Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1816-1818, June 29, 1816, Image 4

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" From brig Three Sitter*, 12 cases fluted half pint TUMBLERS. For sale by J- BAT’l'EUS, J\n». 16, Commerce How, Who KUs for sale loiv, to close an account, 35 coils superior bale ROPE. r£J> 100 bales COTTON wanted to fillup the EX MOUTH, for Liverpool. Apply as above, june 25—75 For sale A light four wheel CARRIAGE and HARNESS, near ly new. Apply to R. & J. HAUERS HAM. june 25——75 ' liaiiiv of tlie iilate of Georgia. The stockholders of the Rank of the State of Georgia are hereby notified, that the secondhnstalment ofjtwenty per centum will be received at the State Bank in Savan nah; and for the accommodation of western stockhold ers, an agent will be appointed to attend at the Bank of Augu'sta for that purpose also, From the first of Ajigust next. The holders of stock are required to pay this in stallment within six months from the time of subscribing for the same, in specie or notes of the Banks of Georgia. W. B. Bulloch, president. The editors of newspapers throughout the state are requested to publish the above, and forward their bills for ■it * ■ Sartqnnah, 25th .Tone, 1816 75 PJl juace iiafik of the Unitr J States. Notice is hereby given to all persons interested in the trust funds of the late Bank of the United States, as the proprietors of bank-notes, or of dividends upon stock, either of capital or interest, and in general to all the creditors of the said b..nk or trust of whatsoever des cription, that unless their claims are presented for set tlement before the 4tli day of .March, 1817, when the term of six years from the creation of the said trust will have expired, the trustees will not feet themselves ob liged to make opposition to any decree or order of court, -which in. y be obtained for the distribution among the stockholders of the amount hitherto reserved to sa tisfy the said creditors. G. SIMPSON, , mav 28 -fpo- 63 Cashier. United States—District ol Georgia. Smith, 5 vs. v Libel for salvage. The Alexander and cargo.j To the Marshal of said district. [L. S.] JOHN J. BULLOCH, elk. Whereas, a libel hath tliis day been filed, among the things stating and alledging: That the libellant command ing the United States’ revenue cutter Dallas, did on or about the , of the present month, save by the exertions of himself, officers and crew, the Bri ti’sh brig Alexander, from a total loss, and bring- the said vessel safely into port, and for said exertions, prays, that a proper and adequate salvage be allowed by decree of this court. Now. you, the said marshal, are hereby required to cite and admonish, all persons interested in the premises, to be and appear at a special district court to be held in and for the said district, in the city of Savannah, at the court-house, at ten o’clock a. m. of Friday, the 28th of the present month, to shew cause, if any they have, why the prayer of the libellant shonld not be granted. Witness, the honorable William Stephens, judge of said court, tliis 14th of June, 1816. Thomas U. P. Charlton, Proctor for libellant. All persons interested in the foregoing monition will take due notice. JOHN EPPINGER, june 15 71 Marshal. Sheriff’s sales. On the first Tuesday in August next, Will be sold at the court house in the city of Savannah, between the usual hours of 10 and 3 o’clock, AUthat Island of marsh, situated in the river Savannah, ir. Chatham county, bounded every side by the said river, said to contain eight hundred acres, originally granted to Noble Jones; also, a tract of land granted to the said Noble Jones, containing 437 acres, in the county of Chat ham aforesaid, bounded southwardly by a causway, Ba- thesda, and lands of William Alien and Ben. Stirk, west- wardlv by lands called Nazareth and Euphrates, and northwardly by- lands of John Smith, John Carry and vacant marsh, "and eastwardly by lands of John Curry, and the western shore of the the Isle of Hope. Also, all that lot or piece of ground, known as lot No. 28, being one of the five acre lots, eastward of the city of Savannah, near the Thunderbolt road, bounded north wardly and east .vardly by lands of HJLillibridge, south wardly by lot No. 39, and westwaruly by- No. 25; the above levied on as the property of George Buchanan, mortgaged bv the said George Buchanan to John Wil kinson, and sold to satisfy said Wilkinson, agreeably to a rule absolute of the honorable the superior coijft of Chat ham county. • . - Also, ail "that tract of land situated in the county of Chatliam, called Chatham, consisting of oak hickory and pine, and containing by resurvey 738 acres, formerly the property' of Sarah Oddingsell, bounded on the north by the Savannah farm lots, on the southwest by the village of Acton, or. the southeast by r the Orphan House tract, and on the northeast by land formerly Airs. Moore’s; levied on as the property- of John Fraser, mortgaged by the said John Fraser to Francis Hopkins, and sold to satis fy said Francis Hopkins, agreeable to a rule absolute of the'honorable the Superior Court of Chatham county, A. Cope, s. c. c. june 20 73 The subscriber Having taken Doctor Footmam into copartnership, wishes to close his accounts—he therefore requests all persons indebted to him for medical services to settle their accounts as early as possible. John J. Jenkins. The subscribers having entered into copartnership,-ten der their services in the various branches of medicine to their friends and inhabitants of Brvan connty. JOHN J. JENKINS, RICHARD H. FOOTMAN, jure 8 — * r.f- 68 .Robbery. Some time last January, the letter mail between Darien and Milledgeville, was robbed of a letter to me, enclosing the half of the following bank notes, viz. 50 dollar note of the Mechanic’s Bank, Charleston, No. • 45, letter B dated 12tli August, 1813—Three 100 dollar notes, of the State Bank. North'Carolina, with the following dates and numbers, viz. No. 20, 14th July, 1814—No. 833, 31st December, 1814, and No. 1904, 5th November, 1811, let ter A on each. Also, two tens of the samee bank; one dated 6th June, 1814, No. 993, the other 8th August, 1813, No. 2702 with letter F on each. Fifty dollars will be paid for the recovery of the above bills. Any' informa tion leading to their recovery', or the money" itself can be left with die Editor of the "Republican in Savannah, or myself in Milledgeville. P. JAILLET. "(£j* The editor of the Savannah Republican will pub lish the above advertisement as corrected, and the editor on die Raleigh Register, (s. c.). will please insert the same for three months, and transmit his acccount for payment, april 4 *tc - 40 yg iv —’ r That, agreeably to acts passed during the last session of congress-^- _ . - ' , ■ 1. The dirties on licenses to retailers will, from the 31st of December, 1816, be reduced to diose payable accord, ing to the act of August 2,1813. These licenses will be granted for a year, except in case of an application for a license to retail between the 3t)th day of June' .and the 1st of January' next, which will be granted for a period that Will expire on the 31st of December next, on pay ing a sum which shall bear the same proportion to the duty for a year, according to the existing rates, as die time for which the license may be granted shall bear to a y'ear. 2. That the duties on spirits, ’ distilled within the United States, will cease after die 30th of June, 1816, to which period returns must be made of the spirits diat may be distilled on or before diat day. •3. That after the 30th day of June, 1816, new rales of dudes on licenses, for stills and boilers, will take effect, which rates are as follows, in cents, for each gallon of their capacity. „ DOMESTIC MATERIALS. STATES. NOTICE. conformity to an act of congress, passed on the tenth day of Apnl last, entitlea del to incorporate the fiS scrihers to the Bank of the United States,” subscription books will be opened at die Bank of Augusta, on tl.e fe*. day of July next, and will continue open every day from the time of. opening the same, between the hours of u n o’clock in the forenoon, and four o’clock in the afternoon, for the term of twenty days, exclusive of Sundays' when the same will be closed. To all whom d may concern, Notice is hereby given, that the following persons oxlt are licensed by the Commissioners of Pilotage to act as Pilots. # BRANCH PILOTS. Noah B. Sisson Reuben Anderson E. Broughton John Dixon John Cleary Jesse Furnace Thomas Nottage Stephen Timmons Henry Gragg William Itovston William Bragg Robert Key John Dennis CERTIFICATE PILOTS. Benjamin Sisson .\ft>hn Low John Haie By order of the board, D. D.‘ Williams, c. b. p. april 30 51 S. H. Timmons Henry Baker Stills, Boilers. 1 week. 4 1-2 9 2 weeks. 9 18 1 month. 18 36 2 months. 36 72 3 months. 54 108 4 months. 72 144 5 mondis. 90 180 6 mondis. 108 216 8 months. 1 year. 21£>"' • » 432 ROOTS. Stills. Boilers 1 week. 2-1-2 4 1-2 2 weeKs. 4 1-2 9 1 month. 9 18 2 months. 18 36 3 months. 27 54 4 months. 36 72 5 mondis. 45 90 6 months. 54 108 8 months. 1 year. 103 216 FOREIGN MATERIALS. Stills. Boiler Si 1 week. 2 weeks. 1 month. 23 46 2 mondis. 46 92 3 mondis. 68 136 4 months. 90 180 5 months. 6 monttis. 35 270 8 months. 130 260 1 year. 270 540 The provisions applicable to the duties on licences to distillers, are, in general, die same witii diose laid by the act of July 24, 1813. The most important of the new provisions are—diat the duty is invariably to be paid in money, when that payable upon the still or stills, or boilers, licensed at any one time, does not exceed twenty dollars; that a deduction of eight per centum is, in all cases, to be made for prompt payment; that in cases where the duties are bonded, they are to be given, with two sureties at the least (instead of one as heretofore) and are to be paid at die end of twelve months, from the expiration of the license; toat all stills are to be li censed, that are used, or kept in a situation for use; diat a penalty lies against any person who shall keep in or about distillery, any beer, or other liquor, prepared from grain, for the purpose of distillation, for more than eight days, without having a license; that a collector is authorised to enter a distillery at any time, whether be tween the rising and setting of the sun, or at any other time. In cases in which a license for distilling shall have been granted, according to the present rates of duty, for a period extending beyond die 30th day of June, 1816, it is required under a penalty for neglect, that the person to whom the same may' have been granted or transfer red, shall, on or before the said day, apply to die col lector, and pay, or secure the payment of, the addi tional duty', according to the new ratos, for the unex pired period of the license from the 30th of June. New forms for bonds, will be prepared by the collec tors and furnished to distillers on application. John Stevens, Collector 1st District Georgia Riceborough, ju ne 7, 1816. [rf—70] Sheriff’s sales. On the first Tuesday in July next, Will be sold at the court house, in Jefferson, Camden couniy, between the usual hours of 10 and 3 o’clock, A tract of land, lying and being in ' Camden county, on Crooked river, the residence of the late Payton Skip- worth, containing twelve hundred acres, more or less; levied on as the property of Edward B. and Cornelia Littlefield, executor and executrix of said Skipworth, to satisfy an execution in favor of the administrators of Wil liam Washington. A iso, a tract of land, lying and being in Camden coun ty, on Catfish creek, within three miles of. Mary’s ri ver, containing two hundred acres; levied 011 as the pro perty ofHarmon Courier to satisfy his taxes due for the year 1815;*also, Lis fifty per cenntum tax on the year 1814; amount dut §72 66 cents and costs. Also, a tract of land, lying and being in Camden coun ty, on Bernei’s creek, containing seven hundred acres, more or less; levied on as the property of Robert Brown- low to satisfy his taxes for the year 1815; also, his fifty per centum tax on die year 1814; amount due §16 99 cents and cost. Also, a two story dwelling house and kitchen, situated in die town of St. Mary’s, on the east corner of lot No. 4; levied on as die property of the late Vincent Pender- g-rass to satisfy his taxes for the year 1812, 13 and 14; amount due §39 96 cents and cost. Aiso, a lot and improvements, in the town of St. Ma ry’s; levied on as die property of Englehart Cruse to sat isfy his taxes for the year 1815; also, his fifty per centum tax on the year 1814; amount due §2 68( cents and cost. Also, part of lot No. 4, in the town of St. Mary’s, con taining in front 66 2-3 feet by 200 feet; levied on as the property of Joseph Dorr to satisfy his taxes for the year 1815; aiso, his fifty per centum tax on die year 1814; amount due §4 65 cents and cost. Also, a tract of land, lying and being in Camden coun ty, in Point Petre neck, containing five hundred aud seventy five acres, more or less;.levied on as the proper ty of Daniel Copp to satisfy liis faxes for die year 1815; also, his fifty per centum tax on the year 1814; amount due §29 25 cents and cost. Aiso, the plantation of Alexander Pratt, on the north* side of Crooked river, containing two hundred acres, more or less; levied on as die property of said Alexander Pratt to satisfy his taxes for the year 1815; also his fifty per centum tax on the year 1814; amount due §20 44 and cost. Also, a tract of land, lying and being in Camden coun ty, within two miles of the Great Satilla river, contain ing fifty acres, more or less; levied on as the property of James Bryant to satisfy his taxes for the year 1815; also, his fifty per centum tax on die year 1814; amount due §2 10 cents and cost. John Bailey, s. c. c. may 30 64 Georgia—Chatham county. By Samuel M. Bond, clerk of the court of ordinary of said county. To all whom it may concern. Whereas, Henry Harbock, of said county, planter, has applied to me for letters of administration" on the estate of Henry Harbock, late of said county, deceased, as one of die heirs. Now, dierefore, these are, to cite and admonish all -nd singular the kindred and creditors of the said Henry Harbock, deceased, to file their objections (if any they have) in my office on or before the first Monday of July next, otherwise letters of administration will be granted to the applicant. Given under my hand and seal of office, at Savannah, the 30th of May, 1816. (L. &.] SAMUEL M. BOND, c. c. o. [•-64] coin or in funded debt, in die manner following: that is to say, the payments in coin must be made in gold or sif ver coin of the United States, or in gold coin of Spain or the dominions of Spam, at die rate of one hundred cents for every twenty-fchrht gTains and sixty hundredths of gTain of the actmJ weight thereof, or in other fortune gold or silver coin, at the several rates prescribed by the first section of an act regulating die currency of lorn-, coin in the United States, passed on the 10th day of April, 1806; that is to sav, The gold coins of Great Britain and Portugal, at the rate of one hundred cents for every twenty-seven grains of the actual weight thereof. i . > The gold coins of France, at the rate of one hundred cents for every twenty-seven grains and two fifths of x grain of die actual, weight thereof. „ , „ Spanish milled dollars at the rate of one hundred cents for each, the actual weight whereof shall not be fi S3 than seventeen penny weights and seven grains, and in proportion for the parts of a dollar—crowns of Frai iCe at die rate of one hundred and ten cents for each crown, die actual weight whereof shall not be less tlian eiriiteeif penny weights and seventeen grains^ and in proportion for the parts of a crown. The payments made in the funded debt of the United States, will be received at the following rates, that is ' The’funded debt bearing an interest of six per centum per annum, at the nominal or par value thereof; the funded debt bearing an interest of three per centum per annum, at die rate of sixty-five dollars for evt-ry sum of one hundred dollars of die nom nal amount thereof; and the funded debt bearing ar. interest of seven per centum per annum, at the rate of one hundred and six dollars and fifty-one cents, for every sum oi one hundred dollars, of the nominal amount tiiereof; together with the [amount of die interest accrued onthesaid si ► ral denominations of funded debt, to be computed and allowed to the- first July.—Provided nevertheless, That it shall be incumbent on the subscribers to produce such evidence as may be satisfactory to the commission ers that the interest has not been paid—for which purpose a certificate from the commissioner of loans will b# required—and That at die time and'place of subscribing each and every subscriber must deliver to die Commissioners the certificates of funded debt, for the funded debt proportion of their respective subscriptions, together with a of attorney, in die form following: diat is to say, of the state of « Know all men by these presents,- that I shares of the capital of the Bank of the United States, do hereby authorise and empower Edward Har. —, a subscriber for den, James S. Walker, and Join; Gumming, or a majority of' them, Commissioners for superintemling s at Augusta, in the state of Georgia,-in person, or by substitute to transfer in due foffi, the subscriptions; _ of law, the funued debt wnereof the certificates are hereunto annexed, to die President, Directors arid Company of die Bank of die United States, as soon as the Bank shall be Vrganizcd: Prodded always if, in consequence of die apportionment of the shares in the capitai/of said Bank amongAhe s ib* scribtrs in die manner by law directed, the- said funded debt; sliali be of a greater amount than shall be necessary to complete the payments of the funded debt portion for the shares to be apportion d, only so much of die funded debt shall be transferred by virtue of die power and authority hereby given, as sis. 11 be necessary to complete such payments. Witness my hand and seal, this day of , 1816. Signed and delivered, > j in the presence of ) . ^ N. B. The wording of the power miist be changed when necessary to meet the cases of subscriptions by com- anies, corporations, or states; and the parties should acknowledge die execution of the power before a ma gistrate, who will certify the same under his hand ; •T’Kzv affonteti tilt follow in-J* nd seal in the usual form. The Commissioners have adopted die following regulations in receiving Subscriptions. — ” — — c 1 1 1 bt of anv number of sikbi— :l L The payments, as well in coin as in funded del ments of coin into one sum, and the funded debt 1 into one or more ce to the power to transfer a schedule of die proportions which the subscribe Every Attorney claiming to receive any surplus which may arise in coiist pr. attorney of any person or number of persons intending to subscribe, a certificate of die deposit so made, to be specifically held subject to die order of the commissioners designating the several kinds of coin and die value there of-according to the rates aforesaid, which certificate will be received by the commissioners at the time of sub scribing, as evidence of die payment in coin—for the number of shares so subscribed, provided die number of shares to which each subscriber may be entitled, shall be endorsed thereon, or annexed thereto, and signed by the sub- scriber or subscribers, or their attorney duly authorized. As it may be inconvenient in many cases, to obtain certificates of funded debt, for the exact amounts intended to be subscribed, it has been determined that payments of such are not necessarily to be made precisely equal to the portion of subscription payable—but tiiey must be sufficient to cover the same. Augusta, CGa.J June 17, 1816. EDWARD HARDEN, JAMES S. WALKER, JOHN CUMMING, [CN ? Commissioners. -74] Sheriff* sales continued, On the 1 st Tuesday in Jidy next, Will be sold at the court house in Effingham county, between the usual hours, One hundred acres of land, bounded by land of Reed and others, situated in the county of Effingham, levied on as the property of Mathew Reiser, to-satisfy sundry executions in favor of John M‘Laggon, returned to me by a constable. C. II. DASHER, s. e. c. june 8—68 . < Sheriff sales continued. Oil the first Tuesday in July next, Will be sold at die court house in the city of Savannah, between the usual hours of 13 and 3 o’clock. 40 coils Rope; all the packing M. cli.nerv, one iron Chest, and some Lumber—levied on as the property of Ebenezer Stark, deceased, and sold to satisfy Sandiford 6c Co. ADAM COPE, s. c. c. june 8—68 ^ Sheriff ’s saies. On the first Tuesday in July next, Will be sold at the court-house, in the city of Savannah, between the 'usual hours of 10 and 3 o’clock, All that one fourth of lot No. 25, Warren ward, in the city of Savannah—levied on as the property of Samu el Howard and sold to satisfy the bank; the former pur chaser not having complied widi the terms Also, a yellow feliow named Win, a carpenter and cooper—levied on as the property of William Smith, and sold to satisfy Edward Lloyd, dec. Also, a negro woman, Clue—levied on as die property of Mrs. Eirick, and sold to satisfy William Alford, the said woman returned to me by a constahie. Also, negro woman named Lccy—levied on as the pro perty of Edmund Jarvis, and sold to satisfy David Beh for others. ADAM COPE, may 39 64 », r. Sheriff ’s sales. Administrator’s sales. Sheriff’s sale. City-Sheriff’s sales. On thefirst Tuesday in July next, Will be sold at the court-house in IJiceboro’, Liberty coun ty, between the hours of ten and three O CiCoiv, The following Property, viz: Prim is and Quamncr and wench Betty, and a part of a tract of Land, on Goshen, containing two hundred and twenty-five acres, more or less, formerly the estate of Thomas Shepheard, bounded east by John Roberts’ land, north by general D. Stewart’s land—levied on as the property of Junes Sandeford to satisfy an execution in favor of James Holmes. Also, a negro boy named Frank—levied on as the pro perty of Thomas Mell, dec. to satisfy an execution in fa vor of John Winn, tax-collector for "the state and county taxes due for the years 1814 and 1815, and die fifty per cent, tax due for the years 1813 and 1814; amounting: to sixteen dollars sixty-two and a half cents and costs. -4 Also, Frank, George, Guy, Chloc, Tom, Aprdj*Cato, and Sylvia, and a tract of Land containing foci? acres, more or less, known by the name of .Middfeton Hill’ bounded south and west by the estate of JuJth Lambert’s lands, and east by Richard S. Baker’n.' land; fXTjtyther with a stock of Cattle and a flock of Sheep; levied on as die property o r Thomas Mell/ deceased, to satisfy an execution in favor of Paul Grimball. Conditions cash and purchasers to pay for titlK, Benjamin Mell, b. l. c. mav 30—64 ’M- Isaac D’Lyon, s. c. s. Ten Dollar s’ reward. Ranaway from the subscriber about the first of January last, a negro man named LUCK, five feet f< nr or live inches in hieght, well made, but small, aged about 30 years, and well known in Savannah, having worked about town for several years past, and managed by Josenh Rahn, executor of Nathaniel Zettler, deceased William Bird. ftbruarv l—f—12 For sale B ,™ or ei f>ht hundred bushels first quality ROUGH fr. Apply to Chahles or James Davant, oa Ililton- ^jSe mJJES 8wTT & “ Sa7uacai ‘' aneriii sales conunueu. On the first Tuesday in July next, Will be sold at die courthouse" in the city of Savannah, betu een the usual hours of 10 and 3 o’clock, A mulatto ft-llow named John, levied on as theproper- ty oi W Upam Smith to satisfy a judgment in favor of Ed ward T.%d, dec. Also, wharf lot, N®. 3, Vamacraw, adjoining Pooler’s on the w est, anil (.lark’s on the east; levied on as the pro- perty of William Lewden, dec. to satisfv the administra tors of John Herb, the former purchaser not having com plied with die terms of sales. june 20 73 Adam Cope, s. c. c. iS otice. All persons having demands against the estate of Richard Morell, depeased, are requested to present diem agreeable to law, witiiin twelve months from this date; and those indebted! to said estate are requested to make unmediatc payment to BENJAMIN burroughs, 2 , BARN A MfKINNE C administrators. m ' 15 -a—18 k;- Georgia— county. By Samuel 51. Bond, clerk of die court of ordinary, of said county. To all whom it may concern. Wheroas, John Pearson has applied to me for letters ol administration on the estateof Francis W. Jackson, as a principal creditor. Now, dierefore, ffiese are to cite and admonish all and smguiar die kindred and creditors of the said Francis VV. Jackson, to file their objections (if any they have) m my office, on or before the first Monday in July next, otherwise letters of administration will be grunted to the applicant' Given under my hand and seal office,* at Savannah, this thirteenth day of May, 1816. k L ' SAMUEL M. BONO, c. c. 0. [ssy v Every Attorney claiming to receive any surplus winch may arise m consequence of a redundant "subscription, will be required to produce to the commissioners, at the time of any such application, satisfactory evidence cf liis law! * ful authority to receive the same. _ I At any time during the term allowed by law for receiving subscriptions to the said bank, any person in. 1 tending to subscribe, may deliver to the casfiii r of the Planter’s Bank in Savannah, or to the cashier of the H..r£ ' of Augusta, on every share so intended to be subscribed, five dollars in gpld or silver coin, according to die rates | -escribed by the act of incorporation—and particularized above. The cashiers will give to the person, or the Oil Monday, 1st July next, Will be sold, at the estate of Thomas Bacon’s lower plan tation, A small stock of Cattle, a Horse, kitchen and house! hold Furniture, an ox Waggon, carpenter’s Tuois, &c. belonging to the estate of Edmund Bacon, deceased, sold for the benefit of the heirs and creuitors. Condi tions to be made known on the day of s,*4e, Thomas Bacon, adm’r. may 25—62 On the. first Tuesday in August next. Will be sold at "tfie court house in Effingham county, between die usual hours, f All diat tract of land, containing' two hundred two 4 and a half acres, situated in die county of Jasper, se venteenth district; No. 13U, or so much "tiiereof as will satisfy the taxes of Philip Jones—amount due two dol lars 19 cents and costs. C. H. DASHER, s. z. c. june 8—68 On the first Tuesday in July next, Will be sold at the court-house in die city of Savannah, between the usual hours, A negro woman named Curtinia—levied on as the pro perty of estate John Middleton, to satisfy David Gu' d anil others. I Also Buildings bn Lot No. 1, Wilmington tything, Darby ward,—letipd on hs the property of Henrietta Miller, to satisfy her city-tax for the year 1815, amount due?S43 371 cents and costs. Also, the foil owing articles, two wash-hand bason Stands, one pine Table,; three trunnel Bedsteads, one sop ha Fra ne, two Bedsteads, one Cot, four work Benches, one Gr.ndstone, part of a Cotton-Gin. c rn nters’ Tools, one Cot and Mauass—levicil ol astiie property of Andrew Bare to satisfy Saran Johnston. '1 \ |