The Southern museum. (Macon, Ga.) 1848-1850, December 02, 1848, Image 4

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The Parting of Summer. BY MRS. HUMANS. Thou'rt bearing hence thy roses. Glad Summer; fare thee well ! Thou'rt singing thy Inst melodies In every wood and dell. • But in the golden sunset Oftliy latest lingeimg day, Oh ! tell me o’er this chequered earth How thou hast passed away. Brightly, sweet Summer ! brightly Thine hours have Honied by, To the joyous bu ds of the woodland boughs— The rangers ol the shy ; And brightly in the forests To the \VI Id deer hounding free , And brightly midst the garth u lloweis, To the happy murmuring bee. Rut bow to human bosoms With all their hopes and fears ; And thoughts that made them i ngle wings To pierce the unborn years? Sweet Summer to the captive Thou hast Hown in burning dreams Os the woods with all their hopes and leaves, And the blue rejoicing streams; To the wasted and the weary, On the bed of sickness hound ; In sweet, delicious funtasties. That changed with every sound ; To the sailor on the billows, lit longings wild anil vain For the gushing founts and breezy bills, And the home of earth again. And unto me glad Summer! How hast thou flown to me ? 31 v chainless footsteps nought have kept From thy haunts of song and glee. Thou hast flown in wayward visions, In memories of the dead— Jn shadows from a troubled heart, O'er a sunny pathway shed ; In brief and sudden strivings, To fling a weight aside ; ’Midst these thy melodies have ceased, And all thy roses died ! But oil ! thou gentle Summer ! If I greet thy flowers once more, Bring me again thy buoyancy, Wherewith my soul should soar' Give me to hail thy sunshine With song and spirit free ; Or in a purer land than this May our next meeting he ! THE HOSE I’.l I). A boy stood near a rose bush which was covered with buds and blooming mses. With busy joy lie gazed, now at this rose, now at that; then at a rose leaf, then at a bud. His father watched hint at a dis tance. He stood in the shadowy bower, and with inward love and deep emotion, his eye lingered upon the darling of his heart. “Do not I feel,” lie said to himself, “as if a divine and prophetic voice were speaking tome from this rose hush, which in its buds and flowers displays to ing the emblem offuture joys to the father’s heart. Or what is it that renders the chi and i strangely beautiful and dear to me, ns in stands thus by the blooming rose-bud !” Thus spoke the father. But tin- ln>\ was not weary of contemplating and woti doting. Admiration for the Beautiful a wakened in his mind a sense of the True. He wished to discover in what in tniici -In blossom developed itself to the rose. Ill crossed his arms upon his breast, and gaz ed with steadfast eyes upon the buds.— The father smiled. Thus perhaps do higher beings smile, when they behold a sage upon the earth direct his sided eye to wards a star, or toward the inward struc ture of a glow-worm. The boy soon found that all his effirts were in vain. He now plucked a bud, hioke it open, and examined its interior with great attention. I pioached him. ‘‘L pon what do you ponder so earnestly my son 1” he asked. “Oh my father,” said the boy, “I should so much like to know how the bud con trives to become a rose, and for that rea son I plucked one, and broke it in pieces. But I see nothing but small, ill-formed leaves, full of folds and wtlnkles. I am sorry now that 1 destroyed it.” “It matters not my son,” replied the father. “Nature supplies us even to su perfluity. She does not think merely of our needs, but also of our pleasures and of our desire for knowledge. Thou hast, at least learned that it is not so easy a matter to penetrate her mysteries.” “But 1 have grown none the wiser for that,” said the boy. “Perhaps not,” replied the father, “but thou, at least, tlie honest purpose to instruct thyself. A good purpose is in it self something good. The result does not always depend upon man. And even when it succeeds, the good intention still remains the best of all.” After a pause, the boy said with diffident curiosity—“ Well, tell nw then dear fa ther, how it is that the bud forms itself in to a rose.” The father then answered—“Mv child I can in three words tell thee what fi.p the bud increases in size, beauty and ■ until it is a complete rose. More r this, I know as little as thou dor. X is bounteous in her gifts, but she con ■ ds the hand which brings them forth, and reaches them to us.” The boy then took up the broken ro-<- bud again, and said to bis father—“if the bud can form itself into » beautiful an ob ject, more beautiful than anything that man can make, wherefore then can it not pro tect itself against the weak linger of a child ? Wherefore can it do so much, and still at llte same time so little !” “Has it indeed then formed itself, Wil liam I” asked the father; and lie gazed kindly and earnestly upon the boy. “Oli, 1 know,” replied the child, “that the flowers have, as l have a father and mother, who cherish, foster and care for them.” “One Father is with us all,” replied the boy's father with emotion. “But we see Him not; we feel only his power and his love w ithin us and around us.” Thus he spoke. The hoy then was deeply moved, for the father had planted a fruitful lesson in his heart. And hence forth lit; considered the rose-bush and the flowers of’the field, as mute, hut near kin dred, and increased in stature, wisdom and grace. But the father remembered the hoy’s words, and told them to the child’s mother. “How near,” said she, “lies child-like simplicity to the highest truths!” What’s in a Name ? —The following is a good hit at the silly practice so preva lent in (his country, of giving to new towns and v illages, the names which have been for many centuries applied to distinguish ed places in Europe and Asia, instead of the more • euphonious and appropriate terms which may be found among the Abo rigines : “It was almost night when the steam boat left the dock, and soon it grew dark, our travellers went up on the promenade deck to look at the stars, and to enjoy the novelty of being afloat in the night. While they were learning over the railing, ma king their remarks on every thing that struck them as being curious, a stranger approached them with a segar in his mouth and after listening to their conversation a few moments he ventured to address them. “Charming evening, gentlemen,” said the stranger. “Yes, sir, it is very lovely,” replied Jeremiah. “I was just remarking to my young friend now, that the solemn gran deur of the scene was very impressive.” *1 pon my soul, said the stranger, 'I was just thinking that very thing myself; what a liquid appearance the water has !’ Wery,’ replied Jeremiah;* it is a pleas ant thing to travel where there is such a constant succession of new and surprising scenes, that one has hardly time to dwell upon his own bad feelings.’ ‘Yes,’responded the stranger; hut 1 have got sick of it, and 1 am now going to settle down quietly on mv own farm, where 1 can eat my own eggs, and drink my own cider.’ ‘All, there’s a pleasure in that too,’ said Jeremiah. ’ I’ray have you travelled much V ‘Not much,’said the stranger, '1 have been as far as Home, and once 1 was as far front home as Batavia. 1 have got a sis ter married in Vienna, which l go to see once a year, and once in a great while 1 go to see my uncle in I'ekiti.’ <tu must have been a very great Ira j seller,’ said Jeremiah. ‘1 don’t call that nothing at all,’ said the stranger, ‘1 mean to go to Niagara next i fall.’ ‘llovv lon or since you were in Batavia ! asked Jeremit h. ‘Only last spring,’ replied the stranger. ‘Our house has some correspondence in Batavia, we received a consignment from them last week. 1 suppose you know the firm of CJutstiver & Gruutwitchel V ‘No, 1 can’t say 1 did,’ said the stranger. ‘I thought 1 knowd all the merchants in j that place, too. Have they been long in business 1’ ‘Oh, it’s a very old house,’ replied Jere miah ; ‘our firm has been in correspon dence with them for a great many years. I And what say you to the quality of the j coffee there V asked Jeremiah. ‘The worst stuff l ever swallowed in my life ! —nothing like so good as you get at the Eagle, in Palmyra. J would as soon drink the water out of the Grand C’anawl,’. replied the stranger with some warmth. ‘\our account does not agree with my impressions at all,” said Jeremiah, T thought the coflee was very fine.’ ‘All humbug !’said the stranger, ‘it is not worth that.’ ‘Palmyra must be a very interesting spot,’ said Jeremiah. ‘So-so,’ said the stranger, ‘the fact is, it was built up too suddenly. Folks said ’twas a flourishing place, and so’twas; but 'twas all flourish ; and now it’s going down bill fust enough.’ ‘ Perhaps its rise was too sudden,’ repli ed Jeremiah, ‘but it was always a matter of wonder to me how such a city ever sprung up at all in such a place.’ ‘lt is no wonder at all tome,’ said the stranger; it was all done by speculators.’ ‘Not unlikely,’ replied Jeremiah ; hu man nature has doubtless been the same in all ages ; and I suppose there were -peculators even among the Palmyrenes.’ The stranger now perceived that his • gar had gone outwhile lie had been talk ing to the travellers, and lie left them to get a light. Tin. Wi>» or Eaeayettk. —The faithful : .led wife of General Lafayette was a da of the illustrious house of Nuuilles. •'he married at the early age of seventeen, tfiii scarcely had the honey-moon glided hap pily away, w hen her youthful husband left her -ide to light tor American independence. Du ring his absence, Madame Lafayette ruled her household and numerous estates with wisdom and prudence far beyond her years. At length the husband whom she loved so dearly, and of whom she was so justly fond, returned, covered with glory, to lay his laurels at her feet. Some few happy days were spent together, and then the storm cloud of the French revolution broke over their heads. Her husband was soon driven into exile, but it was thought that Madame La layette, living quietly and in great retirement on her estate in Auvergne, ran no danger. But her love of liberty, her high rank, her talents, made her an object of suspicion. She was arrested on the 10th of August, and soon after sent to Puns. Her mother, grand-mother, and sister-in-law, all perished on the same scaflold. Madame La fayette herself was in daily expectation of death. She made her will, and waited calmly and reso lutely for the summons of the gullotine. The revolution ot the 9th Thermidor preceded, by live days, that appointed for her execution. As soon as she was liberated, she sent her only son then in his childhood, to the care of General Washington, after whom be hail been named; and then hastened with her two daughters to tind her unfortunate husband—then languishing in an Austrian prison. She reached Vienna by means of an American passport, obtained an an dience of the Emperor, and solicited either the release of Iter husband or permission to share his captivity. “As to the release of General Lafayette,” re plied the Emperor, “it is a very complicated piece of business : on that point my hands are tied.” Madame Lafayette joyfully embraced the other alternative, that ofshuring her husband's gloomy prison. Sixteen months’ close imprisonment in Franco, the loss of all her kindred, and horcon tinual anxiety respecting her husband, had coin hind to affect her health, which declined so ra pidly in her damp prison of Olmulz, that serious apprehensions were entertained for her life. Feeling the importance of her life to her family, and at their earnest solicitation,she wrote to the Emperor for his permission to spend a week in Vienna for change of air, and for the purpose of consulting a physician. Her letter remained two months unanswered, and then came an im perial mandate, forbidding her ever to appear in Vienna, hut offering her freedom, on condition that she would never seek to return to her hus band s prison. Madame Lafayette's noble and touching answer to this inhuman proposition, fortunately for posterity, remains on record. It was as follows : “I owed if to my family and my friends, to make some efforts for the preservation of my life ; hut they know me too well to suppose, for an instant, that 1 would accept it at such a price. 1 cannot forget that when we were on the point of perishing, my husband, by his physical and mental suffering in Austria, and I, by the tyran ny of Robespierre, in Franee, was not allowed to receive any communication from him, nor to inform him in return that his wife and children were still in existence ; and I will never, of my own free will, expose myself to the agony ©fa separation from him again. However unsuita ble this residence may he to my daughter, and however unfavorable to my health, we will glad ly avail ourselves of his Imperial Majesty’s goodness in allowing us to remain here,and w ill never trouble him with any more petitions.” From that time Madame Lafayette made no further efforts, but bore her sufferings firmly and patiently until the victories of the French Re public, and especially those of General Buona parte, changed the aspect of affairs. General Lafayette was restored to freedom, and with his devoted wife returned to his native country, and fixed his residence at La Grange—tha maternal inheritance ot his wife—an estate situated about twelve leagues from Paris. Here Madame La fayette spent the remainder of her short life in the bosom of her family, and in the practice of every chiistiuu virtue. But the poisoned arrow ot grief and anxiety had drank her life blood, mid inter many lingering months of suffering, this humble C hristian, this affectionate mother and heroic wife, closed her pure and exemplary life on the 24th December, 1806. Posterity lias cov ered the name of General Lafayette with glory, but surely the patient endurance, the self-sacri ficing devotion of his noble wife, deserve ait equal meed of praise. A Word for Oi.d Maids.— We know of nothing more disreputable in any man than the heartless and unfeeling ridicule which is some times expended on that estimable class in socie ty, the old maids. The writer of the following deserves the eternal gratitude of the sisterhood of spinsters, for the noble manner in which lie speaks a lance in their favor. Certain young ladies seem to cherish a great horror of dying unmarried. An “old maid,” in their estimation, is a title of deep reproach. Thus we hoard one miss say to another, as two ladies passed them the other day : “There "oes two old inaid sisters.” And what if thay were maids, and old, too'? Is it any reproach to a lady to he either or both of these ? It by no means follows, because a lady remains unmar ried, that she does so by compulsion, or that she is destitute ot those endowments of person, and mind, and heart, which are adapted to render her attractive and loveable. It is among the possibilities of life, that a lady should prefer the independence of a single life to the chances of improving her condition by uniting her fortune with thatofany man. It is yet more probable that a lady failing to receive the addresses of any man whom she could respect and love, should have so much taste and heart as to refuse every otherofler. It has been our good fortune to know many estimable married ladies, hut we verily believe that we can match every one of them with an “old maid” equally estimable. And when we have secu a poor broken-spirited wife, teazed and tormented by halfadozen chil dren, or ill-treutod by a cross and unfeeling hus band, we have been tempted to think that, after all, to be an old maid is not the worst ill that can hefal a woman. As for old bachelors, we confess we have but little to say. There is, to be sure, now and then a right clever fellow among them ; hut, as a race, we are compelled to say that they are no better than they should he. From the Ch ronicle 4- Sentinel. WHEAT CULTURE. Georgia is about to take the lead in the erec lion of flouring mills and cotton factories, and Wheat growing is about to take its deserved place in the commerce of the South, which has superior adaptations to produce Wheat, in the greatest quantities, and of superior quality. Compost manure can be easier made in the South and with its mild climate, will quicker repay in increased product, than in colder latitudes.— Southern Wheat is superior, and that too, even with its heretofore slovenly culture. Rarely Northern Wheat weighs more than 60 lbs. to the bushel, and frequently not that ; while the Southern will weigh 65, 70 and 72, with a thin ner bran. White flint Wheat, which comes from the South of Spain, is extensively cultiva ted about Powelton, which has yet less bran. The shorts are less, and equal in many instances to fine flour ; is proof against the fly by produ cing straw so hard and firm that the fly cannot culoutofit. Within 6or 8 inches from the earth the straw is so thick and solid that the straw cannot be mashed between the thumb and fingers. T lie grains being much harder, grind better, like flint corn, and produce more flour per bushel. But the preference will increase for Georgia flour so soon as a supply has once got to South ern ports. The Southern islands and all South America, including Brazil, will take large quan tities in exchange for coffee, hides, &e., as it will not so soon sour as Northern or Western. The reusou why Southern flour will keep longer and better in hot climates are obvious, from The tact, that ns far North as Pennsylvania, Wheat is not harvested until August, when the most of the summer’s heat has passed. Soon after the nights become cool and are succeeded tw frost, the Farmer threshes out his wheat by machinery; so soon as he is done harvesting, sells the wheat or has it ground into flour, for which there is a ready demand for new flour for use or for ship ping, which has much moisture and which caus es it to be heavier, but will soon sour in warm climates or on long voyages on ship board. Wheat as far South as Virginia is harvested about mid-summer, and later in Georgia. In \ irginia attention to the Tobacco crop causes thu Wheat to stand in the shock until Septem ber, thus receiving all the greatest heat of the sun, and is completely dried, is harder and grinds better, not flouring so much of the bran, with flour of the color of cream, which evidences its purity, hut being ighter, it requires more to make 1% lbs. net. The Northern rarely lias the cream color but is whiter. By grinding one peck of white flint corn, to the barrel, the flour will have a glistening appearance, resembling arrow root, an evidence of the flint corn com nosing a part of the contents, but by no means a preventive to its souring early. Some years ago, there was a large commercial concern in New York, with a branch in Rich mord, Va. The latter sold a certain proportion in that city, the good people of Richmond, or many of them believing the Northern was the best. The New Y’ork bouse regularly shipped that quantity to Richmond, and received in ex change Richmond flour. The expense of ship ping each way, the Richmond flour more than paid by the difference of price iu the Southern market; nay, afforded a profit. The Savannah merchants,in shipping Geor gia flour, would do well to get into this trade When once known, they would obtain higher price-, if they did not drive out all opposition, provided they could supply the demand. Brazil affords a steady market, and this trade may cause the largest exportations of coffee and hides, and cause Savannah to rise iu commercial impor tance and wealth, by the importation of the largest quantity of this article of universal ne cessity. Let the experiment be made by a baker, of a barrel of each, and the Georgia will bo found to furnish more in weight of bread, than a barrel of Northern, and of better quality. The Georgia planters have cotton as a part of their crop. At tention to it, like tobacco, causes the wheat to get the drying sun iu the shock—a necessary preparation to make better flour. It is a fact, not generally known, that the grains of wheat are larger at the South ; screens made for South ern, would admit nearly all the Northern wheat to pass through. The extension of Railroads in Georgia will increase the culture and product of Wheat so that, in a few years, Georgia Flour will take its place on the price current reports, as regularly as Howard Street or Richmond. It has not yet had a place iu the commercial records. The county of Burke has the best adapted lands for the production of wheat, and in its culture, worn lands, by care, would he restored to increased fertility ; and as the harvest would be early', the ficid would soon he covered by a green vegeta tion, restoring that section to its original health, whereas a crop ofcotton produces sickness and frequent deaths. From the London Gardeners' Chronicle. ANALYSIS OF COTTON, Itith Remarks on the Soil 4' Climate adapted to it. We have received an Analysis of New Or leans Cotton Wool, and of the Seed of the same kind of Cotton made by an American Chemist, which, we believe, has not yet been published. This is interesting not only on its own account, hut as showing the great value of employing the Seed as a manure for the Cotton plant. One hundred parts of Cotton wool, on being heated in a platiua ciueible lost 85-B’J parts. The residium, on being ignited under a muffle til! the w hole of the carbon was consumed, lost 12735, and left a white ash which weighed near ly 1 per cent., or 09347. Os this ash nearly 44 per cent, was soluble in water. Its constituents were as follows : Carbonate of potash (with a trace of soda) 44.29 Phosphate of lime (with a truce ofmagnesia)2s.34 Carbonate of lime : : 8.97 Carbonate of magnesia : 6.75 Silica : : ; 4 12 Sulphate ofpotussa : ; 2.90 Alumina : : ; 1.49 Chloride of potassium j Sulphate of lime j oi 1 i . , Vend loss 623 Phosphate ol potassa [ U Oxide of iron (a truce) J 100.00 Analysis of Cotton Seed. One hundred parts, treated as before, lost 77.387, aud the residium, after being burnt under a muffle, left 3.936 parts of a perfectly white ash, the composition of which w as as follows : Phosphate of lime (with traces of rnagnesia)6l.34 Phosphate of potassa (traces of soda) 31.73 Sulphate of potassa ; : 2 65 Silica : : : 1.68 Carbonate of lime : : .47 Carbonate of magnesia ; : .27 Chloride of potassium : ; .25 Carbonate of potassa 'I Sulphate oflime ! ~ ,„„ Sulphate of magnesia , andlus3 1.63 Alumina and oxide of iron J 100.00 With respect to these analyses, we mayforthc present observe, that the seeds yielded nearly four times as much as the ash Cotton itself did, and at the same time contained a much larger proportion of phosphoric acid and of lime. In this respect the quantity of both these substances is greater, as shown by the American analysis, than in that of Dr. Ure. Whether this may he owing to different kinds of wool having been employed, or to differences in the modes ofana lysis, can only he known when the analyses have been repeated by chemists with different kinds of Cotton. In resuming our observations on soils, it is first of all necessary to observe that, though no one will dispute the paramount importance of the chemical constituents of the soil, yet these may be considered in seme respects to he only of comparative value, as it is equally necessary to attend to the physical state of the soil, and to both in connection with the climate of particular localities. The mechanical state of the soil, its greater or less degree of porosity or of tenacity, enabling the roots to spread with more or less facility, so as to fix the plant steadily in the earth at the same time that they supply it with a large portion of its nutriment, is necessarily of great importance. But us a considerable portion of the food of plants is supplied by the air, its dif ferent states and due supply require also to be attended to, in addition to climate ; nochemical composition or mechanical state will compensate for uusuitablenessofelimate. We all know that our oaks are as little likely to flourish within the tropics, as South American palms in our mea dows, and no one now expects that our rich va riety of orchards would flourish, if, supplying them with every requisite of site, ofsoil, of cul ture, and even of temperature, we denied them a moist atmosphere. And yet a few years only' have elapsed since it was considered a rarity to flower these air plants ; and also since moun tain rice was attempted to he cultivated here in the open air, because it came from acool climate and was said to he cultivated without irrigation. But it was forgotten that, during the season of cultivation iu its native mountains, rain falls al most every day, and the air is in a state of con tinual moisture. So, also, in the culture of cot ton, a certain state of the soil both with respect to its chemical composition and its mechanical state, may' he well suited to one situation, and yet not be desirable in another, chiefly from a difference in the condition of the atmosphere, lor instance, a certain degree of porosity of the soil may retain and bring just enough of water within the reach of the roots, and yet if the at mosphere became more damp, the soil may re quire to be made drier by drainage. Again, if in another situation the air is more dry, and evaporation necessarily greater, both from the surface of the earth and from that of the leaves, a soil more retentive of moisture will be more suitable than one which is more open, and which thus allows moisture to escape, not only by evap oration but by drainage. These varieties may be observed nut only in tlic soil and climate of different localities, but even in the same locality at diflerent seasons of the year, especially in a country like India, which in the language of meteorologists, is in many parts one ofextremes. As plants obtain from the ground their water, holding in solution saline and earthly particles, and are dependent npon the air for the elements of organic matter it is evidently essential to pay equal attention to both, for it is difficult, nay impossible in both cases to say whether the soil or the climate has the most influence upon suc cessful cultivation, and it is nearly as useless, to use the w urds of Mr. Ncili, as “attempting to decide which half ora pair of seissors has most to do in the actofcutting, or which of the figures 5 or 6 contribute most to the production of thirty.’’ With respect to the practical inferences de ducible from the chemical analyses, we may first quote the opinion of Mr. Piddington, that carbon ate of lime was essential to good cotton soil. Subsequently he observed that the American, the Mauritius, and the best Singapore soil con tain a considerable percentage of vegetable mat ter, end some part of it easily soluble in cold water, while the Indian soils contain very little vegetable matter, and this wholly soluble jn water; but that the best contain a far larger pro portion of carbonate oflime, and, some of them, their iron in a different state from the others. The lime, though not indispensable, lie suppos es, may be highly useful ; but he ascribes great er value to the presence of vegetable matter. For a soil in Bengal, which contained exceed ingly minute proportions oflime and carbona ceous matter, and in which he cultivated cotton worth from 9d. to lid. per lb. asfnn experiment, for seven or eight years, during which lie had always good and offen abundant crops, he as cribes this effect to the plants having been con stantly manured with the black, peaty earth, so abundant in thejheels (pieces of water) of India, and of which an average good specimen contains 26.00 per cent, pf vegetable matter, and 15.00 percent, of carbonate of lime, yieldedvhiefly by the small shells contained in the above deposits. Mr. E. Solly, us the result of his analyses, re marks, “that the goodness of the soils from Georgia, depended, probably, far more on the mechanical structure than on the chemical com position, and that the presence of lime or any other substance would appear of far less impor tance than that the soil should he, not too rich, but of a light and porous character, so that the delecate fibres of the roots might penetrate easily in all directions.” This opinion is probably not far from the truth wherever the climate is most suitable to the cultivation of cotton. Dr. Dwight, after practical experience of some years, states that where it is in his power to choose, he prefers “a deep dark colored, light, almost sandy loam, and if it has been long out of cultivation so much the better.” The black cot ton soil in which so much of the cotton of India is grown,and which isgenerally considered the best tor tlie purpose, is remarkable for its power of retaining moisture ; while of the red soil he says, “again lam informed that in some parts of the country, the finest cotton crops both as to quantity and quality,are raised on red soils, and the redder the better for the purpose.” But the suitableness of these several soils we must con sider iu connection with climate. PROSPECTUS OF THE SOUTHERN MUSEUM. .4 Weekly Paper, published in Moron, Go WHILST the I’aper will bear principally a Literary character, we shall endeavor to make it useful and interesting to all classes of the community, by rendering it a disseminator of the latest intelligence—an advocate of virtue —and a censor of vice. Iu pursuing the plan determined upon the following will comprise the leading departments of the Paper, which we hope wi I carry the cheerfulness of know l edge and the light of truth wherever it is re ceived. General Politics. —Waiving all intention of entering the arena of mere party polities, we shall he content with presenting to our readers the result of elections, nominations, proceedings of conventions, fee., of both the great parties that now divide the country, so far as they may he deemed of public interest. Our columns will be open to the discussion of any subject connected with the public good— excluding, however, all scurrilous or merely par tizau communications. Commercial. —Under this head will he found the latest statement of the prices of Cotton at the various markets for that article—together with a carefully corrected Weekly Review and Prices Current of our own Market. Literature and Science. —Every field will be traversed and every avenue pursued, that run he thought to lead to those sacred retreats, where Literature loves to hide hcrselffrom the common gaze, that her labors may be rendered conducive to the public good. Selections from the best Literary Periodicals, both Foreign and Domes tic, will be made—Original Correspondence encouraged—Domestic Talent supported—and Science and Learning shall always obtain the sincere advocacy of this Press. , Agriculture. — Whatever may be deemed of interest to those engaged in Agricultural pursuits, shall have due attention, and no efforts will he spared to make our paper interesting to the Farmer. General I ntei.i.igence. —ln this department will be found a general synopsis of tfio passing events of the day. The ensuing Congress will be one of unusual interest, we shall therefore keep our readers advised of the movements of that body—We shall also give the proceedings of our Btatc Legislature, whilst in session. In fine, whatever will have a tendency to develope the rich and varied natural resources of our State, elevate the moral character of its citizens, or promote the prosperity and happiness of the community in which we live, shall meet with our ardent and humble support. Holding these views, thus cursorily glanced at, we seek the patronage of the Merchant—the Mechanic—the Scholar—and the Philanthropist, in our undertaking ; being satisfied in our own mind, that they will receive an equivalent for the patronage they may think proper to bestow. CONDITIONS: The Southern Museum will he published in the city of Macon, Ga., every Saturday morn ing, on an Imperial sheet, and delivered in the City or forwarded by Mail to any part of the Union, at Two Dollars per annum, payable on the receipt of the first number. If payment be delayed Six Months Two Dollars and Fifty Cents will he exacted—and Three Dollars will be invariably required from all who fail to pay within the year. OTT’Advertisements will be conspicuously in serted upon the most favorable terms. Strict care will he taken that all legal Advertisements are inserted according to law. lUpPersons wishing to Advertise by the year can do so upon favorable terms, by applying at the Office, a*, the Corner of Walnut anil Fifth Streets, where Advertisements, Subscriptions, Job Work and Communications will he thank fully received and promptly attended to. (LFCoinniutiications by Mail must be post paid, to insure attention. Editors in this and the adjoining States, by giving the above Prospectus a few insertions, will confer a favor on the subscriber, which will be duly reciprocated the first opportunity. WILLIAM B. HARRISON. Macon, Ga., Dec. 1, 1848. Dr. W. W. Marshall WOULD rcspertfully inform all persons *f. flirted with Cancer, Fistula, \Vens, all ulcers and tumors, originating trom whatso ever cause, that he is permanently located i, the city of Macon, where he may he both summer and uinter. Dr. M. would guatd the public against false reports, viz : that | 1( , had removed from Georgia—that he was dea u ' or deranged in mind. It also appears that soni t ' itinerant and other doctors, are making, or tri ing to make, the false impression that the, treated diseases precisely as Dr. M. does, there by misrepresenting him, and deceiving th eit patients, some of whom, of late, have been wofully imposed upon, and have been oblige i to visit Dr. M. at lust. Dr. M. deems it only necessary to add, that his former and continued success in the management of these diseases j s conclusive evidence of the superiority of j,,, practice over all others known in this, or ar other country. For the correctness of this sertion lie refers to his pamphlet on Cancer &c., which may be obtained gratis, by applj’l cation to him by letter (post paid) or otherwise’ I For the further encouragement of the afflicted Dr. M. would just add, that on their arrival at Macon, they will have the mi st abundant te s tunony in favor of t| le utility of the treatment by having access to those who have been made whole, and also to those who are continually under treatment from various parts of the Union in every stage and variety of the complaints J The treatment is without the use of the knife or caustic, and is both constitutional and local’ d<c 1-ts Oodcy’s Lady’s Book lor 1549. Dedicated to the ladies of the V States ■ ADITED by SARAH J. HALE, GR \rp PA GREENWOOD and L. A. GODEY. ? A Novelette, by Miss E. LESLIE, who etui tributes to every number. NP. IV II.MS’ Original Scriptural Poetry. T. S. ARTHUR, who contributes to every number, illustrative ofCroonic’s Sketches of A mericau character. Agreeable to the pracliseof last year, the pub lisher will issue as good a number each month as he does in January. This is a novel feature in Magazine publishing. During the whole of last year lie gave more engravings and more reading matter than any of bis contemporaries and will continue to do so next year. Thus’ 1 who subscribe to GODEY'S LADY’S BOOK may do so under the assurauce that they will ;<•! eeive more flu their money in the Magazine a . ' lone, than by subscribing to any other work, j To this is added and included in the same $3 t|„. j LADY’S DOLLAR NEWSPAPER, wi,i ( |, contains iu one month nearly, if not quite as J much reading matter as the other monthlies \ making for $3, the amount of reading of two magazines a month. There are peculiarities a- f bout Godey’s Lady’s Book for the Ladies that no other Magazine possesses. There is a Mez-1 zotint and Line Engraving in each number—■£ both by the best artists. In addition to these 1 there are given monthly what no other Mie-a’l zine gives— a colored Fashion Plate, with a lull description. This feature is peculiar to Gode> . as no other work lias them every month and co lored Then there are/.'ups, Bonnets, Chcnii setts, Equestrianism for Ladies, with Engraving. The Ladies' Work Table, with designs for knit ting-netting, crotchet, and all other kinds ofS work. Patterns for Smoking Caps, Chair Covers Window Curtains, D'Oyloy s Purses, Bags, A. Health and Beauty, with Engravings. °Modtll Cot ages, with ground plans and other eugrar-w ings, always illustrative of something Useful.s Music, beautifully printed on tinted paper,which may he taken out and bound. Colored Modern! Cottages,and colored Flower pieces occasionally ■ These are all extra iu Godey, and to be foutidfl in no other Magazine. These were all give# i last year and will be continued. In addition we ’ shall have in every number one of “CIIOOME’S SKETCHES OF AMERICAN CHARACTERISTICS,” A most amusing series, now first given to the ; American public. These will be illustrated in every number by a Story from thfi powerful pen j ofT.S. Arthur, Esq. “THE CHANGES OF FASHION, Illustrated by Fay Robinson, Esq. This serin j will he very interesting to the Ladies “THE APPLICABILITY Os THE FINE I ARTS TO DOMESTIC USES,” Is another series ot Engravings now in propara* i tion, and will be published during the year COTTA«E FURNITURE. Having given so many Model Cottages, we in- I tend now to commence ‘.lie publication of Cottage 1 1' urniturc—a very necessary appendage to a f Cottage. RELIGION AND HISTORY. Our superior artists, Walters, Tucker, Pease and § Welch, are now engaged upon a set of Plates i illustrative of these two subjects. OUR MUSIC, Prepared expressly for us—mostly original, and I beautifully printed, has long commanded a de- "t cided preference over that of any other Alaga- 1 zine. It is a feature iu the Book. THE LITERARY CHARACTER OF GO 1 DRY’S LADY’S BOOK. With such writers as Miss Leslie,Grace Green- I wood, W. G. Simms, Airs Ellett, T. S. Arthur, I .Mrs. E. Oakes Smith, Airs. J. C. Neal, 11. T I Tuckcrtnan, II W. Herbert, Ac. the author of I the Widow Bedott, Professor Frost, Bryant,® Longfellow, Holmes—and a host of others-; must always take the lead in Literary merit. ’PER MS—For Three Dollars we will send theK Lady's Book, containing more reading than any I, other monthly, and the Lady’s Dollar Newspa 1 per, published twice a month, which contains at 9 much reading as any of the $3 periodicals of lk .. day—making three publications in one month, jj| or iftlie subscriber prefers the following splendidjS Engravings to the Lady’s Dollar Newspapekl (although wo would not advise it, as Engravings® cannot l>c sent through the mail without bcrnfl crushed or creased,) we will send the beautiful■ plate containing the Portraits of Harriet Newclkl Fanny Forrester, Mrs. Stewart, Mrs. Ann H m Judson,and Mrs. E. B. Dright, and the PlaV*jl of Christ Weeping over Jerusalem, The Opi n , ing of the Sepulchre, Deliverance of St. Peter,j| and The Rebuke. If preferred to the newspa ® per or plates, we will send Miss Leslie’s novel® of Amelia, and any of the Airs. Grey’s or Mi#s| Pickering’s popular novels. For Five Dollars we will send two copies the Lady’s Book, and a set of the plates to each subscriber , m For Ten Dollars we will send five copies "• t the Lady 's Book, and a copy to the person send ing the Club, and a set ofplatcs to each. For Twenty Dollars, eleven copies of the Book and a set of plates to each subscriber, and a copy of the Book to the person sending the Club. For One Dollar wo will send the Lady ’s Book four months, and for 25cents any one number. Postage to be paid on all orders. Address b 1 L. A. GODEY, 113 Chesnut Street, Philadelphia. blanks. A LARGE assortment of BLANKS, such as XIL Blank Deeds, Attachments, Attachment Bonds, Garnishments, Subpomas, Exccutionsi Summons', &.e. For sale at the Office of the SOUTHERN AIUSEUAI, Corner of Walnut and Fifth Streets. | dec 1 1 JOB PRINTING, OF every description, neatly and prompt” executed at the SOU’IIIERN MUSEI - Office, as neat and cheap as at any other Off’ ce in the South. Try us and see. dec 2 1 ;