Georgia courier. (Augusta, Ga.) 1826-1837, September 20, 1830, Image 1

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VOL. 5. PUBLISHER EVERY MONDAY AND THURf'DAY AT 2 O’CLOCK, P. *C. At Mr. Howard’* Brick Buildings, opposite Mr.Cummiui' , a f,*w BuiMing,, M'lntosh Street. j'l . 1 m RF.f'TIONS. Sale*of/.<”»»/and Hegrnti, bv Administrator*, Eseen tors, or Oiiardian*. are. required, bv law, to be held on the first Tuesday in tli<* month, between the boors of ten i„ ihe for-oowi nud three in the afternoon, at the Court-hot .t: of »ha coonry in which the property is situate.—Notice of • hose * de* mcit be (riven in a public gazette SIXTY <iay« previoo* toth- day of sale. Notices of the sale of jitrtnnal properly taunt lie given in like manner, FORTY day* previous to the day ol’salo. Notice to the debtor* a creditors of an estate, must be publisliMd fur FORTY days. Notice Oust H|»|dicattoii wilt be made to the Court rfinar.- for I rare u.seil land, must be published for FOl.'U Months Noli -e for lenvft to sell Negroes. mii*t be published for FOUR MONTH'.before any order übsolulc s'uail bu made hereon by the court Tile following gentlemen are caniliiln'e* for beats in the Congress f the UnitcJ States at tin* election in October xt RICHARD H WILD! * f Richmond THOMAS U P f'H AftLTON, of Chatham TH I.M \3 F. FOSTF.R of Greene SKA to,\ GRAN If- t ND. of Baldwia O’.NIIiL NEVVN AN. of Hen r y HOC lull L GAMBLE, of Jcfieisoa V, ILLY t HOMPSON. of lbert WILSON LUMPKIN, of Walton C;H \PLUS E HAYNES of Hancock C». LAMAR, of Uihh C SIIOIII LR. of Jasper , ;CS M. w AVNE, «f Chatham Wesl-India Presemoft, &.c.' DOZEN Guava JELLY in jars L boxes •• 'A7, n .i\ I.tii PrpHPi vfil Piui) Applet i}h «»«# ihi Guavas o ii,, do do Lime* iO Roses white llevanu Sugar f> 1* iskets snpuiior (.'hntnpngtie .1 KbD Ft* «t* Hiaail Nut* r» do <lo Madeira do o do do Lilbt'rU 10 do da Soft (hell'd Almond* -Jo I!•>*(•'■« tin Olivrl oiicH'a|n r» J ii'.h Giiiipowdei, Impel ml nntl Hyson, >. IT AS, in Caddie* and Roses, hie, tic. ! Loading tin* d.iy. anil !'•** *.«!•• by G. I DOR IIC L Cos. *l,t it; SR v tit ■' i VVOOI.I.I'.NS, *Vc. 13 Piece* DUO \D CLOTHS, assorted f» and * Line Salim II iff* »io Ary ra « lath* 5 K les l.oodaa Doth' iiluohcu I do Rom* do C'.oGO pall Shia », ai.nt ted 7‘aj tlh'f u tlli u larqr and f,< nu id STOCK OF MiOCLIUKN. I o| S«le by 31 CART 6. BEM | Ml pi Ili st'l • >'» OUOCEHILS. 11111> S l*i line St. ('run Sugar VO da •ei iMid qnalttv do IVu l!.i*’* ptim* iiitni t'l/tb-r j.A Hu 111 I* liy »• (>lO til lln I 1 i'l nal limit fill |) a Whiskey 711 Be*'-, ■pi ini t iimllej* •JO Ihi Baldwin's da l') 1 Pit u » Hemp U igglng •’ll l,'i t itsUs Manga Wiue Jiki k r p> ,N»il* na*«,rled |A Hills l. ail'mil Lump Sugar |it Hlola M.d iktaa * i.jmihi Htnailv. tlotlaii l Gin. Jaunt., a Ruin, Mai•••ilb *, ('laid and Chainpatgiir | Umn Soup Loir< ('rackets, smokril Heel It on Lead. Shat, Salt, Powder, tec lot sale on Ottsuiiaide tei ill*, by (iIOKGE It IE3SLT. JJu Ihoud Sir*ft* .9one 17 ts Su£ ! u\ Hnsi(iiig, \f. m 11 ili> ' t fun k l*ort*Hiru9u|aii '. A , ia*'' 1 ’ Mtt miurh Sugar 7A liag. Itio • 4»k« • 1 brad* 7 i italic.» :*» do .00 pit • * tug UKi .1 Rahi in* Air t\lf i-i'i . y A h \A A., A t h * k •. ket-lemher 9 tt* ,il [\\i \ [\ l’ l i,\ f* iht NnAitri/n t Ai* vtiii.rf r».*t 30.000 lit Util MU HU N > att ittiug nt Ham, ml«ler» itml Mi.ldling* wllltli tie will ,c|| but Rut. hmrli Utet SIOO. W day t • rrdlt appo«rd i it lotied paprt I. HULL »t • Just Krcuivutl, o v c •) \ *n / ft \ m t: v /. I.LLGANT Atomic** ait-l ('** l.otiku ui > le t'l ANO, the f-ruici maiuifaduird >-* '' (, oh N * A arh and *rlefted by one us the la »t Antirui*.—>Apply *1 Mr Bnu * ILtoh Siaiv, , r to ‘ JOSEPH lilt.NON March and H 7 t* Salt, Sujjnr *V Soap. 2*>oo Bt'SHUl.s cn»ft* I .«eip,)j| S»h lil IL t* I'mlu Kn Sut*i* Rote* Nitp i Datlltltle's I Par *»le by t VVIGS, it A t H'rfr,A»**» wcpir :>t7 llrjfJ SfrCfl vrpt Id 3v «i 1 MIX 1*2.000 bt’SHKL'' far Sale, lu i W (, t. lull (-ttlditMl * Ralph ketchcm •op*. W* r>« iv lH Ki: WIIITK I.KAI), sr lu. (tt*il by N »ra■» K -«i C'osapaity's boat* A* a A•« t h -#a) At|t Don ft'KC Will IT* LEAD •»'! f«* .».« i,.* by I AME< LEVYRU tl Sc it> Aa«* I * icft*nh*i 9 «Ji 97 \ erst's for Kisses. JWt PRfN i ED an (cad paper . and f»* UIV * ftlir at it it*#:* FACTORAGK AND SAVANNAH, GEO. THE Subscriber intending to temo*e to sa vannah the ensuing fail, for the purpose of j transacting a general Commission Busmess, Re peetfully off* rs his services to his friends and the public. He will devote his personal atten tion exclusively to the busioess, and from long experience, confidently hopes to render entire s.itisfaction to those who may favor him with their business. Mi* stores will be airy ; secure from fire; and ready for the reception ol Goods o. Produce by the Ist of October uext. JOHN K. ANDERSON. August 26 33 mom Hr’ The Courier, Augusta. Georgian Savan nah; Ji.unial, Milledgeviile; Telegraph. Ma con; ad Athenian. Athens; will each, publish the ahnve once a moulh until the lstot January next. f rwa and their accounts to the Subscri her in Savannah, sot payment J. K. A "COTTON GINS, &C.~ r#7HE Subtcriher has on hand COTTON M. GINS of a verv superior quality, of from 30 to 60 Saws, sing e anil double breasted. From recent improvements inlioduced into those Gins, they have been pronounced by those having them in u-f to be ol the very best kind, both as to furuikliing a clean and good Staple, as also to lightness of draught; also Moating Flues. (D* GIN' repaired at shurt uotice. 111, Sl.ick of AUIIICVI.rUIIAL 131H.F * exteiniye, consisting of all the most approved 1 LOUGH 3, of which be lias a huge quantity, an from the increasing demand, the pine will he much reduced 11 i’ Wheat .'law* Corn Shellrr*. Cultivators, Drill Machines, and also an excellent assoit niHut of 1 M*h M'.iiranted GARDEN SEEDS. HUBER I PHILIP, Four door* b'tow the Merchant*' is PlaiUtrt' liunh sept 16 wßt f‘j sn»:u* f'OMRS. 9EAHF. H^CRlfciEß respettfully iufonng , I the Ladle* nt August* and vicinity, that he has pu pated liinisHl with ail the iiiipitjnienU net ekk.try loi cementing and polishing broken ! l oinhk, mid wi'l at a shott notice, cement or (Htli.h over old Coiubs, in fciick m manner, at to iimk tliein in ail respects, equal tu new. ALSO, An ttvsortiueut of Seiei ted Coiubs, which lie will e*i hitngr or *rli upon t ie most n< rntiiitio daiing tei in*. Speciineii* of Ids work in*, tie Seen at any tjiue Jewelry, k.c. lepailed as ' o*ll*l J. It HI IT. ,\u. Til, llruml s f Augiu/o. u ftw i.Wri ahoit bill i'iunten' llultl. April 22 101 ts F\ock andNVuXch Ue^aiv’m^. v. ciiKru, tlJr Katin n* bis thank* to the O public for theii libc'ial pa , , tmi'Hi*. suit take* lint op / /(., ‘ tttjLrqJ pmltuiny ufiiifoiiiiiug them v >i A* miKk. ***‘ * he lia* taken in coir —, jV* j *nag| nexnin bn Clock VM*t • h W \ S^|k| mUIO Hep.iiriuf. Mi ?v A. touslall. .Any AVoi k in trusted to In* inn v*i(l tie caretuily attnulrd to and Tone ut Itie (hoi test notice. 1 ii t>and anil nlier* fm Sixit, an ASlotltlicul ol JKWKLIiKtiV. (J r .Mi will Mi iinfaetiirc and all kinits ol Jctrtllrry oi t slfigiec AA oik. ami will alto give it its primitive' i clout. sept 111 wlliu Jl* P VIM ING flAlll. Subscuber* w.-uhl tcxpectfAtlly Inform , | the cititsiil of August* amt it* yicimlv, that they liave rntried into t o pattnriship uotl. I Ibe him til Mll.Lt'H ts I'H. am. ii.trud 1 r airy tug on Mouse 3ig» t’haii L Ornamental Painting and (ilntiiVg Paper llaugiug Ac in i ail it * viiitiu* hianche*. Ihi v hope that Iroiu li e neatness tu -he eteruti -u ol their wink, aud strict allrotkn in then business, to m-iit a libr t i,l shai • ol ptsldic paliunagr I‘er on* disposed to p ill onise then* may find them at th, if ''bop. No Htl.l Urntil ''tirrt N B —Orders Iron* ibe Country punctuany att, uded to RE I KENt f.S. Da. fmoms* i "as* Awgutfa Dk Mm ktiio t,*crnis Col A A m*T.,v f n 111 A hiand Sawi tt l i««i D A • acsiox. J July 22 2.1 If SusmuuvU SUmui VUisil aTV COM PA A >. f MNIIF S|MM,n U.ul I iimpsn v --f Georgi* hi I order to give HO teased cettsims and das pat h lo I Heir upora Itoui la the liau*|>ori*Uon of t inari hsndite 1-rtwwi a „,j \o-u*la have, duung (hr past sesso added such a nain tier ot Host* n( li*hi draft* rtp.e«,ly rairulatvd to noig*te ih,- Rivs r >n it* I. SMI state as it is hoped and roi'fideoily rip rte * »ttl, with t*ir facilities ervhilar* j»»»*e»,e*l by Cem ena tie them (** five entire *a<i«iactH»a to swch at mas lot** si and their pi.>p.-i t* by thetr boat*. Ihr Company hat upon it* Wharf spaciout Ware bwitri, lor the im-pneu of Good*, which are protected during the »»ght by cateiwl watch, men , I here will be an delas in the shipment of the Goo,!* and wo expense wdi lw tyutied to del *er theca m the shortest p«*isl*tisi» 'A M V HI >1 ER Prti St B t eat a Augwst 9 S3 ts * UT 1 he Cooititution*ti*t and Chroptele will insert the above J VII.OK S S \I*K. Lhe m ! f on ttw first Tt»"sT*v i*» Ckto fier west within ihe wewal How** of t* e. a Neg»« Vt imms, w* , calls herself >ss*ky aw»t »*y t she fiet-ogs to IHoasss Boodxy •< Colusa tna t'uasty, li*«.-.G and agreewfile l,t aa Older ot tfie How*'<sfike the C*ty ('e**rtl of Augusts | to p«e tar* Area **> 1 ««fie* ctsarges pre sided ttse sa*d Negro « wot ptriiMu.* v T eba-ges paid nod Ukrti :l St f H D FRASER. Jai or a c •egaaiNfr 9 ti 57 I AUGUST A (GEO.) MON DAY- SEPTEMBER 20, 1830. Striven Sb riff's Sa e. ! TXT ILL be Sold on the first Tuesday >n Octo v v her next, before the Court-House door I in Jackscmboro’ (Scriven County,) between tlie ! usual hours of sale, THE FOLLOWING TWO TRACTS OF LAND, viz One Tract of Pine Laud, cunlatuing 250 acres. 1 (more or rss) in Scriven Cnuntv. joiuing lands j of Claiborne Rerdle. Richard Scruggs and others; | bein;: the place on which Thos. Reddick, now 1 resides. ALSO, One other tract of Ptue Land, lying and Le -1 ing in said county, containing 15(t acres, (mme or less,) joining lauds of Elir.jbetb McCall and Ricliaid Scruggs laud, the same beine the ( place on which VVm. I'. Moore, now resides all ’ levied on as the property of Thomas Reddick, !•> satisfy afi fa from the Superior Court of I Scriven County, at the instance of Rodger L I Gamble, vs. Thomas Reddick, property pointed ! out by the defendant. J.NO C FERRILL. v. s s c j sept. 6 30 id. A CARD. THE Subscriber w ill open a School for In struct).<t. in Imtruinrvtal Music at the i Richmond Academy, on the Ist of October next. He has engaged the services of Miss UR AIT, who is well qualified to give Lo-suuson the l’tano Forte and Par our Organ, which will be furn ished provided twenty Scholars cau be engag ed. Terms made known on application (a* the Acaderov, East Wing, front) to SERENO TAYLOR. ! Aueust 16 w6t 30 ITT The Constitutionalist and Chronicle will please insert as above ST. Just Received, By R ICIIARi jS *A G A\AllL, Instructions Jor the JEOLIN? As <»r Mund Harmonica, WITH a selection of popular Melodies ex pir»*ly arranged fur the Instrument Splendid Library Editions of Moore, Pope, Hums. Byron and Goldsmith's liorks 3d Volume of Peter*' Reports, Levtzar's Fiencb Graiutnur, < ouiitry Curate, A Novel by Rev. Mr Grigg, Authorsiiip, “ by John Neal, July Number of the “N'oilh Ametican Mtxlt ca! and Surgical ual. _»cpt 2 35 RICH MOM) HOTEL. rH A I’, E >ubsrribei havins taken tlie Pit'll I Ud.N/l //t>J’/.'L *. auth-tuir Broadsiritl, und oi'pvuit the Stic Market. JtiKvka, ( Geo ) 1A i-tihl ml.inn lii* ti lends and the public g* net al ly thai he will a pen the same on the Ist of Or lobci oral, lor the feception »f R .aiders and tinniieiit • itatoniera The patronage of an* lilcnd will tie fhanktully received, and gratefully -H'kniiwlrdgrd by eseiy pmsihle exertion to pleas*'. EDU ARD U. COLLIER. Sept 14 ;i9 ts CLP The Carolinian, at Kllgeli -ld, ami the Gen Journal, at Milledgeviile, will inter! the atm** *i ekly four week*, and forward their accounts to j the lubsruber. in Augusta, for payment. 11. PARSONS M%#* ju»t received irom rtie Manularloiy. 1 wo very Superior 6 l). lav* (Liston made PIANO FORTES, in plain Mahogany cases The lone ami w irkmaiiship a.e equai lo me high- * rsl finished and are will woilbv the ii.»j*ectmn oft Hose who may wish u good instrument at a moderate pile* law t RICHMOND %CADEMY. I IUII I,o.tee. of!hr Academy ol Richmond 1 county will, mi the Uil >aluiday 111 Decrin ber next, proceed to f tec! |hr fol os iug I e»< her* aud Uffiini tor the lent* aud space ot twelve months, tin > the time ol apponuiarni to wit . A Rector with a salary ot Eight Hundred Doc lar*. and hall of t >e l union money Au English learhn, with a vslarr of Fire Hundred Doilara aud one half oi the IbHsmi iu*M*ey. A leather fm the Sami Hills without salary, but *sith the use of the House and Lot at the Sau.t Hills the Tea her to receive live whole nt tlie I ra -iirv A lescher of Modem Languages with a sal arv of 1 -o Hundred and 1 illy Do! v* and in* whole of the 1 oil on rune*—the price lor in strucths«i lo !»# Eight D >!t*rs p* r qintiri A t leik s if»ud ad 1 -cssuiei with a Ssis r* ot 9 i»m it indie i ILillar* AA iitlen sppln w ill be made to the Undet- Signed B\ erJtr #/ ?4< Bosrd * AMES MrL AAA 3. t l»rk September - utiDi*—«*« ,i4 ' j smith aV ro. HVA E just received in add-lion to »ae*r foi M'l 'i -ck au elegant asai'itsnent ol T a. i ndure c.unittuq of Sideboard* Bureaux Book Caeet AAardrubes. Table. Cfiairv Be. five a4 •f w t.sch wdi be told a* cheap as raa be bougkt tu this City, lor Ca.h grtoes acceptance* July I 11 CARDS aad HANDBILLS. .A e j.'.’e I'rutftA at tin OjUt. JOHN Gi ni AR Ny WATCH MAKeR, *Vo Broad-Street, HAS again began business, in the Brick House. No. 147, Broad-Street, lately oc | copied as the CITY HOTEL, where he vs ill he stow all !*is attention on repairing WATCHES AND CLOCKS, of every description, in the be*t possitde manner, and .-.t very reasonable prices. He solicits the patronage of his friend arid former customers, and all who wish to have their Watches made to keep good time at a inod et Hte price. H • will sell his rtuiaiuing STOCK, ; consisting of vt rwmsjrx. WATCHES Sc CLOCKS, c ASTORS, &c. &c. : For less than they cost, at Wholesale and Retail i hick Patent AVATCH GLASSES, and all ; other descriptions of Watch Glasses, constantly kept ou hand. May 3 104 : TIIR E 1 AS just received two first rate Carriages, AJL together with a number ot light and tasty 1 one and two horse Baton, he.. Gigs and Sulkcvs J Also 25 setts Gig and Dearborn Harness Ou i the river and expected daily, two Coaches, one Cle riottee. and a number of Gigs and Sulkevs. I together with Gig and Barourh Springs; spring i steel, (iig top bow s plateil work. Oil Carpet, &c Pei sons wishing to oidcr Carriages from the ! North, can have their order* personally attended ; to by aildien-ing the sur.sctiner at Augusta or ! at Newark, any time between litis and the Ist of I mpU'inbct next THOMAS G. HAT.!. j July 22 23 it i Glass FuUuvj; V , .s\a\)\isl\m ut. F. L. S YNI JHKN s RE'FEc lit LLA uuoi'uis tiie Citizens of Augusta and it» Vicinity, tlut he In,* com ; ini'iie and the business ot GLASS CUTTI'Giu ! the Store No. lt»2 biu«d street, wiieiv he intends i to k< ep constantly on liand, a supply ot superior ( ry»!ul tut and Plain Glass us every d*'»cnptum. , A* thi* E-tabii.hineui im* been rumnii ui-ed f n I tiie first time in thi* State, ami at i onuoieiaide j expense, tie hopes it. introduction will insure * him * portion ot patronage, as the Articles bent | ter* cau be pro* tiled at home on t,s lavmable I tei in* ami ut as good quality a* iu New-\ uik oi lel*i vs here August 5 4t\* 27 | ' ;■ I MtHi»e, Sign, anil Ornamental imxrcxcL r? E SPEL.MaN using ti till tied fioin II ■ New \ ,»ik, having made huns. It ,u --i quainled is ilh the Latest Style of Painting, re»- I pm dully fnlintg frmn hi- ti lend* nod Im mer cus j totuers, a , ••iitiiMiHiiee ol the pationage extend ed to hiiu fm the last ten yi.ns. ID Country Mel chants •an he supplied with . igni ut the shot test notice, and on the most reasonable terms,—safely parked lot any ui*. tttlMV. A'igu<t 12 29 wtf f ' A LV./jLL, ~ XI The subscriber infoimthis friends rami the puhll. in eeweral. ihalthn' detained in bu.ior *» longer Ilian he expected, he will < pen in a few days svilh a -to, k entirety new, and the la test iinpotnation* from European markets 1 hi. .im k * ill consist of them <-t ftshiunaiile (iootl* |b» New- York M irk t c >ti!d ftii tn*h Moping thn*e pci.on* who rail on tiie »iii,*rnbrt, w ill find rvei r a sc, innio datiou Hies in. l v rl. sifr, be is rletei trrinoii.t i.upiins shall t, spared to give C'ne ral satisfucti in. WILL! AM MBHE sept U 37 fit #75 REWARD^ HAN AAA AV, ou the Hth lost from the '■ubfcn , l**i, in Aogutla a negro fellow named JAt h »n excellent bat iwr, a b ml icm rs old, i and A Icel 6 inches tugh. wuh bushy bxir, large ; mouth. dllS (enl lank amt talk, and imptctful j in.unrii Hr )>ad on when be went away, a | Coati i and panlal k*ii. nf c>m te light blue Suti I net, and « white hat. 1 tie subscriber belie sing. Imm the easy disposition ol J <rk that he was |<led to go aw ay by some si‘lain, wuh tlie lulcoUuu of Xelliur bun will gise sh' lo am t. > 1 dy who will furnish him with evidence suflirieiit to convict the ttuef aud S2A t > lodge the Negio in a (<il «hei e he i an get him, nr the a.inic sum. ! ) with reasonxtdr, »o deliver bun . iu Auguda N DELAIC.LE, August 23 32 if TAil.OltlMl l!IM\l-;SS. rrilt: s*ul-*« i il.-i * h»»ir; connect* I th.-in f «.••»(-* 11l ittr Tatl*n*g H’USHfMi, tinder til firm ol liOt'Dlsll II (. CHAFKE, t,r[ l-a** to (coitcr ttu-n imikm to t..rir fiiristi. and t!jc I Ik-s have tsken th- stair N<v 226 Lroad str. nc.lrt 'orlo Arl*'»n Carlrr. k. ( .y* ’.err thr y *> ill fsntlMlit kc«p n„ ii*. tl. «mi til wl« t-''t ■■ oriDirnt of (. lot >» Cmssuucic* **t. comprising mrj article lutnc.r hoc. M f HF.K GOnPßirtl Eli.A A <D U CM A FEE N. k Ad ®r.L»» prompt i .urn lot tu, and m rcutrd • ilh unitjtu aou urtptUh Au 24 32 fit FOR SALK, yA ! *.r r'ir « - ifi tr r.r l.i.r («rr\ I*, Hf / m ~\f •(—>i I,* Vf t J-scn (.u.rfi -o C i( If , _ •* * * red U . s.l- *be p 11. c IU b at Ml. ttlK-hsi S(*t»:» Mitt —1» >ni applf IIWO r-*as fi- made tar to. c '.s#-cl«f NELSON CARTER. epMibo 13 ill >tH W are-1 louse to Rout. \y*r* H jMßivoOMpHiiU K4*ird ( .Mpfirt.t and iu (»o*j r-p*ir. will h* • *-wi-fi in), i fir 1»r »r Octofirr n# it —For fern;* »takii • ui ALLENSL PADDOCK. A<*X<»o 9 2fi t-JiUN IF SOMEIIML m A«gu*t iait on tbt a Ir**r '**»« BAG rvOlii.ur.( i . pail •< (’•awimoit aud pair «»t Borti The o.n-r can hist tbt Ki| tad cuatrtii bi d'»cr»fiiox tan a. >3 ;>**!<•£ Im i->« • »-rt^vro..«.t •Apjty at jfc>?L IsLNT'S, erar the l.amet Mark rt a.-ji id <:» ♦ [From the D lily (Cm ) Gazelle.'] I SPEtICII OF HENRY CLAY, i | Delivered at the mechanics’ Collati >n, in the. Apollonian Garden, Cincinnati, on the Zd aj August, IS3O. [c-INCLUDED.] But nullificaiiou ...uil disunion are no> : t!*c; only nor the most formidable mean* of assailing the Tar iff. Its opponents opened the campaign at the last sessiou of Congress, and, \vi,li the most obliging fiankness, have since publicly exposed their plan of operations. It is to divide arid conquer; to attack and subdue the ; system in detail. They began by tedu j cing the duty ou salt and molasses, and ' restoring the drawback of the duty ou the Utter article, allowed the exportation ol spirits distilled from i(. To all who are interested in the distillation of spirits from native materials, whethc.i fruit, molasses ' or grain, this latter measure is particular ly injurious. During tlie Administration ; of Ad tuts, the duty on foreign molasses , was augmented, and tin' drawback, which j hau been previously allowed of the duty upon the exportation of spirits distilled ffwin it, was repealed. The object was to favor native produce, and to lessen the competition of fotvign spl its, or spirits distilled from foreign materials, with spirit* drilled from domestic materials. It ivas deemed to be especially advantageous lo the Western country, a gieat part of j whose grain cau only tied ntatkois at j home and abroad by being converted in |to distilled spirits. Encouraged by this partial success, the foes of the Tariff may next attempt to reduce the duties «*u Iron Woollens and Cotton fabrics, successive Iv. 'l’iie American Svsteiu of protection s tould be tegttrded, a* i’ is, an mime conipiehensivc Sys em, made up of vari ous iienis, and aiming at the pr.tspei ;ty o* ; the whole* Union, bv protecting the iu.ei- I e-i's of euclt part. Every part, ihcref to | has a direct interest in tiie protection which it enjoys of tho articles, which its agricubuto produces or its manufactories fabricate, and al».> a collateral interest in ! tl.e protection which other portions ol I the Union derive for their peculiar mtu r* 'ts Thus the aggiegate for the prosper ity of all, i* cons'ituled by the sums ol the pi lispt'l || v of OMt 11. Take auv one article of the Tariff, (1- i< ti fur example,) and lltore is no such direct interest in us protection pervading | the inajot put of tlie United States, «* wi.uitl in luce Congress to encourage it, jil i: .iootl alone. The States <»f l'eno -vlvaiii.i, Now Jersey, Now Y<ok and Kuntuckv, w hich are most concerned, are encouraged in tlie production or tnunu factuie 4 ihi* article, in consequence of the ado;,iimi of a genera! pimcipie, which extends protection to other interests in oilier parts of ihe Union. The stratagem w Inch b is been adapted | by the foe* of tin.* system, to des rov it, 1 recpii'es the cxeictso of conslant vigilmire i and It to prevent the accomplish men! of the object. Th*y have resolv* and to divide and couquor the Iriontls «*l he system should assume tho revolution riy mo to of our ancestors, *' United wm Hand, di\ ided we fall.'*—They sltould a!- low no alteration in any part td tlie sys- I tern, as il now exist*, uho b del not am* •it tendering more edi' ncioti- tlie sy stem o( pr >ti'Ctloti on who It the wh* le I* f oijiid • •and. Uverv oiiu .should M-fl-'Ci, that ii is not equal to have a particular iircre«i tvh:cij he is desirous sitonld ha fovwied, ! m his ptti of the country, protected against foreign Co'iipetition, wiihont Ins , being willing to ex’etrd the prin* ipl« <*» oilier ilili rests, ijesetving piotecliotl, lit other p-rts “I the Union. Bit th<* measure of reducing th« duty | on salt aud in'»e.s, and revising the drawback on tho importation id spit us (iiS'illod from molasses, was tin attack on the svstrun, less alatiumg than another which w.i* made during tfie last session of Congress, on a kindred system. If any thing could ho considered a* settled, under 'he present C’on.ii'uuou o! our ti ivcronpMit, l had xuppoAed u was its authority lo cuestiuct S'ten iii'ci naf iinproseinenls as may Lu deemed b> 1 Cutiripvi necessary and proper to vm v into effect tho i latis g*a. led tu F. ior nt.r twen'v-hve yeaix tiie power l>. s , beun asserted atnl < letciv.d by the <#o- I v«*i n roe tit. lor the l ,*t filtceo years, t? , Ins been often cop'roverted in Longrt'sj, hut f ha* been invariably m-iintaiiiod its tit <t b«*dy, by rejHratnd decisio •* prorioun ced afier f'td jn I eiabna!e dcb.iT, and : it inter v,ls time impii mg tfiir g<**aU’9t i del ibt f «iLnn. N »o»r-r«iu* laws at test the j existence of »l»e power ; at.d no So»s than i twenty odd laws have been p*s>ed in re- | iatton t<» a t.nglo wtxk, Tfi• v power,! i.*'ce*s-iry tu u!i parts ot the Union, is in- , ,i«pen«Mole to the Wes . V* i o ’trt it. tt is section can tu-vor eoj..v any ol | 'he ben. ot ..f a regulir dishur»eme: t ol ; the vm*i rtu'turt of 'd»o United S-a'es' ; I recollect perfectly well that, at the last great ytrugfcle for the power in 1524, *tr. ! P. P. Bath .ur, of Virginia, the principal champion agai »*t it, ob*erved t»* me, tint ; ti it were athrmed, on that occasion, (Mr. Hemphill's survey b.ll) he *h >uld consider [ the (juesiitm settled. And it xu if 0. tn ed. | Yet «c are told that 'io* power can no longer be ex*rii*td without au amend ment of the t 'oiixiifuttou ’. On the itcn siwo tu St-ulh Carolina tu winch i bate already adverted, i: was t* id lhal the la riff and Internal Improvenji nw are inti mately connected, and tint the death Wow which it was h'lfred the one had re ceived, will fi nails tlswrer the I Cor cur m rt.e op»a; ii, that u***v arc* mn- R**te.y. i.‘ a.-vr y ur* ***f '»« connected together with the fraudulent intent which has been imputed hut by their nature, by tho tendency of each to advance the objects of the other, and of both t«s augment the sun ot National prosperity. If I could believe that the Executive message which was communicated to Cou* oress upon tin* application of me Vetu to • in; MW* villo Road, really expressed the opinion of the President of the U. Stu es, iu c utsequence of the unfortunate rtda tijiis which have existed beuveeu us, 1, would forbear u> make auv obsorvatiou upon il. It has his name affixed !•» it 5- bat it is not every paper winch bears tho name of a distinguished personage, that is his, or expresses Ins opinions. We have been lately informed lhal the unhappy king of England, in perhaps hi* lasi ill ness. transmitted it paper to I‘at liament, witlt hi* royal sign cure attached to which became an object of great ctniosity. Can anv one believe that that paper con veyed any othe* sentiments than those ol His Majesty’s Ministers? it is impossi ble that the Veto message should express tlie opinions of the President, and I prove it by evidence derived from himself. Not sot tv days bes re that message was sent to Congress, he appioved a hill embra cing appropriations to various objects ot internal improvement, and among to mi nove tlie navigation of Conneaut C<eek. Although somewhat acquainted with the geography of our country, I deciaro I did not know of the ex Hence of such a stream until I read the bill.— I Itavu since made ii an object of in quiry, and have been told tint it ii<es iu t one corner of Pennsylvania, aud is dis charged into Like E ie, iu a comer of ’h<‘ a 'o of Ohio; and lhal the utmost ! oxteiii to whicti iis navigation is suscepti ble of improvemeu' s about seven miles! Is it possible that the P rsideut could conceive that a Xational object, and 'hat the i npr ivemeo-' of a great, thoroughfare on winch the in til is troi'p o led for some o.gii or tt o S 1 res and Terri,ories is not an consideiaiinn? The power tv> int o ilo* uavig; tion of water courses, no where oxpre.sslv recognized inthncnn j sfitution, axis infinitely tune doubtful than the establishment of mail roads, which is explicitly authorized in that instrumeui!—* !)nl not the President, during the canvass winch preceded his election, in hi* wu swet to .t letter from (juv. Rav of Indi ana, written at the instance of (lie Senate of* (hat respectable Statu, expressly refer to Ins votes given in .be Senate of the U. Sta'es, for his opinion as to tho power of the Genera] Government, and inform lmu that hi* opinion remained unaltered ?•«*- Vnd and > w<» not find, upon consulting tho. JiiiiruaL of the Senate, that among other* vote* affirming the existence<»f the power, he vo'od for an appropna ion to the Cltes ipeake and I) daware Canal, wh<ch is otdv about fourteen mile* in extent? Aud do we not know that it was, a< that Huie, lik« the M tysville road now, in progress of execution undor the direction of a com pany incurpotated by a State? And that, w hile the M.tvsville mad had a connexion j wilt toad* east of Mnv'ivillo and soulh tv» si of Lexington, the Turnpike of which j im. contemplated, that canal had no rod nexmn with any other existing canal? Tho Veto Me*sigo is perfectly irro concileablo wiili tile previoua acts, Vole.*, and opinions of Gen. Jack'on II does n it express his opinions, but those of his [ udvions and coimsejlats, and ospucii.lly ! iltosu of hi* cahmut. If we look at thu composition of that cabinet, wo cannot doubt it. Thief of the five who, I bo li'-ve, compose it, (whether the Po«t --.M ister-General he one or not, I do not know,) are known to bo directly and po- Ml;vel> opposed to tho power ; a fourth, io uo; a term descriptive of the favorite pole-y of one of them, i* a non committal a id a* to the fifth, good Lord deliver u» from sued friemi-dtip as his to iuterua! t npiovermnits. Further, I have heard it from good authority, (but I will not vouch »or i:, although I believe it to he true) ill*' * me of the gentlemen from tho S . !i waiter) upon the PiesideiH, whilst iie held the .N! tvvyiMe hill under consider i(i >n, aud told him >hat if he apptovud of that L.!l, *he Sou'll wmnd n * longer ap i-rove of hup, but oppose lbs ad minis Mu tton. l cannot, thcri.f'rrc, consider the ntes«- ago rs conveying the smtiimen * and v own of tiie I'residtm', I; is impossible. I; i* tlie work of his Cabinet; and ts uti forluiiat* ly lltev wue not practically ir jr* sponttblc to tho people of the United i St vox, th‘*y would deaervw severe an»- I uiatlvorsioirs for having prevailed upon : tit* I’rr suinnf, in the precipitation cf bus;- , ties*, and porhaps without Ins spectacle*, , tu ; jt In* name to tuch a piper and send j it f utii tu Congress ar.d l<> the natt n.— : Whv, l h ive read that paper again and igatu ; ami I ne*(-r can peruse it without thinking of diplomacy, and tlie name of 1 Tail'.«od, 7 alle;,rami perpetually re turn ig. It seem* to have been written in tin vp.iii of ,»n accommodating soul, wltu, he;ng determined to have fair wen tltcr in any ci.nlmgency, was equally r* uJ\ to cry MU.', good L nil, good Devil. Art* vou v.*u internal improvement*? ) ,u may extract from he message texts • uoo gti lo support your opinion. Are you *g < osl them ? I hr message supplies vou with ab-iydant au h»rity to Cournen aucc your views? IF* \<*o think that a l ***g and unruterrup'ed cutrent of ennenr nug decisions ought to s«*<le the rpiestion of « contf »verted power ? So tho authort A ili« message affect to (xdieve. Dot ojgtrt auv precedents, h .w»**er numerous, to be allowed to exvahiish a doubtful NO. 40.