Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1818-1824, February 18, 1824, Image 1

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t No. 39. .Vol. XXil. MBiiMM WEDNESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 18, 1824. .... - - . . „ Whole No. 4362. las* lilt oCtSI houses, LANDS, &c. To Rent, The Store corner ot Drayton and Rav Street next door to Mr. TrucheluU’ a superior stand for a Grocery^o^ rflHE Wharf Lot No. 6, Reynold Ward, known JL as Anciaux** wharf. Possession given the first of November—Apply to F. M. STONE. ‘ not 14 194 Orleans Square. Rfl] For Sale, or to Rent. Two neat tenements, with com- Ifortable out buildings on Lot No. 21, 1 Scott, vyjLLIAM POPE, Sen. Emab, or May River. So. Ca. net 29 201 , "ATHENS HUTU I*. The subscriber takes this meth od to inform the public generally, and particularly persons from the lo « coun. _____ try, who may visit the up country in l'.-uk nr pleasure, that he will ac- ur, ^ 0 L h !enUemen P and ladies, or families with hf dav. week, or month, on easy terms. M b / n ^ be said in recommendation of A- P 0tlun *•.horin eirard to the healthfulnesa of the ’ T?S»I»« will b« «.« '««* of *1 TO H u s' « « month, 1 25 ,|. g | .m...p.rd 2 ,_ u •• “ month, Dinner, breaafast, supper, etc. Loilgingi , Borac, p 'r day, •r >• night, ii « month, . «hiki™n bar on«. E HAYKS ■ rt'lbe Eifllor. of 'be Aogurt* Chronicle ant' I Savannah Republican, are requested to give two ■insertions a month, until the 1st of July next, am I forward their accounts to Athens. Mi 1 00 S 00 16 0U si 75 50 12 00 For Rent, The House corner of Brough ton and West Broad streets, late in the occupancy of Thomaa U. P. Charlton, Esq. Apply to H. KIRBY. dec 17 1,242 - Executor’s Notice. A LL persona indebted to the estate of the late Dr. Robert Worrell, Jr. are requested to make immediate payment to Mr. liverson, or to PHILIP BRASGH, Qual.Sx’or. N. B. The accounts if not paid shortly will be placed in the handiof an Attorney for collection, jan 6 4 v Notice. £\ Very valuable tract of Land in Liberty coun- data ty, situate on the gunbury Road, two miles nd a half from Rice oroughj containing two lumtred and teif acre a This land is very valua- >le for cotton, rice and corn, and as well calcula- ed-for that culture as any land in the county i the conditions are low ami reasonable» there are between seventy and eighty acres cleared an under fence, there is also a good dwelling house, ud all necessary out buildings on the premises iiarantee titles will be given to the purchaser, to incumbrances tying on said land. Fur further particulars apply to capt. Jos. Jones in Liberty ounty, or to EDWARD B. BAKER, owner in McIntosh county. ug 16 For Sale, I 1 OT No 6, Ansons Ward, Oglethorpe Muar . l together with the out buildings, Saved from I the late fire. For terms whiph wtfi be accomrnc I dating Apply *o E. WILLIAMS jan 9 a Land and Negroes for Sale. ate in the upper country, and well calculated for a country 8tore—the soil well adapted to the cut- [ tivation of Corn and Cotton, is offered for sale on acc-mmodating terms. Bank Stock, or good paper, well secured, will betaken in payment. V »r further particulars, apply to the Editors of Jhe Georgia Journal, june 19 . 145 — 7 For Sale, V LL that valuable tract or parcel of land know n by the name of Nelville situated in South Carolina about two miles fhim Savannah' This tract is considered one of the best for a Rice plan tation in its neighborhood, and contains .Eight hundred and eighty-four acres. It adjoins Mr. Thomas Young Gen. Huger, and Mr. Nicholas Cruuvr. Persons who may wish to purchase will examine the premises, A good tittle will be given and the times of sale will be reasonable. Appli cation to be made to WM MALLORY Agent of Hamlin Mallory uov 16 225 Hie Public I S informed that the claim ol Hamlin Mallory to (lie tract of land In, South Carolina, called 1 Nelville, is now in a train for Judicial investiga. tion, until the termination of which, some; risk ! will be incurred by those who may purchase. 1 Wm.l. davis. dec 2 237 . Valuable Property for Sale. T HE subscriber oliors for sale his propert in Durien, McIntosh County—consisting of five Wharf Lots, situated in the most eligible qusrti ■ of the city for business of every description Also, Five Bay Lots immediately back of those before mentioned, and divided from them by - street of 40 feet. Also, one third part of ii Wharf Lot, in this city, (commonly called Rices Wbari) with improve menu, For particulars enquire of Tdonas M. Wool) Btinie, Esq’r. in Savannah, or the subscriber on Wilmington Island. CHARLES B. JONES. 1 nov 1 $218 , , BUCK WHEAT FLOUR, B N Quartet Barrels, just received and for sale , by JOHN B WICK. jan 2 2t, Administrator’s Notice. P ERSONS indebted to the estate of Robert Dreghorn, (late Merchant, Augusta) deceas ed> are requested to make immediate payment to me subscriber in Savannah, or to his attorney Mr GEORGE WUAGG, jun. in Augusta, or suits will be commenced indiscriminately, and those who nave claims upon said estate are requested to present them property attested; WM. TURNER, Admr. . The Augusta Chronicle, will publish the above once a week for three months and forward their account to this office. °ct 18 toMl96 tfl EORGIA—Chatham County. To all whon VA it may concern. Whereas, Aaron Champion, has applied to the Honorable the court ofordins ry of Chatham county for letters of administraiiot 0 JJtbe estate and effects of Ludwig Shultz, lat. i psl cred‘t m C0Unt ^’ P* snter » deceased, as princi These are therefore to cite and admonish ali ana singular the kindred and creditors of the sai 1 deceased, o file their objections (if any th* y Wto) to the grunting of the administration ot th* Je of the deceased to the applicant in the i sliT 8 ,°® ce °f foe said court, on or before the i«h day oi February next} otherwise letters ot administration will be granted Witness the Honorable J P Wdliumson, one of me Justices of the said court, the 15th day of annary, thousand eight hundred an twenty four. ;■ S.M. BOND, ooo lan 16 12 Administrator’s Notice. y persons indeb'et to the estate of William St Muyhew, dec. are required to make imme « ate payment, and tliose having demands agvins ‘f^tewill present them protfeHy attested W >foui the time limited by law C. H. HAYDEN, 7 . , . Pinup maybew, 5 Mm ort ' ? an . tj12 To Rent. I lHREE month, after date application wi'l be . made to the Bunk of the State nl Georgia for the renewal of a lost certificate issu'd by the ..tahier of arid hank, for two hundred shares of he capital stuck, in said Bank, standing in the tame ot the Guardians of Sarah H Gilbert WM. G GILBERT. SARAH IULLHOUSE. Guardians. ian 21 **01116 State and County Taxes for 1823. T HE subscriber informs the citizens of Uni ham county, that he is preptred to receive the Stste snd County Taxes for the year 182..'} which are to be paid in Bills receivable at tlu Banks in this city, or specie, on or before the 28ih ot February next} after that day, executions will be issued against all delimiters. Hit Office ia kept at the north west corner of Market square. Office hours from 10 to 2 o'clock JAMES EPPINGER, ncc. jan 26 20 lands and Negroes for Sale. ■■ i^UE Subscribers oiler for sale that well known >1 and valuable plantation, in Chatham County called BEVERLY, situated nine miles from Savun, itah on the Southern Road, containing 2172 acres old autveyt of this land a targe proportion is valuable Cotton Land, as any in the County. The inland swamp is one of the safest in the State, produced successive good crop*, as good as river amp, until 1815, when the high price of Cotton duced a change of culture—of this upwards of 200 ucrea are under banks, and with iiitle labour night be cultivated the ensuing season,- on the plantation, is a large comfortable dwelling house, overseer house, barn in good repair, and other I lings the whole of the cleared land is undet •d fence. With the plantation or separately will be sold about thirty prime Negroes R. U .1. HABERSHAM. nov 1 *204 Bngade Order, HEAD QUARTERS, 7 T Sivarmah, Jan. 18,1824. $ HE General of the 1st Brigade, 1st Division, Georgia Militia, will proceed to make the annual circuit of Inspection and Review of his command} and for that purpose the Colonels of the 1st, 2d, 3d and 35th Regiments, are ordered to have them under arnu at their usual places of pa rade at such times and in such manner as the In. spector of the Brigade may direct, to be trained and instructed, by him, in the discipline presen d by Congress. The Brigade Inspector is charged with the pro- mulgation of this order} and the strict perform' snee of the duties required of him by the laws of the State. By order of General Habssit, ISAAC T. STEWART, ADO INSPECTOR'S OFFICE, 7 Savarrah, Jan. 28, 1824. 5 In conformity with the above order, the Colo' nela of the RegimenU of the 1st Brigade, will mus ter their respective command^ a. the times, and in the manner following, vis t— On Thursday the fourth of March next, at 11 o'clock, the Review and Inspection, of the Cam den County BsttaJIdop. On Saturday, the sixthmf March next, at 11 o'clock, the Review and Inspection of Wayne County Battallion. On Monday, the eighth of March next, at 11 o’clock, the Review and Inspection of Glynn County Battallion. On Wednesday, the 10th of March next, at 11 'clock, the Review and Inspection of the McIn tosh County Battallion. On Friday, the 12th of March next, at 11 o'clock the Review and Inspection of the Liberty County tlattailion. On Saturday, the 13tb of March next, at 11 ’clock, the Review and Inspection of the Bryan County Battallion. On Tuesday, the 16th of March next, at 11 o'clk. the Review and Inspection of the Chatham Coun ty Battallion, belonging to the 35tU Regiment. On Thursday, the 18th of March next, at 11 Vclock, the Review and Inspection of the Effing' ham County Battallion. On Monday, 23d of March next, at 11 o’clock, convention of the field, Staff, Company, and ivuMsommissioncd Officers of the 1st Regiment, (City of Savannah) and on the following Tuesday 23d March next, at 11 o’clock, the review and in spection of the whole regiment. Both officers -nd privates, are ordered to be armed and accoutred according to law, and the Field Officers of the Brigade to attend the reviews within their respective commands,for the purpose ol superintending and enforcing the prescribed system of descipline. All Officers willbe provided with their commis sions, and those commanding companies, are or. tiered to have an exact return ready to be deli vered at the commencement of the inspection of each company. After the review and inspection, such further cxercisea and manoevres will be performed, may be rehuired by the Central. WM.C WAYNE, Brig. Insp. 1st Brig lat Div. Geo. Militia, feb 5 28 Notice. IVTINE month# after ibis date application will be 11 made to the Honorable Judges of the Inferin court of Chatham County for leave to sell two •its of land being the real estate of Thos. Thiess deed, one in the fifth district of Henry County N . 225, the other on the Augusta road 13 milt from Savannah, containing one hundred acre more or less adjoining lands of Judge Berrien Mr Hobbs, Hunt and other# to be sold for the beneh ot the heirs and creditors of said Thomas Thiess HANNAH THElSS.admx may 27 226 ',?!NE months alter date application will b made to the honorable the Justices of the Inferior Court of Chatham county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell all that tract of Land containing two hundred and fifty acres more or less, known us lot No 15 fifteen, in the second district of Early county, Georgia, being the real estate of Robert M. Durkie, dec. and to be sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditor* of the said deceased. AUGUSTUS F, DURKIE, Adm’or. of R. M. Durkie, dec. 27 3 #INE months after date I shall apply to tht l Honorable the Inferior Court of the County of Effingham, for leave to sell all the real estate belonging to Apolina Lineburger, dec. of which mII concerned wiil take notice. TIMOTHY GNANN dm* april .5 82■ Wanted, A SITUATION on a rice plantation. The best \ references will be given as to abilities, b7 1 he first planters in this city and neighbourhood. Fur particulars apjdg at this office. t2 NOTICE. W ILL be sold on the tenth day of February next'in Bulloch County at the late resi- .once of W illiam Cone, dec. all the perishable , ruperty uf said deceased.—Consisting of plants don tools, Household and Kitchen Furniture, one iloi8e and a stock of hogs and cittle. Sold for 1 be benefit of the heirs and creditors of said dec'd, AARON CONE, adm’r. dec 31 *253 NOTICE. r jlHB co-partnersnip existing between the sub J. scribei s under the firm of Jarkb Asdeusoh Co. wdl expiic by limitation on the first day of June ntxt t hose having ciairas against the firm urc requested to present (hem for settlement and ■ hose irnlebted will roske payment to James An- Person who wiil attend to the settlement ot the concern, andcontinue the business on his own so count. JAMES ANDERSON, ANDREW LOW V CO, jan'7 f5 NOTICE. . I.L persons having any demands against George Herb, dcce ised, are requested to hand them in duly attested, aint those indebted ti* his estate are non required *>> tnake payment ' FREDERICK HERB, MOSES CLELaND, fixecutora, jan SO jt23 EORGIA—Chatham County. To all whom vTit may conem Whereas Robert Habersham administrator of George W Allen, dec. applies to be discharged from said administration. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said de- ceased, to file their objections (if any they have) to the granting of the administration of the estate of the said deceased to the applicant in the clerk's Office of the said court, on or before 5th day ol June next, otherwise letters ditmissory will be granted. Witness the honorable J P. Williamson, one of the Justices of the said court, the 5th day of De cember, A. D. 1823. S. M. BOND, o.e.o dec 5 232 Whereas, W ILLIAM Dugger, has applied to the Honor able the Court of Ordinary, for the County of Effingham praying for an order to direct the rdministrator of David Kennedy dec. to make ti- ties to a certain, tract of Land, purchased by the said William Dugger, in the life time of David Kennedy he having produced a bond given by the «aid deceased binding himself and heirs to make titles—of which all concerned will take due ho rder of citydlteos Court, JOHN CHARLTON, c e o. may 46 277 The Subscriber I iAKES this opportunity of informing the re presentatives of the estate of John Beck, deceased, as well as all other persona claiming property in the county of Effingham and re- siding out of the state, who have not returned their property to the receiver of tax returns f-<>' he year 1823, to come forward and make thei eturn on or before the first day of April next— otherwise they will be double taxed. WM. SPEAR, atii ac dec 4 b§231 bheriff bales. On thejirtt 'iueoday in JiprH next. W ILL be sold, before the Court House Chatham County, between the u.-ual hours, the following Negroes, Isaac, 8ophia, Jim, George, Jesse, Tenar, Mary, Celia, Rose ami Monday, levied on as the proper, ty of David E Adams, to satisfy au execution is sued on the fort closure of a mortgage, in favor of mhos Scuddcr, assigned. I. D'LYON, a c c. feb 4 27 Sheriff’s Sale. On thejirtt Tuesday in March next, W ILL be sold at the Court House, in the county of Effingham, between the legal hours of sale. A negro man named Ralph, levied on as the property of William Stephens, of Green county, m satisfy an execution in favor of Russel Stcph ens, of Warren county Georgia, property pointed out and delivered by the plaintiff. S. NEU)LINGER,DSSC. jan 30 23 Sheriff’s sales On thejirtt Tuesday in March next, W ILL be sold at the Court House in Riceboro, Liberty County, between the usual hours of sale, Three negroes, Grace, Archey and Mary, levi. r-d on as the property 'of Simon A FraserJ to satis fy an execution issued on the foreclosure of s Mortgage, in favor of Robert Hendry Junr. vs Simon A Frasier, EDWARD WAY. a to, dec 30 253 Sheriff’s Sales, On the first Tuesday in March next, W ILL be sold at the Court House in RicebO' rough, Liberty county, between the hours of 10 and o o’clock, the following property, to wit: One negro named Affey, levied on as the pro' perty of Thomas S. Melt, to satisfy two execu tions in favor of Wm. H. Edwards, and turned O' ver to me by a Constable. Also, one tract of land containing three hun Ired and fifty acres, more or less, with a large dwelling house and other out buildings thereon, lying on the main road leads from Sunbury to Milledgeville, bounded by lands of John Dun- woody and others, levied on as the property uf Nathan Williamson to satisfy an execution in fa vor of Alex. M. M'lver. Also, one hundred acres of Pine Land more or less, levied on as the property of Wm. Futch to satisfy an execution in favor of Joseph Flowers and turned over to me by a Constable, EDWARD WAY, sic. jan 31 24 , Administrators Sale. On the 1st Tuesday in April next. W ILL be sold before the Court House in . an County between the usual hours of sale; A tract of land containing 68 acres more or less, with the improvements thereon known by the name of Lincoln, belonging to the estate of Mary Cubbedge deceased—Sold for the Benefit of tht heirs and creditors of said estate—conditions cash JOHN CUBBEDGE, Administrator. feb 7 30 . For Sale. A Plantation containing ninety three and three A. quarter acres of land, with a comfortable dwelling house in good repairs, in a pleasant and heajthy situation on the Wand ol St. Simons. There are on the premises 2 Cotton Houses, gin house—kitchen} carriage house. Stable and other out buildings—a garden and orchard of Orange# and other fruit treeesp about twenty five or thirty head of Cattle} asprmg of the pur- eat water, and situated upon a creek, which, af fords a bold landing and plenty offish For par ticulars, apply to B. wSgSt" janW *»il * on the premia' a FTER the expiration of nine months from '1, this date, application wilt be made to the jnorablc the Inferior Court of Bulloch county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for an order o sell the whole of the real estate of John Rawls, late o Bulloch county aforesaid, decased. MORGAN BROWN, ) ALLEN RAWLS, CiVr*. JAMES RAWLS, S april *«4 P ERSONS having demands againste the state of ate Matthew McAlister, Esq. are re- mmmmmmemmmsmmmmsmsmmmmmtmmmsmsmmem KT* MACON. «£< W ILL be »o|d in the Town of Macon forty half acre lots, to the highest bidder at pub lic auction—the sale to commence on Tuesday the ninth day of March next, (on tie premise}) n said town, and continue from day to day until that number of lots are (old according to law— The purchaser of iscta lot will be required on the day of sale, to, pay one fourth of the purchase money down in cash or in bills of the chartered banks of tbit slate, and give bond with good and sufficient security for the residue, payable in three equal annual instalments, and the commissioner* will make known ut< the first day of sale the pur. ticular lots to be sold, and from the elegant situs, tion of this town on the Ocmulgee river, which is well known, they deem it unnecessary to make any turtber racommendation. • WILLIAM HAMILTON, PLEASANT PHILLIPS. OLIVER H PRINCE, JAMES SMITH, . ABNER WIMBERLY, . d . Commissioner-. ian 2 % 'The Subscriber, r Takes, the liberty of informing his friends and the public, that he has tak. •* n that large and commodious house i Reynold square, opposite the Planter* rmerly called the Merchants' Hotel and would be happy to accommodate them With Boarding and Lodging, and horses from the country shall be sent tp one ot the best Stables injthe city for their accommo. datum. on ««. JOHN Y. WHITE. nov 22 221 LL persons having demands againn t! f ime of wm. G. Enoe, dec.are requested to } re sent them to the subscriber, and those imkbied to said estate, to make payment r o SAMUEL M BOND. crb. and administrator, unde.'« q,.cial or. der of the Court of Ordinary, pas* ed in May Term, 1823 CC7* And further* all persons are hereby forewarned not to pay to Mr. Seth G. Tlireadcraft, (late administrator,) any accounts due to said estate of W G Enoe, as the letter* of administration to said Threadcraf', have been re voked and granted to the subscriber, by order o£ the Court of Ordinary. quested esent them duly attested to the sub scriber, nd all indebted to make immediate pay. ment to M. H. M’ALISTER, KJ*. nov Georgia—C hatha at County. To ail whom it may concern— W HEREAS Elizabeth Kemshart, adminiatra! trix and John C. Helviston, admintrstor ol the estate of Daniel Retnshsrt, dec. have petition ml the court of ordinary of Chatham county to be discharged. Now these are therefore to cite and admonish ull and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to file their ob jections, (if any they have) in my office, on or before the 2lst day ot February next} otherwise letters dismissofy will be granted to the applicant Witness the honorable George L. Cope, one of the Justices of the said Court, the 21st day ot August, A.D. 1823. S. M. BOND, c. c, o aug 21 172 G EORGIA—Chatham County. To all whom it may concern Whereas Abel Fox, admin istrator of Joseph Fox has applied to the honora ble tbe court of Ordinaiy of Chatham County, to be discharged from said administration. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of thr. said deceased, to file their objections (if any they have) to the granting of the administration of tbe estate of the said deceased to the applicant ii the clerk’s office of the said court, on or efor j the 5th day of June next} otherwise letters dis- missory will be granted. Witness the honorable John P. Williamson, one of the J ustices of the said court, the 5 th day of December, A D. 1823. 8 M BOND, c e o. dec 5 232 G EORGIA—Chatham County. To all whom it may concern. Whereas, John Dillon, exe cutor of Michael Densler, applies to be discharged from the executorship of the said estate. Now these are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to file their objections (if any they have) on or before the 5th day of June next t otherwise letters dismissory will be granted to the applicant. Witness the Hon. J. P. Williamson, one df the Justices'of the said court, this 5th day of Dec. A D. one thousand eight hundred and twenty three L. S. S. M. BOND, c. c. dec 5 132 feb 6 SAMUEL M BOND, ccocc. and adm’r. tic. of W. G. Enoe, H29- , NOTICE. O GREEABLE to an order of the Court of M Ordinary of Liberty county, will be sold on the fint Tuesday in February next, in the usual hours i Five Negro Slaves, to wit, Peter, Judah and three children. For the benefit ot the heirs and creditors of Alexander Martini Esq, dec. Conditions c,sh. RICHARD F. BAKER, F.x’tr. dec 10 236 LL persons indebted to the estate .it Aicx- l der Martin, late of Liberty county, deema. td, are requested to make immediate payment to be subscriber#} and those o whom the said es- ate is indebted are required to exhibit the ir de mand* duly authenticated* to RICIfARD F. BAKF.R, 7 ... WILLIAM H. MARTIN, 5 , may 10 $112 G EORGIA—Chatham County. To all whom it may concern. Whereas, Henry Castellou anti France* Castellou, his wife Exor. and Exix. of William Collins, dec. apply to be discharged from their said executorship. Now, these are therefore to cite and admonish ali and singular the kindred and creditors of tbe -said deceased, to file their objections (if any they have) in my office, on or before the tenth day ot May next; other wise letters dismissory wiil be irrunted to the applicants. Witness the Hon. John Cumming, one of the ustices of the said court, this 10th day of Novem ber, A. D. 1823. S. M. BOND, c c o nov 10 211 Georgia- -Chatham County. To all whom it may concern— W HEREAS Mary Bruce, administratrix of the estate of Victor Dohet, deceased, has petitioned the court of ordinary of Chatham coun ty, to be discharged. Now these are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to file their objections, (if any they have) in my office, on or before the 21st day ot February next i otherwise letters dismissory will be granted to the applicant. Witness the honorable George L. Cope, one of the Justices of the said Court, the 21st day of August, A. D. 1823. S. M BOND, c. o aug 21 172 Superior Court—-Chatham County, Max Turn, 1823. William T. Williams, , vs. \-Rule Msi. , Thrmas R. Broom. J O N the petition of William T. Williams stat. ing that Thomas 11 Broqm, by his certain writing obliKatory, Bearing date on the sixth d»y of Jane 1822, acknowledged himself to beheld and firmly bound and obliged in him in the penal sum of eight hundred dollars, conditioned for the payment of the sum of four hundred dollars on or before the first day of June 1823, and that for tbe better securing to him the payment of the said sum of money, the said Thomas R. Broom by bis certain deed of mortgage bearing even date with the said bond; had mbrtgaged to .him ail that lot or parcefof land in Chatham coiinty and state aforesaid, known in tK^dan of the said county as Gartien lot number emity, (80) east, containing elevfen and one half acrea more or ■less, bounded on the north by the Thunderbolt road ahd lands of James Bilbo, on the south by lands of John Screven, and on the west by * road leading to lands of col. James Johnson and others—and further stating that there is now due and unpaid on the said, bond and mortgage the principal sum of four hundred dollars with in terest from the sixth day of June, eighteen hun. dred and twenty two, and praying the forcclo* sure of the .equity of redemption of (be said Thomas H. Broom, in and to the said mortgaged premises On taotion of Habershsm, attorney for the petitioner, it is ordered, that the princi. pal and interest due on tbe said mortgaged pre- mines, together with the costs of this application be paid into this court, within twelve month* from this date, or otherwise that the equity ot re* demption of the said Thomas R. Broom in the said mortgaged premises be from thenceforth foreclosed, and that such further and other pro ceedings thereon take place as may be in pursq. ance oi the statute' in such case made and pro- vided. And it ia further ordered, that this rule be published in one or more of the Gazettes of the city of Savannah, once a month for twelve months previous to the time appointed for the payment of tbe said money, or that a copy there, ot. be served upon the said Thomas R Broom at least six months before the expiration of the said time. Extract from the minutes, JOB T. BOLLES, clerk june 249 ^ WaAits a Situatio n, A S a Coachphan, good references can be given as to aoj« r *ety and honesty. A line- lett at the post office directed to A. M. will be attended Georgia—Bulloch County. B Y Ely Kennedy, clerk of the Court ot Ordj nary for the county of Bulloch. / Whereas Nancy Dukes applies to me foe lettfers of administration, with the will annexed,foe estate of J ohn Dukea deceased. These are therefore to cite and adi ip/ish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of/foe said deceased, to file their objections (ifthey have) in my office on or.; before the fir s * Monday in March next, ofoerwit&lettera will, “ e granted to the applicant. *. . . Given under my hand add. seal, thlM “lit day of February 1B24. ^ J L. S-. KLY »ENNF »*- ® « o. fob§ *.29 Ten Dollars Reward. ANA WAY from the subsri ib*r «>n tbe fifth . of November last a negro nan .med .Uc*, ’of a yellow complexion, about 4U jeara old and about 6 feet high, has a scar on his forehead just in ihe edge of his hair-, some of his foi e toetb'odt and a large scar on the. small of one leg, smirti eyes and a very sly look, he formerly belong ed to Col. ApUh, in Columbia county. Iie muy possibly make for Augusta. All persons are or warned against harboring or carrying off said fel lqw v *s foe law will be enforced against offenders, - The above reward and all reasonable expenses will be paid by his being lodged in any Jail 8"ttw I get him again, or delivered to me on- SkiHaway Island. JOSEPH WIGGINS. GO* The Augusta Constitutionalist will int,ert . the above once a week (wfour tveeks, and scud* then; bdl to this office, : m ■ • . \