Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1818-1824, December 09, 1822, Image 1

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SAVANNAH datly republican. A 243 Vol. XX. Monday evejylyg, December 9,1822. Whole No. 4065. n b. NICHOLS, extensive assortment of Brass T very superior .patterns, wil l J 1 .IvHi*" A | S f„|| gets of Shovel, Bfcoi*' ""''p^cr, alt hra,> - 1'onr'i 111 ,*!!!!mm<>n sol. TeaTr.ys, assort ml crylioe and common ► CSved »"* >’’ a ' n se,S of Brita ”i“ TC!l r ° U ft iffrsaw' r ’.. ViVfvvn, Prushes )r egrtn»sk* u - B<, ’ 1 , u' n jVes, Razors and Strops |l ■ ,ttr’>, T*her with a variety of hellUom;s ; —^ jy are3f v { x ttes llul lion, &c. MiBan Sires, va *™,"ZL uirU Bpwlo SSiaiSsr 1 •''"'K"'"’""’ VlnP kney Ware, &c »e Ip al lition to the JAMES DICK R ESPECTFULLY inform* his IFiends and the public, that lie has taken that commodious store in the new brick buildings South Hast cor ner of Market Square, and opposite the store of Messrs. IK Inglis It Co. Gibbons’ buildings; where he lias on hand, an i is still opening, a handsome and general astortniens of CHIN A, Glass and Earthenware. Received direct from his Correspo'.dents in Liv erpool. The above articles are warranted of the the first quality, being selected to order, and will he sold wholesale or retail, as low and on us ac commodating terms as any in the > ity affords. The attention of families and Country Mer chants in particular, is request towards them, dec 2 , ) 1,237 ihdvi be has Pistols that perforate “ «*,“ of resist the powerful influ- :,nC ~w"tlhTand Clock-, repaired and warranted nov 25 .--32 t CommissionersofPilotage. CONTKAO'I WAN 1 .• I,->nopoSAl..S " ill be receive 1 tor keeping in P r, uu-.lie Beacons, and for cleaning keeping rff'vetfi" nne!'eTr 1Cr App e |ic«C>or!s to be Eft ' IS®— 11,0,1“ lm - “ 1 10, C0 " UB ' 1 ,,i uofi ttnV /.l ' —" In Council, Novkmbkb 28, 1822. 0 -1 onpiEl), that an election for Recorder of the Cits’, do take place «t the next regular - peiiM pf Council. Applicants will leave their |n*'mc» with the Clerk of Council. Raff 'i$ Smetts. I "AYR within a few days received from the most approved mills, and offer for sale on ac commodating terms, at the duck lately occupied by Messrs llrown U Overstreet. 500,000 feet new prime sawed lumber of all des criptions, ALSO. 200,000 feet ranging timber, 250,000 Shingles. The above assortment with what they are daily receiving enable litem to execute an) orders. Shortly expected a large supply of white and red oak staves. tfj*Orders for lumber cut to any length will be promptly attended to. nnv 26 Jt233 Dissolution of Copartnership. 11II-. Iir.n o| I G Mi.av.'k s Co w-isih si.bed by u mu'ual consent on the 26th Dept, tuber last; lmt° indebted will m >ke pannent on, or before Jhe.ftrst day of December next to ,1 C lllance who is authorized to colh ct the same; all those who have any demands against the concern will please render their bills in for payment. J C. BLAftCE. y. G. BLANCH. N B.—The business will be conducted hereaf ter bv .1. C. Ilhnce on his iwii account under the Itlnff on Williamsons wharf, 4 here he will keep a constant supply of the best Groceries and Provis ions. J. C. BLANCE. nnv 22 ,i j*2:IO ' notice: 4 LI. persons indebted to the subscriber either by note or account are requested to call and make payment by the first of limitary next, by so doing they may save cost CHARLES GREGORY. J will sell out my stock of GROCERIES and BUILDING, this stand for the grocery business is the best and most convenient in we-A broad street. \pply to the subscriber above nov -22 2 iOcAt M. MYERS, c. c. 2.16 Carriage Horse. ^ WT.l.r broke and last troUing C.rnnge or A\i;ig horse, the beat of Hie late Dr. Bayards pj , r f nr s; ,!e by the subscriber, on accommodat [•„-(, rms, If not disposed of before the fit-, I uenduv in December, he will then be sold at the Court House to the highest bidder. GEORGE SCHLEY. , 29 215 Assize of Bread. rrtllE averare price of Flour being 8 dollars 1 per barrel, the weight of Bread for the present month, must be as follows, viz: 124 Cents Loaf 21b 4|oz, 6J Cents I .oaf lib 2oz, f siiiclt all Bakers and Sellers of Rread will tak* rue notice. JOHN J. ROBERTS c. t. net 1 I'M- • "•j.VVANNVH Voir House and Hospital. ITUSITING Committee and Dr.- V , uiiirn. Oil \RLKS M'INTIRB and UIIAS. JIOVT. Attending Physician, l*r. WM. H. CUT LER. By order ef.the Board. JOHN HAUPT, Steward, nr 2 ’ 213 _____ GEORG I \ HO PEL, jupnsr church, savannah. I yyvuis Establishment has lately undergone a I A throngh repair, and considerable improve- ■m i s have been added. I iv Subscriber has taken it upon a long lease, I ,*!jt w i|l be open on Monday the 24lh inst for tl, f reception and accommodation of Travellers 11"! Hoarders, having supplied bis Home with a ,,, am i general assortment of Furniture. Ill is determined tltai his Table shall he inferi- |n to none, while this Bar shall afford the choic- Ll liquors of every description. (Tp The Stables are large and convenient, for the accommodation of any number of Horses £1) With such preparations, added to the iu.lelatiga j Fc attention which it will belli. sliul) audio instion to bestow, he cannot but flatter himself ,c will receive that share of patronage and sup I port, to which such arrangements may be entitl- 1 ' Ki v DAVID M. FITTS. Havannah, JVov. 21, 1822. nnv 28 2 ’ 4 .Yoticc. riVIE co’-artnership existing between the sub L s riher. since the 23d October, 1821, is tins ilisiolved by mutual consent. Those indebt | 'al will make payment without delay to .lames »Tjr, who is autliotised to collect the same J. W. CANNON. JAMES FUWl.KR. J. IF Cannon, W ILL continue the business at the same stand,and will be thankful for the patron- 1 age ofthe late customers of Cannon h. Fowler. ENGLISH SCHOOL: M r. JAMES K BOLLOUGtl, lately from harleston, intends opening a School in thi- City, in which will be taught, those several brand es generally comprised in an English Education. lie will likewise, if applied to, attend to tile in -truction of Youth in private families For particulars reference may he had to Rev James O Andrew, Rev George White, Mr Isj.i. D’l.yonand Mr De Villers. For Testimonl 'Is us to character and ability, ad vert to the following certificates. Charleston, -Auti. 15/A, 1822 Mr. Rollottgh having bevn Tutor to one of in sons for eighteen months, and of an it her fie- shorter period, I hereby testify, that I have her perfectly satisfied with his services. I have foun him steady, patient, assiduous, and believe that in- It is advanced his pupils as fast as their capaci ties would admit of. THOMAS RHETI SMITH From a long and Intimate acquaintance wit I Mr .1 K. Bo!lmtgh r and as Tutor to tny Son, I fe< warranted, and take pleasure in bearing testinu ny to his qualifications for teaching the usm branches of an English education. Asa gentle man, his character is unexceptionable. AARON MOISE. Charleston, Ort. 10, 1822. Barents and guardians disposed to pit ronize the subscriber, ami wlio may be desirous of an in <-i view with him. are respectfully requested t< call at hU residence at Mr Rolf’s, in Montgomery street, near the Baptist ChurcH, or at the Metl vdist 1‘arsonage, w here he may be occasion " found. dec 5 m2.»9 Planters’ Bank, S VVANN All, October 16th, 1822. I^ESOLVF.l) by the Board of Directors of the J\otice and Caution. W HEREAS 1 have been informed that John Carnochan and Peter Mitchell of this City Rave by sundry deeds recently mortgaged and is*igned to divers persons either their individua creditors, creditors of the late firm of Carnochai St Mitchell, or others, all or sundry the property and estate both real and personal «f the said firm as well ns their own individual property and c- tate consisting together of houses, lots, lands stores, wharfs, negroes See. in Savannah and Da rien in Georgia or the neighborhood thereof, and elsewhere with their interest or share in the stock ofthe Lower Steam Mill near Darien, and sundr\ shares in the United States Bank and other Banks is well as sundry debts due to them in various places, beside lands, lots, negroes &c. in the ter- ritorv ot Florida, and particularly one large tract of land bought of Forbes Ik Co. lying between the rivers St. Marks and Apalachicola in the ter ritory of Florida aforesaid. These are hereby to caution the public against purchasing any part of the said property or es u.te so conveyed, or any other property belong mg to the said Carnochan It-. Mitchell or either »t them as I hoi' 1 prior rtortgages on the greatest part thereof which are on record in the registry m Savannah and Darien aforesaid and m Charles ton, S. C. and equitable hens on all the property of said John Carnochan and Peter Mitchell. WILLIAM CHRISTIE, Savannah. * The editors of the Courier, Ik City Gazette, at Charleston; Floridian, at Pensacola; Uecordet at Milladgeville ; Republican, at Montgomery, Alabama, and Chronicle, at Augusta ; arc reques ted to insert the above advertisement once a week until countermanded, and forward then accounts to Ibis olnc-t tor pay rrtenl. pine 6 tl34 lantern* Bank ofthe Sta’e of Georgia, that from and after this date, this Bank will not consi ter the n *te» of my of the Chartered Banks of lie State of Georgia (the notes ofthe Planters 1 l ink excepted) that may be deposited in the Planter’s Bank by any person or persons, or b; jV banking company whatsoever, or that may b ■il l into the sai 1 t>.i lk to the credit of any per "i or persons or any. banking company, as ere ting any claim in favor of such persons or such Oinking company to-demand that the checks or rders they or such nam ing company may is le '-n the.said Planters’ !)..nk to be paid in spe- rie coin of gold or silver ; hut that the Planters' Rank will, for th< accommodation of their custo n rs, continue to re viva as heretofore, in depos- i e and in payment of n>l notes deposited for col •etion, the notes of all the chxrtere 1 banks of th ale, of Georgia, but will always reserve to itself it- right of choice in tltP notes of which of the r speelive clia- terc l banks ofthe state of Geor gu, the said Planter’s Bank may prefer to make i payment on the checks or orders being pre tn'ed of person or persona or any Dunking coin ,n' 'hat may have »n amount at their credit in hank. ftesolved, That for the information of customers of ine Pin.iters’ Bank, that each one may know die amount of their respective deposits in th Kites of the chartered banks ofthe slate of Geor gin, other than the Planters’Bank, and also the amount of iheir deposits in the notes of the Plan t. r*’ UanK ; that the Cashier of this bank be in hi meted to have entered from and after this date iu he books ofthe customers of this institution on their d positing the notes of the chartered Banks as aforesaid, the following words to be pre fixed to the respective sums they may depovite in Bank, namely, “Notes ofthe Banks ofGeorgi ..•lien notes of lie Planters’ bank are deposited tiie entry to be made as such By order of the Board of Directors. JOHN F. LLOYD, Cashier pro teni oct 17 *1*1201 Brigade Orders. Savannah, Oct. 2t>th, 1822. T HE Brigade Inspector ofthe 1st Brigade will forthwith proceed to the annu tl convention of | the Field, Staff, Company and N"i» commissioned flicers, and the musters of t ie Regiments and Battalions, composing the Brig ide for the purpose of being trained and mustered, by him in the ex- ercises and evolutions prescribed by Congress, in ! conformity with the 10th section of the Militia law of 1818. Byordorof Gstsr.nvc II Ait nr. *, WM. OVERSTREET, Aidde Camp. Inipectom office, 4/A Nov. 1322. * In conformity with the above order for the convention of the Field, Staff, Company and Non-Comt.iissioned officers, and for the review and inspection of the 1st brigade of the militia of Georgia. Toe Colonels or commanding of ficers tif regiments composing the same are hereby ordered and directed to have their res pective commands under arms on their usual gen eral parade grounds, for the purpose of being trained in the exercises and evolutions prescrib ed by Congress, at 11 o’clock, on the following ' ys, viz On Wednesday the 4th December next, the re view and inspection of the Camden county Bat talion. On Friday the 6th December, the review and inspection of Wayne county battalion. On Saturday the 7th December, the review and inspection of Glvnn county Battalion. On Monday the 9th December, the review ami nspecliion of the McIntosh county Battalion. On Wednesday the Utli December, the re view and inspection of the Liberty county Batta lion. On Friday the 13th December, the review and inspection of the llrvan county Battalion On Monday the lfith December, the review and nspectinn of the Chatham county Battalion, be longing to the 35th regiment. JYotice. 4 1,1, persons having demands against the es tate of the late Col. lames Johnston, of “* varnish, are requested to render them duly tested, and those indebted to make payment to FAT. HOUSTOUN, Qii'll. Executor. oct 25 20 > Attention!—Georgia Hussars ! Camlrti Orders. /TRUE GEORGI A HUSSARS are required to ii be on their para ie ground, at 3 o’clock, F. M on Friday the 13th Inst, in full uniform and completely equipped lor parade. By order Lt. Stilus, Commanding. GORDON, 1st Serg’t, dec 6 211 vffi&tFr.Tr? . M ARRANGEMENT "H'R.S iu Mlti u*»ui ivgiMM-ti*. | If? On Tuesday the 17'h December, the review \ JYotice t'J 'VvUC'.'lle 'S to 01VI Ji'Olfl Savannah. UNION nf sentiment having taken plac jbe- and inspection of the Effingham county llaltal on On Thursday the 16th January next, a conven- ion of the Field, Stalll Company, and Non-com missioned officers of the 1st regiment, (city of Sa vannah,) and on the following Friday the 17th Unitary, the review and inspection of the wliole regiment. Both officers and privates are especially re quired to be armed, and accoutered according to law, and the Field officers of the Brigade to at tend the reviews within their respective com mands for the purpose of superintending and en forcing the prescribed system of discipline. WM. 1‘. BOWEN, Brig. Inspec. 1st Brig. 1st l)iv Geo. Militia nov 21 229 Superior court—Chatham county. Mai Tium, 1822. Catherine Wilson V vs, V- Bill for Divorce, John Wilson j N this case the Sheriff having made return that the Defendant is not to be louod.on motion ol A UNION ot senttmen tween the propri. tor, - the new line ot siages, established on the north side of t '0 S <- vaiinah river, between Savannah an I Humburft and Augusta, Connected by the Steam Bos < ol in i lo Fnrysburg—and the line of Stag, nut of Savannah, on the south side of said river t me kt ee office of both will,hence for.-ard, be Ken<- ,• the City Hotel in Savannah—where the pulffin are respectfully informed that sens, on either route, are in future to he applied for. To illustrate the benefits of the two establish ments, as they are to operate lo the public at large, it need only be stated that, The old Georgia line,will arrive & depart on the same days as heretofore, ami will quicken tj» pie-e so as that passengers will he taken thro in two davs, between sun and sun, tints all rdmg a pleasant and delightf'd inode of transportation to Ladies and persons in delicate health, or to thoso who travel for pleasure rather than on urgent bu* I he new line in Carolina is gotten up on quite tensive allegation in writing pursuant lo the act of 1 assembly in such case made and provided, and it is further ordered that publication of this order be mule in one of the Gazettes of the City ol Savam.uli agreeahly to law. Extract from die Minutes. . JOB T. BOLLES, Clk. pine 26 151 Wood and Lumber Yard. T HE sub criber oilers lor sale very low a large supply of ITRE WOOD and LUMBER, and 1 informs the public that he will cut any quantity ot ] timber Spar,, Shafts for Rice mills, or saw any I quantity of Lumber to bills at very short notice or tiny order in the above line will he thankfully re ceived by Wni Bird at Camp Jackson, or by the seiibsciber. DAVID A. BTUOBHAU. nov 7 1x217 Proposal», W ILL be received by Hie Street and Lane committee, until Wednesday the 1 lilt Dec. ticxt for replacing all posts and rails in the Seve ral squares in this city, and have the same painted with Iw'ucoatsof while lead—also lo enclose and level CLippawa square. GARDNER TUFTS, 1. DAVENPORT, MUSES SIT EFT ALL. nov 29 235 ______ Library Society. A T » meeting ol the society on Monday even- ■ inil, August 5, “ Unsolved, that all arreara ges due the Society, which may remain due at the annual meeting in February next, be imme diately thereafter put in suit and collected with the least possible delay ; and that this resolution be published in the papers once a month until that time.’’ Extract from the minutes, L. MASON, Scc’ry. . a "g I* $174 IPt months after date hereof application will he made to the Honourable the Justi ces of the Inferior Court of Chatham County for yeuve to sell all that tract of (and bituate in Chat inm County containing fifty acres more or less, hounded on the north by Landu of the estate of To the Public. T CARNOCHAN arid F. Mitchel, arc sorry to . be again brought before the pttbli" by a se- cm,d notice of Mr. Christies, who has •.ndouht- ly claims against them, which when finally liqui dated on the decision of the suit now pending, they will try to satisfy as soon as possible there- The deeds under which Mr. Christie claims an xclusive right to all the real and personal estate of Carnochan fif Mitchel, are considered as mfor id, unTot and illegal. Hence they have teen bronchi and are still before the Court, and other lends have been executed and conn*- Superior Court—Chatham County jA.vLAiir Tku.m, 1822, The President ami Vice' Picsident of the Union 9o- cit-ty and the 1st and 2nd Directresses of the Female /-Rule Nisi Asylum of Savannah I Edward Honrqit'm. J U PON the petition of the President and Vice President ofthe Union Society and the First ,oul Second Directresses of the Female Asylum of Savannah, pruning the foreclosure ot the Equi ty of Redcmp’ion of all that Bridge, situate on Ogeechec River, on die road leading Irom Darien to Savannah, and about fourteen miles from the ci v of Savannah, and known by the name ol hills Bridge, together with one hundred acres of land originally granted and reserved for the use ot the Ferry across which the aforesaid Bridge has been erected, and which said land is hounded north- .. ardly by land belonging to Mr. Mongin and Mr- McAllister, eastward!)' and southwardly by land be longing to Mr. McAllister and weatwardly by the river Ogeechee, which said bridge and lands were mortgaged by Edward Bourquin to the said peti tioners by deed, hearing date on the 17tli day o! \pril; 1819, to secure the payment of a certain w riling obligatory of even date with the same mort gage, made and entered into by the. same Edward B uirquin to and with the said petitioners in the final sum of eight thousand dollars, conditioned the t'ate of the tide and stiengfh of the current— tlmy are then placed immediately in a co nmodi- ous Post Chaise, and taken (by rapid doves, in the hands of sober, experienced Coachmen, ami able and gentle Horses, the way being lighted with a large tamp or lanthern on the lop ot the carriage) through to Hamburg and Augusta, so . as to arrive at those places by, from 9 to 10 o clock Superior Court—Chatham County, the following morningi changing * ’ »« iuoo I wav ut tin HVtTiiifc distance of 14* rnileis anil su* Max T mu., 1822. | ( .„ e h ,,f wav house) and breakfasting one change of Cavalry short of An* ^Returning—A Coach w'll leave Augusta and arrive ut Savannah, attlie same hours as those specified going up: Dining and supping on the road, and breakfasting on board Hie steam boat, which remains all night at PurEi burg, to receive the passengers ut 7 o’clock the next inoriui.g. The Stage office in Augusta, for the Carolina route is fixed at the Planters Hotel, and at tile Post office, in Hamburg. That of the Georgia route remains at the Globe lavern. By the operation of the Steam boat Carolina, Passengers will betaken to and from Charleston, .anding and embarking at Punsburg. the cmi- uactor for earning the northern mnl, pledging himself; to run daily and constantly, comfortable H |„ ur wheel vehicles between Purysburgh and court of Effingham County, for leave to sell the J (Uiarleston, competent to carry sir- passengers real estate belonging to the estate ot Temple j collve iuently. The Stage Office.for the s irrie, is Tullos, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. I llo w established at the City HolcUn Savannah, and heretofore, at U»« Post office In Charleston. Margaret Rusk, T vi. > Divorcf. William Rusk, j THE Sheriff of the county of Chatham having . made his return in the above case, that the defendant is not to be found in the county of Chat ham aforesaid. On motion ot' M. Shefiall, Senior, plaintiffs attorney, it is ordered, that the defend- ant make his answer or d< tensive allegation in riting, personally, or by his attorney on and be fore the next term of this Court, and that this or der be published in one of the Gazettes ot thit, city, once a month until said term of corn t. Extract from the minutes, JOB T.. BOLLES, Clerk. atig 15 174 Ribbons and on the West by lauds ofC. F. tluuk Je »'g die real estate of Thomas G. Davis dec. to Jt 4 told tor the benefit of tiie heirs and creditors , t die dec. I (CHARLES GREGORY, Kx’r. of Thomas G. Davis .'dy > 156 1 S' c property fbr the use of all their creditors, Mr Christie included; without any trust or re servation be neficial toC. and M. or their families; and if this be not agreeable to that gentle,ran, it must nevertheless appear fair & equitable to tne nulffic and ad who have a sense ot justice. T’be Trustees under the late deeds are anxious o sell the Lands in Florida, alluded to in the .no- tice of Mr. C. and to apply the proceeds to the immediate payment of part of Ins demand Udepo S| , ., sufficiency llicreol to cover all his claim, sub- ectto the decision of the Oourt-but his opposv Hon to any reasonable sale, as one interested in his own ri'dit, whilst injuring all parlies concerned must be borne until a sale can be made under a/ order of Court. , June B , irT* Editors of papers who insert Mr. Christie s ,.Se will please insert the above tlntiiliis is wilhdr'awn, and forward their bill, to this office where they will be promptly paid by for the payment of the sum of two thousand dol lavs on or before the 17th day ol April in the year eighteen hundred and twenty, and the turiht-r suni of two thousand dollars on or before the 17th duv of April 1821, with the lawful interestlrom the date of the said bond, and that there is now due m the said bond and mortgage and unpaid the ,i„„ of two thousand dollars with lawfid interest from the 17th day of April 1819. U hereupon motion of Richard W. Habersham, Attorn.- for the petitioners, it is ordered that the princi pal interest and costs due on the said bond and mortgage be paid into court within twelve months from this date, or that otherwise the Equity of Redemption (unless cause shewn to the contrary ) or the said mortgaged premises be trom thence {unit foreclosed and that such tun her and otln: proceedings take place, as are pursuant to the ac of the general assembly in such eases made and r^t is further ordered that this title be pub fished in one or more of the public Gazettes o the cilv of Savannah, at least once a month fot twelve^montiis or served on the said Edward Bour- ,,uin at least six months previous to the time the said money is hereby ordered to be paid into tins court. „ . . Extract from Hie minutes. JOB T. BOLLES, lerk. 23 19 _____ N INE months after date application will be made to the Hon. the Justices of the inferior WM. SPIER, Adm’or, March 9 oy.58 INSTRUCTION ON T\\e YioYm and Y'\ute. HENRY, first Violin in die S .vann-.h The ,rj_ atre,intends to jhvefInstruction on the abnes nstruments. He will be found at the House ot Dr l.uuis tl Furth. nov 23 t’23I v>7NE months after date application w ill be made to the Inferior Court of Chatham Counl i)* sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sel- suiulry budding lots on the South Common near Savannah, one litird of a lot in Yamaeraw, and two lots in 4l!i district, Early county, being part ol lie real estate of Stephen Craft, deceased, tor the benefit of the heirs and creditors. ELI/. VUETH CRAFT Vdm’rx, jltlv 9 §1)158 The Darien Stages continue to here- tofore, between Savannah and that place, and the singe office for that line contif.ues at the City Ho tel SILAS MOLLIS, Proprietor ofthe Northern route, LAMB & DKWli'T, Proprietors of the Southe.n route. ,INO M’OMAC-K, Proprietor ofthe Western Ga. route to Vi. ' F; ELEA/,Ell EARI V, for sell, ai d DANIEL W. McrlENZlE, Proprietors of the new Western Cni’uli ct r. ; . dec 5 t.24" CITY. MOTE- .SV/EJ-VVV./// -v»lNE months after date application will b< Uj made to the Hon. Inferior - ourt of Oamdei Bounty for leave to sell all the rpal estate of Dr ,ulin Ross, dec laying in said county tor the ben «' f 0, '“ li bkltoK “core. Ailin'r of the estate of I no. /loss, no. administered.—-with the will annexed 82 anril 2 .Yoticc and the J.C.&P. M- The Paragon Toll Mil, - KING now in complete order will receive B S" iu,,, i* U..» lOtii of September next, erf eurli.r i McKay, on the east and south by lands ot Thomas A * ls fi^d, Turns on the Mill nnlicalidu lo Jacob Read or Willi-m Kilpatrick It Drakies, alter the 15th of August, eac.i turn will consist of 200 tierces of clean rice, provided he mill is kept turnishecl With july 39 tlG' jun JYotice. PiJMNE months after date, application will be made to the honorable Judges ot the liitcria Court ofUliathum county, for leave to sell all the Snropertv of Thomas II. Mullryne, minor, and b,i»Bfohte b«n* " f LlKVNE , Guar,Unit for T. ii. Mullryna may 15 5 — __ “ The Savannah Library j s ..pc firf the deltyery of Hooka oq ^ Wednesday and FuJay, from 4 to aO.U , - p. m* aug 5 • tv deceased, will present thfeir accounts legally :Utested; and those indebted will please to make *\RRAN BYRD returns hi ■ " TJlic in general and to bisfrienus ut ■ '■ for the patronage which they have lieretuto pmleil to him, as the es.abhsher ol said Hu After two years of servitude and mre.i.i i:' l3 zeal to make it the great Hotel .. lush f-s l-e-.uljar situation, ar.d its other advantages dtinamie.l it >liuuld be—he is induced to retire buok to U. u tes i„n, on account ofthe unwillingness which (ns iimiily manifests at leaving that place forth s. In doing so he carries ulongjwith him feelings ot j rat- imde to many individuals here, Who ha*, ex*, ne ed to him their countenance and suppor: I he takes much pleasure in recommending in * Ll, persons having demands against the es- bl ; c tfi e individual wimm ihe proprie.or has \ tate of John Davison, late of Chatham coun- se i ec ted for his successor . ■ Llt - ’**“ , “"' llu ais time in the Hotel closes with this day, and Mr John Milter’s commences in the morning ot to-morrow. . , . Orran Byrd will remain in Savannah long e- nougli to bring all his pecuniary tra; sac ions to a final and comnlete close—and he wihcs al pet- sons having o.'aims against him to exh.oit t ■ -ws at his Room in the UiU Hotel—also he ■ t >«* such as are indebted to him lu make immediate payment, John Miller, Late ofthe Plant, rs Hotel, Angus!*, inlorins the public that he has tak. u the above mentioned Cl- tv Hotel inSavaunah ; the peculiar vantages of which are more particularly set lourth in -he notice ofthe prop.’.'tors-ofall the stages going out ° f He SffiS »y that it is his intention to de- serve the cou.iniieil patronage ot the hoend and n . , , ,.„n-community winch rt oeived lm. preuc- with open arms among them, mitl’exteiUkd immediate payment to nov 26 f p 233 F. H. FRAY, Adm’r. Georgia—Chatham County To all whom it may concern— . X TIIRUEAS, a V. Smuts, applies lor letters V V of administration on the estate ol Mrs.. utie Mvcrs, late of Savannah widow deceawd as prut* 01 NmvUiese" are therefore to oUemul^ admonish Jl and singular ‘he kindred and creditors of th. k i .u-ceSied, to file their eb eettons (if any they Ce Tn my Office on or before the day o. Dewmber next; otherwise letters ol adnumslra- tiori will be granted to die applicant. Witness Hie Hon Thomas N. Morel one of lu lusliids of tbe said C.ourt, iffis 26tl. day of Nov v" I on" nov -o to itie Uity Hotel so much of tlwir lavour, Pec 5 J-2‘10 j dec 5