Georgia courier. (Augusta, Ga.) 1826-1837, September 16, 1830, Page 4, Image 4

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4 CORPORATION OP THE CITY OF_AUGUSTA. MA YOU, SAMUEL HALE. MEMBERS 01 COUNCIL, Fsdward Thomas ,Janies Harper, Peter Ben r.t»cb, W. C. Di'.lon, R. M’Cooinbs, R. Barber, If. Glascock, Moses Ross. Clerk of Council, G. M. Walker. Ckrti Court Common Plea!, VVilliaiK Jackson. Lily Sheriff, Antoine I’icquet. dli) Collector and Treasurer. J. H. Mann. City Marshal, Mitchell kelson. Us fruit/ do. Janjes Peay. Justices of the Peace, Benjamin Rowland. J. W Meredith, P. li. Mantz, G. M. Walker. C I .'ickiuson, A. I. Huntington, A. G. Raiford Jno Yl’Tvre, Kugene Verdery, Augustus Verdury, James A. May. Constables, Thomas Taut, James Peay, Thomas Campbell, Louis Kunzo. Louis Meredith, Win. “Martin, Gustavus A. Parker. Clerk of Ike Latter Market, Jas. W. Meredith Clerk of Ike Upper Market, A. G. Raiiord. Sexton, John Marshall. Huptrint aidant of the Magazine, Thos Quiz enberry. City Surveyor. Robert Raiford. Judge Court Common Pleas, K. R Reid, Esq. Sessions oi the Court of Common Pleas, fourth Monday in January , March, May, July, Septem ber and November. —liclurn Uay.fivv days fore. JUSTICES OF THE INFERIOR COURT Valentine Walker Holland M'Tyre, William Shannon, Edward Thomas, Absalam Rhodes Clerk Snp'r If lnf'r Couits, James \lrLaws Cleric Court of Ordinary, Geo. A B. Walker Sessions of the Superior Court for Richtnond County, Fourth Monday in May, and third Mon day in November Sessions of the Inf trior Court for Richmond County, Fourth Monday in June and December Courts of Ordinary throughout the Stute, On the fust Monday of Juuuary, Match, May, July, September and November. AUCTIONEERS. C. Philips, | Lattium Hull. NOTARIES PUBLIC. Win 11. Jones, Uloliatd II W ilde, Paul Rosignol C A. Crawford, Augustus Moore, Wni Jackson, Daniel dcMurphy, Charles Carfcr, A Pirqnet, J 3 Hirers. Western B Thomas, Andrew J Miller, George \V Crawford, William C Mitou, Wni I fJould, William li Ear*, an, Walter Veitrh, Sum’. Peck, Josr ph Hutchinson, John A Barues BANK OF AUGUSTA Os ring l)ny, Monday llurount Uay, Tuesday !*Tt»ident, Thomas Gumming, Cashier, Augustus Moore, 1 \llrr, P Kotigtiol. Hit ttlors. H Tuhinan, J Gardner, J Moore, J Carmichael, James Frazer, James Harper, J hones, Sami Clark, Hubert A Reid. W in. < um nn-.g, Mi nnas M (»iai» : on the part ttf the State, If-itjauiiii Hand, William Johnston, II II Cos >k BRANCH STATE BANE at Augusta Offering Hay, Thursday, Disoounl Hay, Friday, President, Samuel Hale, Cashier, Isaac Henry, Teller, W illi.un II Jones. Directors —Hamticl Mala, A Waterman, R II A *1 tughler, IV II Turpin, James M ''inter, John Davis, John P. Grenier, F. C. i (card, P Stovall INSURANCE A BANKING COMPANY. Offering Hay Wednesday— ’Discount Hay Thiirs fi.sV, I’.ler Hnnnoeh, President, Holroit Walton, hciitta v .V Cashier, Win Poo, litter ty Rook-' keeper Directors II Wel»-i»r. J M Duwall. A. '>ibh v A I* Pillot, Alexander Graham, William Uonaa Jamas B Bishop, Enoch Knight, W W Montgomery, W«n Harper, MERCHANTS' \ PLANTERS' HANK Off'r*ng Hay, Tuesday, Discount Hay. Wednes day, It mu |,| June to Ist Oi toiler ; OllVrnig mid DUcoiitit Day, Wednesday from Ist October to 1 si June fusi pti Wheeler, INttident, John F Lloyd, Cnsklrt, llfiiii It Holcombe, Teller, Joseph Hutvhlnson, Book keeper, John A U.n ucs. Du unf Clerk I*.renters —Joseph Wheeler. Edward Thomas, V L W alker, John W Budges, John t' Holcombe Charles D Wtlliiitns, Wm. M Rowland, L Gib • 'Jll. SAYINGS HANK of Augusta, Edward F t". inpUell, Piisidtnl, Isaac Hrnty, i.tithiir Jf I‘rea ueer. Hay of Deposit, «vsry Saturday floiu Jto 6 <t e|ot Ji AUGUSTA LIBRARY SOCIETY. A Slaughter, Chairman Bon'd of Dxrirtors, li V'. Poo Mtlatj \ Treasurer, James Gould. Librarian. vxtos mnnt company Prior bniiitnli, Printent. John rMmip, «• ;e, , T* 4»Mrrr V Situ lory Mi viudct Miktuiti 1 , U. 11. Missgrove, i*. \ mry. VVsn. Kh«ii< Ii UitutltM Moor*, Johu *. An-laxavii. A.— steam no i r comp ia t '•Vm Unbcit*ini, lidlhll I I’or, ErSiu rr O ft Secfilmy. LOTTEKV AGENT. J Audi rw t. medical society A•• lunii't 1 nnithtgl'am. President, VVru Savagr, « t'n ft. nl, F M. Robertson. It'cording be y \ * B-ldwiu. Com tpa tiding ''tertiary «.* K< I'rsiUi rtr, J B TYatkrr, Orator , “fs f! PS of KU ll MO XU ACADEMY ward I 4 amplxt!, PiituiruJ I truly II I mu i. i.: Is>>«»t Ii lit i<l t B l,uii(iltrrl 111 \l* « .1 in ulkiii, Mm I limit. Iliuwili M (iiiu • It N| .ill. mar Ii J min'* 'V DavHr* i1... a' irtmiunt loiht hoard JtiM Law* ,■ *t Jukit • 1* V\ aditel. turn > mwL i i’fl u ('» ■ii h; . nJfiii l>trt Bevnocb, g /’i **•.-' ■ U ’ «-t« t I‘ui. Verr.'nrjr Angus- ; . !>»,».■« ,-r Mi Mimiiu. IV.i. A* ,U .. J»> ■>! Moor*, s >ansu«l Hale. f 1 hi iJ (In iw *. ii K*«w* I lirtii v K VKmt . *.•! ruv tmu *• J■* \A*!kcr. J»uii* litrptr, tS>fITLTt. Vi u} OKIHi, ot rniti n>>-»r\l »f ii«»icr* c» miili «; MrmWik. I lw.' •» |lo»n 1 (| f*ruWr*< * >* v« ert: >xry t« M " Uui k t ) i<< t» !»• » ' { ji;h'4> li *i‘...'rr. M tiiinii, S iin- \ ~.©•< sV«»r»« ■ ! i»ii uric'o n'«H*rn t ii •m t■ • l* M-i it*t to iMoVr. ll.return - ». '!*• * hi >il>« »til m« Jrl irint t>» jJ .1 *«»l M. l> v i !iu«iin» ll.uu UtOdk' l*t frbruat* t*>‘ |l'llll*<fl *«J I'llilli'* o( ,\I» |«'U< Ifuti ill Frk i n> M Jam i l>. I'oW M l> •*» IVjmilli ilva 0(1 K> I (ollMlt. l*« Mild * Mtitu • fi ...» ( rh, lo I nor 9 |*. M 0 M Atl*WW« ft«« Ovt lo FolWSMtfy 4*w frs-us hbK J-or I# «. yr* •*>r.>«4» sK\' TRUSTEES MASONIC HALL. Sbrnuel Hale, Chairman, Thomas I Wray, Al»’r MacKenzie, A Slaughter, John W Wilde, J S Beers, Francis Ganahl, Robert RReid, J C Mor gan, T G Casey, Wm T Gould, Peter Beunoch, Wm Schley. MASONIC CALENDER Webb's Lodge, No 10, meets 3d Friday in eve ry month. Social Lodge, No 3, 2d Friday in every moßth. Augusta Chapter, R. A. M. Ist Tuesday in ev ery month. Georgia' Encampment, Knights Templars, Ist Monday in every month Adoniram Council of R Si S M, first Saturday in December. March, June and September. Lodge of Perfection, Council of P. of Jerusa lem and Rose Croix Chapter, 2d W ednesday in February, May, Aneust and November. Consistory of S. P. li. S. 22d June, and 22d December. EXCHANGE BROKERS. Beers, Booth tz St Juhu, | Allens LPaddock. MOVEABLE FEASTS. Septuagesima Sunday, Feb 11; Shrove Sun day, Feb 25; Ash Wednesday, I'eb 28; Mid. Lent Sunday, March 26; Palm Suuday, April 8; Easter Day, April 15; Low Sunday, April 22; Rogation Sunoay, May 20; Ascension Day, May 2-1; Whit Sunday. June 3; Tiinity Sunday, June 10; Advent Sunday, Dec 2. S TASUING C Q3IMI TTEES OF COUNCIL, FOR THE PRESENT YEAR. On Accounts —Messrs. Harper, Barber, and Kirkpatrick. Strtets —Messrs Benr.och, McCombs. andßoff. Jail —Messrs Ross, Thomas, and Dillon. Pumps —Messrs. McCombs, Glascock, and Kirkpatrick. Marktt— Messrs. Glascock, McCombs, and Barber. Magazine —Messrs. Kirkpatrick, Tl.omas and Dillon. River Bunk —Messrs. Benncch, Harper, and Barber. Drains*— Messrs. McCombs, Ross, and Ben- ROCII. Health —Messrs. Tliomar, Barber, and Mc- Combs. Polire —Messrs. Harper, Ross, and Dillon. Fire Engines Messrs. Eennoch,Glascock and Ross- Published by order of Council, passed the 11th May 1830. GEO. M. WALKER, Clerk. May 17 4 MAIL ARRANGEMENT. Northern Mail. Due every evening at 6 o’clock. CTosex every at 9 o'clock. Minis for Pendleton C. H Src. ore made up on'Kriil.t> ut 9 I’. M. anil forwarded via Edge field ( House Mails lor Greenville C If. 3. C., Ashvillc. N Carolina, Ear Tennessee and Kentucky, are made up on Saiurdays, at 9 I’. M and forwarded via Edgefield 11. ('harhston Mail. Hue every Sunday, Wednesday, ami Friday, at I* M. f’lose* every Tuesday, Thursday and .'>sturdny, at 10 A M Savannah Mail. Due every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, liy II \ M ('loses every Monday, Wednesday and aalutday, at 9 I*. M Milled gentle Mail. Due evny rvtnmg, except Thursday, try B I’. M. ( loses every evening, except Tuesday, at '• l‘ M Mails lor Kortville, (*lllllOll, Macon, Knox mile, Columbus, Creek Agency, Alabama. Mis sissippi, mid Louisiana, me made up on Mon days, Wednesday s nud Fridays ut 9 l‘. M. Mads lor Middle and West Florida, on Mon days at 9 I*. M Mails for Grernihurough and Madison, Geo on Sundays nud Wednesdays, at 9 I*. M Mads for Eatnuton and Monticello, (ifo. on Mondays and Saturdays, at 9 P M. Athens Mail. Due every Sunday and Wednesday, at 7 P M Closes every Monday and Friday, at 9 P M Mads lor West trimester are made up on Moudays, at 9 11.I 1 . M. and lorsyaided by tins route Varncstnllc Mail. Due every Friday, at 8 !’. M Closes every Saturday at 9 I*. M. Greenville , *S\ C. Mail. vis rinu.stna c n. sin tiiirn tern Due evriy .Monday, by Jl* M ( loses ivrrv Monday, at 9 P. M L'aosaw hate hie Mail. via lo ut, a rimrr at as, % c lßie rvet v Sunday, at PM. Closes rvery Tuesda v. at 10 A M O* Tbe Post Office will be open every day (Sunday* rscvptad) from 7 A M. to 8 P At. trom Ut Mirth to Ut November. FromH \ M to 8 P M from Ist November to Ist March, ex cept Ir on 2to J P M and during the Imre of opening and 1 losing mails. It r On Sundays, the Odi-e will l>e opeu front 7 lo H P. M. J AWES FRASER. P M. dugtnlit Gra. May I, 1830 AM ACT ia nlrD'l ill* nut* tur (oiluoiK ilri«m nt the l. Hi"! l.oltciiM ot eighteen burnt ml and t MCb eighteen bundled amt nuielaeu. and righli-rti hundred and («Kutjr uu«, to i ikroul Kr ait>C• (or Übili Uioi dunu, *ml after the him' tUririu »,•*■. ifivii. to aril lb* uwr tu U»e J*l«l . r>K t tmnet Jtu !kt Stna't <»'id IfautujK’p -9 r itmte •} Gfvrg lam J. r«- ral Aft «ft/v MW. ii’iJ (I u htrtbii inmtltd 'Ac an/Ao>i.t ay IA/ mmt, That r»*ry pei. o< > »ho •ii i ( drtarr it the land l.>ttrri »by ibr authority o*’" lhi* tel* patse.l on the U 'cnil ’ >«i ot I'r. fittliri, fijtkirrn hundred *ml (i(h <* i on ibr ostcenth d>y of Dcccuiler. ngb l e» inn,died nml ninrtmi an ion the fifteenth la* oi May, i 1; mult cl and twenty one, • tiail t>arr «niii tbr first day ot November, ngh i irni b nml id ami thirty. to talar out bi«, her or , tl in (iknt«u|H<ii paying mto the Treasury the Hi a* o I e*s,ht ilollait >ro 1 1 ) ,r‘ktr (nn.itd 6* ike au | tSor". , in#, rtiat Irous And aftei the brat | >l*» nt >v*»nut>«r eig s r*r» hundred and thm*. ; *<««* I»nd» »o dia-ti n atorraaid and om granted *b.«li irvrtt to. and briuw* tii* property ot the | '•Ute *«t J A*4 bt «| fmtiXtr eu4 :ftd. That thit let shall not e slru.t to assy lot or iof» of laud dtaokil l>* o*|*h|.i» uot’l tbrrr rrals after Ibr • aid oiju.-iu tiiail iistt »tntol at the »cr of .art'll one, nor lo an* lots 4ii*a t * n'rou «•« | Ui.iii *oi |» ihhu Hhobate drj>*ii-d it.■« | til him* ibr* gave mi f.>r * dr*« or iluat m said : ti lluwi ol !>|n Is ■V. L 110 l tod an.'ir (». tale* are unrepresented, o**r tj an* tot* uiuutrr >ru *,,d ”1* nundird set ajait lor the pui|*o*e o! t paUi* i .location I Sac. 1 Ar.J tt it /»r?lee eu erttd That all *■*» and part* ot 1*» » iai’ltatiu< agaioal thu art he aat ttre ass<- are herrb* rrj’ealeJ hi* 5. .tJ ke %i /artVr if the ru ■ e I*l It * .a.I jr the Jut* of hi* h t,>rl!e**« * tw Ut*ia«r to cause thu art fu oe published iu nU l *r pal ise Gaaeites ol |S« Stale. One* a WvMitfe ua.lfl the hrst da* of No*e»iher nrit aiot that he cause |U r»(iui,»e« of such j*obtl* all 'll IO be |MU Ml *1 the (uni a{*i.l fund base* red to :h N<*»e*«fear I*o* GtUfIUE R GILMER, Gar*.**?' *C fr? alZm Hy the fudge at Claimb c ?B t 23d JULY, 1630- STATE OF GEORGIA. RICHMOND SUPERIOR COURT. Between Grace Rowell, Compltx Bill for G.ok.. L. Twiggs C ,J iUto fO) Walker, surviving Executors r of Edward Rowell, deceased.V distnbu and others. J tion. IT being shown that Mary A. Rowell, Nancy W. Rowell, Elizabeth Foreman, Milly E. Rowell, Sarah C. Rowell, Benjamin D. Rowell, Hannah T. Rowell, Margaret C. Rowell, Wil liam A. Rowell, Edward H. Rowell, Eliza Wil liamson, Catherine Rowell, Sat ah Rowell, Ran dolph Rowell, Mary Rowell, Dorcas Rowell, Jane Rowell, Mary Davies, Benjamin Strange, Patsey Foreman, Randolph Strange, Edward Strange, Hubbard Strange, E. S. Sibley, and Elizabeth his Wife, Arthur Westbrook and Mary his Wife, Benjamin Jackson and Rebecca his Wife, Lucy Ball, John Stanly, John Horton and Elizabeth bis W ife, Jesse Westbrook and Susan nah his Wife. Wiliiam Coombs and Winifred bis Wife, and Nathaniel Stanley, defendants in the above bill, reside out of tiiis State; and that ! lames Stanley, jr. resides in the County of Law i retice, in said State of Georgia. It is ordered, that they severally appear at the I next term of this Coutt, on the third Monday in i November next to plead, answer, or demur, (uot demurring alone,) to the Complainant's hill, and that service of said bill be perfected on them, by 1 publishing a copy of this order, once a week for three months previously to said term, in some Gazette published in the City of Augusta; and also in some Gazette published in Columbia, in the State of Soulh-Carolina —in Nashville, iu the State of Tennessee —in Montgomery, in the State of Alabama—and in Raleigh, in the State of Norto-Caroiiua. A true copy from the Minutes, JAMES McLAWS, Clerk. July 29 w3m 2-5 (TP The Columbia (S C ) Times tz Gazette, Nashville ( 1 eon ) Banner, Montgomery (Ala ) Gazette, and Raleigh. (N. C.) Star, will please publish the above once a week for three months, and send the fiohide serits of their) papers, con taining the advertisement to W illiam At James Gould, Augusta, Geo )and remit their accounts to the Georgia Courier Office. Medical Institute of Georgia. r JIHE first Session of this Institution, w hich 5 opened in Augusta on the Ist of October last, closed on the 3d Monday in May following. The Executive Committee are happy in being able to state that tiie pledges to the pub'ic con tained in the < ucuUr of the last year have been faithfully redeemed by a most pi editable course of insti uctrou Although the Legislature, at its last Session, passed an Act to alter the name of toe Medical Academy of Georgia. &ic. grant,og to the Board of Trustees f the Msdical Institute or Geor gia. tne power of conferring the degree of Doc tor oj Medicine ; the Executive* t oinniittre think it advisable, for the present, that the operations of the Institute continue on the Academic Ar rangements of the lust Session. 'The Committee feel justified by the experience of the past Session, which afforded a fail test ot the plan of iuxtraetiou adopted in this institu tion. in believing that the combined Course’s of Study here adopted, afford to tile Pupil advanta ges in rapid advancement in the acquisition of Medical knowledge, and hi economy ot tune atul money, nor elsewhere to he found Sue li is the plan of instruction in the Medical IksTitutv or Us.orgia, that it is suited as well to the beginning, us the more advanced Pupil, amt that no puvate study in the profession is necessarily required before entering the Class. The Committee earnestly recommend to all who intend to devote their attention to the study of Medicine fust to po.sess themselves of a good knowledge at the Latin and tlrrtk Languages in addition to « good English Education, including a genetrl knowledge of Natural Philosophy aud Mathematics. i he Academic hours, dining w hich all Fupds will he etpei ted to he found in the Institution duly engaged in thcii Studies, will, from the au tumnal to the Vernal equinox, he from 9 to Pi a. m and front 210 5 e m ; and from the Vernal lo the Autumnal, from 8 to 12 A m. and 2to 6 r m. The Coutse of Studies combines in the same institution, a regular system of Private Study. consisting of Metical Heading, Examinations, aud Anatomical Exercises, with a Htgvlar Course ot Lectures on all the branches of Mrdirina, with 'ijrproi’riutt demonstrations, fee Two Lecture* will be daily delivered before the ('lass during Academic bouts, (Sundays excepted,) from the Ist Monday in U< tobei to the did Monday in May. During the other tour moot I is. such Stu dents at will remain, w ill he employed 111 tegular Reading and ExammatioßS: Students can he acc >n inodalt and with Rooms lot pnvate Reading in the luiiitiiiion ; uml such order, at all times, preserved by the ''toward, as tupieveut any in trtiupliott to Studies tiixxl Board wilt tw furnished W» she Strwaid who resides at the Institution. st ttie sery m-xtrr ate pi 11 rot .39 jsei month Without. nud $ 10 25 tct/A Lodging ll.isnl wi I lie expected to he psid f>>r month ly, 01 quartet ly, in advance, as may be agreed 011 between Student and Steward. A Competent Library i* supplied without any necessary expense to the Pupil for the purchase ol Book* rx<ipt Pocket Volumes The t ickets of Adnuttio * in the hens fits of tbe Nsriti rs, will he §itX> payable in all cates, as usual, in advance The Annu l Ksaminalion of tbe Class is held on the M Monday to May Lectures will lx delivered by the following Gentle.ncu M ANTON’V .V I). On Mis Irstitviet and of Medicine. and on Miitar ftry, and Ike Diseases oj It omen and Children. L D FORD V D. On Chemistry and on Matrnei M i res J A LVE V D On .laa'oaiy nud on Surgery J G. MeW HOK IFR K D ) r JOHN DENT M D fr.xeeuhn MILTON ANTONY M D \ *»*»*'<•'<» J_t* Eilitotsm this State, tasorableto the cause el Msdical ScMiict, wdj pUwaa to invert the above a lew times Aw-u*t 12 29 ts A iXi’w Map of Georgia. f JIHR suhso.hrr* ua«» nou under the hands of (lie t'.nfrsirr ia Meu Vorh. a rotnpfete •mi splendid Map of <h« state ot Geo*eia. ti>e gt<»irr pan ceaiptoil Irma ai'lnai i«ri*», urth all the diitfirt* carefa.lj lanl and. »nmd i umber e»t, the whole c -iftpletrd uilh (freai labor and e» acme** Iromthe latest and authentic infor mal ion. to ■ stele not infer tar to are thiaf of the kind iet pfesmied to the public **nh a table of distances ttom the seat of jneemuacrH to earry count* rite nr p!a>.e of importance a the state Thedmncts m the ne*» purchase and lover cr>ui4ie» are all numbered in the corner*, so u to enable a prison to ascertain the exart situa tion of am lot of land, and mil be patnied and dnnhe ! ts m tHe nr«tr<i m*nner ■* part of theiu C*n«a**ed. *am .ted ami placed «se rdlera. the ualaoce mil be •>« mm paper uHeia tolded ic roorucco o>*ei s. aud util l»e for sale in M •Ued*e * iHe hi the 4nl ot t*clo**er oast- 1 bue on roiiett at f'trt fWJin and the pocket o*ap of the same liir at t ais' LWJncr. Person* reeling at a distance visit tag to pro coca the map can do as b» seudtng by their ■aesubers a* a *w6rcsrat number, of them »i | be kept ia Muitd'c*.lie daring the mim 0 ( UfltkMt. Carlton 'vkllbor> OK VNGL GRKXN ts Kdstnrt in this state who vsM pt>M,«b the above until the first ffoeeaaocr sett. »i»! be cr tilled to a cope of lb* mat. Ju»* *2i * <i g PROPOSALS, FOB PUBLISHING BY SUBSCRIPTION, A COMPENDIUM OF THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF GEORGIA, By Arthur Foster, CONTAINING all the Statulcs, and the sub stance of all the Resolutions, of a general and public nature, and now of force, which have been passed in said State from the j ear 1820, to the year 1829, both inclusive, with occasional explanatory notes and connecting references, and a list of the statutes repealed or obsolete. To which is added an appendix, containing the constitution of the Stale of Georgia, as amended ; also, references to such local acts as relate to towns, countits. Internal Navigation,\ r ounty Ac ademics, Sfc., aud a collection of the most appro ved forms used in carrying the above named laws into effect; with a copious Index to the whole It will he something like a continuation of Prince's Digest repealed or altered. It may be observed, that the Legislature of Georgia are in the caDStant practice of repealing, altering, or amending Laws passed at their previous ses sions, so that, without such a Digest or Compi lation of theur, as is now respectfully offered to the public, it actually requires a lawyer, or a pers in who has devoted much time to the exam ination and comparison of the diffeient enact ments of each succeeding session of the Legisla tuie, to be acquainted with all the laws which are of force : And having witnessed with much pleasure the immense public utility and popula rity of the Digest compiled by Oliver H. Prince, Esq., ami also having no doubt but a similar Compendium of the Laws from Ihe time of that publication dowo to the present, with the addi tion of the precedents, or forms, which will be placed in the AppeuiKx, and which will add greatly to the public utility of the vvoik, ami to the furtherance ofjastice. would be very useful and acceptable to the public, the Compiler has ventured upon the arduous and important un dertaking. However, not relying altogether on his ow n judgement, or the experience of having been a member of the Legislatuie during tiie passage of most of tire laws uow proposed to be published, aud at the administration of them for eight years, as a Justice of the Inferior Court, in a County where much business of an intricate nature is transacted in that Court and the Court of Ordinary ; after completing the manusciipt it has been placed in the hands of gentlemen, emineutly learned in the law, who, after a strict und careful examination, have politely tendered to him the subjoiued Certificates ; I have exainiued “ A Digest of the laws of Georgia from 1820 to 1829, inclusive, by A. Fos ter, Esq.” ami think the work executed with judg- meut and accuracy. The work is intend ed as a contmulion of Prince's Digest, and is, tu my opinion, well calculated t<» answer that valu able purpose Although the author is not pro fes.mnally a Lawyer, he seems in ascei taming the siatutcs vow of forte, to have added much care, examination, and study, to bis advantages as a practical legislator, during roost of the pe nod embraced in his wurk. JOHN P. KING. Augusta, July 20th, 1930. Acgusta, July CBth. 1830. I have attentively examined a Digest «»f the laws o! Georgia, from 1820 to 1829, tnclu>> ve ; and from the examination, feel authoriz-d tn stating, that the work is executed with much judgement and accuracy, hy A. hosier. Esq of Columbia County. I have no doubt the work will prove valuable to every citiceu who feels desirous to become infoimed of the Statutes oow of (oice in the State, and would recommend all Justices of the Inferior Couit, Justices of the Peace, Clerks, Sheriffs bee to possess themselves of the woik so soou as published. THOMAS GLASCOCK. WruoHTSBoKOi’CH. stli June. 1830 Silt: —As far nx I have yet had an opportuni ty of examining tbe manuvciipt copy of your " Digest 0) tht laics of the ''tntt of Georgia," 1 high'y approve both ot ns execution aud its plan The volume cannot fail to answer well tnc pur pose for which vt was designed.—lu the appen dix there ate a number of precedents or forms, wliich appear to have been modelled with accu racy. and m strict conformity to the digested statutes from which they werr drawn, aod with oat doubt, will add much to tht value and use fulness of (he work as a mean (in the hands of Justices of the Peace, Justices of the luferior ( outtx Clerkx. Sheriffs young practitioners ts the Law. and others ) “in r-rrymg the abort named laiti into effect" with greater facill'y. I am, bir, your obedient xervant, PIEIIrON PETTIT. Arthur Foster, Esq. The work is now in the hands of Judge Schley, who has kindly promised, as rally as other en gagements will permit, t, take it through a cate ful and tuuiMte investigation, and rnireetton, if correction shall be found necessary or proper. file great public uitilily of sarh a work must be obvious lo all ; and the compiMi. who has (io votrd to it much time and laborious study. Bal let* himself that the testimonials presented above, will fully satitfy the public, that that uti lity ha* not been I steued iu the s ightest de gree by an detect on hi* perl, in Ms genctuk design or the accuracy ol it* execut on At the (uggesiion of tbe piofnrxional gentle men whose names arc affixed to the abote <\r tifirates. and others who have generously tnkeu an Interest in the work—and with an sfiiloM detire to make the wortr as extensively Itenrf. elal a* |>o«(i<de. to the public —the ( oniptler w ill introduir into it *ercral highly important Law* of the Unite l States in roarmon u»e among the |iet»p!e. and which are often niOictilt to be found; among winch are. th se in relation to the natur alisation of Alien*, the removal ot rase* fram the State ro the U. States Courts, the mode of voting Tor Pi evident and Vice-President, l/y elec tors and of mskmg the returns, aud the time of holding such election*. Lc Ac. TERMS. The work will contain about 790 pages, and will be prvwred after the style of Prince's Digest, which is lo hr taken as tne viaiwiard. and hoond in good law binding: will be published as *OOO as a sufficient number of subscriber* can be ob tained to w arrant it* publication ; and » til be de barred to subscriber*, at then Residences, at s4l ,V* per rnpv Any responsible person obtaining fflttsi subscriber* and becoming a countable for the same shall be entitled to a copy grant (FT Publisher* of Nrw»papet* in tbi* Stair, who will favor tbe above with such a number of occasional ii sedsoui as they may thmk proper, nil tbe Ist November aext, iklll receive therefor, a copy of the work. Aug 2 26 Mrdical Institute of Grergia. i ff Ht’ r*fu ! ar course of Lectutet. it m this | lu*tUuUoti for the bit year, ended on the third Monday of May That for the ensuing , season will commence ©a the first Monday of October next The Fxecuti*e Committee husiug mtnesaed the teal of tit] Lecturers, and the ini pt ore meat of the pupil* during ite past year, ha*« thit year ihe x Idiiimsl »rg mmi of r-xpe i ten re to recomrner and if is infant lustiiutioo to public pationaee and support. JOHN DF.NT. J G McHHORTER M. ANTONY. Aarott 5 27 NOTH K. FOUR Month* afterdate, application mil Se made to the Honorable the Inferior Coart of Richrr-ond < nnaty, sttiirg as a Court af Ordi nary. lor lexer ro sett a Lot in the Crty of Au gusta containing • firnot of 33 feet 3 niche* on W • shint too ?*«reet avd ertevdiog back I66ftet 3 isaches. The abeee Lot the property of Waafe. mgtou Martin {• Vttr.or ) ELIZA. MARTIN, Gw**#* | July K *4m22 TO RENT, THE dwelling on Reynold-steel, in the rear of the Bridge Bank at present occupied by Mr. Rowel. Pos- ImUAb session may be had on the first of Oc tober next. also, The Warehouse formerly Garner’s, and the close stores adjoining, of which immediate pos session can be given. Apply to JAMES HARPER. sept 9 37 3t TO RENT, a The Brick Stores, Nos, 212 &.214, occupied by Mrs. Hall and Dr. Bau dry, or the Store now in the occu pancy of Wni. H. Morgan &, Co.— Possession given the Ist October next. F. BRADFORD. September 9 tf37 TO RENT, ~ Two Fire-Proof Stores and Dwell i»gs, on the corner of Broad and NlilS One Fire-Proof Store and Dwelling, No. 4 Bridge Row. The Store and dwelling next above the Bridge Bank. The Dwelling on Campbell-Street, opposite the Ware-House of Messrs. Bostwick& Baird. For terms, ap.plv to M'KENZIE & BENNOCTI. July 6 ts 18 (Er The Augusta Chronicle and Constitution alist wHI insert the above. TO RENT. a AND possession given on the Ist day of Oct. next, that spacious and well finished two story building on Eilis-street, at present occupied by Dr Savage, and next below Henry Mealing, Esq's dwelling. There is a fine roomy yard. Pump and good spacious garden attached. Httd all necessary out houses. Also, the dwelling op posite suitable for a small family, apply to Charity Mabarry, or in her absence to J. P. MaHARRY, Broad-Street. August 9 28 ts TO RENT, The Home near Turkinet's Spring. djmat It is convenient and. wril suited for qj MH H Boarding House during the Stim- Djbl nier months. Immediate possession w ill be given. ALSO, TO RENT, Or will be sold on the most reasonable terms, JfagL The House and Lot, [ißSjffij formerly owned by George Allen, Esq. and lately occupied by K. J Hardin, Esq. Apply to SAMUEL HALE. May 3 10-1 ts TO RENT. MgpfL FROM the Ist of October next, a convenient dwelling on Green-street, I,||B suitable for a small family. For ■ iffinlw terms apply ?o G. F. PARISH. July 29 25 ts TO REN T\ itersT From the first of October next, the Fire Proof Brick Store, at present occupied by Messrs. H. \V. Scoveil, 4— mJLctSmti Cos. Apply to James Fiazer, or HENRY 11. FIELD. June 24 15 ts TO RENT. Jwi THE 4th Stote in the range now erecting by Thomas Cuunning Pos- Hfllß Bt *-> lo » given Ist October. Apply to iIMHL. T. S. METCALF. August 9 23 ts TO RENT, Jkj-rfl FROM the Ist of October nett, the ■Vmw? nrw Store South Side Broad ,! , gSJ Street, third <k*or from t'cntie street in IWL—Also a very convenient House for a small family ou Eilis-street, occupied by B. B. Mitchell. For term* apply to D. KIRKPATRICK. L Cos. June 28 28 ts TO RRNT, The convenient Iwo Story HOUSE on Urreu Street, next above tbe ra ** i ffl sidence of the subscriber. Povif *- iawJwßL* xtnn given the Ist ot October —Ap ply to JACOB DILL. August 241 32 td TO RENT, a THE dwelling and offices adjoin ing on Green and Wasbiugton street*, belonging to the Estaie of Freeman Walker deed Possession given Ist October next. Apply to GEO. A B WALKER, Executor, at his office City Halt. August 26 33 4t TO KENT. The spa«iout Store on Bro,d-St. at ptctrnl occupied by Messrs. T. Posxessiou will lx; • iv on tbe Ist O. tuber. For term*, sppl* to NELSON CAR I ER September 13 (f 38 TO RENT ttwfl From tl»e Ar*l of October next, the rtore at preset>t occupied by James ||f U alket, North rule the In wit market LJHL Also, the upper apnrtraeot, fit forthe acrowitr.odaiiun of a genteel farui'y. Apply lo Messrs. J U \\. HARPER. A\.f 0 3-f ts NOTICE. TITHF. xu’ senirer having |HirclMi»ed of Mr. J[ John Davie*, late of the firm of Davies ki, h«* enure Stock of Groetriti, will keep cor*»tantfy on hand a geoeral assotlmeni. and would respectfully solicit the patronage of their and hu fnends geriemily. P H SMEAD. Aug 116 34 In* NEW SCHOOL. THE SUBSCRIBER lakes leave to inform his friend* arid the public that on the Ist October next. I e will open a SCHOOL on Brond Street, near the upper M-iiket, and solicits a share of public patronage. UFORCE J. McCLESKF.Y. Aug JO 3d ts MHS. ADAM HUTCH!JtSON Begs leave to inform her frien i» aud the public in genet al, that the exercise* of her School, *v*4l, mtti Divine perun*-ion, be re sumed in Augusta on the firs! Monday of Octo ber next The School Room is in the Bridge Bank Butidinr, No. 133. Augu-t 23 4iv W anted to Hire. 'R IT" ANTED to Hire till the l»t January oogt. If a good steady Negro Man, who ha* been accustomed to take care of Hortex and who can be recommended at an Hottler. Liberal wa ges mil be gists. A CRAIG aeptaaaber 13 3k ts apprentice wantedT Wanted. the c«uw ofc*. »■ Ar mrtiCt to the Prwstsag Ihmuets Ha must be steady, and of good character gtseraily; one about 14 or 15 year* of ajc will bexvaftned ire: tea her 6 35 ’ CERTIFICATE. Philadelphia, Feb. 20th, 19C$ Mr. Wm. W. Potter;— DEAR SIR;—Two years have now elapseg since my daughter Mary Ann has been, by the use of your invaluable Medicine, restored 1 4 a state of much better health than we could rea sonably have expected ; and as a duty I owe to suffering humanity, and gratitude to yourself, | tender this, trusting it may prove useful to those similarly afflicted. About twelve years ago she complained of se. vere pains in her back and hip, Which grey worse and worse, until she was almost unable to move, or turn herself in bed. During this pe* riod, her back anA hip swelled very much, anff the paiu exteuded down the leg, which lost its natural power: a wasting of flesh—loss of appe tite, and emaciation ensued, and her countenance despicted misery. She continued without much,- if any, alteration for the better, (keeping her strictly under the advice of an eminent medical gentleman,j for a considerable time, when the swelling ou the hip began to increase ; her phy sician's prescriptions became useless; they re r commended the steel jacket—one was procured, tried, but in vain, and the disease seemed to bid defiance to all the vvell-kuowo remedies in that complaint, that were here employed. She wag tlieu considered as incurable. Her sister having died of the satnw complaint, after an illness of four years, we were of opiniou that Mary Ann must share the saute fate. Having heard of tho remarkable success of your Catholicon in scro fulous complaints, I was reso ved to make a trial of it. She began to use it, auil in a few daye the swelling on the hip broke, and discharged greatly: she could then use her crutches —in a fetv weeks longer her pains disappeared—the discharge ceased—the ulcer healed—her appe tite returned—and her whole system resumed its wonted vigor. I believe, had your invaluable medicice been used when she first complained, it would have prevented her front being a cripple for the rest of her life. With ninny thanks for the benefits which my daughter has derived from the utfe of your iuval* uablc Catholicon, I remain Yours, Respectfully, JOHN M’CURDY, Jim. No. 33, Chesnut-street. Catholicon is to he had of tny only unionized Agents Messrs. Turpin D’Antig.vac, in Augusta. W. POTTER, Philadelphia August 13 29 ts Georgia, Richmond County. John Crcswell applies fut Let- V V tors of Administration upon the Estate of Peter L. Cantalou, dte’d, and late of Rich mond County, These are, therefore, to cite nil and singular the kindred and Creditors of said dac'd, to be und appeal at tny office within the time prescri bed by law, to file tin ir objections, (if any they have) and shew cause why said letters should not be grauted. Geo. A. B. Walker, c. c. o. June 2-1 15 Georgia, Richmond County. WHEREAS William Tutt applies for Let ters of Administration upon the estate of Benjamin Tutt deceased and late of 3. Carolina. These arc, therefore, to eite all aud singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to lie and appear at my office, within the time prescri bed by law, to file their objections (if any they have) and shew cause why said letters should not be granted. Geo. A. B. Walker, c. c. o. July 1 17 Georgia, Richmond County. WHEREAS Charles J. Jenkins applies for Letters of Administration de bonis non cum testamento iiiioeso, on the Estate of Mat, tliias Jones, These are, therefore, to cite all and singular the kindred and cl editors of said deceased, to be aud appear ot rav office, within the time prescri bed by law, to file their objection* (if any they have,) and shew cause why said Letters should not be gt anted. Geo. A. B. Walker, c. c. o. August 2 23 *2t Georgia, Hicliinond County. WHEREAS Dr. Joseph A. Eve nppliex lor Letters of Aduiiiiistrution on the Estate ol James Moore, deceased, aud late of Rich mond County: These are, therefore, to cite all and singula# the kindred and creditors of said deceased, td file their objections, if any they have, iu iny of fice within the lima pit scribed liy law, olherwisp Letters of Administration will he granted. Geo. A. B. Walker, c. c. May 27 7 2t Georgia, Richmond County. WHEREAS Charlcx Smith applies for Let ters of Administration upon the Estate of George Suulh, dec’d, aud late of IlicLtuond County, I he*e are, therefore, to cite uH and singular thr f nulled and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my office within the time prexcri- Iw and by law, to tile their objections (if any they have) and shew cause why said letter* should uot be grunted. Geo. A. B. Walker, c. r. o. June 24 ]6 Georgia, Richmond County* WHEREAS, IViI iaui Mi Gar appliex for Letters of Administration upon the Es tate of David Claike, dic’d, hiiU lute of Rich moiMt Coonty, '1 iiese nre, therefore, to «ite all and singular the kindred and creditors of said dec’ll, to lie and appear at my office within the time prescri bed by law, to file their objections, (if any they have) and shew cause why said letter* should not tie granted. Goo. A. B. Walker, c. c. o. June 24 15 Georgia, Richmond County, WIIEItEAN Benjamin F Kcnrirk applies for Letters of Administration on the Es tate of Wilham G. Hyde, deceased, and late of Richmond county. 1 best are therefor*) to cite all and singular the the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be aad appear at my office within the time pre scribed by law, to file their objections, (if any they have,) and shew cause why said letter a should not be granted. Geo. A. b. Walker, c. c. o. Aug 2d 33 Georgia, Richmond Coußty. WHEREAS Mary Bussey applies for Let ters of Administration on the estate of Charles Bussey deceased, and late of Rtchuiood County, These are therefore to cite all and singular the kiodrvd and creditors of said deceasad, to be and appear army office, within the time pre scribed by tasv, to file their objection*, (if any they have,) and shear causa why said letters should not be granted. Geo. A. B. Walker, c. c. o. July 1 17 BILLIARD TABLET A GOOD second hand BILLIARD TABLE, For bale. Apply to L. HULL. August 15 3D PR INTKRS’ INK. JUST Receive*! a fresh supply of NEW.? PA ULK INK, UWI fiff W VM* ©S'* August 15