Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1816-1818, August 03, 1816, Image 2

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m THE EXILE’Sc WELCOME. »r MAJOIl 3. K. BARfcER. L flail to the Exile, whose crime was devotion' . To country ;ind ho not, to freedom and fame! Columbia shall welcome, with heart-felt emotion, The noble in worth, the illustrious in name! We too have met the blow Aimed by a tyrant foe'; "We too have bled our dear Country to save; • Here, ev’ry voice shall cry, "Hete, ev’ry bosom sigh, Hail to the Exile, the good and the brave. 2. land of the stranger! though shadowsenfold thee, The star of thy glory yet gleams through the night, -And the day will arise, whep the world shall behold thee Radiant in arms, and resistless in might: Soon from yon threatening cloud, Bursting abrupt and loud, The tempest of war on thy foes shall be driv’n; While, ’mid the scattered horde, Vengeance with flaming sword, Strikes thio’ the «torm like the light’ning of Heav’n! 3. What are those recreants whose treason betrayed thee! Shake but thy chains, and the dastards shall flee: What are the myriads of slaves who invade thee!— The nation that struggles for freedom, is free. See, where thy Warriors speed, Eager again to bleed, Again from thy confines to chase the fell band: Despots in vain conspire When a whole people’s irt Rises determined to rescue the land. ENGLISH ALIEN BILL. The Morning Chronicle in reply to the Courier, gives YiS the most accurate and concise view of this famous act, which it is possible to draw: “When The Courier states that not an Englishman vot- edagain st the alien bill, the editor should have added, that the 1 iill itself was not brought in by an Englishman. It is the measure of lord Castlereagh, and comes from the congress of sovereigns against the cause of freedom, jus tice and humanity. It is a bill offlnhospitality, the pre amble to which should be to refuse an asylum to ail who trusted to the first professions of the British court, that they would not impose on the French any form of go vernment or family without their consent—and to all who should desire to withdraw themselves from capri cious tyranny and religious intolerance. It may be en titled “A bill to open the ports of America for the intro- duction of the arts, manufactures, and property of all the ingenious, useful, thinking, independent and provi dent partofthe European population.” And when it is recollected what we gained by the revocation of the -edict of Nantes, the value of this bill to America may be be properly estimated.” We shall gain a vast accession of wealth, talent, learn ing and industry by the tyranny of the European kings •and oligarchs.— Columbian. LEGITIMATE SOVEREIGNS! CFrom Captain Tuckey’s Ataritime Geography. J “The coast between the Volta and Benin is subject to the powerful and barbarous king of Dahomey, whose body guard is composed of eight hundred women, who are armed with muskets, bows and arrows; whose chief officers approach him crawling on their bellies, and lick ing thedust of the ground; the avenues to whose palace are paved with human skulls, and its wails are incrusted With the jaw-bones of his massacred subjects; and who, on days of ceremony, sprinkle the graves of his ancestors ■With human gore, while fifty corpses and as many heads stuck on poles, are placed round the royal sepulcher: the wives of the deceased king mutually kill each other, un til the monarch orders the massacre to cease; and the people, more ferocious than tygers, in the midst of noisy rejoicing, tear the victims to pieces, for the mere plea sure of doing so, and without even the excuse of mast ing on the flesh, for they are not cannibals. “The negroes of Benin are nearly as barbarous as the Dahomeys. Their king, who can bring 1j0,(X)O fighting men to the field, is worshippedas a demi-god, is supposed to Jive without food, and when he appears to die, is thought, like the Grand Lama, to revive under another human form. Here human victims are sacrificed to the evil prin ciple; and in their feasts the king and nobles dip their coral necklaces in the brnod of their victims, and pray to the Gods that they may never be deprived of this mark of pre-eminence. “The nations between Benin and Loango are little known. A second tribe of Kiutfers inhabit the banks of the Formosa, and are said to sacrifice their children to the Devil. To them succeed the Calbongas, occupying the country through which runs the Rio del Rey'and San Benito: they are painted as the least civilized of the 'negro nations, going naked, and selling their cliildren «nd relations as slaves.” Look here, upon this picture! INDIAN CIVILIZATION. From the Baltimore American. A late letter from Return J. Meigs, esq. (who has long resided in the Cherokee country) says: “In the year 1809,1 had a census taken of the number of the Cherokee nation, which amounted to 12,257. The number of males and females were nearly equal they have considerably increased since that period, so that, in cluding a colony of Cherokees, who went to settle on Lhe river Arkansas, their number is about 14,5U0 souls; those who emigrated to Arkansas, as well as those on ■their ancient grounds, have made con iderable advances in acquiring the useful arts, particularly in the manufac ture of cotton and woollen cloth. Thev raise the cot ton, and the indigo for dying their yam, and have at this time upwards of five hundred looms: most of their looms nre made by themselves: they pave more ttian five •hundred ploughs; this greatly increases the tillage of their lands; they have large stocks of black cattle and horses, swine and some sheep: they have poultry in plenty: and having now an abundance of the necessaries of life, their population proportionally increases. By means of some schools, many of their young people read and write. A great part of the men have adopted our inodes of dress; and the females, without exception dress in the habits of the white people. Some of them who are wealthy are richly dressed. They are remarkably meat and clean in their persons—this may be accounted for by their-universal practice of bathing in their numer ous transparent streams of water which, in almost every direction, run through their country. Men, women and children practice bathing, which certainly contributes to their health. All can swim, and this is often a great con venience, as no river can impede their way in travelling. When the females bathe, they are never exposed* any improper conduct towards them, would be held in de testation by all. Since’I have been first in this nation, a young white man Solicited the hand of a young Chero kee woman; she refused his offer, and objected, as a princi- pai reason, that he did not, as the Cherokees do, bathe himself in the rivers. Ablution with these people was formerly a religious rite. It is not now viewed by them in this light, but it is nearly allied to a moral virtue. It is unfortunate for these people that they should be held in contempt by people who, in no respect, are better than they, and have no advantage of them except in the color of the skm—and whether this ought to be so consider ed, is problematical, for we have seen savages with white sk ins. ° ther< are somelndnirts who are well informed, Snd of decent'handsom^ man fliers and deportment, is well- known.' And as to animal configuration, - if there is. difference, it will be found in favor of the Indians—and if -a* statuary : should want models of the human figure, lit will find the, most perfect among the southern Indian tribes south of the Onio river There is no occasion to woircl.lSe. Biay' hriiig them .tb the liberty of the children >f GOD! Jobs Ginsorm. Spring Place, Cherolcei country, June 21, 1816. m And on this! go to Greece or Italy for models for the sculptor, and it propensities have ai*iy analogy to configuration the In dians must have the preference. “About half of the Cherokee nation are of mixedblood by intermarriages with white people. Many of them art as white as any of our citizens. “The Cherokees universally believe in the being of: God—they call him the Great Spirit; they mention him with reverence—with them, his attributes are power and goodness. They never profane the name of God in their own language. They have no size of words that caii the name of God. combine to profane OF THE ABORIGINES. From the National Intelligencer. The following is an interesting extract of a letter from Colonel tt. J. Meigs,* dated “Cherokee Agency, July 6, 1816. “I received your letter dated the 24th of May last, with Mr. Boudinot’s book, in which he attempts to prove that the Indians of America are of Hebrew descent. _ The Cherokees have some laws and customs, both civil and religious, resembling the laws and regulations of the Jews; but how, or when, or from whence they were in troduced will perhaps remain forever undetermined.- The feast of the First Fmits is, undoubtedly, of religious origin. The name of this feast is the Green Corn Dance. This name gives it the character of the Feast of the First Fruits. I have attentively seen this dance performed.— Some hundred of males and females assemble in a square, perfectly levelled and clean, in front of the national council house. They move in circles, males in one circle, and females in another, having a leader, or master of the ceremonies: they move slowly by measured steps, circle within circle—there is no smiling or speaking; no levity of action—their countenances are with religious awe. sent, but not in the dance. Those in the circles were generally young people: they might be called singing men and singing wo a -n, for they all chaunted a monoto nous plaintive tune, which did not charm the ear, but the ensemble was pleasing. During the dance (perhaps an hour) not a word is spoken, except by the master of the ceremonies, who seems well pleased with* his honorable station. When the dance is concluded, the circles dis perse, and are mixed with the surrounding spectators— all are merry, and apparently happy: no cares or vexa tions are permitted to obtrude themselves on that day. ABLUTIONS. “Formerly they had practised frequent washings; these were resorted to after,£?oing throyadi bodily exer cises—periiaps of dancing; the whole‘meeting, on suSt occasions, went to the clear stream and plunged in.— This was intended to express that they were then cleans ed from all moral impurity—that however they might have before done wrong, the wrong was now done away, nd no more to he considered as any part of their cha racter. This corresponds with tny personal observations; for tiiev never repruacu each otiier of former deviations from right. CITIES OF REFUGE i£ They formerly had cities of refuge, whither persons who had killed a Cherokee might flee. This was an ex cellent institution, as it gave time for the passions of tiie friends of the deceased to subside. In some cases, com promises were made for pecuniary compensation, espe cially in cases of an accidental character. They have since deviated from that wise custom, and in every in stance required life for life, as forfeit without any quali fication; but they have now returned to a more humane procedure, and, in some instances, make equitable dis crimination. “Although the institution of the Green Com Dance, their Ablutions, and Cities of Refuge, bear strong resem blance to Jewish customs and laws, yet they by no means prove that tne American Indians are descended from the Jews; they only prove that the religion of nature corre sponds with the religion of the Jews, communicated to them by Moses by divine command. “I have never seen the distinctive visage of the Jews among ali these people; but the visage of the Tartar every where upp.reiit. Yet, whether the American In-" dians are descended from the Tartars or the Tartars from the American Indians, is v et problematical. MAJOR JOHN NORTON. A correspondent of the “Missouri Gutette,” printed in the town of St Louis, (Missouri Territory,) gives the following history of Norton, the celebrated Indian partizan* w*ho, it will be recollected, has lately been advanced to a major in the British service.—Baltimore Patriot. I remember having a slight acquaintance with Norton, some twenty years ago, when, j»Lie course of conversa tion, he gave me the folio win History of hixnselfi—That lie was born in the Cherokee country, in the south, and was a true Indian, and while a boy, he attached himself to the British soldiers, then in that country, perhaps the Floridas; one of which soldiers lie called his father, and the soldier treated him as a son. When tire regiment was ordered to Europe, young Norton was taken away by his adopted father, who, after some few years, pro cured his discharge from the army and settled in some part of Scotland, and after giving young Norton a good education, he bound him to the printing business, to which he served seven complete years. After the expi ration of his time, lie went to London, where not imme diately finding employment and being in want lie enlist ed as a private in a regiment of foot, and was sent with many other recruits-to join the regiment in Nor h Ame rica, then lying at Niagara—after many inquiries his adopted father heard where he was anil procured from the government his discharge after a service of two years Norton, while doing duty at Niagara, had seen anti had frequent conversations witli the many Indians wiio visit ed that part, and sighed heavily at his fate, of being a sol dier and obliged to obey orders from boyish officers, and when he received his discharge, he, to use his own words, thoug-ht himself a new man. When he became thus at liberty he immediately crossed over the Niagara river ire impressed, apparently, I and settled himself widi the Mohawks, than living on ■*, or head chief, was pre- I Grand river, in Upper Canada, and under the direction •hnse in the eircles were I ofithat celebrated Indian chief colonel Joseph Brandt.— seph He soon learnt to speak, read and write the Indian lan guage fluently, and was some short time a teacher to the Indims; but teaching school was too tedious, and con finement was more than he could bear, he associated with the young Indians in all th'eir diversions, and became at once as perfect an Indian as ran in the woods, having his ears cut and nose bored. I have understood, that he has frequently had a few goods on credit but always, like an Indian, never traded for profit; all he wished for was to collect enough of furs .to,pay his merchant, and the remainder of his goods Was%ivtn* to his Indian friends and relations. Norton lias been often, previous to the late war; among the Creeks and Cherokees, and he has .been heard to express a very high opinion of the United States, wishing tiraciykze the Indians, saying, that per- servance alone will bring about the*useful arts among the Indian nations. He has been twice or thrice in London since lie first left there as a common soldier and it is said that a drawing as large as life of Norton, in his Indian dress, is occasionally exhibited in the Shakespeare gallery, in that metropolis. Indeed, see Norton when you will, he is always dressed iikean Indian, and among ten a or doz en of his companions it is impossible to point him out unless you have* liuel a prior acquaintance with him, or get into conversation with him; in that case, you will dis cover the perfect scholar. When I first saw Norton he was a very intelligent, modest and unassuming young man, and could discourse on any subject, but in ail his conversations about Indians, he complains of the injustice they receive from the intrigues of white people. Norton must now be a man of about 45 years of age. Z The following is an extract of a letter to a gentleman in tliis city, dated Piqua, (Ohio) June 18. Yesterday there assembled in the vicinity of this vil lage a numerous host of Indians, from the Shawanese \\ yandot, and Delaware tribes. The object of their meeting was to have an interview with the agent relative to the claims they have assumed outlie government for services rendered and losses sustained during the late war with Lngiand; it was also a part of their design, in coming-in, to meet the rev. James Hughes, who was cho sen a missionary, and obtained a delegated sanction from the secretary of war to preach them the gospel. 1 was present when he entered upon the labours of his mission; tiie scene was peculiarly interesting*; to behold such a motley group of savages, promiscuously seated, and re clining on the ground, attend in all the pomp and mag nificence ol exalted barbarism, whose faces were smear- * Perhaps this may be a proper place to correct an er ror, which some of our brethren have fallen into, in sup posing the Post Mister General to be tiie author of a late I over with pigments of every imaginary hue, and whose communication on Indian affairs. The author of the I heads were equiped with feathers, deer’s tails, and wam- present article, and of that'recently published respect- pum, was a sight on which the eye might regale with iug the civilization of the Cherokees, is the venerable co-1 pleasing admiration. During the whole process of his lonel Meius, the father of the Post M'asier Gtr.erai, the j discourse, the speaker was regarded with the profound- similarity of whose name has, more than once, caused the j veneration: every countenance exhibited a grave, se- two persons to be confounded when seen only on paper, j nous > and thoughtful aspect, and, at the close of each From the National Intelligencer. [The writer of the following letter is of tne society of the .Moravians. He and his amiable consort have "resi ded many years at Spring Place in the Cherokee country, near the former residence of tiie well known chief, James Vann, abput one hundred and ten miles southwestward- iy of ITnoj-villef] sentence, tiie chiefs (who had taken a convenient posi tion) would emphatically exclaim Enauf a term signifi cant of their sincere approbation. I could not but no tice the celebrated Shawanese orator (Blackhoof.) As this man lias so long been the oracle of his own nation, and the encomium of our’s, it might not be uninteresting to give you a brief sketch of his physiognomy and person: || • V» 1 - _ O —J ennessee, and one hundred and seventy | fiuX-e°isciiimw^nrf l ° * US miles north westwaralv of Alilledgeville^ Georgia, accor-1 .Jqi, H*,rk hi if in l ' ‘bp 1 ’ 1 ’ atalfeseomplexion uiuis- ding to Bradley’s map" of die United States. These wor-1 d ' ,rk ’ but ’ l ? dru P the portrait, 1 will proceed with thy people employ their time in giving instruction to the children of the Cherokee nation; and though living among tiiose we call savages, are certainty much more safe from injury and insult, than protestants now are in several of the most enlightened countries of Europe.] Dear Sir—We have had the unexpected pleasure to receive your letter, dated Washington City, May 24.— Whether the hypotheses of Mr. Boudinot, first, that the Indians of North America are the descendants ^!’ the lost Ten Tribes of Ureal, or, secondly, that they with their brethren, will be gathered together in the country of their ancestors, and have a king named David, who shall reign over them in Jerusalem, be well founded, must be left to time to shew:' For my part, when I compare the promises which we read in the prophets, respecting the restoration of Isreal, with the words of Saint Paul, I am inclined to think, (and I believe this is the most general opinion,) that the prophecies speak figuratively of their being gathered unto Christ their king, the son of David. As to die descent of the Indians, I think all that can be said i*> mere conjecture. The Indians, at least the Cherokees, among* whom we live, (and with any other nation we have no intercourse) seem to be to tally ignorant of their history:—for instance, the nume rous mounds in many piac *. of their county, clearly /» a m i * p * W’w va w i uj a tew more remarks on this illustrious retinue of savages, and their more eminently conspicuous and engaging fe males, who it would seem, had postedthemselves at some distance from tiie crowd, that they, might the more ef fectually display their gaudy trappings to the admiring whites. There was one, in particular, that arrested mv attention—she is the daughter of the younger Siiverheels, and, I suppose, prides herself high on the blood of her family connexions. She was wrappe d in a mantle of the finest scarlet, tissued over with lace and ribbons of om nigenous colors; from tiie nape of her neck down two- thirds of tier back was suspended a chain of silver in the form of crescents, slightly excavated, and weighing from three andahaifto five ounces; her breast was or namented witii a large silver cross on the centre of which was Stamped the insignia of American independence — Thus much of her livery I have thought proper to notice but to descend to tile minutiae of trinkets and gewgaws, would be sporting too much with your patience: suffice it to say, her features were as homely as her dresB w *= perb. Now, sir, you have only to mark the effect this evan gelising* policy has had on those poor, wretched and be nighted Indians—scarcely had they got from under tiie observation of their minister (before whom they evinced state of affairs tlte following conclusions seem nect-srii^ o follow. 1st. That although Greiit Britain herself might w ant supplies, her loyal subjects in Canada would be forbid den to furnish them. This indeed seems fair—it is a sp e ! cies of intercourjse fotinded on -a species of reciprocity “So long as the Quarter of wheat is below 60s you shall not supply us (says the British parliament.) Tiie ro. )R _ oply of the homd market shall be m the hands of our farmers. It is only when famine begins to stare ns in the face, that tve will permit you to fee'd us.” It seems, hoiv. tvei*, that the Canadians have also some cognizance cf ti, e ei.Se; and that 'they will n6t at all times permit their ports (cf be opened for the mother country. Though wind’s at this time more than 60s a quarter, the govenor stout.y forbids a pepper corn to cross the Atlantic. 2d. That tiie West Indies will not always be able to receive their supplies from Canada? How often have n e heard the most extravagant eulogitims upon the fertility of the fields of Canada? How often has it been lately i that the West Iudiesmay draw ali their resources’ft ojtj her granaries ? that it was unnecessary to open thur ports to the grains of the United States? and that it Was uO ust to the Canadian to bring him into competition win,' e American farmer, when he had stores sufficient to ... piy all the West Indies? But, whi.t is the fact now? I perhaps Canada is unable to supply herself; that her 1. sons are sometimes backward; and that “a deficiency ^ her crops” threatens “a future scarcity;” and that she 't idS not always the vigor, (once ascribed to their Aimr;r al ) brethren,) of presenting the* full udder of plenty u, Tcm lieve the wants of their necessitous W est Lnaia bret!,^ 3d. That occasions must, therefore, occur, when;., rigid monopolizing Spirit; which Sits to guard th. or tiie Wcst-Indles, roust open them from necessity/1! in some cases, ;importations must be invited frurn ti e United States; .ijiu that this probably is one eft hem. ] there not some reason to presume, therefore,on t! c ri sibility of the West-India markets being scmhi optiiel ( American flour! There is another rem:irk..Hle circumstance at tl.'s nto. ment about the Canadian trade. The list cf exports . ; imports at the port of St. Johns, proves a consult.!*„b:e balance against (lie merchants of the province. J*;, r ;; |C quarter ending bn the 5th of July, the imports from the United States are estimated at about 60,0001 while ti, e “value of the cjxports does not much exceed 2(jytj, „ Supposing the expenditure on tiie imports, after tun /C Canada, tb be 8,UUUl tiie balance against tnis pros'.*’■'» says the Montreal Herald) will be 50,U{JW all In,id / specie, oj -which every penny wiil go to the United Su.v in defiance of the /aw.” For there is at this moment provincial law, winch forbids the exportation of so under tiie severest penalties. 1 he measure was oi,c q uar, but has not been concealed, since tiie peace y bilis of exchange, then, are notto be had, they are brou ’n I to this alternative; either to do without a great mar,*. * I the tilings which they are in want of, or to smuggle >. | specie to their creditors in tiie United States. ' & Passing from C-nada to the bordering states < *' . American union, and indeed, far to the south and , d u e are presented with effects of the same sort, t’ ,. tl 1 periiaps not of equal degree, from tiie scarcity of j* \ I and tiie threatening* “backwardness of the seasons.” X " account, whichjis furnished from Albany, represents th- scarcity of bread corn in New-Hampshire and Yenrott m the northern parts of New-York and in Canu<; . Is vtrv alarming—in some places, corn is at «3 a busiitl and flour from 15 to 2b dollars per barrel. The sture drought and tardy summer had cast a new shade of gloom over the prospect: “The grass in many districts (issaiql not to promise a quarter of a crop; corn is verv poor anil it is feared that but Very little of it will come" to ml tunty.” Wheat looks more promising. The same ,r.- auspicious accounts, but not in equal degree,reach rs from places on the sea board—though it is hoped that iniigm. tion has drawn too gloomy a picture,- that the X ial showers, which have lately fallen, vl .11 call v gelation to life. Com bears a hig*h price among us. It is at least barrel; and in some part of the statd seven.—/udiaauyj Compiler. The following is an extract of letter fo the editor of the Pniiadeiphia Democratic Press, dated “ffan tsburg, July 20. ‘ About 9 o clock on the morning of Thursday ; 18th instant, a woman and two men arrived here ami; * up at Bissel’s tavern. One of the men called bimsei | Birch, and the Other Owen D. Jones; the woman was ■:*„!• I led Miss Jones and said to be the sister of Owen. Or.: of the men, which of them I do not know, waited c. the governor of the commonwealth, and some com er-., tion, touching tiie case of Richard Smith, being intemip ed by the entrance into the room of a third person, it stranger requested the governor would favor him with his company alone; this was refused; it was urged. ...nd then peremptorily refused; upon which the stranger de. parted. I ought to inform you that it is understood here that some ten <lays.':g*o the governha* had. receiVf d at St* lin’s Grove, a letter by express advising him that e rne desperate attempt was iikely-to be made bv . " -. ( ar son and others, to extort from him a - re li the unfortunate Smith, who is now under sentence ileal h* It Ls b(.sieved that this information caiiitd the g*overnor to return to this place, which lit re. cha on Wednesday, the day before tlit^* strangers arrived.- Tliere can be no doubt but it was the governor's kray* ledge of what Was contemplated—.tne str. ngors b-.-mg no letter of introduction, and his manner and comer- lion, which induce el the governor, contrary to Ids us*J custom, to refuse to this man a private auehence. “1 he general deportment of yiss Jones, iierconrer- J sation about Carson, Smith, Sec. anti the rumor »!.;ci previously got abroad, lea to a suspicion that ti jse pie were not what they prt‘ended to be, and that V -' Jones was no other than Mrs. Carson herself. nDl;o'-gh she freepiently spoke of Mrs. Smith asofa third pers-is ancl even went so far as to declare that if sh ruus iiicmiius m many piac *. oi tneir countv, clearly | „c v r * *—“■ no cwnceu evince, that formerly other nations, better supplied with I commenced their r reeXX" 06 /*' 1 ' 1 . sorr . ow ) tilan ffiey implements for labor than the Cherokees were known to I the whole ni d.t n- F reve lry-—dancing and yelling, possess when the whites became acquainted with them, I i 0n3 b ’ e SO man y devils from Pluto’s domin ■nust have lived in tnis country; but from the present “I have not been an inattentive spectator in viewing these people in various situations; in their forests, in their houses, and in their councils. The progress of their children in their schools has been as great as that of any other children in acquiring the knowledge of letters and figures. “Nature has given them the finest form—and can we presume that God has withheld from them correspon- .dent intellectual and mental powers of mind? No man who has had public business, to transact witii them, can have a doubt of the capacity of their minds. Their hos pitality in their houses is every where acknowledged by those who acted with them in the late war against the hostile Creeks. It will be acknowledged, that where hospitality and bravery resides, they are not si " tues.” . In reply to some vulgar slurs thrown by some writers against the Indians, Mr. Meigs remarks;—* .3' inhabitants it cannot be known when and from whence their ancestors came hither; who those nations were which they expelled from this country, or what has be come of them. THE MARKET AND THE SEASONS. h f . risen i° a X er >' bi e h P hch 5n Canada. About That they have, or rather formerly had, some religious | in large quantities 1 , "it rotVto^^id^olv^Ote ^ >arr l 1 ’ rites and ceremonies, similar to those enioined on thf* .l^urc «.i n<)W is ask- ceremonies, similar to those enjoined on the Jews ed. So great is the scarcity, thatXeneiX VVJW. “ by the Levmcal law, is true; and this, I think, affords emor of Lower Canada, has issued^ oroH^’* & °* ' tiie main ground for the conjecture that they are of Jew- I the name of the king, at Quebec forbidduiP* ish descent. Such were, formerly, their towns of refuge j tion from Canada, of enumerated articles ^of f riut Se p h ° had accidently killed a man—and such is ascribes this measure to the backwardness of thaln HC stdl the Green Corn Dance-, tor although this lias degen- on which account “the exportation ofcTain ofail l-in^ tS ° n i erated to a mere frolic, yet it seems formerly to have been in the making of bread may at thisthne n!™ih" d M US * d a festival of the First Fruits, before which they had to jurious to the interest and welfare of our submit to some purifications, and were not permitted to as also to adesire “of guarding asfar as no^hle^ 60 ’ t eat of the new corn before tins solemnity. Their for- a future scarcity arising from a^deficien^^fn k ^"1* mer rel.g.ous rites have been- so long disused that they The prohibition extenfs to the «eyS" k Cr ° P are nearly forgotten, and upon enquiry, you are apt to land or by inland navigation ofIvheatffW K' ^ ff u ° r hear as many different tales as you have informants, and peas, Wley, and grain of allIdnd^ those often contradictory too. Neither can I find the bread.” All ships/vessels or boats ^ £ I features ofthe Jew ,n our Indians. Well, be they Jews, part with any of these articles £m?nv not - l °i or Tart art, or Chinese, or of any other nation by descent, within Lower Canada, “to ana //ace cnu^° H ^ T we know that they are MEN of the same origin with dominion or territory whatTo Je ’ZT^' ourselves: and what ought still more to inspired with such vessels having on board^o much iff ^ CpUng benevolendl towanj^them, they are bought with the same cited articles as may be ^mdredZr ffie sun^v .f X' comprehending Ih^mth ots^Tembel^ is to continue what should we be at tins day. had thev not h^n ..--l. ™ 3 ' 1 . a PP lle » «> 1 ports, places, Smith, she would have talari such meitsnrt-s yswc.i- have prevented the possibility ofthe governors h'% signed the warrant, &c. Suspicion being one g, the stivngers who appeared to be acute and cunran; ^ servers of all that passed, took the alarm and said g * haying failed in their object, they should go that W- : * f ndav, as far as Middletown, on their return to Pniu* deiphia. I hey accordingly sat out, but instead ofgoin£to- ward the city, thev went lip toward Seiin’s Grove. “In the me^n time depc/itions were taken ant! utaT* rants issued against Mr. and Mr. and Miss Jom*% and they were arrested at Armstrong’s tavern, about tcr» miles up the river, and brought b„ck to this Miss Jones would hive persuaded the two men to resist Hit | officers of justice, but this they declined. , " ^ be prisoners were tiiis morning brought befott judge Fahnestock, who after hearing the testimony de clared he would commit them; upon which MissJonts, desired that her commitment might be, and it according ly was, made out in the name of Ann Smith, alias Cars" 1 ) It was not five minutes before this avowal that Jon.stii insisted, and she had concurred, that she was his sister, and her name Jones. She had a bundle with her in the I gig, in which was tied up a sailors round about, check I shirt, &c. “I just learn that the prisoners have applied for a -• beas corpus, and are to be brought up before judge f -‘ maker. It is expected they will be recommitted for- conspiracy.” The editor of the Press, on Wednesday, the 10th inst ead satisfactory evidence of tiie existence of a wicked- ik! against the governor, and lost so ? by express what he knew to the | desperate conspiracy time in communicating governor, and it probably was in consequence of tiiis in formation that this diabolical scheme has been frustrated- As this conspiracy will, in all probability, undergo a le gal investigation, we do not now tliink proper to publish any more on the subject. . The seizure of the American consul at Cadiz, is a vt 'T singular transaction, in whatever light it is viewed. X are gratified to hear, however, that although Mr. Mw'.e was imprisoned in the dungeon ofthe fort of St. Catalina, his family, his mercantile house, and business were ^ i molested—and that his business was carried on in '*■'* ] same way, as if he was present at his house. t "When Mr. Meade was acting as American vict’*cor- ' Mr. Cathcart was absent from Cadiz; he had come to th e ^ United States for his family, and fortunately arrived * j few weeks after Mr. Meade had been seized; the his*' ness of the consulate, mean time, was conducted by - James Robinett, of Mr, Meade’s house. It is resumed, that the character and experience of Mr. Cathcart, that he will not have foiled to make suit> ble representatiqns, on the violation of the national coE ' sukte, Ml the person of Mr. Meade.—Avrora.