Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1816-1818, June 25, 1816, Image 3

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' j jrtS ddJk SAVANNAH republic Tuesday Evening, _June SV18i6. PRESIDENTIAL election.. We have often been asked how the votes *i|I , r t u Presidential election; and have, M»«™g our re " lere ’ ?“* 8tat f Llrfwe Offer, we Polish ‘™lff and smcerelj our opinion, wit^ any view to influence or mislead. •Vermont fNew-Hampshire •Connecticut •Massachusetts t Rhode-Island •New-York tNew Jersey ^Pennsylvania •Delaware ^Maryland fV'irginia tNorth-Carolina •South-Carolina •Georgia ^Tennessee ^Kentucky fOhio •Louisiana •Indiana We venture to assert that, relying on time to verify our prediction, that the above result will not vary five votes, one way or the other. That Monroe and Tompkins will receive 176 votes, and that the federal candidate or any body else will receive; 45 votes. Had Monroe not been which every man owes to the public weal nominated, the votes would have stood as above —Caucuses to the contrary notwithstanding. h m*i Lamps louroiei Waticlu ___ was committed'on thfe person of "Mr. Bell, who was stopped close'tq the store of Norton & Wadiiams, (opposite A^Ltfw & Co*s) and rob- >ed of his money by a man,- who held a dag ger to his breast. Tne robber did not demand lis watch. Darkness is favorable, to scenes of this nature. A house', in Broughton-street, was robbed, last week, at an early hour. The utility of dram-shops, or licenses to re tail spirits less than a quart, is very questiona- jle. The Corporation draw a revenue from li censes and billiard-rooms, where liquor is sold also, and from fines imposed on those who re tail without leave. Increase the license and li mit the number to one hundred, (e#. qr.) for example; but no license for less than one quart of spirits. In a population of two thousand five hundred, one hundred shops ,would suffice, or one for every twepty-five. This would by the competition, dimmish the trade; and the reve nue drawn from direct taxation or from sales of goods on commission, is better than one dedu ced from the contamination of the public mo rals, Cleanliness and temperance, necessary every where, are peculiarly so here. Alas! disre garding the admonitions of our beneficent Cre ator, how long shall hecatombs of human vic tims be offered up an unnecessary and cruel sacrifice. Ah! will neither precept or example prove salutary to man. Destroy miasma or noxious exhalations, you remove contagion— keep the city clean, you keep it healthy—apply quick-lime, of which there is plenty, to the vaults, white-wash the houses and cellars, and freely ventilate all the apartments. Resulting from observation and experience, these hints are very respectfully submitted to my fellow-citizens. The means are cheap and within every man’s power. The intention is to offer a mite towards those contributions ate hereby notifteiLthatthe i per centtnh witlbe^received at. Ihfc . nah; and for the accommodation of western . ers, ah agent will be appointed to attend rut.the Augusta for that purpose also, from the first qfj next' The holders ofstock are required to paiy ti stalment within six months from the time of subscribiii _ for the same, in specie or notes of the Banks of Georgia. B. Bulloch, president. ' The editors of newspapers throughout.the < state are requested to publish, the above, and forward their bills for payment. ; tV y,7Trv.ns!h. "25th Jotne, 75 . , i ’ i ■ ■ i ■■ ■— n • i. i i ■■ 11——— lVlariife and File INSURANCE OFFICE. Art Election will be held on THURSDAY, the 27th in stant, for two Directors to fill the seats of A. Richards and R. Richardson, esqs. vacated by absence. R„ Wayne, June 25 75 * Secretary To-Morrow, 26th inst. . : Wiilbesotyl before sty store, 4. ; J Groceries ana Dry Goods. ' J ‘ ALSO, • 2 pipes Holland Gin i 3 Iduls W. I. Rtim, 2 do Whiskey ! * 10 bag* Coffee, 20 bis Bread . ■,1 13 kegs manufactured Tobacco . ^ 5 bis Mackerel, 4 do Herrings * 600 lbssipoaked Beef, 12 kegs Raisins 'v'.-r— 4 crates Crockery ware 20 boxes Soap, Strunks Calico 1 do Ginghams 40 .pieces brown Hollands .sJ 1 trunk Cambrics, 90 pieces Britannia* w ' H 6 - do Vestings, 60 do Lenoes Dunities, Huznhums, %c. Beef, Gin and Bagging. 30 barrels prime BEEF 60 pieces Inverness BAGGING 5 pipes Holland Gin. For sale by june 25—a—75 George Gordon.' civis. * By the Legislature. t By General Ticket. % By Districts. NEW-ORLEANS. Extract of a letter from agentleman in JV*ew Orleans to his friend in this city, dated May 24, 1816. “Our city is nearly .inundated by a crevass or breach having been made in the Levee or em barkment of the Mississippi by the force of the water, which is now at its spring-flood and flows with immense impetuosity, and being se veral feet higher than the marginal country, breaks down upon it in qne irresistible torrent, which has now nearly covered the city, although the crevass is six miles above it. New-Orleans exhibits at this time, the novel appearance of a sub-marine city, where the intercourse is main tained by boats and the fertile fields and highly cultivated gardens circumjacent to it, on the left bank of the river, presents to view nothing but one vast lake or unbroken sheet of water: a line immediately on the parallel of the river of one hundred or one hundred and fifty yards, is the only part of the city remaining dry, and we have reason to hope that it will not be permitted to come any further. The surface of the land, from the bank of the river to Lake Ponchartrain is marked with an ample ‘declivity to carry the water off was its transmission graxlual; but hi therto its course has been so rapid, that it has spread in every direction; but as the pools swamps, crevices and low places have generally received a level, and the river nearly at its ex treme height, we calculate it will graduah’v dis embogue itself through the lake info the BPJ of Mexico, without extending its ravages beyond the present limits. We have much to Fear tliat the retiring of the waters will produce pesti lence, and there seems hardly a doubt of it in the minds ef those who have witnessed former inundations.” The Georgia Journal, commenting on the caucus-minority"’s “Exposition of Motives,” &c. remarks, “that the people of Georgia ought to know for whom their representatives voted in caucus.” In this we perfectly agree with the Journal, and so soon as we can obtain a correct statement of the votes, shall give them to v the people. The two sailors who were found guilty, and sentenced to be hanged on the 15th July next for high way robbery, have been pardoned by the Executive of the State. Mr. Hyde Hi Newville, the*hew ambassa dor to the United States, from the French go vernment, arrived at New-York, on the 15th instant, in the French frigate Eurydice. Jacques Villere has been nominated as a candidate for the office of Governor of Louisi ana, at the ensuing election, in opposition to Governor Claiborne. , SAVANNAH, ITS HEALTH AND IMPROVEMENTS. On this subject, I do not know a cheaper, more grateful, and really useful improvement, than to gravel the walk on the Bay, from Tel fair’s house to Howard’s wharf. Gravel is of ten brought as ballast, and can be had at little more than the expense of hauling. From its being composed of granite and schistus or flint, * re t&ins a cooling and humid property—re eves dust, is firm under foot, and grateful to e e ye, from its color, (generally dark)-—not Late London papers inform us that “Prince Leopold of Cobourg, after having suffered ex cruciating torture from the tooth-ache, was pre vailed upon to submit to an operation;" the tooth being carefully extracted by the Dentist Extra ordinary to his royal highness the prince regent we are nappy to be able to announce to an anxi ous and enquiring public, that his serene high ness is much better and slept reasonably wel last night.”—Baltimore paper By the schooner Sally, captain Dominick, from Cuba, we learn, that the schooner Phantom, of Charleston, was fitted out at Barracoa, under Spanish colors, manned by American and British seamen, who volunteered tneir services to go in quest of a pirate, hovering round the coast, who had committed considerable depredations.— They ran her ashore and burnt her. Her crew consisted of eleven seamen, seven of whom were taken and brought to Barracoa in irons the day before captain Dominick sailed. The other four had escaped among the bushes, but were searched for and probably found.—JVew-York Gazette. - • affi. • 0 • • Married, on Saturday evening last, by the rev. B. Scriven, Mr. John Howard, to Miss Harriot Chaplin, of St. Helena Island, Beaufort District, South-Carolina. • -*jp PORT OF SAVANNAH, Tuesday, June 25}1816. ARRIVED, Brig Three Sisters, Lane, New-York j Schooner Nancy, Gale, Havana CLEARED, Brig Savannah-Packet, Mott, New-York Hero, Bailey, Philadelphia Accounts from Nassau, state that Seventeen rail of -ties sels, were lost on the Florida shore, in the late gale. Port of Charleston, Jtpie 21. LOSS OF THE SHIP HURON. ' The following is an extract of a letter from a gentleman passenger on board the British brig Duke of W ellington, captain Chancellor,i dated at Fernundina, (Amelia Island) 15th instant: “After a very boisterous passage of six days, I have ar. rived at this place, but with great difficulty ! assure you; having encountered a severe gale, in which the ship Hu ron, captain Snow, which sailed from Charleston two days before us, for St. Mary’s, was driven on shore to the southward of St. Augustine.” [The Huron sailed from this port on Monday, 3d inst. in company with the brig William, Kennedy,’ both for St. Mary’s.] Port ofjVassau, (JV*. P.) June 12. The Spanish ship La Rosa, Capot, has been cast away on Abaco, having on board upwards of 300 slaves from Bony in Africa, bound to Havana—the siaves, together with the crew, were all safe landed by several vessels be. longing to these islands, upon Abaco, where they now re main. By a vessel arrived from the coast of Florida, we learn that a severe gale of wind commenced in the gulf on Wednesday, the 5th inst. and continued to blow with great violence until the 8th, by which many vessels have been wrecked. " The schooner Zanga, Russel, of this port, was cast away at Sound Point, on the 6th; the car go has been "saved and brought up in the Eagle. The American schooner General Pike, Emery, master, from Chasleston bound to Matartzas, was wrecked at the same place,- on the same day; part of the cargo has been saved. Mr. Preston, who was a passenger in the Zanga, arrived here last night. " A brig was seen on the reef to the northward of Sound Point, which in a few minutes disappeared—A sloop also appeared in great distress, near where the brig was seen. A brig (name unknown) from Boston to Havana, was driven on shore at Sturrups Key, but got off with the loss of her deck load. The sloop Fairy, Thrift, of this port, is on shore at Key Tabamier, ha ving lost her mast. The Eagle on her passage from Florida, spoke a brig from New-Orleans, in distress. During the gale many vessels were seen scudding before it. THE FISHERIES. Portsmouth, (:t. rt.) June 8. The following endorsement was made May 15,. by the commander of h» Britannic majesty’s ship Menai, gjf 64 guns, in the Bay of FundajV on the back of tyt license of the sehoonejttfSarisa, Lear, master, belonging toNew- The subscriber Has just received, and note opening, at JV*o. 17, Dolton’s buildings. fronting the Exchange -wharf, THE: FOLLOWING ARTICLES, Which .ire offered for sale, low foricash: 50 casks London bottled Prtrter 30 ban-els fresh Philadelphia Flour 25. barrels -Georgia do Crackers, by the keg or barrel New-Orieans Sugars, in barrels White Havana do Double refined loaf Sugar Coffee and Hyson Teas Cognac Brandy Best Jamaica Rum Northward Iium and Whiskey Madeira Wine, by the dozen or quarter cask Lisbon do do Sweet Oil, boxes brown Soap Boxes fresh Prunes, Raisins and Almonds ALSO 3000 lbs. North-Carolina Hams 20 boxes choice Spanish Segars 20 thousand American do Francis Jalineau. ilinp *25—75 T or sale, On board the sloop Mary, laying at Jones’ wharf, 50 kegs of Dupont’s Gunpowder, first quality 12 barrels of Philadelphia Whiskey 8 kegs of iissorted cut Nails Cider and Vinegar, in barrels 8 barrels of Crackers A few thousand ALSO, Bricks bine 25-a*—75 Far sale A light four wheel CARR1A.GE and HARNESS, near ly new. Appiv to R. & J. HABERSHAM. i.rie 25 75 10 Kentucky HORSESK Sale to commence at 11 o’clock. ■ -. A. Howe auct'r june 25—75 . "1 Auction. On Thursday next, 2d July, Will be sold before the courthouse, between the usual hours, (if notpreviously disposed of at private sale) A valuable NEGRO FELLOW, a first raje copper. M. Herbert & Co. querrs; june 25— - -75 Sfe- i ". An Ordinance T or saie That well known Lot, with the improvements thereon, consisting of a large dwelling and out Houses, a little out of repair, situate in the upper end of town, formerly own ed and occupied by Mr. Straw hacker. For particulars, enquire of T. POLHILL, or F. H. WELLMAN. iime 25 ca 75 Dr. D. M. JLairitte Will attend to any calls in his profession; his office is at the corner of President and West-Broad streets. june 25 -m* -75 During my absence from this state, Mr. Barna M‘KntNE will act as my attorney. William I. Scott. june 25 -w* 75 In Council, 21st June, 1816. Resolved, That tile City Marshal be, and is hereby, au thorised to seliLot No. 12, in Elbert ward, for the pay ments of all rents that may be due for said lot. Extract from the Minutes D. D. Williams, c. c. In conformity to xhe above order of Council, 1 shall proceed, on Monday, the first day of July, at the court house, between the hours of ten and two o’clock, to sell the above lot under the superintendance of two or more aidermen. F. M. STONE, k. c. s. i-me 25~75 Ketaiiers OF SPIRITUOUS LIQUORS, Whose licences are out on the 22d of this month, and those who have no licence, are notified to make applica tion at the Police office, otherwise they will be brougl ' before council indiscriminately. F. M. Stone, m. c. s. 25—75 - W "a m june Notice. castles—^‘WamM from fishings in the ports, harbors, creeks or bays, withirt the jurisdiction of his majesty’s NdWi American Colonies, or using anyjjart thereof for any purposes connected'with the fishetyT^L^ All persons having demands against the estate of John H. Dbuuejl, dec. and those indebted are requested to call on C. H. Mavden, and settle the same, who is.authorised to transact the business of said estate. Ann Deubell. inne 25 cm 75 ex’ Lost, Last night, on the Bluff, a large-silver WATCH, patent chrystal, maker*^ name marked on the cap, (Morris To bias.) The finder will be liberally rewarded by leaving it at the Exchange. inn j 25 c 75'V' Found, Under the trees and on the walk from the Exchange to thq.,east ward, a SILVER WATCH and a WALKING STICK. Any person proving property, and rewarding' the Negro who found the same, Will be directed to its recovery by applying to the printer, and.pav forthis ad- vertisement. ** june $5—m—-75 100 Dollars’ reward.^ & The fine, new brig CASKET, captain Doake, will sftil for New-York on THURSDAY NEXT-—five or six passengers can befiandsomely accom modated. Apply to BS;M‘KINNE ar CO. june 25—c—*75 Now landing, From bngI Three Sisters, 12 cases fluted half pint TUMBLERS. For sale by J- B A TTELLE, JVo, 16, ComntP-ce Row Who has for sale low, to close an account, 35 coils superior bale ROPE. (£/■ 100 j,bales COTTON wanted to fill qp the EX MOUTH, for Liverpool. Apply ^3 above. T june 25—75 Runaway from the subscriber, at Edgefield court house, on the night of the 13th inst. a mulatto man named Jijlil s, about 28 years old, 5 feet 9 or 10 inches high, slender but welhfprmed, some what slow in his gait, of a sedate frown ing 8kintenance ; but very plausible and intelligent, speaks very well fora slave. He is a Very good work man as a carpenter and cabinetsmaker, and very capable as a servant or waiter. Hu inclines a little forward in wdlk- ing, and there is one unerring mark by which he may be known, his lgft %rm, which has been put out of joint at the elbow, when he was quite young, and never pro perly set, and may be perceived by attentive observation even with a coat on. He had on when he went away, a reddish mixed homespun coat and.-striped blue northern homespun pantaloons—he may possibly endeavor to .peach Savannah or Charleston, to get on board of some vessel, and go to the northern states. All captains of ^pssels are therefore cautioned against concealing him, arid receiving him on board. He Will no doubt endeavor to pa$s under an assumed same as a freeman. Any per son who will appgghend the said fellow, and commit him to gaol in Sayahnah or in any part of Georgia, be yond the distance of 100 miles from Augusta and give information to the sufcscriber at Edgefield cotort house, (s. c.) Will be entitled to thetabove reward, 4 W. Elleson. jund*25-———75 'Hr. Trf amend an ordinance, entitled’ aw ordInxitc* to al ter and amend an ordinance, entitled an Ordinance to amend and consolidate the different ordinances for raising a vund for the support of a watch in the city of Savannah. , . » \ Whereas, the power given to the Treasurer of this ci ty, by the above recited ordinance, passed* the 3d pf Ja nuary, 1812, of imposing assessments whfcre no return* have been made at the periods designated in said ordi nance—is deemed irregular, and leaves too much to the authority and discretion of said Treasurer in ascertaining and fixing the amounts of said assessments: AndAvhere- as, great inequality is produced in the collection of taxes imposed by said ordinance on commission sales, by the said ordiftance not requiring transient or temporary resi dent merchants, and others, selling on commission, to make returns at other periods, than those, designated in. said ordinance; foe remedy whereof, 1st. Be it ordained by the Mayor and 1 Aldermen of the. city of Savannah, and it is hereby ordained by the authori ty of the same; That, from and immediately after the pas sing of this_.ordinaiice, the Treasurer of this city shall give notice, in the Gazettes of this city, for the space of ten days, that he will receive returns from all those who have failed to make their returns at the periods desig nated in said ordinance, or who are still m arrears for taxes imposed by said ordinance on commission sales. 2d. Be it further ordained by the authority afbresaid.- That, upon the failure of any person or persons so to make his or their return*or returns, the said Treasurer sliall be, and he is hereby authorised, aided by two or more citizens, to be nominated and appointed by the Mayor, within five days after the expiration of said no tice—to proceed to assess the person or persons so fail ing to make his or their return or returns of goods, wares and merchandize (with the exceptions contained in said ordinance) sold by him or them on commission, according to the best information he the said Treasurer, and the citizens associated with him can obtain; and after such assessments shall have been completed, it shall, smd is, hereby, declared to be the duty of the Treasurer to lay the same in the form of a report, signed by him and the citizens associated with him as aforesaid, before the next regular meeting of Council, which shall take place after the completion of said assessments. 3d. Beit further ordained by the authority aforesaid, That after the said report of the treasurer and citizens shall have been submitted to council, the clerk of council shall give notice in the gazettes of this city, that appeal* will be allowed from the assessments qf siaid report, to be determined at the next regular meeting of council: and if after such notice no appeals are entered, it shall be the duty of the said treasurer to issue executions against every and all persons for the amounts assessed in said report. 4th. Be it further ordained by the authority aforesaid* That in future, where any person or persons permanently residing in this city, and selling goods, wares and mer chandize on commission (with the exceptions contained in said ordinance) shall fail to make returns at the pe riods mentioned m said ordinance, it shall be the duty of said treasurer, aided and assisted as aforesaid to make assessments on the defaulters, and to report to council in the manner herein before directed, upon which the clerk of council shall give notice, and appeals allowed, and executions issue in the' manner as is also herein, before directed. 5th. Be it further ordained by the authority aforesaid* That all transient merchants or persons coming to this city for the purpose of residing within its limits tempo rarily, or for a few months, shall, at the expiration oF every two months after said temporary residence shall have commenced, make a true and just return upon oatB to the treasurer, of all goods, wares and merchandize (with'the exceptions aforesaid) sold by them on commis sion, and pay-to the said treasurer the taxes and assess ments due thereon: and upon failure to make the said returns and fo pay the said taxes or assessments, it shall be the duty ,of tne treasurer forthwith, aided and assisted by citizenSas befdrementioned, to assess the said per sons,; and report the same to council, and ifj after notice by the clerk of council as before mentioned, no appeal* are entered by said defaulters, it shall then be the duty of the treasurer to issue executions for the amounts specified and contained in the report aforesaid. 6th. And be it further ordained by theauthority aforesaid* That any person against whom an execution'shall issue, pursuant to the directing ofthisordinance, may, on appli cation to the May or for a suspension of said execution, and payment of costs] which may have accrued,'be permitted to make a return on oath of goods, wares and merchan dize, (with the exceptions aforesaid) sold by him on com mission, .which return shall be made to the Clerk of (Jourtcil,^*nd by him laid before the next regular meet ing of Council; and it shall be decided at their meeting, after hearing the party against whom the execution may have issued, whether it is just and right, that another exe cution shall issue for an assessment made conformably to said returns. 7th. Be it further ordained, That the following fees shall be allowed, to the assistant assessors, treasurer and clerk, under this ordinance: Assistant Assessors, for each assessment made - with the treasurer, and certifying same, to- each assessor, %2, 00—Treasurer, for every as sessment, g5,00; for every execution JJ1, 00; on sales of goo^s, the same charges and fees, as allowed to the she- riff—rClerk of Council, for notifying time of appeal, to be paid by each defaulter, gOO, 50; for filing return, after as sessment made, gl, 00; for entering appeal, pursuant to this ordinance, §2,00. -- * 8th. Akfi be it further ordained by the authority aforesaid* That so rnuch of the before recited ordinance, whjcli militates with, or, is repugnant to this ordinance, to, and the same is hereby repealed. In Council, Savannah 17th June, 1816. [L. S ] Attest, 9. D. WILLIAMS, c. e. Passed, T. U. PTCHARLTON, Manor. — 2 - - . - ' - - Notice, City Treasurer’s Office, June 26,11816. Pursuant to an Ordinance, passed at the last meeting of Council, notice is hereby given, that I will receive re turns of Commission Sales, for ten days, from all persons who have Failed to make returns, as directed by a former ordinance. JOHN I. ROBERTS, june 25 75 City Treasurer Police t)8ice, June 25th, 1816. It hqs been observed, that more hogs are seed in the streets on Sunday, than on any other day; presuming it is supposed, that on that day the police officers will not molest Jthem. Notice-is now given, that hogs will beta, ken up or shot if found in the streets on any day,- and al so, that keeping hogs in the city is a nuisance, and that they will be taken from yards or enclosures wherever found in three days from this date. F. M. Stone ; m. c. s.