Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1816-1818, September 07, 1816, Image 1

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JST T&EfiEMCE S. FELL/] 8AVJ5WAHMBA ) SEyTRMBKH 7, 1816. = # * l«- ■ Number i°7'-] TRUfB j* [Whole Number 18718* WITHOUT FEAR. [Volume XIV THE REPUBLICAN * 18 eUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY, THURSDAY AND SATURDAY/ S/.Y DOLLARS PER AXtfUM, y PAYABLE IS ADVANCE. advertisements . 1 , thp rite of Seventy-Five Cents pel r!,?e -™ 1 TMa^w***** a Half CE.v r s for each continuation. i CASH 1 ppnn.Di.Tir aii orders from the Cottntry, unless the ™tnt bc loured in Tows, or the party well known to the Editor. All Letters to the Editor must be post-paid. fy Consignees of Goods by the ship ... nt .j n Mix, from New York, are informed that C ’’ .wling, this day, at M‘Kinne’s wharf. History' of the War. This Work is now received an<f ready for delivery, to s&bscnbera, at the Office of the Republican. Steele White* n«»~ 27 -'.—102 - .... » The Antiquary. fly the author of Wayerly and Guy M&nnering Memoirs of the Marchioness de Lauociie Jahuelein, 2 volumes, 8 vo. Loan Bykox’s Farewell to England, and other late Poems, including the Cjurse of .Minerva. Reflections on Suicide,-by Madame de Stael. Together with several other New J*ubmcatioNs.—- School Books, 8tc. just received. W. T. Williams. sept 3 m 105 Niles 5 Register. A few copies cf this valuable and useful work remain on- hand. For sale, at this office. august t—°1 ' thev are I 1—1. U.iiS Oil Jtiii For sale bv ROBERT MACK AY. —ini _____ | The Life, of General J aekson ijf/* A few copies of S trie till es Oil the J commenced by the late JVfajor 0 John Ileid 3 is ti ou fdit Sug—r Cane, just received ..nd for sale now progressing, and wilt shortly be completed, by at this 'v- ^ ■ ■■— I JOHN H. EATON, FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE dSILRRKN OF THE DECEASED. This Work is already in a state of considerable for- I wardness, and will be finished during the ensuing fall. From the qualifications of the author, and hre being in possession of all the papers of the General, appertaining to the operations in the South, its details may oe better relied on for accuracy than any other that can be pre. sented to the public. * The History will commence with the early life of Gen eral Jackson, and conclude with the operations of the British and American armies before New-Orleans; and will comprise ail the events of the war in w hich he had any agenev. . The Work will contain about four hundred pages oc | tavo, accompanied bv an engraved likeness of the Gener al, and drawings of die different battles.—Price g4. : ry Subscriptions, to the above Work, received at the O-fre of the Savannah Republican. aug 13-S6 Checks on New-York, At sight. For sale at the Insurance Office. • Richard W ayne, august 22 100 ttec’ry. For sale, aug 22 — Bills on New-York CALVIN BAKER & CO. Apply to 100 mils of Excnaiigjt On New York, for sale by. A. Erwin, Lethbridge & Co. sent..— T —1'5 Exchange ■On Boston, for sale by OLMSTEAD St BAT TELLE. aifcr 27 V& )dmi ybee, Liling', trom brig 14 casks buck and patent Shot 5 do b«r Lead 1 pipe 4th proof Cognac Brandy 1 do 2U proof Holland Gin. For sale by James H. Fraser, °i 1 i .Market square ~ Liverpool Salt 4000 Bushels Liverpool ground SALT For sate, by WHITNEY & PARKMAN. £ur 27 < lt)2 Hunter’s vharf:'\ 100 bays Coffee r or sale, R. RICHARDSON. n on etna Pimento. Landing from sloop Cynthia, $ 25 tons Russia and Swede - trull And from ship Silenus, 20 bags Pimento. For sate by ■ Isaac Cohen & Co. s ,-v 3—— lf5 . i he subscribers Have just received, and offer for sale, 53 casks trace Lilians 41 boxes assorted window' Glass 11 crates do Crockery ware 20 bags race Ginger. L. PETTY tz CO. July 16 —84 M'kuine s whdrj English. C unpo wdei-. Received, per barque JWlry,jrom Liverpool. 24 casks English Gunpowder, FF Eg. For sale by Groceries. * - Landing from brig Tybee, ship, and schooner Laura, 15 hhds old Jamaica Rum 5 pipes pure. Holland Gin 2 do do Cognac Brandy 10 tierces northern Whiskey- It) quarter casks Malaga YY me 10 do do Colmenar 10 half do do 13 hhds greem Coffee 20 bis northern Gin 4 chests hyson Tea '20 quarter chests do . 10 half chests hyson Skin 10 quarter do young hyson dcr 5 hhds Molasses 10 bags Pepper 10 do Ginger 10 do Pi a. onto 100 quarter boxes Spanish Cigars 25 kegs manufactured 1 obaeco, 8 to the pound 12 bis loaf Sugar , NlU boxes Chocolate 10 do Sweet Oil, one dozen each 2 tons Shot, assorted 1 ton buck Shot 2 tons bar Lead 25 kegs Dupont’s Powder laO reams writing and letter Paper Raisins, Soap, 8cc. For sale on good terms, for cash, or approved paper. Lawrence & Thompson. sent 3—■—t-—"105 James H. Fraser, -.Market square Lorn. 1000 buslie:s CORN, for sale by W anted. Apply ..s above HENRY W. HILLS. Hunter’s-wharf . Virginia Money. --1P5 The subscribers Have now landing from brig Pocahontas,from JYew-Yurk-, 100 barrels Menhaden 30 do AAjckerel 10 pieces bed 'l icking 10 do Priest Cloths IN gTORE Writing, letter, printing, wrapping and sheathing Paper Shin Bread and Cordial Barrels glauber Salts Curry Combs Hatchets, Hammers, Axes and hollow Ware Floor Brushes * m Cut Nails, Trunks Boxes Chocolate Bed Cords, Twine, ravens’ Duck No. 1 to 6 Shot -Boxes cotton and wool Cards Currants, in barrels 1 case mill Saws 6 casks northern Shoes 01mstea,d & Eattelle. duly 9—81 "T jjr. Lewis xieruiab i uertn, * ' Lately from llamburfh, Will practice in the various branchesVifcbis profession. Applications to be made at Mr. Thomas Juxes’.boarding j ff ave received, by the ship) Winwfred, from Liverpool", and Andrew Low & Co. John Tanner, bolton’s range, (In the room /formerly occupied by Jonathan Battelle) ■ k Has received by the ship Adonis, * A large and elegant assortment of English, French an# India GOODS; which he offers, at reduced prices, for cgsl^or approved paper at ninety days. ' .nny SO- ■ ■ 9d Duel, Gresham & Co. Have ni-io landing,from the ship Jf'iniufred, fiom Liver* pool, A large supply of SUMMER GOODS. ALSO, 39 casks and qases assorted Hardware and Cutlery, each containing a complete assortment for a retail store One case superidf plated YY'-are, consisting of cruet Frames,candlesticks, Snuffers and Trays And via J\e-.v-Yorlc, Two trunks Parasols, tliree bales Seersuckers, three bales Humhums 1(XI0 pieces long yellow Nankeens, one chip Hats; wliite, black and colored Levantine and Silks StoUt mixed coat Silks and Florentine Vesting; white and black lace Sijawis and Veils; Merino Tippets; eie- g'ant embroidered Kiuicuies, assorted colors and patterns Thread Laces artd Edgings ,*P One case Chinelie Cords, assorted colei's and sizes Fifteen casts straw Hats and Bonnets Six cases Artificial Flowers • , -» Seventeen cases Looking Glasses, a part of which are in elegant gilt frames. „ june 15—?7l , 'l 1 be subscribers Have just received, the following’ art.cies, which will be sold on accommodating terms, for ca h or approved f paper, at sixty or ninety days, viz:— 50 hhds prime New-Orleans Sugars 100 bags do green Coffee 40 quarter chests hyson Tea, latest importation 40 tons assorted Iron 2 ditto ditto Shot 10 ditto Pot-Metal bags Pimento ditto Ginger 20 hhds Molasses 10 do Philadelphia Whiskey 10 do W. I Rum ;S0 kegs manufactured Tobacco 50 bis fresh up-country Fiour 5'J kegs assorted cut Nails 75 crates do Crockcryware Copperas, in fturelS* 80 pieces .prime cotton Bagg-ing 50 coils wiijie Rope On Consignment, 10 bales Plains. STANTON 8c BYRD, sept 5 r 106 , 1 _ inr-r ■ Just opening ^.n<T for sale, At the subscriber’s Clothing store, on, the 'Hay, next door 10 MU. WILLI AMT. WItLrAM’s BOOK STORE, 100 elegunt superfine Coatm various colon 150 pair superfine cloth, cassimere and stockinet Panto* loons 50 silk Florentine Vests 100 fancy Vests * ' 50 g reat Coats—all of which are made of the very best materials and workmanship—cheap for cash at ‘approved credit at sixty daj; s. Leslie Thompson. aup*. -100 Just received, « And fir sale by the subscriber. Ten tierces whale Oil. ALSO, A few fat GREEN TURTLES. Charles Howard. sept 3 -T 105. Oil liatUl, A quantity of excellent BACON, in casks, fit for «*• portation. 14 kegs best Buncombe Butter, forfamily use 60 do do Lard 50 boxes assorted cotton Cards 3 tierces men’s common lined- Shoes Casts assorted looking - Glasses Rides Cloths Cotton Shirtings Cotton Cambrics, 8tc. 8cc. A. Erwin, Lethbridge & Co. julv30—— Jones’ TV haj For sale 2000 bushels 5 Kverpool Salt 200 pieces Inverness Bagging 5 bales white Plains 120(0 bars English flat Iron, 1J a 2J inches 400 do do square Iron, 5-8 a 1^ do 100 crates Crockery A few chaldron Coals • James Johnston. sent 5 t: 106 — ■ — i L. Fetty <x Co. Have just received and offer for sale, 5009 bushels Salt 20 casks assorted cut Nails 3 casks Sh*es 41 boxes cotton'Cards 2 double barrel Fowling-Piece# 1 case Brocade Parasols 1 case black silk Handkerchiefs aug 27-102 lie subscribers. Razee Boots, Shoes and Slippers. JUST RECEIVED, FROM NEW-YORK, By the ship Woodbine arid brig Savannah Packet, Ladies’ colored and black morocco Slippers Ditto' do do do Grecian Ties Ditto do do Pumps Ditto do do walking Shoes Ditto do do undressed tno.occo Slips Ditto do do kid Slips , Misses’ morocco Boots, Slippers and Ties ’Ten’s Razee Boots Do Do Do Do Do morocco Jefferson Shoes and Pumps Wax calf’s skin Jcflersous morocco Pumps tine Shoes huff Slippers Youth’s Shoes and Pump3 and children’s Buskins The above articles are selecte d by the subscriber him self and are of a Superior quality. Julin Douglass, aug 15 97 (r.iovv -17 house. 2u- 99 Boarding senool. Mrs. Canuet has removed her Boafding School to Mr. Eppinger’s brick hou#e,.on the South Coitimons, nearly opposite tne Academy, where she can accommo date some more young ladies, july 23 | c -' A Book-Keeper wanted. Apply to tin Editor. aug 22—100 A Watch Found Which the owner may hear of by applying at this of- I fice. s< lit 5 -'I——-106 Wbart and Fiores. To rent, that extensive Wharf and commodious Stores, "at present occupied by Mr. ILrnu M‘Kinne, of which" , possession may be had on the fii'st cf November next.— For terms apply to ft. & J. HABERSHAM. July 9—li-81 ' ' To rent, From the first October next, all that valuable wharf . wd stores situated thereon, near the Exchange, coipmon- ; y ca hed Morelfs wharf. Apply to doctor MiUer/Brough- t0 " street, or to T. N. Morel, esq. . _ a ”gus> 13— OR other late arrivals, Turkey redY'arn linens and cotton Shirtings Fancy figured mull Muslins, for dresses .. Fine ana coarse, low priced *eno Muslins, suitalpe For pavillio'ns _ _ . Plain and~figured r C3mbrics Calicoes and Ginghams, in great variety Counterpanes and Marseilles Quilts Handsome furniture Dimities Common, and 6-4 Cambric Dimities .White and'colored Marseilles Y'esting Black and colored Bombazines and Silks Bombazetls. Jeans, York Stripes Plain and ribbed Stockinets Cotton Stocking^’Df ail kinds Madras and Pullicat Handkerchiefs^' .Apron Checks, brown Hollands Italian and Canton Crapes Wliitecbapel I^teeilles and fresh ounce Threads Superior cotton Umbrellas London paper and pound Pins Cutleiy, assortetf, in’small casks (jBnaburgs, RuSskyShdetings, long Lawns; and, a variety of other GOODS, ;dl of which will be sold, either wholesale or at letail, on the most moderate • Just received, And nowJandingfr-m Afew-Tork, 37 hhds. prime selected New-Orleans Sugar, fit for re tailing 40 do do retailing Molasses 4 pipes 4th proof genuine Cognac Brandy 10 chests Gunpowder and Hyson Tea 6 casks assorted Snot 2 pipes old Madeira Wine quarter casks L. P. TtnerifFeand Malaga do barrels Pork and Beans V* IN STORE, old 4th proof Jamaica Rum, warranted pure, be ing imported direct *, Whiskey, N. E. Rum, Coffee andiron Together with a large and general assortment of well chosen GROCERIES, in any quantity to suit purchasers, forsaleby BROOKS & WELMAN, iujie 4—66 HA'rn’s wharf To Watch Makers. S. I. Tobtas 8c Co. (New-York,) of the firm of .M. I. Tobias 8c Co. wholesale Patent Lever Watch Manufac turers, Liverpool; beg leave to inform the trade that they have established a house in this city, where they maybe supplied with Gold and Silver Patent Lever and Verticle WATCHES, and all kinds of Watch Materials. Orders forwarded to New-York will be immediately attended to. Afew-York. 2Aih dug.—*rx—106 Have just received, 100 boxes first quality SOAP ALSO, ON HAND, , 15 hhds Philadelphia rye Whiskey 1J do prime retailing Molasses looo bushels Turk’s Island Salt. All of which they of. fer for sale, low for Cash. Cormick & Dousset. sp-a 5 tnfi i Be subscribers Offer for sale on accommodating terms, 20 pipes superior Cognac Brandy 15 hhds Muscovado Sugar 10 do CoperaS , 30 boxes Soap 40 kegs YVhite-Lead 50 casks brown Stout 35 quarter casks Colmenar and Madeira Win® 190 bags Coffee jOO Demijohns 25 crates assorted Crockery 5 casks Claret MINIS 8c HENRY, sep 3 'B ■ ■ — -105 Marshal’s sales. On the first Tuesday in October next, YVill be sold at th* store lately occupied by C. & J. Dunn, at 11 o’clock, A general assortment of Druggs and Medicines, and sundry articles of household Furniture—levied ort as the property of Charles C. Dunn to satisfy an execution at tue suit of Robert & Lindley Murray. John Eppinger, aug 31- -104 .'Marshal Marshal’s sales. On the first Tuesday in October next, Will be sold at the Market House, in St. Mary's, between the hours of 10 and 3 o’clock, All that tract of Land, in Camden county, adjoining t^e town of Jefferson, containing two hundred and fifty acres, more or less—Also, Lot No. 45 and improvements) and Qots, 25, 56, 61 and 76, and half Lot No.,49, in the town of Jefferson—levied on as the property of SilVa nns Church to s.,tisfv an execution at tbe suit of James YY’itsun. ' WILLIAM F. KELLY, aug 31——104 Deputy ATarshal For sale One thousand acres salt (now fresh) marsh, in Wil mington river, joining lands of John Simpson, now con fiscated, and lands of J. M‘Queen, esq. originally on the 4th September, 1772, granted James Lucena, dec. For terms apply to William Stephens, or at this office, wher' a plan may be seen;the tract is prime cotton land. Also acres of land, in lots of the beautiful village of Montgomery, on Vemof, river; fine, healthy summer’s residence- Enquire as above. -july 16—84 To. Kent- ilroi llau-ad ^ S?'®® * n Carpenter’s Row, at the lower end of aghtnn street, containing four rooms with a fire place ceived on «t< *ch room, with the necessary out buildings. Enqufrfe ception and'shi] I 1 *r * V,U J kl II»James Mormon. sept' Factorage and Commission. The subscriber having commenced in the above line of BUSINESS, offers his services to his friends and the public; his Counting-Room is on Wayne’s upper wlwif, formerly o^cupiedf by Messrs. Phinizy 8c Barnett* Tne Store is I^rge arid cofomodiorN—produce I will be re-* ' 106 dec 2—139 i . . ftei'A ft?: Notice. To be sold, at public aiiction, in front of the court- h9use, in the city of Savannah, on the first Tuesday in January nextj one thou^nd acres of prime land, situate op the south branch of Turtle river, Glynn county—the joint property, of the Union Society, Chatham Academy anil the %av‘annah Poor-House aifd Hospital Society, which tract of land was originally granted to the Bethes- dae College. Any person who feels disposed to embark largely in tlie cultivation of cotton, corn or sugar-cane, would find this a most eligible situation. The grants can be seen by applying at the office of LloyeF & Morrison, in the Exchange. Terms of sale—one half cash, the ba lance in one year, with interest from the date of pur chase, secured bv bond and mortgage, on the premises. MOSES SHEET ALL, President U. S. R. W. HABERSHAM, Treasurer. C. A. ' J. MORRISON, Com. Sav. P. H. and H. S. aug23:- *..*-103 " '"It ‘ Sayaiinah Poor House and Hospital.' VISITING COMMITTEE For September• and October, Jakes Morrison and Monks Cleland. july 3p-*^9fr Joseph Gumming, Secretary For sale The Wharf, lately occupied by Caig Sc Mitehel, con taining 200 feet front on Savannah River; bounded west- wardly by Carnochan & Mitehel, and eastwardly by An drew ftnox. Also, the Wharf Lot, adjoining the Ferry, at Fort Wayne, containing 150 feet on the river and near 500 feet back, from tne. same; bounded eastwardly by the fence at Fori Wayne. On this lot, is the House, with two prizas, at die east end of the Bay. For terms, ple.ise apply to PETER MTTCHEL. aup- 24 Inj For sale A House arid Lot, in SL James’s square; being one of the mpst healthy and pleasant situations in this city—on the said lot are all necessary out buildings. This pro perty will be sold for a moderate price, and a credit of one, two and three years given for. the payment. Per sons disposed to purchase will apply to ekher of the subscribers. • BEN. SHE FTALL, M. SHEET ALL, sen, ... april 6— -41 j lank Indentures, For sate at this Office* s