The Southern museum. (Macon, Ga.) 1848-1850, January 05, 1850, Image 1

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the U 'tS ' s-Z-t-Aiaits. t w II ill be published ererj S.ITURD.IY Mornivp, In the Tico-Story IV on den Rvilding, at the Corner of IVatnut and fifth Street, IS THE CITY or MACOX, GA. SSY WM. B. IIAKISISON. t i: n m s . “or tjn Papar, in advance, p-v annum, $2. if not paid iu adranca, jjsii 59, per annum. If not paid until the end of the Year $3 00. Advertisements will bo inserted atthc usual ratos—-and when the number of insertions de sired is not specified, they will be continued un til forbid and charged accordingly. (LJ* Advertisers by the Year will bo contracted with upon the most favorable terms. (O 3 Sales of Land by Administrators, Executors or Guardians, are required by Law, to be held on the first Tuesday in the month, between the hours of tea o’clock in the Forenoon and throe in the Af ternoon, at the Court House ot the county in which the Property is situate, Notice of these Sales must be given iu a public gazette sixty days previous to the day of sale. 33*Salesof Negroes by Administators, ’Execu tor* or Guardians, must be at Public Auction, on the h(4t 'C» in-the '.'tenth, between the legal hour* of sale, before the Court House of the county where tfl? me niti,, hr Administration or Guardianship may have been granted, first giv ing notice thereoffor sixty and ays, in one oftho pub lic gazettes of this State, and at the door of the Court House where such sales are to be held. O’Notice for the sale of Personal Property must be given in like manner forty days previous to the day of sale. (Tj*Notice to the Debtors and Creditors o'an Es tate must be published for forty day*. that application will be made to the Court of Ordinary for leave to sell Land or Ne groes must he published in a public gazette in this Siate for four months, before any order absolute can be given by the Court. (jJ’Citations for Letters of Administration on aa Estate, granted by the Court of Ordinary, must be published thirty days—for Letters of Dismis sion from the administration ofan Estate, monthly for six months —for Dismission from Guardian ship FORTY DAYS. (E3*Rci.f.s for the foreclosure of a Mortgage, must be punished monthly for four months — for establishing lost Papers, for the full space of three months —for compolling Tities from Ex ecutors, Administrators or others, where a Bond hasbeen given by the deceased, the full space of THREE MONTHS. N. 15. All Business of this kind shall receiv prompt attention at tho SOUTHERN MUSEUM Office, and strict care will bo taken that all lega Advertisements are published according to Law. (Ex’All Letters directed to this Office or the Editor on business, must be post-paid, to in sure attention, (fj) 33 o c t r £. Secret Courisliip/ EV E]■ I'. AN G r.H- Daughter, while you turn your wheel, Listen to the words I say i Colin lias contrived to steal Your unthinking heart away. Os his fawning voice beware, You are all the filind One’s care, And I mark your sighs, whene'er Our young neighbor’s name is heard Colin’s tongue is false, though winning ; Hist! the window is unbarred ! Ah ! I.isette, you are not spinning ! The room is closa and warm, you say, But, my daughter, do not peep Through the casement —night and day Colin there his watch doth keep. Think not mine a grumbling tongue : Ah ! here at my breast you hung, 1, like you, was fair and young, Arid I know how apt is love To lead the youthful heart to sinning— Hist! the door—l heard it move ! Ah ! Lizette, you are not spinning ! it is a gust of wind, you say, That has made the hinges grate ; And my poor, old, growling Tray, Must you break for that, his pate ? Ah, my child, put faith in me : Ago permits me to foresee Colin soon will faithless he, And your love to an abyss Os grief will be the sad beginning— Bless me ! sure I heard a kiss ! Ah ! Lizette, you are not spinning ! Twas your little bird, you say, Gave that tender kiss just now ; Make him cease his trifling, pray ; He will rue it else, I vow ! Love, my girl, oft bringeth pain, Shame, and sorrow, in its train, While the false, successful swain Scorns’the heart he hath beguiled, Thom true virtue's path to sinning— Hist ! I hear you move, my child ! Mi Lizctie, you are not spinning ! Ami wish to take the air, you say ; Think you, daughter, I believe you 5 Bid young Colin go bis way, Or, at once, as briifo receive \ nn i Let him go to church, and there Miow his purpose to he fair : But, till then, beside my chair Ton must work, my girl, nor heed All his vows, so fond and winning. Tangled in love’s web, indeed ! Cizctte, my daughter, mind your spinning ! blind mother sils in a cottage, beside her *y Ity daughter, and cautions her against love, ( | fi > all the time, nn amatory scene is going "ai between the girl and her lover, whom the old dame dreads. \ Lapsps LiNor.u.—The Lords of iho .' oasur \ have just authorised the ad mis ’on duty free of pigs’ tongues from Amcri j3' "c have no objection to the free- P'gS tongues in any part of the “ > i )llt "e wish some of the asses’ ’ ’gnes at home could have some whole* •nc testrictions put upon them. THE SOUTHERN MUSEUM. VOLUME If. A Tennessee Door-keeper. BY SUL. SMITH. In tlio summer of 1839, (the second cholera year,) 1 travelled across the coun try from Cincinnati, through Kentucky, East Tennessee, North Carolina, and South Carolina, into Georgia, with a small partyof recruits for my Southern theatres. At Greenville, East Tennessee, we made a halt, and determined to treat the inhabi tants of that beautiful village with three representations of the “legitimate drama,” in a carpenter’d shop hastily but tastefully fitted up for tbe occasion. The first representation was attended by just six people, making tho total re- 1 ceiptaof the evening, just three dollars ! My landlord the carpenter, attributed tbe slim attendance to a Camp Meeting that vVas in successful operation about two miles from town, and “reckoned” that if I would “hold on” until that broke up, wo should have full shops every night. Thus urged, we did “ hold on,” and our next performance was rewarded with a receipt of two dollars and a half! 1 proposed to decamp next morning, but the printer of the Greenville Exposi tor, ( who was on tbe free list as a matter of course,) remonstrated against so sudden amove, urging that a third perfotmance must be successful, as it was quite certain (he Camp Meeting would break up that morning, and the young folks would all return to their homes. I yielded—and advertised for “positive ly the last performances” the play of Wil- i barn Tell, a favorite afterpiece, and a lot! of comic songs. At the time of beginning I was glad to find a crowded audience in waiting—the shop, work-bench and all, were literally crammed. One of die carpenter’s appren- j tices whom 1 had transformed into a citi zen of Altorf for the occasion, told me ( that all but five or six people in front were religious folks, who had attended the camp ; meeting faithfully to its conclusion. The performance proceeded : the actors J were in high spirits. Lytie (afterwards a I celebrated Mormon elder,) bullied Gov. Gesler with a great fierceness; Cannon whacked the Carpenter's apprentice with i a hearty good will, while the latter was making a bow to the Governor's cap on a pole five feet high; the arrow aimed at the apple on Albeit’s head, flew with re markable exactness into tbe horse-blanket held up as a largo! to receive it behind ilit* scenes, and the play was receive with shouts of satisfaction By the Grcenvillians. The farce was honoied by peals of laugh ter; while the comic songs were doubly encored, every one of them! The entertainment over, I o’served there was a reluctance in the audience to depart—they wanted another song. 1 gave them one. JSti 11 they remained as if glued to their seats. 1 went before the curtain and thanked the ladies and gentle men for their patronage, and informed them the performance had concluded. They did not move they wanted yet another song 1 gave them another—and again told them the entertainment of the evening was over—intimating, at the same time, that the stage carpenter was waiting to take down the scenery. A gentleman in the gallery, (the work bench) here arose and addressed me as follows : “ Mr. Sol. Smith, Sir—l have been re quested to express to you the unanimous wish of this meeting that you will prolong your season. The liberal patronage be stowed upon you this night must have con vinced you that we can make something of a turn out here ; and 1 feei authorized to say, that if you will give us a perform ance to-morrow night you will have a house as crowded as this.” A murmer of applause confirmed the opinion of the speaker, and I was greatly tempted to yield to their wishes; hut be thinking me of certain announcements for performances in towns further south, I was obliged to decline the invitation of my kind auditors and content myself vvidi 80 or 90 dollars which 1 supposed had been contributed that night to my ways and means. —b hiding me determined the audi ence gradually dispersed, each individual casting wistful and sidelong glances to wards the stage, which by this time was beginingto be dismantled. Motioning the door-keeper to follow me into a sort of shed, adjoining the theatre, I proceeded to open the ticket box in his presence, while he sat down on a bench in the corner to wait for his wages. 1 found seven tickets in the box, and turning to the waiting door keeper, wlro was busily en gaged in chewing tobacco and spitting, 1 asked him what lie had done with the rest. “They are all thar," he replied, with great composure, looking intently on a beam of’the shed in his clenched hands, and raised about half way from the floor to his chin. “All there—where V’ was the natural question that was next propounded. “In the box, whar you told mo to put ’em,” he answered still eyeing the beam. “I find but seven here,” 1 remarked, “I want to know were arc the tickets for the ICO or people that were in the house | to-night.” "1 tell you again they are all thar, sir,” he answered sturdily, “and 1 allow ’twont be safe for any man to insinuate any thing agin my character,” lie continued, releas ing his knee and taking a very large quid of tobacco from a rusty steel box and ram ming it into bis mouth. MACON, (GA..) SATURDAY MORNING, JANUARY o, ISSO. “1 do not wish to insinuate any thing against your character," 1 said soothingly, “but I want to know what you have done withthc tickets.” They arethar,” lie again alleged, “every one of ’em thar—no one passed me with out giving me a ticket, and tbe tickets are all thar.” I began to get a little pettish, and asked the tobacco chevver to explain himself.— “ 1 here were nearly 200 people in the i house,” I urged. “There war full that,” he admitted. “Well, then,” I asked finally, “where are the tickets?—will you explain the mystery ?” My friend, the tobacco-chewing door keeper, heie renewed his grasp on hU raised knee, deliberately withdrew bis eyes from the rafter, and fixing them half closed on mine, at length offered me thq desired explanation, thus; “You engaged me to keep your door, and I have performed my d.i ities to the best of my abilities, for which you are in debted to me three dollars, and 1 want my money. No person has passed me without a ticket, my character is above suspicion, and no one must say nothin’ agin it.” “My good friend,” I ventured to say, “I don’t wish to say any thing against,”— “No, I should think riot, you’d better not,” lie continued, “for I’m too well known here: well, as I was saying you employed me as door-keeper—mark the distinction—l had nothin’ at all to do with the windows—and thar’s whar your ISB people came in, you ’tumal fool, to leave ’em open, when there was sieli a crowd coinin’ from camp meeting!” I paid the fellow his three dollars, and next day was far ori my road to the Warm Springs in the famous county of Bun combe, where they raise the largest peach es and the yellowest children in all ciea tion. Medical Facts nv the late John Donkey, M. D.—Merchants generally die of the bilious, Printers oftho typhus, and brokers of remittent fever. Masons usually go off with stone gravel or dropsy. Aboliiionists and colliers always die of the black vomit. Most Tailors leave the world in fits, though their customers rarely do. I -isappointed actors usually die of mor tifies’ion. If an editor is unwell, you may be sure there is something wrong in the circula tion. Misers are frequently troubled with the grip 's, and pains in the chest. Seamstresses suffer much from stitches in the side. Some of our benevolent men are fre quently attacked with iaflnmation of the bowels. ’I ho children of coopers are never free from the whooping cough. Lovers have a palpitation of the heart, and expectorate too much. The best reme dy is a strong solution of Sal Soda. Our congressional orators are never troubled with shortness ofbreulh, although with them flatulence, is not uncommon. Dyers arc subject to tho blues and scar let fever, and clock makers to the tic dou loureux. Glaziers are never without pains. Brewers are constantly ailing. Tt is said that our President is troubled with all sorts of complaints, and that the Secretary of the Treasury lias been fear ful of consumption. Most of the readers of the Sunday Mer cury have a difficulty of digestion; on the other hand the subscribers of the Boston Chronotype are said to have remarkable strong stomachs. The paying patrons of the Mountain Banner are said to be the healthiest peo ple in the world. Poke root is a good purga iv 6, but is apt to produce external convulsions ; un der all circumstances one dose will be found quite sufficient. The King's Evil is not known in this country, and is becoming rare even in Europe. Getting Desperate. —‘Ahem! Eph raim, I heard something about you.’ ‘La, now, Miss Sophrina, you don’t say [ so.’ ‘Yes, indeed, that I did, and a great many said it, too.’ ‘La, iioaV, what was it, Miss Sophrina?’ ‘O, dear, T can't tell you,’ (turning away her head.) ‘O, la, do now.’ ‘O, no, I can't.’ •Oil, yes, Miss Sophrina.’ ‘La, me, Ephriam, you do pester a body so.’ ‘Well, do please to tell me, Sophrina.’ ‘Well, 1 beard that—o,l can’t tell you.’ ‘Ah, yes, come, now do,’ (taking her hand.) ‘Well, T didn’t say it—but I heard that.’ ‘Oh, don’t squeeze me so—l heard that —that (turning her blue eyes full upon Ephraim’s—that—-you and l were to bo married, Ephraim!’ . Ls?'All preach humility, none practice it 1 The master thinks it good doctrine for bis servants —the wordlings fur the clergy— tho clergy for their congregation. tdT The success of individuals in life is greatly owing to theii learning early to de pend upon their own resources. A Frsil SroKv.—‘Capital salmon,’ said tlie Captain : ‘where does Billget it from ? Bye the bye, talking of that, did you ever hear of the pickled salmon of Scotland V We all replied in the affirmative. ‘Oil, you don’t take. I don’t mean dead pick led salmon ; I mean live pickled salmon, j swimming about in tanks, as merry as gigs ! and hungry as rats.’ We all expressed | our astonishment at this, and declared we never heard of it before. ‘1 thought not,’ said he, ‘for it has only lately been intro duced into this country by a particular friend of mine, Dr. Mac , l cannot just now remember bis jaw-breaking Scotch name. lie was a groat chemist and geologist and all that sort of thin? —a clever fellow, I can tell vou, though you may laugh. Well, ‘big ‘fellow took nature by the heels, and capsized her, as we say. Well, what does lie do but he catches salmon, and put them into tanks, and every day added more salt, till the wa ter was as thick as gruel, and the fish could hardly wag their tails in it, and then he began to dilute with vinegar until the pickle was complete. The fish did not like it at first, but habit is everything, and when he showed me his tank, they were swimming about as merry as a shoal of dace ;he fed them with fennel chopped small, and black pepper corns. ‘Come, Doctor,’ says I, ‘l trust no man upon tick; if 1 don’t taste, I won’t believe my own eyes, though I can believe my tongue.’ ” \Ve looked at each other. ‘That you shall do in a minute,’ said he, so lie whipped one ofthem out with a landing net, and when I stuck my knife into him, the pickle ran out of his body like wine out of a clar et bottle, and I ate at least two pounds of the tascal while lie Hupped iiis tail in my face. I never tasted such salmon as that. Worth your while to go to Scotland, if it’s only for the sake of eating live pickled salmon. 11l give you a letter, any of you, to my friend ; lie’ll be glad to see you, and then you may convince yourselves. Take my word for it, if once you cat salmon that way, you'll never eat it any other.’ London descided by a Hindoo.—A Hindoo named Shnhamet Ali, has written a history of Baha walpttr, and other dis tricts in the west of India. This book contains a short description of Great Bri tain, from which the following is extract ed as a specimen : England (Great Britain) is one of die islands of Europe, extending 600 miles in length, and 400 in breadth. London is its metropolis, the circumference of which is twenty-four English miles; so that, without exaggeration, in point of ex tent, dimensions, or beauty, it cannot be surpassed by any of the towns of India, Persia, Turan, &c. Within ten koss, its suburbs are said to be covered with de lightful guldens and noble buildings, skil fully constructed and arranged, affording ample accommodation to the inhabitants and travellers. It is a fixed rule with ev ery citizen, rich or poor, young or old, to white-wash his dwelling once a year, so that all the buildings are as brilliant as a mirror. Hence the town, with its stieets and houses, is always kept in clean order, which presents a lively and pleasant view to the visiter. Its streets and lanes are broad, and its roads are paved with, stones of various colors, whilst the shops are ve ry beautiful, and plentifully supplied with articles of various and attractive kinds,— The streets arc so brilliantly illuminated at night, that they forcibly remind you of tho Jesliun of Fareidon (the armor of Fa teidon, a Persian king.) Besides the lights with which each shop is furnished, the streets and houses are lined every night with kandeiis or lanterns, hanging from iron points, which are furnished at the public expense, and which is a matter of great congratulation to the inhabitants who enjoy ibis most wonderful and inter esting sight every night without interims sion. The illumination of the town con tinues throughout tho night, commencing with the setting and continuing to the ri sing of the suu. London contains twenty lakhs (i. e., 2,000,000,) of inhabitants. A Quiet Mediator, —A young Eng lishman, while at Naples, was introduced at an assembly of one of tbe first ladies by a Neapolitan gentleman : while he was there, his snuff-box was stolen from him. The next day, being at another house, lie saw a person taking snuff out of his box.— He ran to his fiiend—“There” said he, “that man in blue, with gold embroidery, is taking snuff out of my box stolen from me yesterday. Do you know him ? Is he not a sharper?” “Take cate,” said the other, “that man is of the first quality.” “I do not care for his quality,” said the Englishman, “I must have my snuff box again ; I will go and ask for it.” “Pray be quiet,” said his friend, “and leave it to me to get back your box. ’ Upon this answer the Englishman went away, after inviting his friend to dino with him the next day. He accordingly came, and, as he entered, said, “There, I have brought you your snuff-box.” “Well how did you obtain it?” “Why, I did not wish to make any noise about it, and so I picked his pocket.” A Chaplain at one of our Stale prison ß was asked by a friend how his parishiour 8 were. “ All under conviction !” was the answer. A Cemetery Without a Monument. —The noblest of cemeteries is the ocean. Its poetry is, and in human language ever will be, unwritten. Its elements of su blimity arc subjects of feeling, not des cription. Its records, like the reflection mirrored on its waveless bosom, cannot be transferred to paper. Its vastress — its eternal he avi tigs —its majestic music in a storm, and its perils, ore things of which 1 had endeavored a thousand times to conceive. But until 1 was on its mighty bosom, looking out upon its mov ing mountain waves, feeling that e!erni tv was distant from me but the thickness of a single plank, 1 bad tried in vain to find know the glories and grandeur of the sea. I there first felt what John of Patmos meant when he said, ‘ There shall be no more sea.' But there is one element moral sublimity which impressed my mind, and which I should be pleased if l could transfer, in all its vividness to the minds of your readers. The sea is the largest of cemeteries, ! and all its slumberers sleep without a J monument. All graveyards, in all lands, show some symbols betweed the great and the j small, the rich and the poor. But in that j ocean cemetery the king and the clown, ! the prince and the peasant, are alike un- j distinguished. The same wave rolls ! over all. The same requiem by the min- j strelsy of ocean is sung to their honor.— j Over their remains the same storms beat and the same sun shines. And there un marked, the weak and the powerful, the plumed and ihe unhonored, will sleep on untill awakened, by tbe same trump, the sea will give up its dead. I thought of sailing over the slumber ing but devoted Cookman, who after bis brief but brilliant career, perished in the President. Over the laughter loving Power, who went down in the same ill-fa ted vessel we may have passed. In that j cemetery sleeps the accomplished and ! pious Fisher; but where be and thou- ! sands of others of the noble spirits of! earth lie, no one but God knoweth. No 1 marble rises to point where their ashes ! are gathered, or where the lover of the; good and wise can go and shed the tear j of sympathy. Yet that cemetery hath ornaments of which no other can boast.— | On no other are the heavenly orbs reflect- j cdinsuch splendor. Over no otherisheard | such noble melody. In no other are so j many inimitable tracts of tbe power of; Jehovah. Never can I forget my days and nights as I passed over the noblest of cemeteries without a single human monu ment. A droll story is going the rounds, of an honest old fanner who, attempting to drive home a bull, got suddenly hoisted over the fence. Recovering himself, lie saw the animal on the other side of the rails sawing the air with his head and pawing the ground.—The good old man looked steadily at him, a moment, and then shaking his first at him, exclaimed— “ D—ii your apologies—you need'nt stand there, you tarnal critter, a bowin’ and scrapin’—you did it a purpose, darn you.” Infatuation of Gaming. —A Mr. Pot. ter, iu the reign of Queen Anne, possessf ed one of the best estates iu tbe comity o Northumberland; the fee of which, in legs (ban twelve months, ho lost at hazard. The last night of his career, when he had just perfected the w icked work, and was just stepping down stairs to throw himself Into his carriage, which waited at the door of a well known house, he sud denly went back into the room whore his friends were assembled, aud insisted that the person he had played with, should give him one chance of recovery, or fight with him; his rational proposition was this : that his carriage, the trinkets arid loose money in his pocket, his town house, i plate and furniture, should he valued in a lump, at a certain sum, and be thrown for at a single cast; no persuasion could pre vail on him to depart from his purpose; ihe threw and lost. He conducted the winner to tho door, told his coachman that was his master, and heroically march ed forth, without house, home, or any creditable source of support. j ____ Go if you can. —You tell a person that I you will clasp his hands together in such j a manner, that he shall not be able to leave tho room without unclasping them, al though you will not confine his feet, or hind his body, or in any way oppose his body, or in any way oppose bis exit. This trick is performed by claspingtlic patty's bands around tho pillar of a large circular table or other bulky article of fur niture, too large for him to drag throng the doorway. A Hope rut. Scholar —The son of a nobleman in England, who studied Divinity at Oxford, had a yacht, in which he spent most of his time with some fel low students. Being but very imperfect ly prepared for examination, he could hardly answer any question. When the examiner, to facilitate him, asked, "Pray, sir, how many persons in tho Trinity?”— The pupil, supposing tho prbfesssor allu ded to his boat, to which that name had been given, answered—“ Four, sir, beside the steers man !” BOOK AND JOB PRINTING, Will be executed in the most approved style and on the best terms,at the Ctjjiceof the SC'JTESaiT 3OTS2KJ 1C —BY— wm. b. Harrison. NUMBER 6 M arriage. —Nature and nature's God smile propitiously upon the union that is sweeLened by love and sanctified by the law. The sphere of our affections is en larged, and our plesaure takes wider range. YVe become more important and respect ed among men, and existence itself is doubly enjoyed with our softeiself. Mis foit une loses half its anguish beneath tho soothing influence of her smiles, and tri ! umpli becomes more triumphant when sbaied with her. Without her what is man ? A roving and restless being ; dri ven at pleasure by romantic speculation, and cheated into misery by futile hopes, the mad victim of untamed passions, and the disapptduted pursuer of fruitless joys. But with her he awulveiis iu a life. He I follows a path, wider and nobler than tho narrow toad to self-aggrandizement—that is scattered with raoro fragrant flower* and illuminated by a clearer light. Natural Manufacturesfo!?the Mar ket. — They ate certainly queer folks in New York, and resort to queer expedients to impose upon each other: Cue of tbe Now Yoik papers has the following hint at how things are manufactured there : The beverage calledttea natural product made of blackberry leaves. Sausages made up in the most approved forms by a secret process, known only to tlie manufacturers, which enables them to be retailed at very low prices. Miik of delicious flavor made up of those delicious ingredients, chalk, water and molasses—and named Orange Coun ty- Honey: that beautiful, delightful sub stance, supposed by the vulgar to bo the product of the bee, but which is really made of sugar and starch, by anew way of mixing them. Con in All —That we may always be kept fmm a complaining spirit about wnat is, let ns endeavor to see God’s hand in all events; and that we may not bo anxious as to w hat shall be, let us endeavor to see all events in God’s hands. Then, if we are rich, wo shall have God in all; and if poor, we shall have all in God. Discovery in Rankin County, Mtsa —We learn from the last number of the Brandon Republican that President Thorn ton and a party of friends have recently made a visit to what they denominate tho “ Platform.” It is situated on the planta tion of Mr. Morrison, and whether it be regarded as a work of Nature or Ait, it is calculated to excite considerable inter est throughout the State. Mr. T. inclines to the belief, and says, "it is a work of Art, ofgteat antiquity, of curious work manship, finished in the finest style, and more durable than could pnsibly be con ceived by any observer. From the reser veor or well in the bottom of the creek, there is a paved way, beautifully dressed, leading to a regular curve in front of the Platform. It consists of stone, beauti fully dressed on top, and jointed at all the sides, about five indies in thickness, of various figurs, on a bed of cement about three inches in thickness, laid on beauti fully white sand. Its size is at least 120 feet square, and it is level almost without the variation of an inch. There vvas nty perceptible change in tbe level of this floor, but an increased beauty, arising from the fact thut it had uot been exposed. I have no doubt but that every stone, at least every square is historical, and that if we were sufficiently versed in the modes of ancient record, we might read the acta of a nation that has long since become ex linrr. A few years since Mr. Layard 6avV in the bands of a Bedouin Arab somo old pottery —he ascertained the place from whence he procured it, dug down and found the city of Nineveh, that had been lost for thousands of years, and in 1849, is removing to tbe Capital of the British Empire its ancient monuments. Who can tell what this Platform may lead to?” Human Nature.— Bad as maybe tho nature of man, still the honor for nobio deeds, the respect for viitue, the abhor rence for that which is ignoble or base will ever influence bodies of men when ac ting on first impulses. When the traitor has pet formed his parf —when the end is gained for which he has been employed ; those whom lie has most benefited will cast him from them, and the very men who them, and the very men who had luted him to the deed, will spurn him as if his touch was contagions, or as if his very ptescuco breathed infamy. A Philosophical .Tew.—Colcridgein his table talk has tho following: Tho other day l was wliat you would caTT “floored” by a Jew. He passed me sev eral times crying lbr old cloths in tbe most nasal and extraordinary tone ! ever heard. At last I was so provoked, that 1 said to him. “Pay, why can’t you say ‘old clothes’ iri a plain way as l do now?” The Jew stopped, and looking very gravely at me, said, in a clear and oven fine accent “Bir, 1 can say ‘old clothes’ ns well as you can; but if you* had to say it ten times a mmnto for an hour together, you would say ogh do. as I do now:” and so ho marched off. I was so confounded at tho justice of Ills retort, that I followed, and gave him »• shilling, the only ouc I had.