Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1818-1824, August 28, 1819, Image 2

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►mi# jH-6piiTnt C£6—r>.K
{Fror.i collection of origin**! WeUh Air?, jmb
liilif i by G Tli.mipjun, r. a. ».)
'I envy not the spjendo- fine
„. Tint in Sir WaikynN tikll*
I ask n>»t for the gums iiiai shine
On la ly fttv al Wynnvay ball;
X wialt hut T*r a ribbon py,
Which I might r,n a SumUy wear;
Uniern wf.irh I mi^lit kiss, ami say,
*T*as O.ven’s gift, From Wrexham Fair.
O, Div^n! I fcrfirve thee kind,
And love is vurtly on thylungue—>
Btr wmiiM that I could read thy mind,
F ir hope betrays the maiden young* night I thee Joth to part,
I *'«:chM thy lo,/k»--*<> brghi the.moon—
An-1 know nil but my simplt heart
Might own ino muah, or own too soon.
ICnhsppy fu** of doubtful n.a* 5 !
Her tears may* fail, lu r l hj.h -*ell,
f)M C.« r. in ihr ile 'tt shade
She never mast herht crct ti ll'.
And is it lave—his snf’er mein }
And is it love—Ills aiusper loir f
And does he nrjeh, or nofhlojf m^an f •
* Ah! she that loves, how can the know?
, Wi'.h Owen [ the dance have led.
An.I then I thou »!»t that sure he "rem’d
To dance wilii lighter, livelier tr».a<l—
Oil! wjis it so—or have I dream'dl
To-day he p el wi Ji merry glee.
And nil arc gaiii£ to the fair,
O, nny I by tome ribbon r...e
•He thought of one that was not there!
From the S Y Evening Pc#ht, I7ih insf.
T5v (lie arrival yesterday afternoon of
th»^ s*ii|» Hector, Gillendui, we received
London paper* to the SS I and Liverpool
to tlic ii.riii of June. Tliey furnish noth
ing very important. It is stated from
Rome that Locein Bonaparte had recent
ly applied to the government for permis
sion tn send his eldest son to his brother
Joseph in America, and that Mr. Russell,
the American minister in Swrdan, was to
erringo the man" in sirs voyage, but that
permission had keen rTus»d it the s.-.-ir
tinieri! vising Lutein to apply u toe allied
powers. The propensity to emigrate to
America from the continent of Korop* in-
**•«*. ?evn..: tlmuaatnfs it is stated
are p-emiririg to embark from t.'ie kingdom
of Wirtembarg. On tile loth of June the
king’s messenger lift London with des
patches for Naples. A violent shock of
ao earthipi'.ke wat fe[t it Cornets on the
£f>th of May, and all along the whole coast
ol the Mediterranean, wliich damaged sc-
*eral edifices. Two vorv destmetive
fires, one at the village of Kuchel, in the
vicinity of Presburg, the other at Gresrn.
in the province of Posen, broke nut the
latter part ot the month of Mav, anil des
troyed property to a large amount, besides
many lives. At ths former place 11(3
houses slid 5-2 horns and a number of cat
tle were consumed; and at the latter 235
houses were destroyed. The right honor
able Robert Dondas, late lord chief baron
Nfw-Yjrk at S9s to 40s, anil Boston at
41s to 42s pee cat. Pearl ashes arc less
in request at 46s to 48s per cwt. There
is a little more demand for quercitron baik
it a small advance in the price; the' be,t
Philadelphia now seHing at 21s to 22s, auii
Naw-York at 15s to 20s per cwr. VVhen
'he duties are consolidated bark will pay
2s per cwt. instead of 9JI. Clovcrseed
is now out of season, the duty on which is
proposed to b* 20s per cwt. Bees’ wax
!2(. I Os to I Si per cwt.
Daring the whole of the month of May,
demand for cotton continued to he exceed
ingly brisk, and it appears that the lower
prices of uplands anil Orleans have occ a
sioned the consumption of them tube aug
mented; also that the goods and twist
made from East India cottons have be
come less saleable, and that the consump
tion «f this description is diminished.—•
In the present month the d-maiid for cot
ton had not been brisk, and the prices have
generally declined shout j I per lb Up
land now sells a! I0]d to 12] I, but tor
gcn-ral sole* are I'.d to 1IJI: New-O-
Iimiis injj to 14,1—what is usual!' ship
tied at New Orleans as prime selling .1
12d fo l‘2]d: Tennessee 9] I to Ifijd;
'.■a Island.-ol fain n good lair qmlity at
2s tu 2< Sd.-ood anil hue at2s 4dio2.9i,
stained atl-JdtolSI
Up to this.period, the iTItfiorts this year
have be.n Is-jje, amounting in the whole
t * 235.000 bags into this port, of which
120,000 have been Irnin the United 8(aie-.
The average sales Of uplands iri the las-
ix weeks have been 5500 bags, and of Or-
cans 1100 bales per week, part of .nine;,
ha* been on speculation; and the stuck of
the former is estimated as being 40.000
bigs, lliat of the latter at 18,000 bales; and
the total stuck intlie port at neai ly ~200.0ul
bags, of which 75,000 are East India. It
xpeit -d, that the imports lor the remai-i-
lerof the year will be very moderate; and
as cotton is now considered by monied
oien tube at o safe price, it is likely to con
tinue to lie an object of speculation, and
for the remainder of this year the pri> es
are not uulikely to be a little higher: at the
tinuein the employment of those who refuse
the advaoce, after the present work is fin
T.okoox, June 21.
The obscrvati n« made by the eail of Li
verpool on Frill i v evening in the house of
lards, with regard to .the loan hill, was in
substance, that he hoped no fui liier loan
would be lequired during the continuance
of peace, with the exception of about
15,000,000, which would be wanted tu
male* good th-paynicnt* next year to the
bank of England, in pursuance of the wish
to that eftVct expressed by their loidships
and the other house.
America and her Resources —We are
glad to observe that the public attention
has lately been directed by an eminent re
viewer towards this work of Mr. Bristed.
which cannot but prove highly interesting
to the English reader from tmr account it
gives of the stat- ol society, manners, poli
ties, internal regulation,etc. ofthe United
States, rectifying, as it does many miscon
ceptions and erroneous notions respecting
that republican empire.
We are .h ippy to state, that the very
respectable Am-ric tu and Hamburgh house
which stopped payment in the beginning
of last week, was on Saturday enabled to
(here about half put- eight The pnges who pi
and other gentlemen nf the royal house
hold appeared in their state uniforms upon
the occasion.* Tf.»: entertainment was
given in the lower suite of rooms, which
were decorated nud refreshed with plants,
shrub* and flowers, as was the conservato
ry. The whole was remarkably cool, by-
all the windows being open, but to guard
against any iLngerfrmn drafts or cold Wind
they had tight blinds. In the conservato
ry was stationed a numerous and well <c
lected band of first rate performers,ably
led by Mr. Payne. Dancing commenced
w ith a country dance to the tune of “gang
no ino-e to yon town,” which was followed
by “Rob R iy.” Alter this the^
party commenced Quadrills. Refresh
ments were provided for them in a tempo
rary room, the roof of winch resembled a
(urge temple in the garden: access t« it was
made through a door or window, which
reaches to the floor of the centre .room.—
They danced in the dining room adjoining
the conservatory. The prince invited a
numerous evening party at ten o’clock, in
addition to the juvenile party, their pa
rents and relatives.
Ha.'vi'ucA, June 11.
Our correspondent in London has com
mnnicated to us the following mlxi-esling
same time it ought to be kept in view, tli it
the stock is large—that the trade in Man
chester is bad and unprofitable—that fail
ures amongst the manufi tures and spin
ners are daily taking place—tnat money i-
scarce, and confidence much shaken—and
hat comparatively low as are our present
prices, they are not ulikeiy to he profitablr
on the next anil succeeding importations:
and ic is also believed that the planters in
America, and the Brazils can afford to sup
ply this market at prices even under those
whi.hare now current. Under these cir
uinstances there is not, therefore, anv
esume itsp yments.
Tue Duchess lie B rry is stated to ad- j and authentic intelligence':—“ I'h
va .ee happily in her picgnavcy, eigns united at the congress ot Aix-la-Cha-
1 he Duchess ol Modena was safely de-j pelie had resolved serious!v to call upon
iivered of a soil on the 2d instant. ih- Hiibary states to renounce tue svsteu
There is a long letter from Madrid in I of piracy which they nad hitherto followed
the Constitationnet. in winch England is J and to adopt the principles received ii
accused 41 acting upon a r gul.u system I Europe. It was at the same time agreed
fertile purpose of crippling the resources that England and France, in the urine of
of Spain- After alluding to the cession ol the allied powers, should take upon them
(hiTT.-prida-, the letter observes, “It is I selves the conclusion of the aftair.” We
now uUTtrstuod tnat the Havana will soon I learn with pleasure that overtures on tiii
cea e to bd'iVig to Us.’ (subject have already been made, from
From Vienna it is mentioned, that the I winch a favorable result is expected. We, over the members of the Bo-J hope to be shortly enabled to give more ex
nopalte lomiiy in that capital,has been fori tensive details on this subject,
some time much relaxed. I Stockholm, June 4
London, June 22. The negocialions carried on in London,
An epideamc lever is stated to be preva-J under the direction of (he great European
lent at St. Valiery in the department of I powers, mr tiic. liquidation of the public
•Seine Inferieure, which has carried oflj debt of Norway, according to the 5th urti
nearly 100 persons in less than a week. j c!e of the treaty ol Kiel, are happily tei
The following account is from a Glas-1 < n ' n »teil,i«tl the instrument drawn up to
goiv piper:—On the 16th iost. a numerous I this end by the plenipotentiaries of those
meeting of tlie operative weavers took I l*® wer *» anived here last Sunday, and was
place in the Green. A resolution was immediately laid before his majesty for
read, the purpmjt of which was to petition I *''* approbation. It is said tbit it is .con
the prince regent to grant the spare hands [ formable both to the interests of the high
of the trade, or such as were inclined, the fot'ftacting powers, and to the promi .vi
means of reaching the colonies belonging ty l!u: mediating powers, and that it
to his majesty in North America, together ias ,JeC11 a ' rea dj. acceded to by his inajes
with the means of support for one year af-1 f L' According to this arrangement, Den
ter their arrival there; which sums tin*' !l,1 <rk ivil' indeed receive a smaller sum
promised tn repay by yearly remittances M lkn *’ a '* calculated upon obtaining; but.
ol produce; but on a show of hands very I " ,1 l * 1B ot ' ,er hand, will have the advan
few agreed to this proposition. A second I t4 S e °* a guaranteed payment by instal
esnlutinn was subini'ted t > the meeting. I in,!,,,s > at shorter intervals; wherefore no
The following isl
flatetl Stockholm, June 4:—
•*Gn the 24 the King set out for the camp
at Schonen. His first master of the liorsc,
count Brake, was the only person who rude
with him in his carriage. Immediately af
ter his majesty’s departure, the pro'visioii-
il regency, appointed to act in'temporary
emergencies during his absence, assum d
its functions. As soon as the camp j» ,
>*d, the King according to report, is to vi
sit the baths at Helsingburg, and from
thence make a tour in his duniinions: it is
probable that the distant province.ol Dale*
carliit will this summer- fur the first time,
b» visited by his majesty. For two days
before the king left Stockholm seine extra*
ordinary tn iveinent» were observed among
the diplomatic body assembled here. It
is understood that the negotiations cauied
on in Lnndui.. under the direction of the
grea' Europi-un powers, concerning the li-
ijuidatiei' w the public debt of Norway,
and in co .lurmity with the Cih article ul
(he treaty of Kiel, have l» cn brought to a
termination, and the result agreed to
by the pler.ij qfi nr: .! ius i,( me diflerenC
powers inivod lie: e oi Siinibv, and was
immediately laid before (he ki.ia. The rat
ification of this arrangen-ent, it is said, has
ueen dctennitied upon by the king. The
terms, it is stated, are not materially at va
riance ei'lier with the interests of the high*
contracting pirli.-s, or the assurance form
erly given by (It- mediating powers. Tho’
Denmark does not obtain so large a sum as
she may have expected, she has the advan
tage ol a guarantee for payment at an ear
lier period. No doubt is entertain'd here;
that that court will accede to the new ar
July 22
The following notice was posted at the
bank yesterday morning:— 1 “The public are
requested to take notice, that the receipts
for the deposit on the loan of 12,000,0001
fm the service of the year 1819, are now
i-ady far delivery at the duel cashier’s of
reason to expect a permanent improvemen
in the prices, and it is apprehcndeil by ma
ny that the badness i>r the trade will ere I as an amendment to the foregoing, there I '“"ty doubts but tnat it will be nnnieuiate-
long occasion a considerable reduction in I should be annual parliaments, universal I r »tifietl by the court of -Copenhagen,
the consumption.. T/ie proposed ilctv on I suffrage, and a diinmuilion of taxation I The country suffers severely by the con
cotton wool is six per cent on the value, I which amendment was carried apparently I nu tlroughf, anil the farmer looks tvitl
which will be less than the present rate of by a large majority, and with “reat cheer-1 apprehend in to the cnuseqnctices which
SS'7.1 per 1001b. ling, ° I must ensue, unless we soon have a refresh
The demand fur turpentine is steady at t I '"15 ruin
in reouMt asiMva?!, 7” '* " 0l » "T- h We received yesferdav the Paris papers A MECR.} GE.VIUS.
to 17. 6.1 per bid. *There havTutelv beet-1? rSa, . ur,,a J r ! ast '. ° ' Prtday, in the chain-1 Cou-s. lior Bock,nan possesses a large
* I’ L 1 J "iv. Ill iWC Hldlll - I - | oo< o u iy'
” I ber of deputies, im toe course of the r «- [ •istrnnomica! clock, consti ucted bf the rev
• ike eve- -umetl discussion id the nroiet of estimates I Pastor Hahn, which not only ennains thi
several importations of rice; and,
rv other article, it has declined in value,
and now- pells ut 18 to 22s per cwt. in h-nul
Tlie duty on it for home use is proposed ti
he reduced to 15j. per cwt. East India rice
10 to I7i per ewt. There is not much de
mand for staves; white oak barrel at 9 fo
•SLhogshead at 12 to 2t*l, pipe at 20 t,'
of the court of exchequer. London, died I re< ^ oa | l hogshead at tnf per thousand,
on the 16th June at his country seat—sir I pine at 2 to Or Id, pitch pine 3s
Samuel Shepherd has been appointed |,i s 1 P*‘ r cubic foot. There is some ini prnveinent
successor. Private letters from Hamburgh I ‘ ,l l* 1 ® demand for tobacco, both for expor-. lolll ,„ uln: „i e
announce the failure of the house of War- ' ??'!ft"' ‘^ f 4 ml to this claim, now took a veVy cur'io'u* I l lla J » f “*® ar ‘ «« the maker, tliey are of
borg ^ Co. of Alton.. . Gen*i a r.atV 3t fi 8 ' .urn. M. Dupont (do rKure.)'who “j 2 reat »»*» fu ‘" °» ‘^2® plate,
1 he citizens «t Liverpool were gratified | Lar ;’ , ' 1 r,', “ l ^ } , eJ I ’" ’t period all.ictrU to, was a member „f 'vhich contains all the lesser, :he globe*
ani a-touisiied by the arrival, at that P ort * I c<| t - ,. e 8 !‘’® k '“ , H ‘ ,obac ’he conncil of five hundred, positively as- are desermed, and the progress of the
on thi:-1st of June,,of the beautiful1 steam I fn «T.e W iL .S r k P » a* 1 * 1 1 -erted that no whatever was on stars denoted, so that the, by their
* up Savannah, capfuii) Rogers, in n. 6 days I. * nhi s. j that occasion made to assassinate Bona-1 c,,m bi n i n g motions, display the variations,
rimi ;i vannah, and 21 from land to land. I ‘ . . . I as L,r . fu!a '' there ,, art r. that the latter invented the story for dispositions and appearances of the earth
Sie was five (Uys in the channel, before I s "" 1 be ®" " ,a ch briskness in our co n the purpose of throwing odium upon the “«• the heavenly bodies
Liverpool, and worked her ***** members of the council! ,1 I ^ - We saw a wjh made
the projet of estimates I P fla tor Hahn, which not only entrains the
or supplies, an amendment was brought I e-ommon divisions of time, but has like-
forward far the purpose of excepting from ' v ' s, '‘ divisions of ten, of a huirtred, and
the appliciti-m of itie law (prohibiting J a th.iusamt years. Thu spectator con-
more than ore pension being receded bv) templates with pleasoie the cmtraslcd
my one individual) certain cases of pen-I 9' iicl * motion of the second hand and the
-ions formerly granted, which included the I'thousati.l year hand, which turnson asmail
pension given to captain Poiiree, for hav- (| iai plate, nut larger than that of* Parisian
ug (as allegNI.) when a Grenadier, saved I watcl '; Tne progress uf the latler in fifty
Tmapgrte from assassination when fie I J' -41 * * s ver y su l f lat it* motion is
went in (tie council of five hundred, on the I imperceptible. I he tea, hundred, and a
18th Brumaire. The disciisginn. with re- thousand
I year hands are nut a mere dls-
bhegotupto , , . .. .. ..
engine eighteen, day* nf tho passage. She j 'lecline. There is now, however, a little
is the first <r> this construction, that I ,nor ** > ,1 9 u ' r J r » a,) d a small advance has t.ik-
has ao lerukci a voyage across the Allan-1 pl ace ,n tf* p London and other markets,
tic. She w is built in thi* city, and is 350 j ” *' ( .® a * *®^* a * F er <r 6lb. Su-
thit s!io i* going fnSr. Petersburg, as a pre- I muring oi me pons, is also in ilemsnd at 34
sent from thu United States to the eioper- I ,n 36 ’’ * our at to 50i P<' r Ubl. Several
or of Russia. I parcels of flour in bund have been sold for
On the 2lst »f June, the cash payment ’ s P or * a, i' m to the West Indies, the Brazils
bill underwent an aniniated debate in I Newfoundland, at 30*’per Rye
tae house of lords, and was ordered tol ' ,s ^'* t0 Indian com
council; and that'Pouree I We saw a watch made by Mr. Auch of
receivd his pension for attesting an at-1 Stufgard, a scholar of (lie mmistrrof^Halin.
tempt to assassinate, which was never I *^® •* on '. y s,!t a "'* twenty, yet, in the
made. This statement appears to hive I u r in ' un some, he alieady surpasses his
made a great impression upon the cliani-1 lnsst, r '. This watch contains the divis-
ber, who nearly unanimousty rejected the / !0,1S time, from a second to a century,
proposed amendment. The discussion on I <>n l * le “Pposifo side, on a clouded azote
the projet, after lasting through the re I S roun, L '* s** 11 the course of the sun, and
maiuder of the sitting, wasao-tiir adjourn- I the moon, with its nodes and eclipses! 'I he
ed till Siturday. 3 I artist means to improve this watch, and
The French consul at Smyrna, who sent J describe the course of Venus as a morning
LiVEHpoor., June 25.
Within a few days several vessels dr
ived at this port from Ireland, with vol
unteers for 8. America. Vessels are fit-
gout here to convey them to the thea
tre of action. They await the orders uf
gen. Devereux for embarkation. He ia
lady expected lu re.
Frankfort. Jane 12.
The propeiidiiy to emigration increases
progressively hi the kingdom of Wurten:-
burg. Several societies direr: these emi
grations to Ameii. a. lais **.ti that served
thousand persons have resolved to go and
settle there. Son. finigiaiiti have lately re
turned from Olessa with full powers Iroin
such iif their companion* as have still mo
ney to receive in their former country in ci
der to terminate theira/fins. They have,
brought Inteis Iroin emigrants to their
triends, who liqve remained at home, of
which copies arc in circulation in the king
dom. b
We learn from Rotirmia, that ‘he two
princes ot Shwarizeidiurgh, prince Melter-
tnrh, arid prince Hiurher, are expected at
Carlsbad, which will be very brilliant this
season. Louis Bonaparte is expected in
July at Marienbad.
o third reading on
Wednesday fo! -
Man corn S to os SJ p r I away general Savary, has lieen.’it is said and evening star.—German Journal.
fo?"VnT.71 !;• be '“ a L lcl1 ’ ai ! <1 ■* ‘»«*r »• »>- a , «.^*.
Inushei. The we
vurable to growing crops of gn
“pee of the Mercan
tile .l h e- ue
the princes* Josephine, the youngest dangh- J ^ lo . n ,'
ter ol prince Miximilian of Baxouv, seems I Th* P re mium of insurance from and to
to be determined.
A London paper of Ihc 23d June, siv*
—“At the commencement of business this
morning, stocks wore rather a favorable
appearance than otherwise, when consols
for accounts reached 61 7-8; but some
largo sellers very shortly appeared in the
MnrKet, which hail the effect of causin'
vciy considerable decline in the prices, so
much so. that before 2 o’clock, consols for
the account Ic'I to 68 1-8, and the omai-
thr. U. (states in American and British ship,
b 20* to SO* per cent. American six i ei
I cent, stock is quoted in London at 98 ti
too, anil United S'stes’bank s iarcs a
231 to 231 fd*. Dollars at 5s l-2d pi :
ounce. We remain, with much respect,
f your very obedient servants.
Bolton & Ocidf.n.
London, June 19.
The loan bill passed the house of lords
In the course of the short do
changed. 1 lie Marques* de la Tourdu Pin.
it is likewise said, tube recalled from
Netherlands, and tn he succeeded bv
th* -Marquess de Montalembert. It ap
pears to be certain, that M. llydede Neu-
ile.the French minister in the United
States of Ameiica, is about to return.
It is *anl (lint the count Capod’fstrja is
on his way to London, to request some
melioration of the situation of the inhabi
tant* ol the Ionian I-ies.
'The king of Wurtemberg, it appear*,
still declines to isseiuble the states of his
last night.
am to 2 per ct. di*. Several reports were I russ '" n ’ l * ,e ® a '* Liverpool said that I kingdom
circulated, which tended ia some measure I hsdidnot foreseen that any lutuie loan or Tne -Marques* de Ceralhn, m-andee oi
to produce a more unfaro'able effect.— j ^ ,w *' n 6 wou *'^ 8 e "-anted during the con-1 Spain, had ao audience of the king of Sax-
It is sail that tfieie is* schism among the I , i noance P ejce i and he congratulated I ony, at Dresden, on the 10th inst. lor the
Jews •'no party »f whom *re buying while I t ! ,e coan t ,, y onthe termination ofthe prac-1 purpose of demanding for the Spanish
otiiei * a* e selling largely.” I tice of borrowing money by this means,a*. I monarch the hand of the princess Jose-
T-.s following circular, politely handed |! > J r l,s incitement fogamhliug.heconsidered phme, niece of the forme r sovereign. The
bv a fiieu.l. gives the sute of'the mar- !* m 1 0st ,n /"'T s *" <hc ol regoiar requisite consent wa, formally £ iven, and
kits correctly: r trade and industry. •
Liverpool. 2.3,/ Jane. 1619. " e arc h *f' ,, . v 10 stat( ?f that P art »f ‘he
The following are the most material «l- ,n *!“?' tarWS n " e r *? ree 1 ' 1 t0 V
fe rations Chat have taken place in the state ?*’ 9l ', * n :‘ IOs P“ ginghams, 11,
- - i 12, and 13th*. instead of the late pricei
averaging about Is. advance on the cut.
AM the workman are actively employed in
finishing the wet * which they had begun
previously to the turn out, thus, manifes-
firther decline in the prices, hot there is I'"‘V? ?^!r, ne f a . *° , t,ie ,aw ’
amt prospects orour market for American
fr.d uce. since we transmitted you our cir
cularofthe 12th ult.
' There have lately been several importa
tions of ashes, which have occasioned a
toe princess is to be at Madrid before
The juvenile pa-ty given by the prinre
regent on .Monday ingot to the chi dr. u
ol the nobility and slistingushed person-
ages, was a very gratifying sg.t. Hi-
royal highness, to prevent them b-iug kept
out till a la : e hour, invited U;eoi to as
semble a* 9 o’clock; but some were so an
xious to erj ,y the honor of visiting the
prince regem; and the p!e>siire ol being
next. The commissioners appointed by
Feidinaod VII, to undertake the manage
ment ot >t, havo sent instructions futile
agents in London toconfiactfor 5,000 car-
, bines which are intended for the use of
cavalry, to be shipped on board the arma
ment, arid it is supposed that the govern
mental Madrid have determined to increase
the number ot horse regimente, and have
:n consequence ordered this additional
quanti'j ot arms, idiich are tab? ot the ve
ry best description. The commissioners,
owing to tne postponement of departure of
the expediti in, do not require they should
reach Cadiz before the end vf August. We
understand that the Spanish governmenthas
received an official account from the vice
roy of Lima, in which lie states, that lie was
in daily expectation of an attack Iroin the
squadron under ford Cochrane, but that
there was a sufff ieot force at Lima tn pre
vent tiut city Iront being molested by the
invadors, should they make a landino- a t
(.allao. It is said tiiat it was in conse
quence of the -eceipt of this communica
tion that the fstn Trim,>, Alexander, anu
Prut vs, ships of war, were despatched to
the coast of Pern, without any ren.force ;
merits on bom d, being intended only t:» pry
tvet tiie Roy a i tst v«»ei* in those stas —
An article f.-om Madrid says, a new In
at Carlton house, that they began tu arrive j ^urgent leader has sprung up ia Mexico,
Salem, Aug. U.
The separation of Maine will probably
produce a new history of that country.—
’.Ve are indebted to many publications for
rhe assistance they affuril, but must confess
he history still remains in great confu
sion. The grants of countries are not sur-
eyed, the interfering claims for a fong
time unsettled, the titles of different na
tions, and treaties, never executed, all
’cave difficulties to the historian. It is
freed, with Air. Sullivan, there was no
■vernment extended over the whole till
fur the revolution u< England, it tnat can
Ye called the which is now the dis-
nct ot Maine, by consent lo he establish
ed as a separate state ill our Union. Be
fore that period, not even Maine c jfo be
said to be truly embraced by anv prtfl'ee.d-
fogs,as to settlement and'...,ve,riineri!
Our best historian* have not agreed mni jc
what names tlie different portion* of this
country have been classed, truar p. t -
sent purpose, it is enough to recollect that
the settlement began long before our own,
and that the revolutions w re continued
Mi the revolution, when Mas-aehu.i-tU
h id the pride ol character, and the union
of the confederates in New-England had
given some power of claim. We have the
letter ol Massachusetts as late as 1G.58,
just half a century alter GosnolJ IqndqUf
on the Kennebec. In lhat letter the setid
retary says,-It was somey ears after ('•• came,-
nither before we kne-.v the extent of ou.-
line, the date or validity ol other patents
contained therein,nr bordering thereupuu,
is now we do, and therefore were slow to
do any thing that might occasion anv flatti
ng therein, till all doubts in that fespect
were removed, as yoo cannot but obiervo
in our proceedings with those «r PUcala-
que, so in regard to yourselves, though we
have been long satisfied, by those whom
»e employed to run our northerly linc a
that the place where you inhabit did full
within our jurisdiction.” The answer,
in the same year, from Godfrey, the go
vernor of Maine, in behalf ofthe piovincr,
shews how for their convictions had exten
ded on the subject: “If this 21 years you
have been contented we should govern'by
virtue or a patent, with distinct acknowl
edgment ofyour lawful authorities,arid have
kept good correspondence with us, we
much marvel how you now should be dis
contented, of which we neither have, nor
we hop ) shall give you any just occasion
for resisting any patent, or encroaching
J P»n your jurisdiction. For your pretend
'd jurisdiction over our persons and land*
mt appropriated, a* you say, they are ap- i
•ropriated to us, and must not so easily b*
tviited with. For.-hiring your favors tu
i'. By your fovois, gentlemen, wo are
>th lu part with our previous liberties foe
unknown and uucertain fav.ors. Fur hear