Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1818-1824, February 17, 1824, Image 3

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>'ir townsman* Cu^uyiil SruAot’Ejia tlie ■M competitor for Prize, Offered u t « Managers of the Boston 1 heatre tor ; e best Peom in honor oi Shukspeare to 'pronounced at the approaching dramatic ubilee. This is the third literary prize vhich Mr. S. has attained. • ^ Boston Patriot* 2d mat. W^aMcr.—Yesterday was the coldest we ia ve had this winter. The glasB at sunrise, „ situations of ordinary exposure, exhibited he mercury at zero, or a few degrees be- " During the whole day the cold was ntense, though the wind was South of (Vest.— Fresh Butler Crackers. , ’ '•* Lan ling from S .ip Augusta, ■g Bbla Ircih Butter Crackers, XU 15 half bbls do do OAT HAND, 50 hampers English Potatoes 40 casks Cheese iO bbls Newark Cider For sale by CttANE h NEWCOMB. fob 17 m38 sjmiep wilfwa* ,-ORT OP SAVANNAH. “ ARBtVED, Ohin Ulvufii. Handock, of Baltimore, Hotter- ^9 days and 38 from the Lisurd, left the/or ^ 27th Decv On the 19th Jan. in a heavy gale ir ied away the rudder, and was obliged to steer „:ih tackle ever since—experienced connant «es from W. and 8. W. during the passage Sided from Hottendam in co with ship Phillia, ,of and for Baltimore—Left ship North pcSIlvf . IIaImiia fliaMlinerrinni • New Fashions M US LAWItENCE & Mrs. SEA BURY, rts peetfiilly informs the Ladies of Savannah, that Mrs. Lawrence has just returned from New. York, with Dresa Patterns of the NEWEST FASHIONS. They return their thunks for the, liberal patronage tlwy have received and solicit | CORSAIR, a continuance of it. GARONNE, frb *7 rS8 | (jilFFQRD WAYNE, FIRST LINE ESTABLISHED LINE NE W- YORK PAC ICE TS. T 1HE subscribers have established a regulates AVANN AH, Line-of Rackets between Savannah, and New York to sail punctually from each port, on the frst, eleventh and twenty first, of every month, commencing at Savannah, on the twenty first, day of January, 1824. THE LINE WILL CONSIST OP THE ,H1M MASTS HS, D. L. PoRTKB, T. Stbvkns. Isaac Wuitb, * - OF NEW-YORK PACKETS. SHIPS, One other vessel to be provided in season—all 1st rate, fiast sailing ships, coppered 8t copper fas- New Spring Goods, B Y the ship Emily and other late arrivals from I tened, with elegant accommodations for passes Liverpool, the subscribers have received a I Rers, and experienced and obliging commanders, great variety of The Coarsair will sail on the twenty first inst. Pn-mt. Showington from Batavia, discharging; [Said, South worth, of Salem, do, brig WYlliam 8 Bliss, Davh, of Richmond, ship Jason, Car- Ivan, of Baltimore, just arrived and not begun to unload Passed at Helv^t Sluys, Canton Packet nf Boston, from Batavia, bourn* up to Rotterdam. • Moon St Marys, Nye, St Marys, 5 days, Cotton, L 0 P Dc VdleiVJ M'Nish, J L K Ii Ollendorff Son, and Capt Sole. 10 ’ ciBAnr.n, Ship Malabar, Orne, Por- au Prince, v Douglass Sc. Sorrel. Schr Mxgnollo, Hannifin’ West, In ties, Wm. Gasilin. Schr Utility, Eldridge, W. Indies, Mster. Came up from Quarantine, this forenoon [ ship Niagara, Rowland, and E. L. ahip Au 1 ousts, Van Dyke, before reported—Consignees jjf ,he Augusta, Hall «c Hoyt owners, A 8t E Wood, G Newhall, P Hill, JohustoHills U co I B Wick. Cantelou 8c Lamar,H L Milling,G Yokes, A H Fannin liico Cohen & Miller, W T Williams, J B Guieu.H Cleland, Maurel & Lathebeaudiere, I Norton, J B Vallee, H Cassidy, A Parsons, 8 C Dunning, J W Morrall, Crane 8c Newcomb, J P Gerard, W I.ippltt, J Rea, and J R Giflord. Pas- senger Mr N Nesbet. The steam boat Commerce, passed this place yesterday on her way to Hamburg, from Charles ton. * [Pun sioor St Mabts J PORT OP ST MARYS —Feb 8, sailed, schr. Catherine, Harthornc, for Barbndoea. In Port, Feb 10, Br brig Mary Ann, Russel, for Jamaica, ready for aeai brigs Laurel, Mason, and Henry, Winslow* andsehr Falcon, Morrel.for do luadirg, schr Jane* Hedly, for New Providence, loading; and two schrs loading for the West In dies. SEASONABLE DRY GOODS, Which makes their assortment more general and extensive than usual, and will be sold by the pack age, piece or dozen at a reduced advance, and on a credit of Twelve Months for approved paper, or will be exchanged for Steam Boat or Insur ance Stock, or stuck in either of the Banka in the state. ANDREW LOW & CO, ALSO—In Store, twenty I For freight or passages apply to C. C. GRISWOLD. E. WILLIAMS. jan 9 7 For Baltimore. Tht- schooner CELIA, Fuller Master, will sail with despatch. For freight or passage, having good accommodations, apply f£j" Cotton Bagging, Crates of Crockery, Casks to the master on board at Jones’ upper wharf or to HALL Ei HOYT of Glassware, l ea 1 liina, London Porter, t*c. Ac. 1 feb 13 35 OSNA 7f VRGHS. By the thip Emily just arrived from Liverpool. James Awdevsou &, Go. H .’.VE receive.1 their usual supply of best I Sirelilx Osnaburghs, together with a choice selection of SEASONABLE ARTICLES; which] ■ t(iey offer for sale on accommodating terms, feb 16 1.37 feb 11 33 NOTRE. MASTERS, W Bkehk, LOUISA MATILDA, ,D. \V..nn, AUGUSTA, I) Van Dick, WM. WALLACE, T. Wcod, EMPEROR, J. H. Bbnbbtt, The ubove are all first rate vessels, with expe rienced commanders, and will continue to sail in regular succession throughout the season, leav ing Savannah for New York on Tuesday and New- York for Savannah on Saturday in each week.— For freight or passage, apply to the Captains on board at Jones’s upper whmf, or to HALL Ei HOYT. jan 27 21 For Liverpool, \ The regular trading ship, GEORGIA, Ya.num, Master, Is now leading at A. Low 81 co’s. wharf, (formerly McCready’s) and will meet with dispatch. For freight, apply to A. LOW Ei CO. feb 3 i.26 For Liverpool, •The ((!!<( Kitiing coppered ship LADY GALLATIN, — —, Mailer, Has commenced loading—will be dt p .tched without delay. For freight of 2U0 bales cotton nr passage, having good accommodations, apply to HALL k HOYT. feb 9 31 &S$3hK«t S&SMfcSU By J. B. Herbert ^ Co. ■Will be sold TO-MORROW filth inxt at l.i o’clock, in Congress Street opposite Shade build ing*. 35 Dozen Fancy and Windsor Chairs. feb 17 34 Termi Cash. TO-MORROW,thelSthinst at 11 o’clock, Before.<>ur store, a general assortment of GROCERIES, &c. Terms 20 Shares Planters Bank Stock, 2 do Steam Boat do Terms Cash. On TUESDAY, 24th inst. at 11 o’clock, Will be sold on Hunter’s upper wharf, for account of all concerned, Two Anchors, One Cable, One Mainsail* Snv'd from the wreck of Schr. Kitty of Charles ton. Terms Cash, feb 17 38 Grand Lod%e of Georgia. . O N Monday the first day of March next, agrees bly to the Constitution, a Grand Annual’Con- tnunication of the Grand Lodge of Georgia, tor the election of officers will be held, of which th- officers and members are desire to take notice By order of the Most Worshipful Grand Haste . WM. P. BEERS. Grand Secsetary feb 7 30 Factorage and Commission Bu siness. T HE subscribe continues the Factorage and Commission Business,and tenders bis services to In'friends and the public, , His Ware houses are Fire Proof, large and con venient, F6r Safe 150 Tierces new Rice J. P. WILLIAMSON. oct 21 197 Auctioneers. rpAKE NOTICE—You are hereby required to A make returns of sales of Merchamfize, sold at auction, from the Is, May to the 1st Jan. last— on or before the 25th inst. JOHN I. ROBERTS, 11. feb 14 36 New England Rum. ft A BBLS New England Rum, just received Via and for sale, by , ' CALVIN BAKER, feb 11 *33 YveaVi Ytvncvj and Staple Goods, . Just nrcrmn at F. BILLET $ CO. From the Auctions at New York. T HE Ste.'it, Bum company at., continue to <n*e f eight for Vugusta, until turther notice, at one fourth less than their present established rates. JOHN DAVIDSON, Agent. feb 9 m31 IC7* The pole boats Olive Branch, F'o* Liverpool, , The sufr tior copper fastened ship GENERAL LINGAN, Crabtree, Musier, Has commenced loading—will ha ■ e immediate dispatch. For freight of 150 kales cot ton, apply to HALL a ilOYT. feb 7 30 O NE cose superior plain tdk Nankeen Crapes I :tnd Wilder, will now lake freight to Augusta at f tlo ^ do figured Mandareen Crape Dres. t s | one halt the customary rates—and will always 1 trunk fashionable Fukboh Calicoes and MoiLtva 1 do English Calicoes 5 yds for g 1 Superior btk Bombazeens 1 case Prunella for childrens clothing 1 do Vigonia Cassimrres Mrs Cantello’s Corsetts irom No 2 to Briilsntine Silk Bhwals Watch Rinsoxs Inserting and scolloped Trimmings Long teeth side Combs Sprig’d Swiss Muslin, Linen Cambric Hdkfs | A few boxes No 9 16 rich figured Ribbons 1 case blk Silk Hand! fa ALSO, 8 bales Strcllitz Oznaburgs, entitled to de 1 beiiture 4 trunks -iriped and checked Muslins 4 4 and 6 4 Colton Cambricks Mi l.eghorn Gipseys, very cheap Ladies Sirav Uonneig and Gipsies Band Hnxe> in ne- s or dozen feb 6 29 ,ke for less than the rate exacted by tlie Georgia Steam Boat Company. Apply to G. B. LAMAR. feb 2 25 Corn Grits, Corn Flour, and Cracked Com. f IT HE subscriber has on lintd, and intends keep JL ing at his store, in Gildon’s building, Market q 1 arc, a constant supply of Corn Grits, and Corn Flour, manufactured from the best Southern Flint corn; and Crack’d Corn for horses. ALSO, An assortment of choice LiqVORS and GROCERIES, Winch he will sell at the most r.-ouct-d prices, for cash—add solicits the patronage of his friends ind tlie public SAML. PHILBHICK. jan 26 cm 20 Tobacco. HHDS. T for -do bv I’ONf K k M'KFNZIE. feb'13 »)35 For Sale, ‘A Bbls Boston m s.c ifref, superior quality 50 ps 1st and 2d quality Russia Duck 70 Jo thick and thin Ravens do 12 tons assorted Swedes and Russia Iron For sale by SAMUEL WRIGHT, Hunters Buildings. feb 10 32 Beef and Pork. K. A Barrels Pn ne fleet 0*1 f 50 do A Card. . FEW Ladies can be genteelly accommodat * cd with board, in a central and pleasant part of the City. Young Ladie* «r Children will also >e received 'a- hoardera, and evety facility grant ed to forward th views of Parents, or Guardians. Apply to the Edito feb 5 , 28 Chatham Academy. T HE present .juaitei terminates >n Saturday next, 'l.t-oi tinst, »nd the ensoi: g one com m.Mices on the Is February Tickets of admit I si on must be obtained for all the scholars, from the Treasurer, on or before Monday next. W. T. WILLIAMS, Treasurer, jan 28 . 22 specliun, prime Pork, New York city in- For sule by feb 16 37 HALL 81 HOYT. Sugars. OA HOGSHEADS New <'cleans Sugar, for OU sale by HALL U HOYT. ,b 16 37 Wants a Situation, A man that is will accuainted both with tlie culture of cotton and rice, as he lias been se I verai years in that business as an overseer, em ployment is his chief object and terms will be ve ■ y low. A line left at the post office directed to \. M. will meet with prompt attention, jan 9 7 Justices Court. T HE sub&c.ibtrsCu-tr wll m future be held at his House, in l’residi nt Street, between Habersham and Price Street—w-..ere lie at pre sent keeps his Office. His return day in this month, is on Saturday next. > . ; S. MORDECAI, j. r. • •fcVl3 l 34 V\\bev\uan Society. . Meeting of the Member, is r quested at the i City Hotel on TUESDAY EVENING, tin* 17th inst. at 7 o’clock P M to make arrange mints for their approaching anniversary. ALFXANDER HUNTER, Sec’rv. feb 16 37 Castor Oil and Sweet Oil. 5()(J Bottl|s^hes CJ Talbots superior Cas- 200 bottles American Cold Expressed do do do second quality do do do West India do do for plantation use *9 doz do Sweet Oil ih Boxes o obe doz reed and for sale by ** F. I. LAY, Druggist,' Crockery Ware. J B HERBERT 81 CO. having received ti e • ageifcy of an extensive POTTERY in Liver- pool, will fill orders for Crockery of any descript, ion on advantageous terms, feb 13 34 Ten Dollars, W ILL be given for the apprehension of Tom (alias) Cane, who absconded from the subscriber about ten days ago, he is well known in tlie city, and has been in the employ of Mr Cristie amt others, cleaning the market for three of four years past. WM. H. GREENE. feb 16 m 37 feb 12 i34 Shad’s bull ling. Administrator’s Notice. T^BBSONS indebted to the gstute of Martha W JL Bndger deceased, are requested to make im meuiate payment, and those having demands against said estate, will present them properly at tested within the time limited by law. WM. WILLIAMS. -, „ Administrator. feb 5 28 P Administrator’s Notice. LRSONS indeb ed to the estate of Mary Hal! a m C * Me “’ are requested to make immediate ent »,® nd those having demands against said the time limited by-law? P, ° Perly Wkh '‘" WM. WILLIAMS. Administr§tor. feb 5 ; 28 m Brought to Jail 1 U „ Sav ? nna h» 011 the 19t!i jjwt. a negro man who I in 18 "““e is Luke, and that he belongs to hm. l"’ 1 ! 81, Simons’ Island, and that he f Wh »L ab K Ut7 oo eek9 a 8 61 He '8 5 feet 1 inch liMri’ an ^ years of age and has a scald Si 23 \ 7 •• I. I)‘l.YON. j c c. T h notile. B Co-partnership of William and Judd O sent * EB »,V’his day dissoveii by mutual con ’sine** „u orcler t0 » speedy settlement of the bu- ' ttaken* Persons indebted are culled upon to re payment to John O. Baker WILLIAM .BAKER, JOHN O BAKER. Jah 21 v Jf cebor 9WK|b «#■ JM> 1,1824, NOTICE. The Subscribers, H AVE still on band a few Half Pipes and Qr. Casks of their fii st importation of Madeira M absence^rom'thiacitv ^ ^ **“^**' absence from this City. I till.- U««nr1 id w«ll Vnmun in fiuvnnnnh and thp 1 16 m37 TIMOTHY EVANS. At Private Sale. •< Family of Negroes* (30 in number,) among t which, there are seventeen frst rate Field Hands. For terms apply to J. B. HERBERT Ei CO. Should the Above negroes not be sold before the 1st March next, they then will be sold at pub- lie auction at the Court House, jan 23 17 “ NOTICE. — I VERSONS having demands against the estate of Eugene McConoloag, will bring their ac counts forward, attested, and those indebted to the estate will make immediate payment. ELLEN M'CONOLOAG. feb 12 . l34 The brand is well known in Savannah and the quality will not be found inferior to any of the former shipments of that house. Their last im portation pr Napoleon is equally good, and those who may wish to purchase can have a selection from either parcel—They* will be happy to receive orders for any wines the product of Madeira, and will guarantee that the quality shall be approv ed of. SCOTT SI BALFOUR. Jan 31 cn24 lEKSONS having demands against tl* estate JT of James Anderson, lute ol Augusta deceased, are requested to present their claims properlv at tested; and those indebted to make immediate payment to JOHN BALFOUR. Administrator. feb 7 NOTICE. P ERSONS indebted to the estate of James Lambright, late of Liberty county, deceased, requested to make immediate payment; and those having demands against said estate, will present them legally attested within the time pre scribed by Law to JOS. LAW, Sen’r. qualified cx’r. jan.2,2 SL Srou Brought to Jail, i*FN Savannah, ojl the 19th instant, a negro man 11 who says his name is Solomon, and that he be longs to Mr.Matbews of St Simons Island,and thut he ranaway about 7 weeks ago, he is 5 feet 4 inches high, and about 30 years of age, and is pit ted with 'lie small pox 00 his face; I. D’LYON,rcc. 4,. jan 23 IB Law Office. T HE subscribers having entered into partner ship in the practice of the Law, will attend to any business entrusted to them. M MYERS, S. COHEN. jan 26 20 For Sale. A VALUABLE Rice Plantation on Savannah Rtvar, about 7 miles from the City—having one hundred and forty five acres rioe land, drain ed and tinder good Banks, and as good a pitch ot tide as any On the river. v Four hundred and ninety two acres high and good provision land, with Dwelling Hous, Barns,framed Negro Houses with b'rick chimneys, with a gang of eighty two negroes on tlie same, accustomed to the Culture of Rice. T erms made known by applying to JNO..-P. WILLIAMSON. ’03* The Charleston. Courier will please insert the above once a week for two months, and for ward their bill to this Office " frb 6 .29 - -,S A. B. HAYDEN, DENTIST, R ESPECTFULLY offers his.professionalaer< vices to the citizens of Savannah and its vi- cinity. He has taken rooms in the dwelling oc cupiedby Mrs Limbert, on Broughton^ street, first door east bf the residence of the late Duct. Kollock, where he will be happy to wait upon those who may honor him with their confidence. N. B Hayqetis approved dentrifice Sml tooth brushes of thafirsl quality may be had as nhov . feb 10 .. -m For Liverpool, The superior coppered and cop per fastened brig A M ERIC A, Wm Graves Master, now taking in her cargo, and will meet with tikpateb. For freight, apply to the captain 01 hoard, at Anderson’s wharf, or to PETERSEN, HAMMOND 81 CO Jones’ Buildings. feb U 33 For Liverpool, The coppered md copper fastened Ship WILLIAM. For freight of 30'J bales cotton, ap iy tu capt. Anthony Muifat, on buard, at Dun nine’s wharf, or to PETERSEN, HAMMOND 81 CO feb 11 33 Jones* Buildings For New York. [FIRST LINE ] 1 ne last sailing' ^wppefed packet ahip CLIFFORD WAYNE, White, M ister, W ill suil 011 the 21st inst. For freight or passage, having superior accommodations, apply to C. C. GRISWOLD, or E WILLIAMS. feb 12 34 By Calvin Baker. on THURSDAY, 19ih inst. at II o’tlock, In front of his auction Store, A general assortment of G li OC FJ R1E S, ALSO, A valuable assortment of British and American DRYGOODS. r.'. t6 34 ' JSUVYEfcfc &L AUUMVU I O.Y, H iVt. received l»> the ships Savannah 81 Au gusta, a fresh supply of CLOTHING, direct from their Ware House in few Y’otk, made under their inspection in the most fashionable style par ticular.y for this market, COR81**lltO oi CLOAKS of blue and brown Camblet and Tartan Plaid of various Patterns LADIES CLOaKS of Caroline and Circassian Plaid FROCK COATS of super blue, brown, Oxford mixt, olive and claret mixture DRESS CO ATS of super and extra super blue, Hiid black Cloth, common . do . do COATTEES of blue and mixt do do PANTALOONS of ribbed and stripe Cassimere, blue, black and colored cloth and cassimere* saitinetts, cords, 810. f STB of figured silk velvet, figured silk stripe and plain do.—super silk stripe Toilenett— Valentis do. blue and black cloth and cassi mere, bull' cassimere, white and alriped Mat* sallies, Swansdown, Etc. . ALSO, Linen and cotton Shin.t, striped and check do. Guernsey Frocks, Lambs Wool do. Drawers* Stockings, Gloves, Hdkfs, Cravat Stiffeners, W ebbs Patent Russia Beits and Suspended.. Together with almost every articlt in their line, which make their assortment as good as anv in this city, and will be sold us usual at New York Fiices, at their store corner of Whitaker and St; Julian streets,- opposite Youngs’ buildings, jan 26 |i.20—f t For New York [established line.] V. The fast sailing coppered packet Ship LOUISA MATILDA, I). Wood, Muster, Sait io Morrow, (Tuesday 17th mst ) For pusauge, having superior accomodtitions.^pply to feb 16 37 HALL 81 HOYT. For New-York, [established line ] The fast failing regular packet SkN • Ship AUGUSTA, Evans, Master, Succeeds tlie Louisa Matilda, in this line, and will sail on Tuesday, 21th inst. For freight or passage, having superior accomodations, apply to HALL 81 HOYT. feb 16 37 For Havana, The fine coppered brig CAROLINE, Jones, Master, Will positively suil on the 14th inst, weather permitting. Forfreightof 100 bar rels or passage, having excellent accommodations, apply to / NICHOLAS a NEFF. feb 10 32 feb 10 For Havana, The schooner MAGNOLIA, Hanifen, Master, For freight or passage apply to W M. GASTON. h32 For Havana. The schooner HOPE, Wm. Godsoe, master, For freight apply on board Tay lor’s wharfj or to S B.PARKMAN. Who offers for sale, landing from said Schooner 49 H lids'and 3 tierces superior Molasses 17 Bags Coffee, ALSO, On board said schooner, A quantity of Fruit. for which, apply io the Master, feb 10 m 33 The Subscribers ONTINUK tlie Commission Business in Li verpnol under the firm of ISAAC, LOW 8c v o. and will at all times make liberal advances on •roduce shipped to their address. Importations of Goods will be made and only commission charged, when the payment is tmis- lactorily secured. Having vessels regularly in the Liverpool trade, Hnd owning a convenient wharf with Fire proof Storea, they will receive ‘and forward cotinh in heir own vessels, or those to their address free of any commission. Their Stock of WINTER GOODS is now very xten-ive, and their Spring stipplies,which wifi be general, are now on the way. ANDREW LOW 81 CO. WHITE PLAINS $ BAGGING AT REDUCED PRICES. dec IS 240 For Sale, 4 large quantity of Mr. McAJ.PHINS BRICKS, ‘X (10,000.) will be kept on Wayne’swhaif^a a± sample, and for retail, 't he Brick will be jgtvutir' at any wliatf in town to sufr purchaser.. Apply to DAVID A. STROBHAR, jan 10 8 .*' Wheat and Indian Bread, C AN be obtained EVERY MORNING, at Mr Robinson’s Bakery, corner of Drayfo,, s , ree t ami Bay lane, feb 7 i30 Office of the Marine and Fire In* surance Company, Savasnau, 4th February, 1824,' A LL persons are hereby cautioned against re- deceiving or negociating S. J. Bryan & Broth ers’acceptance, of F. M. Stone’s Draft, in favor of S.J Bryan, payable in sixty days from 23d No- vember, 182o, for four hundred and fifty dollar*, as the said acceptance is the property of this com pany slid iias been either lost or improperly token Th. 28 , GE0 ' SCHLEV - l> ’““ i "''. Office qf lie Marine and h'ire In- surance Company, . - Sav.ucnah, 5th Feb. 1824. T HIS Office will insure cotton between Augus- ta atld SaVannah, in boats of the Steam Boat Company, at one quarter' of one per cent premi um, and merchandise at one quarter, to one half per cent, according to circumstances. On pole boats plying between said places, oncjialfper cent, and upwards will be charged, agreeably to thfe condition of the boat and the character of the patroon. _, _ _ CEO. SCHLEY, President. feb 5 ctr2S For Boston, The fine re; packet brig SEA ISLAND. Isaac Atwood, Master, ■Is ready to receive freight this day. S B PAUKMAN, Who offers for Sale, 50 bbls new Rum 6 pipes Holland Gin 200 bi xes Herring 2 pipes superior Cognac Brandy, [Sig- nette’s brandj 10 half pipes Pico Madeira Wine, of first quality 1 10 pipes French Sherry do feb 13 ‘ m 34 For Freight or Charter, . The substantial; brig VENUS*'; explain Kelly, *Vill be in readiness uo receive a cat go in two day's. For terma, apply 16 ^ 1ULL ‘ ' *f<n> 7 ' S* NOTICE. T HE co-partnership heretofore existing under the firm of Miller 5j* Fort, expires this day, by limitation. All persons hav ing demands, and those Who are indebted, will please apply to A G Miller, who is duly authorised to settle the concern. Arthur g miller. ELIAS FORT. The Subscriber, Carries on the Commis-ion and Factorage Duai f nest, on his own account, aqd makes a tender of his services to the friends of the late firm, who may expect liberal advances on all consignments. «. ARTHUR 0. MILLER. Savannah, J anu aryl^l824, feb 5. +V.A28 f ' City Ta# Returns. /V LL persons ar.e hereby required to^ make their returns of property liable to tax in the City on or before tbe first day of March next A double ,tax will be assess d (in all defaulters after that period in conformity with the ordinance ia such case made and provided. JNO. 1, ROBERTS, QitgTnehsiffxf. Aftc.3l S50