Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1816-1818, August 22, 1816, Image 2

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Finn. i "the following revieiv has bfeen ffteiveH frbtn 4 ftteca- Ty club established in tins city; and as it contains some strictures on the bistoty of an event which we shall al ways deeply* regret, wfe hive thought proper, for the fur ther information of ottr readers, to give it an insertion in the Register: k DR. EWELL'S MEDICAL COMPANION. , A work has just made its hppearance in this city call- •obthe “Medical Companion,t purporting to be the third edition, and written, or compiled by one Dr. J. Ewell, physician in Washington. We confess that, from the handbills posted at the doctor’s doors and Windows, in which this modest knight of the pestle has puffed himself, in a manner, we doubt not, quite satisfactory to him self, we bad supposed the work would have,, afforded us much useful information, and contributed to simplify ami extend the sphere of medical knowledge; but mortals are always destined to disappointment; and we have ex perienced it- most woefully in the perusal of this “cele brated Family Physician,” which, like the doctor’s own narcotics, had very nearly overpowed us with sleep.— We shall not detain the reader by wading through this bundle of plagiarisms and mass of compilations, in which •very thing is borrowed but its stupidity, and every thing Stolen but its nonsense. That it will never be worth five -dollars to its subscribers, does not, We think, require the prescience of a prophet to foretell, and we regret that the subscribers have paid so dearly for their w%*tle.— We had no idea that book making had attained such a height in this country. The patronage which domestic literature receives is so very limited, that no one could reasonably have supposed a mere compilation from Bu chan, Rush, Sydenham, &c. &.C. would ever have made its Way-from the bookseller’s shelves. To.this, however, the doctor has contrived to procure no inconsiderable num ber of subscribers, who, we doubt not, ere this, have re pented their precipitancy. It is owing, in a great de gree, to these repeated deceptions, that the growth of do mestic literature is so dilatory, and that A merican works of merit have so circumscribed a circulation. Men who are once deceived will endeavor to avoid a similar decep tion in future, which thus tends to check the enterprize Snd exertions of those who possess real science and ge nius, But we are disposed to question even the utility of works of this character. To persons ignorant of the medical science they produce nothing but confusion: and we should entertain but an humble opinion of the medi- ieal faculty, if they resorted to such sources for informa tion—a smattering of medicine is more injurious than a total ignorance—and the old woman who has derived all her knowledge from a careful perusal of Buchan, Rees •Or Ewell, might, from the confusion its produces, and her ignorance of the true causes and symptoms of diseases, as soon be induced to administer poison as to apply the proper remedy—medicine is at best but a science of ex periments—reducible to no fixed principles, and varying in proportion to the diversity of constitutions we find in the human family. He therefore who has tried the most experiments will perhaps be the most able practitioner of medicine—the young Esculapi'us who launches into the world fresh from the hand of Hypocrates, Galen, and the Other fathers of the medical art, will perhaps be more Ignorant of the prognostics of disease, and the method of administering a bolus or a glister, than the good old wife who has carefully noted the various changes which 'a disease assumes, knows the efficacy of her simple nos trums, and can apply them with security and skill. Je sais bien qu’il y a de bons remedes, mais je ne sais S’il a de bons Jnedicines.—[Be Sage.] We think that these books have a tendency only to mul tiply quacks—to destroy our confidence in the medical profession, and to make every man a physician without Dbing a doctor. It is not our intention to point out the paragraphs and pages which the doctor has purloined from sources within every man’s reach—because we con ceive it to be a work of supererogation—nor shall we presume to say that the doctor is a medical quack, though he is certainly a literary one; aDd has borrowed and patched with less delicacy than any gentleman of the lan- set that has ever come before the public. To be sure for the poetical scraps with which he has garnished his medical wild boor, we confess ourselves highly indebted CO him; because in the midst of darkness a little lightning is very acceptable to prevent us from tumbling 'into quagmires and falling over precipices. And' if the doc tor has not been very particular in the application of these extracts, for we presume that anv thing like rhyme WOO sufficient, his object being to swell the book; we are still obliged to him for administering this poetical •nuff powder to keep us awake. But our object is not so much to exhibit the doctor’s iiterary and medical incapacity, as to point out his pre judices and mistatements in relation to the capture of "Washington, which has alone called our attention to his Book. We were quite at a loss to conceive the connec tion between a subject purely historical and one entirely jnedical—and before we had seen the “celebrated Fami ly Physician,” were inclined to think that the doctor had deduced some fatal disease from that unfortunate event; but upon examining the different medical heads, even to the bloody flux, under which we thought the doctor might perhaps have placed it; we were surprized to find it wholly detached, and in a manner unconnect ed with the preceding subjects. The doctor was doubt- . less influenced by vanity to give the very partial history of this event we find in his n- dical companion; because the doctor, like Falstaff, seen.s to be very fond of the society of great men, whether enemies or friends, and like Cockburn, no doubt, equally attached to the service of the god of wine. The sentimental conversation be tween him and his friends Ross and Cockburn, was per haps, very interesting to himself, but we are sure it must he as insipid, even it were true, as the doctor’s nostrums to the generality of his readers. Whether it originated from ignorance or design, we are unable to say; but the doctor has unfortunately introduced men into the battle of Bladensburg, who were at that time, forty miles off - .— Among these we find the name of captain Grayson, of the marine corps, who was then in Baltimore, and must doubtless feel hurt at thus being lugged into a battle that Redounded so little to the honor of his country. This battle has been variously described, and the causes of our failure frequently developed. Some have ascribed it to negligence on the part of the government; some to •panic in the American army; and others to an incapa city on the part of the commanding general. Perhaps the real cause was a combination of these three. There ■was, howCyer, a possibility of saving the city even with the army then oct, if judicious. measures had been taken by the general at an earlier period; and that army had dot been ordered to retreat without specifying the point at which to rally. It is acknowledged by all that the district militia lic-haved valiantly, and that some of the corps, in particular, fought till they were repeatedly and peremptorily ordered to retire. We would barely ask why were the troops dragged for three days through Prince George’s county? Why were they kept in such perfect ignorance of the force and movements of ihe enemy? Why were they ordered to retreat to Washing ton instead of Bladensbunr? And why was not the latter the first object of defence! It mutt surely be obvious to the most cursory observer, that this village was a point to which the enemy could have been compelled to march |>y the destruction of the bridges, and that three days preparation with six thousand men would have been am ply Sufficient to have enabled the general to erect breast works, half moon batteries and other objects of defence which would thus have retarded the progress, if it did not tend to the defeat of the invading foe. But to return to the -doctor—one would suppose that this professional gentleman had absolutely been an eye witness of the bat- tie be describes, but whether it originated from his un willingness to shed blood with apy .other instrument than that of the lancet, or whether it proceeded from that exquisite humanity of which he so much boasts, we are unable to say; but the fact is that the doctor could never W prevailed upon to advance nearer than five miles to ♦he scene of action. The instinct which influenced Falstaff not to injure the “true Prince” seems to have taken possession of the doctor, and though he could irith the utmost sang froid bleed fifty Americans to death he had an unconquerable abhorrence to let- out the blood of one Englishman with his sword. The doctor has not been correctly informed, when he asserts that the “enemy instantly displayed a heavy co- Wnn to the right and passed the fort higher up the i-reek ” The enemv did not throw out his flanking par- tteTat all till he had crossed the bridge, nor did many af the troops retreat till they were actual^ flanked to the left and had been ordered to retire. The principal part Of the execution was performed by the Baltimore DviiWp corps cange op. The “bidtsouS'lanes,” mefiHoned By the doctor, WCre made by Captain Burch’* artillery, at the commencement of the action, and had they been proper ly supported, the lanes might, perhaps to the doctor’s regret, have been made much more ‘hideous. Had cofrn- modore Barney's flotilla Wen, and the marine corps been earlier oh the ground/ (another faux pas of the general) the action would unquestionably have been much more distance of five miles, through woods and through moun tains, from the third story of his housq. Hi9 optics must indeed have been very acute to have seen the rockets in a clear day, at the distance of five entire miles parti cularly when there intervened several large hills and and a thick wood of nearly four miles in extent. But this is Very probable, if, as we understand, the doc tor afterwards saw the rockets at Baltimore, when the enemy unsuccessfully attempted to attack that city.— Our knight of the lancet seems to think that because be has patched his book with poetical scraps, he is there fore entitled to the license of a poet, and must not be confined within the narrow limits of probability and truth The doctor is very facetious when he speaks of the pob t troomsm of spine of the troops whom a friend of his met retiring from the ground—in this, as in many other cir cumstances, we suppose the dofctor is merely shewing the delicacy of his humor—or again exercising his poetical license for the amusement of his readers; but some of these men relate an anecdote of the author equally as ridicu lous, and as they cannot be charged with poetising, they are consequently more entitled to belief. As soon as the doctor had descended from his aerial elevation in the third story o r his house in which he had been ..gazing at the “rockets’ red glare” through the medium of his men tal eye, one of these passions which he says in his book sometimes produces a diarrhoea, seized him, and be fled (if a lobster can be said to fly,) to the residence of a sick lady in the neighborhood. From having seen the rock ets, or from tiie uproar occasioned by the retreat of the American arniy, the doctor w:.s seized with an idea, .that the enemy was at bis back and Would certainly devour him, notwithstanding his humanity—and grasping the la dy’s arm, with convulsive energy, pretended to feel her pulse for nearly an hour, when it seems he was informed by a divine in the next house that Ross and Cockburn were not anthropophagi, hut “perfectly gentlemen,” totiie great relief of the unfoihibate knight of the pestle. It was then he beheld the capital “in fames, which, with a noise like thunder, filled ail the saddened night with a dismal gloomy We believe it can no where be found but in the doctor’s book, that light should produce gloom, particularly when, in addition to the flames, the moon shone with unusual brilliancy; but it is one of our au thors touches at the sublime, and as such is calculated to elicit our admiration. It is unnecessary to follow our au thor through his fulsome panygerics oil the courage, the humanity, and the generosity of the enemy. It would be as sickening to our readers as it is to us. We feel assur ed that no American can feel any other sentiment tiian indignation at the conduct of men, who, contrary, to the usages of civilized warfare, cou(d, without one sentiment of remorse, or one sigh of regret, destroy the monuments of the arts and the repositories of literature and science. The destruction of the capitol, president’s house, public offices and private buildings, evince a inalig-nity and bar barity that are only to be found among the rudest nations of the world ? and the liian who would attempt to justify these atrocities, merits the contempt and indignation of every lover of bis country. We respect general Ross for his courage and fidelity to his country, but we cannot, at the same time, avoid execrating him and his accom plices, the doctor’s eulogies to the contrary notwith standing, for the acts he committed himself, and suffer ed to be committed by those under him, while in posses sion of the city. We are, perhaps, better acquainted with the conduct of the British troops while in Washing ton, than the doctor himself; and in opposition to his au thority, we declare, as a fact, tiiat Ross knew the library to be in the capitol, and when he was asked to spare it, he exclaimed “pshawJ we have no time to betrifling with books.” He knew; also, that Washington’s, Tom linson’s and Sewell’s houses were private buildings, yet they were ordered to be consumed. He was apprised al so of the pillaging of several private houses; yet he took no measures to prevent it. Among them was the house of a gentleman whom the doctor calls an emigrant, which he savs, “was plundei-ed of a few artieiesf but which was in truth, robbed of property to the amount of ten thousand dollars! and that of another gentleman, who, thbugh in the house at the time, and though he expostu- latedjfcvith the British officers then present, he was plun der^! in the most wanton manner, of one thousand five hundred dollars’ worth of goods and ultimately had his horse taken from him by this very liberal British general. These are facts we are prepared to substantiate. Cock- bum, with his own hands set fire to the capitol and pre sident’s house, by way of distinction, and afterwards boasted of the exploit. This illustrious rear admiral also broke into Mr. Gales’ printing office and did ail the in jury to the establishment, his petty malice could dictate, and yet these are the men tliis wielder of the pestle lias so outrageously bedizened with praises for their forbear ance, their liberality, and their virtue!—I/inc procul este prof aid. There is another fact in relation to tlie doctor himseif, which we think it our duty to relate, in order to destroy the illiberal prejudice he wishes to excite against those emigrants who, lie says, were goihg to make him the “bloody victim of their diabolical rage dntl fury.” The doctor’s humanity became so excessive after he had received the “six doubloons”* from Cockburn, for dressing the wounds of a poor woman that a British (but the doctor is inclined to think an American) soldier had stabbed, that upon the departure of die enemy, he repaired with a British guard, (who were among those left by the generous Ross to the mercy of the American savages, and were, no doubt, well versed in that kind of business,) ‘to a neighbor’s i touse, who had a fine large hog in lus yard, with a view to impressgrumphy inio the British service. But one of those emigrants who have called down the doctor’s wrath, happened to pass by at the time, (the owner being absent,) and, by seasonable threats, prevented the doctor from putting- his designs into execution, and compelled him and his suit to retire without their prey. We certainly applaud the doctor’s humanity to those wounded wretches that were left be hind by the enemy; but his humanity seems to have been confined to them alone, for the wounded of the Ameri can army received but a small portion of his humane anil benevolent attentions. The doctor’s everlasting slang about the liberality, tenderness, and noble senti ments of the British army while in Washington, is rather loathsome, after the outrages they committed, and cer tainly is very- inconsistent with the feelings of an Ameri can patriot. We are unwilling to detract from the merit even of an enemy, but it surely is very disgusting to see an American loading that enemy with praise, while he labors to disparage and darken the character of his own countrymen- The doctor’s anecdotes of colonel Troop, though a man of great moral and political excellence, have no more connection with the capture of Washing ton, than his book has with the man in the moon; and how ever gratifying it may be to his vanity, he might at least have spared us the trouble of Wading through that additional quantum of trash. Even the merit which the doctor assumes for having, hv his remonstrances, saved Mr. Caldwell’s house and the Washington Bank from conflagration, is, we understand,, surreptitious. Those buildings r if report be true, were saved through the in tercession of a young woman who then resided on the capitol hill. To be sure, the doctor says he did all he could to save the rope-walks of Chalmers, Ringwood and Heath; but it was all in vain, and those rope-walks were as much private property as the houses that were spared. But it seems the enemy were determined to “spare nothing that made in favor of our navy;” and thus the private rope- walks of those gentlemen! became a prey to the confla grating hand of the enemy—an act ofjreat liberality, no doubt, in the eye of the worthy doctor. We must here pause: it was not our intention to in terrupt the progress of Mr. E’s book to oblivion, but this account of the capture of Washington struck our eye, and we conceived it a duty we owed to ourselves, manufactures. edoythe the future historian of tbis'eVcnt, the propriety of con sulting a more correct and authentic record, than that which the doctor has furnished. Upon the style of this work-, it b unnecessary to say any thing; fitingaS various and diversified'as the authors from whom the doctor has borrowed; it consequently presents a medley that cannot be reduced Ho any standard: but ai the historical part of it seems to be the doctor’s own; we are thus en abled to pronounce his style below mediocrity. Before we conclude, we would humbly adm'onish Mr. E. to omit the account of the capture of Washington, in the future editions of his book, if he be solicitous to pro mote its )tele, and save himself from the shafts of future ridicule and contempt.— Critical Society, tVash- ington. 12 years, in order to favour the internal LATEST FltOM ENGLAND. Nsw-York, August 10. Captain Bowne, of the Pacific, brings the editors of the Gazette, London papers to the 28th of June, inclusive, nd although they afford nothing of moment, we have noticed, briefly, their contents. We are sorry to find that there is no abatement of the commercial distresses of England, particularly amongst the manufacturers at Manchester, &c. General Dc-ssaix had been arrested in Switzerland, for having been concerned in the affair of Grenoble. The great Mr. Sheridan was so ill, that, according to the London papers, his life was despaired of. The British parliament was prorogued on the 3d of July. Provision had been made for the expences of the year, and it was supposed there would be no necessity for the assemblage of parliament before January'. The king of France has nominated the duke de la Chatte, a minister of state, and member of the privy council. The British admiralty ate about affording protection against the pirates of the Mediterranean. Lord Exmouth from the Mediterranean, with his fleet, arrived at Portsmouth ori the 24th of June—anil, adtis the Courier, another fleet must be sent there to chastise the pirates. It b generally believed that marshal Soult, who had previously taken up his residence in this city# at the White Lion Inn, embarked from hence in the William Henry, for Boston, in America, on the I8th insti—Bristol Journal. Paris papers of the 22d (Saturday) have just arrived. A French squadron, consisting of the Medusa frigate, the Echo corvette, the Loire and the Argus brigs, sailed on tue 17th from the Isle d’Aix forSenegal, to take pos session of the French establishments on the coast of Af rica. LoxiioJr, June 14. Never in the memory 7 of mail, was thebe any thing known like the emigration now taking place. The door of the French minister, nay, the street in which he lives, is crowded with persons applying for passports. Thou sands have been issued—and those not to needy persons, but to families of large fortunes—to landed proprietors —to fundholders—to manufacturers and artizaus of emi nence—and to men at the head of establishments, who are seriously contemplating the removal of their arts and their machines, to places less burdened by taxation. The extent of this evil will speedily be felt, in diminishing consumption—-ih the number of persons thrown out of employ—and in the deficit of the revenue. The river Thames presents a most dreary aspect; there are not fifty- foreign sail to be seen in it; and the London docks, which used to employ 1500 bauds, do not now employ 500.— With an acknowledged deficiency of 17,000,000/ per am num, we hear of these emigrations that w ill not cost the nation less than ten or twelve millions per annum; and the sum sent by Englishmen abroad will act as a subsidy to our neighbors, and will be felt as such in the balance of trade, thereby raising the exchange against us. Liverpool, June 16. “A friend of mine was at Manchester, Birmingham, Bristol, Gloucester, Worcester, and London,.a week ago, and says the distresses in the country are beyond des cription; that there are at least 20,000 hands out of employ- in Birmingham alone. I am informed by several persons from Manchester that more tiian half of the spinners there are stopping their mills; and in most places tliey are only working half their time. There is scarcely a calico manufactory in Colne, and that district, but what has been under the necessity of compromising with their creditors; failures are every where taking place. The Bolton weavers joke and say they can see alt their masters out. Marry Fell has become a bankrupt, and caused the stoppage of John and Robert Lord, William Carlisle and Co. (bleachers) Abraham Hardman and Leonard Slatin. Those failures took place a fortnight ago. Last week Messrs. Edgam and Co. an American house in Manchester, stopped. There are ten houses in Manchester, w hose col lective debts amount to 60,000/. Knights are creditors about 10,000/. Dickenson and Wylde, Marsden Square, and a number of job printers, stopped also last week, as well as Messrs. Goulds, a ■ large woolen manufactory house ,n Roachdale, a relation cf the Goulds in Manchester.— The earthenware manufacturers begin to feel the depres sion of trade as much as any- of the other manufacturers. 1 should not in the least be surprized if a fall on their goods takes place of 40 per cent. There is at present scarcely any demand for American or the home trade, and the manufacture of earthenware having decreased so much, will, 1 have no doubt, cause a terrible depression. Money is of double value hi many articles. A gentleman told me orf ’change yesterday, that he had been purchas ing a quantity of pitch at 10#. per cwt.—that the freight upon it had cost 2s.—-the duty 9s. The charges there fore were 11s. besides entries at the customs, commis sions, warehouse rent, cartage, &tc. The article was sell ing at 20*. only two months ago. It has not sold at this price during the last 40 years. I consider it a good ar ticle to speculate in—in the event of a war it would ad vance 3 or 400 per cent. “I wish you would the first opportunity write me a long epistle, and give me as descriptive an account of America as you possibly can—say if you think I should like the country.” St. Pf.teHsnrun ir, May 11. The manifesto of his imperial majesty with which the new tariff'was published, is dated 31st March O. S. and is as follows. “After the re-establishment of the free, political and commercial relations between the European powers, we have judged it conformable to the general interest to make some changes in the prohibitory system of trade.— To this eff ect we ordered, in the beginning of the year 1815, a committee to be formed for the examination of the project of a new tariff. Harm - now taking the opin ion of the council of the empire, after it had examined this subject in all its parts, and after our own minute examination of all the objects relating to the tariff, we have judged it necessary to allow the importation of several foreign goods which were prohibited by the last regulations of commerce while we for the rest let the prohibition in respect of the other articles, remain in force. According to this principle, having confirmed by our own signature the general and special dispositions, as well as the lists and tabies which compose the new tariff". “We command that it shall be put in execution from the time fixed in the general dispositions annexed to this tariff'.” Among many other regulations, the tariff contains the following:— It is in force from the time of its publication, and is valid for all the ports and land frontier custom house offi ces in the empire, except those in the governments of Urenburgh, Tobolsk, and Irkutzk, in Georgia, and in the * “But it is, I assure you, says Cockburn, all the spe- cie we have w ith us”—p. 648, So it would appear that the whole British army could muster no more than six doubloons—a most facetious and probahie story, good doctor. Why, in the name of common sense, did he not pay the doctor in the plaUf some of his men had just be fore pilfered from Iwni ; line of the Caucasus. _ goods not prohibited, is allowed in the ports of St. Pe- tersburgh, Reval, Riga, Libau, Odessa, Theodosia and Taganzok; and on the land side by Kowna, Bizezo-Litows- ky, Radziwihow, atfd Dubassar.' In all the other ports and land frontier custom houses, only those unprohibit ed foreign goods may be imported, the introduction of which is allowed by the Sastawas (frontier toll guard hous es.) The duties, according to the number, measures, and weight of the imported goods are calculated in Russian silver money, but levied in bank bills, according to a rate to be published annually; for the current year the silver ruble is fixed at four roubles in bank bills. The duties on the value of the good, are fixed in bank bills, and levied according to a special regulation contain ed in tfle tariff, The journal called the Conservateur Impartial, publish ed here in French, had announced that the tarffTwas fix ed for 12 years. This is not so; but the importation of the 191 foreign articles) wtyjch are prohibited ifx the tariff i# From the Charleston City Gazette, August 19. LATEST FROM HAVANA. From Captain George, of the schooner Caroline, ai» rived on Saturday from th^. Havana, in six davs, w e have obtained the following items of verbal intelligence A short time before the Caroline left, general Apodaca ex-gbvernor of Havana, (accompanied by seven sail of transports, containing 700 troops,) had sailed a second time for Vera Crus, in the Spanish government ship Diana. The new governor, (Don Hundred Fires,) had render, ed himself very unpopular, by his strict and oppressive, administration. The inhabitants generally were dissatisfi. ed with his measures. The planters had been compelled to pay 25 cents for every box of sugar made on their es. tales, anil additional tax had been levied upon each slave —but wliat amount we do not learn. A British man-of-war brig (probably the Bermuda which lately went from Nassau) sailed in company with the Caroline, as was supposed to cruize against the Car- thagenian privateers, w inch still continued very numerouj around the coast of Cuba. The day before the Caroline sailed; two Spanish ves sels arrived from the cbaSt of Africa, one with 3.00 and the other with 270 slaves on board. A small schooner had also recently arrived at Matanzas from the coast with seventy slaves. These vessels reported that the British cruizers Were very numerous, and constantly oj the alert in annoying the slave trade. On or about the 20th ult. a Spanish brig from Fhiladel- piiiai with 279 barrels of gun-powder on board, was cap. tured by a Carthagenian privateer, off the Double Head, ed Shot Keys, and after taking out the crew, she wa* setfirfe to arid blown up, with every thing on board. The fleet of African traders which have been for some time past fitting out at Havana, sixteen in number, most ly fast sailing brigs, well armed and manned, sailed fo r the coast about seven days before captain George left there. JHarkets at Havana.—Muscovado sugars §9 a l r J White do. 13 a 14; Brown do. 10 a 11; Coffee 11 a jo. Molasses 8 bitts per keg; Flour 18; Rice 9; Hams, lb. 27 cents; Butter 20 cents. NkwYArk, August 10. M r e understand that the Delegates from the Banks of New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Virginia, at their meeting in Philadelphia, have agreed upon resuming spe cie payments on the first day of July next. The London Courier of the 21st of June, announces the receipt of American papers of the 29th of May, and ob- serves, “there is not an article in them worth extracting/’ [So .say we of the London Dapers.] From Le Atemoire Bordetaise, June 19, 1816, printed * Bordeaux: “The day before yesterday furnished a fresh occasion to the inhabitants of Bordeaux, of manifesting their attach- ment to the Bourbon family. At day light, the slaps in the port were decorated with colors, and the exterior of the houses were ornamented with white flags. It was re marked; with great satisfaction, that the new American consul, Mr. Strobel, adopting the example of ihe con suls of other powers friendly to France, united the Lil lies with the American flag.” Captain Bond, of the brig Ocean, who arrived here last evening in 58 days from Marseilles, informs that the fri gate United States left that port for Algiers, about ten days previous to his sailing; and that the whole American squad ron in the Mediterranean were to rendezvous off Algiers about the 20th of June. General Mina, we understand, left this city vesterdav for New Orleans, by tvay of Philadelphia and Pittsburg We are pleased to leant, that among the passengers arrived yesterday, in the Ship Mary Augusta, from Havre, is the rev. J. A. Gallandet, who left this country more than a year since, with the view of visiting the institutions in. Europe for the instruction of the deaf and dumb. Mr. G. after passing some time in LOhdon and Edin burgh in the prosecution of this object, proceeded to Paris, at the invitation of the celebrated Abbe Sicard. Here he enjoyed for some months past the benefit of his instruction and the advantage of attending his public at/ private lectures. Mr. G. is accompanied by Monsit ’ Laurent Clerc, a native of France, deaf and dumb from infancy. He is one of the most distinguished pupils o! the Abbe, and for eight years past has been one of the as sistants in the asylum at Paris. Thtse gentlemen will proceed, without delay, to the silperintetulance of tjie institution lately organized at Hartford, Connecticut, (for the instruction of the deaf and dumb) at the head of which is governor Smith. From St. Croix, we learn that A. Benttoti, esq. son-in law of Mr. John Jacob Astor, Of New-York, has been appointed bv bis majesty the king of Denmark, governor general of the Danish West-India Islands, and comman der in chief of the forces there.—Philadelphia Democratic J J ress. Flour at Gibraltal-, June i5, g7 2-4n 8; rice 5, staves upsaleable and pipes nominal at g80, Boston beef unsa- liable. A letter from Havana, dated July 19, states the tonnage on foreign vessels entering the ports in Cuba, had beer, increased to £$2 k per ton; and the export duty on Su gar had been increased to 6 reals per box; and thatotlur regulations were taking place.—Baltimore Patriot. We learn with pleasure, that Mr. Capelano, one of the finest sculptors of Europe, has arrived in this citv with Mr. Lee, from Bordeaux. He had been employed by Charles, Sec. and latterly by Joseph Bonaparte in Spain. He was, on this account, persecuted by the Bourbons, thi deputy governors for Castlereagh (J Co. in France, and as Mr. Lame, the polite prefect at Bordeaux, said he could not reconcile it to his feelings to introduce to the diiie of Angouleme, (at a public ceremonial) the represm-- tive of a nation which had dared to declare war agaiiut England—no doubt that base race, who- “glory in thee shame,” were chagrined to learn that Mr. Capelano had finished an elegant bust of the American Washington, and an allegorical figure of America dictating a treatv to England at Ghent. We cannot but mention those facts injustice to Mr. Capelano; and we do it now to draw the attention of the citizens of Baltimore to thi* eminent artist who is so capable of aiding them in those public works which are to comeramorate patriotic names and events, as well as to embellish their city. No public un dertakings ot the sort are going on here. Aurura. THE EXECUTION. Before eight o’clock, on Saturday morning, a number of people collected in the state bouse yard, and near the prison, and by ten, the southeast public-square, thronged with spectators, to witness the unfortunate young man who was doomed to expiate his crime by the loss of his life. At half past ten o’clock, the prison gate in Sixth-street, was opened, and he appeared (preceded and followed by a great number of civil officers, on horse and on foot) in a cart with the executioner, and the rev- Dr. Hurley, with whom he was engaged in deep suppli cation and prayer. The procession reached the execu tion ground, in the centre of the northwest public, square, at eleven o’clock, and after the necessary prepa rations were made, he was embraced most tenderly by his confessor, shook hands with the sheriff, the keeper of the prison and others, and at half past eleven, was launched into eternity, apparently without a struggle.— His body hung about halt an hour, when it was takea f d Th"ii t en h t0 f Richard Smith was bom in Ireland, but losing his fa ther in his infancy, his mother married again, and he waS brought to this country and reared in the vicinity of Phi ladelphia—and at the age of eighteen, obtained the com mission of lieutenant in the United States’ army—was in many engagements during the late war,-and rendered himself more conspicuous for his bravery than for his moral conduct. The concourse of people at the place of execution was immense, and all seemed to lament the necessity of en forcing so awful a punishment. (3U,0Q0 persons are supposed to have heen present ]—’ Philadelphia Daily Advertiser, 12th inst. ft is said in the Philadelphia papers, that the “dyjrg confession of Richard Smith,” which has been re-publish ed in this, and other papers, is the work of some inven- tive genius, «pd tfantflgyth nerefaawit.—JV*. Y. Everting fnu