Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1816-1818, August 20, 1816, Image 2

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vnnxcATiorf dr c*.\>n juries. In the National Intelligencer, of the 20th July, k emonymoua publication against the Grind Fury of Wilkes bounty, for having expressed their disapprobation to a , la#~passed by eoflgress, during its late session, altering Hhe manner and amount of compensation to our con- ' nessional delegates; and for caving censured the Georgy delegation for ftOt having made a more formidable op- position to a law so repugnant to the jbinciplertof de mocracy and to the will of the people: This anonymous publication 'avows no other motive than to shew tlist the Grand Inquest for the body of the county of Wilkes have preceded their constitutional powers} but in. truth wishes sec etly to lend a helping hand to the erection of •ristocracy. In his avowed design, our writer has lftise- Tably failed. To Yi lave preserved tlie face of truth,‘he should at least have been consistent throughout and havi respected intuitive principles; in tlie first step of his esaay, he totters and tramples upon them. • "Among the eccentricities which naturally grow out of a ■high degree of liberty, it that of an extreme latitude in ■all official acts that emanate from the people." Extremes are always vicious and false—truth and j ustice are never found in them; but in media, they follow thp course of nature. Now, if the functionaries of a wise and free people become false and vicious, and these evils are die t ‘offspring of liberty, (as our writer asserts) no republic could possibly exist; foi\ in tlie same ^proportional de gree in which rational liberty is cultivated, improved and defended, does it produce and impart poison and corruption, to react upon itself. Liberty is the right uf every rational being—the end of government is its pre servation. That government which is directed by the Volition of the nation is most subservient to that end. This kind of government is designated by the name of democracy. Democracy and liberty are therefore con vertible terms, or m .y be substituted one for the other. These are the political axioms upon which our writer '•has clumsily trodden: lie has further been guilty of a metaphysical abberation—“Among the eccentricities which naturally grow ovt," &c. Here is a contradiction of terms. There may exist eccentricities of nature: they are phenomena rising in opposition to the ordinary ope- rations of nature-phenomena so repugnant to every principle and general rule of nature, that they cannot be reduced under any generic head. But here the writer endeavored to reconcile eccentricities and nature, ©r rather awkwardly associated them together. But to the state of the question again— Whether grand Juris: have a right to present general grievances or such as qffect the nation at lurge? It is true that the especial and peculiar province of Grand Juries is to present such .things to the bench, as are remediable by it, or at least ani madverted upon by the laws of tlie land; but it is not less their duty to notice those evils which have no other cor rective than public detestation: for there exist evils lions to morals, which are too subtle for the grasp of .municipal laws-, and Grand Juries are constituted for the purpose of correcting moral evils of every description. Our writer certainly could not have been apprized of this, otherwise, he would not have said that their exclusive duty is to present those offences only which are punish able by the court, and that they have no right of cog- nuance over matters arising beyond tlie limits of tlie county in which they live; but do morals constitute the inly sphere in which judicial authority is to move?— -Constitated as our government is, deriving its powers and principles from the people, and having tor its direct end their security and happiness, it is the duty of evt -y functionary of the government to direct its exertions to wards the accomplishment of that end. The writer in question has not, in his attack upon the Grand Jury of Wilkes, avowed his real design. The truth is, he wishes, by innuendos, to approbate the law ■which is the subject of discontent, and to support the makers of it; otherwise, why desirous of choking one - channel of communication on the subject, to tlie people? Why stop one plaintive mouth against a rule which to- ' jyether with its fabricators, deserve public execration; but, to veil his real intention, he creeps out of his unac complished attempt, by saying he “concurs” with the Grand Jury “in most of the positions taken” by them. In vain has he attributed motives and views to them, by which they were not governed. He wishes it to appear that they were influenced by personal spleen, party pre judices, or political craft. He speaks of their presenting the people of the United States—-in this there is too much ritliculous absurdity, to merit any other notice than con tempt. The people, as the supreme power, have as signed to the respective branches of the government certain functions for their performance, but has enjoin ed the exertions of every member towards the well being of the whole. AncWsliall our writer dare attempt to drown the voice of so respectable a member of tlie go vernment as Grand Juries, the strongest bulwark, tlie most certain and vigilant safeguard, of tlie liberties of • the people? Shall those bodies, wliich are chosen for • their wisdom, their Jove of /rutA and justice, not be per mitted to communicate their grievances and the griev ances of the community in which they live to that power ■which has the right,of redressing tlieni? The gentleman will not (it is presumed) have the hardihood to deny the right of complaint in the people of Wilkes or any ■* ” ctivebi wgal Of the cohnirtf bordering On HU _ in the treaty made between geaefed Creek indium. »Y /DDAt TOlUflf. I A la's aw—A river in jNortb America, so tailed from' "a tribe of Indians who formerly resided adjacent to it,—. It takes its rise in the Cherokee nation, near tlie bpmfds- ry line between the states of Gsofgia and Tfennessee, and not far from the 35th degree of north latitude, and proceeding in a soatbwcstwardly direction, unites with the Tombigbee, nine miles above the Jlst d&reebf north latitude, and forms with it, the river Mobile. The junction of the two rivers is about 45 miles from the bead oj Mo bile Hay, and the river is iu*iqj>le thus far, .and linked several miles further, for any vessel which can come up tlie bay. fn the upper part of die bay, you cahnot count upon more than 11 fect of water at oruinaty tides: but when vouget into die river, you -have generally four " EaSt of the A1 defat* tk same time and other other^ounty in the collective body—but are the people in those counties or districts who are aggrieved to be thrown into tumult, confusion and trouble, in congregat ing themselves, for the purpose of vonting complaints to tke nation, whenever a diplomatic trust should he violated by their vice-gcrents, when select men are chosen from among themselves to sit upon public business, and who "cannotbe mistaken in tne *-nse of the people of their county? If the Grand Jury of Wilkes have not made a fkir representation of the sense of the people of that county, a*regards tlie almost passive conduct observed flap the Georgia delegation, in the representative house of congress, in relation to tlie passage of the compensation bill, Tet the populace answer for themselves. If they have made a fair representation, then the people are sav- - ed from much trouble; and, unless they protest against the presentments of the Grand Inquest, those present ments will be understood as the voice of the county. At *11 ervente, the'Jarors have expressed their sense ot the matter, whether they be considered as tlie legitimate representatives of their county people, upon the occa sion or not; in doing winch tm % „ .. icotmtry, ex- that tbere are at the fsof rich lime hone.-prairies ._nib«fred upland, the vicinity of which to navigable waters,, must in a few years render it extremely valuable.'' 1 It has already been mentioned, that it is generally a •Indian line to iiie five faihoins to the forks. From the junction u> Fort Claiborne, the distance is about 60 miles, ana the r.vei- is itavigable thus for, at the lowest time, for aii\ w.«sci v\ I.ich-vfiilnot draw more-than six jeet ; f water, lbe disunce, from thence to the mouth of the ( :.nawbi, on die western side.of the Ala bama, is os'imateu at 15J miles, and the riv'er.affords to this place, four or five feet depth of water. From the mouth of the Cahawba to tile forks of the Coose ai’d Tuuapoose, it is add to he 160 miles, though some do not estimate the distance so great, and the navigation is still good except at two ripples, in which however there is plenty of water, and they pass over"them with poies.— in tii.s p..rtof the river it is three feet deep in the shal lowest places. The river here loses its name. The eastern branch being called tlie Tallapoose, which except near the mouth runs through tlie territory still belonging to the Creeks,—whilst tlie western branch of the Alabama called the Coose. Tlie Tallapoose is boatabie to the great falls, 30 or 40 miles above the. fork. About eight miles by water (thought not three in « straight line) above tlie junction ot tlie Coose and Tallapoose, tlie tw< rivers approach very near to each other—and it is in this point of land that Fort Jackson stands. From thence to the falls of Coose tlie distance is seven or eight nulcs; and here tlie navigation of tlie Coose may, in the present stale of things, be considered as ter minating. There is a continuation of rocky snouts to Fort Williams, a distance of 50 miles; a circumstance tne more to be regre.ted, as tlie navigation is not materially obstructed above, and can be pursued up tlie Coose to one of its head streams called tlie Cunaesaugah, which about 46 feet wide, and from the boatable part of-wliic. to the boatable part of the Amoy it is but cigut or ten miles over a firm, level country. The Amoy is »bout 6J feet wide, and is a branch of the Hiwassec, wlucii dis- qliarges itself into the Tennessee about eighty mites be iow Knoxviilc. The distance from Fori Wulums Fort Strother, at the Ten Islands, where the Cherokee line strikes tlie Coose river, is nearly sixty miles by land but considerably more by water. From thence to the portige, or highest point of navigation on die Connesau- gali, it is probably 12d or 13v> miles by land. As to die great fails between Fort Williams and Fort Jackson: it is the opinion of some that they might be Ten- rendered navigable, with no very great difficulty. There is water enough; but the rocky shoals are very numerous. Boats indeed loaded with provisions for die troops, did descend die river, and passlhein during the late Creek war, but the liazard was very considerable, and some of them were destroyed. As to the time it takes to navigate the Alabama, it may be stated, that to go from Mobile to Fort Jackson, distance of about 4*d miles, il will take from a mouth to six weeks, according to tlie suite of the river. A bargi with five handsand 125 barrels, has gone from Mobile to Fort Jackson in 3U days; but it was reckoned a remarkable good trip. The business however is new, and experience will probably lead to expedition. The Coose, under the names of Oonnesuugah, Esten- aury, Hightour, &c. runs probably about 150 miles (esti mating the distance by land) through the Cherokee ter ritory, in the north western corner of the State of Geor gia. It then proceeds through the middle of what till late ly was the Creek country in the Mississippi territory of the United States; and did not enter the country occu pied by white people, till within about 20 miles of its Junction with the Tombigby- But by the treaty which terminated the war with tiie Creeks Indians in August 1814, the Coose river ws.s made the boundary line be tween the lands of the Creeks and the lands of the Unit ed *^pttes from tlie Ten islands on the Coose river, to Wetumke,* or the great falls near fort Jackson. From Wetumke, the line runs across east ward ly about 18 miles, then southwardly across the Tallapoose to the mouth of Ofuskee, and up the Ofuskee ten miles, and thence s. 49 16 e.67 miles to the mouth of Sum-jchicho- ba,on the Cbattalioucliee, 46 miles above the 31st degree of north latitude, or the boundary line between tlie Mis sissippi territory and West Florida, and from the mouth of Sumuchichoba, due east through the .state of Georgia to the Aitimaha, two miles east of Goose creek. The whole of the Creek country, West and South of the Al. bama and the line above mentioned, was ceded to the United States bv the treaty with general Jackson. Tnat part of the cession which falls within tlie Mississippi ter ritory, amounts probably to about seventeen thousand square miles, or about as much as the four states of Rhode Istand, Connecticut, New Jersey and Delaware. The land however is not generally valuable; a large pro portion of it is poor pine Liul. That which borders Florida is very indifferent. There is euou ;h good land however in the ceded te: tory to support a v erv respectable population, and there are already (June, 1816) ir m six to seven thousand souls settled in tlie county of Monroe, which includes the ly Been Vneutioned, ‘poor pipe woods between the hew (whichmis from the Tailapoos? to the Chattahoochee) and the Spanish fine Of demarcation...Jt o#ght, however, to>« remarked,that there is good Riff*bordering on the Conecah/andita different branches, which uniting with the Escambia, falls into thie Boy of Pensacola, and also- on the river called fellow Water, and on Chautahatche or Pea river, which empties itsfclf into St. Rose’s bay.— These Water course* afford hot ojily good low grounds but moderate bo<lies.©f pretty good upland, particularly near the Indian lihe; and it is to be observed, that al though the maps represent them, otherwise,they all ex tend and branch out, far up into die country. * —— Jfa*- * - - whole ofthe territory relinquished by the Creek Indians, excepting that which lies within die. limits of Georgia. There are valuable low grounds, or swamp lands, as they are called, on the Alabama, from its junction with sion omot; in doing which they have discharged u duty, which they owed to tbeir country, in tbei" corporate, as well as in their individual, capacities. Yes' it is the duty of every honest patriot, in the nation, to raise 13s voice against those who aided the passage of the bill in ques tion. And the Grand Jury‘of Wilkes county for their firm, energetic, independent, and patritrJc procedure, - on the occasion, deserve the approbation and the ap plause of their countrymen. Let those of our National Delegates to congress, who asskted the passage of the Compensation Bill, be consigned to that infamy and dis grace, which their indecorous, avaricious conduct merit; And those among them "who did not manifest a zeal be coming the occasion," sink int > that neglect and obsurity which they deserve. If, however, >he voice of reconcilia tion can be heard in favor of one of them, we would of fer, as the subject, most worthy of restoration to public favor and-confidence, Colonel Alvrxd Ci'Timtirr; who has on so mapy occasions manifested a public spirit, that we cannot doubt his patriotism; but let us forbear pane- with your “eccentricities naturally growing out," &c. [it might be natural enough for u* to conclude that your political sentiments, are al- tojjetber eccentric, when tested by the true principle* , of republicanism, and that the people of tlus nation might dispense with them without regretj Wit here we leave you with your unwarrantable assault Grand J®*y of Wilke*, together with their presentments for public judgment. A COUNTRY DEMOCRAT. HORRIBLE PUNISHMENTS. Hi* stated in the English papers, that the murderer of Cardinal Dona's Champlain was sentenced to be beaten to death, with clubs, and aftewards quartered ! In the beginning of the last century, the murderer of the Roman Cardinal was flayed alive! About twenty years ago, a poor English sailor happen ed to get into a drunken frolic at Naples, and to break a pane of glass in oneof the Church Wind ows. He was taken before the inquisition, had both hi* eves torn out, and then was thrown into a dungeon for lift.! So much forth* humanity of jwiests. 1 !—Peterstnngh J ifeitigencer. the Tombigby, covered near the river with gigantic canes; but falling off afterwards into lower lands, less suscept ible of cultivation, called cypress sw-mp. High cane- brake land in this lower country, could no doubt be profitably cultivated for the Sugar cane,- but it is scarcely settled at all even up to the oid Indian line, near Tensuw 2) miles above the fork of Tombigby and Alabama; for there are but few private claims on the river, and the public lands have never yet been offered for sale. When you get beyond tlie old line, the country is well settled near the river and tlie settlement continues twenty miles above Fort Claiborne; but the best bodies of land do not come in till you get 35 or 40 mile* above that place. The land is then good across from tlie Tombigby to the Alabama, but somewhat broken. About 6J miles above Fort Claiborne, vast bodies of stone coal present themselves to the observation ofthe traveller, and fine, blue, grindstone grit of-the best quali ty, is also found in great abundance. Coal is likewise found on the Cahawba, Tombigby, and Black Warrior. A great many families are ijow settled on the Caliaw- ba, (a western branch of the Alabama) and the lands on tlut river are equal in point of quality to those of any part of the country ceded bv the Creek Indians to gen- tral Jackson. In the year 1810, general Gaine*, then captain of tlie 2d regiment of infantry, explored the country between the waters of the Tombigby and those of the Alabama and Cahawba, for the purpose of mark- inga way for a road on the dividing ridge from St. Ste- Djiens to the Tennessee river, and across the same to Knoxville. After proceeding one hundred and twenty- five miles from St. Stephens, he was surrounded by a large body of Creek Indians and compelled to abandon the enterprize. He found the country.howevcr, capable of affording a very good road. It i* now stated that from the place where he wa* stopped, the distance is about seventy miles to Turkey town in the Cherokee country* north of the Alabama* (not the Turkey town mentioned in the maps) through a beautiful, level valley of rich upland, and that from Turkey town to Kingston on the Tennessee, it Is about one hundred and fifty miles more. This route therefore is probably the hearest and most eligible that can be found from Ori< . .... _ -Jeans to Washington city, and will hereafter have the advantage of being through a country more generally setUedtban any which can possibly be found. Of the one hundred and twenty* five miles explored by general Gaiitf*, the first sixty miles from St. Stephens, principally on tlie high ground •Wetumke, that is, the troubled Wattr. The Alabama country fbrrfis a part of the district of Washington in the Mississippi territory, which now comf- prehends, it is believed, about ’thirty-three thousand 'square miles (excluding Indian lands) and is divided into eight, one of which however, contains as much 'land as four of the northern states. One judge only ex ercises tlie judicial functions in the whole of this im mense country, besides performing the duties of a feder al judge in all ca>cs in which the United States are con cerned. The only port of entry is the town of Mobile, but the greatest share of mercantile business appears at present to be concentrated at the infant town uf St. Ste phens, about eighty miles above Mobile. The governor, secretary and public officers, generally reside near the Mississippi, abou- three hundred miles west of the Alabama; and tlie legislate e body also holds its annual sessions near the w estern limits ot the territory Mr. Madison „ ~ ie go^rotnent, and Uut 15 tt* country would Surely bt disrnc ' Cl: there ever a moment when this country ir speclxd het sef, hr was more respected bv othm> V she occupied a loftier or prouder stutionamohv*h7" era Of'the earth? ^ ie K.. ■yVe have emerged from a second contest with r t}\e greatest nations of the world, with greyer ' e dence hi ourselves, and with a lustre of which r C ° : ' guage cam give die description. Otir featy*- the wonder of the v world—Our flag lowers sublime can count a second roll of heroes—Yet these tri\ were cpiincd when James Madison was president ot _ In Europe, the name of an American is a passu,on . rebpett—Yet this is under the administration of j Madison: #. ^ We have brought the States of Barbar to ourfee.. front their hard bosoms, wru g rciuctant justice " rouikd,such a maddening sense of jealousy in u 7i ' M tisli nation, as to produce a sham and* ridiculous am, .' JNi tlie £tyvalry, which flhey had nrtt the magn .run.J’ y '\. equal—Yet tlus waa under the adminisiration of J * son.-- f n A single frigate has demanded justice fr m the - n W gant sovereign . < Without a tribute . . of Carthagena—and it w us gr 4 , • ite cr any remuneration, the prut have flown open, and our countrymen giti n t j . —Yet tliis was too under the administration of M We cannot speak in sufficiently high terms of of our countrymen—yet surely soruediiny ,s do, “chief w ho now commands.”—Richmond *J\Tu bead is at your feet, said the <ley of A’g modure JJecuiur. LATEST FROM ENGLAND. Norfolk, August 12. The ship Pocahontas, captain liatton, arrived here on Saturday in forty-three days fr ni Liverpool, and has brought London dates to the 24tb June. I o an es teemed friend we are indebted for a file of the London Statesman up to that date, from which we have nude some extracts for this day’s paper. No event to which any importance couid be attached had occurred in Eu rope; tranquility reigned throughout tlie continent. 1-omws, July 24. Tlie house of commons propose to adjourn next Wed nesday till tlie Tuesday following, to admit of the-lords bringing u their arrtar of business; and it is expected that the session will tciuiiuoLcabout Wednesday, tlie 3d of next month. Letters from Lancashire mention three more failures in a large manufacturing town in that county, to tin amount of (rJO,UO0i. Two of them traded to New-York, and the other to Boston. Extract of a letter from Malta, dated 22d of May “We are a good deal alarmed hero about the rebelious piratical expedition, or rather excursion of the Tunisian squadron, which we Have certain accounts have arrived at Modena, on tlie More*.” Paris, Juae 16. “The last letters from London announce, in h very ^,r>. sitive munner, that the letters which the Jo’omal, -.. iV c j The Col tier, intendt.l to publish. s ,„l of . ' spoke m our p.per of yesterday, relate t Q tiie conduct of . .nosttmpst peKOnage Who is a t -p t „ int trsv.rsin- Ute Lcv a „t. It u> behoved that tile pibheation of thesS letter, have a very eitr.ordhi a ry result. London, Jui 4 e 19. We have received the Pari* papers of Friday last— they are still occupied with, tlie preparations for the duke de Berne s marriage, which was to take place yesterday. T ne execution of Diflier passed witliout any attempt to disturb the puhlic tranquility. During liis trial, lie con stantly described himseif as a chief of rebels and not of robbers. He spoke much of the evils to which France was exposed—and alluded to a work he had written upon religion; yet be evinced no repentance, observing mere ly that he was deceived with respect to his means; tlut he thought he should have succeeded; that experience had shewn him the few resource* that conspirators pos sessed at present. After his condemnation, he had a conference with general Donadieu, whicii lasted between two and throe hours. Some important information transpired during the trial. He declared he had no chief above him. His wife anti children were introduced to him, and upon tlie former’s proposing to throw herself at the feet of the king, he replied, that it was as well his fate should lie accomplished—Uut he died in good senti ments—uut if his majesty pardoned him, tlitre was no reason to expect he should become better, since he had not been able to remain good and faithful. The secret interrogatories of the 28 persons to be tried for treason have commenced before M. Deseze, Uie pre sident of the court of assize. Augcreau died on the 12th. PaHis,June 15. “The Sieurs de Bruix, the son and nephew ofthe admi ral of that name, convicted of having held seditious dis- courses in tiie village of Bounellcs, (Semstet Oise) were condemned on the 29th of May by the tribunal ofKam- bouiliet to six months imprisonment, 500 fine, to be deprived of their pay as retired officers during one year, and to be placed for five years under the surv eil lance ofthe high police. The factious prints, (particularly of Marvlatv' lately made a great butdry about the balances uh, found standing open against certain gentlemen , reasury books; particularly Mr. Pinkney unj c Monroe, (tlie last for less than gK'OU.} Nov., ,t understood, by those who know cuiythiue of t,\ , that these b..lances may appear, when thero is r, due; because the proper voucher may be lost « rn and yet tlie uccounUnt will not balance t!.« without it. Questions may arise, too where an indi may tliink himself entitlul* to an offset; and pc rhT accountant is at a loss how to act. Goioncl mJ.’- for instance, settled up his account to an incons-. sum; he claims certain crtd»ts; if the items be s< :■ one principle, he brings the govcrmiKn’ in hi iouu.1 *'' r, he owes the balance which stands Since Mr. Pinkney’s arrearage has been spokm public prints, he lias ibsclurged the balance again,-' and the last Federal Republican has been conipeli- confess the mortifying fact. .These prints sliould n-collect, that some of ther favorites have been apparently defaulters t thetix —Such, for instance, w„s the case of \ir Pickerinc pmk of perfection, a few years ago .—Richmond Eur. : a I ELECTION SCENE IN ENGLAND. The Morning Chronicle of June 10, has a verv humor ous account ofthe riot at Liverpool, at the late'election. Among the inflammatory sentences placarded before Canning’s arrival tlie re, were these: “No itinerate orators!—Casey forever!—Down with all table-cloth speakers!—Walcheren and Castlereagh for * ! —May the next shot take place in front!"—(alluding to tne duel between Castlereagh and Caniung, in which the latter was wounded in the hip,) See. The mob dragged a Mr. Gladstone, a member of the Canning committee, from his bed, “and forming a circle in the street, placed him in the centre on his knees, and brutally forced him to swallow a copy of the departed income-tax act.” A regiment of cavalry arrived and »lhr- persed the disturbers. But, now Canning’s procession appeared, and Casey’s men encountered them; C.reeks against Trojans. Among the incidents of the fray, are the following:— “It was in vain that earl Morley displayed on high the patent of his earldom—it was in vain that he assert ed his right to that name, both from inclination, and the purchase of Saltram—a mallet, well directed bv an insur gent carpenter, forgetful of hi* relationship, came in con tact with the earl’s head, and put a stop for a time to hi* remonstrances. And now the president Canning, with a courage worthy of a better cause, mounted liis travel, ling platform. The short hand writer opened his note book, and the bes. hopes were augured from the success of the oration. But unfortunately an effigy of lord Cas tlereagh, stuff ed for the occasion, took effect, from sym pathy probably, in the seat of honor, and both the orator and oration fell to the ground.’ 5 — Columbian. In the recent election at Liverpool, England, several outrages were committed by the mob, and it was reported real CaUSe two or three Americans were among the rioters; but the ship masters attended examinations, and no individual J* ld !" t f5 ed “J^uging to this country; and all ‘ -t had t the crews of the American vessels i carefully kept on board their respectative vessels during the election—New-York peper. 6 mZ^!T*i nn ;i' 1VW ? ia Re P u . blican electoral ticket recom mended by the democratic republican memh»r. mended by tiie democratic republican members of: sembly at Harnsburrfi, March 11, 1816, will be elected by a majority of not lew than 20,000 votes, and every man that ticket, will nH »mok on thatticket, will, previously to the el^SiSK ed to vote for James Monroe as presidef^uid Darnel D 1 — —'“■‘““‘ ''t*/, and every nA of pleflge. We Tompkini a* vice president, honorably redeem their of them will Poor lUras.-If ,vc righrir ilnd*- st . rd mtnts which have just reac.'ied ls .,.*. v „ , necticut amount to about * * J.-!’ j U " ^ oor r ‘ ' ’ i -f I gr.r Jo being giro, - s „ ‘|'‘ r | pers for six mo , *’th« • *' 0St m^mtairung April,a W«<P b£ “'K melu.irj; a only >V, > ^ u ttiig which the average nuu.he. M^ssacm Neits, the niajmen.«nc. Ol CO^ the people of tliat state fori. i e -iT\ The United population of those states in 1810 862.2o7 souls—now not los tiuin 950,uuu, ait",ji 1 emigration from them has been so immense; ^ unit .-d amount for supporting the poor is l c to a little more (about tlie 10th of a cu.'T iL, .... cents for dvery “tax contributing indivicu.."~Dtr»yas* I not paupers. There is in this result a good deal to satisfy u.e ui—« I of the Weekly Register, as serving to shew to Us I dvrs the care and reflection with which, in ti;e abs , " 1 of documentary matter, he has advanced some of KisZ J tisfical facts. In the laborious letter to Mr. Cotbett. inserted i- H last volume, see the second part, page ^*9, * e sti that the cost of maintaining the poor in the Vnne. States, generally, was, for every other person, ato: fourteen cents per annum. This sum was put down fiv* an average result of several counties in tiie middle sus tlie tacts i>eionging to which were obtained with > : traoie trouble—regulated bv a careful view of *h Cl - dition of society; but yet it was, in some degree, sit'; - ry. The above However, convinces us that" we u\4 . nearly ngi.t as, perhaps, it was possible to be- tin! C the cost of maintaining the poor is, to each otlur •ktxd in tlie United States, about fourteen cents a year. A careful attention to such matters as this, v .ojtj |i volumes of speculations and essays o,i gournnur-l Practice lauglis at theory. By referring to the letter above ailuded to r-f lowing curious and important facts at.pear—tl ■ maintenance of a pauper in the Ui ueo States wus j posetlto cost the people about forty jive dollars a v wnile in England, such maintenance appear. 1 •<> c .■ ly fourteen dollars, although the price of bread .n in there, at the time the calculation was made, > equal to double its average for the United Si* Trs T (m England) must then have lived upm per than bread and meat. Nouvithsta' economy, we had also tliis result—iJan „ M1IV VI ofthe United States were paying omv/,vrr ( > ( r • to keep their poor in a little comfort, the En-iisi.« mjmgffiye hundred and sixty nine cents. eacii,°i> ir-1 keep their poor from immediate starvation.—.V, -v' It ly Register, 10th inst. i cl We understamUhat Joseph Bonaparte, formerly kA't bpain, has purchased the seat of Stephen Sa\rt ’< < led Point Breeze, near Burdenton, and about twerr J miles from this ertyt and that he intends maknit future residence.—Philadelphia Aw.ra The following toast was drank at Windsor. Vi 03 th: 4th ult. “’J'hi Fair.—We will surrender to no s but theirs “WHITE SLAVES IN AFRICA.” A friend at Bordeaux has forwarded a pamphlet to the edicore, consisting of “documents annexed to tht n- port of the president of the reunion ofthe knights iitn- ratoraof thewhite sUvesin Africa, assembled at Vicr- 5* r? (among the legitimate enslavers of white me* ] It exhibits several instances of wanton crueltv, in the Bv bary powers, and miserable account* of serv itude ard suffering. “According to the last report of the Mi* nonanratn the North of Africa, published under the au thority of the pope, the number of Christian Slaves cf-ll countries, and all denomination*, Of £he Barturv sv* of Morocco, Algiers, Tunis and Tripoli, exceeded hi:/ one thousand.” There are near four times as mam t»on* of “white slaves” in Europe- and, in France ..-ti Ireland, they are treated almost as cruelly as ir. Airier? These documents are translated, and “published bv per mission ’ at Pans, this present year. \Ve shall mvkc some extracts from them now and then.— v V. T. paper. WALTER SCOTT’S VISION OF DON RODERICK, This prom, with the exception ofthe execrable exteh- e-"" v <*" l“«le of tVaterioo,iskootrh tohetHeto- estofall the nrcluctions of Walter Scott'a pel Th, ofthe mftnoriy is not so well undewoed- hmiself apologises to his readers free, hi, “task oeing most cruelly interrupted by the sui-eeM!™ deaths of lord president Blair anS lord Viscount Mel- rtlle It may by be recollected that lord Mdrillc died at his nephew’s house in Edinburgh, 'he day alter the funeral of lord president Biair. The reason of his lordship’s death was „ot publi-lv men- Thetruth ia, he W'aa carried off in anapon> tioned. g reduced by a drinking match between him and Walter cott, commenced after the fiitw>nl Uriid tiro- I dhrrl -- . ; ... . . —0.1 waa over. Melville at this death, a reported in the perinff of six hoursto have drunk a dOxeei bottle,of pok The poet', head wasnot so stout. Afterawaliowingthectmtentsof omo bottlM, breaking UHea, chairs and glasses, he fed upon Hie Boor. The eicestive intoxication brought 00. a ftiw, which conBncd ME 8cott to his bed for two monjha. In thisperiod hc composed diose verses ahidi BdfflUOalhe ethers of Don Dorerick.—Pcur>b.rg h-