Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1818-1824, June 05, 1824, Image 1

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VoL XXII. SATURDAY EVENING, JUNE 5.1824. Whole No. 4453. HOICKS, LANDS, &c. Viiw-ii Executive Department, fcfeo. I Swaim’s Panacea. MILI.I'.DGKVlLLK, Slit Not. 1833 f i lA Y E BEEN sppointed Agent by Dr. W. :n. I ■ Swnimto*cll his to much celebrated Menli- \To, ORDERED, Th.t the subjoined Resolution bt ci ne S lf ^hb DhSe^Torn.hv^^ 1 iip WM*' l '° l No. 6, Reynold Ward, known 1 41/ published once a month, in end of the Ga- . d * GeorSa' frr^ q ph?tiU^l^i!;D be Ji!lt wfnh.. «E WSlK »i»rf Possession given the | mutes of (his 8»tc, until the next General Klee I - • * 1 *. WW f rom - * , «“ladelphia. and will be . I,' Moline’* wharf, tv of Noveih ber ~ Apply t° F. U. STONE. 194 HK YS HOTEL. tion. Attest, ELISHA WOOD, .Wry. IN SENATE, 12th Nov. 1823 W*i**a* it is desirable to ascertain the wish es <f the citise ha of thlsstate, as to the mode of sold by the bok or bottle, at my urug Store, cor ner of Jefferson and St. Julian Streets, AUGUST G OEMLER. march 10 57 'the aubacribcr L kes this meth* I choosing Electors of President and Vice Presi „i(o infnrm.the public generally, and I dent of the Unite ! States» imrticularly persons from the low coun-1 Be U ihcrejbre resolved by the Senate and Roust who may visit the up country in I of Representatives of the State of Georgia in Gene * hi’ulth or pleasure, that he will sc \ral Assembly net, That it shall be the duty of the .. ntlemen hikI.ladies, or fimilies with 1 dsgistrates who shall preside at the several Elec- lj hti niedav, week, or mpnth, on easy terms I tionstobe held in the different counties of this IS-- 1*pA be said in recommendation .of A-1 State for the choice of members of the I«egl»la- lihinff , Regard t<> the healthfblhes* of the ] 'urc, at the neat General Election therein, to r lS ’ Twit* of atmosphere, or ujireeable and I propose to esch and every voter at the time of ly id society; in all these particulars it stands j receiving hia^vote, whether he desires that the eminent 8L75 „ a * a “ month, «> «month,, , . breakfasts supper, he. ilglnc, per day, night, •• month, < iMren flnd.emnl*. hslf pPM-^ HAYES. 188 i 40 1(35 ’ 1 00 5 CO “i 75 50 12 00 S' choice of said Electors shall be confided to the people or retained by the Legislature, and to re quest such voter to signify sucli desire by cn. doming on his ticket, the word People or Legisla ture, according to the truth of the fact; and on . counting out the ballots, to annex to the return of the said election by them so transmitted to the ! Executive Department, a true statement of tlir votes so given, to the end that the same may be laid before the next Legislature by hi* Excellen cy the Governor. And be it father resolved, That his Excellency the Governor* be, and he is hereby requested to cause this resolution to be published without de lay, in the several Gazettes of this State, and to continue the said publication once a month, unti, August g. oemler, At bis Druggist Store, tomer of Jefferson and St, Julian Street, H AS received by schooner Tassel, a fresh supply of, SW AIM’S so much esteemed PANACEA, As also by other late arrivals, a variety offreah articles which he abstain* from mentioning, as tie suspeetd the public to possesssagacity enough jo guess, that CALOMEL, JALAP, RHURARIS GUtl I’tETlD, and all the other delxcacie .named ot the index of the dispensatory may be iooked for and found in Drug Stores—yet a few things not to be met with at every one, he offers, via : Phosphoric?, Chlorate of Potass, Pyroligneous Acid, Black Drop, fames fever Powders* Rends Stipili, Spirits of Soap, Fumigating Paatills, Wedge wood evaporating dishes, Glass Funnils, Graduated Measures, Retorts and Receivers, Test Tubes, Gas Bottles, Thermometers, Hygrometer, and Vluvimeter, J. ftWmn’s Panacea. T HE subscriber having discovered the com* position of SWAIM’S celebrated Panacea, has now a supply on hsnd for sale j he has rc duced the price from 13 50 to g2 50, or by the dosen J34. All chsritsble institutions in the U. States and the poor will be supplied gratis. If the citisens of the principal cities and towns, will appoint an agent to order and distribute this, medicine to the poor, it will be supplied. This medicine is celebrated for the cure of the following diseases, "scrofula or king’s evil, ulcer ated or putrid sore throat, long atanding rheu matin affections, cutaneous,, diseases, wiiite swel ling, and disease of the bones, and sll cases gen erally of the ulcerous character, and chronic dit cases, generally arising in debilitated constitu tions, but more especially from syphilis, or affec lions arising therefrom i ulcers in the layrnx, nodes, kc. And that dreaidfiil,disease occasioned by a long and excessive use of mercury, &o. It is alto useful in disease of the liver.” CERTIFICATES. . , ... I have within the last two years hkd an oppor* I vied on to satisfy the state and county taxes nf«he (unity of seeing several cases of very inveterate ] Savannah Theatre for the year 1832 and 1833, and ulcers, which having resisted previously the regu-1 cost*. Amount of taxes, &234 37. tar modes of treatment, were healed by the use! The southern half of lot No. 10, first tything , & Editora of the Augusta Chrohiele and I the nextGeneralE.ection \£S* Republican, arc requested tor give two | /Read ‘^eedjounardmouslj. H be of V J A 00 on, *, ;iriU irTs tit 1 .(ate !'tk ime t0 tr . tret' m J.' #- 6»il >(|*l •‘W THOMAS STOCKS, President. Jnths^Bouse of Representatives, 14th Nov, 1833. Read and concurred in. DAVID ADAMS, Speaker. Approved, 16tl> Nov 1833. G.M. TROUP, Governor. NOTICE. i lHE Co-partnership of William and Jons t). . Baked, is this day dissoved by mutual con wu. tu order to a speedy settlement of the b>. 'driest, all persons indebted are called upon t > make payment to John O. Baker. WILLIAM BAKER, JOHN O. BAKER, Riceborough, Ga. Jan 1,1834. ian 81 16 , • ■ / ' N INE months after date, application will be made to the Hon. the Inferior Court ot Brj * «n County, for leave to tell all the real Estate of l<!iin]oaaiinir icnna. , ... i Sarah McKindley, late of Bryan county dec for lank stock, or good paper, well secured, will I benefit of the heirs and creditors of stud estate. 17 . ’ * I uu.lllllTIVS i-rtliin" a month, until the 1st of fuly next, and In;i ir','bt‘tr yw.<aint»|tn. A.V>?i- iw..i House to Rent, The undersized intending tdre I move into the count ry, offers the plea- J Kant and convenient Houie, now in hi*[ 'loccup tion to rent, at a rate suited to thu ntn the l*t Jqly next lo the 1st November t, and lorone or two yr arsithereafter. 5 EDWu ttAntiRN. pril 30 ♦oA’XIt _ in d and Negroes for Sale. "HANDSOME property, unincumbered, com „ listing of Land ar.d Negroes, together with U nf every ldnd, and the growing crop, a- anting in alf to about 12 or 15*000 doTlara, situ- itt tlS upper country, snd well calculated tbr untry Store-the soil well adapted to the cut- ion of Com and Cotton, u offered for sale on hmmodatmg terms. kken in payment. jirfurtlier particulars, apply to the Editora of Ccorgi* Journal. e 19 145 \ievior Court—-Chatham County n Retan } v , s Rule Jtiss. ^ 1 the pedtion of Jno. Retan stalingthatN!. uyi’9 JAMES BUTLER, adm’or, l«-yr Georgia—Chatham C^outuy. Tu all whmn it may concern, W HEREAS Louis H- Furth physician hat ap plied to the Hon. the court of ordinary of Kaid county, for letters of administration on the nutate and effects < F Norphlit Howard Ufe of IV uahirigtnn County, in the state aforesaid Wvg- iban Baker did on the first day of May eigb-1 g<, n er dec as principal creditor, hundred and twenty -two, the better t* I Now these are therefore to cite and admonish the payment ofhia certain promissory note I ,jj und singular the kindred and creditor! of the date for the aura of two thousand doliara, I w j d dec. to flic their ubjections(if sny they have) the said John Iletan, or order, on or Genuine Patent Family MEDICINES. Such 0* .* L ees niiiioua puts Colt’s do do Andeson’sdo do Hooper’s Female Pills James Anti Dyspeptic Pilb Thompsons Bye Waters Relfs Hotanical Drops Du Asthmatic Pills Essential Oil of Spruce Dalaom Honey Tooth Ache Drops Jesuit’s do do Chuich’a Cough Drops Anderson* do do American do do Halm of Quito Churehe’s Essence of Mustwfi Rowson’s Itch Ointment Wheaton’s do do Brnndins'Rheumatic do Squires’ Grand Elixir Seidlitz Powders Sods do Otto of Rosea, Ac. Ac. Can be cuniiianlly obtained at the Store of FRANCIS 1. LAY, Chymist ami Druggist, Corner of Congress and Whitaker Streets, may 26 yx 124 . Sh*d‘* Building THE IMPROVED SEIDLITZ POWDERS. T Mll good effects of these powders as a Mecli cine, has been observed and acknowledged ‘>y all Ihoae who have had occasion to use them. In all cases of Heartburn, Bile, Nausea and other diseases of the Stomach, which are so very pre valent in warm climaies—they esn be used at any e tc tne ssia .umn new, »• ««., ■■ — > n my niHceon or before the 25th day ct June', | time with much advantage. Ai they form a plea , the 1st day of May, 1824, with interest at J lieX t, otherwise letters of administration will be | ant effervescent draught, they may be said to' per cent per annum, by hia indenture, un j granted to the applicant. I m agreeable beverage free from taste and higl . ! seal, bearing date the day and year first I witness the honorable Edward Harden one of I impregnated with fixed air, and possessing all the .id, mortgage to the said John Retan, alii the Justices of the said Court, the 25th day oi | Medicinal qualities of the much esteemed Seidlits ,,divided moiety or half pgrt of »ll lot of I yi*y 9 A. Dr 1824* situate, lying and being in the city of Snvan j SAML M. BOND, c e o. ° ■ -v-.i---.i-s.-A i- “*--i-'i may f6 24 PUBLIC SALES. Tax Collector’s Sales. G* the first Tuesday in Julg next, , W IJ.I. be sold at the Court House in the City of Savannah, between the hours of 10 and 3 o’clock, the following property or ft< much thereof as will satisfy the State and County Taxes and coats, vet A tract of land on Wilmington Island, in the County of Chatham, containing 76 acres, more or lest, bounded on the north by a creek, east by land of the Estate of loseph Hryan, and south and west by land belonging to John W Barnard, le vied nn to satisfy die state and county Uses of Jno W Barnard for the year 1833, and costs. Amount of taxes 834 83. The Eastern half of lot No, 19, in Oglethorpe Ward, in the city of Savannah, with the improve ments thereon, levied on to satisfy the state and bounty taxes of J E and S White for the year 1823, and costs. Amount of taxes $1 95. Lota No 39 and 30 in Brown Ward, in the city of Savannah, with (he improvements thereon, le- of Mr. Swain's Panacea, end 1 do believe, from what I have seen that it will prove an important remedy in acrofulout, venereal and mercurial dii> 8, N. CHAPMAN, M.D. Professor of the Institutes and Practice of Physic, in the Univet-sity of Pennsylvahiu. I have employed the Panacea of Mr. Swatm in numerous instances, within ihe last three years, and have always found it extremely efficacious, .specially in secondaiy syphilis, and mercurial iiseaws. I have no hesitation in pronouncing it medicine of inestimable value. W. GIBSON. M.D. Professor of Surgery In the University of Penn sylvanis. Philadelphia, Febn,ary 17,1623. SVunn’s Panacea. CERTIFICATES. Anson Ward, in the city of Savannah, with the im provement! thereon, levied on to satish the state and county taxes of Estate of Edward Penman for the year 1833, and Costs. Amount of taxes $4 68. Lot No. 38 Columbia Ward, in the city of Sa. vannali, subject to an annual ground rent to the Corporation of said City, with the improvements (hereon, levied on to satisfy the state amt county taxes of Ann Rodman for Ine year 1833, and costs. Amount of taxes $5 86. All that tract or lot of land, situate, lying and being in the 27th dist. of Early county, contain ing 250 acrea, more or less, snd known and diavin* guished in the plan of auiddiatrict by the No. 196. Levied on to satisfy the state and county taxes of the eaiate of Lewis D. Achord for the year 1833, and coata. Amount of taxea g2 26. JAMES KPPINGER, toco. may 1 102 Sheriffs sale. ion^Umc'assweliinff'ln the^bOnes losaof an* 1 • 0,d before tbe Cour l * n petJs 8ES 8 ‘ v ‘ mn * 1 ” betwec " lhc ^ of 10 pain. Noticing an advertisement ofSWm’tPa I The following six negroes vis t Hannibal, Isaac, nucea to be a cure for the above disease, ! go I Londo Pcter , b W illUm and Haonah/levied on » some by paying the cash for It a. I received it, ami J ; , he property of JnG. Hunter, to satisfy a ti. ft. on founds great bench, by it. But having nothing J mor tgage, in favor of the Plantera Bank, hut my labour to depend on for a living, and not I Ali0f five ne{froe8> v „, ^ Juno> Rly> Dllb . being abf* to work lor a long time, got so that I | ^ n| and Quasby, levied on as the property of Oli- tor. m /uti landed Apply IAR ion.yii' laihiffl Lo(» ■ (’ Hole * forthff iltakN dm'r. of seyeu ! ight of m: oz. . isurer. „ i wijLbC jftlie In- ore to sell NutobM the Ssviji , in bll n^-btW! ; for known and distinguished in the plar. of by the number one fl) tyrconm-ll tything ,v Word, together with the appurtensaces, niriher stating that the said praniifsoiy note tins wholly unpaid, and the said mortgage in , and praying the f.ireclosure of the aaul fcmupon of W. W. Gordon, attorney for tlu fiotier, it is ordered that the said Nathan Hi.- Ido nay into this court, within twelve montha 1 t date, the principal and interest due oo tbt ..ote and the costa of the aaid apphoxtion, or jehiilt thereof, that the equity of redemption s laid N.tlisn Baker of and to ihe said morti [ premisca, be thenceforth and forever fore- .nd itie further ordered, ihat a copy of thia [be served on the aaid Nathan B«»Ker, at least hondiB before the time appointed for the p;»y- Idfaaid ihoney into court, or published m V the public Gazettes of this state, at least | in eviry month, until the time appointed for payment thereof, and that such further ana i proceedings be had as are prescribed by the le in such case made and provided, ict from the minutea this 34lb May, 1824, A. B. FANNIN, Clerk. '27 25 Jit private sale. \ NEGRO B-> 33 years of age an ex- llA cellent house servant and w titer—apply to J. II. HERBERT & Co. v 21 Notice. Pery valuable tract of Land in Liberty coun. [ty, artdate on the gunbury Road, two miles l half from Bice orougn j containing two ired and ten acre sThis land i» very volua- pr cotton, rice and corn, and as well calcula- pr that cuitdre as any ; land in the county i ndiliptis are low and reasonable; there are en seventy and eighty acres cleared anu (•fence, there is also a good dwelling house, ill necessary out buildings on the premises, Intee titles will be given to the purchaser, pmbrances lying on skid land. For further Buisrs apply to capt. Jos. Jones in Liberty , or to EDWARD B. BAKER, owner in McIntosh county K16 NOTICE. BRSONS having demands ugaintt the estate of Amos Douglass, late of Chatham County eed, will please to have their accounts pro- f sheeted, and leave them at the bar of Col, Sheiman’a Mansion House, Savsnnab. Those ure indebted to the estate, will be called on i or fifteen day* for settlement. DAVID TAYLOR, Jr. Qualified Executor, _ Waynetboiv, May 24, 1824. |) 28 fcatab - thr. iHSi struioK Rice Milt tpi] siinty. B P ■ tpruwpy fl uperior Court—Camden oudi,}. MaucB ft km, 1824. M ilium Berne i vs. i- Rule -V is John Christopher. J O N ihe petition of William Bertie, stating that one John Christopher, of the county of Cam- .... ion, being indebted to one Henry halier or order I i,as just beep received, which together with a in a note of hand, dated 8t Marys in said county, J v^ry general assortment »f Family Medicines will mi Ihe 9th October 1833, in the sum of Five Hun- ] be kept constantly on hand, dred Dollars, payable with interest from the date I FRANCIS 1. LAY, Chemist if Druggist, on the first day of January then next insuing, did j Comer of Congress and Whitaker Streets Waters. The Season is fast approaching, when these powders will be in demand, arid to gel them pure is very desirable. Many persona nave been de ceived in their operation, by havipg purchased them in Drug Stores, the proprietors of which paid but little or no regard in selecting the best kind, consequently their benefieui qualities werf- oevi r realised. But this difficulty may now be obviated,—<hu subscriber has endeavored for the two or three last seasons to procure them Genuine and has been successful. These Powders are neatly put up in Tin Boxes, by which means their Medicinal properties will remain unimpaired by the influence of time and climate. A fresh supply of the above Genuine article mortgage to the said Henry his heirs and assigns, to secure the payment of the note aforesaid with interest on the same—a certain lot of land in the (own aforesaid being part of lot No. 1, beginning at the west corner of a lot belonging to one Cal vin Haves, thence running south 100 feet on St., Marys Street, thence north to Bryant St. thence ,-ast to C Hays' fine, thence south to the beginn ing, with the" margin attached to llie same on the south side of StMarys or Uay St being a hundred npriJ'29 Shad’s Buildings. 100.MA Valuable Medicine. ANTI DV SCEPTIC TILLS, Prepared by Henry James. A N approved remedy for Dyspepsia, or Indig Id, estion, ilubiiual Cosliveness, and Piles. It is well known that Dyspepsia is one of the most frequent and formidable diseases of our coun feet on the street it running"from thence directly I iry. Its commencement is indicated in different to the river St Marys, together w‘Rh Ml and siu- j patients by various symptoms, ol which the most gular every thing thereto appertaining—that the,I remarkable are— \ ... said Henry Sadler, to whom and to whose heirs j Irregularity of the bowel*, obstinate costive und assigns the said mortgage was made on the I ness, headach, commonly called nervous or sics 26th of Sept. 1823,duly assigned by deed, sniol headach, 'yellowness-of the eyes and[skin,acidity mortgage to the petionerj that there is now do* - on stud mortgage the sura of Five Hundred Doi- iars with interest from the lit January 1832, anil praying for the foreclosure of the equity of re*' demption, in the said John Christopher, his heirsj and assigns in the mortgaged remises and thut the j same be foreclosed according to law. On motion xfBelton A. Cupp, attorney tor petioner, it is or Ut-red that the principal and interest due on the I .aid mortgage together with the costa of hia ap L — —- - . .. _„,i licants be paid into this court within twelve j ure a remedy well worth their attention, and enti months from this dote, otherwise that the equity I tied to .their entire confidence, oi redemption of the aaid John Christopher hi* I A supply of tfw above valuable Medicine n Heirs Executors, Administrators and assigns be J just been received from the Patentee, andean bt Irom thence forever foreclosed and thill such other I obtained of the subscriber, : .who has been appoir.- procediiigs take place as are pursuant to the stat-1 ted agent for the State of Georgia, ute—Audit isfurther.ordered that thia rule be | _ published in one of the Gazette* of (bis state at least once a month for twelve months to the time appointed for the payment of said money into Court. A true extract from the minutes. JOHN BAILEY Clerk. JqfferiQn%.\$thMar€h % 1824* * . 4 stomacn after eating, often; called heart burn, flatulence or wind on Ihe stomach, bitter taate ii lie mouth in the morning, fWid bresth, drowsi ness after dinner, debility, lassitude, emaciation, depression of spirits, Ac. Piles being connected with indigestion and cos. tiveness, are certainly and speedily removed by the pills. , . .■ Persons afifleted with any of the above symp tom*, are assured that the Anti-Dyspeptic Piljs Druggist and Chemist, Shad?* Buildings, april.24 lua94 Savannah. . James' Anti-Dispeptic Pills I T is several years since the proprietor begun to vend this medicine, now in such general use |ia—rLiberty County Elijah baker, Clerk of the Court ot Ordk ary for th e county of Liberty. [term William Law, Esq, applies to be dis j from his administration on the estate ol trier, late of aaid county, dec. : are therefore to cite and admonish ah ‘concerned to file their objections (if any "”*) in my office, within the time presenb ' Wj or otherwise the said applicant will bo * 5 «1 from his said administration. ® under «oy hand and seal, this 3d day ol B. BAKER, ooo, 11° honey; pi received per the ship Louisa Matilda; for I'cby the gallon by FRANCIS I. LAYi I ?4 In its exhibition, and the accompanying dietetic . , directions, all the disorders ot the digestive organs NOTICE; I are considered in a new andoriginulhght,and for INE month, alter thltc,> shall apply to the j evidence of the success otAw/mvel was not able to pay for it. Some months after this, I heard of a Mr. Shinn's having made u Pa nacea, stated to be the same os Mr Swaim’s. I applied to him, and stated my case and circum stances, and found him disposed to benefit me He gave me the medicine freely, and said 1 might pay for it whenever 1 got able i and I found, by taking ths same quantity, as much benefit by it as by Me. Swaim’a. I have given this Certificate for the benefit of o hen that should stand in need of Shinn’s Pans- c a, and consider i| a very valuable medicine. P. STKTLKR, Duke street, Near Front, Northern Liberties. Philadelphia, April 20,1824. Philadelphia, April 21, 1824. I Certify that 1 have been for many years nflL'c ted with rheumatism. Above five years ago, I was attended by u respectable Physician of this city,who put me under a course of mercury.— ■Since which time l have been worse i my disorder having been accompanied by severe pains through my whole system. And last winter my right leg was much s-veiled, and so much contracted, that I codld scarcely put my toes to the ground, and was obliged to walk with a crutch. In Feb. last I bought some of I. Shinn’s Panacea,and alter inking three bottles, find that I am free from pain, snd that my leg is restored to its natural use. 1 am induced to make this public for the bene fit of the afflicted. CHARLES BARIAS, Mall alley, Philad. Philadelphia, April 17,1824. This will certify, that my son, John Humes; aged 40 years, was confined lost winter in the Aims house of this city, with rheumatism in In- dtoitlvier snd arms. I applied to J, Shinn for som.- nf his Panacea, and obtained one bottle, which entirely removed hi* complaint. He was remov ed to the country, otherwise he would hate sign ed this certificate. her * ANN C. M HUMES, mark, Philadelphia Alma house. Philadelphia, March 10th, 1824. I certify, for the benefit of the afflicted, that 1. have been, for seven years last past, oflhct&l with the livet complaint, during which time I have been attended by several physicians, but received nn permanent benefit. Hefting of Mr. Swaim’s Pd nucea, I applied to him for some of itbeing poor, and unable to pay for it at the time, could not oh sin any. I next applied to J. Shinn, and receiv ed some of his Panacea, which greatly benefitteu me. The pain and soreness pi my side w.w re- “' r ‘ E» Bo'iViS; 1 ' German street, Southwwk. This is to certify, that my apprentice boy, J. Morrison, aged 18 years, has been several years -fflicted with the King’s evil, attended with u» extensive ulceration over the body, with acute pgin- In January Iasi, I heard of J. Shinn’s Pans ees, and obtained for biro three bottles, which et lected an entire and complete cure, and he is nos Jg, MV 3g* “ SiSjf; Front-Si. above Poplar lane. This is to certify, that on the 16tb of April, the shove named John Morrifou appeared before me, »nd on examination, do believe,the fucts, aa stated in the above certificate, are just and two. H. PROBASCO, Justice of the Pe^Ce, , Philadelphia county. I certify that i have been afflicted with rJieama tism in my shoulder for three ) ears, from which i have been relieved by taking a few bottle* of J Shinn’s Panacea. JAMES DOUGLAS, ot the Mo; smensing Poor House. il2l Diuggtst, Sliod’a Building*. a- lion, the Justice* of the Inferior Court »t Liberty county, for leave to sell the real »nd per son*lj>roperty of William L Baker, dec. for the benefit of Ihe heir* and creditors. THUS. B. BAKER. april 7 98 Aim'or he can appeal with confidence to the experience of thousands. Dyspepsia, Costiveness, P-.les, Heartburn or Cardislgia, Cholic, «c. os well as the more transient, but distressing symptoma ol indigeition, are singularly controlled by thi* mud and efficacious remedy. The pills are smidl, taste- less, and never produce th6 debilitating and pain ful effects of full doses of medicine. They may ■■•■•'" restraint ... „ being necessary except* siigui regulation of the or ordinary purposes, for leave to sell all that tract d iet. Particular directions are given in the print- of Land containing two hundred and fifty acre*; | e d bills, .. .. r .c m ; n , more or less, known as lot No. 15 fifteen, in the I prepared by HENRY JAME8, No, 82J Pearl- second district of Early county, Georgia, being I street, artdjor tale byJ. b. T. L. Clark &bon,No, the raui estate of Robert M. Durkie, dec. and to j 8 s .Maiden Lane, and by Place & SotuUaWv new 4 Boldfor ine benefit of the heir# and creditor- * 1NB month* after date application will be - . . . mu de to the honorable the Justices ol the j be taken by persona in Oil situations, no restrui inferior Court of Cbathum county, whten sitting being necessary except * slight regulation ot tl of lb« said deceased. ■ AUGUSTUS F, DURKIE; Adm’or. of »H, M. Durkie, dec, 27 3. Corner of Congrassand Whitaker-Sirct-^ Owsotwh., ft rosy 20 ca J UST received per 8hip Florida the celebrated Panacea prepared by John Shinn Ci.emisi Philadelphia, who has appointed the Subscriber Agent for Savannah and its vicinity. The Pana cea will be sold at the reduced price ol »3 SO ets tier bottle, or 524 per dozen. , , vVM. C. C'UTHBERT. Agent may 26 l—-3mtltil | ...~ NOTICE. N ine months alter the date hereof, application will be made to the Interior Court when at* ting for ordinary purposes,for leave to sell all that lot or part of ground in the District ot White. Bluff’, county of Chatham, contuimng Fltty acrea, more or less, bounded northwardly and eastward- ly by lands, late John Poullcns, and southwardly by l*n.ds of Wflllams. belonging to the estate ol James. Jtoyd, and to be auid for the beneht ot the beif# and creditors ol said estate. W ELIEABETUBQYD, AAn'r#,-. m % ver Sturgcs, to satisfy a fi. fa. on mortgage in fa vor of Wm. P. Hunter. Also, all the cotton compressing machine, for u the repacking of cotton, levied en under a fi. ft. nn a foreclosure of * mortgage, from Jno. Ever* Ingham, jr. to Chaa. W- Rockwell. 1. D'LYON, see. may 5 105 Sheriff’s Sales. On the first Tuesday in July next, W sold in front of the Court House io the City of Savannah between the usual hours of 10 and 4 o’clock. • All the article* comprising the Print!** estab lishment of the Office of the Savannah Repub li can, consisting of Types, Presi, paper; printers Ink, Stands, Ac.—also two negro men usmed Intake and Wallen, levied on aa the property of K S'. Fell, endorser to satisfy an execution, R, Wayne,for use, Ifc and in ftvorrf James Wsi. bee and Allen M’Lean, vs. F. S. Fell. A. D’LYON, n see, jm» 4 13 J Administrators scJ[e. .F t/ILL be sold before the Court House in th« \M City of Savannah on tlie first Tuesday in Ju ly next, between the hours of 10 and 3 o’clock. Forty five acres of land more or leas, about two miles from (be city, adjoining the farm of J. H. Morel, Esq. also • lot in court bouse square known in the plan of the city as lot number one, Stoper Tything Percival Ward—being the real estate of the lute J vise Baillow deceased) sold by nermis- sionof the Honorable Court of Ordinary of Chat, ham county for (lie benefit of the beir* and credi tors of said estate JOHN M’NISH, Adm'r. may 5 ' >05 Sheritt Sale. On the first Tuesday jn July next, 1T7ILL be sold betw, eh fen and three sfclock Y v at Bullock Court House 1375 acres qf lan^ lying on Mill-dgevijle road, with good improve. uients, levied on a* the properly of S>muel l. Lockhart to satisfy an execution in ftyoruf Patrick M’Dermott. JAMES DENMARK, ■ s c. m?y 31 128 •' Sheriff's Sales. On the first Tuesday in August next, nupILL be sold at the (kiurt House in Wayne 5/ County, between the usual hours. A negro man named March, under an execution- on the foreclosure cf a mortgage in favor of Tbot, Muse against John R. Kemp ..- t JOSEPH FORT, ivn. may .11 128 .nityj*, ■ • j. Sherifi’s Sales—continued. On the first Tactdsy in July next, W ILL be sold before the Court House in Bsp an county i between the usual hours < f sale. All that undivided moiety of a tract of land in Hryan county, containing 1150 acres, uri^inally granted to one Inu Davis, adjoining the plantation iff Col. David M’Cormick and others, levied on under an execution, Edward F. Tattnall against administrators of Thomas Hourke. THOS. ALBRITTON, 8*0. may 18 116 Sheriff's Sale. On tbt first TuettUg) id fuly ^iext, A 4 7 ILL be sold before tin- Court House in Bry- w » an county, between the usual hours of salcv Two Negroes named Dorcas and Joe,, levied op ■m the property of Richard T Keating; to satisfy aa ustccutton in favor of Jaa Vnderaon & co. THOS ALBRITTON, s e. may 18 116 Administrator’s Sale. Ou the.first Tuesday in July next, W ILL be sold before (he CornV House, in the city of Savannah, between the hours of 10 and 8 o’clock, the following negroes, Clarissa, and her two children John antT Sike, sold by per mission of the honorable the court of Ordinary of i :hatlium County. Also a house situated in Jet' I'erson Street on the South Common, being the estate of Peter Cesar, dec. and sold for the bent efit of the heirs and c* editors of said estate. JOS. K. SEGURE, Adm’.r may 20 of 18 ■ Situation Wanted. V YOUNG nia'ivwho is a nativy of this climato and has f >r the Iasi two years resided in tits jrlace wants* respectable situation as cl^rk, »u b Store or Counting House—satisfactory-.'reconi, mendations will be giv*:n if required—a line ad. dressed to A. C. and left at tira port qfftce ■ promptly attended to, my r3 ; i a.