Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1816-1818, June 25, 1816, Image 1

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fiY FRE1)ERI CK S. FELL.] T' l: tW' dS. i - ■ y-r .• D/t, ... -*4 • =a= !-==9KSBSB—■ SAVANNAH, (GA.) JUKE 25, :-»-• • • ’ . ■ - ■■ -*«■ mHm £ Whole Number 3686* ... *. * m mmAmm^Jmm .... I ,mSHiSSISSalt Number 75*] TRUTH WITHOUT FEJLgL. [Volume XIV sstksssmsssa THE REPUBLICAN IS Pl'BLISHED EVEBY TUESDAY, THURSDAY AND SATURDAY, <‘AT SIX DOLLARS PER ANNUM, PAYABLE IX ADVANCE. advertisements *«"sr;. c ;x square the first time, and 1 hir Cents for each continuation. CASH . ftmrianv all orders from the Country, unless the faym^hTlcured in Town, or the party well known to i toe Editor. All Letters to the Editor must be post-paid. Three or four Passengers , c an be handsomely accommodated on board the ship THOMAS GIBBONS, Isaac Brewer, tmaster, for Liverpool, if immediate application is made on board, or to JAMES DICKSON & CO. June 20—m—73 ~ - - For Liverpool The substantial fast sailing brig EXMOUTH, Edward W. Pollard, master; will be dispatched, J§gUfclia.vmg two thirds of her cargo on board. For freight of 200 bales cotton apply on board, at Bolton’s central wharf, or to J. BATTELLE, A'e. 16, Commerce Row. Who has for sale Bills of Exchange ON NEWfYORK AND BOSTON. june Id - —1*2 Lor Liverpool or Greenock. The staunch, well found ship UNION, captain S&atdlfcPost, of 230 ions, will take a cargo of cotton to Liverpool or Greenock, at a low freight, if early applica tion is made to CARNOCHAN &, MITCHELL. april 25 -49! For Boston The regular trading brig ADELINE, James .Rich,, master. For freight or passage apply to WHITNEY & PARKMAN. june 18—i—72 For Boston The schooner SARAH'ANN, captain Lum,- bard. For freight or passage apply on board, at Telfair’s wharf, or to Olmstead & Battelle, Who have noic landing, 50 casks cat NAILS, and 200 pieces cdrtiplnv Nankeens. June 1——65 For New-York The excellent fast sailing brig THREE SIS- ^TERS, Lane, master; for freight, (which will be staken low) or passage, having good accommo dations apply to the master on board or to Gumming & Moorhead, Who have for sale, just received, 6 chests superior quality young Hyson TEA. June 22 r— : —74 For New-York The fait sailing brig GEORGIA, captain West, .having three fourths of her cargo ready to go on Bboard. For freight or passage, liaving excellent accommodations, apply to Olmstead & Battelle. june 18 72 ~~ jFor New-York The brig CASKET, Doak, will sail on .Sunday next. For freight of ldO bales cotton or -passage apply to the captain on board, or B. M‘Kinne & Co. june 18 72 - For New-York The fine new schooner LE VANT, Wood, mas- . ter, will sail on Sunday next, weather permitting. g:For freight or passage, having spacious accom modations, apply to the captain on board, or to Pelot & Merrick. june 15 ■ 71 For New-York ^sailed on the 6th, may be W hourly expected; «S&SfctwiU meet with immediate dispatch. For freight or passage appiv to PELOT & MERRICK, june 11——69 The schooner VENUS, captain having For Newport and Providence, (r. i.) The packet brig GOVERNOR HOPKINS, teV^'^Vcaptiin Smith, will have dispatch. For freight &c«@faor .passage, having handsome accommodations, apply to the master onboard, at Bolton’s wharf, or to T. H. Condy. june 20 73 For Philadelphia. The packet brig HERO, captain Bailey, will ^sail for Philadelphia, the 31st inst. For freight s or passage apply to Perry & Wright, Who have for sale 4 ton Sweed Steel 1 ton broad Russia Steel 10 faggots Crowley Steel 10 .barrels of Philadelphia bottled Porter 20 boxes crab Cider 17 casks and 100 bags Oats Whiskey, in hogsheads and barrels Black Peppc-, V heavy) june 20—73 For Philadelph ia w7 jh*. The packet brig SALLY, captain Myrick, will - dispatched in a few days. The cabin, having he --greatly improved, passengers can be handsomely ac commodated, if immediate application be made. W. T. Williams. Received by said vessel, A tew barrels Pluladelgjiia ALE, and B xes’Philadelphia bottled CIDER. june 11 69 Fassengers The fine packet brig ALMIRA, Isaac Atwood, y master, expected, to sail from this about the 15th p, .. faof July; will take p:issengers for New-York, Mhoae. Island or Poston. WHITLEY & PARKMAN. . June 18—l—72 r, l or freight or charte I o any Northern Port The fine, fast sailing schooner ROLLA, cap tain U«wis. Apply on board, at Bolton’s central wharf, or to M. HERBERT & CO. Pnoorv . For sale on board, W^OO 4 udadelphia BRICKS. june 20-*—73 Parties of Pleasure Can be accommodated in the fine, fast sailing, pitot boat PEACE, which has been fitted Jor the JgMtfKcPurposc. she will take parties over the Bar, to the Black-Fish bank, or to Charleston, at a short notice, and will always return when the party on board inquire it. Fifteen Dollars per day will be the expense, passen gers finding their <ttn stores. Apply to WM. ROYSTON, or ELIJAH BROUGHTON, june 20 ■■■.■ 63 j Bills of Exchange ON NEW-YORK AND LIVERPOOL. J. E. White & Go. may 21 60 For sale by june 8— *68 Bills on New-York. R. & J. HABERSHAM. Bills on England For sale by .« june 13—-70 ANDREW LOW & CO. Cloathii!^ W are-ilouse. The subscribers have removed to the new brick s'ore, on the Bay, nearly in the rear of their former establish ment and opposite Messrs. B. M‘Kinne Sc Co’s, where they offer for sale, just received per ship Woodbine and brig Savannah Packet, from New-York, a general assort ment of READY MADE CLOATUING, consisting c* the following articles, viz: India seersucker, gingham and black bombazet Coattees Superfine blue and-mixed cloth and cassimere do Gingham, white jean andytllow nankeen round Jackets Superfine white and figured Marseilles Vests Do black Florentine . do Do 1 yellow nankeen, white jean, white cassar cord, striped jean, cotton cassnnere, olive, velveteen, Angola cassimere and cord Eantaloons , Superfine blue, black, drab and mixed cassimere Panta loons Superfine linen and cotton Slur’s, &c. Sec. W. & A. Weyman & Co. AI.SC, Pack Pins, white and black silk Gloves Ladies’ straw Hats, Artificial Flowers Millinets, cotton Lace, white Sattins Men’s and boy’s wool and roram Hats, june 20-M-73 Just received* And for sale at the REPUBLICAN OFFICE; A Journal^ OF A YOUNG MA^ OF MASSACHUSETTS, Late'a Sugeon onboard ah American Privateer, captured by the British, in 1813; confined first at HALIFAX, THEN AT CHATHAM, ENGLAND, ' ,$3t> LAST AT DARTMOOR PRISON. Price—On*- pollttv. ‘ fi. Off Subscribers to thbhbove Work will please call and^take^thdrcomes^^^^^^^^^june^l8-^2^ Just received, And note landing from New-York, 37 hhds. prime selected New-Orlcans Sugar, fit for re tailing . r'"' 40 do do retailing Molasses 4 pipes 4th proof genuine Cognac Brandy j 1G chest3 Gunpowder and Hyson Tea 6 c:tSKS assorted Shot 2 pipes old Madeira Wine j queu fer casks L. P. TenerifTe and Malaga do barrels Pork and Beans IX STORE, old 4th proof Jamaica Rum, warranted pure, be ing imported direct Wln.-Ley, N. L Rinn, Coffee andiron Togeth. r with a large and general assortment of well ciiosen GROCERIES, in- any quantity to suit purchasers, for sale by ' BROOKS & WELMAN, June 4—66 Bolton's wharf. Mackarel, Herrings, smoked Beef, and manufactured Tobacco of tiie first quality; just landing from the ship Cotton Plant, and for sale on reasonable terms, by P. Duffy. may 21—60 The subscribers Offer for sale TenerifTe and Malaga Wine, in pipes and quarter casks Gin, Brandy, Rum A few bags of Pepper and Coffee 10,000 Philadelphia Bricks George & Alexander M. Ker. june -72 For sale 200 pieces Inverness Bagging 5u pieces Oznaburgs 3 cases, containing 2000 Dutch half pint Tumblers. 100 bis No. 1 Boston Beef JAMES JOHNSTON. jnne 22 - ■ - n 74 For sale A gentle family Horse, Gig and H arness, by. M. Herbert & Co. june 22 74 ~ For sale An elegant CARRIAGEand pl.-.te mounted HARNESS. R. & J. Bolton. june 20 73 Landing From the schooner Mechanic 20 bis Pork 10 pipes Wine 16 hhds northern Gin 25 pieces Oznaburgs 300 Madras Handkerchiefs ALSO 35 tons flat building Stone, which will be disposed of low, if immediately applied for, by. Pelot & Merrick. Bills on New-York For sale us' . inn? 0—-66 Philadelphia Razee Boots; The subscriber has just received per brig Olynthus, 50 pair RAZEE BOOTS, of a superior quality. John Douglass. june 1 fi5 Medicines. Fine powdered Cream Tartar Do do Yellow' Bark Fresh do Ipecac Do Caraway Seed Do English Cammomile Flowers Do Anniseed | Best short staple Isinglass Do Flake Manna Do Alexandrine Senna Bateman’s Djrops American Ink Powder ~ Essence of Peppermint ^ Refined Camphor Turkey green Arabic ■ .• British Oil Harlem do Spanish Flies Mace * Nutmegs Manna, in sorts - English Sugar of Lead Do RocSKle Salts Pill Boxes The above articles are offered for sale by Stebbias & Mason. 4 april Factorage and Commission. The subscriber having commenced in the above line of BUSINESS, offers ins services to his friends and the public; his Counting-Room is on Wayne’s upper wharf, formerly' occupied by Messrs. Phiiiizy & Burnett- The Store is large and commodious—produce will be re ceived on storage and every attention given to its re ception and shipment. RICHARD WAYNE. dec 2—139 __ For sale 20 tons Lignumvita 15 hhds Molasses 6 casks Coperas 100 pieces best Dundee Bagging 50 pieces flaxen Oznaburgs p Carnochan & Mitcliel. may 11—56 For sale Six or eight hundred bushels first quality ROUGH RICE. Apply to or James Davant, on iiilton- Hcad; or Messrs. Scott & Fau.m, in Savannah. june 18—n—72 . Spring Goods. For sale at the store of J. J. & F. BLANC HARD, EOH CASH OR. APPHOVE11 PAPER, 6-4 figured Cambric and figured Muslin 4-4 plaid Si k and colored Crape Silk, for bonnets of all colors; among which are green, white, pink, &c. Silk, for dresses of all colors and qualities Sarunet, for trimming bonnets, of all colors Plain and figured silk Gauze 34 silk Lace and narrow ditto, for trimming Superfine thread luce-and iineu Cambric 6-4 half lace Sliawls and 6-4 lace Veilsg Ribbons, of all sizes and colors 3:ik Shawls, of all sizes and colors, from 75 cents to §12 Dutch Rolls and white Oznaburgs Dutch Sheeting, Russia and Irish ditto Furniture Fringe and Dimity Silk Cords, Clienelle, and Beads Fine book, jaconet and mull Muslin Turtle Shell Combs, Fans and bead Baskets Damask t .ble Clotlis, of all sizes Russia and Irish Diaper 4-4 and 7-4 Irish Linen, blue Nankeen Cotton Kersevniere, Bombazett, &c. Together with a-great variety of fancy and seasonable GOODS, too tedious to enumerate. may 30—cp—64 - , Duel, Gresham & Co. Have now landing,from the ship Winnefred, fiom Liver- pool, A large supply of SUMMER GOODS. Al.SO, 39 casks and cases assorted TlardVare and Cutlery, each containing a complete assortment for a retail store One case superior plated IVare, consisting of cruet Frames, candlesticks, Snuffers and Trays Acid via New-York, Two trunks Parasols, three bales Seersuckers, three bales Humhums 1000 pieces long yellow Nankeens, one case chip Hats; white, black and colored Levantine anu Florence Silks Stout mixed coat Silks and Florentine "Vesting; white and black lace Shawls and Veils; Merino Tippets; ele gant embroidered Ridicules, assorted colors and patterns Thread Laces and Edgings One case Cliinelle Cords, assorted colors and sizes Fifteen cases straw' Hats and Bonnets Six cases Artificial Flowers Seventeen cases Looking Glasses, a part of which are in elegant gilt frames. june 15—71) Just received v 1 '4..J From New-York Macoboy and Scotch Snuff Soft shelled Almonds-*—best Raisins Green Gages—Appricots—Peaches and Quincc3, preserved - v - 30 boxes fresh Prunes Capers—Olives—Sweet-Oil 30 botes old Medoc Claret 2 pipes Madeira Wine; five years old Teas, of the latest importation Fresh Turkey Figs—Old Porte Wine Best Mustard—Spermaceti Candles Tamarinds—Pickle Vinegar • Double distilled Rose Water—Orange do For sale by p. MORIN. june 13—l—71 On consignment. Just received, A few bales of GERMAN GOODS, well suited for ne groes’ summer clothing, which will be sold very low. 1 V J. Bilbo. jtlne 4 66 , ' drifted From Moore’s Wharf, about 10 days since, a decked Flai. Five dollars Will be given for her restorati on! Jacob Morclecai. M m 11 Auction^ On Wednesday next, the 26th lost. v Will be sold, before my store, A Negro Woman, named Naxcy—to be sold on .ao count and risk of Messrs. Carlisle & Pabodie, merchants, Savahnah. By order of Mrs. Mary Becti. Sole to commence at 11 o'clock A. Ho#e* nttctV. Dry Goods* &c. Just receivedper schoo.isr Mechanic, from New- York, Comprising the following articles: .tion bliawls, silk ditto ditto, pocket Handker- ' tiieul^^rjK&o Purses of various descrip tions, ditto ladies* Gloves,' men’s yellow buckskan -dhto ditto kid of various descriptions; cambric MushmMeno ditto, mull mull ditto,'ditto gold embroidered ditto, gold and silver Purses With clasps, kid elastic Garters, rich painted satin ditto ditto; cotton ball 'Primming, la dies’work Boxes, or Valizes, figured feather Fans, plain ditto ditto; French Linen, ready made linen Shirts, lin en pocket Handkerchiefs, ditto Thread, ■ snuff Boxes, Buttons, 1 case glazed Hats, Madras Handkerchiefs^ and also 1 case containing 2 mahogany tear or breakfast Tables. The above goods are offered by the invoice or otherwise, on accommodating terms, by S; Sain simon, next door to Mr. M. Clarice, and opposite to Mr. T. Gibbons’ brick Stores, itt.St. Jtili.oi street. f'.N. B. A suitable stand wanted. june 6—67 The subscribers Have just received, by brig Georgia,from Poston. 100 casks stone Lame 23 nests Trunks - 4 bis Salts 20 dozen bed Cordd ; 10 do sail TWme 10 do Axes 6 do Hammers and Hatchets Olmstead & Battelle. June 13—l—70 Just received, From Liverpool, per ship Winnefred, 85 tons Salt, and 10 chaldron Coals, which will be sold low if applied for immediately. Apply to Calvin Baker & Co. june 13—70 Brooks^& W^lman Have just received and now landing from brig Eagle and schooner Levant, from New York, the following Ar ticles, in addition to their former supply of Groceries, which they offer for sale, very cheap at their stare on Hol ton's whar f , viz.- 10 hhds prime selected New'-Orleans Sugar 30 bis St. Croix superior quality Sugar 20 bags and 10 bis fine green Coffee 2 lihds :*iid 20 bis Copperass bags of Pimento and Spice barrels Aimonds, soft shelled boxes Prunes barrels, half barrels and kegs of Mackerel and Sal* mon half barrels corned Beef, N. E. Rum and Whiskey in hhds and barrels ALSO, 6000 lbs of North Carolina HAMS june 13—b—70 Tea* Molasses, &c. 10 chests Hyson Tea, (New Hazard’s cargo) by ch«6t or retail 5 pipes choice Cognac Brandy 20 hhds and tierces Molasses 260 kegs Gunpowder, D. P. & Co. FF. R. 20 bis Salmon 20 do Mackerel 50 do Boston No. 1 Beef 40 do do No. 3 Pork 10 boxes Chocolate 60 do No; 10 cotton Canto 100 sets Measures 60 boxes negro Pipes Old Rum, Brandy and Gin, on retail. For sale by Gardner Tufts. june 13—a—70 ; The subscribers Offer for sale 5000 bushels Liverpool ground SALT, of a superior quality. L. PETTY & CO. june 18—m—72 M , Kinne's wharf New Goods. Bv the brig Yamacraw and ship Thomas Gibbons, from Liverpool the subscribers have received their suply of FRESH GOODS* suited to the summer season, whifch are offered for sale on reasonable terms. ANDREW LOW & CO. QgJ” Good OZNABURGS, at 18 cents per yard, mav 21——60 William Pi Beers Has received a variety of elegant lace Veils Demi Veils Shawls and Handkerchiefs Thread Laces, of the newest patterns ALSO, 4- few pieces first quality bed Ticking Black and colored Crapes (very lqw j Green Florence Silk, fine book Muslin Fine undressed Calicoes and Cambrics Striped Jeans and Florentines Webb’s patent Suspenders, silk andcotton Kid Gloves, best quality, of which adew dozen art un* dressed Irish Linens, at all prices, silk Gloves V Fresh HYSON TEA, best quality, june 8——68 E. Bliss 6c Co. a (market-square) Have just received per ship Adonis, from New-Yrrk, London superfine Cassnneres, btock, blue and drabi Vigonia ditto; cotton Cassitiiere and Vigonia Cord* white, black and blue Jeans; London Stripes; black Cambric; cotton Lace; bell Buttons; nun’s Thread* ihen’s buckskin and beaver Glo ves; ladies’ kid .and silk Gloves; tortoise shell Combs; Ribbons; LevantinO Shawls and fancy Handkerchieft. case China Silk, assorted colors black, green anil changeable Florence Silk case cotffcn Cambrics do Cahctt do Ginghams bale India Cotton k case German Sheeting, &<;. jnne 6—67 Notice. During my absence to the north, I have appointed Josk M. Eigle, my lawful attorney. Frederick SeU^ck- jupe 32-—-a*———74 Jj