Newspaper Page Text
6, Reynold Ward, know
iv...■««*..ssion given th
cr t 'he's tins tneth-
public generally, ami'•
jj [x-iMons from the lo-- conn
HjUy| who may visit Ihe up country in
tnf health or pleasure, that he "ill :,c
.rlwwfote gentlemen arid ladies, or families with
'iity dflxlay, week,-or month, on easy term*
iMikr nw) ho said H* recommendation t>l A ;
A• V'tiilref i" r’gardto the healthfulum of tin-
LVe'salnbritv of atmosphere, or •.turecabte un<l.
[L-sat i 1,1 M U|CR " particulars it
will he the rates of charging, via
Jf«n sad Horst, per (lay, B j 75
„ u « J‘ per week, ■'<•1 aO
rImU ,
The su
od'o «n£ <:
Single tnan, P? r dfo
W <1 « week.
it ‘ o- « month,
l Dinner, 1)rcskr»«, supper, 8cc.
v T"i&
» month,
1 2S
I 00
5 0&.
It) 00
• 3~4
i* 'so
12 00
30 ' 188 ' }*'■
lie Editors of the Augusta Chronicle and
s^nnah lfcb^can, are requested to give turn
’noiTtlom * month',-until the lat of Inly nest, and
their,accmn.Is *n • 1
’house to llent.
Tftt’.unftersVgnsd intending to re
I'.xei-uiive, fJej.urvheni, (s6ou :
V.1I LUIGIIVIM K;2l‘tNov 182
ItDliltKI), That the subjoined llcsdlntionU'
V i'i.lilivlii'd once v month, in each oftlV^W.
‘ ■teft m thifc State, until the ne*t i-enefal fete
IN SENATE, i2th Nov. 1823
H-r .
9 Oft
dent bj the United'States t
,%£ mCWnto rerotved by the Senate anil /Tons,
of liep*i!»cil&t('i)e* of the State' •/' Oro-:fia tn Gent,
rut ^wefK^fteet, That it shaft he the dull of the
Ur.gist rates w ho shall preside at the. several Dice
fonts hi be held in tlte different counties oflbit
Slate for the choice of menihers of the
•«re, at .the next' GCnetel Rleotion therein, ft
e«tnvt>nd etei-y vofor at tha- riffi* oi
receiving hit: vote, whether he desir.-s that th.
choice of said&lecloro shall,be confided to th(
people Or ivtuiited by the Legislature, and to rt
tiuest biicli voter to aighifv* Mich desire by en.
Horsing on his ticket, the wordJPeo/iteor I*gi*tu-
for.V according .to the truth of the faclf arid on
counting out toe ballots, t* annex to the re tun.
ut the -.aud election by them so transmitted to the
hxtsjilive Department, a true statement of tin*
voi^4 fo given, to the end that the same may bi
taul berth*the next Legislature by hit Cxcellen
cy the Oovernoi.
And be it further resolved, I’hat his Excellettcv
the Governor be, andhe is hereby requested t--
cause tins resolution to be published without do
lay, in the several Gazettes nthfo State, and ft
continue ill'- said publication once a month, linti
tbe pent General Election. ■_.*>*: -.
Head and agreed to unanimously, ,
’ THOMAS STOCKS, President.
In thi\Honte of Uepresentntives, 14th Nov. 1823.
Read and concurred in.
DAVID ADAVlS, Speaker. '
Approved, 18th Nov.. 1823.
Gi M. TROUP, Governor.
| S iv aim'$ Panacea. ■
r HAVE ki;k\ M .p'iiiitful tgent by Dr. Yl\
' J fiwnim jo sell bis so natch. ct-fobr-ited Medi
cine,;at' this place. A qu.niily has been rcceiv.
f .1 liy-t e-Georgia from-Philudelplii*, and wiil be
■ by thebv-x or bottle, at mv Drug Store, car.
m r ol Jetlerson and St. Julian Su veia, .
maroh 10 „ '67
AUHUS : r G. .OKW!Ai ;7,
At hi? ntnggist Stone, ht^r of Jefferson und St.
■•'.vv ' ' .- JuhdH Street, [ ■. f
•|..|A^ received .by almoner taiscl, 4 fresh
11 “ W! "‘i*iwc£
As also'by oilier late arrivals, a variety oflVtsli
articles which he abatsiim fhum mentioning, Its'
he sunpecta the public to mHessMtracity cnouiht
■OKUtSS/lHat CAI.OMKI, .lAl.Ai', If lit! I’AhV.
GU>1 KETI1), and all the other ilcl!cncier.iafoed
in tne imltX ol the chspensutory m.-v br'toiiAtd fto-
md found in Drug Stores-^fet a lew thinjA nm
6'be nn t with at ererv one. hi' oHeiA, . i/, :
Phosphorus, .Chlorste of potass, Pyroligrtcmw
anid,_,m*Clf Drop; lames fever I'owdei-s,' HmnN
Stlptu, Spirits 01 Soap, Tumigating t’vsiills,
Hedgft'Vood, evaporating didies. Glass lunniU,
Gfadiiiitcd Measures, Retorts and llcceiw. y, r t si
um.F,Gas Bottles,•I'hermometero, Hygrometer,
and Pluvimeterj • '
vhk from the 1st .tuTy next to tfte 1st November
b'ii'wioif,4nd'ld;r-one or two ynats thereafter.
ict'jpt ' . „ .... ' •
tr Salb.f 'f
iroperty, unincumbered, con-
iegroe8, together wit*
ril 30,
i.and ai
, sistihg of
. ing.oropj s-
JoO»rs, sim.
f for
wmtVv 6tVre4-the soil well adapted to the mi
utinp <.f Corn j»nd Cotton, is etfered for sale on
^iiMWHStih^teirdft, 2 ' V '%L it.
[llM^'A'teeV,, dr good paper, well accured, will
[7>rf!irthe P r n pnfticulars, apply to tlje Editors tt
NOTiUK-. „
AHE Co-partnerBi iip. of Wn.A*k anil JgttX, 0.
. Dakbu, is this day dissove'd by ,mutd*( cdli J;
>>'Ut. in order to a speedy flett)emeiit of the tin,
rijiess, ull persons;indfebted. are called upon-to
make payment to, John.0. Halter.
, JOHN Q ftAKKlt,
Riceborough. Gf Ian 1,1894,,'
Ian W-f* : t W* ' V V '- } 'i 'TIT,K
• 145
Ktijjet ior Coin t—('hiitlann County
I Jo! till' .
x>s . \fyileJV\ti.
S’ad'Rc lliikcc J , ....
|i N the pc it ion of Jno. Ketnn stating that Nv-
l titan lliikur tlid on,the of M:.y eiyl.
s. m w two thousand dull*';-,
John Retn.’, or order, on bt
of Wav, 1824, with interest yf
raumim, by his indenture, usi
( date the day and yt*ar fir. t
16, the said'Jdlni Reran* si.
wy or half part of 3I1 tlmt Ini ->♦
, and being in the city of Savuu
id distinguished in the plan
jdrone (1) lyrcoonell tything
by ward,.togeiier with the appurtenance?,
Jl further stating that the said promissory note
ins wholly t|i)J#]* and the. said mortgage in
orce, and praying the foreclosure of the said
\ INK. months after-date# application will be
mafly to theltom thcTnletior'Coiirt ot Bry-
iii Coo vty, fci'teaye to,9h|l ad the reuJ Estate of
Sarah tnivui!i< vAMe tf Gryaii county dec. for
•hentfii of the hen* and 'feredUnt-f of vawl estate.
' ’■’?.. -J '''■ JTwWWU'i 1 i.'- 1 *., adiii’or.
•ar' 0 ~ Co 77_;y t _ y; -j,
Ti i ; L ounfy.
' *'t;.v ah. wImw.iI may Concern, •'
W HMii'V'iS Lou’w Ki 'KtiVlh physician lias ap
plieU'to the Hon. the court of oytlinary of
tid com,tv*’for,' letlers of .uhti.tmii'ration 011 the
estate sod elfects of Notphlit-HowaixL Into ot
arhington County, jn the state' aforesaid wag
iner dec .is principal crcdtti,r. .
.,1,1V, are IMtftKfA to cite and odmoni- l,
H «iwt-rmgii'ar ttic kimtred c.rclitsrs • f JJtea,
-aid dec. Ill tile >hsir nl'n i.-u 1.' .11;. they f,uv )
in my otficebn qr^fure Ate 2.1th day of Jutm
Aext, othenwise latter*.ofwdrumistratlori yrifl; bt
granted to the applicant. , ir, :
Witness tbc honorable Edward Harden one of
the .lustitea of the said Court, the 25th duy <n
May, A.U 1824. , '
SAML M* BOND, c c o.
nray 25 ' - 1 .' ' '' t .
fl toree,
Jorigsge. ! . • j —- i ,.
I On motioft of W. W. Gordon, attorney forth
Itutiorter, it is ordered tliut the said Nathan lln
"’do pay into lifts court, wilfiin twelve months
Itis date, the .principal and interest due on th
[siit note ami the epets of the said application, t'.r
I:i U limit .ihentoi; that the equity of redemption
p* the sHid N .than Baker of mul to the said njui 1
.^bl premises, be'thcnceforth and forever fore-
Eloscd* },
Aud it ia further ordered, that a cdpy of tins
ult be served otvthe said Niihiji fukefr«cast
tx months before, the time appointed fort he pay-
tunt of said money into court, or published to
(tie of the public Gazettes of this state, at least
W in every month, until the time appointed tor
he puyme nt thereof, and that such further an
jthtr. proceeding* be lisd as are prescribed by the
JtMute in sued esse made and provided,, '
I Extract from th« miinties tliia 24th May, 182'
A. B. FANNIN* Clerk.
imsy.27 2i "
'.Notice. ' b'V,: ?V
Very valiiabb tract of Land in Liberty court*
JA ty.niaieofthe gufibury Khad, two miles
Ihd u half ft-orrt 1 Rice orougrt ; containing two
hundred and tennere aTbis land, ia 1 very valua
pie for .coHan/rife and eqfp, and aa well calcltln.
Jed foo that cult re Am -sjny ' land in th^^punty 1
■be conditions c plow ami reasonable s there are
T^ween sevent -and eighty acres cleared am,
liniler fenec r .lh« e is also a good dwelling house,
M ultnecpr* ; r; out buildings on the premises
pusrantee'uUes ivill be given to the purchaser,
no incumbrance lyitig on said land. For further
ptictilursappl; wc»f$ 'Jot. Jo.neS in Lfotarty
Hd|Tr< owner in Mclnloah county
ang;i6 ' ' .
pWptiwu, , ,
priy atjestediyfitl leiivc them at this bur of ’ Oil,
pu Shclmanji Mansion House. Savanntdt, Thos,
po are indexed to tftp eatuite, tyiU be ftulleyi wr
htHenur iiftent dsyafot' settlement.
1 (jualtfied Executor.
jmwflihHfc* May 24,, 1834,
U'ay 28 '; . foAl26
Df^ia—Liberty County
laker, clerk ot the Couri
county of Liberty.
f T*Wm WilUwn-^Law, Esq. uppliea^o be, d»a
pisHet from his adlMfi«ti1t.tjpn on the estate P*
®^« r tpr, late of said county, dec.
[Ttyfte are therefore to cite and W
otahisconceinecl tolilc- their ohieqtioV>« (if®)*)
Tyluivej in, within tjt|fciine prescrib
17 f |a?y; or otherwise the stud applicant wjttbt
?! !'»Sed £i.'om his said administralion.
• hen udder my'band and seal, ibty dd, day
4 . A.D. A82*. ' - -I ' y.CC-f'C 0,1'
. E,/BAJKBap,
j5u 110 . _ ;■ r-, . ■/.- -
J ST Teceiyed per.iho itiu Louisa Mutildp; fp^
Ictiy liiugaliou by " . "
i-HANClS l.XA.y,
j , o 4 Diuggisb Sitfid ,s • ^ri " dlu 8 ^, •
Genuine Patent Family
Stich ast - V
f EES Billious Pilis
i-i Colt's do do
Ande'son’s do do
" Hooper’s Female Pills
; James Anti Dy s peptic Pills
I hOinpsons Eye Waters
. { Relfs tlotantcsl Drops ' •
! Do Asthmatic-Pills
Rssemial jJil of Spruce
llslsqm tlonM' '■] K ’ ’T,
Tooth Ache Drops ‘ Tt; , v, '•».
Jesuij’*! do do
:<PwKminlwii»‘ •
jAndcr.,011* tl^l dojivf jF \ c
American db db '\d'.
V Byfm <lf Quito * i " - * ,
Chqrchc’s Essence nf Mustard , . ,*/.
Uowsotj’s fcoli Ointment
; Whestop's dij
Brsitdins' Rheumatic do
Squirts’ Grand Elixir ’
Beidlit* Powders . fJ, - .
Soda 'do : >r .. .
OWo of Roses, &c. he.
Can be constantly obtained at the-Store of .
- FHANCI3 b,LA.T,;
f, • v?',, ! CliymUjiihd Druggist,
Corner of COngrAii MdW/iitul:er Sherte,
may 26 . ‘ a 12^; Sh. ls HniUHnye
Jit private-sale.
■>, NEGRO fl'.y ainiut .22.years of ex'
Gi celltnt bouse MotmUinU w iter-.^apply.tir
uperior Court
Lav.tuea Otm>y
v AiAHtn I riiji, l824i,',
. HyAllJam Beme 0 " it.
v3 - r-Cuie JYiji
N the petition of
John ChrisfoShor ^
lion of William it, r
Berne,, stitinKUiav
one John Christopher, of tliecounty of Qnrij-
len, being inchjbt ed to one Henry Stiller or order
i|t.a note of hand, ,dnf£d Bt Haryijin said county,
on the 9ih October 1822, in the sum of Five Hun
dred Dollars, piiyablij with intt rest from the date
on the first day of January then next.imuing, did
mortgage to the said Henry.bis heirs and assigns,
to secure the payment of the note aforesaid with
interest on the same—a certain lot of fond in the
town aforesaid being s part of lot Np 1, beginning
at the west corner of a let .belonging, to one Cat
in Hayes, thence running south 100 feet on St,
larys street, thence north to Brjahr^t. thence
east to C.' Hava’ hne, thence south to the begiriti.
mg, with the margin attached to the. same tin the
south side of SfMarys or Bay. b't being a hundred
feet on the Street tiffining from ijertcft directly'
to the river St Maiys, together with nil > anil sin-
gulnr.every thing th'eretb jip(iertdiniitg»-*th*t'the
amtTwhljy Siidler, to whoffi and to Aviios# heir*
and aligns the said mortgage was made on the
26tlt of Sept. 1823, duly assigned by deed, sain
mortgage to the petionerj that there is now due
on said mortgage the sum'of Five- Hundred' Dol
lars with Interest frpimthe 1st January 1822, ftnfl
praying for Hie foreclosure of the equity of re
demption, in the said John Christopher, his heirs,
and assigns in the mortgaged remises and that the
same be toreclifoed according to law.. On motion
,.1'Beiton A. Copp, atlornfey for’petioner, it is or
itered that the principal and interest due qn the
»uid mortgage together with the costs of. his ap
liAoniu nui/l. inin tliio />niint iihtKin tWAll’f
SEIPLITZ pi). H' f)EUy.
F, good effects of’,.-., pov.1 1 rs as a Modi
. cine, has heel) r'li:i ; vr. 1 ;i.,it .■loktiiiwifxlgfi
y nlTihOse Wliid have, bvl o cation to? use lliem.
In d|hM of Heartburn, Bile, NtiuVea' and ether
jUveaseVof the Stom.lch, Which are so very pn;
yalejit io Warm efimates—they c.m be used «t any
fime with much advantage. As they f.-Tmaple-
ant eirervescent draught, they may bb-said to fee
nitfgreeabte bevrrage free from us.te snd highly
impregnated with fixed air. a,id possessing all tl.r
Medicinal qualities or tlic inncfi'Ceteemed Seidlur.
Waters. •••■' «1§3^jq
'tin; aesadiyia .fart' apprflaphlng r when tin ,
powders will be in demand; and to get them pure
is very desirable.-- Many persons t.ave been dc
ceiled in their operation, by having purchased
;pern io* Drug .Stores, the,proprietors of which
'•aid but little Or no regard’.in selecting the best
kipd, consequently, their, henciicul qualities Were'
levir realized But this diiiicuhy mav notV be
•bvialed,—t he. subscriber has endeavored for the
i ,vo or three'last seasons to procure them Genuine
mil has been suceyisiul. 1 *\ h■"* •' -
These Powders areoeatlyj.pnt up in Tin Boxes,
ay which means iltefo Medicinal propertieswill
remain unimpaired by the influence of time and
climate. f ."•••* '• - . ;
A-frei'h supply of the above Genuine article*
tins just been received, which together with a
.very general assortment of Family Medicines will
be kept constantly oh hand. A
FRANCIS. 1. LAY, Chemist &f Vmmetj
Comer of Congress and Whitaker Streets!
Shad's Buildings.
aftsl 29 100 tix y-V i '
licants bu paid. m* 0 Aral court i/ithin t.welve^
months fVpm'this date, oiheriyise that the equity 1
ot redeniptibs of the said John Ghrfotbphey his
heirs Executors, Administrators and assigns be
Horn thence forever furcblosed aqd that such othei
procediugs lake place asare ptirsqaiit to the stat
ute—Anu U is further ordered that this rule j»i
published iu onejif the tl.iaetteil of, this slaty m
least pace'a month lor twelve months to tho timy
appointed; for the payment of said money into
Court. : "
' A true extract,ftom the minutes.
'V .•
^fti rt pfoptr^’w'Wiiifit)« Lllaie?, dec. ior *th‘
■ antil 7 .ff S8 ' \
'iN&faoikus niter date' spjilicatuirt w*h b.
r I'i'afode fa the honorable the Jultlees <;t th>
J. SiWvntt’s Vauacea. '
rpltlK subscriber having diacovered the com-
*- position of SWAIM’S celebrated Panaqes,
It now » supply on hand for sale; he has rb
diiQ’d the prise from £3 SO to g2 SO, or by the
dozen #24,
All chaWlable institutions in the V. Gtaies and
the poor will be supplied gratis.
If (he citjzens of the principal cities and towns,
will appoint an agent to order and distribute this
tnt ilicine to the poor, it Will be supplied
This medicine is celebrated for the cure of the
following diseases, “scrofulaqr king’s evil, nicer
.tedcr putrid sore threat. Icing Standing, rlteit
matte allections, c.'iaiii‘rinr t , diseases, wnile swel
ling, and diseSed ofthc boner,-arid nil cases gen
dly of the ulcerous character, and chronic dis
vitrcs, generally arising in debilitated constitd
‘jons, but there especially from Syphilis, or affec
tions arising therefrom i ulcers in the layrnx,
nodes, Ac. And that dreadful,disease occasioned
by a long and excessive use of mercury, Ac. It la
also useful in disease of the livei*.’*
I have within the last t-o yesits'had an oppdr.
tunity of seeing several esses- of very inveterate
ulcers, wldch having resisted previously the regu"
Ur modes of treatment,!, were healed by the use
of Mr Swuim’s I’auacea, end I ffii bolieve, from
what I have seen ttist it will prpve an important
remedy in sarofqlous/venercal and mercurial dis-
esses, N. CHAPMAN, M.D.
l’rofer.sur ofihe Institutes and Practice of
. Physiq, in the University of PennayIvahia.
I have employed the Panacea of ilr. Swaim lit
hiinterons instances, within the last three years,
And hftvc always found it extremely efficacious,
.^specially in’secondary syphilis, and mercurial
disease*. I have no liqsitstion in. pronouncing it
« medicine oflnestimahle value.
Professor of Surgery in the University qf pertn-
ftv sylvanis. '■
Philaileljihin, Fibn.ury 1^, 1883.
S AVE been labouring under a
ng lime, as swellitip in the bones, loss of aji
tietlt*, loss c.f flesh, and loss of sleep, with sevety
;Jain. Noticing.nn ndt crtiserrjent of Swaim’t. Pa
nacea to be a cure for the above disea?e, i goi
R.itne by paying tuc cash for it a I received it, an.;
iottrid a great lien, fit 4 by it. Hut having tuuhfng
hut my. labour to depend on fora living,* ®iid not
being able to work for a longtime, got sojlhat 1
iVas not able to pay. for it. borne month's alter
'hit, l heard of a Mr. Shinn’s having made a Pa-,
nacea, stat. d to be the same as Mr StvalmV I
applied to him, and stated my esse and cittern
stances^ and found him disposed to benefit in*-,
ite.gavii nie the irediqine freely, and said 1 mijT'
pay for it whenever 1'got able: and 1 found,
lukjhg the quantity, as .much benefit by it/ m J v »
as by Mr. Stvaim’s. *JBqg|i
I have given this C'ertificsto fi*r ,'he benefit of
q'hpjs that sbounl stand in need/pf Shinn’s Pana
cea, and Consider it a u fy-valuable medicine.
P. STKTLEF., Duke street,.
4‘ f d /Nepr Front, Nbribern Liberties.
Philadelphia, April 20,1824. ' C , .
P Rll - A1, ® tI, * iA » April 2t, 1824.
. t Certify jdin! 1 have been for many years ^fJ.c
ted with rheihoiitism. "Above l;\e y ears ago, t attciidei: by i respectable Physician of this
city,who put mo under a tours.; of mercury.
r ••
lax Collectov’s .Sales.
On thefrst Tuesday eft. July next, .
\\7UA. be sold lit (lie Court House in the City
T V of Savannah, between the hours of 10 end
3 o'clock, the following-property or so mucW 1
thereof ; m will satisfy thp Stale aud County Taxes *
nod coats, y'y.i f , . , 1
A tract of.fand on Wilmington Island, in the
County of Chatham, containing 75 acres, more at
lea*, bounded tm the north by a- creek,- east - by
land of the Estate of Joseph Hryan, and south und
west by land belonging,to John W .Barnard, la.
vied on tp satisfy the state and conntv taxes ol Jno
VV Barnard for the year 1883, and costs. Arr.cunt
ot taxes jgJ-l- 85. r-”L.
^Tlfe F.uMcrn half Of lot No, 32, in Oglethorpe
Ward, in the jetty of Savannah, with th* improve* • r
mentithereom levied on tosafisf^,the state and
county use* of J E aiid S WJli-.i for the year
182,s «nd costs. Amount pfti.xei 95.
Lots No 29 and SO in Brown W^id, jp the city Mim a,
of Savannah, with the improvements thereon, le. rt&JKk
vied on to satisfy the state aud county. t.x e * ot dio
Savannah Theatre for the vi nr,lf 82 and 18^3, imd ^Br
costs. Amount of t&xesi g234 37.
Thft Southern half ot lot No. 10, first. tylhing ' - -
Ansoii Ward, in the city of Savannah, with the im*
provetments thereqn, levied on to i|ie state
and county taxes of Estate of,Edward penman fop ,
the year 1823, and costs, Amount oftaxes 9,4. 63.
Lot No*38T:ofombV Ward, m the v;ity ot So-
vaunuh,.subject loan anutml'ground -tent to U
Corporation ofsuid City, Aj'th the jmpwrvra i *11
llterepn, levied on to ratisfy the gfotainu ctibn
to satisfy thc^tsio'anu cotmiy
taxes of Ann Rodman f-.r the j r\r 1833, and costa.'
Amount of tvceftJjl .fflL^ ■ - , r -
AH that trac_ ,/i-let of land, situate, lying snd
being io the 27t.h dist. of Early county, contain. .
mg 2iU acres, more or lost, sml known und disiln*
guiiiiiedln tira.plan of saiddisirby theN ,. 1S6.
Levied op to safisfy the state and county rax, s oT
the estatp of Lewis U. A chord for the year 1323.
and costs. Amount <if taxes g2 26.
mayl 102-
e c-o.
Valuable Medicine.
AN < LUtSHEp ne P1I.LS,
y.‘ , ' n : " JPfepaved by Henry latpeei
v N approved remedy for Dyspepsia, or Indig
A. cation, Habitual Costiveness, and Piles. ' s,
It j* well known that Dyspepsia is one of the
most frequent and formidable diseases ofourcoun
try. ‘ Its dommeiicenicnt is iriiUoarad in different
patient* by various symptoms, of which the most
remarkable are— f,
Irregularity of the bowels, obstinate costive
nesa. headach, commonly called nervous or sick, yellowness of tpe eyes and skin, acidity-
of Stomach after eating, oftqh -tfollcd heart burn;
fiutulenod or Wind on the stomach, bitter taste in
he motlthin tlte morning, fadid bveiith,' drowsi
ness after dinner, debility, laslnfudev emaciation,
depression of-spirits, &c. > / v v M
Pi’.esbeing connected with indigestion and cos.
tivenesa; are.certainly and -speedily- removed by
the pills. 1 ‘ ' \ ’’
Peraons afficted ;ivith *ay of the above symp
toms, are assured tiiat the'- Anti'Dyspeptia Pills
are a retttciiy weU worth their-attentibn, and enti
tled to their, entire confidence;' .. -
A supply of the above valuable -Medicine has
just- been received from the Patentee, and can be
Vbtainetl of the-subscriher, who-has been appoln*
-ted agrht' for'theState WfGeoitgia., iV- v’-v
>»KA N04S).L LAY,
Dmggistabd Chemist, Siiad‘1 Jiuildingai
aprii 24 cxOA . 'Suvannqh.
James’ Jlnti-his]je0p gill#
I T is several years since the pfoptietor begun to
L bend thu medicine, now iit suclt general use
lit its'eXlhbttion, and the accompahymg- dietetic
directions; itll the disorders ol the dfoestive organs
are considered in a new and originiT light, ami for
eyidt rtee ot - the sacccss of this novel prescription
le can appeal with Confidence id t|te experience
iff, thousand*. ,v Dyspepsia, .Costiveness, PJes,
Heaytborn oft Caidiftlgia,- Oh,oJic,|Ac. asswell ss
lie more trarisieht, but diatres.siiig.^ymptqnt3 ot
.iidigCntlbii; are singntiyly compiled by this mild
.pd efiionoious remedy. The pnls sire small; taste-:
.*»«; and never produce,the deMfitating and pain
• . , £ ;■■-:*gigy
ons, no restraint
Since Which time I have been worse; my disordei
having hfien ucCompanied by severe pains ffiftodgl.
•ny whole syMi rn -*And lust winter my right
Jeg v-asinucli 'swelled, and so much contracted,
that f cotiht scarcely put rny toe* to the grouiid,
and was obliged to. walk with a crutch. In Feb.
-..St t bought some ot J, Shinn’s Panacea, and alter
tfikiirgtlirv.c bottles, find that 1 am free'frum pain,
*nd tout ray leg i- restored to its natural use.
t am iiniuct.iI lo make this public for the bene
fit of the afflicted.
Mult alley, Philad.
V. •; ‘ PiniiBEurtiiA, April 17,1824.
Tliis will certify, that my son, John itumes.
iiged 40 years, was confined-last wmter in the
Alms house of this city, with rheumatism in hi*
shoulder snd arms. I applied to J. Shinn for somt-
iif his Pun;.ce», and obtained one bottle, which
entirely removed his complaint. Ho was remov
ed to the country, otherwise he would have sign*
tdroiycLnqpiyM.'; y a.j
• her i t
ANN C. M 11UMF.9,
} • V,v. Philadelphia Alms house. i». .'
i." -. Poitiiirtraii, March lOtp, 1824.
t certifyi for the benefit If the iffiicted,' thut I
have beep, for seven years lust past, afflicted Witt,
'ttie’livci copi|ilHiiit,during which timel have been -cveral physicians, but received no
;,.-rntuuent" benefit. Hearing of Mr SWaim’s P.
nacea, I applied to him for some of it; being pour
urtd unable to pay for it at the .time, could not ob
•V|n any. 1 next applied to J. Shinn, and receiv
ed jsbme of his Panacea, which greatly benefittv.d
me, The pain (did soreness of my side was re
moved, and 1 was again able to work at my trade.
German street* Southwstk,
This is to certify, 'that my apprentice boy, J.
Morrison, aged 13-years,, has been several years
..fliieted with the King's evil, attended. with
extensive ulceration over the boiiy, with acuu.
jinin. IraJlfhusry last,,! Iieaid pf J. Shinn’s Pana
ci*a, nnd.oblaineu for.him 4#Kie bottles, which el,
feeted an entire and complete cure, and he is now
in good health, and able to w»>rk at l is trade,
- FronCSu above Poplar lime.
This is to berfify, on the 16th of April, th
ijhtfve inimeit lofip Morrison appeafted before ni.
and on examinatiop, do believe the facts, as stait.
m the above' Certificate, are just and true, v
IL ERDBAStlD, Justice bf the Peace, ’
: , t' Philadelphia county, i
I Certify that l have been afflicted with rheums
lismin my should^foithteft)*M>% Iftnm-whteli.t
tittve^een relieved by? taking a few ifiblttea <of J
Sltimrs Panacea, - - - *
^y^AMjE8.DDUGL^!pI the
v Moyautensing Poor Mouse.
J UST received pe^-tip Florida the celebrate.
Pabade'a .ptepareti by Jcdjn Shinn Ciieifiwt
t'ltiladeJphia, w ho has appointed the Subs ;nbct
Agent for Savannah anrl it* vicinity. The F hij-
cea wiirbfi SffldjaObf rehuted'price of gSfio era
i»er bottle, oft f24 per doxidra; -A.
may 26 ; r.—3ni*12t
jf-.. On the first Tuc.sday-/ii July next,
l be bol< l before tlie Court House in the
'*-■# city of Savannah, between the hoars of 1 )
artd S tj’cloct'C i'-wjf- - APIs ■ a ■■ 'T.- 1 ■
Tl.f'iblWi-wing.s;?: negroes viz': Hatv ijiid, Ztx'A,
London, Peter, Wlllmmaind llatinjli. It-vk.■; bn a* - A
the property of Jno. Hinder,’to,iatwiy iifi. faion
moftgm-n, -in favor of the Pliv..te.-i ilank. • p-
' Afou, fiVo iiegmk vis;.,;iitdy/’Jtjmii,.Ely, Duh. -. *
Ifot' rul Aimsny, levied nn'a'.i liiu pr.iiX'r.ty.of Oli* , --.
tier StoiL ti>.,asuia); « ft. f*. on inerteazc ir. fa*
vorot' tvrft».>‘. Jl-itc '
'•Afora- JirithU'cdUr/ cr>r?p:?ssing te.tjhipe, for ,
the repacking of cow r n,.}5v:ed iM under a fi. fa. r
onaforVfo*utet)f.«-L!ortgat:’i* ftpiroi jna. tyec
m^ham.-jr. toClp^ W, tteckvi T
-'.•nw-fi' ■ 70S ! '
Jldmniatrator’g Sales.
LL beioldat the Gear Hovs>. m 'S.iven*
r nah, fn the firut Tuesday in Jiily next, be
tween the )(ours of tcn nnd two o'clock, lot No i0 t
(fifteen) >n the second diaiHetpf Early County*'
Georgia* containing' two lnm.tred two an<J a half
acres, lUove or less, boiug the real ea.ate ot Ro-
t*en M. Durkie, ilec’d. sbd soM it/ p*rmi-.»i<’!i
the Citurt of Ordinary pfGfin*ttam CpJtntth • '
T: AUGUSTUS^DUiitoiV'' : -:;
A '- r,, Admitjsftr-t or.
{mayl C , ' S’ -■ * 102 <
Sr ra4> rteo\viHoi lbt Np C Wk. in .ft;
dteifenli stalefof Ifobeit^TKdec. uftfit*;
^eabld-lorthe’bemHU'ofthe-heira'amt' creWUov
*f thosaid deceaseds ; 1 . •* • ’ll -
A0GUS1U8 fVBUltKlE t A«m>f.of
1? • ft,"- l
liel, Paifttcufortl
ell ffills.- -v.
^oebt a sliglitJ’egurHttbh of the
reckons arefciveh in thfe print-
Ot/ fWHlV 1 '" + ••’VV w
Corncv ol Congress and Whitaker-fiirceis,
;• .>/•••'• 'Lj^ foirww.o-
may 20 a 118
WZkW&tL,' ■<
iV I'iNE months after tti<s, date here•sf/applicalfon
1H Wfll-be made to the Inlerior jJe'.irt. wliyn sit-
Blufl, county ofCliatlvam, cAlaining Fifty acre*,
more or less,'bfinn<i«l nowLwajdJy andtesstward-
ly by lands, late John Rmfilens, and acUtoward 1
1 by (.iiids of t-VHtiantvftbftlongiiig to tt»e’ estate o
jumes Boyd, ami to- yte'solU for the bpiiefU of. tin
heirs and’creditors,/' _ -• jj,..
EiilAtBETH FOYD, Marx.
: iwff,26 Sft \
k f, ; iVdm iiiistmt^rs' sule. ; • : tV ;
CO>lLI. pesold b. fon: tiie Out. Hnupe in the
’-// Lily of Savannah rfo die li.v. in Ju.
l/’ik-xt, between the ho:trs oflOanfi 2 o’cork.
jjFaHy fUe acres of Itnd l ore or Ici.i iihoiit two
miles from the city, adjoining the fi rm c.f• J. H.
Mnrel, Esq. alw- a loti* coni', ho-i-e -v hnovn
in the pfoii of the city ns lot number one,. Stoper
Tything Pevcival Ward—being the r< d e-rat.- of
ihe late jeasc Uaillowdeceased;, sold by permit.
jion.of the Honorabjo Court of O. :iuvry of* '
ham county for the benefit of the heirs and credl. t»
for’S' of said estate. t? TtwftS .C' s *‘f • s-
. r- y?* JOHN- M'NiSH, Adm’n v
rosy5 , 105 y-A ~ >
Sheiiff* Sale.
On the first Tuesday in ,!uly next,
W ILL be sold between ten iind three o’clock
at Bulloca Court Hoiibc 1775 acres' of land
Iwug^on Jliifcdgeville road. witli good inr.provv-
menfs, levied on us the property of Samuel S.
Lockhart to satisfy an execulioniu favor oi'Patrick
MfijOfmottv - AJaA-x
I i’; &, JAMES DENMARK, h.» e. ,
may3l , , 128
Sheriff’’s Sales^ ---v
On tVie first Tuesdayin August next,
, ILL be sold at the Court House in Wayna
V // County, between Hie uiu d hours
A-negroman named M-irch, under an exeen't on
V»ii the foreclosure of a mortgage in favor of Thos.
Muse against John R. Kemp ’“ . -V-. f
, ;tnay'31; > 128 A
sheriff’s .'iales—continued,
On the'Jt 'U 'J'ac Aey tnJjtiy next, £
'STTILL’besolU before tlfe Court Vm*
VV ah county, between the usual hours <1 yslfi*.
, AB that undivided qfoiety of a fr-tef of ford'd*
Ryan cpiinty, contaihing li5Q acres, wri; firaUy X
.M ^.!■- -.rtniiniag tlie piaUftition ,.
Rytm ...
VanteS tfiotieJnoDavfo
it'GdlV David M’Comiick rind'iftlfotvi* le^foi-oji
an exception, Edward ,F. ifttttikfltetjainst
..mtiTiii^rMters of Thbma'* B-airke.
' m ay l 8;
thos. aCbri rro/J, s b o. •
116 , v ,A- 1 ; .;.A tr
■ i hherifl’’s-hale;
On the fir** Tueeitny iiiAnly neeetp'j . . ,
4 / ILL Wesuid beftire the t-Hoyt;*.in fltj. ,
ft V an cotintyi botw.eeo tlye usual, (nfors or.vaie.
Two Negrofes named Dofoas aifo Joe, levied da 1
.s the property, of lllchavd T. Keatihg* tb sMlsftr'
«n weeution-ill'favor qfftjaa Vndersun.& co, -
rtuiy -18 nfil ' ; _-V-;. -,y
-s j
it. 'lii. n.l/io in /tilh ->C
On tip'.first Tuesday m July, : . ?. >
*11 (LL Jj'tf adfo before die Coin i House, in ...
W thr' city of SaVaoitahi bet ween the hours of...
UI anti F d*clbok,:the (bliowipg negroes, '■
..idlyfftwoohiidion J«>h«'and SLke, sold by peiy
'mission bf-ihe honorable the court of Ordinary of
patliam-County. Also a hoiiie-sitdiited in
tVrsan Street btf'thetSouth Chrhmijn, being the
- iC state of Peter,Cesar, dec. and quid for the boa*
eHV of tfip hilraemr iv^difors of Ml,estate. ,
'. \ -1 ■ *' ’-IQS; K. SEftU-RB, Adm’^ Ur
^,30' ; y •_ ‘
‘'- YOUNG rifon vvliO is H’native of -ipBft.lfifiraHj
V ahd has f .rlthbjivat two ye^rs. resided in .liia
•iace wants ii respectable aUwitjon. as' clerk, ih a-
re or Gouitting * House—satis factory rucona*
icndations will be gtv-. h if rqqun e .-Xa litre' ad-
.•essftd to A. G* (lud'folHt'ttio'post ciScfr will lift
nnptly attends i to. ' ' . * ‘ V
may ad uMT *