Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1816-1818, August 24, 1816, Image 1

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y. j. r FREDERICK S. FELL.] SAVANNAH, (GA.) AUGUST S-l, 1816. [Whole Number 2713. Number 101*3 TRUTH WITHOUT FEAR. [Volume XIV the republican 18 PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY, THURSDAY AND SATURDAY, AT SIX DOLLARS PER ANNUM, PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. advertisements Cents for each, continuation. M CASH a ii orders from the Country, unless the ;5prra&w™.««. p«y wc.ik»owo .o the Editor. JIU Letters to the Editor must be post-paid. For New-\ ork The schooner MECH ANIC, Ebenezer Lewis, .master, to sail on Sunday next. For freight or _ > r ,.^e (having good accommodations) apply “‘"‘“““sfcbibkHrtr. -99 For Baltimore The schooner BLAZING STAR, hourly ex nected On board, for sale, 120 barrels prime SL„- she will be despatched immediately. For freight of passage, enquire on board, or to Gumming & Moorhead. Who have for sale, 100 kegs well assorted cut Nails Linseed Oil, hi casks and barrels 3 hhds prime.bucco 25 bales Ttvine Quarter kegs Powder august 17 93 A few copies of Strictures on tlie cultivation ofthe Sugar Cane, just received at this office. au ^.‘£.1 and for sale 91 Checks on New-York, At sight. For sale at the Insurance Office^ Richard Wayne, august 22- 100 'p c ' Bills on New-York For sale. Apply to CALVIN BAKER 8c CO. •22- Apply to —100 4- Niles 5 Register. A few copies of this valuable and useful work remain on hand. For sale, at this office. uug' ist 1—91 ■ Flour. Just received from Baltimore, per schooner Blazing Star, 125 barrels fresh FLOUR. For sale by Henry W. Hills. aug 20- -S9 Duel, Gresham & Co. Have just received, 10 casks BAR LEAD. aug 20—yi—99 For sale 2500 bushels Gourd Seed CORN 500 bushels OATS. „ . , Perry & Wright, aug 15—l—97 . -dr '-W' For sale 20 casks CLARET, of a superior quality. R. Richardson. august 8 °4 Just,opening and tor sale, At the subscriber’s Clothing store, on the Bay, next door to MR. WILLIAM T. WILLIAM’S BOOK STORE, 100 elegant superfine Coats, various colors 150 pair superfine cloth, cassimere and stockinet Panta loons 50 silk Florentine Vests 100 fane) Vests 50 great Coats—all of which are made of the very best materials and workmanship—cheap for cash or approved credit at sixty days. Leslie Thompson. aug 22 100 Powder and Lead. RAeived by the Mechanic, Kegs bar Lead Kegs Dupont’s Powder Vmrini-i T’nHor Kegs best Virginia Tobacco One case plaid Homespun One do northern made Axes. __august 22——l- -100 For sale by B. & H. Lathrop. For sale 200 barrels Philadelphia superfine F-OUR. R. Ricl>ardson. _july 27- 89 Dr. Le wis Herman Fuerth, Lately from Hamburgh, Will practice in the various branches of his profession. Applications to be made at Mr. Thomas Jones’ boarding house. aug 20—99 Frederick iVbel, From Germany, Offers hi3 services, to the public, in teaching MUSIC ** PAINTING; and also, in toning Piano Fortes and “*dng Likenesses in Miniature. Bis lodgings are at Mr. John Delmrgbe’s. aug 22- ioo A Book-Keeper wanted. Apply to the Editor. aug 22—100 Grand Lodge. J!r<r Member3 of the Grand Lodge ; of Georgia, and Per r» ertnt lodges under its jurisdiction, by their pro- W T, u.n ntatJVes ’ ^ summoned to attend the Grand • 1 “mmunicatioD, at the Exchange, on the first ^“”“7 in September next, at 7 o’clock v. m. tel7 Qft P.P. Williams, 17 —$8 ~ Grand Secretary New Goods. A. B. FANNIN & CO., Have just received per ship Adonis, from New-York, A general assortment of Dry Goods, adapted to the present and approaching season, among which are London superfine and 2d quality blue, black,brown, mixt, bottle green and olive Broadcloths London superfine and 2d quality blue, black, brown, mixt, single and double milled Cassimere Vigonia Cassimeres Blue, black and mixt Stockingnetts Black and olive Velvets CordefOys Toilnet imd Marseilles Vestings Bombazets, assorted colors _ Black and colored Bombazines Black and colored Sinchaws Do do Sarsnets Do do Levantines Do do Florences White do Satins Black Florentines White, pink and yellow figured Silks Black Canton Crapes Black and white Italian Crapes Black Barcelona Handkerchiefs Merino Shawls _ 5.4 6-4 and 7-4 black and white silk lace Shawls Do do do do do do do Veils Do do do do do do do Tipputs 5- 4 6-4 and 7-4 embroidered and plain Levantine suk Shawls 5.4 6-4 and 7-4 sattin damask Shawls Thread and cotton Laces Ladies’ and gentlemen’s black and white silk Hose Do do do do do Gleves Piain and figured satin and taffaty Ribbons Black and colored Galoons — Silk Cords and Braids * . Silk bull Buttons % . * l Sewing Silks, assorted colors ... Silk Purses, elastic Garters Silk Poplins r - . •Fans 1 1 . ' | rij Irisn Linens, long Lawns and linen Cambric Irish and Russia Sheetings German Rolls 4-4 and 6-4 cotton Cambrics 7-8 and 4-4 do Sliirting Colerain do Maddapollams -. j-r-M- 6- 4, 7-4, 8-4, 9-4,10-4 and 12-4 Damask linen Tablecloth s Do cotton do Cotton Cassimeres, York Stripes, white Jeans Linen and cotton Checks Cotton Bedticking Plain and corded light striped Ginghams Cajub. and common Dimities Superfine and common Calicoes Furniture do Brown Plattilas Cotton Hollands Do Suspenders Ladies’ and. gentlemen’s white cotton Hose Do do do black do do Do do do colored do do Gentlemen’s mixed cotton Hose Do unbieached cotton half Hose Figured and plain jaconet Muslins > Figured and do mull do Lappet and book do Figured and plain Lenoahs Gentlemen’s fancy Cravats 4-4, 5-4 and 6-4 cotton Shawls Ladies’ white cotton pocket Handkerchiefs Children’s printed pocket Handkerchiefs Nun’s Treads Cotton Threads, in hanks Ad colored and Osnuburgs Threads Quality and shoe Binding Colored cotton Feritts Foundation Cause Madras and Romal Handkerchiefs Ladies’ long and habit Gloves Do do do kid Gloves Nutshell Gloves Gentlemen’s beaver Gloves Do buckskin Gloves Cotton Umbrellas Parasols Work Baskets Figured Rattinets 1 Flag Handkerchiefs Velvet Binding Pack Pins, Nos. 3, 4, 4 j and 5 Georgia and northern Homespuns Osjiaburgs Shirt Buttons, Tapes, Bobbon, Needles, &c. &c. See- The above articles are offered for sale, at their store, (north side Johnson square) on very accommodating terms, either at wholesale or retail. aug 20—99 .:«■ / The subscribers Have removed from Gibbon’s building to their new brick store, fronting Johnston’s square, and have just receiv ed, per ship Woodbine, from New-York, 1 case assorted northern Homespun 1 do 4-4 fine Irish Linen 1 do 4-4 low priced do 20 pieces yellow Nankeen IN STORE, Superfine Broadcloths and Cassimere Hurnhums, Gingliam, Calico, Dimity Pavillion Gauze, Irish and Russia Sheeting Black Canton Handkerchiefs, Marseilles Vesting White and striped Jean, If sia Diaper Ladies’ and gentlemen’s ! , and white silk Hose Ladies’ and gentlemen’s v. . _j and colored cotton Hose Ladies’ kid and beaver Gloves, cotton Counterpanes Marseilles Quilts, steam loom Shirting Muslins, Cambrics, Lenoes, black and colored Sarsnett Black Shinchews, Florentine Vesting Black Bombazine and Bombazet Black and white Crape, brown Linen Cotton Platillas, oil Cloths, Bedtick Cotton table Cloths and Knapkins Cotton Cassimere, Romal and Madras Handkerchiefs, 8cc. Also, 2 elegant Piano Fortes 1 Crib, 1 paii- knife Cases, 1 rocking Chair 2 sets elegant fancy Chairs, together with a number of other Articles, too tedious to enumerate, all of which are offered for sale, for cash or approved town acceptances. Stebbins & Mason. aug 15 l 97 John Tanner, BOLTON’S RANGE, (In the room formerly occupied by Jonathan . Battelk) Has received by the shift . Idonis, A large and elegant assortment of English, French and India GOODS; wliich he oilers, at reduced prices, for cash or approved paper at ninety days, julv 30 9o , The subscribers Have now landiiig Jrom brig Pocahontas, from New-York; 100 barrels Menhaden 3d do Mackerel 10 pieces bed Ticking lU do Priest Cioihs , IN STOHE Writing, letter, printing, wrapping and sheathing Paper Ship Bread and Cordial Barrels glauber Saits Curry Combs Hatchets, Hammers, Axes and hollow Ware Floor Brushes Cut Nails, Trunks Boxes Chocolate Bed Cords, Twine, ravens’ Duck No. 1 to 6 Shot Boxes cotton and wool Cards Currants, in barrels 1 case mill Saws 6 casks northern Shoes Olmstead & Battelle. jnly 9—81 Just received, And now landing from New-York, 37 hhds. prime selected Ncw-Orleans Sugar, fit for re- tailing 40 do - do retailing Molasses .4 pipes 4th proof genuine Cognac Brandy 10 chests Gunpowder and Hyson Tea 6 casks assorted Shot 2 pipes old Madeira Wine quarter casks L. P. Teneriffe and- Malaga do barrels Pork and Beans -» -* IN STORE, 1 old 4th proof Jamaica Rum, warranted pure, be ing imported direct ■Whiskey, N. E. Rum, Coffee andiron Together with a large and general assortment of well chosen GROCERIES, in any quantity to suit purchasers, for sale by BROOKS & WEI.MAN, june 4—66 Bolton’s wharf The Life of General Jackson Which was commenced by the late Major John Reid, is now progressing, and will shortly be completed, by JOHN H. EATON, EOR THE BENEFIT OF THE CHICKEN OF THE DECEASED. -This Work is already in a state of considerable for wardness, and will be finished during the ensuing fall. From the qualifications of the author, and his being in possession of all the papers of the General, appertaining to the operations in the South, its details may be better relied on for accuracy than any other that can be pre sented to the public. The History will commence with the early life of Gen eral Jackson, and conclude with the operations of the British and American armies before New-Orleans; and will comprise all the events of the war'"in which he had any agency. ^ » , The Work will contain about four hundred pages oc tavo, accompanied by an engraved likeness of th# Gener al, and drawings of the different battles.—Price Jg4. faSubscriptions, to the above Work, received at the Office of the Savannah Republican. aug 13-96 On hand, A quantity of excellent BACON, in casks, fit for €X« portation. 14 kegs best Buncombe Butter, for family use 6u do do Lard 50 boxes assorted cotton Cards 3 tierces men’s common lined Shoes Cases assorted looking Glasses Bales Cloths Cotton Sliirtings Cotton Cambrics, See. See. A. Erwin, Lethbridge & Co. julv 30 90 Jones’ wharf For sale 200 pieces Cotton 50 quarter casks TeneriffWine 17 hog-heads Molasses lu casks Madeira Wine. julv 11 82 R. RICHARDSON. ] Razee Boots, Shoes and Slippers. JUST RECEIVED, FROM NEW-YORK, By the ship Woodbine and brig Savannah Packet, Ladies’ colored and black morocco Slippers Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Misses do do do do do Grecian Tie* do do Pumps do do walking Shoes t do undressed morocco Slips do kid Slips morocco Boots, Slippers and Ties Men’s Razee Boots - Do morocco Jefferson Shoes and Pumps Do wax calf’s skin Jcffersons Do morocco Pumps Do fine Shoes Do bufr Slippers Youth’s Shoes and Pumps and children’s Buskins The above articles are selected by the subscriber him self, and are of a superior quality. John Douglass, Gibbon’s aug 15- -97 ':li no Just received, 2 trunks Baltimore Boots, of superior quality 1 do Bootees and Razees 2 do men’s fine Shoes and Pumps, &c. E. S .Kerapton. aug 15—i.—97 For A good saddle HORSE, august 20 >l 99 sale Apply to the printer. For sale One thousand acres salt (now fresh^rmarsh, in Wil mington river, joining lands of John Simpson, now con fiscated, and lands of J. M'Queen, esq. originally on the 4th September, 1772, granted James Lucena, dec. For terms apply to William Stephens, or at this office, when a plan may be seen;the tract is prime cotton land. Also acres of land, in lots of the beautiful village of Montgomery, on Vernon river; fine, healthy summer’s residence. Enquire as above. july 16—84 Blank Manifests. ~~~~ For gale at this Office? Factorage and Commission. The subscriber having commenced in the above line of BUSINESS, offers his services to his friends and the public; his Counting-Room is on Wayne’s upper wharf, formerly occupied by Messrs. Phinizy & Barnett- The Store is large and commodious—produce will be re ceived on storage and every attention given to its re. ception and shipment. RICHARD WAYNE. dec 2—139, ' / Factorage and Commission BUSINESS. The subscriber informs his friends and the public in general, that he has commenced in the above business, and hopes, by strict attention and punctuality, to merit a share of public favor. He 7 offers for sale, his Stock in Trade, on good terms, consisting of excellent Blankets, of different sizes; colored Negro Clothes, Cassimeres, second Broadcloths, Caliooes, cotton Bagging, Sec. and will Let his Stand, near the Market-square; the Store is twenty-five feet by twenty, and a Cellar, under the store, that will hold from fifty to sixty bales of cotton. For terms apply to JAMES WHITE, august 1 ex——91 1 Cotton Lands, on St. Simons. To be rented, for one or two years, a tract of Land, about the middle of said Island, containing 719 acres, whereof between 2 and 300 are cleared and under fence; 150 acres have rested for several years and are in prime order for planting. Also, the tract adjoining, called the Village, on which there are a dwelling house, containing six rooms, with fire places, and two garret rooms; a barn of three stories height, cotton house, &c. a good garden, orchard and extensive pasture. As there are no buildings on the first mentioned tract, it having been always held as an appen dage to the other, they must both be occupied by one person, and as the lands of the Village will only be rent ed as a pasture, the rent required for them and the build ings will be small. Immediate possession will be given of the first tract, and on the 1st of January of the other. Apply in Charleston, to Mr. Spears; in Savannah, to Colonel Johnston; or near Darien, to George Bailli*. Those lands would suit any person intending to make a settlement on the Alatamaimtlde lands, aug 17——■—93 The subscribers Have just received, and offer for tale, 53 casks trace Chains 41 boxes assorted window Glass 11 crates do Crockery ware 20 bags race Ginger. L. PETTY 8c CO. July 16———84 M'Kinne’s wharf Andrew Low & Co. Have received, by the ship Winnifred, from Liverpool, and other late arrivals, Turkey red Yarn Linens and cotton Shirtings Fancy figured mull Muslins, for dresses Fine and coarse, low priced leno Muslins, suitable for pavillions Plain and figured Cambrics Calicoes and Ginghams, in great variety Counterpanes and Marseilles Quilts Handsome furniture Dimities Common and 6-4 cambric Dimities White and colored Marseilles Vesting Buck and colored Bombazines and Silk? Bombazetts. Jeans, York Stripes Plain and ribbed Stockinets Cotton Stockings, of all kinds " J Madras and Pullicat Handkerchiefs Aproii Checks, brown Hollands Italian and Canton Crapes Whitechapel Needles and fresh ounce Threads Superior cotton Umbrellas London paper and pound Pins Cutlery, assorted^ in small casks Osnaburgs, Rdsaia Sheetings, long Lawns; and, a variety or other GOODS, all of which will be sold, either wholesale or at retail, on the most moderate teruos. julv 6—80 Duel, Gresham & Oo. Have now landing,from the ship Wittnefred, fuom Liver. A large supply ^SUMMER GOODS. / 39 casks and cases assorted Hardware and Cutlery, each containing a complete assortment for a retail store One case superior plated Ware, consisting of cruet Frames, candlesticks, Snuffers and Trays And via New-York, Two trunks Parasols, three bales Seersuckers, three bales Hurnhums 1000 pieces long yellow Nankeens, one case chip Hats* white, black and colored Levantine and Florence Silks Stout mixed coat Silks and Florentine Vesting; white and black lace Shawls and Veils; Merino ffippets; ele gant embroidered Ridicules, assorted colors and patterns Thread Laces and Edgings One case Chinelle Cords, assorted colors and sizes Fifteen cases straw Hats and Bonnets Six cases Artificial Flowers Seventeen cases Looking Glasses, a part of which are in elegant gilt frames. june 15—71 Bank of the State of Georgia. The Directors will, on TUESDAY, the 27th August in stant, at 11 o’clock a. m. at the Bank in Savannah, ap point thirteen Directors, to preside over the Office of Discount and Deposit, established at the city of Augusta. Also, seven Directors, to preside over the Office of Dis count and Deposit, established at the town of Milledge- ville. At the same time the Directors will elect a Cashier for the Office at Augusta, with a salary of one thousand eight hundred dollars per annum, who will be required to give two or more sufficient securities, for the discharge of the duties required of him, in the sum of forty thou sand dollars. Also, a Cashier for the Office at Milledgeville, with A salary of one thousand dollars per annum, who will be required to give two or more sufficient securities, for the discharge of the duties required of him, in the sum of - thirty thousand dollars. Candidates for the Offices of Cashier, will address their applications to the subscriber, stating the names of their securities; and, immediately after the election, the per sons elected Cashiers to said Offices, will be required to repair to the Bank at Savannah. Eleazer Early, Savannah, 5th August, 1816.- Cashier N. B. The Editors of the Gazettes of this State are requested to publish the above notification .until the day of election.(ailg 6-93] Wharf and Stores. To rent, that extensive Wharf and commodious Stores, at present occupied by Mr. Barna M c Kinne, of which lossession may be had 1 For terms apply to july 9 81 on the first of November next.— R. & J. HABERSHAM. W anted To.the Printing Burines, two APPRENTICES. Ap« ly at this Office. june 23pr»»77 X