The Southern museum. (Macon, Ga.) 1848-1850, September 08, 1849, Image 3

Below is the OCR text representation for this newspapers page.

only about the 20th of an inch ; and the Cholera had ceased here. As the atmos phere became more heavy, the Cholera was more virulent; and as the atmosphere became lighter the Cholera ceased. In my articles on Motion, I have sug gested what Dr. Audrand has proven to be the case. Dr Audrand, of Paris, has communica ted to the Academy of Sciences, the fitl lowing interesting letter upon the connec tiou between the Cholera and electricity: “ Paris, June 1, 1849. Throughout t lie varying courses if the ravages of the Cholera in Paris, that is to say during the past three months nearly, I have studied the action if the electric machine daily, in order to satisfy inysell whether there is not a fixed connection between the intensity of that sc urge and the absence of the electric fluid usually dif fused through ut the atmosphere. The machine which has been the ob ject of my daily observations is a very p .werful <>ne. At ordinary times it throws •off after two or three turns of live wheel, denoting sparks from 2 to 24 inches in length. lat first observed that from the commencement of the epidemic it was im possible for me to produce this result sR oncea During the months of April and May the sparks obtained with great difficulty never exceeded seven tenths of an inch, and the variations agreed very closely with lie irregularities of the cholera.— This supplied at once a strong g ound of belief that 1 was close upon the important fact I sought to establish ; yet 1 was not quite convinced, since the variable mois ture of the atm sphere might have caused the irregulari ies of the machine. I waited, therefore, with impatience, tho coming fine we ithei and heat, to con tinue m> observations with more certainty. Heat and fine weather a? length Came, and to my amazement the machine, though often eferred to, far from denoting, us should have been the case, an increase of electricity, only gave more feeble indica tions ofi to such a degree, that during the days of the 4th, sth and 6th of June it was impossible to obtain more than slight ■cracklings, without sparks, and at length, ou the 7th, the machine remained entirely silent. This new decrease of tho electric fluid coincided perfectly, as is well known, with the violence of the cholera For my part, I felt appalled ra her than surprised, mv conviction was fixed, ad I saw in it the result •fa clearly estab ished fact. It may be imagined with what anxiety, iu these critical instances, 1 consulted the machine, the sad and truthful witness to a great calamity. At length, on the morn ing of the Bth, feeble sparks reappeared, tlieir intensity increased from hour to hour, and 1 perceived with joy, that the life-giv ing fluid was returning into the atmosphe ric void. Towards evening a storm an nounced to Paris tha' electricity had re entered its domain ; in my view the chol era was vanishing with the cause that pro duced it. The next day, Saturday, the 9th, my experiments were continued, and every thing had then returned to its pro per condition ; the machine at the sliglit esttouch threw out brilliant sparks with ease, and, it might almost he staid, with dt> iglit, as if aware of the gOnd tidings it was bringing/' I! a 1 this he (rue, tve have in (liebarom eter and Electric machine two oracles, which if consulted will give the unerring truth in response that the fatal epidemic is approaching, is present, is departing, or departed, and we must look to the client-, ist, when Nature takes such freaks, to fur. fish us, for the time, with an artificial at roosphere better suited fjr our respira tion. The American Flag at Frankfort — On the 26th of July, the flag of tho Uni ted States was displayed from the balcony ol the American Ambassador’s house at Frankfort, Germany, (Mr. Donelson,) with the sass wrapped in crape, in mourning for the death of the Ex-President. The citizens d'ul not at first know the meaning ( ~s > ar| d many passed, wondering what it could be. Some to whom it was ex P lined, thought the custom of thus lion. 01 mg the mem my "fa deceased ruler, Ver ~ )eau, iful. Before night the circum -8 ance was generally known in the place, 'he people flocked to see tlte Arneri nr' M?* l ' le rst hmo most of them had et '' a ’y ever seen it. Some of die young fiear\'y G l * lo population gave it three vide, by t lia name of Iloatli, from Vina ty, on \V S , 1 'he upper part of this conn -Bt°lin an ' last, ou a charge of having yard (if \i!' , <M °Uof leather from the tan leather | )O V s l c 'Vinship, in this place. The t* - ,Un< * ' n - * P° ,se# *i (, n, nnd not name hv ' ’’"i” a sa, 'sFaetory account of how r '' u| t"f l)-,ii In W:IS committed to jail in do tho c aw “'t his trial for the nff,. n ,. P) be - I',rlll ' ,rlll| 8 co Plfirnt,<!r term ° r ~,n Superior Court m «t , eru rir ,' nlv ’ 1,6 endevoured to shift the 11 " as P°dlar, hut in failing to do so, tr * , ‘"Mn yP ro P er hy the committing magis him. -Forsyth Bee ° M A CON, G A SATURDAY MORNING, SEPT 8,1849. Important Correspondence. The attention of tho render is directed to the very able reply of Guv. Towns, to the inter rogatories propounded to him, which will be found in another column. We have repeatedly expressed our views pn most of the subjects dis cussed in this letter, and w ill therefore only add that in our view he takes the true ground, which should he maintained by the South, as one man. He speaks as becomes the Governor of Georgia, as well ns one of her loyal sons, and should the time unfortunately come, and we fear it is lins tening upon us, when it shall be necessary to carry out these principles, he will not, hy any means, stand alone in their defence. We have anxiously looked for Judge Hill's reply, but line! not received it the time of closing our paper. When it is received vve shall lose; no time in giving it a conspicuous place in our columns. NoMItrATIOKS.—At a meeting of the Whig party held in this city on Saturday last, Messrs James A.Nisiif.t and Roland Bivins, were nominated as candidates for the next Legislature to lie run by tbc Whigs of Bihb county. Confession of Elislin Reece. The following is the confession of Elisha Rf.ece, who was convicted at the July Term of Bilib Superior Court,lß49, of the murder of Mrs. Ef.lem Pratt, in this county on the 16th of May last; made at bis own request in the presence of Thomas Bagby, Deputy Sheriff; Willis If. Hughes, County Jailor; Dr. R. McGoi.drick, the County Surgeon, and taken down hy W. K DeGnAFfENREtn, Esq , at halfpast 9 o’clock, on tho morning of the day of his execution, Friday, September 7th, 1849: “ I was born in York District, S C , but left there and went to Mecklenbuig County, N. C , where I married and remained some lime. 1 finally left and came to Wilkinson county, in this State, where I remained for about twelve months and then removed to the Cherokee coun try and resided there until the first of this year, when I came to Bibb county, to the place where I was living when thecrime was committed, for which l ain about to forfeit my life. I am the father of seven or eight children—have been twice married —my last wife is s'.ill living, and at her daughter’* in Floyd county. I came to this county on the 4th of January last nnd rented a house from Jons 11. Davis, near the residence ofD.ivit) Gukganus, the father of the unfortu nate woman whom 1 murdered. This difficulty commenced by my having heard two mornings iu succession, some person halloo at a camp near my house The second morning I saw the wo man, Mis Ellen J it tTT, leave her father's house and walk up the road by the fence and go into the'woods just above the camp and did not re. turn un’il after sun-up. I went to Mr. Guhgancs' well for water and whilst drawing the water she came out the woods to the house. I said to her, in jest, tliAt I had seen a sight that morning.— She asked me What sight I had seen ?—and 1 re plied that il was useless to tell her, as she knew herself Her father and her mother were present This led to a quarrel and haul feelings between the family and myself. About a week after wards, and on the day of the murder, I started to a blacksmith's shop, to have some work done and to have it finished hy the time I should call for it. Oil my return from the shop I stopped a! Mr. Gurganus', to get some tilings I had left, and Mrs. Pratt saw me as I approached the gate. Ihe told tne nor to come in, aud abused me very much. After this I went home and commenced ploughing, and old Mrs. Gukganus carrot, brought my iliings and threw t item over the fence. I was drinking all this time, nnd when I quit ploughing, was qtihe overcome willi liquor. I started to Mr. Davis', to carry the plough home, and carried my flask to get it filled at the grocery, on my way to Davis’. I got the liquor, went to the workshop, and while there saw Mrs. Pratt pass, going towards home. It struck nte that site had been to Esquire Ri lev’s, after a Warrant,as I hud heard she had threaten ed to take me with one. I left the shop and wont to Hop Da via’, to see if she had lire War rant. Davis had told me that if she did take me, he would stand rny security. Davis told me “she had got a Warrant for he went with her (i gel it.” I asked him what kind of a Warrant it was ?—and he told me it was a Peace Warrant. 1 then asked DA vis to take a dram—he refused hut I took one. I then told him that they (meaning old man Gurganus and his family,) could but get what little I had and my life too.— After this I think 1 went home, got my gun, and in my way met Major Armstrong. When I got near the gate, the old man entne out and ask ed me what business I had there ? I made.some reply. The old man said something else—l jerked the gate open and struck him with the gun. Just at this time Mrs. Pratt ran tut and I shot her. I went home—knew that I had done something wrong—thought I would escape, and started—but changed my mind, and was return ing home when I was taken If I had been sober it never would have occurred. I feel resigned to my fate, and hope it will be a warning to ail who shall see me executed Signed, ELISHA REECE.” At bout half past 1 o'clock yesterday, Rr.r.CE was executed, in the presence of several thous and persons, of all grades and both sexes. lie met his fate, wo learn, with the utmost fortitude. Death of Mr. Black.— We regret to an nounce the death of the Hon. Edward J. Black, ofScrivcr. county, a genlcman of distinguished talents, and for several years a Represotutive in Congress from the State of Georgia. He died ori Saturday, Ist inst., in Barnwell Dist ,S. C. at the reridonce of Mr. George Robertson, the grand father of Mrs. Black. Mr. B. had been in declining health for several years. Burke Railroad.—The Savannah Republi can states that at a recent meeting in Burke counlv $39,000 were subscribed to the proposed Railroad from tho Central Railroad to Augusta. Mr. Hoi.oombk lias been engaged to survey tho route, which will probably not exceed fifty miles This Road will doubtless now be specdilv coin- • plcted learn from a Telegraphic despatch in the Charleston Courier, that the ship Henry Clay was burnt to the water's edge, together with half her cargo, at Burling slip, New York, on the sth nst. t —ia.— IT Accounts from Liverpool to the 21th tilt have been received at New York. The sales of cotton were 10,000 hales at former prices, 500 of which were on speculation. M*IWMMIIIirM.rirjj—WIN _™ Council Chamber, ) September 7, 1849. $ REGULAR MEETING. Present—Beuj. F. Ross, Chairman. Aldermen Ayres, Collins, tsliinhohrer and Sparks Absent—The Mayor; Aid. Babcock, Carhart and Dibble. The Minutes of the last Meeting were read and confirmed. The Bridge Keeper reported Tolls for week ending the 31st of August, $lB 69; and for the week ending 'his day, $93 20. ■ A petition from J II M organ. Agent, was re ceived and referred to the Committee on Public Property. On motion of Aid. Sparks, Resolved, That the Street Committee be au thorized to have the Ditches through the Reserve South of the City cleaned out. George Douglass’ bill for repairs to the Bridge amount $3, was passed. Council then adjourned to this day two weeks, at 5 o’clock, P. M. Attest. A. R. FREEMAN, c.c OBITUARY. Departed this life, in Coweta County, Ga , at the residence of the. Rev L Bedenbarh, on Tuesday evening, the 4th inst., Benjamin B son ofßev. I'. A and Sarah J. Strobel, aged 3 months and 8 dav s “Millions of infant souls, compose The Family above." Strayed or stolen. On the 28lh lilt, a small speckled Untied DOG, ./JmJ with short reddish brown jaafeCTM^Bjdil-nr*. A liberal reward will be paid for his recovery or any information respecting him, will be think fully received by J. B GUMMING, sept 8 41—3 t Baltimore 6'lour, ts.c. •JTWENTY Barrels of extra quality Baltimore 2 FLOUR, from new Wheat Nor hern Potatoes A few boxes choice Cheese, Just received and for sale hy GEO. T. ROGERS, nug 25 3!) Elams, Butler, Syrup, &c. CINCINNATI Sugar cured HAMS Vy GOSHEN BUTTER New Orleans Sugar House SYRUP A few Jars of very white Leaf LARD. All of choice quality, just received and for sale hy GEO. T. ROGERS, nug 18 Cherry Street. IT, CTJSLB7 & SOlTa n\‘in eno cue commissWjYMEr ch.q.vts II'ILI. continue Business at their 44 Fir<‘» V? Proof on Colton *fSt)PtT!tCi Macon, Ga. Thankful for past favors,they !>■ g leave to say they will be constantly at tlieir post, nnd that no efforts shall be spared to adVmice the interest of tlieir patrons. They respectfully ask all who have COTTOjV or oilier PRODUCE to Store, to call ami exam ine the safety of their Buildings, before placing it elsewhere If Custojlauv Advances on Cotton in Store or Shipped, and all Business transacted at the usual rates. june 2 27—ly jLet F:tris Speaß ! CtOM MENT IS UN NEC I >.B AU V-A sother J EXTRAORDINARY CASE OF ASTHMA. Blocntsvili.e, Jones County, Ga., ) August 7th, 1849. y Dr. M. S. Thomson —Dnir Sir —Being under the impression that a short statement relative to my case might he productive of good to many that are now afflicted as 1 have been, and beir.o desirous of adding mv testimony in favor of von r system of practice and skill in curing disease, 1 have concluded to give it, desiring, if von think proper, to have it published to the world. STATEMENT: In September, 1815, I was attacked with ,‘lstk ma, which continued to return at intervals, more or less frequent, for two years. I applied to some of tho most eminent mineral physicians iu the Slate of Mississippi, where I resided, but without benefit—for I continued to get worse— so muc h so, that from Ist September, 1847, I had an aitaek every night , with only five excep tions, til! February, 1849. During this long pe riod of nearly eighteen months, mv condition was one of terrible suffering, compelled as I w as, to sit up almost all the time trying to catch my breath, which every minute seemed as if it w ere to be tho last : indeed, I have been for ten days at a time that I dared not place my bead upon a pillow, wheezing and breathing in a manner to have been beard over a bundled yards. Having exhausted the skill and means of the Allopathic practitioners, like a drowning man catching at straws,! resolved to employ a Homoe opathic Doctor, who fur a time, treated my case; hut alas! lie also failed and left me iri the very depths of despair. In this condition I left Mississippi and entne to Georgia, and in January of this year, as a forlorn hope, placed myself under your ;-are in Macon. Yot; ’mere saw, with many others, my condition, which for a while,was just »s described. I uas reduced to nearly skin nnd hone, weighing only 110 lbs , mv general health having suffered se verely from the repeated attacks of my ft il tor mentor ; hut it was not long before I commen ced improving. At first. I would miss one night, then two, then more ; my general health also improved, until now, I tint proud to say, that through your instrumennalitv, I enjoy excellent health— have hail no attack of Asthma since tlte first week in March, and now weigh 145 lbs., my ilstt and standard of weight in health. Since then, I have exposed myself during all this rainy season to all weathers, without being attacked, which fully justifies and warrants me in making tnis statement, requesting its publica tion, trusting that others similarly situated, may he admonished to cense looking for a cure where it cannot he found, hut resort at once to the means that have so happily, and in such a limited peri od restored me to health. With abounding feelings of gratitude, respect and esteem, I remain vnurs sincerely, Cyrus l holmes. mpf-W Terms, &c., see advertisement in another column. nug 18 33 St:ir Cnudlrs. \NEW Article, much approved of, just re . ceived and for sale hv june 16 GEO. T. ROGERS. Choice ISauts. Cincinnati Sugar cured and Georgia Xv canvassed HAMS, of superior quality, just received and for sale by G T. ROGERS, itily 10 33 .Tforc Extraordinary Cures Ejected without seeing the Patient, hy .7/. A. THO.fISO.f, Jd. D, Macon, Georgia. WHILE so much is l»eing said and done hy j Gentlemen of a different persuasion, for the purpose of elevating their profession ill the public eslitiutinn ; while societies aro being tunned all oveTthecountry, and resolutions pass ed declaratory of the superiority of their System, and denunciatory of all nnd every other ; while J the prejudices of the past are being aroused, and | the fears of the future are being appealed to; while legislative aid is being invoked, and ad-j verse interference denounced ; while the freedom j of speech and of opinion in professional men, especially of those of the “sacred profession,” are endevnured to be curtailed, and their con duct in givingconten inee to other systems de nounced as "painful and mortifying while, in fine, they are placing their dependence for ele vating their profession, on societies, resolutions, denunciation's, prejudices, feats, legislation, &c. Ate.; he it ihV pride, the happiness, and the glorv j of the undersigned, to put bis tinsl in that which j is fir more substantial “the results of his j practice. ’ These are his dependence, and to : litem lie looks for that “professional" elevation to which lie aspires ; and judging of the future] by the [last, lie has every reason o believe that be will not be disappointed. Influential bodies may rail, tidieule, and denounce; legislation may place its ban and promulgate its anathe mas ; individuals may scandalize, backbite, and traduce, but“FACTs are stubborn things “Are chcils that winna ding, And and ir na be (1 isplitit One of which at any time, is worth a thousand arguments. On them lie has laid tiie base, and on them lie expects to raise the superstructure ; and in accordance with usage, will still append more to the list, already bes .re ilia public. Tlte following letter is from the Rev. John \V. Mil.s of the Florida Conference, of the M E. Church South; who without the fear of the Faculty before bis eyes, dares tlieir rebuke and accusation of guilt of “painful and mortifying" conduct, and boldly gi\es bis experience to the world. It is too late in the day for men to school themselves into the repression of Jieir convictions : Quincy, Florida, April 10th, 1819. Dr. M. S Thomson —Dear Sir : Willi inex pressible gratitude, I drop \ou these lines .Since I received your Medicines, and commenced fol lowing your prescription, my health is so im proved that Ido not now feel the least symptoms of disease, my morbid app'titc left tne on the commencement of taking your medicines: every tiling 1 eat now agrees with me, and I am satis fied with a common meal. My Bplkkn was very much enlarged, and my kidneys failed todo tlieir office when 1 last wrote you, but these are now corrected The miserable restlessness that was my lot of nights, has left me, and I now sleep sweetly ; indeed my whole system is regular»and easy. 8o sudden was the change,that my friends, (those if them who did not know that I was taking your medicine,) were astonished on meeting with meat the improvement in my health When I compare my present condition with my miserable condition a few months ago, I can not express the gratitude I feel toward you. I now enter into conversation with life, ns I once did, and the same zeal that once burned in my heart for the Church has been kindled afresh, with my mind freed from that gloom, inactivity and forgetfulness, whirl) disease It ad engendered, and I yet hope to live long to preach the un searchable tidies of Christ. 1 have yet some medicines left, &c. I am, dear sir, yours grate fully, JOHN W. MILLS. Persons desirous of testing the efficacy ofthese remedies iu their own rases, no mutter where, they reside., can do so very conveniently by send ing tlieir age and symptoms iu writing as correct ly as possible, when medicines to suit tlieir va rious eases will be compounded and sent by mail, express nr private hand In order that ai.i. may partake of the benefits resulting from the use of his remedies, bis charge for the treatment of such cases as do not require his personal atten tion, will lie only Fite. Dollars a month, which may be sent by mail at bis risk. Acute cases, and those requiring personal at tention, will he charged in accordance with the established rales of other city Physicians. The inconvenience of having little st ms scat tered ail over the country has induced him for the future to have his terms cash, or when ihttt is varied front, it must be with the express prom ise oHtouorablc payment at Christinas, without subjecting him to the trouble and expense ofrol !e< tion. Those requiring personal attention ran be accommodated in M icon. All letters must be post paid and addressed M. S. THOMSON, M. D. jane 30 Silicon, Ga. Ft’inliiig Types A RE now sold at ISrnce's JVcw forte XY Type Twiiiidrej, at :he following very low prices, for approved six months notes : Roman. Title, lyc. Shaded,(ye. Pica, ner lb. 30 cts. 52 ets. 90 cts. Small Pica, 32 56 95 Long Primer, 34 60 100 Bourgeois, 37 66 108 brevier, 42 74 120 M inion, 43 84 132 Nonpareil, 58 100 150 A state, 72 320 380 Pearl, 108 160 280 Diamond, ICO 2;0 300 A liberal discount for cash in hand at the date its the Invoice. We have now on our shelves, ready for sale in various sized fonts : 60,000 lbs Roman and Italic Tvpe. 40,000 1 Fancy Type. 4,000 “ Script arid Running hand. 5,000 “ Ornaments 15,000 feet Type-metal Rulo. 15,000i “ Brass Rule. Presses, Chases, Cases, Wood Tppe, Ink,<X:e. furnished at the lowest Manufacturers' prices, either fin rash orrredit. Our Specimen Book is freely given to all Print ing Offi ITS. (Jjf’Printers of Newspapers who choose to publish this Advertisement, including this note, three times before the first ofOctolter, 1843, and send us one of the Papers, will bo paid for it in Type, when they purcltaso from us, of our own manufactures, selected front our specimens, five times the amount of their bill. (QpFor sale, several good second hand Cylin der and Platen Power Presses, Standing Presses, Hand Printing Presses, &c. GEORGE BRUCE & CO. 13 Chambers Street, New York, june 16 29—3 t Congress Wutcr. BY the Box or at Retail. Just received di rect from the Springs and for sale by may 12 GEO T. ROGERS. London Porter. IN Quart and Pint Bottles, just received and for sale by GEO. T. ROGERS, may 12 24 Smoked Herring:. QtIZ BOXES, a very choice article, just re -2-* ceived and for 6ule hy may 12 GEO. T. ItOGERS. Cuba Itlolnsses. HMDS, of the best quality and in fine x f order, just received and for sale low by miv Ift GEO T ROGERS [Corrected Weekly, for the Southern ’Museum.] NAILS— Wrought, 19 a 20 Cut,4d to 20d 5 a 5-4 OILS— Sperm. SI a 1 Fui!stran’d,7s a 1 Linseed,Am 85a 1 Tanner’s, 50 a 60 OSNABURGS— Per yard, 7 a 9 PEPPER— Black, 10 a 12A RAISINS— Malaga,box, 2 a 2.4 Do half do 1 a l| Do qr. do 87 a 1 RICE, lb. 4 a 44 SUGAR— Muscovado, 6 a 8 St. Croix, 8 a 10 Havana,w. 8-4 a 9-4 Havana,b. 7 a 8 N. Orleans, 6 a 8 Loaf, 104 a 12-4 Lump, none. SALT— Liverp'l,s'k,l 4 a 2 Turks Isl'd,b. $1 SUGARS— Spanish, M .20 n 20 American, 5 a 10 SH UT AH sizes, sl4 a 1| SOAP— Am yellow, 5 a 6 TALLOW, 8 a 10 TEAS— Souchong,so a 75 Hyson, 75 a Gunpowder,7sa 14 TOBACCO— Manufac’d,s n 12 Cavendish,3o a 50 TWINE, 20 a 25 Seine, 18 a 20 SPIRITS— Brandy ,C. $3 a 4 62 a 75 Gin, Hol’d. 14 a 2 Do. Ain. 40 a 50 Rum, Jam. ft a 24 N.England,3B a 404 Whiskey, 25 a 28 Western, 31 a 33 Baliimr.rc,3s a 37 P. Brandv,6o a 75 WINKS—' Madeira, $2 a 24 Teneriffe, 1-4 n 9.4 Malaga, 60 a75 Champaign,d.O a 00 Port, 14 a 2 BACON— Hoground, 6 a 7 Hams, lb. 7 a 8 Shoulders, 5 a 6 Sides, 6 a 7 BAGGING Dundee, 17 alB Hemp, 17 a 18 Gunny, 21 a 22 BALE ROPE,IO all BREAD— Crackers, 8a 10 BUTTER— Goshen, 22 a25 Country, 10 als CANDLES— Sperm,lb., 35 a 36 Tallow, IQJa 17 CIIEEsE- Goshen, 9 a 10 COFFEE— Cuba,none, 8 a 9 Rio, 7i a B.J Java, 11 a 12. J COTTON, lb. 84 a 94 CORDAGE— Manilla, 12 als FISH— Mackerel,No 1,11 al2 No 2. 8 a 9 No. 3, 64 a 7 Codfish, lb 6 a 8 FLOUR— Canal, bbl 74 a 8 Country,lb.3-4 a 3$ FEATHERS,3O a35 GLASS— Window, 44 a54 GRAIN— Corn, bosh. 35 a 40 Wheat, none, Oats, 30 a 35 Peas, 50 a 75 GUNPOWDER— Keg, 6 a 7 IRON— Swedes,cast 44 a 5 Englislt, bar 4 a 4-4 American, 4.4 a 5 Hoop, 7 a 8 Sheet, 8 a 10 Nail Rods, 7 a 8 LARD. 64 a 7 LEAD— Pig and bar, 6 a 7 LI M E Stone, bhl, 24 a 2J Cherokee, l|a 14 LUMBER,*! 10 a 12.4 MOLASSES— N. Orleans, 35 a 40 Ilav.sweet,27 a 23 MACON MARKET, SEPT. 8, 1849 COTTON—Wo have no change to notice in the market during the past week. Wo quote 84 a 9£ cents for old—and 9a 94 for new crop. CORN—SO a 55ccnts per bushel,with 0 good demand. MEAL—SS a 90c. per bushel. BEEF—4 a 5 cents per pound. EGGS—I 2a 15 cents per dozen PEAS—SO a 62c. per bushel. HIDES—7 a He. per lb. FODDER—BO a s], per hundred pounds. 'FALLOW —B a 10c. per lb. To Hie Ladies. (S'Tlte undersigned respectfully informs the Ladies of Macon, that site is prepared to alter, clean and bleach Leghorn nnd Straw Bonnets, in the neatest stylcand upon favorable terms. Also, Gentlemen’s Leghorn and Panama Hats bleached irt tlte best manner. C. A. HARRISON, Corner of Walnut and Fish Streets. april23 23 Stop Isie KltnuMiiy. p- Ran..way from the subscriber, living y.V in Houston county, on the 2d instant, a NegioJUan by the name ofJEFFERSON. .-.5- He is fui iy or forty-five years old, light brown complexion and very intelligent. He can read and write, nnd will doubtless attempt to pass himself off as a free man. Ho was for merly a I’atroon on the Ormulgee River, and will no doubt make his way to Darien,Savannah 01 Charleston. A libera! reward will be pair! for bis appre hension and delivery to me, or bis confinement iu any Jail su that I get him again. Any infor mation respecting sniri buy, will be thankfully received, and can be addressed to the undersign ed at Busby ville, Houston county, Ga. JACOB W. BASON jan 20 8— ts Tisa manufactory. THE subscriber has opened a Shop on Cher ry Street, next door to Rogers’ Confection ary, anil a few doers below the Telegraph Print ing Office, where he may be found at all times prepared to execute orders in his lino with neat ness and dispatch. tie will attend punctually to nil orders for the various Manufactures of Tin Ware, and will execute his work in a fuithful manner. BASIL A. WISE. ja’y 7 32—3 m Ounsinitliing-. f lAII E Subscriber having purchased tlirentire * interest of Mr. E. S. ROGERS, in tin above business, is prepared toearrv it on, on his own account,at the old Stand on Cotton Avenue Double and Single Barreled Guns, Rifles Pistols. Powder, Flasks, Shot Pouches, Caps Potcdcr, Shot, Lead, (, -c ,for sale. All Vk ork done vvsth ociness nnd despatch and warranted. Terms Cash. THOMASM. EDEN. dec 2 1 Flour, Meal, Corn, BACON —Ham*, Sides and Shoulders; Lard; Irish and Sweet Potatoes—in store and for sale by J. S. RICHARDSON, Cotton Avenue, march 24 17 Vinegar. "IT/ HITE Wine and Pure Cider Vinegar of vv very superior qualify, just, received and for sale hy GEO. T. ROGERS, june 16 Georgia anil New Orleans Syrup. fi J? BBLS. of very superior quality, for sale hy GEO. T. ROGERS, may 12 04 Newark Cider. ~j9 (Ol BBLS. Newark Refined Cider, just re ceived and for sale bv GEO. T. ROGERS, may 12 Cherry Street. Who don’t like good Biscuit .* MR. PAYVE, Druggist, is now propped to furnwh his frionds and customers w i lt an article of Biscuit Powders neatly put up . n box es, at a reasonable price,so that all can use them j and have good Biscuit, that will digest and not produce Dvspopsra. april 14 'J. -O .UJ *v vi- .iST JD , 2 TORY Dr. P. TOWNSEND’S cortrot'.vt) extract of SAn BA P A RIL L A The most Wonderful 3letlici«c of the Age, 1,500,000 BOTTLES MANU FACT UR UD V LARI. Y. Tilt* Mi-tlteSuo !• J) jl nyt » 1 flunit uni *ia» eared more than 100,009 Casas cf Chronic Disease, wlt’.il'i LUe test Ten Years J'niie IsOenula* uni,Vi cil by S. P. i'OYU.YD. EXPOSE. BY ltr. -t Ditto Tim FOLI.OWINO AFT;DAVIT —the Public will learn the origin, or rather where tho recipe for making tho stuff they call Old Dr Jaco>» Townsend’s Sarsaparilla, came from—and will be tbl# to judge which Is the genuine und original, and of the honesty of the men who aro employed in selling it *4 tho original Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla. Dr. S. P. Town«en«i was the original proprietor and inventor of Dr. Town&end** Sarsaparilla, and his medicine has gained a reputation that no other remedy ever gained. He manufactured over one million of bottles last year, and is manufacturing at present 6,000 bottles per day. We use moi e Saisßparilld and Yellow Dock in our establishment e-ich day, than all the other Sarsaparilla I Manufacturers in the world. Ofilce, lt6 Kulton-st. READ THE AFFIDAVIT. City and County of NtwYork, $t- William Armstrong, of the a&id City, being duly sworn, doth depose and say that he *l3 a practical Diuggist and Chemist. That some time in the latter part of May, or first of June, 1819, a man by the name 0* Jacob Townsend, who at that time was a book and pamphlet peddler, called upon deponent, at the house of Mr. Thompson, No 12 Hudson-street, where depo nent boarded,*and requested deponent to write hirn a recip© by which to make a Syrup of Sarsaparilla. Deponent further says, that he became acquainted with said Townsend at the olllce of Theodore Fester, Esq., Book Publisher, with whom said Townsend dealt That said Townsend had had frequent converse tioiis with dei .r.cnt inspecting :i;e manufacture of an article of Sarsaparilla to he sold under the name of Dr Jacob Townsend. That said Townsend stated he was an old man, and poor, and was not fit for hard labor—and wished to make some money, in order to livo easy in his old days, and that, if Sarsaparilla under the naine of Town send sold so well, and so much money was made by it, he could see no reason why he might not make something out of it too. (his name being Townsend,) if he could get a capable person to prepare a recipe, and manufacture it tor him. Deponent in on®‘ol the conversations asked said Townsend if he was related to Dr. 8. P. ToU uFcnJ, to which he replied, that he knew Dr. 9. P. Townsend would be down on him after ho should commence But that he did not care for him, as he had formed a co-partnership with men who could furnish the requisite amount of capital—and was well prepared to defend himself agaiost any attack that might be made on him. Deponent fuither say*, that pursuant to the request of said Jacob Townsend, ho wrote a recipe lor thft maaufiictuie of a hyrup of Sarsaparilla, ana gave it to him. Suj l Town eud observed that bo wanted to make a s; eciniei) to exhibit t<» his partners for their approval, as he w ished to gratify them in every thing, a.4 they furai- lied all the capital—Raid Townsend also told that the bottles they w ere to us*, were to be of tho same size and shape "as Dr. 9. P. Town send’*, and deponent, at the lequest of suid Jacob Ton-trend, went to the office of Dr. 5 P. Town-end, and procured one of his labels. And dep j.ient further says, that be has been inform | ed, and \ciily believes the Syrup of Sarsaparilla, aold Hi Old Jacob Townsend’?, is made after the recipe fur 1 nished by depunont, to Jacob Townsend, as aforesaid And further deponent seith not. ARMSTItOyO. ! Sworn to before me, this 21th day of May, lw-tS#. C. S WOaDliUL*. Mayor of the City of New York. PROOF!! PROOF!!! Here f p. ■ 1 .. 'liclusivo that Dr i . Townsend's ■Sarsapaniia the original. The following u Ironi | -u:nc of IL-3 most respect..ble papers iu this State. FROM THE AHwsiy Lvtnlng couiunl. Or. 'i'ovrnsend’a Sarsaparilla. ITher-j pro- ik ver Ims term so popular* remedy, or potent me ,no, n.i Dr Tcwn.-;cnd»*s Sauapiriuii, which wa-j origin-113 . find continues to be mauufac • tured iu tins city, :<t first by the Doctor httnself, and i afterwards fv tovcral veand to the present tim<L • by Cl •pp U . uwiif.und, tne present proprieiori Since tne pi” tiR-iritip was fumed, the Doctor ha* resided in New Y :!», witc ic be keeps a *tnie, and attends to tho I bu i ess f t :.<*ru-iiulutes at that point. The menu* I fact; iy iu I.* !' sci , and ; 1 conducted by the juniob : part'd-, .Mr. Clapp- Nero all the medicino is rminufac iu: c I, Few (; 4 11 r fiii/ens have any idea of the amouht of tl-is medico •; that h mjivifactmvd and sold. Besides the -ilcii i t * y, it i« shipped to rtie Canada*, \Vt: t h .1 Is] ■ ~v ; 1 A jienrn, and even to Eu rope, in consi.iciublc quantities. At the manufactory they employ a stej-M < .■ uic. b-.- idcs a large number 1 -ren, wer r.-y.: a i ,1, in the preparation cf the j med.oi 10, making bo>:rs, pr.niiilg, uc , and turn out, ready nr A.i;. > ;t ov*. * 100 and« , *iii per day, or nearly -COO bottk* . Y '.i4 ait cn »•);. .us quantity r i he great «aiu the: ml' i .ft l:-.s acquired, has in duced a numbered men to get up imitations, and there is ut the eDt, c.tiicr undic-iue* for sale, that are c riled ‘ >r. T ’.v: 1 adSursuperiliii.’' One iu iiar tieubjr startc 1 a*.h--'t ti r eagoi 1 New York, is called ’• Old Doctor Jiceb Townsend’s Sarsaparilla,” and ap- with a view, by dirt of odreitising, and the usual remedies resented to in such eif*srt«, to appropri ale the name of Dr 8 P Townsend’s great remedy, and thus gain ell the advantage* resulting frbm tbp • popularity of the name which lie has acquired for,*, by years of putiebt and expensive labors. Dr. S. T. Townsend, immerly of tuij city, as is well known her**, is the inventor und original proprietor of tho medicine known au “Dr Townsend’s f?a:-sap•ri]ls',* , ' and we thii.k those pcrscr.i who Rt c attempting to sell their article Cs the genuine, should be exposed FROM TIIF, Now York Daily THlrhnt; fc?" We published an ad\ertit,ement luadvcrteutlv son,!. 4 time since that did inju tico to Dr. S. P. Town send, who is the orig : nal proprietor of the preparation of Bursnpqvilla known a* Dr. Totvr>cnd*». * Other parti fie lave within the p-9st few moiifli" engaged or Connected tliomftelvcs with a man by the name of Town "end who put up a mcMiieiuc and calls it by the ssir.e name This medicine was advertised in 77ie Trib\>.v,i ai the original. c 1 his advcitkemcnt also contained matter berogatorv to the charecter nf Dr. P Tvtrr.scnd ttiulof his medicine. We regret it oppeared, and in justice t ) the Dr. make this cjc plana tiou. FROM* TIIE - New York Dully San* Dr. Townsenu’s txtraoidinary adverti cment.wiiicli occupies an entiie page of the Sun, will not escapo notice. Dr S B. 1 t.v. uscud, who is the 01 iginaf pv'f»« prictor oi Dr. Townsend"* Mntap&rillo, and whose of fice is next door to 0111*, where he lias been lor sever al year.-, in dining an immense business. He receive* no less than four hundred dozen of Sarsapaiilfa per day, nnd even tnis enoinious quantity does not supply the demand. No mecicin# ever gained so great u popularity as lus preparation of the baisapariiU. His edition of Almanacs for 1b49 cost $22,000, and he has paid the New York Sun for advertising, in tk£ last four years, over £IO,UOm, ar.d lie acknowledge® t; at it I'i the cheapest adveitisiug he lias ha«l i his “..-Jiv.ttß i» exported to the Canada*, West In dies, South America and Europe, in considerable quantities, and coming into general use in those countries, a* well as here. Suilidhrst Druggist* ond others that seil Sarsaparilla for the genuine and original Dr Townsend’s Sarsaparilla that is mat signed by Sv P. Townsend, commit* a ftaud, and swindles the customers. Men that would fca guilty of such an act, would commit any other fraud —and no Druggist of common intcihgeijce but know* thabours ia the only genuine. Old Jacob Town*ind. Some people who arc not well informed, and hav® not read the papers, and not seen our advertisements, have been lea to suppose, that because these men ad vei tisc their stuff “ Old Jacob Townsend*,” that »'- must, of course, be the original. It is icss than one year since they commenced to make their medicine. Ours has been in the market over ten year*. This OU Jacob Townsend They are endeavoring to palm off on the public •* sn old Physician, kc. 110 is not a regular educated Physician, and never attempted to manufacture a ®ed icine, until these rncu hired him for the u*e of hi* name. They say they do not wish the peoplo to be lieve that their Sarsaparilla is ours, or th® itm*-but the belter to deceive the public, they at the name tinj* asbert that their’s is tho Old Dr. Townsend’*, and tb<* original; oud endeavor to make the peorie believe *■’ at tho stuff they manufacture, is the Dr. Townsend'* tliat has | erformod so many wonderful fiiva fer tue past ten \ cars, and which n*s gained a tafiou uhleU uo other medicine ever enjoved— vhich is a ba-p, villainous, unprincipled faisenood. Wc havo com mo need suits agur»t theso incu for damages. Wc wish it to be understood, that the old man is n<< relation to Dr. whale•- er. In their sd vei tiaeiueut* aud circulars, they ptibliih a number of gross falsehoods respecting Dr. l ounsend, r htih will not notice. False lie pert®. Our opponents have published in the papers. *h«t Dr. S F Townsend was dead. This they send to thetr agents about the country, w ho report that wc have given up business, &c. lie. The public should be on their guard, ar.d not be deceived by these uupriaci pled men. IvIBBEE ft DICKINSON, -Ignis, Macon.