Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1816-1818, July 23, 1816, Image 2

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A From the Richmond Compile, '* -r * v SKETCHES, Agricultural and Commercial—ItO. t. in. PRODUCT* or AGRICULTURE. P'Trom the first settlement of America, agriculture has %£en the great business of the people. Land* were abun dant and cheap—the axe soon swept off the forests—and _amou.ld, virgin, rich aud unfilled, was laid open to the impression of toe hoe and the plough. The first settlers , pitched their tents on the banks of rivers: but not cramped and confined by want of room, they were not necessitated to turn their views to manufactures—more • land was still accessible to the west—more people push ed forwards in that direction—all that they had to do, was to buy or conquer their settlements from the rude In dian. The tide of emigration still rolled westward—ri ver after river was crossed, and mountain was scaled after mountain. Wherever the white man went, the forest vanished, the cabin reared its humble head, and agricul ture appeared with her tools and productions. This life, too, has charms of its own. Health and in dependence are her handmaids; and the sentim^t seeins not lets striking than true, that the people of tflpountry ’tare the chosen people of God!” The American farmer has not only produce enough for his own consumption, but a surplus to exchange for the manufactures of other countries. Few fabrics flou rished among them, except those household stuffs which are wrought in every country. The scene is now, in deed, changed. As land is dearer, the profits of working it are comparatively less—we have not oniy a less valua ble surplus to exchange for manufactures, but we have more capita) and population to devote to manufacturing for ourselves. Manufactures are, therefore, creeping alortg; but, still, the principal productions of our coun try, are the fruits of agriculture—-our principal exports, the productions of our soil. These have been arranged into five classes: 1st. Those “which constitute vegetable-food, such as Viieat, flour rice, Indian corn, rye, peas, beans^ potatoes, Ac. 2d. The product of animals, as beef, tallow, liides, but ter and cheese, pork and lard, or the animals themselves, S» live cattle, horses, mules, sheep, fee. 3d. Tobacco. 4th. Cotton. 5th. Others of minor importance, as Indigo, flaxseed, syax, 1st. fFAeu?—was brought here by the first settlers, and "has never been lost sight of. “For a long time (says Mr. Pitkin) it has been the ttuple of the middle states, and was formerly produced in great abundance in the eastern states. For some years post, however, the growth of 'Wheat in New-England, has, in a great degree, failed.— The states of Maryland and Virginia have, long since, ex changed part of their tobacco lands for wheat; and lately, in the more southern states, the cultivation of wheat has been substituted for cotton. Wheat and flour have always constituted a large proportion of the exports of this coun try.” Wheat was once principally shipped—but the bulk hrhich it filled, the consequent freight it incurred, and the risk of spoiling it, have led to the manufacturing of it in to flour—in tins siiape it is now more generally export- fid. (, fee.—&•. We ehme to the 2d class of the products of agricul ture—v&. FROTIUCT3 or AVTMALA. These have generally been shipped tofhe West-Tndies —and are composed of the following articles, vix. beef, pork, tallow, hams, butter and cheese, lard, five cattle, and horses, See. ’ Beef and pork, and live cattle have been principally exported from the northern states, “where the lands arc better for grazing than grain.” From 1862 to 1814, there have been shipped for the respective years, the folTdwing quantities of beef and pork: 1802 3 4 5 6 f 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Beef bis. 61,520 77,934 134,896 115,532 117,419 84,209 20,101 28,555 47,699 76,743 42,757 43,741 20,297 Pork bis.. 78,239 96,602 111,532 57925 136,277 39,247 15,478 42,652 37,209 37,270 22,746 17,337 4,040 qrriQSf * v ■ -f . ■ , » • _ *7- ‘ • u' *• . s " •fits production. The priheipd market for its’ prq- • duce is Richmond; s6 foatafter all, “pick the world over,” the spot where we are writing is the favorite mart of tiiis favorite plant. We shall not fatigue the reaejer, by an enumeration of the quantities annually imported to hid shipped from Great Britain for many years piror to the revolution.— It is sufficient to say that in 1770, according to Mr. Pit kin, there ^fere 84,997 hogsheads exported from the North American provinces, which were rated in the qu-tom house books at about 564,050,000. This article constituted about one third in value of all the exports in that year, and exceeded the value of wheat and flour ex ported during the same year, more than one million of dollars. The following is an estimate of the quantities export ed fi'bm the United States from 1802 to ’14, in its raw and manufactured state. The quantity W« exported since 1802, has thus been estimated; Wheat. Flour. Value in Bushels. B.irreis. dollars. 1303 686,413 1,311,355 9,31u,UO0 4 127,024 818,008 777,513 7,100,1108 e 18,041 8,325,000 « 86,784 782,724 6,867,00* - f 766,814 1,249,819 10,753,000 9 87,330 263,813 1,936,000 V 893,889 846,2*7 5,944,000 13 325,924 798)431 6,840,000 U 216,833 1,445,512 14,002,000 22 5j, 832 1,443,492 15,687,000 13 388,535 1,268,943 15,o91,000 14 193,274 1,734,000 Our markets for wheat and flour liave been the West- Jhdies, Spain, Portugal and Great-Britain herself. Dur ing the distresses of the Peninsula, we shipped immense quantities thither. In 1813, for instance, we sent to Spain -«nd Portugal 973,500bls. of flour, estimated at £15,000,000 besides nearly 300,000 bushels of wheat. , As these disturbances .are over, the market of the peninsula is infinitely less profitable, as Europe too is at pjeace, and can turn more laborers into her fields, the price of wheat must, on tliat account, be reduced. Most of the West-Indies too being closed against us, the value of wheat and flour c.uiaot be near as great as it has been, •©ur harvest for these articles, is less for a time at least.— Jfo flour can be imported into Great-Britain, until the average price in the twelve maritime districts is 60s a Quarter—when it may be brought from her own colonies —if k rises to 80s it may be imported from the United States. Its price has lately been advancing in Gr^at-Bn- tain—but, whether it will rise to the importing price by the 15th of August, is yet uncertain. A considerable spring will, in that event, be given to tlie price of our Wheat. 2d. Rice—was brought into South-Carolina about the year 1694. Dr. Ramsay says, it was introduced by go vernor.Smith, Who got a few grains of it from a vessel ■which had come from Madagascar. The governor had been once liimseif to that island, widen had led him to think tliat it would flourish ui the low and mom ground of Carolina. From the time When it began to flourish, it not only contributed to the subsistence of the people, but formed a staple for export. Adam Smith says Ulat a rice hcid yields a much greater quantity of food than the most fer tile cornfields. In the East-lnuies it is certainly sj, be cause they raise two crops a year. It is so (he adds) in Carolina—“though the fields produce only one crop in the year, ahd though, from the prevalence of the customs of Europe, rice is not there the common and favorite ve getable food of the people ” - The value of rice exported since 1802 to 1814, is thus -skated: 1803, §2,455,000—1804, g>2,350,000—1805, £1,705,000 —A806, g2,617000—1807, 52,367,000—1808, £221,00O —1809, g2,104,000—1810, 52,626, add—1611,52,567,dud —1812, £1,544,000—1815, £>3,021,600—1814, 5230,000. 3d. India-Corn and otisat.—Corn or maize was found by Europeans iu America.—“it has always been const dered indigenous in America. It seems adapted to the ■climate of all the states, except in the extreme pans of the north, where the. summers are sometimes too short and cold to bring it to maturity; and where it is also lia ble to be injured by early frosts.” Its principal market is die West-Indies, in the shape of meal. It may be kiln-dried, wliich keeps it from souring during tlie voyage, and in a warm climate. Value of Reports from 1802 to 1814. 1803, £2,025,000—1804, 2,500,000—1805, 1,442,000 —(806, 1,286,000—1807, 987,d00—1808, 228,000— 1809, 547,000—1810, 1,138,000—1811, 2,895,Odd—1612, 1,939,000—1813, 1,838,000—1814, 170, odO. The eastern states get large quantities from Virginia, Maryland, 8cc. I11 these states and to the west, it princi- pally-flourishes, 4th. The other articles of veritable food, shipped from the United States are rye, oats, peas, beans, potatoes, ke. "These constitute a small part of he vaiue of their ex ports. Most of the. rye in the United States is used for brestd or is made into spirits at home. Very little is ex- 5 orted. In 1801, the year of scarcity in Great ~ 92,276 bushels of rye-meal were exported, more than three times the quantity exported in any one year since 1791.” - in Europe, great quantities are produced—nn the north ern kingdoms the bread of poor people is made of rye- meat. Peccohet says, that naif the people in France use rye-bread. Mr. Pitkin state*the average quantity of oats exported for JO years, is about 70,000 bushels; of peas, 90,000; and ©f beans, between 30 and 4u,000; the average quantity of potatoes about 60,000 bushels a year. ^ H y Aggregate value of all the exports, the produce of agricul ture, constituting vegitable food, from 1802 to 1814 [according to Pitkin's statistics.'] K ■ 1802, £12,790,000—1803, Mr.-Pitkin Says, that large quantities of butter, cheese, tallow and lard, have been exported, averaging between one and two millions of pounds annually, and in some years exceeding two millions. “In 1804, two millions eight hundred and thirty two thousand and sixteen pounds ot butter, and two millions five hundred and six ty-five thousand seven hundred and nineteen pounds of lard, were shipped from the United States.” “The value of the exports, the produce of animals, since 1803, is as follows: (X 01 JZ tn :ssg > *0 .0 5 '3 33' 53 3; *0 J5 iO -4 W 00 <N <0 CO HH Hfl aa ■S333S3333??'? c = “303^ 305aqoqi £ =* zc>d'z>'<-i'bS>d'ro , n-*^'odrd' Sa SlCM'-CACN.-1 3 rt a 31 <02. jr S .5 0 0 0 3 2 — • o o o o a ?! o o o o tZ ■ x o ' iciocio- o ; nT <rf *3 o , ■os -3 ►T3 .2 s £2 n W =5 o o o o o o o o S - -.-T13* »/f ^ 00 o. d*ToT •nCOCT)irtCC^^'-d*HO>DO>i?4 in t t ^ ^ (n ci cr^ « 00 obSS?S3 00000 3383 3 0 *o" 5 'O 5 2D *o’ N- ^ T O ci' & JManufactured. Smtff. Value. No. of hhds. pounds. pounds'. Dollar* 1802 77,721 233,591 43.161 6,220,000 3 86,291 152,415 17,928 6,209,000 4 83,343 278,071 20,678 6,000,000 S 71,252 532,311 33,127 6,341,000 6 83,186 '385,727 42,212 6,572,000 7 62,186 236,004 59,768 5,476,uo0 8 9,576 26,656 25,845 833,000 9 53,921 314,580 35,955 3,774,000 10 84,lw>4 495,427 46,640 5,C48,000 11 35,828 732,713 19,904 2,15(3,000 12 26,u94 583,258 3,360 1,514,000 13 5,314 283,512 319,000 14 3,125 79,377 232,000 “The above value only includes that exported in its raw state.” The exports for tlie years 1815 and ’16 are not before us:—but t 1 -f have been very considerable—as, much of the tobacco accumulated during tlie years of war, has been added to thejminediute produce of those years. The prices, too, obtained during tlie last and present year, have beep sucli as to astonish every dealer. To bacco has byen actually sold for £40 per cwt. The price is now lower—diough still more than twice as great as tlie average prices. Mr. Bitkin states, tliat “the quantity exported since 1791 lias not exceeded, if it has equalled, the quantity ex- uortyd from 1761 to 1775; although with other articles, It has increased in price. From 1802 to 1807 (previous to the restrictions on commerce) the average annual va lue was about six mililions of dollars.” As to the dimi nution of the quantity, it Mr. P. counts by the number of hogsheads, lie ought to have a regard to their -weight.— Though it be true, that for the last few years, tlie hogs head has grown smaller, falling on an average about two cwt. yet we suspect it Was larg'er a few years ago than it was in ’75. This matter, however, is not stated with any degree of confidence. Most of our tobacco is shipped to Great Britain, Hol land, France, and the north of Europe. Great Britain receives the most: yet consumes but a small proportion of her receipts—the most of it being trans-shipped to va rious ports of the continent. .fkirope riUsUoqk t» mqre genial climes tU a btr for her cotton wool. Bonaparte attempted to encou the growth by a remium often cents on the pounH^* But the experiment failed. Nature forbad, what ^ encouraged. - Search the world through, there is ho 01 ** a substitute from South-America; but the staple , ' Sheiivet- not long and fine enough for her purpose. - j — to rival us by the growths of the Isle of Bourbon—5,'^ seeins almost asertoined, that tlie production is i n f,a to dur best Sea-Islands. . .. n ° f The South, may, therefore, congratulate itself u n the possession of an invaluable staple. A new mad- 0 * too is now offered for its produce. Until lately, ®e nu ^ the cotton, and Europe manufactured it. But now, ,jT e North manufactures a great deal of what is made bv ii* South. Some of it is woven into clcth, and some i* ped to Europe in the form of yarn. P* . Wherevef the spindle whirles, whether in Europe -1 America, the. Southern States are at no loss for a ket. They-possess a mine of wealth superior to the aiv J of Peru, or the diamonds of Golconda. Philadelphia Flour. Just received and for sale by 1. Scott & Fahm. julv 23-2—[m— 87 Boarding. A few genteel boarders can be accommodated Board and Lodging, iii a healthy and pleasant part of the city, at five dollars per week. Apply to the printer. pill 23 .. 87 For sale JL casks linseed Oil chests young hyson Tea ton shear Moulds pipes Malaga Wine! • • ? Gumming & MoorheacL lv 23—r—87 Just received, 1804, 12,250,000—1805, 1806, 11,850,000—1807, 1808;- 2,550,000—1809, 1810, 10,750,000—1811, 1812, 37,797,000-181^ 1814, £179,000 £14,080,000 11,752,000 -- 14^32,000 8,751,000 20,391,000 19,041,000 Their aggregate value is, for 1803, £4,135,000—1804, 4,300,000—1805, 4,141,590—1806, 3,274,000—1807, 3,086,000—1808, 968,000—1309, 1,811,000 1810, 2,169,000 1811, 2,866,000—1812, 1,657,000 1813, 1,101,900—1814, 482,000. Congress have been guilty of an omission on this sub ject, which ought to be immediately corrected. When a duty was formerly laid upon imported salt, a bounty was allowed on “exported salt provisions, in lieu of draw back of the duties on the salt employed in using the same,” in the same manner as the bounty was laid on the export of salted fish, “in lieu of drawback of the duty paid on the salt used” in pickling tlie same. When tlie duty bn salt ceased in January, 1808, the bounty on salt provisions, and fish by the same act, ceased also. In 1813, however, the duty on salt was revived and the same act revived the bounty on salt fish, with this pro viso, that no bounty was to be allowed in any case, except where tlie fish had been wholly cured with foreign salt, and on which a duty shall have been secured and paid.” The bounty, however, is con fined to fsh; and is not extended, as it. used to be, to salt provisions. The present duty on salt is 20 cents per bushel, weighing 56 pounds—the bounty on a barrel of salt fish, is also 20 cents. We had no. Idea but this omission of salted provisions had been discovered and corrected by the last congress—when to our astonish ment, it appears that no change was made in the matter —The tarift bill merely providing^ that “the duty on ton nage of vessels, and tlie bounties, advances, and draw backs in the case of exporting pickled fsh, of tlie fishe ries of the United States and in the case of sugar refined within tlie United States, shall be and continue the same as the existing law provides”—that is, not extended to salt provisions. This regulation ought, however, to be corrected. Why not encourage grazing as well as fishing - ? Why not take off tlie duty on salt, whether used for provisions or for fish?—It operates against the raising of cattle—the expor ter will give less for a barrel of pork, because he can get less, by the amount of tlie duty on salt. In foreign markets the competition with those nations which do not pursue the) sameregulation with ourselves, must be against us. And the loss falls chiefly on the agriculturist. SKETCHES, Ac.—No. 7. We come to the 3d Pkoditt or AoatcrLTrRE, viz. TOBACCO. Here we find ourselves at home. This curious vegi table, wliich is called in, in such a variety of modes, to stimulate our senses and dissipate our cares; whether it be snuffed, chewed or smoked; this mild stimulant of tor pid sensibility, wliich excites without greatly exhausting more innocent than tlie opium of the Turks, more clean ly than the kava of tlie Otaneitan, but not so much so as the betel and areka of the East Indies; yet in every shape in which it is used to sooth, is still liable to abuse, and calculated to injure tlie constitution; this singular plant, which fills the Indian calumet of peace, and has imper ceptibly stolen almost over the whole world, is a native ot America and a staple of Virginia. Whether it was the gift of die Great Spirit, as the In dians teii, at the same time that tlie maize was presented and grew where the Great Spirit tut-, or, what is alone consistent with our ideas of discovery; was found grow ing with the other weeds of tlie plains, and was culled out for its stimulating virtues; it is still true that to Ame rica has been ascribed the honor of its birth. From this country it was earned to England by sir Walter Raleigh, about the year 1584. The reader will cali to mind die ludicrous anecdote of sir Walter’s servant, who going in- Lo Ins study and seeing the smoke pouring out of his mouth, supposed him to be on fire, and immediately co vered him with water to extinguish the flames. The alarm did not, however, last long—it “soon got into gen eral use, and became die subject of regulation, by royal proclamations and by acts of parliament. King James I. was violently opposed to its introduction, and issued proclamations against the use of it, and against plani it in England. - monopoly; and afterward^-dfe growth in the.cah"** 5 -/* 0 ® thereby derive a revenue to vtte-crown, m act of parliament prohibited the planting of it in Great Britain.” There art some politicians m the present day, who talk of attempting to deprive us of its monopoly by forcing its cultivation m Great Britain. Let them attempt it; will not answer. Russia lias tried it; France has tried it; other countries in Europe have tried it; it has been attempted in South America, on the banks of the Oronoco; but, after all, the good old James’ River Tobacco, bears away the palm from all of them* Whether there is something peculiar in our soii, as ispro- bablvtlie case, or whether we are alone possessed of foe secret of its cultivation and core, foe tobacco of Virgin- ia is yet superior to any other. No doubt, foe western states under the same climate, and in a mo¥« luxuriant soil, may be expected to rival us, but they havfe hitherto neglected the best means of curing it. Even in this state, the cultivation has passed through various revolutions. Once the York River tobteco was the best, but in latter years the land to foe south of foe James’ River has been distinguished for foe excellence SKF.TCHF.S, Ste.—No. 8. PRODUCTS OF AGKICUXTUaX W* torn* to the 4th class; viz: COTTON. Cotton, which clothes nearly half the world, and con tributes so much to our furniture, our beda, and our ta bles, is luckily for mun, as common in its growth as it is in its utility. It is “a native of the tropical re .ions, in every quarter ot the world. It is mentioned by Herodo tus, as growing in India, at the time he wrote his history. It was found among tlie Mexicans and Peruvians, on the first discovery of America; and among the latter, tlie manufacture of it was carried to no inconsiderable ex tent.” In this desultory description, the reader will not look for learning; or, else we might quote at length an ac count of it, of the same learned nature with tlie following definition from the Edinburgh Encyclopedia: “Cotton is a name, which, in common language, is verv loosely given to any vegetable filamentous substance; but it is correctly appropriated to that peculiar vegetable matter, consisting of innumerable filaments, arranged together within an external coat, and enveloping die seeds of the genus Gossypium.” The reader is well enough ac quainted with cotton for the present purpose. He ought to be informed, however, tliat there are many varieties of the plant—some liave enumerated ten species, whose distinctions are to be found in the form of the laaf, and the size of the tree. But in South Carolina and Georgia, the greatest cotton states, three specits are recognized; 1, “The black seed, or long staple, which came from Pernambuco about tlie year 1787 or ’88; 2, the green seed cotton, or upland cotton or short staple, cultivated in the middle and upper coun ties; and 3, nankeen, (or stained) cotton, also grown in the same parts of die country; the color of which is deep and durable.” The two former are grown and shipped in the greatest profusion. “The first grows along the sea coast and is said to derive its fine quality more from the salt air than the soil; it is easily Cleaned from the seed.” The second “grows on die upland, at a distance from the coast, lias a green seed, is of a short staple, and until the invention of a machine lor the purpose, was so difficult to be cleaned, or separated from the seed, as to be scarcely worth die trouble and expence of cultivation. This machine was invented by Mr. Eli Whitney, a native of Massachusetts, who w..s accidentally m Georgia, in the year 1795, a gentleman of education, and distinguish ed for Ins mechanical genius. This machine has enricii- ed the southern planter by enabling him to cultivate, to die greatest advantage* one of die most valuable staples in the world. Before its invention, very little upland cotton was culdvated, and scarcely - a single pound was exported from die United States; after wards, the culture of dus species of cotton became the principal object of the planter in South Carolina and Georgia, and in die year 1807, more dian 55,000,009 of pounds of upland cotton was exported, and wliich was valued a* more that eleven and a half millions of dollars.” This important machine has thus wrought an nnmtnse revolution in the occupations of many - thousand people. Mr. Whitney has not been without his reward. South Carolina has given him and his partner £50,Odd for the privilege of using it in the state.—Mr. Ws.gin has receiv ed several improvements since it came from his hands. Many of the planters own gins of their own—and in ma ny places, gins are kept for the sake of the toll. How rapid lias been the increase of this valuable sta ple in the last few years! The progression is detai.ed hy Mr. Bitkin, from whose statistics we borrow so profusely. In 1791, the United Stales exported 189,316 lbs.—in 1794, 1,601,760, lbs.—in 1798, 9,36o,005 lbs.—in 1800, 17,789,303 lbs.—1802,27,501,075 lbs.—in 1804,38,118,041 lbs. The following tahie exhibits the cottons of domestic growth exported from 1804 to lhl4. And now landing from Amelie; 20 hhds high 4th proof Jamaica Rum, well flavored hhds prime Muscovado Sugar 8 boxes and 3 bis white Havana dp -• 4 ts. 5 bis and 10 bags prime green Coffee. For sale i- Brooks & Welman, J inly 9. v <97 - - Uo'ton’y Cftriu wharf] For sale ' 50 whole and ) r , - 50 half barrels y fresh * u P erfine FLOUR. Juat received by sloop General Washington, froa Charleston. Bacon & Bruen. julv 23—v—87 For sale 30 bis Fi3h r 30 do Beef S BU1 * ll k C * or P™*** 101 * US€ * Lawrence & Thompson. Boarding school. Mrs. Canukt lias removed her Boarding School t» Mr. Eppinger’s brick house, on the South Conm-ions, nearly opposite the Academy, where she can accwniao- date some more young ladies, i'llv 23 —+i:v -87.. Lresii riuiir. Just landed 50 barrels' superfine Philadelphia Flour, aod for by the subscribers, who have also, a few bushels of Bent Seed to sell. CARNOCKAN k MITCHEL. . julv 93 87 * Wc gjejn, far $ variety «f 1805 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Sea-Island. Pounds. 8,787,659 6,096,082 8,926,011 949,051 8,654,213 8,604,078 8,029,576 4,367,806 ■4BW Upland. Pounds. 29,602,428 29.561.383 55,018,443 9,681,394 42,826,042 84.657.384 54,028,660 » Value. Dollars. 9,445,000 8,332,000 14,232,000 2,221,000 8,515,000 15,108,000 Taken up, And supposed to be stolen, two barrel* Beef, a quan tity - of the best Cavendish Tobacco. For further parti culars enquire at the Police office. july 23- 87 Police Office, 20th July, 1816.~ Pursuant to a resolution of Council, the following re. port is published for the information of all concerned. “The committee to whom was referred the considers- tion of tlie best mode of redeeming, investing and appro priating the funds derived from the emission of coipora- tion treasury change bills, report—that for the furt.Vr security of tlie holders of the said bills, the treasurer do keep a separate account of tlie amount issued and tbs’ he do keep the sums in the treasury cf the city - , to enfl le him to pay bills when presented to him, and that on no occasion do he m ike use of the sums so received, but I .r the payment of the said bills, unless otherwise authcrenl by special resolution of council. Your committee arc of opinion, that tlie amount issued is too smail to en- H e council to make any appropriation of the same by itimsi- ment in funds or otherwise to draw interest, ano that flit existence of these bills may be too short in their limita tion to autnorise council for the present to make any permanent appropriation iff their proceeds. Your com mittee further recommend tliat tlie treasurer do receive for said bills, the current money of the city, to wit—the notes of Banks wjhich are not depreciated further than the difference of exchange, and that the treasurer fum sh the committee of Finance with the amount of change bills issued, and tlie amount on band received, for the s^.nit, and that he do advertise that persons, holders of fit change bids, will receive payment at any time, by cab rig on the treasurer—but no sum under one dollar will be paid. CHARLES HARRIS, T GEO. V. PROCTOR, C Committee" EDWARD HARDEN, J Extract from the minutes. D. D. Williams, c. c. july 23—87 ^ ‘ 1 ” —— — ■ ■ Lost or stolen, Dn Thursday, foe 18th inst. a BOX containing Spanish Seg-ars, marked B. & B. cm one end, And White A Co. on one side, was taken from on board the brig Sea Islam!, lying at M‘Kinne*h wharf. Any information of the shove will be thankfully received by BACON A BRUT.N. july 23—w—87 *** 1,660 2,324,000 2,683,000 Tlie exports for tlie year. 1815 <md ’16, are -eonsidera- Kte, and, the pnees of cotton very high. An immense strtam ot wealth has consequently poured into South-Ca- rohna* Georgia, Louisiana, and the Mississippi Territory— exc hange, premiums on money, all the symptoms of pros- penty have been in their favor. Most of the American cotton has been exported In . 1807 > for instance, -“mori than iqAi- - were dipped directly to her, leaving about 13 million* for all the other parts of the world.” has been ln * de > ttw t Great Britain turns 3,000,000 spindles, spinning on an average 1,777,777 lbs. a week; making a consumption of about 7,000 bales per week or 364,000 bales a year, foe bales weitrlflna - about 250 or 300 lbs. each. 6 Our cotton exported to Great Britain constitute a large ? roportion of tlie whole quantity of her imports. In 810, we sent her 240,516 bates averaging 300 Ids. each— thus forming a total of 72,154,800 lbs. Her whole imports in that year were 561,173 bales of which 142,946 were from Portugal and her colonies; each qfffhese avenging only about 1001b*. More tfom amt tOf w* pro- During my absence from this state,Jeremiah Cuyier, esq. will act as n f Attor icy. Ebenezer Jenckes. inlv 23 t . — ■ 87 iirougat to gaol, on the 17th Julyr 1816. HaaaisoTQg, belongiug toJtary Harden of brv- Hi isi livt IlliITiii e inches high, and fifteen rage, has a! scar on his forehead. H. M‘Call, a. c. c. ■isfr 2? —~ 87 .JP* Brought to goal, on the 17th July, To «, the property of doctor Gillett, of South Car- qjRlha. He is five feet three inches high, thirty years of age, and an African by birth, thin fitjk. H. M f Cill, g. c. e. -87 Brought to gaol, on the 5th July*, 1816, a negro woman, Dobcas, belonging to MfS. King of Effingham county. She is about forty years of asff* and five feet eight inches high, has on a blue horoesp url IW* - „„ H. M'CALL, •. 4. *- july 23 87 Notice. All persons haring demand* against thr. estate vis Jackson, esq. dec- late of Bolloch coun tr, are r*que*t«a to render the same duly attested, and a ^ those who indebted are requested to pay foe mu'* tx> Catharine Jackson. osbjfrt 4