc’l' itoirr as the'r temnorarv inter
ests. We >lpi]ht verv soriottslv the hon
es*’.- of those, who, on some ptppro-encv,
es->rt tire principles whirl’ have lope given
them char >r*r- r a ->d tafbionre ip the ra*'on.
Court, or Court of Appeals. The too
great frequency of our Elections is a po
litical evil, and the equality in the term
of service of our Senators and Represen
tatives is an anomaly in legislation. If
the wisdom of the Legislature should de
termine to continue the annual election
of members of the Lower House, the
election of Senators should be biennial, or
double the term of service of the inferior
timony of the worth of Mr. Silliman and
the impartiality and candor which
he has acted as a public journalist.
The President of the U. S. on his re
cent visit to Baltimore, was treated
with the attention due to his distinguished
station. He was invited fo a public din
ner, and thousan Is changed salutations
with him at his lodgings. There are one
or two incidents mentioned in the Bnlti-
This feature, as fares our re- ! “°* e / a ?r S ’ “ hich des ?™ «
„ . . , I they furnish a specimen of the President’s
collection goes, ts nearly uniform in the j rea d y w it and of his liberal feelings
Constitutions of the United States, and
has its foundation deeply laid in the dif
ferent nature of the duties of thetwo bodies.
Possessing, as at present, only the same
duration of political life with the inferior
young man, fully “ half seas over,
In Savannah, on-the 16th iust. of the prcvail-
*'* the 4d,h y*ar of his age, Mr. RO-
°f he longstanding and res-
pcctable firm of Andrew Low &i Co.
In Twinsbure, Portage co. Ohio, on the 21st
ult. Moses and Aaro.v Wilcox, aged about fifty
years. 3
They, as we are informed, were twin brothers, 1
born m Connecticut; they were married ou the
same day. their wives being sisters; thev hoped
to have experienced religion on the same day i T . I
and attached themselves to thesame Church and 0N TLE5DAY - 30,h - befor< * ,bcir Store, Mac- i
on the same day : they engaged in mer. an ile ! ^ ^
business together at Middletown, and failed to- 1 HO
gether; from thence they removed and settled
A t ” enl * c j ves - together, in'this State, at a place
j which from them derived the name of Twins-
K - - . , - , ... , - , bur ff 5‘hey were taken sick on the same day
on being introduced and while shaking continued sick the same length of time, thev di
hands with him, observed—“ I-hope, sir, j ed ,ht samc day and were buried in the same
the constitution may never be broken ”— {r u rave: a “ d have left to their bereaved children
"Irvpond the sentiment with all' my m "* 1 !
heart, said the President, “and permit The singular identity which pervaded the cha-
branch, the Senate presents the most stri- ' me - t° °dd the hope, that your constitution raeterof these men, and the events of their lives.
king inconsistency and opposition to the ma d never be broken." theh-vmnh ltS( ! f no l ® ss ,n their P ers ° lls - During
PP 1 Another individual said, Mr. President, Xl near,y did ll ! e - v
- - - resemDie each other, a* to challenge the most dis-
theory of its constitution. This lias been ! . T 7vr
.1 f.L /. , ... . | inoug/l J differ With you m opinion, 1 am criminating eye to distinguish them Fmnlnvod in
the cause of the wan. of stability our j g l ad , 0 find yon ilt J g00r/ The
poliry, and such frequent resort to tem
porary remedies for political diseases.—
The Senate should stand like a rock, in
the sea of political agitation, to resist, not
only the encroachments of power on the
opposite sides of the Executive and the
people, and thus preserve the equilibrium
of government; but by being the deposi- 1 ^ ie disobedience of Jonah, when com-
tary of the leading policy, by its wisdom ! t( ? ?° ? nd P reach to , the Ninovites. j
After declaiming at some length on the
awful consequences of disobedience to:
President gave him a hearty shake t eacb gther, as school teachers, they were wont ,
of the hand and replied, “Sir, in our t0 cha "" c scho . o! i s - and aIwa ys with- 1
Ayyrvuw nnJ -C t i‘ir • out detection, on the part of the scholars, of the
hapjyy and free country we can differ m change What reader of this, as he passes thro’ :
opinion Without being enemies.''' , Iwmsburg, will not think of tiie Twins?
[Raleigh Register. j
A Fact.—Not long since, in South- ;
Carolina, a Clergyman was preaching on I
Cleveland Herald.
and stability of character, preserve the
uniformity and consistency of political
measures, and present the whole economy
of government in those regular and fair
proportions, which are the best evidence
and guaranty of the virtue of the citizen
and wisdom of the Legislature,
the Divine commands, lie exclaimed in a :
voice of thunder, that passed through the r
congregation like an electric shock, “ and ‘ |j
are there any Jonahs here ?” There was -
a negro present, whose name was Jonah; w ‘ ,lbe
and thinking himself called on, immediate
ly rose, and turning up his white eyes
Ps SA11 NET. assorted qualities"
50 Pr. Boots
15 boxes Cotton Cards, No. 10
10<K) pr. Shoes, of every description
900 yds. Domestic Plaids, indigo Wire
11 kegs Lorkfine Herrings, pickled
10 bbls. Park
400 bushels Corn
10 kegs Tobacco
20000 Cigars
2n do7„ Comstock’s Cider
Sale at 10 o’clock- Terms at Sale.
At Private Sale.
•30 bids. ‘ Wood berry Extra” Floor
60 bags Coffee
15 bbls. Northern Gin
13 ,, Whiskey
Rum, Wine, Sugars, Teas, &c. Lc.
Oct. 26
water .r ,
With the view of avoiding the evil of! to preacher, with his broadest grin
too frequent elections, we think the Con
stitution would lose nothing in practice by
extending the term of service of onr Re
presentatives from one to two years. To
say nothing of the additional experience
which would thus be brought to facilitate
the transaction of business, tho poliev of
the State, which has been proverbially
wavering, would be maintained with a
steady dignilv, and the angry excitement
and best bow, very readily answered—
“ Here be one, Massa.”—[JV. C. Her.
Many medical duels have been pre
vented by the difficulty of arranging the
“ methodus pugnandi.” In the inslance
of Dr. Brockelsby, the number of paces
could not be agreed upon ; and in the af
fair between Akenside and Barlow, one
had determined never to fight in the mor
ning and the other that he would never
fight in the afternoon. John Wilises who
of party spirit, inflamed as at present, by ! ‘lid not stand upon ceremony in these Iit-
such frequent stimulation, would in two I lle when asked by Lord Talbot,
— i j .. . “ How many times they were to lire V'
An A djj ou rned Reg ular
Meeting of Webb’s Lodtre, No. ^ JLSENJAMfN DE.'V, grateful for the libera
held THIS EVENING, at 7 o’clock * ® patronage he has received, begs leave to in
A full attendance of the Members is requested, as
business of importance will come before them.
By order of the IV. M.
W. B. THOMAS, Sec'ry.
Oct, 29. it
A meet ng will be held
at the Eagle Tavern, This Eve-
ning, at • o'clock. Punctual atteiuiance is ex
pected. By order
\V. Duncan, S c
Get. 29
3’cars have time to cool down to the tem
perature of Christian charity and brotherly
kindness. Idle reports and temporary
expedients to support party measures,
would in that time generally wear off the
gloss of pretended patriotism, and stand
before the people in the nakedness of
their own deformity. Subjects foreign to
the interest in question are brought to
bear on the election, and from their tern-
replied, “ Just as often as 3 r our Lordship
pleases ; I have brought a bag of bullets
and a flask of gunpowder."—Wadd's
The loss of lives in the city of New
York, by falling from the wharves in the
night, is computed at seven hundred and
thirty in a year.
Consumption.—An eminent Physician
in Vermont, says—“ that from personal
porntv influence, very frequently in th* , knowledge nineteen out of twenty cases of
efler voscenre of the political contest, the ' consumption in females originate in tight
moRi worthless, because the most daring, ! l fl cin g” None of oar fair readers believe
„ „ ..ii , c I it, says the Bellows Falls paper.—You
characters are thrown to the head of so- • I. .... *. ..u . -t r
! might as well attempt to rut the tail of a
live eel into a curling paper, as to make
and S.lddonU
tv, wbi-b is at
ent're v *> 'itivT Mi »r»’r firmer fpnlin<rs
a- 1 nr)not reason b^s
nv’t-h to do iridt their ropvp-rjnn But
tlio-n iro sr-n.r, ef wbeep eonvorv’on we
sb-inlfl be .rbi’, pep sbei’Jd oot find fault
"”'b tts s'H tenness. Tbev have long
WoucrTi be?? nr!ncijilr« subversive of the
true poliev of our n-avp'nmppt, and de
structive of the foundation on which its
tabrv has been rpprpd. We should re-
joicp *o see *hrir “ eves opened”—thev
have been puppies lone- enough.
The ciuest : on of ‘ Convention’ or £ No
Convention’ is settled; but the objects
*Wh it was prottosed should be accom
plished hv a Convention, should not be
relinquished. We think the Legislature
■ s the proper organ to make the altera-
ons in the Constitution, which experi
ence suggests as necessary, and we hope
? see it better employed, at its approach-
ng sessi on, than in angry disputes about
bnrty superiority, or in settling the ques-
•>on, whether Jackson or Adams is most
v orthy to rule over Georgia.
The great number of the members of
Legislature renders deliberation in-
V mvenient and stormy, and adds unneces-
- :ir ‘!y to the expenses of tlie State. Our
Judiciary wants remodelling: we should
° n, !er the Judges independent of everv
“litence but the law, by a more respecta-
s alary, & 5 more permanent duration in
and uniformity in their decisions
*Ju!d be enforced by a Constitutional
ciety, Tl;e natural consequence of such
a result is »o drive good men, in despair,
from the service of the country. Too
freouent public excitement, produced bv
too frequent elections or anv other cause,
fends to produce the same result bv an
opnosite course. The two extremes of
turbulence and , aim here meet in their ef
fects. The too frequent excitement of
the public mind, has the same tendency
to destroy or weaken the elasticity of the
mental energies, as repeated strong stimu
lus has to waste the excitability and les
sen the capability of exertion in animal
fibres. A state of public apathy and in
difference succeeds the storm, which de
solated the electioneering campaign, unt-
til, finally, the virtuous, patriotic and in
telligent, disgusted with frequent disap-
pointment, and yielding to the suggestions
of despair, retire from the fruitless contest
and listen at a distance to the bowlings of
the political tempest.
The Legislature of New York repealed
the law imposing a fine for travelling on
the Sabbath except in cases of necessity
—inconsequence the Clergymen of Al
bany have discontinued their attendance
to open the daily sessions in the usual
form of worship.
The President has returned to Wash
ington in much better health from his
journey. Some interesting relations of
his reception are given at different cities.
At Baltimore he attended the furneral
of Col. Howard, and was respecifully vi
sited by all parties.
Virginia continues her anti-Jackson
meetings, which are numerously and res-
p ectably attended.
Commodore Laborde, who is described
them credit it.
No. 209 Broad-street, has just received and is now
opening-, an extens ve assortment of
C/5t -V
Suitable for the season, which will be sold low
for Cash or Town acceptances.
0ct - 29 50 3t
! rjx HE substantial NE.V POLE EO^T, Fohrrl
■ H. Hiugroif.v* 11 •» *pt.-d tor , tow river;
! W, H Lc sobi on Wednesday. th„ a?«i j„ g t anr- a »
J 11 o'clock, A. M. at the Upper Wharf.
Terms Cash
October 29 it
INo. 1()4, Broad-Sire t,
Augusta CAoUVm** Stove,
Httcc jast receired per lest arrivals, a large ettd
splendid assortment of
S t PERI INF. Blue Bia-k. Olive and Claret
colored Frock Coats.
! blue. Liack. C inref tnd Olive colored Dicss
j Blue. Green, f^teel Mixed. &c. &c. Coatees,
j blue, Black and t- ancy colored Pantaloons,
* Satinett Pantaloons, some very fine.
; black ^ ilk. 3 civet. Toxlnett. Valencia. Swans-
, down k other Fancy Vesis. handsome l’atten®,
j Blue and Black Cloth ditto
j Plain and frilled Linen Shirts,
1 Cotton and Flannel. do.
• Cotton and Flannel Drawers,
■ Flannel S arts,
j Cravats, different Paiterns,
j Plaid and Camlet Cloaks.
A large assortment of
Besides other articles too numerous to incution
Those customers who have patronized the estab
?ishment, are invited to continue as thev have
and always will find tlieli garments well mode
and of the best materials, and as low as can bd
afforded in the Southern Market.
1 ransirnt customers are also invited to call
and judge for tlic.ns Ives.
October 11 45 tft
torm his friends and th« public, that with a view of
extending his business, he has connected himself
with an extensive Manufacturing Establishment |
in the City of New V ork, from w hich he will be J
constantly supplied with HATS in the rough or j.
unfinished state, and have them finished in this j
place by experienced workmen, under his own!
direction, which will enable him to get thruPup j
in a neat, handsome style, and much better suited :
t • this market than thev could possibly he or- J
dered from abroad; and he pledges himself that j
his work shall lie equal to any in the market, for I
fashion and durability, anti that his prices will !
be such that they cannot fail to suit purchasers I
at wholesale or retail.
Persons wishing Hats made to order can be ;
B. L)rax will keep constantly on hand a gene- 1
ral assortment of Hatters’ Trimmings, Bow ■
Strings, fcc.
Cash and the highest price paid for Hatters’
Cotton Bagging and NTaWs.
400 'Pieces Pi ime Ilemp Bulging, 42 inc4t 1
100 Casks Cm Nails, assorted,
for sale by
October 13 7 2iu
37,000 of Cabana’s, Sylva’s L Flint’s
24 boxes Sperm Cardies
25 do Goshen Cheese
20 bbls St Croix Sugars
Also, a supply of the best quality
Winter Strained Sperm Gil. Lc. &.c. &ie.
N. B. Moore,
202 flroad-street.
Oct. 29 50 3t
Uplands continue to arrive slowly, and we hear
of but few sales. Prices remain as at our last
quotations—10.$ to 10| is asked for good lots ;
prime 10 7-S to 11 cents.
RICE is in demand. We have not heard of
any late sales as our market is aluaost bare of
this article.—[Sa«. Republican, Oct. 27-
REVIEW of the Augusta Market, for the week
> plenty.
BAGGING—25 a 26 cts.
BACON—ib. 9 a 11 c.
BOTTLES—Wine, gross, $12. \
Porter „ „ $13. 5
BEER—barrel, $10 all.
COTTON—7;| a 9^ cts.; new 9^ a 10A
CASTINGS—English, Ib. 6£ cents.
American, 5 a 5 1-2 cents.
COFFEE—lb. 16 a 19 c.
CORN—bushel, 50 a 56
CANDLES—Augusta, lb. 17 a 19 c
Northern, 16; Sperm 37 cents.
CIDER—barrel, 7 a $8
FISH—Mackerel, No. 3, bbl. $5 a 5^
FLOUR—Superfine, $6 a 7 60
Fine, $6
GUN POWDER—$7 50 a 8 50
Canisters, various brands, doz. 5 3 75 a 7.
GLASS—Window, 8 x 10, 50 feet, $4 ^ Ame-
10x12, 50 ,, 4 50 j rican
IRON—Swedes, lb. 5£ a 6c.
LIME—unslacked, cask, $3 a 3 50
LEAD—Bar, lb. 9 cents.
MOLASSES—gal. 40 a45c
NAILS—8 a 8^.
PORTER—London, doz. $4 a 4 50.
RICE—lb. 3 a 3.1 cents.
SPIRITS—Cog Brandy, gal. $1 30 a $1 50.
Bordeaux do 110 a 125 c
Holland Gin, gal. 112 a 125 cents
Jamaica Rum, ,, 110 a 125 cents
Whiskey, gal. 40 a 45c.
Northern Gin, 45 a 50 c.
Northern Rum, 47 a 50c scarce..
SPICES—Pepper, lb. 21 a 25 cents.
Pimento, „ 26 a 30
Ginger. „ 8 a 10 „
SALT—bushel, SO cents.
STEEL—German, lb. 14 a 16 cents.
Blistered. „ 8 a 10 „
Molasses fy Whiskey.
Landing this day from the Steamboat Hambur"-
50 Hogsheads Molasses,
30 Hogsheads Baltimore Whiskey, and wid
be sold on the most liberal terras, for approved
[D Wanted immediately, three or four good
Seamstresses, to whom steady employment will
be given
Oct. 29 50 wtf
Dismal Swamp Canal Lottery,
$15,000 f Jiff/icst Prize.
One prize of $3,000—one of $2,500—one of
$2,000-$ 1600-$ 1 SCO—$ 1196-four of $ 1000.
Beers’ Fortunate Lottery Office,
No. 241 B- oad-strcct.
Oct. 29 lt
Oct. 29
50 tf
Fire Insurance.
of New-York, continues its Agency in this
place, for the purpose of Insuring against Loss
or Damage bv Fite, Buildings of all kinds, House
hold Furniture, Merchandise, Cotton in the
Rates of premium as low as those of other offi
ces, and all losses promptly adjusted arid settled.
Office on Jackson-street, between Broad and
Reynold streets.
A ’- B.—Property in the interior may be insured
bv giving a written description of it, and apply
ing as above.
Augusta, Gto. Oct. 29 50 lin
50,000 Dolls.!
Consolidated Lottery,
Class 9tii. -
To be draw t by the ternary combination of
45 Numbers and 6 drawn Ballots.
on the 7th November, and the drawing will be I ~—
received here on the 16th. 0-? 3 JViT. AllNEK YVaSHBURN IT.
There bemg only 14,190 Tickets, the chance ! is my authorized Agent, duting my absence from
of one Ticket tn this Scheme, is equal to that of this Citv. F S W ARNFR
two in ordinary Lotteries. - — l
1 Prize of 850,000 §50,000
bales Cotton Sheetings and chitling—
20 bales Stripes and Plaids,
!•• do pi line Negro Cloth.
t3 cases 8atnietts, blue and blue mixtures.
2 b: les l ickings,
4 cases bin Cloths ; a few pieces extre-lme
12 bales London Outfit. Point, and Ruse Plan*
8 do red and white Flannels.
10 cases Prints, new and handsome sfvl".
2 do Linens; 1 rase Ginghams, new . ‘vlb,
1 do Verona Hanokei chiefs,
1 do Brown Linens,
1 bale Cassirnet<- Shawls,
2 cases Sea Island Shirtings,
4 bales Bockings,
1 case Tartan Piaids,
Bomlnizetts. Choppas, Black Silk tin- dkrr-
chiefs, Hosiery. Gloves, Sewing Silk, Threads.
&.c. &e. Use. for sale by
October IS 47 2m
Shoes and Cotton Cards.
150 PACKAGES SldOES. rompr sing h
complete assortment; among which are three
thousand pair as prime Brogans and Negro
Shoes, as are in the market.
40 Boxes Whittemore’s Cotton Calais, No. 3 fc 10
Oct. 18 47 2m
Co-partnership Notice:
? V LOR, have formed a connexion in bu i-
ncss, under the firm of THOMAS TAYLORfc
Co., in Macon, Geo. where they are now open
ing a handsome assortment of Merchandize,
whrch they offer for sale on liberal terms.
October 18 .7
August 30
■ii tf
R ESPECTFULLY infotms the Ladies and
Gentlemen of Augusta, that his School will
be open on next Saturday, the 3d of November, j
I an< ^ w *ll continue to be opened throughout the ]
I season. Parents and Guardians who wish to
1 trust him with their children, may rest assured of:
i his attention and care for the progress of his :
I Pupils. Days of 'Tuition, on every Tuesday j
evening, from 2 o’clock, and Saturday morning, !
from 9, at his usual Room.
A Practising Party for his Pupils, will take
place on every other Saturday evening, from I
; candle light until 10 o’clock, to begin as soon as
: there will be a sufficieut number of scholars.— ■
I Night School on Monday and Wednesday.
Mr. C will also teach in Seminaries, if appli- j
: cd for.
October 29 50 2t
Hus removed to \o. 307 Bmait-strcct. in the CeA-
tre Tenement of Messrs. McKenzie A* Bennorh’p
Jji td: Stores, and a to decole his utibn-
is no:c rcceii ing from New- York, Philadelphia:
and Boston,
•OaM 1 SMfSXa-IffSffSSTT,
SHOT—bag. $2 25 a 2 50
ns a very liberal, gentlemanly man, was j SALT PETRE—lb. 13 a 14 cents
iMansion House,
! 7 ,
5051 Prizes.
9439 Blanks:
Tenths, - - %
Fortunate V,otters Office
ieces Hemp Bogging, (42 inch.)
100 bags Coffee,
156 bar.els Whiskey,
30 barrreis Dutch Point Gin,
ID boxes •id 12 barrels Loaf Sugar,
20 quarter 1 asks Malag ’inn. ’
30 kcgsRir uaond “i- 1 Tob-.cco,
10 boxes Whittem.ire : s No ! ; Cotton Cari- ;
10 tarrels Linseed IJil
100 kegs White Lead,
10 bales Stripe and PUi l Domestics,
10 bales brown and b*pache : do
10 bales London Duflii auti Poi.ot Blankets
10 boxes Woo! Hats,
15 packages Shoes, assorted,
ODD ) V,th r a,, - V °' hei Go ° (ls soi,abie ‘° ‘he season,
cO,y4u for sale on reasonable terms
Sept, 24 40 tf
70 pieces Hemp and To:v Ragging
pipes Holland Gin,
For salt low. by
No. 210 Brofwj-streQf.
Otober 11 45 t f
so plaased with the style and equipments J GA yfew Orleans—lO a 1 ^ & 12
of our Frigates, that he determined to rig
out one of his own in the same manner,
and got permission for his artificers to
take measurement of their *arious fix
tures, <fcc. so as to accommodate his own
to the American model.
Laborde’s squadron was lying in the
harbor of Havana on the 7th, so that the
report of a battle between the Spanish
and Mexican fleets must be incorrect.
The editor of the New York Times
has been obliged to stop the publication
of his paper. The general regret of both
political friends and opponents expressed
for sucji ao eyeut, is an unequivocal tes-
Muscovado ., 9£ a 11
Loaf, is a 21 „
Lum P „ 16 a 17 c. ,
SOAP—lb. 7 a 9 cents.
TEA Hyson, lb. 115 a 120 cents.
Gunpowder,, $1 30 a 1 40.
®°- * n cannisters, $3 75 per cannister
WINES—Teneriffe, cargo gal. 100 a 110 cents.
Do. L. P. $150 „
Malaga, sweet, „ 85 „
^ >or L ,, $1 75 a 2 50
Madeira §300 a 4 25
Claret, doz. $5 a $10.
EXCHANGE—on Charleston. 60 days, | dis.
,, Sight. 1 prem.
on New York, 60 days 1 dis.
Bank Checks, 1 pre
SPECIE—A a 1 pm.—U. S. Notes,m.a 1 pm.
Darien Money, 4. none.
N. Carolina do. 5 dis
Cape Fear, do. ,, Cq.
50 If
j riYHIS Establishment (owned and formerly
! JL occupied by Messrs. Bullock & Wells) is
j now in tbe hands of the undersigned, who has will meet prompt atleutiou.
j made ample provtsion, through his friends, to i Q C | <o ( j
| keept it ;u as good style perhaps as any House! " ~
; in the back country ; and from his former expe-
rience in the fine of Tavern Keeping, flatters! ScnVCll S«!’erior Cotirt, 1
himselt that all who may be pleased to favor him 1 , .. , ‘ r
with a call, will depart s<at : sfied both as respets i WILSON C' NNEK ^ ^
acenmmodations and charges. Families can be 1 ' * r ..
,.iw jreta d. ! maryan." conn ER | “'
S. C. Brame.
MacoD, Oct. 29
No. 241, Broad-Street. r ^ l ' E subscriber h^egs leave t> inform his
^ Orders from the interior,: riS.."r.' Zm
stnl continue to practice in the Courts of Edge-
held and Barnwell Di D iets, and with that view
has established an office in the town ot Haniburc - .
Oct. 22 48 tf
50 3t
City Marshal’s Sale.
TT7ILL be sold. at the Lower Market, in the
v f City of Augusta, betw een the usuul hours
of sale, on Tuesday, 13th Novembei next, ope
Baroach Carriage; levied on as tqe property of
Grifi.n L. Edmondson, to satisfy an execution in
favor of the City Council vs. said Ldmondson.
Sain’l C. Douglass, m. c. a.
Oct. 29 50 wtd
I T appearing to tiie Court by the return of the
Sheriff, that me defendant, Mary Ami Con
ner. is not to be found in the County*, ou motion O /\
of D’Lyon aud De Larnoua. attornies for the :
plaintiff, it is ordered, that the defendant do ap- !
pear and file her answer or defensive allegation 1
on or before the meeting of this t ourt. at the
next term, and that this ru e be published in otic ;
of the Gazettes of this Stum for sixty days
A true copy taken from the minutes, this 16th !
October, 1827.
Oct. 2Q' 50 2m
2LST72S r. 2*. G2BSOI^,
Dt\ Lbs. Swcedes Tron,
2(i0 Casks Thomastowu Lime.
•50 Bbls. Flour.
15 Bbls. Apple Brandv,
35 Krgs White Lead,"
30 Boxes Raisins,
lo Quaiter Casks Wines, assorted
10 Reams \\ riting Paper,
S ‘- f Sugar in Hiids. ar.J Bbls.
3 *c-ices JaiiKJ.'ca CofTe^