Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1818-1824, February 17, 1824, Image 2

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FREDERICK S. FELL c.rr» rniimn. SA'?A.WW.4iBt 5 TUliSDAY UVUNING, FE.nnuAnr if, 1324. rw Or Saturday 14th inst. the following gentlemen von elected Directors of the Jltaring and rite futumnea Company, In this city. George Schley, Joseph Cumminer. Nornvm Wallace, Jor.ob Willcox, Robert Scott) William Davies, F II. Welmfn, Ami vesterlny Gkouse Sen let, Esq. was t-C elect <M t’resklent. The Hon, .Tames t.t.oin of Boston, now a Sens, fir in Congress, his been nominated ss a suitable person to fill the office of Governor of Massuc'iu *~u*. 4 ■ Accounts fr«tn St. Louis of, the 13’lt nit. state that Gen. ATRissnff, nn hearing of the murders fc.imnilt*ed by the Indians on the Arkansas, dis . fiatch»tl an officer, to Col! Aunu nf.n, command. .1 ig the troops at Fort Smith, on that river, with Stpecial in.tntclions on the subject. It is also stated that a letter has been received f o n Col Leavenworth, at Council Hlulf, gi-ing rn account of an att -ck on a parly of hunters near fie Mun.Jsn villages,^by the Maudlins or Auricka- rces three of whom were kilh-d The Auri’cka- Fees n>e building two towns on each side of the Missouri, near Cannon Ball river. Fro rnintmx* has betn convicted in New Ha r jn of aiding and assisting In removing a body l.-am the place of interment in a luighboring town, tti the Medical Co.lage, A splendid b ill in aid of the Greek fund was given in Baltimore on the 5th inst. The rooms were splendidly ami appropriately decorated,ami the company very numerous. Among the stran. gers present was M : Gal..ati v.Gen. Dkvkiieue, M’the Colombian Hrnubpc, and Mr. Morat, sou of the In'c- King of Naples. Previous fo the commencement orthe dancesphe i iterebting ceremony took place, of crowning the bust of Buzz trios, in which the venerable Mr GzanoLL, ofCarroiton, one of the three suivivin.L- sutners of the Declaration of Independence, and u Greek lloy, of 10 years of age, uretied iu the Grecian costume, assisted. run Tits iirunAK nsrvBst 'AW. . TO THF. CITIZENS OF SCU1VBN COUNTY T'kluiw CtT.ZKsa, I had hoped Hut after having so long enjoyed your confidence in the various publlfc offices to which your independent suffrages had called ms, that in my declining years 1 should be cheered with tile sole reward my heart has ever craved— the approbation of my constituents, and the com vciousnesz of having deserved it. It has been of ten remarked that a successful candidate fur puli* lie favor pays a dear price for his elevation—" en ay, hatred and alt unchari’.abteness” are consider* ed the sure attendants upon his advancement, mocking lijs anticipation. and marring his efforts. But my lot had heretofore been mare fortunate— the kindness of my fellow citizens appeared so unanimous and unequivocal that even calumny did not taint me, and it lias been reserved for the moment when I was shout retiring from the'enrts “of public life, to accuse me of treachery the most Jjase towards those whose favors and confidence 'Lave for twenty years been lavi-hed upon me. There is something so mon trous in the accu sation—it conveys a character of turpitude to deep, that it would appear almost incredible that such a charge should be made without founda tion. Yet you, my fellow citizens, knbw that such a charge has been made against me, and it has become a duty which I owe equally to you as to myself to prove It is wholly groundless. The charge !* contained in the following letter from Mr. Swain a senator in the last legislature from Emanuel county to Col. Blackman, a citizen of d riven county. Copy of a letter font Stephen Swain, Senator from Emanuel, to Cot Blackman, of Scriven CotfiUy.^ Dear Sir—( with pleasure take this opportune ty to inform you that 1 am well and family the last 1 heard from them. I saw Mr. Yong who inform- . cd me that he bilieved that you and yours was all w ell, Sir 1 hope that this will find you and all yours in perfect health with ail your friends an.l r.righ bourn, Sir I have to regret the loss, of just such men that have served with from your bounty, for if ever .the service was needed It is now for party spirit seems so high that it almost settles every question we take almost local or general it makes a cry little odds Sir—I cant omit giving you some detail of the conduct of yw S.nator who appears to be a great advocate of Talbot ^ntil he voted but was discovered in his deception aAd after wards tried to clear himself of it but it was so plain that he gave R up but there is very little doubt with a great number of us but what he got well paid for bis vote by Eleazer Early drew one thousand dollars from the hank, while here I ' liardly think he wanted all that to bear his expen sea to Savannah but be it as it may. Sir I think perhaps you never saw is hard electioneering as was here for Governor we have some Floyd from theses coast and Eleasrsr Early from Savannah, Cummings and Wild from Augusta, Forsyth from the city of W'a6hington. Judge Harris, Ju.lge Shorter,Judge Longstreet and a letter from Judge Glaiton. all now to ’do what they could against Talbot and finally cast by four votes and it got by intrigue. Sir 1 cunt write as much as I want to talk, bo farewell this from your obedt. hble servt (Signed) STEPHEN SWAIN. To Col. Gvnza BtAcftMAir. It would be useless to make any comments Upon the accusation contained in this letter. It i3 brand and distinct- but I hope I may be ex cused for offeringafsiV remarks that have a collate, ral bearing upon the subject. The dated ' 3oihe considerable time after the election for Go vcfiuir had occurred, and when-the result of it was well know throughout every portion of the state This alone would seem to render a com rouiiication of that fact to vnp correspondent r al together unnecessary. But in rtdditioli to this; 1 state positively that Col. Blackman to whom this, li tter is addressed, -tannin Milledgeville ufter the (JoviTitor't election, anil prior to the date of the let- and he. then had an interview withJUr Swa'nlhevh-itcr. Now according to the usua’ course of'epistolary correspondence, is it to-be supposed that Mr. Swain would in that mode cnmmucat e intelligence to Col. B'arkman of which the latter was already apprised ? Would he re iterate to him by letter, what he had already ffude known to him verbally > Or—can it be suppose, cd that during Col. Blackman's sojourn in Mil ledgevllle, having a free intercourse with liis friend Mr. Swain, no communication of this mo mentous intelligence took place? Fully itself could not err in ila reply. \Vh*t are the conclusions then to be drawn from these circumstances? Is it not evident that this letter was written to accomplish a purpose?— Col. Blackman exhibited it at the last January election in Jacksonboro, to such little groupes as he could covertly collect around him—it was by accident t became apprised of its existence—and it was with the utmost difficulty 1 Could obtain from him a copy of it. To my enquiries respect ing the manner in which he received it, he perti naciously refined to give me any satisfaction—at (edging that he did not knew from whom—or hrw he received it. With this explanation I leave U to my felinw citizens to decide upon the motives which dictate ed ibis letter, and the objects expected to be ac omplished by U* circulation. 1 shall now pro ceed, (and blush with indignation at entering upon so humiliating a duty) to repel the infamous charge that has been preferred against me — Mr. EARLY BRIBED ME TO VOTE FORCOL. TROUP! I cannot write with temper upon so foul a sub ject and shall therefore briefl> prove by the fid- towing testimony of respectable and disinterest ed gentlemen that long before I went to Mdledge- ville, l had declared the manner in which I should ire governed in yielding my vote. The evidence is complete, and connected-commencing with my first assertions, in Savannah, and terminating with the redemption of my pledge there given NO I. Statement of JFm, P Beer*, Reg. Stivannah In October last, in conversation with Huger Mc Kinney, F.j.q. Senator elect of Scriven County u> legislature of Georgia, I alluded to the anxie ty which his friends seemed to manifest ns to hit intentions in regard to the gubernatorial election From his observa ion tie appeared to be sensible nf the doubts existing in their minds as to the vote :<e should give, and in the m»s explicit term, dated to me, tli d lie had an objection to Colonel I’roup one of the candidates, * Inch he, Col. 1'. could alone remove Me at the same time gaie no to understand that previous to the elect in in explanation from Col. Troup i-t gird to this objection, would have weight in his mind to du reel him in his vote. I think it was previous to this private eonvrr. sation, 1 heard him express himseli in similar terms at the City Hotel, in presence of Mr. Ft and others. Signed, WM.P. BEER' Savannah, Jan. 22,1824. S<> II Statement of Samuel M. Bond, F.sq. Savannah, Jan. 22, 1824, Some time previon-to the mef-t ng •. t 1 .- l.e gidature in 1823, (I believe nbout the mid-lie of October last,) Mr. Roger McKinney, at my house said (in relation to the apnroachi -g election of Go vernor) that he liked Go!, Troup, and also Mv. Talbot very well, and on being pressed both by myself and my brother N P. Rond, to declare himself in favor of one or the other candidate, Mi. McKinney suid that he had but one objection to Col Troup, and if Cul, Troup could explain it to his satisfaction or relieve himself of the charge which he (McK.) would bring against him, that he (McK.) would certainly vote for him. If Troup coul I not explain it to his satisfaction, or acquit himself entirely of the charge, tint he would as certainly vote for Talbot: upon which Mr. N. P. Bond refered him person-fly to Col. Troup for satisfaction, or explanation—stating that if Troup could not or would not satisfy Mr. McKinney, or explain to his satisfaction or the subject, we could not desire to have his vote. 1 never have heard what this matter was upon which Mr. McKinney wanted explanation. Signed, S'. « BOND The conversations alluded to in the foregoing, I know to be correct, and that they took place in the house of my brother 8. M Bond, at Savan. nah. s Signed, NATHL. P. BOND. January 22, 1824. NO III. Statement of F S Fell, E*q. a Representative from Chatham County, to the LegtiLture ef 1823. Some time in October 1823, previous to the meeting of the general asse • bly of the S uite of Georgia, I met Koger McKinney, Esq. a Sena, tor elect of the county of Scriven, he being on a visit to Savannah. In a conversation with Mr. McKinney on the apprachmg Gubernatorial con test between Col. Troup and Capt. Talbot, he stated that he liked both of the candidates very well and believed that either of them would make an excellent governor, but to Col. Troup he had one objection, and observed that if it could be cleared up or explained to bis satisfaction that be would vote for tl at gentleman—he also observed that none but Col. T. could satisfy him. What the objection was 1 knew not. Mr. McK. and myself then parted. On my arrival inMilledgeville, two or three days previous to the election for governor, I understood that Mr. McK. bad re ceived an explanation relative to the objection he had advanced against Co). TP, that be was per fectly satisfied with it, and that be declared be would vote for Cot. Troup, and f heard him as sert that he had done a > a few hours after the election for governor was over. Signed, FREDERICK S. FELL. Savannah, Jan. 24,1824. NO IV. Statement of Robert W Pooler, Etq a Repre tentative from Chatham • the legislature o/4823. J l he letter it addreued to a friend of Ro ger McKinney. SavsBRiR, Jan. 30, 1824. Dear Sir—In compliance with your request, I cheerfully impart to you all the information nf which I am in the possession respecting, the con- !uct of Mr. Roger McKinney, the Senator in the last Legislature, from the county of Scriven. 4 few days previous to tey departure fYuin Snvan nah for Millcdgcvillc, l was informed by a frleu'u that Mr.McKinney hail «aid to him when on a Visit to Savannah, that If Col. Troup would explain to h m a circumstance, which had made an unfavora. b!,e imprcssion.on his mind that he would vote for him for the governor of \he state. On my arri val at Milledgeville 1 suggested to the friends of Cul. Troup, and particularly to my colleague Mr. Law, that 1 thought it probable that Mr. McKin ney would vote for Col Troqp.and stated to them my reason for to believing. They differed with me and 1 was dclermed to ascertain whether Mr. McKinney had ever expressed himself so,and if so whether hs was then of the same mind. I met Mr. McKinney, I think a day or two previous to the gubernatorial election, and nude the enquiry, when he informed me that he hud sat d to, that he was itiU of the tame min I—that he intended to af ford Cot Troup, an opportunity of explaining, untf that if he did to to Mi tatitfaelion, he would certain ly vote Jhr him. This statement isgirento the beat of my re collection, and if it contributes to the refutation of the calumnies which have been lavished upon M .McKinney, I shall be highly gratified,as 1 firm ly believe that in giving his vote to Col. Troup, he acted the part of a conscientious and upright man. Respectfully, kc. ROBERT W. TOOLER. J NO V. Statement of Jno McPhcrtnn Berrien, Etq. Sena tor from Chatham County to the Legiilutui e oj '1813. 1 m ike the following statement of facta which C ime within my knowledge at Milledgeville at the request of Mr. McKinney. While the election of the Governor was yet un- determined, it wss communicated to me hat Mr. McKinney hud expressed liis conviction that the qualifications of Col. Troup for that office were greater than those ol Capt Talbot, and that he would be disposed to vote for Col Troup, if his conduct on a former occasion could be satisfacto- rily explained to him, but that without such ex planation, he would vote for Capt. Talbot. Along with this communication, was a statement ot the particulars in Col. Troup’s conduct which Mr. Me- Kinney considered objectionable. I had known Col Troup intimately from early life, and believed him to be inc'tpnble ol the con- duct which was impute t t » him—I determined therefore to afford him an opportunity of correct, ing this misrepresentation. I met Mr. McKinney to ' enquired from him if he had made the decls* ration which had been communicated to me. He • eplied that he had made the declaration since he r.iune to Milledgeville, and also when he was in Savannah. He added that it expressed his real sentiments—that he believed Col. Troup better q-talifitd, and was disposed to vote for him, if this objection were removed by a satisfactory explana tion i but unless this was dune he would vote against him. I then assured him of my entire con viction that Col Troop had been misrepresents, to him, and announced to him my determination *o communicate the atatement to Col. Troup, that he might have an opportunity of correcting thi- misrepresentation He again expressed his will i guess to receive explanation, but did not solicit it. I was afterwards present at an interview be tween Go!. Troup and Mr McKinney, during ‘which Col. I roup gave.the explanation required and Mr. McKinney acknowledged himself satisfiec with it. After this I heard that Mr. McKinney had publicly expressed bis determin tion to vote for Col. Troup- 1 do not pretend to give the words usee., but I have stated the substance of the con versation, and the facts are detailed with accura cy according to the best of my recollection. JNO. MACFHERSON BERRIEN. Savannah 5th February, 1824. It may probably be expected that I should ac count in some manner for the probable causes which urged this systematic attack upon my re putation. 1 confess my: elf at a loss to discover (item. My conscience acquits me of having done intentional injury to any man. There has indeed f«r some years existed a political hostility be. tween Col. Blackman and myself. Mortified am bition sometimes resorts to the most desperate measures to revenge its disappointed hopes.— Such a spirit may have actuated Col. Blackman, but upon this point the simple narrative of tacts that 1 have given affords the best commentary. 1 remain repectfully. Your fellow citizen, ROGER McKINNEY. cial Vocu nexit. NAVAL PEACE ESTABLISHMENT MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT. TotheJIouuofRepmentativetofthe U- State*. Incompliance with a resolution of the House of Representatives, of the 15th ol December last, requesting the President of the United States “to communicate, apian for a Peace Establishment of the Navy of the United States," I herewith transmit • report from the Secretary of the navy which contains the plan required. In presenting this plan to the considers tion of Congress, I avail myself ofthe occa sion to make some remarks on it, which the importance of the subject requires,.and It is to the execution ff tflSe'work* K fkvnttiviphrp inettfiOQ *' l„n,l .1 i * '^Oth to which vie have uelroiG'ur>rr • . i i h wu8 a thorough con luiou’ these truths, derived from the utWnu. °' of the late war, that the year 1816, during the term or JJ lightened and virt'uous predecessor. whom the war had been declared/ cuted, and terminated,.digested, and m provision for the defence^ X cZ? and support of its rights in peace as well 1 in war, by acts, which authorized B nd joined the augmentation of our Naw V prescribed Ijmit, and the construction suitable fortifications thro- ghout the wLi extent of our maritim ever else they might utter, and where denied r ‘ CHARLESTON, Jan. 14. The Columbia Canal is now finished, and several boats were passing through it on the 9th inst. iri presence of th& Superin tendant of Public Works, and a large con course ol the citizens of Columbia and its vicinity, who assembled on the occasion. The Jamaica Royal Gazette of the loth ult. contains a report of the trials ol several of the pirates (T jn number) who had. been arraigned before the Court of Admiralty Sessions, Kingston. Six of the prisoners were found guilty (three of which, however, were Yecommended to mercy)and sentence of death pronounced upon them~the re maining one having.been acquitted. At a numerous Meetingofthe Merchants and Traders of Philadelphia, held in that City on ti.e 4lb inst. a series of resolutions was agreed to in opposition to the Tariff now before Congress. ' Ward Meetings for the appointment ol Delegates, were held in the City of Phila delphia, on the 4th inst. Ten ol the/our. teen Wards, are stated to have elected Delegates favorable to Gen. jAOKBONas the next President ofthe United Slates. ■■ ■ ■■■ Burning in effigy.—The Democratic Press states, that “handbills were posted up in Southwark, inviting a-meeting ofthe ci tizens of that district, at the Commission ers’ Hall, to consider of the propriety of hanging and burning in effigy, William fry, the Publisher, and Robert Walsh, jr. the Editor of the National Gazette, at such time anff place as may be agreed on.” As long as they only burn the effigy of printers they will not grumble much-— There never is a meeting of the tag rags, without denouncing me; and when I happen, by accident-, to be present, I vote against the resolution, and they vote me down, and thus ends the affair pleasantly—-I go on writing, and they goon denouncing. If they burn Walsh ogee or twice, in effigy, they *U! fhfijte him a minister plenipo fiat. /!4x)a, experience justifies. If a system of universal and permanent peace could be established, or if, in wur, the belligerent parties would respect the l ights of neutral powers, we should have no occasion for a navy or an army. The ex pense and dangers of such establishments might be avoided. The history of all ages proves tlvat this cannot be presumed; on the contrary, that at least one half of every cen tury, in ancient as well as modern times, has been consumed in wars, and often oi the most general and desolating characteiv Nor is tiere any cause to infer, if We ex amine the condition of the nations with which we have the most intercourse and strongest political relations, that we shall, in future, be exempt from that calamity, within any period, to which a rational Cal culation may be extended. And, as to.the rights of neutral powers, it is sufficient to appeal to oup own experience ' to demons trate how little regard will be paid to them, whenever they come in conflict with the interests of the powers at wur, while we rely on the justice of our cause and on ar gument alone. The amount ot the proper ty of our fellow-citizens, which wat seized and confiscated, or destroyed, by the belli gerent parties, in the wars of the French revolution, and of those which followed, be fore we became a party to the war, is al most incalculable. The whole movement of our govern ment from the establishment of out inde pendence, has beet; guided by a sacred re gard for peace. Situated as we are, in the new hemisphere; distant from Europe, anti unconnected with its affairs; blessed with the happiest government on earth, and hav ing no objects ol ambition to gratify; the U States huve steadily c. Rivaled the iclati. ns of amity with every power. And if, in any European wars, a reftpect for our rights might be 1 relied on, it was undoubtedly u those to which I have adverted. The con flict being vital, the force being nearh equally balanced, and the result unrertait- each party had the strongest motives of in terest to cultivate our good will, lest w might be thrown into the opposite scab Powerful as this consideration usually is, i was nevertheless utterly disregarded, in a; most every stage of, and by every party-1. those wars. To these encroachments and injuries, our regard for peace was finally forced to yield. In the war to which we at length beepm a party, our whole coast, trom St. Croix t the Mississippi, was cither invaded or m n tced with invasion; and in many part- with a strong imposing- force, both laud and naval. In those parts where the populalin was most dense, the pressure was comp , ratively light; but there was scarcely at harbor or city, on any of our great tiile-.s which could be c/insidcred secure. Nt-v Y'-rk and Philadelphia were eminently cx posed, the then existing works not bcinf> sufficient for their protection. The aam- remark is applicable in a certain extent, i the cities eastward of the former; and as i the condition of the whole country south ward of the lattet, the events which marked the war are too recent to require detail.— Our armies and navy signaiixed themselves in every quarter where they had occasion to meet their gallant loe, and the militia voluntarily flew to their aid, with a patriot ism, and fought with a bravery, which ex alted the reputation of their Government and country, and which did them the high est honor. In whatever direction the ene my chose to move with their squadrons and to land their troops,our fortifications, where any existed, presented but little obstacle to them. They passed those works without difficulty. Their squadrons, in lact, annoy ed our w?iole coast, not of the sea only, but every bay and great river throughout its whole extent. In entering thoseinlets and sailing up them with a small force, the ef fect was disastrous, since it never failed to draw out the whole population on each side, and to keep it in the .field while the squadron remained there. The expense attending this species of defence, with the exposure of the inhabitants, find - the waste of property, may feadily .be conceived. The occurrences which preceded the war, and those which attended it, were alike replete with useful, instruction as to our future policy. Those which mark the first epoch, demonstrate clearly, that’ in the wars of other powers, we can rely .only on force ior the protection of our neutral right. Those ofthe second demonstrate, with equal certainty, that, in any war;in which we may be engaged hereafter, with a strong naval power, the expense, waste, and other calamities, attending It, considering the vast extent of our maritime frontier, cannot fail, unless it be defended by adequate fortifica tions and a suitable naval force, to corres pond with those Which were experienced in the late war. Two great objects are therefore to be regarded in the establishment of an ade quate naval force: the first, to prevent war, so far as it may be practicable; the second to diminish its calamities, when it may be inevitable. Hence, the subject of defence becomes intimately connected, in all its parts, in war and in peace, for the land and at sea. No'government will be disposed, in its wars with other powers, to violate our rights, if it knows wo have the means, are prepared, and resolved to defend them. The motive, will also be diminished, if it knows that our defences by jand are so well planned and executed, that ah. invasion o! our coast cannot be productive of tbe evils land and naval, and under a thorough cm viction that, by hastening their completion I should render the best service to my coun try, and give the most effectual support t» our tree republican system of government that my humble faculties would admit of that I have devoted so much of my f ln Ii and.labor to this great system of national policy, since I came into this office, and shall continue to do it, until my retirement from it, at (he end of your next session. The Navy is the a. m from which on I government will always derive most aid It. supphrt ol our neutral rights. Every p.„ er engaged in war, will know the strength of our naval force, the number or our shin I of each class, their condition, and He | promptitude with which we may bring them into service, and will pay due consideration to that argument. Justice will always hare great weight in the cabinets or Europe, b« in long and destructive wars, exigencies I often occur which press so vitally on them that, snlcss t re argument of force is brought to its aid, it will he disregarded. Our bnd forces will always petTorm their duty in the event of war, but they must perform it on the land. Our navy is the arm which muit be principally relied on for the annoyance of the commerce ofthe enemy, and lor the protection of our own; and also, by co ope. ration with the land forces, for the defence of the country. Capable of moving in in; and every direction, i*. possesses the faculty, even when remote from our coast, ol «. tending its aid to every interest on which the security and welfare of our Union de pend. Annoying the commerce of the en emy, and menacing, in tutn, its const, pro. vided the force on each side is nearly e-1 qually balanced, will draw its squadrons I from our own; and, in case of invasion by i powerful adversary, by a land and Haul force, which'is always: to be anticipated,and I ought to he provided agaihst,ournavym«;,l by like co-operation with our land forcevl render essential aid in protecting our inte-l tor from incursion and depredation. I The great'object, in the event of war, itl to ship the enemy at the coast If this hi * me, our cities, and whole interior, will bel secure For tho accomplishment ol this! object, our fortifications must tie piinciptl-l ly relied on by placing strong works near! the mouths of our great inlets, in such po-r sittons as to command the entrances into I them, as-may’-be d.>ne in many instances,! it will be difficult, if not impossible, forshipJ to puss them, especially if other precautions,I and particularly that of steam batteries, atel resorted to, in their aid. In the wars bc-l tween other powers, into which we may bel drawn, in support of our neutral rights, if cannot be doubted that this defence woulfl l>c adequate to the purpose intended by it; nor can it be doubted, that the Knotvlei'giJ that such works existed,- would lorm i strong motive, with any power, not to it-l vadc our rights, and thereby contribute n-l sentially to prevent war. There are, it »| admitted, some entrances into our interior! which are of such vast extent, that it wuulfff he utterly impossible for any Works, ho*-| ever extensive, or well posted, to comma* them. Of this class, the Chesapeake Ibf! which js an arm of t ie sea, nray be gi'<s| as an example. But, in my |udgrrfl*i *| ven this Bay may be defended against «fl power with whom We may be involved ml war as a third party, in the defence of neutral rights. By erecting strong works| at’ the mouth of James River, on both sii.8 near the Capes, as we are now doing, a™ at Old Point Comfort and the Rip wPj and connecting those Works together »r drains, whenever the enemy’s lorce app« r j ed, placing in the rear some large slMf and steam batteries, the passage .up 1 river would be rendered jo/practicm™ This guard would also^end to protect whole country bordering on Hie bay. rivers emptying into it; as the hazavd w be too great Sir the epemy, however stro' his naval force, to ascend the bay, ano ,ea such a naval force behind; since, in the j ven. of a storm, whereby his vessels ml 8 he separated, or of a calm, the shjp s , a su ;m batteries, behind the works, jW'81 rush forth and destroy them. R cou be in the event of an invasion by a power, or a combination of several p°' v and by land as well as by naval f orc ® s ’ th' se works could; be carried; a 1 ’ 11 ' 1 then, they could not fail to i-eiar l the ment of the enemy into the countty, to give time for the collection of ou gular troops, militia and volunteers, point, and thereby contribute ® s,e J 1 his ultimatrdefeat-and-expulsion Ito territory. ’ p { ,ci Under a str ong impression, that a i Establishment of our Navy » with the possible event of war, ana J Naval force intended lor either SjF' ^ ever small it may be, is connecte ^ general system of public defence,- thought it proper, in communicat ^ report, to gubtqit these remat whole eobjetfr'- jaMES moNBOE Washington Jan, 30, 1824. A VERY IMPORTANT TR U|11 (Edinburgh\RevicwJ ., All commerce is founded on ® j& r „ Treciprocityi and that couti y . iy prosper most, and have ^joa 11 of her greatness beat . iee . ure ,*. u :j, it” ersal.ipeychant,. and *«/* ' world onX r c s V ect k- )/“* r °- cipleb. g ,t: in