Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1816-1818, June 18, 1816, Image 1

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flrKjagj (GA.) ; JUNK. 18; , v * . ‘Jfc '■ [Whole N Number ’■ Tea., Molasses, See. lo chests\Hyson Tea, (New Hazard’s cargo) , or retail S' pipes choice Cognr'c Brandy i 20 hhds anchtiferCts Molasses >60 kegs Gut powder. D. P. & Co. FF. ft. 20 bis Salman 20 c}o'Mackerel SO db Boston No. 1 Beef 40: do do No. 3 Pork Duel, Gresham Jr<n« ngw kmditig,from the ship IVin ■ V : P 0 ^ A large supply of SUMME • A i. bo, 59 casks and cases assorted Har< e »ch containing a complete assortrm (tea ,i w,.— . & Co vfred, fiom . THE REPUBLICAN .rsv *trnt>s«f;n f EVERT TUESDAY, THUftsriAY 'AND SATURDAY ON N£W,YORK AND Li GOODS AT .BIS,DOLLARS FEf AMJCUMt . jATABtE IX ADV4TCB. ADVERTISEMENTS wiH be inseifed at the rate of SiNnjv-Fivt: C* square* thejr»< time, and Tuiirr-dEVAX ask . Cents for zad continuation. • Xechnhie, from Mew- York, following urdeles: tttf dittip, -pocket Flaiidker- Just receivedpersch/Mmer Comp jismg> the ft Imitation Sha^, snk dittc. chiefs, ditto Ridicules, ditto Purses of various descrip tions, ditto ladies’ Gld+es, men’s yellow buckskin ditto ditto kid of various descriptions, cambric Muslin, leno jfl.x m ii J»;a.a. ' jIai._ J i ; j j One case superior pLttd .Ware, ci Frames, candlesticks, Snuffers and Tri Ami via J\'ew-Yopfc, j Two trunks Parasols, three baits"; bples Humbums 1000 pieces long yellow Nankeens, i 10 boxes Chocolate *-C! 60 do No. 10-cotton Cards 100 sets Measures 60 boxes negro I6pes 7"’j 7 CAST? ximpanv all orders frorithe Cogstxt, be scarred in Tows, or the jd.rty weli w hke, black and colored Levantine apd ft Stout mixed coat Silks and Florentine V and black lace Shawls and Veils; Merino ’ gmt embroidered Ridicules, assorted colors TKttHorl I (>/<ua I?/1tvinn<a Old Rum, Brandy and Gin, on retail. ; Fur sale by * ;' Gardner Tufts.' me 13~t—70 =. ■ 1 • Northern Homespun; Thread Laces and Edgings ' , One Case Chinelle C-erda, assorted co Fifteen cases straw Hats and Bonnets CROCKERY-WARE, &c.-; J Just' received per brig Eagle, captain Cook, from Mew- * - _ " Turk ’•} 1 case c.Wored Homespun lp orates well assorted Crockery-Ware, for country dealers . • . ; *• 4 hhds blue printed dining Sets 2 cases wool Hats, and a large assortment of Dry- Goods, Groceries and Hardware; P. H: & T* Crapon, $ M * 13-—*?—TO For Liverpool .iJTSl The Ine'new ship JANE, James Dnrfnmond, tffift»£master. For freight apply to the mister on board, or to CUMMING 8c MOORHEAD. may 2l 60 ^**«*a^*«w. For Liverpool -Tlhe British brig EVMOUTH, captain Pollitrd, 1 mF "— taking in at Bolton’s central wharf, will meet with dispateb^havihg half her cargo engaged. For freight or passage apply to the master on board, ot to SikcaseS Artificial Flowers Seventeen Cases Looking Glasses, a Tables. The abrtve grinds are offered by the invoie'e otherwise, on accommodating terms, by S. Sainsimon, next door to Jfr. M. Clarke, and opposite to jRr. Gibbons’ bricK adores, hi St. juffan street. N. Jl. V s;rk »bie stand wanted. june 6—67 lart of which ard elegant gilt frames. Spring Goods. For sale at the. store oj J. J. & F. BLANCHARD, Medicines. Fine powdered (.'ream Tartar Do do Yellow Dark Fresh do Ipc-dac Do Car. way Seed Do English Cani^iomil'^Flowers ran cash oh appboved 6-4 figured Cambric and figured Mi 4-^ pl-.iil Si k and colored Crape Market-square. Brooks & Welman Silk, for bdnnets of all colors; among; which are green, i ; white, pink, &c. Si^k, for dresses of all colors and qualities Sepunet, for trimming bonnets, of all cdlom Bliun and figured silk Gauze j * . „ 6-^ silk Labe and narrow ditto, for trimming Sulptrfine thread Lace and linen Cambric 6-4half lace Shawls and 6-4 lace Veils | Ribbons, of all sizes and colors Silk Shawls, of ;dl sizes and colors, from 75 cent3 to §12 D^tch Rolls and white Oznaburgs Russia and Irish ditto Do Anniseed Best short staple Isinglass Do Flake Manna Do Alexandrine nnh Bateman’s Drops : Have just received and mrw landing from brig Eagle and schooner Levant, from J\‘ew Fork,' the folloTving Ar ticles, in addition to their former supply of Groceries, ■which they offer for sale, very cheap at their store cn Bol ton's wttarf, t.iz; 10 lihds prime selected New-Orleans Sugar 30 bis St. Croix superior quality Sugar "20 bags and 10 bis fine green Coffee 2 hhds and 20 bis Copperass bags of Pimento and Spice barrels Almonds, soft shelled ♦ boxes Prunes basreis, half barrels and kegs of Mackerel and Sal mon ■ , a half barrels .corned Beef, N. E. Rum and Whiskey in hhds and barrels ALSO, 6000 lbs cf North Carolina HAMS For Liverpool or Greenock. The staunch, well found iiip UNION, captain Past, of230 tons, will take a cargo of cotton to 11 oj- Greenock, at a low freight, if early applica- ade to CARNOCHAN Si MITCHELL. American Ink Powder Essence of Peppermint Refined. Campnor Turkey green Arabic British Oil Llariem do Spanish r lies * Mace Nutmegs Manna, in sorts English of Lead Do Rochehe Salts Pill Boxes The above articles are offer Dutch Sfieedn; Fu mi turn Fringe and Dimity Sil e Cords, Chehelle, and Beads Fit e book, jjiconet and mull Muslin Tu rtle Shell Cwabs, Fans and bead Baskets Du nask tabfifc-'diothS,' of all sizes Ku isia and L’isli Diaper 4-4 and Jk4 Irish Linen, blue Nankeen Coi ton Kerseymere, Bombazett, Sec. To jether with a great-variety of fanejy and seasonable The subscribers Have fist received, by brig Georgia,from Boston 100 casks stone Lime 23 nests Trunks 4 bis Salts 20 dozen bed Cords 10 do sail Twine r 1U; C do Axes 6 do Hammers and Hatchets Olmstead & Battelle tune 13—l—70 Olm stead & Battellfi, Who have now landing, 50 casks cut NAILS, and 00 nieces company Nankeens. . .y-ne 1 -65 For Neiv'Tfoi'kWnd Boston The faSt sailing brig GEORGIA, captain. tVesfc NeW Goods. By the brig Yamaciww and ship Thonias Gibbons, front Liverpool the subscribers have received teen? suptyW FRESH GOODS, suited to the summer season, which are offered for sale on reasonable terms. tons Lignumvita hhds Molasses casks Copei-us pieces best Dundee Bagging pieces flaxen Oznaburgs Caruockan & iav 11—56 v ■ ' Mitchel AMD; dj’ Good OZ.\ ABUUG8, at Lo d trutv 21 60 W ifAV & CO. s per yard. h SsafeFor freight or passage, having.excellent acconi modations, apply to OLMSTEAD & BATTELLE. 1-Ti ri. Wl - -r ■. Landing Just received, •m Liverpool, per ship Winnefred, utd ■oais, which will be sold low if applied Lately. Apply to Calvin Baker & Co. • London Forter ♦*. - v ;K?n\ i TOB ACCO PIPES. 56 casks London double! brown Stout, ahd 10U boxes tobacco Fipes;. just received by the Thomas For New-York From the schooner Mechanic 20 his Pork 10 pipes Wine 16 hhds northern Gin ' 25 pieces, Oznaburgs 100 Madras Handkercliiefs j * AMO 35 tons flat building Stone, which disposed of low, if immediately applied for, by The fast a-tiling packet ship RESOURCE. Kir- Jgjpthy, master. For freight or passage apply to the gjfeafccah'ain ori bdlrd, or to . B. M i Kjnne & Co, For sale, on board, 20 bundles HAY 15 Siarrels Barn’s double ALE. june 11—v—69 ~~ For N ew-Y ork Gibbons, from Uvea-pool, and for sale bv i Low, Wallace & Co iune 13—70 Bills on England Pclot & Merrick. Bills on New-York F« T sale as above.(u.k 0— .. 6( ANDREW LOW & (3a The regular packet ship 1VOODBTNE, Millet, at. master, hourly expecteii, will be dispatched a Sfefew days after’her arrival. For freight or pas- having splendid abcommodations, apply to '; . ‘ ^ ^ *. \ .Pel6t & Memck. Just received Fer brig Sally, from Philadelphia, 5 hhds white glass Fluids, assorted sizes 1 case cotton Lace A small invoice patent Medicines Furniture Ware and polishing Powder ix stork, - ^ * 20 kegs Dupont’s F rag. Gunpowder 10 casks patent Shot 10 bis double refmedloaf Sugar 4d, 5, 6d, 8, lOd and 20d cut Nails. For sale by James H, Fraser, Market-square. Uy* Cash will be paid'for lOOOlbs Sars;q>arella Root june 13—p—70 The subscribers received by the Yamactaw- and Thomas Gib. im. Liverpool, a laige and very general supply DWAREi and CUTLERY comppsing almost icle of .necessity or use-in that line; which they opening and offer for sale on the most mode ls. - LOW, WALLACE & CO. The regidar p:*cket brig ELIZA LORD, to sail -sTft^\positively To-Morrow morning; eight passen- jH^sStegots can be handsomely accommodated, if appli ed for immediatelv. Apply to the captain on board, or to f, CHARLES W-CARPENTER & CO. june 18- 7-1 V T. _i Qn the Bay. Philadelphia Razee Boots The subscriber has msFpeCrived per brig Olypthus, 50 pair RAZEE BOOTS, of a superior quality. ractorage ana uompnssion. ffThe eubscriber having commenced in jthe above line of BUSINESS,^offers his services to his friends and the public: his is on Wayne’te upper wh..rf, formerly occupied by Messrs. Phinizy 8t 'Barnett- The Store is laige and commodious—produce will be re ceived on storage and every attention gijven to its re ception and shipment. RICHARD WAYNE, dec 2—139 John Douglass ^ The fine new sfchooner LEV ANT, Woods mas- iivter, will Sail on, Sunday next^ weather pei-mittijig. For freight or palsage, having spacious accom- modations, apply to the Captain on board, or to * Boots, Shoes, 6cc Ladies’ kid and morocco (new f.ishtion) Boots Bo elegant, new fashioned, walkingSlioes __ Bo_ kill and morocco Slippers HIPn J C TTlAiv»/»/vv nnd lmithoil Corn and Bacon ^ Pclot & Merrick ' June 15—=—71 *.*■ : ' For New-York Toe schooner VENUS, captain — , ha ■dfeii|ijv sailed on the 6th, may be -be hourly expyc SfcjiefewilLmeet With immediate dispatch. For tre dr passage apply to FELoT 8i MEftRlCi jime 11——69 . T%e cargo of the sloop Julia-Ana, from North-Garnli- na. » For side by . J BATTELLE, All. 16, Bolton's Barge, Directly under his former Counting-Room. Who offers -for sale,' the Jbllvtnng Articles, on favorable V; , terms, to close inboice^^ 15 hhds Muscovado Sugar 1 Idid Pliiladelphia lump do 6 quarter casks and 2 haif pipes Marcella Wine, found ' nearly eqfial to Sfadeira 14 quarter Casks L. P: T eneriffe Wine IQ casks Claret Wine • 5S cases do So Dc-mijchns old Madeira Wine Do / Bordeaux Brandy and Holland Gef 6 hargpers English Cheese 2i tierces do mutton Hams ^ # 2J’ jugs do split Fea« Gentlemen’s morocco and leather Bootees and Shoes Gqptlemen’s morocco and feather Pumps Children's kid, morocco, arid leather Boots and Shoes, ‘ received at the New-York Shoe Store by tlie Ado nis ajpi oilier late arrivals. ' ox havd, Trunks, VTiips, -Brushes, Sifters Lee’s fiquhi Blacking, slioe Thread, 3d dozen band Boxes . A1SO, , ' 4 Bedsteads, 2'music Stoous, 2 pair foot Stools' . 1 hair Matrass. 4i>rafeam Stevens. junp 4—0—66 - ! > ,.f- William Has received a variety of elegant lace Veils Demi Veils - ** Shawls and Handkerchiefs Thread Laces, of the newest patterns also, * A few pieces first quality bed Ticking J l J rt- r L. i V Tor Philadelphia The packet brig SALLY, captain Myrick, will ^iwnbe dispa'cched in a fey days-. 1'he cabin, having been greatly improved, passttlgers can be handsomely ac commodated, if immediatdiapf-fication be riiade... W. T. Williams. BecrirT^ *<«'d vessel, » barrels Philadelphia ^LE, and Doies Flidadelpbia bottled tlT^R, . jtmcll—69 Blackand colored Crapes(vety low) \ Green Flounce Stik, _fine.booK Muslin Fine undressed Calicoes and>Cambrics Striped Jeans and Florentines Webb’s patent Suspenders, silk and cotton IGcf Gloves, l^est quality, of which a few • - dressoL . Irish.Linens, at ail,prices, silk Gloves Fresh HYSON TEA. best quality. - June 8—i—68 ctipner arid Distiller MR. BERRY Takes this occasion to inform his ffiends and the "pub lic W general, that he. has now commenced the confec tionary and distillery cf ail kinds of Sugaries, and Cor dials, Noyau, RaUifie, Sirups, Sugar Plumbs, Candies, Jellies,, Ac. by wholesale,, by the box, 'the dozen or tlie at reduced prices, ’Country orders will 'he at- , and he wairtaats all such articles t ingredie nts. . Apply >o Mr. J. near the Fort, where be intends JVrf Norfolk and RjctiiaonJ 0 ^To sailin sh-eluy*, mm"(S.oop JULIA, ANN. csptmn Shairs- For or passage, having goon accommodations Sbr eig^or ten passengers, apply to the master 30* kits do red atftl white Heirings 50 half bis Philadelphia Crackers 30 hiunuers black Bottles 10 dozen handsome Windsor Chairs j 2 new well made Cables 15 do Hawsers 30 coils«Cordage, 400 double and singlo Blq 5 second hand Sails, for a brig erf 200 tons Just received From JVeda-York Maeoboy and Scotch Snuff Soft shelled Almonds—best Raisins Green Gages—Appriexits—Peaches and ■: presented , "’p 1 . 30 hoMs fresh Prunes ' ] CaJJfers—Olives—Sweet.Oil ; i 30 boxes old Medoc Claret. > 2 pipes Madeira Wine, five years old , Teas,^of the latest importation 1 * ^j^Turkey Figs—old Porte Wine BeSl^feistard—SperiHiaceti Candles * Tams&nds-t-PtcMe Vinegar jjiubi, u renbuS foi Just received ’RISE, she wifl- go at Beaufort—pas te aeconyhbttaed. _ ..-j*. Tlie Steam B<«t EVI jwthettnland passage and ' Jfoe"4fesengers and light freighl She will start To-Morrow moral 9 Palmes & *P i - ffave jirst received from 10 barrels prime Pork r lCrdoaiess dtt. 10 do prime Beef - 20 li» b»rtri^ TOC.g Beef 10^do bicfefttl Herring ' 3 do choia# Newark Cidef 50 boxes Sdisp c: - OS" HASP) Prcsli Hyion Tqat. . . Kegs Mackerel and Salmon And for sale by, the svb iernut^gt Wine, in eas ported from France, in RttntePe, one dozeh ;l it qualities bviUUngS- cs, just im- St. Julian Claret, in do do ^edgP;rrio Pftuliac . I do Burgundy and 5 Cordials, in boxi Fruits, in- , -do. Pickles, (in bran Sweet six years old; she rt sent to yea at a ♦ery. id will be .sold on a i, and may he semi at, 'the 19th iirit. slm will! The ship RESOLUTl' well found "and may. J >d?M*Unudl expense. This v* 1 -htPa J credit, for approved paj Carnochan & Mitchel’s whart. If not sold before Wednesda! then be put up at public auctio] please apply to MORIN. Marshal s sat , tShs tJiefirst Tuesday in July sold at the Market-house in St. the hours of ten and three, o’ Buildings On part of wharf 1 —levied on-as the property ( sundiy executions at the sub at 11 o!*cloct. & MOGBHEAD; or of one iddzen butties; .very fresh t Robert Mackay. te subscribers 1 I to continue their business through 1 II keep constantly oiyhahdRnd for s NhlSSdl^p 90 CARXi Macl^ai Herrings, smoked Red", and Boxes Augusta CahdleS . K Jgs Crackjers; . pilot and slip Bread -Bacon and Lard Cbok-e ehevfihg Tobawi assortment of UQUD1 June iS^-K-rirO; he first quality; 1 just lane '“***> and. for sale on reasoj jtt wholesale * or" by • t BALDWIN k CO.