Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1816-1818, July 30, 1816, Image 1

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by FREDERICK S. FELL ] SAVANNAH, (GA.) JULY 30, 1816. [Whole Number 2701. Number 90.] TRUTH WITHOUT FEAR. [Volume XIV the republican IS PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY, THURSDAY. AND SATURDAY, AT SIX DOLLARS PER ANNU.M, PAYABLE IK ADVANCE. ADVERTISEMENTS will be inserted at the rate of SEVE ' VT *'*j' square the first time, and Thirty-Seven and a Uae Cents for each continuation. cash , L must accompany all orders from the Country, unless the foment he secured in Town, or the party well known to die Editor. All Letters to the Editor must be post-paid. For Liverpool The fine fast shone, brief GEORGIA, captain \y es t, daily expected; having' three fourtns of Eli>u c ,. cargo ru dv to go on board. For balance of fWsla or paswge, P fiUy 2.1 W For Philadelphia The packet schooner SOPHIA, captain \V al lace, will have immediate dispatch. For freight or passage apply on bo rd, at Bolton’s central wharf, or to M. HERBERT & CO. For sale on board, 15,000 PhiVdelnhi: 3KP" K.S. pOv 11—82 bills on England For sale by June 13—70 ANDREW LOW & CO For sale 200 barrels Philadelphia superfine F ..OUR. R. Richardson. jolv 27 89 : '* llVSOil x ca. 12 chests Ilyson Tea. For sale by Charles Kelsey july 18 85 - ' For sale 8 casks Linseed Oil 7 chests young by son Tea 1 ton shear Moulds 3 pipes .Malaga Wine. Cummin inly 23—t—87 g & Moorhead. For sale 200 pieces Cotton Bagging 50 quarter casks Tent-riff' Wine 17 hog heads Molasses 10 casks Madeira Wine. * R. RICHARDSON, july 11 ■ - ■ -82 i lie subsei iOers Rave just received, and offer for sale, 53 casks * Chains 41 boxes assorted window Glass 11 crates do Crockery ware 2u bags race Ginger. L. PETTY 8c CO. July lu 84 JWXinne’s -wharf Fresh Flour. Just landed 50 barrels superfine Philadelphia Flour, and for sale by the subscribers, who have also, a few bushels of Bene Seed h; sell. CARNOCHAN &, MITCH EL. july 23 87 Just received, And now Landing from New-Fork, 37 Jihds. prime selected New-Orleans Sugar, fit for re- t.tiling . 40 do do retailing Molasses 4 pipes 4th proof genuine Cognac Brandy 1j chests Gunpowder and Hyson Tea 6 casks assorted Shot 2 pipes old” M .deir.i' Wine quarter casks L. P. Teneriffe and Malaga do barrels Pork and Beans 1 \ STORE, old 4th proof Jamaica Rum, warranted pure, be ing imported .lire ct , Whiskey, N. E. Rum, Coffee and Iron 6 Together with a L rge and general assortment of well pVhosen GROCERIES, in any quantity to suit purchasers, r for sale by BROOKS & WEI .MAX. jur.t- 4—66 ■: '.•••’ Wliarf and btorch. To rent, that extensive Wharf and commodious Stores, at present occupied by Mr. Barna M‘Kinne, of which possession may be had on the first of November next. i For terms apply to R. &. J. HABERSHAM. For seiic ^ 'he Toll-Bridge over Great Ogechee River, at which •j.-h Hill lately resided—it is a substantial well built 'e. composed chiefly of cypress; it lus stood tiie and appears to be in ail respects a good and ;ete piece of work. For terms ~ppiy to JOHN BOLTON or Xex’ors. JEREMIAH CUYLER. 5./. Hill. >. t-—40 For sale Souse and Lot, in St. James’s square; being one of most healthy and pleasant situations in tliis city—on ad .or are all necessary out buildings. This pro- - v wiil be sold for a moderate price, and a credit of , t.vo and three years given for the payment. Per- . disposed to trurchase will apply to eidier of the enbere. ‘ BEN. SHE FT ALL, M. SHEFTALL, s«n. ■iril 6 41 - .- , Stolen* Fresh Philadelphia Flour AND INVERNESS BAGGING. 50 hi!lf ‘ e antl | biirrds fresh Philadelphia FLOUR 113 pieces prime Inverness Bagging 57 boxes real Spanish Cigars, in whole, half and quarter boxes 30 kegs assorted Cut Nails ALSO, 2 cases DRY GOODS, consisting of sewing Silks, silk Hose, black lace Rotillas, silk Gloves, imitation In dia Mulls, Florence Silks, sattin Ribbons, Canton Crapes, furniture Dimity, imperial three cord Thread, white lace Veiis, &c. 1 case gentlemen’s Leghorn Hats. Jos* received and for sale, at No. 30, Bolton’s Range, Eych.m?' wharf, by Bttcon & Bruen. July 27—--- 80 Tne subscribers Have now landing Jrom brig Pocahontas, from New- York; 100 barrels Menhaden 30 do Mackerel 10 pieces bed Ticking 10 do Priest Cloths IN STORE Writing, letter, printing, wrapping and sheathing Paper Ship Bread and Cordial Barrels gluuber Salts Curry Combs Hatchets, Hammers, Axes and hollow Ware Floor Bmshes Cut Nails, Trunks Boxes Chocolate Bed Cords, Twine, ravens’ Duck No. 1 to 6 Shot Boxes cotton and wool Cards Currants, *r> barrels 1 case mill Saws 6 casks northern Shoes' Olmsteatl & Battelle. i.dv 9- 81 Out of the subscriber’s coat, in his store, on the even- 1, of the 26 th mst. a LEATHER POCKET BOOK, tied *th a black silk ribbon, containing, as near as can be re dacted, a ten dollar bill of the State Bank of North -rohna, and three dollars change, in City Council Bills; -Ho, R- Lubbtck’s note, dated 1st June, 1816, in favor m Isaac Cohen &. Co. for $202 85 cts. an order on Job J • Bolles for sixtv-seven dollars, payable in thirty days; a Bank script for six shares in the State Bank, belonging to James Robert Verdeev, with a receipt, on the back of it, for $120, being the payment of the second enstalment; also Isaac Cohen & Co’s, due bill for 240 dollars, and many other papers of no consequence but to the subscri ber, for the delivery of which, a liberal reward will be P“ d - A. H. PUTNAM. July 27- 89 * .-iijJOVVtloi'. The subscribers having been appointed by Peter Bau- duy, esq of Wilmington, Delaware, Iris sole Agents for the, disposal of his Gunpowder, in Georgia, Have just received, per the brig Olynlhus, 60 kegs of FF R—which they offer for sale, on reasona ble terms; and will always have a supply on hand. Mr. Bauduv having for thirteen years been a partner of the late house of Dupont id Co. authorizes us to war rant the Gunpowder, of his manufacture, to be of a su perior quality, made of pure materials and to soil the gun le-s than that made bv the old firm. Samples may be seen at the counting room. PERRY & WRIGHT. j;)y 18—1,-85 a resii Flour. list received, from Philadelphia, by the brig JVilliam id .Mary, the following articles, for sale at No. 17, Exchange wharf, Superfine Flour, in whole and half barrels Fresh Crackers, in kegs Gunpowder, of Dupont’s brand Kegs cut Nails, assorted ON HAND, 40 casks London bottied Porter Madeira and Lisbon Wines and 3000 lbs North Carolina Hams Francis Jalineau. j illy 9 81 Factorage and Commission Business. The subscriber intends, on the first Tuesday of Sep tember next, to decline the practice'of law; and, from that date, to engage in the above business. If the strict est observance of the interest of those who may confide in him, and the most unremitted attention, exertion and punctuality in business, have any chiim to public pat ronage; the subscriber pledges himself to his friends and fellow-citizens, generally-, to merit a portion of their favor. He has procured fire-proof stores for the reception of produce on Howard’s wharf, and his counting-room is in the east tenement of said building julv 13- -83 Joseph S. Pelot. Notice. The subscriber being about to leave the place for a few months, has appointed Mr. S. Hall and Air. S. Sain Simon his attornies during his absence. The store will be con ducted under the immediate case of Mr. S. Simon. Ail those indebted, either by noie or book account, will please call on Mr. S. Hall and settle the same, as he is duly authorised to collect the same by law or otherwise. S. Clizbe. For sale, Just received and now opening, 1 case oiled-hat Covers, 1 do plain and figured feather Fans; these goods are of a superior quality and are offer ed on very accommodating terms; and also, on hand, a variety of other Articles; which may be seen at his store, next door to Mr. P. Hall’s hardware store, northeast corner of Market-square. S. CL1ZBE. july 20—h—86 Notice. . On Saturday, the 3d of August next, at twelve o’ clock, Will be leased for the term of five years, The Slip of Ground, adjacent to the wharf of the es tate of R. Wavne-, purchaser to give bond, with approv ed security for the rent, payable quarterly. Sale to take place on the spot. By order of the committee. Stone, c. m. i'llv 25 8? i o be sold A valuable COTTON PLANTATION, on Crooked river six miles from St. Mary’s, consisting of upwards o&$pe thousand acres of land, a good proportion of wilKSi is fine planting land; sixty acres have been planted one year. It is remarkably healthy and plenty of fine fish got with little trouble; it will be sold a bargain, if applied for soon. For further particulars enquire, of „ G. & A. M- Ker, july 11—cx—82 ... Hryvvrfx whfir stolen, From the subscriber, on the night of the 12th instai Five Hundred and Eighty-Six Dollars; principally in 50 and 20 dollar bank notes of the State Bank of North Carolina. A Reward of Fifty Dollars will be given for the recovery of the money and apprehension of the thief; or Twenty-Five Dollars for the money alone. Edmund Blunt. *"1t' 27: OQ Notice. All demands against the estate of V. A. Stookes, dec must be rendered in, duly attested, without delay," to John Carnochan, june 27 ex 76 adm’or Fresh Dry-Goods. " THE SUBSCRIBERS, Have received, per the brig Sea Island, from New-York, A large and well selected supply of English, French. India and Domestic Manufactured GOODS; ail of which will be sold, by wlitHe-sale or retail, at their store, north west end of Gibbous’brick buflJiirg. Market-square. Murdoch McLeod & Co. julv 20—t—86 Rum, Coffee and Molasses. 10 hogsheads Jamaica Rum 15 hogsheads Molasses 20 bags Coffee. by Lawrence & Thompson. jnl}-18—i.—85 Landing, From the brigs Active and O/i/nthus, from Philadelphia, 5 pipes oid Cogrwc Brandy, 4th proof 90 dozen bottied Cider, in barrels containing 3 dozen eacli 5 chests superior hyson Tea. For sale- by Francis Jaliaean, julv 16—84 >v. ;;. a 1 of $30,000 is RJu.uOO 1 20,000 20,000 1 10,000 10,000 1 5000 5000 5 1000 5000 40 700 28,o00 12 500 6000 20 200 4000 30 JL00 3000 70 50 3500 100 20 2000 2500 10 25,000 oOOQ 7 21,0u0 9500 5 47,500 14 719 IPuiks \ More prizes than blanks. ' . ■ Tickets in the above Lottery for sale by the subscriber. JOSLY.II PL Mil ELD. • julv 9—ti'L—81 laret \V me, ccc. A few boxes Hermitage, of 1803 Do L’eovile, of 1810 . Do Brandy Fruits and cask of Almonds. For sale by R. & J. Habersham. julv 9 81 ]UlV £ or ricliC 1 elegant Mahogany Side-Board 1 do do Bureau 2 do do Tabies 1 dozen elegant fancy Ctiairs, and 1 Mahogany Cr die. Apply to W- & A. Weyman & Co. —86 n the Ray Fresh Shoes and Slippers. Just received,from New-York, by the brig Pocahontas, con sisting of the following kinds: Ladies’ black kid Slippers, from Hecleuberg’s manufactory Do do undressed Alorocco, do do Men’s Alorocco Shoctees Do do Pumps Do fine seal Shoes Do do wax calf-shin Shoetees Do grain do 1>0 do Shoes Do strong Pumps Children’s ieather Boots Ail of which vviil be sold low for cash by John Douglass, inly 9 81 f Flic subscriber Offers at private sale, for good notes or town accep tances, the following- articles: 6 hhds 4th proof Jamaica Rum 10 barrels West India do 10 hhds Philadelphia Gin 10 bis cto do 2u crates well assorted Crockery 9 hhds Giasswaie 5 pipes Cognac Brandy 15 quarter casks Malaga Wine 25 boxes Soap 25 boxes fresh Raisins, just landed ALSO, 5800 lbs CORDAGE. JOSEPH DEPASS, july 27—m—89 Wanted To the Printing Burines, two APPRENTICES. Ap ply at tliis Office. iune 29 77 Factorage and Commission. o The subscriber having commenced in the above line of BUSINESS, offers his services to his friends and the public; his Counting-Room is on Wayne’s upper wharf, formerly occupied by Alessrs. Phinizy & Barnett- The Store is large and commodious—produce will be re ceived on storag-e and every attention given to its re ception and shipment. RICHARD WAYNE, dec 2—139 For sale One thousand acres salt (now fresh) marsh, in Wil mington river, joining lands of John Simpson, now con fiscated, and lands of J. M‘Queen, esq. originally on the 4th September, 1772, granted James Lucena, dec. For terms apply to Willi ax Stephens, or at this office, where a plan may be seen;the tract is prime cotton land. Also acres of land, in lots of the beautiful village of Montgomery, on Vernon river; fine, healthy summer’s residence, E’-Quire as nhce. h' y 16—84 Marshal’s sale. On the first Tuesday iu August neat, Will be sold at the market-house in the town of St. Ma ry’s, between the hours of 10 and 3 o’clock, All that house and lot, (known by number 56) lately occupied by Silvanus Church, in the town of Jefferson, on Great Satilla river, with eleven whole and six half lots contiguous, and designated by the numbers, Whole Lots—36, 65, 77, 85, 96, 100, 41, 60, 64, 80, 81. Half Lots—43, 52, 69, 72, 89, 92—levied on as the pro perty of s ad Silvanus Church to satisfy an execution at the "suit of James Wilson—the above property pointed out by . ae plaintiff’s attorney. W. F. KELLY, july 4 _ ■ -79 deputy marshal. 125 Dollars’ reward. Ranaway, some months past, the following Negroes, belonging to the estate of Peter II. Morel, deceased—Joe, a likely man, about five feet six inches high, a carpenter by trade, of a yellowish complection—he is well known in Savannah, and was formerly owned by the late J ohn P. Ward, esq. Sixox, a young man, about twenty-five years old, has a downcast look, when spoken to. AIouia, a young woman, of light complection, about twenty-five; years old, and Aggt, a woman about thirty years old, limps when she walks, occasioned by a burn. The above negroes are harbored at the south end of Ossabaw, where Joe was recently taken, but made his escape. Fifty .dol lars will be paid for Joe’s being lodged in the county I gaol and twenty-five dollars each for the others. John H. Morel. June 13—JT) \ Medical Science Lottery, NO. 2. Will draw on the 7th of October in the cjty of New- York The prizes are. Duel, Gresham cl Co. Have now lauding,from the ship Winnefred, fuom Liver pool, xj A large supply of SUALMER GOODS; ALSO, 39 casks and cases assorted Hardware and 1 Cutlery, each containing a complete assortment for a retail store One case superior plated Ware, consisting of cruet Frames, candlesticks, Snuffers and Trays And via New-York, Two trunks Parasols, three bales Seersuckers, three bales Humhhms I loOO pieces long yellow Nankeens, one case chip Hats; tfhitc, black and colored Levantine and Florence Silks Stout mixed coat Silks and Florentine Vesting; white and black i.x:e Shawls and Veils; Merino Tippets; ele gant embroidered Ridicules, assorted colors and patterns Thread Laces and Edgings One case Chinelle Cords, assorted colors and sizes Fifteen cases straw Hats and Bonnets Six casts Artificial Flowers Seventeen cases Looking Glasses, a part of which are in 1. -nt --ji- f- iia, s. june 15-—71 Andrew Low & Coi Have received, by the ship JFinnifred, from Liverpool, and other late arrivals, Turkey redY'arn Linens and cotton Shirtings Fancy figured mull Muslins, for dresses , ; ' .. Fine and coarse, low priced leno Aluslins, suitable for pavil lions Plain and figured Cambrics , Calicoes and Ginghams, in great variety Counterpanes and Marseilles Quilts Handsome furniture Dimities Common and 6-4 cambric Dimities White and colored 51 .rseilics Vesting Black -Uidcolored Bombazines and Silks Bombuzetts. Jeans, York Stripes Plain and ribbed Stockinets Cotton Stockings, of all kinds > Madras and Puilicat Handkerchiefs Apron Checks, brown Hollands Indian and Canton Crapes Whitechapel Needles and fresh ounce Threads Superior cotton Umbrellas London paper and pound Pins Cutlery, assorted, in small casks , . Osnaburgs, Russia Sheetings, long Lawns; and, a variety of other GOODS, all of which will be scud, either wholesale or at retail, on the most; moderate te'.,.s jiiii- 5 —8‘) • ■ 1 ■ ~ 1 LLmK ot tUe State ol Georgia. The Stockholders who subscribed to the Stock of Said Bank, on the first day of February last, are reminded, that Thursday next, the first day of August, will be the last day, authorised by the charter, for receiving the second instalment. ELEAZAR EARLY', i'llv 27—. -89 ;?■. . - , . c -hier iViarsJiai s saico. On the first Tuesday in August next, Will be sold at the court-house in Savannah, between the hours of 10 and 3 o’clock, The following negroes, to wit: Judith, Rachel, Fri day, Juno, Bob, Hetty, Scotland, Fox, Jarvis, Jane, Bi- nah, Brutus, sen. Brutus, jun. Duncan, Galloway, Caesar and Jack—levied on as the property of Alexander Cur rie, dec. to satisfy an execution at the suit of John Mil- lei. JOHN EPP1NGER, june 27—-76 t .•?/, t Marshal’s sale continued. On the first Tuesday in August next, Will be sold at the court house in Savannah, between the hours of 10 and 3 o’clock, Two Negro Women, named Rose and Di; levied on as the property of Joseph Davis to satisfy an execution at the suit of the United States, vs. Joseph Davis and David Leion. JOHN EPPINGER, marshal. inly 6—80 Marshal’s sale. On the first Tuesday in August next, Will be sold at the court house, in the city of Savannah* between the hours of 10 and 3 o’clock, A Negro Wench, named Delia; levied on as the pro perty of Robert Dillon, at the suit of William Hort. John Eppinger, julv 6 —80 jTshai Marshal’s sales. By virtue of a decree of the honorable the sixth -circuit court of the United States for the district or Georgia, made in a case wherein Jane Irving, William Irving, Ca tharine Maitland and Alexander Maitland, were com plainants and Joseph Currie and Joseph Aliller, were de fendants, Will be sold at the court-house in the city of Savannah, betwefen the usual hours, On the first Tuesday in August next. The following negroes, viz; Dublin, Rina, Mintey, Han nah, Priscy, Tom, Mary, Molly, Sandy, Maria, Elsey, Fox, Hercules, Cuffy, Suckey.JBetsy, Hally and Sambo^— being a part of the personal estate of the late John Currie, esq. dec. JOHN EPPJNGER, v— I Afar shed iwne 27 76 ALursiial’s sale continubd. On thefirst Tuesday in August next, Will be sold at the market-house in 8t. Mary’s, between the hours of ten and three o’cleck, The buildings on part of wharf lot No. 3, in St. Mary’s, levied on as the property of Paul Chase to satisfy sun dry executions at the suit of the United States ugamst said Paul Chase and others JOHN EPPJNGEK, * marshal —'-r- july 11—82 To hire, As a House-Servant or Porter, A youog active Negro Fellow. P™** ter. 4*!y 27——89