Georgia courier. (Augusta, Ga.) 1826-1837, November 22, 1827, Image 3

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„ jhe revolutionary war, but history is silent as to any extraordinary services rendered his country before the second war of the revolution. His actions speak loud enough since-so loud that many think the claims of no one else are to be heard. But they are not the noisiest ac tions, nor the noisiest men either, that sait the genius ol our institutions. ' Ferdinand is still claying a part in Spain unworthy of a king. Rebellion rears a daring front, and defies the constituted authorities. He is weak enough to sup pose Mexico is expelling all tbeold Spaniards from her territory, in some cases with out rage ; and the other states, it is said, are following, or preparing to follow the ex ample. It must have an injurious effect on the commerce of the country, as the old Spaniards are the wealthiest citizens, and they will of course remove their vealth with them. MRS. REES, Respectfully informs the Ladies of Augusta and its vi- cinity, that she intends opening a School, for PAINTING on Paper and Velvet. A specimen of her Painting can be seen by ap plication to the Rev. Mr. Smith. Augusta, Nov. 19 57 3t SKETCH BOOK. T WO volumes of the Sketch Book were lent, lust, or mislaid, last spring. ADy person The provinces in the interior have laid ; having the same, will confer a favor on the sub- claim to the Banda Oriental, the bone of! briber by leaving the same at the Office of the ' Courier. that the rebel chiefs will place thern- se lvcS in his power to treat with his gra cious majesty, under a promise that he would attend the conference with only his suite and a weak escort. The king’s memory is very short, or he believes that his subjects cannot recollect. Dungeons, the gullies or decapitation, would have been the consequence of such a foolish confidence in his oft-broken word. His logic would have been, “ No faith is to be kept with such self-convicted traitors. If reports are true, they may treat with their sovereign on a more equal footing, for 6000 of them have cut two whole re giments to pieces—an extensive conspira cy exists at Saragossa—all Gallacia is on the eve of insurrection, and the roval sol diers continue to desert in whole battal ions. Snow fell in the State ofNew-York, oaily in this month, to the depth of ten inches. It is supposed an act will be passed by our Legislature, authorizing the judges to meet in convention twice a year to revise tfc? opinions of the judges in the several circuits, and to appoint a Reporter. A candidate in Pennsylvania offers to support the cause of Gen. Jackson in the Legislature for 62J cents per day. He will probably not he the only one whu will support the General's cause without profit. The fire has burnt out the yellow fever at Mobile. The Legislature of Rhode ^-Island meets twice in the year, end alternately in each County of the State. Gen. Putnam had a great aversion to pretty men. The general was not very handsome himself. This is a common failing, we think, both with men and wo men. The Boston Mercurial Mine is nothing hut a place where a looking-glass manu facturer once spilled some quicksilver. A Western paper contains an advertise ment for a course of Theological Lec tures, with a N. H.-No smoking allowed. A gentleman, certainly of short memo ry, wrote in his pocket-book “ Mem to marry next Thursday.” He was niar- riejj, but went to bed in his usual lodging. A lady at Washington, who has been sometime “sole editor and proprietor” of a literary periodical, at Washington City, advertises for “ a partner.” " Wefi says the editor of the Dem ocratic Press, “are married and can not come”—so are we : but we would re commend this matter to the consideration of one of our neighbors. We will announce the union, if successful, with much pleas ure, and dispense with the usual fee of cake from fraternal courtesy. The Wilmington Herald states that there are in that town 132 widows and on ly 19 widowers. Few husbands livelong enough there, as the Irishman said, to see their wives widows. The Cherokees have refused to sell any part of their lands. The Hiwassee Canal is interrupted for the present by this determination. The Emperor of Russia has expelled Masonry from his dominions. There is one or two species of manu factures in the United States, which have been strangely overlooked by our tariff friends, in their discussions on this subject. It is probable they thought their prosperi ty required no encouragement we mean the manufacture of preambles and resolutions, and speeches. It is said to be a matter of no conse quence whether A or B, or any other let ter begins the name of the President of the United States. However true this may be, we wish to see A continued at the head of the alphabet. Among the >l signs of the times,” is this not as good as the most of them, that our favorite candi date’s name commences with the first in the catalogue ofletters ? May he continue first in the confidence of his conntrv. /"Paul Buonaparte, Lucien’s second son, had effected his escape from the Roman States and arrived at Corfu, where lie was joined the same day by the nephew of Lord Cochrane, both determined to reap laurels in the sacred cause of oppressed Greece. A rumour prevailed at Trieste, founded on letters received from Constantinople, that the English had taken possession of Napoli de Romania, in the name of the Allied Powers* If £0, tlr& fyst blew •Jr tick, ^ contention between Buenos Ayres and Brazil. This may enable Buenos Ayres to prosecute the war with her old enemy, but her triumph there will be on y open ing a new scene of contention with her neighbors. Nov. 22 Robe, t Wasson. it FOR SALE, ‘'ft. The following are the The elections in the State of N. York, j for the Assembly, have terminated very j Drawn Numbers in the NEW- generally for Gen. Jackson. Those who i \ ORK CONSOLIDATED LOTTE- ought to know something about the matter j HY Class 9th. pretend to say, that a very different result j 28, 11, 23, 1, 33, 40. •11 , i„„„ • ,1 f nr A full List can be examined at BEF.RS’ Office, will take place in the election foi Ifae UNI0N CANAL Drawing, will be received by This Night's Mail. A few Chances may be had by application this afternoon. Nov 22 It BY LATHAM HULL. ON TUESDAY NEXT at the Store of Messrs. Fickling Sf Glen, at 10 o’clock, their entire Stock of Drugs, Medicines, &tc. Comprising a general assortment of articles usually kept in a Druggist Store—all of which will be sold without the least reserve. .Terms liberal and made known at sale. V Noy. 22 j£ — To Country Merchant. CarWon, Cook & KnowVton Are now opening an Extensive Assortment of CJooU.o; 20 CONSISTING IN PART OF >5-‘TV ' S. &M. ALLF.N, H AVE Removed their EXCHANGE OF-, FICE to No. 277 Broad -stTe'-'. (oar doors' west of Javkson-street, where they >.fli 1 far sale DRAFTS on the principal dries of ii. c Nor: hern States. North-Carolina and Moron Rank Soict n anted*’ United States Bank Taper lor sale. Nov. 22 57 3fw electors of President. We cannot see on what ground this opinion is bot tomed, unless some local state mat ters have influenced the lateelection, and party management has fixed the livery of Geneial Jackson on certain popular gentlemen, who had no particular interest in throwing it off. The people choose the electors, and ihoiigli the con trary is asserted, it is not probable the Legislature will dare to take the power out of their hands. We look upon the ex ercise of such a power by the legislatures as an usurpation in all cases, and not in conformity to the principles or provisions of the constitution. Marshal De Mouchy said, “ the flesh of Pigeons had a consoling power, and af- tei eating a couple, he always had his grief assuaged.” Their voice has certainly a soothing effect, but they could hardly have kept up their cooing after ibe Marshal had devoured them. A fire broke out on the night of the 10th inst. in New-York, in the store No. 100 Maiden Lane, on the west side near Pearl street, which together with the three adjoHr'ifrg buddings was destroyed. A considerable amount of Merchandise was burnt and damaged—the loss is said to ex ceed $50,000. Fire.—We learn with regret that the Post Office and that splendid establish ment Niblo’s Hotel, at Peteisbug, Va. were destroyed by fire on Saturday night last. Much of the furniture of the Hotel, and the letters, papers, &c. belonging to the Post Office were saved. The fire is attributed to accident. The building was insured at $34,000 Raleigh Star, 15th inst. The National Journal of the 12th inst. states that ihe holders of the One Hun dred Thousand Dollar prize ticket, drawn in Gillespie’s Lottery, by Mr Clark, of Richmond Va. have acceded to the terms proposed by the Corporation of Washing ton, which were to issue Stock, bearing 5 per cent, interest, and irredeemable for ten years. “Mathew Lansberg ('the Francis Moore of the Continent) observes in his last publication, that, ‘if you wish to have a shoe of durable materials, you should make the upper leather of the mouth of a hard drinker ;—for that never, lets in wa ter.”* A Persian Qoctor.—While my com panions were trying this experiment, and wondering at the cause, I remained on the terrace conversing with Hajee Ibrahim. I noticed a small village about a mile dis tant which seemed deserter’.—“ Is that oppression ?” said I. “No,” said the Hajee, “ worse.” “ Why,” said I, ‘the Turkomans can not have carried their in roads so near the town. They could not have done the work so complete, said my my friend, smiling. ‘ Whp has done it V I asked. ‘A doctor,’ replied he , “a pro per fellow, who acquired great reputation and he deserved it, from the heirs of his patients at least. That village literally perished under his hands in five years.— Now he is goDe, I know not where, but good luck attend him, so he comes not again to our neighborhood.” The late Dr. Beddows ascertained that butchers, who live more on animal food than other men, are rarely, if ever, liablo to the disease of the lungs, termed pulmo nary consumption. U. S. Bank Shares in Philadelphia 12th inst. 123£ a 123 §. Drawing to be received next Monday week. Rhode Island Lottery, COMMERCIAL. NINTH CLASS. 1 prize of $10,000, 1 4,000, 1 2,500, 1 1,880, 2 prizes of $,1000, 2 600, 4 400, 8 200, 39 of $50, &c. &c. &c, ONLY 14,1^0 TICKETS. Tickets $5—Halves $2 50—Quarters $1 25. APPLY AT Beers’ Fortunate Lottery Office, No. 241 B> oad-street. Nov 22 57 3t Andrews’ Prize List. Drawing of the New York Con solidated Lottery. NINTH CLASS. Nos. 28 11 23 1 33 40 Combination 11 23 28 the Grand Prize of $50,000.* Combination 1 33 40, the second Capitai Prize of $20,000. Combination 37 28 40, a prize of $100, and Combination 1 23 45, a prize of $70, sold at ANDREWS’ STATE LOTTERY h EXCHANGE OFFICE, NO. 215 BROAD-STREET. Next the old established Augusta Bookstore. f|~T Orders received for Tickets and Shares in the UNION CANAL LOTTERY, 34th Class, the drawing of which will be received by the North ern Mail to-morrow evening. Highest Prise $10,000. Whole Tickets $4. Half do. $2. Quarter do. $1. Nov. 21 It Oysters, <fcc. P RIME PICKLED OYSTERS, FRESH SHRIMPS, SWEET ORANGES, Just received and for sale by P. CARRE. Nov. 22 57 2t Mansion House, MACON, GEO. T HIS Establishment (owned and formerly occupied by Messrs Bullock k Wells) is now in the hands of the undersigned, who has made ample provision, through his friends, to keep it in as good style perhaps as any House in the back country ; and from his former experi ence in the line of Tavern keeping, flatters him self that all who may be pleased to favor him with a cal), will depart satisfied both as respects accommodations and charges. Families can be entirely retired. S. C. Brame. Macon, Nov. 22 57 tf COTTON. At Augusta, - f - 9 a PJ cents. At Savannah, - - - 9 a 10^ cents. At Macon, - » - 8 a 8j cents. At Norfolk, - - . 9 a 94 cents. At New-York, - - - 10 a 114 cents. Charleston, Nov. 19. Cotton.—'The receipts this week were limited, the demand steady ; old was sold at 84 a-9J, new crop, 9h a 10£; the lat ter price however could be obtained only for very choice parcels, favorite marks ; selections of good lots were submitted te at 10 1-8 a lOi. The Rev. Mr. Moderwel will perform Divine Service, in the Baptist Charch. on next Sabbath morning, at the usual hour. November 22. flT 3 Divine Service may be ex pected in the Chapel of the Academy, bv the Rev. Charles Briggs, on Sabbajh morning Mthe usual hour. Not. 22 ESTATE SALES. Extensive Credit. U NDER a Decretal Order of the Court of Equity, on Wednesday, the 12th of De cember next ensuing, at 11 o’clock, A. M., will be sold, to the highest bidder, at Edgefield Court House, EIGHTY-THREE (83) Valuable Negroes, belonging to the trust estate of L. D. Wigfall, and Eliza Wigfall. ALSO, At the same time and place, will be sold, the Plantation in Edgefield District, called the WOODLANDS, situated on Chavers’ creek, one mile and an half from the main Five Notch Road to Augusta, and directly on a road leading from Martin Town to Augusta : containing 437 acres, on which is a comfortable dwelling house, kitch en, carriage house, stables, gin house, and other necessaiy out buildings, with negro houses and plantation tools. ALSO, One other Plantation, called the MILL PLACE, situated on the same creek, adjoioing the first mentioned Plantation, containing about 440 acres—on the creek is a mill with two pair of stones, one for corn and one for wheat, with a good bolting chest; also, a cotton gin, worked by water; two convenient, dwelling houses on the premises, with a blacksmith shop and tools. ALSO, A smaller Tract,'containing 120 acres, called the WHATLEY TRACT, still adjoining the last named tract. ALSO, One other tract of Land, situated in said Dis trict, on Turkey creek, on the main road fiom Edgefield to Abbeville Court House, adjoining lands of Nicholas Lowe, containing ahout 300 acres, with some houses k cleared land thereon. Together with a stock of horses, mules, cattle, .-beep, aud hogs, and plantation tools on each plaee, except the last. Terms.—One fourth cash, the balance payable in one, two, and three years, with interest, mort gage of the property and personal security to insure payment Purchasers to pay for title deeds and bills of sale. GEO. W. CROSS, \ JAMES JERVEY, 5 Edgefield C. H. Nov. 22 57 td Trustees. $20 REWARD. T HE subscriber’s Store was broken open on Tuesday Night last, and robbed of eight or ten pieces fine striped Homespun—eight or ten pieces Sheeting, and some few pieces Shirting— one piece and about a half piece London Duffil Blankets. The above reward will be given for the discovery of the thief or thieves. BENJ. SIMS. Nov 22 57 2t TO RENT, One Tenement next below M’Kin- ne’s Warehoure, upper end Broad- ttreet. The Dwelling apartment is conveniently finished for a family, with a Store attached. ALSO, A small Dwelling on the rear of the above lot, fronting ou Ellis-street. Immediate possession can be had, and for terms, which will be mode rate, apply to Matthew Nelson. Nov. 22 57 3tw FOUND, O N yesterday morning, near Dr. Walking’ plantation, on the Savannah road, a sorrel Mare in a Gig, which the owner can have by calling at Watkins' mill and ,.aying expenses. James Parnell. Nov. 22 It GEORGIA FENCIBLES! A regular quarterly meeting of the company will be held at the City Hall, on Saturday evening next, at 7 o’ciock. Members will come prepared to pay their quarterly dues. Bv order, GEO. W. M’COY, Sec'y G. F. Nov. 22 It The Drawing of the Union Canal Lottery Class 34th. Is expected to be received 4t>y THURSDAY NIGHT’S mail, and will be ready for examina tion o« Friday morning, 23d inst. SCHEME. 3 prizes of $600, 5 10 10 50 400, 300, 200, 100, besides prize of $10,000, 2,500, 1,800, 1,160, 1,000, 204 Priaes of $70, $60, $50, $40, many smaller Prizes. Tickets $4, Halves $2, Quarters $1. Ordtrs received at BEERS’ Fortunate Lottery Office, No. 241, Brnaff-Street. 0= The Drawing of the New York Consolida ted Lottery having been postponed for Jthree days, in consequence of the Election, the Draw ing will be reeeivod by to-morrow night’s mail, and will be ready for examination on Wednes day morning, at Beers’ Office. November 19 56 bales and cases of brown, bleached, plaid and striped Domestics, 3 do. Checks, 3 do. super and common Tickings, 1 case Satinetts, 300 pieces Calicoes, 250 colored, scarlet & black Cassimere Shawls and Points,_ 200 dozen silk, cotton woollen and lambs-wOol Hosiery, 50 dozen buck, beaver, kid, horse-skin and silk Gloves, 25 dozeu lined Gloves, 300 do Spool Thread, 1 case Choppa Romals, 1 do German Flaggs and Bandnnoes, 1 do b’ack Sarsnetts, 1 do figured Nankin Crape Robes, 2 bales white and red Flannels,. 1 do 4-4 and5-4 Green Baize, 100 Cambist and Plaid Cloaks, 50 Ladies Plaid do. 40 pieces colored Cambrics, Bro Do, for bonnets, Scarlet, crimson and black figured and plain Bomhazettes, Do do Rattinets, Circassians and Salisbu ry Flannels, Batteste Ginghams, plain k faucy Cravats, Irish Linen, Lawn Lawn, Cambric, Jaconet, Book and Mull Muslin, Plain and figured Swiss do. Super black silk Vestings, Toiiinet, Valencia and Marseilles Vestings, Caroline and Tartan Plaids. Camblet Crape Shawls, Super Nankin Crapes, Black Sinchews do.; Italian Lustrings. An elegant assortment of black and colofed Grode Naps, plain and figured, Black Taffetas, Stripe and Plaid Sarsnets P.aid Gro De Naps 1 case Cambric Dimity 1 do Furaiture da extra" ide Eiack Bombazines Black French and Italian Crapes White, pink, blue green k straw Florences Blue Pelisse Cloth Madrass, Bandana k Cotton Flag ildltfs Cotton and Webb Suspenders 200 packs Pins 300 gross Suspender Moulds Steel Coat Buttons Bang Up Cords Millinet Buckram Foundation Muslin Rose and Point Blankets 1 bale stout Oznahurgs 1 do Negro Cloths—Paddings Black, Olive k Mixed Cloths Si Cassimeivs A general assortment of Bonnet, Belt and Cap Ribbons Tapes. Bobbins, Sewing Silk, Quality Bind ings, Needles, &c. kc. All of which wefe purchased at the New A ork Auctions, and will be sold at a small advance from cost. No. 249 Broad-street, a few doors below the Banks. Nov. 15 06 tf CITY SHERIFF'S SALE. ‘VITlLL be sold, on th'- first Tiwsdiy in p~- ff cember next, at the Market-boose, iu tin* city, between the usual hours ul' sale, Three setts of Wug 'i. Wheels unironed, and all the right, tit'o and inler-st of • antes Marsh in a Blacksmith's Shop, situate 00 the corner of Campbell and E!ii s «trrrts levied upon by virtue of au exe Ution from Court of Common Pleas, John S. Campbell vs James Marsh. Property pointed out bv plaintiff. ALSO. One Bay horse. One Gi<*‘ a *ti O ne Dearborn Waggon ami Harness levied upon to satisfy two exn uti-rns from Court of Common Pleas, Geo. W. I.utler. and V. illta.’w Harris, vs. Jno. S. Campbr li.—Terms Gash. A. PICQUET, SheriffC. n Nov. 22 57 td ILiXWs R. A. PALMER, OFFERS FOR SALE, At Ko. 302 Broad-Street, 25 100 75 40 _ Tons Swedes Ircm, assorted, 100 bbls. Northern Gin, do N. E. Ruin, do Whiskey, __ do prime Sugar, 10 quarter casks Sweet Malaga Wine, 35 bags Coffee, 12 bbls. prime do. do. 15 quart-r chests Hyson Tea, 2 Seignette Brandy, 2 quarter casks old Port Wiile, 26 boxes Raisins, 12 bales brown Shirtings, 6 do Sheetings, ■2 cases Plaids, 2 boxes Cotton Thread, 1000 lbs. Loaf Sugar, 10 boxes Sperm Candies, 6 bbls Sperm Oil, 15 boxes OxangeSj Nov. 8 53 tf No. 115. Cotton Bagging and «Va\\s. 400 Pieces Prime Hemp Bagging, 42 inch, 100 Casks Cut Nails, assotted, FQR SALE BV WM. ROBINSON. October 18 7 2m DOMESTIC & FOI E1GN GOODS. 100 bales Cotton Sheetings and ohirtings, 20 bales Stripes and Plaids, 10 do prime Negro-Cloth, 6 cases Satinetts, blue and blue mixtures, 2 brles Tickings, 4 cases blue Cloths ; a few pieces extra-fine, 12 bales London Duffil, Point, and Rose Blan kets, 8 do red and white Flannels, 10 cases Prints, new and handsome Style, 2 do Linens; 1 case Ginghams, new style, 1 do Verona Handket chiefs, 1 do Brown Linens, 1 bale Cassimeie Shawls, 2 cases Sea Island Shirtings, 4 bales Bookings, 1 case Tartan Plaids, Bombazetts, Choppas, Black Silk Handker chiefs, Hosiery, Gloves, Sewing Silk, Threads, kc. kc. kc. for sale bv WM. ROBINSON. Octoher 18 47 2m Shoes and Cotton Cards. 150 PACKAGES SHOES, comprising a complete assortment; among which are three thousand pair as prime Brogans and Negro Shoes, as are in the market. 40 Boxes Whittemore’s Cotton Cards, No. 8 k 10 FOR SALE BV Oct. 18 WM. ROBINSON. 47 2 m JOB PRINTING, Ntajly executed at this Office. Co-partnership Notice. I \7 ILLIAM ROBINSON k THOM AS TAY- v \ LOR, have formed a connexion in busi ness, under the firm of THOMAS TAYLOR k Co., in Macon, Geo. where they are now open ing a handsome assortment of Merchandize, which they offer for sale on liberal terms. October 18 47 2m Dr. George A. Buck les!' lin, offers his services to the inhabitants of Augusta aud its vicinity, in the professions of Medicine and Surgery, His office is in the adjoining building to Mr. Lafitt’s boarding Louse; on MajAintcsh-Street. rtngll ’ 11 |f T HE subscriber has just received a further supply of GROCERIES, which makes his assortment* complete. He has now on hand 1500 bushels Liverpool Ground Salt 15 hhds St. Croix Sugar 3 do New Orleans do 15 bbls Loaf and Lump do. 50 bags prime Coffee 2 pipes Cognac Brandy, Sfjignette brand 3 do Holland Gin 2 hhds Jamaica Rum 12 qr casks Teneriffe Wine 6 halfqr casks do do 10 qr casks Malaga do 3 hhds N Hum 60 bbls- do 60 do N Gin 40 do Whiskey 30 do Mackerel 20 do Canal Flour 10 half bbls. Crackers 15 kegs Tobacco, No. 1 30 do Nails 60 boxes Soap 20 do M Raisins 10 do Whittemore’s No 10 Cotton Cards 2 hhds Copperas 20 bhls Northern Potatoes 2 cases Wool Hats Pepper, Spice, Ginger, Cloves. Nutmegs, Almonds, Powder, Lead. Shot Spanish and American Segars Writing and Wrapping Paper, kc. kc. Wm. A. Mitchell. Nov. 5 52 tf FASHIONABLE Hat Warehouse WHOLESALE & RETAIL. T HOMAS EVANS would inform his friends and the public eeuerally, that he has re moved fiom his former stand, to the Store N<>. 279 Broad-street, formerly occupied by Mr. G. Hannah, where he keeps constantly on hand, a verv large assortment of Gentlemen’s Sujicrfiue Beaver Hats : also. Beaverette, Imitation Beaver. Castor and Rnram Hats: Youth’s and Children’s Hats; besides a very large assortment of Wool Hats, white and black ; also, a general assort ment of Fur and Cloth Caps—Leghorn k Straw- Hats and Bonnets, all of which he offers for sale, W holesale and Retail, on the most reasonable terms. Merchants from the Conntrv are invited to call and examine for themselves. Single Hats made at the shortest notice and agreeably to order. I be highest prices given for all kinds of Hat ter's Fur. Kept constantly on hand, a general assortment of Hat Trimmings. N. B.—Looking Glosses ft-r sale at the above stand. Nov. S 52 tf Henry Mgu.ygkr, having located Isitns»i.-lf nl Monroe, Wtili.iii county, tenders his Profess inin! Sem i- ces to the Public. Business entrusted to his rare in any of the following counties, will be faithfully attended to—viz ; Clark, Morgan, Jackson, Newton, Gwinnett, Hall, De Kalb, Fayette, Ballon, anti Ilenrv, References can be made in Augusta, to JOHN!. KING, , Wm. SIMS. WILI.IAMS & Co. MUSNROVE, W KTMOKEfetto. HEAllD-k * OOX. and WM. J. HOBBY, taquires. Nov. 8 53 tf NOTICE. ESSRS. A. I. & G. W. HUNTINGTON, will act as our attorney, during our abseuc*- fr«m the State. TAM I’LET &. ROWAND. •Tune 2fi 16 If . > M' 3,000 Bushels Salt, FOR^ SALE BV A. R. GORDON, Macintosh-street’: November 8 53 fit mm&m DENTIST, R ESPECTFULLY offers Ins Profesjim al Services to the Citizens of August 1. He has taken a Room at Mrs Leverich’s. nexi di ot to Mr. Jacob Dan forth's, on Wasliiiigtou-slreeu November 8 53 tf FACTORAGE AND Commiss ion II a si n ess. T IHE subscriber having commenced the above line of business, tenders his services to his friends and the public genet ally. He hopes that from his long experience and knowledge of busi ness, together with bis being a permanent re.-;- dent of Savannah, to give general satistactio , and pledges himself that no exertions or atten tion shall be spared on his part to merit a ihara of patronage. He is prepared to make litre-1I advances on Cotton and other produce, consign ed to hint for sale. WILLIAM MARSHALL, A nderson* Building.*. REFERENCES—Wm. Gaston. James Eppin- ger, Savannah; Stovall h Davis. Augusta; John Fontaine, Warrenton; Wm P. Ford, Sparta ; Tho’s B. Stubbs, Milledgevi!!. ; P. Griuuell.P.M Montieello. Savannah, Nov. 7 55 tf R. HANNA, PORTRAIT PAINTER, R espectfully t-mi-rs ids professional services to the Ladies and Gentlemen Of Augusta and its vicinity. He flatters himself with being able to give satirfacti *11, and hopes *0 share in the generous patiouage 0/ the puhl c.— His room is the same that is occupied by Mr. Hi.'ikley, Miniature Painter, nearly ojiposite the Eagle Tavern. In the course of next neck he will have a specimen of portrait. Nov. 15 55 Pt Horses and Carriages, TO LET. The Subscriber offers to Let, by the Dae, l'rij), or otherwise, firct rate Nurses. Carriages, Gigs and Sulkeys, on the most reasonable terms. TM0S. G. II ALL. Nov. k5 55 tf Old Ohio 1 Vlmkcy. 200 Barrels Superior Old Ohio Whiskey, together with a general assortment of GROCE. RIES, just received and fur sale at W heeler’s Buildings, by A. A. BRADLEY. Nov 15 55 3t Piano lor 8ale. A N elegant and wrll-tohed s'ix octaves Lon don made Piano Forte; also, a small as sortment of other instruments, consisting of Vi<v lins, Clarionets and J’lutes, and some Violin Strings, assorted—which will, be sold low for cash or approved paper, by W. Briix. Nov. 15 55 3t THE SUBSCRIBER CONTINUES AT THE ■2)Jh Lately erected by JOSEPH It HEELER, Ev h near ll-liteler's Buildings, unit just brloir lh‘ upper Market House. Broad-street, aud near the Planters' Hvtel. Augusta H E feels thankful ! or jmst favors and bejs to renew the offer of LL services to Ins friends with the assurance that sliict regiiyd shall lie paid to all orders lie muy receive, and proper care Liken of a’l property committed U> his charge, and punctuality shall be observed tu all transactions of business in future. Liberal advances will be made on Cotton stow ed for sale, in Cash, or Goods. ?t cash rates, and on terms as accommodating a> other Ware-house kcepets offer. (t/ 3 Those persons indebted to the late firm of HOLT 6i WARE, a d to the sub scriber on former transactions, will ptesse come forward early this Fall anil pay their debts,.':* longer delay .cannot be allowed. joiin s. iiolt. 6 tf