Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1816-1818, August 15, 1816, Image 1

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- FREI)ER ick s - FELL.] SAVANNAH, (GA.) AUGUST 10, 1816. [Whole Number 2708. Number 67-3 TRUTH WITHOUT FEAR. [Volume XIV the republican is PUBLISHED S VERY'TUESDAY, THURSDAY AND SATURDAY, JIT SIX DOLLARS PER AM UM. PAYABLE IS ADVANCE. advertisement 8 -Five Cents per EN AND A HAI.V will be inserted at the rate *&£££ square the first time, and Cents for each continuation.^^ , orders from the Country, unless the must accompant qu ortlie party well known to Daumenl he secured m the Eilitor must he post-paid. For Liverpool The fme fast s.nting- bng GEORGIA, captain rST?r w ; ‘ daily expected; having three .4 irtl.s of r c no ready to go on boam. 1 9 r fiance of > L, having- excellent accommodation^ ap Freight or ^’ llavl % LMb -i- EA D & BATTELLfe. ply t0 Q7 V july 23——3r For Boston The fine new schooner ADELINE, Abner j-rjr , master, will be despatched in eight days. i^Forlreight or passage, apply tO R dm master on loai’d, or to M'Kinne’s -wharf For sale, on board, m hegs Sounds and Tongues ' do pickicil Salmon do and 7 hi s Shad ives 10 Cards do ex ail<r 10- os For New- Fork The packet ship WOODBINE, captain J. Wii- ft,T iet to Li on Thursday next. For freight or pas- Ea ?> . L having superior accommodations, apply on ’ ihe’/s wiLf, or to P. SCHENK & CO. "•if J j * — a J For New-York The packet brig SAY AN N All PACKET, cap- J-fS * in Gilbert Potter, to sail in six days. For ggggfrfigiit or passage, haveing spacious accommoda- tioiis, oppty oil board, or to P. Schenk & Co. awpi ■ 13- -96 & A few copies of Strictures on the cu'Uv tion ■ fthe .Sugar C.Jie, just rcceiv ed and for sale I at this office. auErust 1 91 august 1- Niles 5 Register. A few copies of this valuable and useful work remain on hi nd. For sale, at this office, awns. 1—91 Landing,V From the schooner Ann, from Havana, 60 half boxes of superior white Sugar, for family use 43 barrels Muscovado Sugar 43 barrels Coffee Best Snunish Cigars, in boxes and half boxes Sw eet Meats ail’d Fruits. For sale by Cavnochan & Mitchel. auTiist 6—t.—93 May Butter. Deceived, by thp-M'oodbive, A few firkins BUTTER, sale bv • ‘ r- - put ini f ir fi rmly use, for 1 B. & G. LATHUOP. For sale 2‘JO barrels Philadelphia superfine FMOUR. * R. Richardson. ulv 27- -89 The subscribers Have just received, and offer for sale, £3 casks trace Chains 41 boxes assorted window Glass — 11 crates do Crockerywure y 2i) bags race Ginger. L- PETTY Sc C july 16 84 J\l'-Kinne‘s wh a f^ For sale 290 pieces Cotton Bagring 59 quarter casks Tencriti M ine 17 hog he.ids MoLisses 19 casks Madeira Wine, jiiii ii i-.2 R. RICHARDSON. J list received, El I the brig. Eliza Lord, from J\ ew-I ork, 20 boxes Clitese ^ do smoked Beef 19 do Anchovies ** do Capers 2. barrels Walnuts 4 c«s..s white wine Vinegar Presli currant and raspberry Jelly Syrup of bene, Apples and Marmalade John B. Gaudry. M? 19—x 95 -4- The Life of General Jackson, IVhich -was commenced by the late Major John Reid, is now pros rexsing, and -will shortlv be completed, by JOHN H. EATON, FOn THE BENEFIT OF THE CHILDHEN OF THE DECEASED. This Work is already in a state of considerable for wardness, and will be finished during the ensuing fall. From the qualifications of the author, and his being in possession of all the papers of the General, appertaining to the operations in the South, its detail* may be better reiied on for accuracy than any other that can be pre sented to the public. , A The History will commence with file early life of Gen eral Jackson, and conclude with the operations of the British and American armies before New-Orleans; and will comprise all the events of the war in which he had any ; gei cy. The Work will contain about four hundred pages oc tavo, accompanied by an engraved likeness of the Gener al, and drawings of the different battles.—Price jj§4. Aj- Subscriptions, to the above Work, received at the Office of the Savannah Republican. aug 13—96 Scott’s Family Bible, A new and cheap edition, in 6 vols. 8 vo. without the marginal references; vols. 1st and 5th are published, sub scriptions received Nos. 6 and 7 of the Panoplist Historical Sketches of the late war, embellished with Portraits, &c. by John L. Thompson Congress of Vienna, by M. De Pradt Colonial Policy of Great-Britain, considered with re lation to her North-American provinces, by a British tra- vaher Valentine’s Eve, by Mrs. Opie • Tales of Fancy, vol. 1, conuining the shipwreck, by Miss Burney Dunce of Death and other Poems, by Walter Scott Continuation ofEarly Sessions, by Maria Edgeworth Witlia variety of late juvenile Books. For sale by S. C. Schenk. 10- ► 95 Fresh Shoes and Slippers. Just received,from New-Work, by the brig Pocahontas, con sisting of the following kinds: Cadies’ black kid Slippers, from Hedenberg’s manufactory Do do undressed Morocco, do * do Men’s Morocco Shoetees Do do Pumps Do fine seal Shoes do wax calf-shin Shoetees grain do do Shoes strong Pumps Children’s leather Boots All of which will be sold low" for cash by John Douglass, Gibbon'» buildintr. Do Do Do Do july 9- -81 The subscribers Have entered into partnership in the practice of LAW. Their Office is immediately over the Bookstore of Mr. .William T. Williams, on the Buy. WILLIAM DAVIES, JOHN DKYSDALE. iulv 30 +T 90 Factorage and Commission. o The subscriber Having commenced in the above line °F 31 SIXESS, offers his services to his friends and the public; Ins Counting-Room is on Wayne’s upper wharf, Lrmeriy occupied by Messrs. Bhuiixy & Barnett - The Sloiv 13 Lrge „ n jl commodid^PIproduce will be re- cclV( -d on storage and every attention given to its re ception and shipment. RICHARD WAYNE. _dfr 2--139 " For sale One thousand acres salt (now fresh j marsh, in Wil- ®ungton river, joining lands of John Simpson, now coni seated, and iancis of J. M‘Queeii, esq. originally on the 7m September, 1772, granted James Lucena, qlec. For ernis apply to William Stephens, or at this office, ^ a plan may be seerijthe tract is prime cotton land. Also acres of land, in lots of the beautiful village of ontgomery, on Vernon river; fine, healthy summer’s ^ sidence. Enquire as above. - • - july 16—84 Wanted E gopffUOOk, enquire of the printer Brooks 6c Welman IlavejuSt received, from Neno-York and Philade'phia, and now lamliog, 6 chests superior Hyson Tea, btagg’s cargo, imported in June last 7 quarter chests young Hyson do do 6 -boxes Prunes 15 bags Almonds, soft shelled 28 boxes .Muscatel Raisins 58 bags green Coffee 33 barrels and 30 half barrels fresh superfine Flour 7 hogshead.} N. E. Rum 12 lilids rectified rye Whiskey 5 pipes real Holland Gin 20 bis double refined loaf and lump Sugar 23 kegs Richmond Tobacco, Dunlap’s brand 60 pieces prime Inverness cotton Bagging IN STOKE, Hogsheads Jamaica Rum, pipes Brandy, Malaga and Tenenff Wine, in quarter casks; New-Orleans and West, India Sugar. So-.-) -nd C-ndles. aug 13—h—96 London particular TENERIFF WINE, In quarter casks, received per snip Woodbine, and for lie by ISAAC COHEN & CO. aug 10 u - — 95 For sale 20 casks CLARET, of a superior quality. R. Richardson. nudist 8 94 For sale A valuable chair HORSE, warranted gentle, and well situated for a family. For terms, apply at this office atig 10— .)i 95 . For sale The Toll-Bridge over Great Ogechee River, at which oscpli Hill lately resided—it is a substantial well built bridge, composed chiefly of cypress; it has stood the cresliets, and appears to’be -in all respects a good mid fomplete piece of work. For terms apply to JOHN BOLTON or i >. JEREMLAH CUYLER. ' anril 4——40 1 ex ors. ; J-m, John Tanner, Bolton’s range, (In the room formerly occupied by Jonathan Battelle) Has received by the ship Aihmis, A large and elegant assortment of English, French and India GOODS; which he offers, at reduced prices, for cash or approved paper at ninety days, july 30- 90 For sale A House and Lot, in St. James’s square; being one of the most healthy and pleasant situatiohs in this city—op the said lot are all necessary out buildings.. Tins _ pro perty will he sold for-a moderate price, and a credit of one, two and three years given for the payment . Per sons disposed to purchase will apply to enher ot the subscribers. ®UN. 'SjlEFU A LL, april 6- -41 M. SfHEFTALL, sen. Just received, And now landingfrom New-York, 37 Wids. prime selected New-Orleans Sugvr, fit for re tailing 40 do do retailing Molasses 4 pipes 4th proof genuine Cognac Brandy 10 chests Gunpowder and Hyson Tea 6 casks assorted Shot 2 pipes old Madeira Wine quarter casks L. P. Tenerifle and Malaga do barrels Pork and Beans is stoke, old 4th proof Jamaica Rum, warranted pure, be ing imported direct Whiskey, N. E. Rum, Coffee andiron Together with a large and general assortment of well chosen GROCERIES, in any quantity to suitjurchasers, for stile by june 4—66 BKOuKi) WELMAN, Holton’s wharf The subscribers Have now landing from brig Pocahontas, from New-York, 100 barrels Menhaden 30 do Mackerel 10 pieces bed Ticking 10 do Priest Cloths IN STOBE Writing, letter, printing, wrapping and sheathing Paper Ship Bread and Cordial Barrels glauber Salts Curry Combs Hatchets, Hammers, Axes and hollow Ware Floor Bnishcs Cut Nails, Trunks Boxes Chocolate Bed Cords, Twine, ravens’ Duck No. 1 to 6 Shot Boxes cotton and wool Cards Currants, in barrels 1 case mill Saws 6 casks northern Shoes Olmstead & Battelle. July 9—81 J. F. De Lorme & Co. Have just received from New-York, and offer for sale, at their-store, cheap for cash. No. 5. Gibbon’s building, the following Articles:— Toilet looking Glasses, elegant plated Candlesticks, paste Board, elegant thread Lace, northward Homespun, tortoise shell, quill back and horn Combs, snuff' Btoxes, Brushes, elegant Jewellery, Stationary, Dry-Goods, ami Hardware. Also, an assortment of Musical Instruments; such as Clarionet, German Flute-Fifes, Flagellets, Vio lin, Guitars, Hand-Organs; also, music Books, to suit the above instruments; as also for the Piano Forte, &c. july 18—fi — 85 Duel, Gres isilli OC CO. Have now landing, from the ship IVinnefred, fiom Liver pool, A large supply of SUMMER GOODS. ALSO, 39 casks and cases assorted Hardware and Cutlery, each containing a complete assortment for a retail store One case sujlerior plated IVare, consisting of cruet Frallies, candlesticks, Snuffers and Trays And via New-York, Two trunks Parasols, three bales Seersuckers, three- bales f lumhums 1000 pieces long yellow Nankeens, one case chip Hats; white, black and colored Levantine and Florence Silks Stout mixed coat Silks and Florentine Vesting; white nd black lace Shawls and Veils; Merino Tippets; ele gant embroidered Ridicules, assorted colors and patterns Thread Laces and Edgings One case Chinelle Cords, assorted colors and sizes Fifteen casts straw Hats and Bonnets Six cases Artificial Flowers Seventeen'casts Looking Glasses, a part of which are in elegant gilt frames. june i5—71 Andrew Low & Co. Have received, by the ship Winnifrcd, from Liverpool, and other late amvals, Turkey red Yarn Linens and cotton Shirtings Fancy figured mull Muslins, for dresses Fine and coarse, low priced leno Muslins, suitable for pavillions v Plain and figured Cambrics Calicoes and Ginghams, in great variety Counterpanes and Marseilles Quilts Handsome furniture Dimities Common and 6-4 cambric Dimities White and colored Marseilles Vesting Black and colored Bombazines and Silks Hombazetts. Jeans, York Stripes Plain and ribbed Stockinets Cotton Stockings, of allkinds , Madras and Pullicat Handkerchiefs Apron Checks, brown Hollands Indian and Canton Crapes Whitechapel Needles and fresh ounce Threads Superior cotton Umbrellas London paper and pound Pins Cutlery, assorted, in small casks Osnaburgs, Russia Sheetings, long Lawns; and, a variety of other GOODS, all of which will be sold, either wholesale or at retail, 011 the most moderate terms. hilv 8’> Factorage arid Commission BUSINESS. The subscriber informs his friends and the public in general, that he has commenced in the above business, and hopes, by strict attention and punctuality, to merit a share of public favor. He offers for sale, his Stock in Trade, on good terms, consisting of excellent Blankets, of different sizes; colored Negro Clothes, Cassunepes, second Broadcloths, Calicoes, cotton Bagging, &c. and will Let hi* Stand, near the Market-square; the Store is twenty-five feet by twenty, and a Cellar, under the store, that will hold from fifty to sixty bales of cotton. For terms apply to JAMES WHITE, aufrust 1 PY- 91 4 Wanted To Jhe Printing Busines, two APPRENTICES. Ap ply at this OffiM. 29 TT~ 77 Notice. The copartnership, heretofore existing between the subscribers, under the firm of J. Hanmer & Co. was dis solved on the 25th June last, by mutual consent. J. HANMER A.GAMAGE. The subscriber is authorized to settle the concerns of the_ late-firm of J. Hamper & Co. and having purcliased their stock will continue his fgrtner line of business. J. Hanmer* august 8-«—x ■» *24 Administrator’s sales. Will be sold in front of our store, On Monday, 19th August, AT 10 O’COCK A gold Watch, sundry articles of Jewellery, silver smith’s Toots, i ne riding Chair, and a trunk of wearing Apparel; being the personal property of Timothy Bon- ■icou, dec. Hy order of the administrator. M. Herbert & Co. ,j"’v 6—J.+—80 . u >, Executor’s sale. On the first Tuesday in September next, Will be sold before the Court House, in tliis city, be tween the usual hours, A prime Negro Fellow, named Maiiccs, belonging to the estate of E. Wells, deceased. Sold by order of the executor. M. HERBERT k CO. auct’rs. july 9 81 iLedical Science Lottery, NO. 2. Will draw on the 7tli of October in the city of New- . 1 of Jg30,000 is 830,000 1 20,000 20,000 1 10,000 10,000 1 5000 5000 5 1000 5000 40 700 28,000 12 500 6000 20 200 4000 30 ” 100 3000 70 50 3500 100 20 2000 2500 ia, 25,000 3000 7 21,000 9500 5 47,500 14.719 blSks? More P rizCS than blankS ' Tickets in the above Lottery for sale by the subscriber. JOSIAH PENFIELD. -july 9—in.—81 On hand, A quantity of excellent BACON, in casks, fit for ex portation. 14 kegs best Buncombe Butter, for family use 6<J do do Lard 50 boxes assorted cotton Cards ! tierces men’s common lined Shoes Cases assorted looking Glasses Bales Clort.s Cotton Shirtings Cotton Cambrics, &c. Ac. A. Erwin, Lethbridge & Co. july 33— 93 Jones’ wi rharf’/ Received Per ship Portia, J. n. StilUman, master, from Bordeaux, via. Charleston, A few boxes Vin-de-Grave, first quality 25 boxes St. Julien Claret 20 casks Claret, different qualities, warranted good Soft shell Almonds Sweet Oil And a few pipes Cognac Brandy, warranted genuine* which will be sold at wholesale or retail, by Tlioinasson & Colmesnil. -nor- jo nt 95 Cotton Lagging, &c. 175 pieces Inverness cotton Bagging 300 reams wrapping Paper 80 kegs Dupont’s Gunpowder, w-arranted Buck and patent Shot, assorted sizes Prime Orleans Sugar, in barrels White Havana Sugar Green Coffee, in bags Gunpowder Y Hyson and C Teas, of thq latest importations Young Hyson j Prime chewing Tobacco 2000 yards Towcloth,' vert cheap Landing, from bHg ~Sally,from Philadelphia, 5 casks Englisn Pinais, assorted sizes, v— —i accommodating terms, by James H. Fraser, _ Market-square Wanted, 1000 lbs sarsaparilla Root aug 10 1. 95 For sale on is otice. An election will be held at the Synagogue, on MON DAY, the 19th inst. for OFFICERS for the ensuing year, agreeable to charter. aug 10- m —95 Bank of the State of Georgia. The Directors will, on TUESDAY, the 27th August in stant, at 11 o’clock a. m. at the Bank in Savanoah, ap point thirteen Directors, to preside over the Office of Discount and Deposit, established at the city of Augusta. Also, seven Directors, to preside over the Office of Dis count and Deposit, established at the town of Milledge- ville. At the same time the Directors will elect a Cashier for the Office at Augusta, with a salary of o»e thousand eight hundred dollars per annum, who will bq required to give twa or more sufficient securities, for the discharge” of the duties required of him,in the sum of forty thou sand dollars. Also, a Cashier for the Office at Milledgeville, with a salary of one thousand dollars per annum, who will be required to give two or more sufficient securities, for the discharge oi the duties required of him, in the sum of thirty thousand dollars. Candidates for the Offices of Cashier, will address their applications to the subscriber, stating the names of their securities; and, immediately after the electiom the per sons elected Cashiers to said Offices, will be required to repair to the Bank at Savannah. Eleazer Early, Savannah, 5th August, 1816. Cashier N. B. The Editors of the Gazettes of this State are requested to publish the above notification until the day of election. (aug 6-93] Boarding school. Mrs. Canuet has removed- her Boarding School to Mr. Eppmger’s brick house, on the South Commons, neatly opposite the Academy, where she can accommo date some more vbung ladies, iulv 23——-+rv 87 ■4— To Hire, A likely young Wench. Apply to tibe printer, august ,f ' J ' - ' nt ^ ■ j tjg ,tl y'M ifs b A