Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1816-1818, September 07, 1816, Image 2

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e . Mr. Thamu has lately re-published a small volume of lord Byron’s poems. In it there are some not before published. The following- satire on the Padres Recent of England, although not of that pungeut character which marks the pasquinade on the next page, supposed to have been Written between the tombs of Henry VHI. and Charles I. is yet of so galling and severe a kind as, hot to have found any publisher in England. It was' f tinted here from the manuscript of lord Byron. The nest poem in the volume is, beyond all comparison, the Ode to St. Helena. A perusal of it is worth more than the price-of the volume. It is a noble tribute from a great Blind to a great man in adversity.—Phil. Pefho. Press THE TRIUMPH OF THE WHALE. * lo Psean! Io! sirtg To the finny people's king— Not a mightier whale than this In the vast Atlantic is; ■Not a fatter fish than he Flounders round the polar sea; Bee his blubber—at his gills What a world of drink he swjjls! From his trunk as from a spout Which next moment he pours out, 8uch his person: next declare Muse! who his companions are; Every fish of generous kind Scuds aside or slinksdjehind, But about his person keep All the mdnstcrs of the deep; Mermaids with their tails and singing His delighted fancy stinging— Crooked dolphins, they surround him, Dog-like seals, they fiwu around him; Following hard, the progress mark Of the intolerant salt sea shark— For his solace and relief Flat fish are his courtiers chief— Last and lowest in the tr,:in; Ink-fish, libellers of the main, Their Black liquor sheds in spite— (Such on earth the things that write,) In his stomach, someTio say; No good thing can ever stay; Had it been the fortune of it To have swallowed the old prophet, Three days there he’d not have dwell’d f lutin one had been expeil’d. lapless mariners are they Who beguil’d as seamen say, Beaming it some rock or island, Footing sure, safe spot and dry land, i Anchor in his scaly rind; Soon the difference they find, Sudden, plumb, he sinks beneath them: Does to ruthless waves bequeath them: Name or title what has he? I* .he the Regent of the sea? from the difficulty free us Buffon, Banks, or sage Linnaeus? With his wonderous attributes, Say—what appellation suits? By his bulk, and by his size, By his oily qualities, This, or else my eve-sight fails— This should be the Prince of!! Vevat, (r. t.) July 10. David Wilson, of Port William, Gallatin county, K. is now seventy eight years of age—he has had four wives end by them forty two children. His oldest child is but sixteen years ydunger than himself His second wife had five children at two births in eleven months. Mr. Wilson is a native of Pennsylvania—drinks grog freely—convers er with ease and affability—and supports his family by labor. He has worn a hat twenty two years, which still passa^’ decent.—Register. A CURIOUS DEFINATION. By an act of parliament, in England, every person is obliged to have his name and residence painted on the back of his cart, us£d for the purpose of riding in. To prevent its being so easily read as it goes, a division is not commonly made between the words. A country man, seeing one in Bury, with the letters—ahostoddac- -Towataxxd&iit—read it—a most odd met on a taxed cart; its true meaning was—Amos Toddy Acton; a taxed cart. -mrnm <&> —i fchir^ Be van, at the ttaagon been purchased for their clonal cnjd_ With all his faui AGREEMENT. Gommodore Barney, in addressing the voters of prince George’s, observed, that he never knew democrats and Jfderalistt to agree but in one instance, viz: to runaway at Bladensburg.' mm ■»: ®: «■ FOREIGN NEWS. By the arrival of the ship Amity, captain Stanton, the editors of the Mercantile Advertiser 11 jive received Li verpool papers and advices to the 16th, London papers to the 14th, and a single Lloyd’s List, of the 12th of July. We have made a few extracts not noticed by car Balti more corresponden't.- The latest letters from Liverpool represent the market for American produce as rather improved. Georgia up land cotton was selling at 17$ to 19d. During ttie last fortnight the sales had amounted to 16000 bags.—JY. f .Mercantile Advertiser, 27th ult. London, July 12. Letters from Spain mention that Ferdinand the seventh has ordered a small squadron to be fitted out against the Algerines, and that the fortress of Centa is to be put in complete repair, and the garrison reinforced. A particular paper devoted to Marquis Wellesley, con tradicts the report of any overture or negociation for the purpose of bringing his lordship into office. Tne distress for want of labor in the manufacturing towns of Devonshire exceeds all former precedent, at least within the memory of its oldest inhabitants. The India company who, for the last twenty years, have bought about 240,000 long ells annually, have for the last t\vo or three years (in consequence of the high price of wool) reduced their purchase of this article one half. Jaly 13.—The Paris papers of the 10th arrived at one o’clock, this day. They contain no news of any interest. The 5 per cent, consols were on Tuesday 59 fr. Bank actions 1,065. Government propose to allow the shipping interest to land their goods, except exciseable and some other par ticular articles, at the different suffrance wharves on the river, instead of compelling them to incur the heavy ex pense of going into the London dock. This arrange ment will be a great relief to the commercial world, as the-expe-nse of the docks bore very hard upon the mer chants of London. Aletter received on Thursday from Cadiz says, "At length we have heard of the insurgent fleet, commanded by admiral Brown; it was off Lima, and had taken the valuable ship Consequents, belonging to this port.” The date is not mentioned, but it is presumed it was a very recent event. Messrs.. Anderson St Co. of Fertnov, propose to pay their creditors eight shillings in the pound, as follows? Two shillings in two years, three shillings in three years three in four years, and two shillings more at the. end of five years, should they be able. The committee have advised the creditors to accept this offer. - Evans, the pedestrian, who has undertaken to walk fifty-six miles per day for eighteen days, on Newmarket Heath, is expected to complete the same this day. He walks with apparent ease and great swiftness, for such an extraordinary undertaking.—Cambridge paper. We announce, with great concern, that the banking- house of Messrs. Benjamin and Joshua Ingham, of Hud dersfield, suspended their payments on Thursday last at eleven o’clock in the morning.—Leeds' Mercury. The distresses which have for some time prevailed in Northumberland, have been this week much aggravated, by the stoppage of the banking establishment of Messrs! John and Thomas Cook & Co. at Saunderland and Wear- mouth. This is another of the numerous country bank ing houses that drew upon Messrs. Bruce Sc Co.-*-ib. 1 Gold has fallen again. The finest Portugal gold is 31 19s per ounce; dollars are at 4a 10$d; standard silver at Ss. London, July 5. A few weeks since, we announced the baptism, by im mersion, of two respectable clergymen, the rev. Mr. Snow and the rev. Mr. Bevan, who from conscientious motives, have lately resigned their connection with the established church. We have now to notice on the 14th ult. two of their colleagues, who have also resigned desirable prefer ments, the rev. George Baring and the rev. Mr. Evans, ? (fiance, ekq.Vere baptised V the fcb.]| tened his Absolution. . .u_ 9— chapgl h, Taunton, which has . their accommodation. THE SOCIETY OF PRIEN&S or . . FOREIGNERS IN DISTRESS. London, June 6. The ninth anniversary of the "Society of Friends of Foreigners in Distress,” was yesterday celebrated with increased splendor. The duke of Kent was in the chair —many of the foreign ministers were present, and an as semblage of distinguished individuals. ^ The duke of York, lord Castiereagh, and Mr. Vansit- tart, sent apologies for not attending. The healths of her majesty, as protectress of the insti tution, and of the emperor of Russia, and king of Prus sia, as protectors, were drank with loud applause. His royal highness, the chairman, mentioned that more than four thousand obj-.-cts had been relieved by the so ciety Since its institution. * On the health of the American minister being giveii Mr. Adams addressed the company, in a neat and elo quent speech, in which he took occasion, most forcibly, to point out the incomparable merit of the institution, its inestimable value to the world at large, and imperative claim upon the country of even.' individual of,whatever nation, who had at heart the happiness of his fellow be- ing9. After dinner, a collection of seven hundred and fifty pounds was made in aid to the funds of the institution. London, July 3. STATE OF THE COUNTRY. As a striking exemplification of the unprecedented dis tress of the manufacturing classes, we present our read ers with the following memorial, which has obtained up wards of 19,000 signatures in Bolton, Crowbent, Leigh and the neighborhood! To his royal highness George, prince regent of the unit ed kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, with their dependencies—this humble Memorial of the under signed, being master manufacturers of COTTON GOODS, and workmen who have been employed in that once extensive and important manufacture, SIfEWEf'ff- „ That your royal highness’s humble memorialists, who are true and faithful subjects to his majesty, under who%s royal banners many of them have fought and bled, but now they are returned home, cannot obtain food, are brought to dire distress, which is every day becoming more poignant; and unless some means of re lief be speedily devised, one common ruin must involve masters and workmen. That this gener 1 and increasing evil may be ascribed to several causes, as—1st, to a prevailing system of re ducing wages: this system must F ad times decrease the value of the stock On hand, which is sometimes immense and hath often proved ruinous to the best houses—2d, the exportation of the half wrought material, as twist and weft. By this traffic, one part of his majesty’s sub jects work to enable foreigners to do without the other part, and hence the restrictive measures adopted by fo reign governments against the manufactures of the me morialisrts.—And also a third evil, growing out of the former two, viz: the most able of the masters have, either altogether or partly, declined the manufacture—whilst others by repeated sacrifices of depreciated stocks, have been bankrupts. Hence many thousands are out of em ploy, whilst those who have any cannot, on a fair ave rage one with another, earn more than four shillings and three pence per week, anchtwo years since they could earn twelve shillings and nine pence in the same time. The cotton manufacture has given employment to many hundred thousands of persons in the united em pire. Shall these and the trade perish together? No! Your princely breast will feel for your future people, our present ward; all of whom love, and,many of whom fought for your royal house, and the liberty of their dear native land. Your royal highness is the memorialist’s only hope under heaven. They, therefore, humbly pray, that your royal highness would be graciously pleased to take unto your royal highness’s most serious consideration, their distress; and without dictating, or presuming to point out what should be done in this arduous case, the me morialists pray for speedy relief. FOREIGN EXTR ACTS, From a file of London and Liverpool papers to the 16th of July, received at the office of the JYew-Tork Evening Post. Liverpool, July 15. Right honorable R. B. Sheridan.—VVe have this week the painful offire of recording the death of the right ho norable Richard Brinsley Sheridan, who, after an illness of some continuance, expired on Sunday, the 7th instant. Mr. Sheridan filled so important a station in the public history of our times, that his death cannot be passed over as that of an ordinary man; yet for a long while he has been in effect dead to the world, and an occasional pa ragraph in a newspaper is all that has announced to us the existence of the friend, the associate the rival, of some of the greatest names that adorn our annals. In that bright constellation of genius, be shone a star of tile first magnitude. Mr. Sheridan, like Mr. Burke, held a distinguished rank-in letters as well as in politics, and was indeed cal culated to ^xcel in every pursuit which he attempted.— Nature had gifted him with all the requisites for public speaking. Yet the middle, rather than the higher, walks of oratory were the objects of his preference. His feel ings, perhaps, were not sufficiently ardent: he was too completely master of himself to be carried away by that enthusiastic ardor, to which alone the palm of fervid elo quence belongs; but classical correctness of taste, and consummate purity of diction, were conspicuous in every thing he delivered, and in his elaborate oration on Mr. Hasting’s trial, he proved that he could wield at will the weapon ofGoiiah. Asa debator, he was truly admirable—a felicity of expression, almost unrivalled; a happy vein of humor, raillery light and easy, or pointed with the keenest sarcasm and bitterest irony, as occasion jrompted; an imagination brilliant and fertile; a pecu- l iar talent of amplifying what seemed abstruce, and of rendering his opponent’s argument rediculous: all these, aided by a perfect command of temper, a coolness and precision of reasoning when he found it necessary, and a memory tenacious, not merely of the arguments, but of the words of his antagonist, rendered him an invaluable acquisition to any party. Yet, though assailed by nume- rovs temptations; though pressed by continual and in creasing difficulties; and though, since the death of Mr. Fox, the party to which he was attached have been. uni formly excluded from office. Mr. Sheridan preserved to the last his political consistency. When, however, great occasion called for unanimity, he repeatedly shewed that he was willing to * irget political differences. Of Mr. Sheridan’s literary character, neither time nor space will allow us to speak in adequate terms: nor do we feel ourselves competent to appreciate them. By' universal suffrage he is allowed to have been the author of the best commedy of his day, and this is surely no mean praise. Yet, perhaps, it may be questioned, whether the merit of this production do not rather con sist in the exquisite satire which it conveys, in the quick reciprocation, and sparkling wit of the dialogue, than in the delineation of character, or the construction of the plot. But wherever the merit lies, we feel it to be trans- cedent. As for the moral, it must be confessed to be faulty, but alter seeing the School for Scandal, who talks of its defects? The caustic satire, and stringing ridicule of its celebrated farce, have scarcely been excelled; but it has been suggested from high authority, that the effects as to the suge have been prejudicial to the display of dra matic talent. The genius of Shakespeare may fearlessly stand the test of ridicule; but many a poet has been de terred from tragedy by the powerful burlesque of the critic. In private society, and in the unrestrained freedom of convival intercourse, the delightful conversation, the easy palyful wit of Mr. Sheridan, made him every where courted and caressed. His wit was undebased by the al loy of envy or of malice; it flowed freely and without an effort; feeling his own superiority, he disdained the jealousy of competition, and when others wished to shine, he good naturedly gave way. Thus at once, the idol of public and private popularity, we may lament, but can scarcely wonderthat he yielded to the firm voice of pleasure, and suffered himself to be hurried away in to the vortext of dissipation! The latter years of Mr. Sheridan’s life were passed under a succession of disappointments and embarrass ments, Which doubtless, preyed upon bis spirits and haa- Let not him hawCTef, -~ ded our Extended our national fa whnse potent ©all we have wept and- Smiled—who has‘beguiled us of oar cues, ami added to our most ra- r re; had a plaj which ' M weort . let not Kim be. judged too roughly.— he was to greet a man, that “we scar* shaU'iepk upon his like again.” Let us then forget his imperfections, and cherish the recollection of his genius and his patriotism: i “Be every harsher thought suppress “And sacred be tbe*If»t;ldngrest.” * * Loirtoir, July 9. .. r .DINAND vn AND BARON Dfe KOLLY.. era will remember, that in 1810, government “ > liberate Ferdinand VH. similar to the on^j .ready effected the escape of the marquis de la Romans. The person entrusted with this commission assumed the name of baron de Kotly, and besides the ne cessary credits and credentials, he was furnished with the original letter written by Charles IV. to George HI. in 1802, notifying the marriage of his ion, the prince of Aus- turias, and containing a marginal note from the marquis of IVellesley, in corroboration of his mission. A small squadron was also sent to cruize off' thit part of the French cOast most contiguous to Valencay, under the orders of commodore Cockbufn, to be in readiness to re ceive tKe royal fugitive. On a sudden, the baron de Kol- ly was seized, arid the plan frustrated, but the real parti culars were never known till lately. . Sir G. Cockbiim, who had been entrusted tvith part of the project, in his late intercourse with Bonaparte, expressed’ a strong wish to know by what means De Kolly had been discovered and arrested, and the true circumstances of the affair So totally unknown in Eng land, adding, that if no motive of state policy interven ed he WaS anxious to hear the whole disclosure, Bona parte readily consented, and told him that De Kolly ar rived in Paris and lived in the greatest obscurity, dres sed shabby, and only eat his meals at c eap cook-shops in the suburbs. However, he was not satisfied with the common wine served up, and asked for the best Bor .deaux, for which he paid five francs per bottle. This contrast of poverty and luxury excited suspicions ih the waiters of two houses he thus frequented, -and being in ■the pay of the police, they immediately sent in a report. Kolly was watched and soon afterwards seized with all his papers. Bonaparte said, he then procured a person as nearly resembling Kolly - as could be found, to carry on the English stratagem, under a hope that Ferdinand would have fallen into the trap; and with all the original credentials, this agent of the French police went to the castle of-Valencay, under pretext of selling some trinkets; Ferdinard, however, (said. Bonaparte,) was too great a coward to enter into the views proposed to him; but in stantly gave information of what had been communicated .to his first chamberlain, Amazaga, in a letter written to Mr. Bertliemy, governor of the castle. By this means Ferdinand escaped being placed at the mercy of Bona parte, whose intention was to intercept him in his flight. Dublin, May 23. GRANT THE IRISH ROBBER. A person, generally known by the name of Captain Grant, whose extraordinary endowments render him competent to achieve much good or evil, after having es caped, by means which appear miraculous,, from various gaols, was some time since lodged in tliat of Marybo rough, the capital of the Queen’s county. Here, being abundantly supplied with money, he treated the prison ers with such things as the place afforded; and repeated ly told the Sheriff, as well as the numerous persons whose curiosity induced them to visit him, that he would elude their vigilance, in defiance of every exertion they could make. The discovery that he. had cut bis irons nearly through, leaving only sufficient remaining to keep them together, and the substitution of others of most singular weight and thickness, did not appear to discon cert him; he laughed at the zeal of the officers of the de tachment, which had induced them to take lodgings op posite the goal, as a measure of increased security.— The night after the immense irons were put on him, he cut through them, and through those of twenty-two other men, charged with capital offences: and rushing forward at their head, knocked down two soldiers sta tioned in the passage, then the turnkey and his assist ants; and opening the door, the key of v. hich he had seized, knocked down two soldiers who were the out side ofit, and taking their arms, as he had done those in the passage, ran down the street, with six of his asso ciates, crying- ‘stop thief,’ till the darkness of the night rendered pursuit unavailing.—On the first alarm in the prison, a man confined for debt, and who Was taking tea with the gaoler, ran into the passage, and with great presence of mind shut the iron gate, by which means the flight oft 16 of the felons was fortunately prevented and they were remanded to their former quarters. The escape of Grant was almost immediately proclaimed through the country by his depredations. The night after ne carried ott' Mr. While’s coach horses from Scotswr&th, between Montrath and Abelaix;—he com mitted a robbery near Waterford, sixty English miles distant, and returning with near equal rapidity, plundered the house of Mr. Horan, close to Maryborough, of every article of value, as is his general practice! He is sometimes numerously attended, and on other occa sions only by one or two. He observes that he never broke into any house, but that he walks into all, which is literally the case; for he depredates at night-fall, when persons are off their guard, and by the time his business is accomplished darkness favors lus escape. So general is the alarm occasioned by this extraordinary delinquent, that most of the houses in the Queen’s county, and many in the counties of Kildare, Carlow,Kilkenny; and Water ford, are barricaded at dusk, and till the following morning, scarce any circumstance could occasion a do .. ... _ ewnptay^ Officers, a bo\it W proVisons; that the parties came to blows n*" 1 the contest 21 Ofthe Hudson’s Bav people were L-n 1 "* including thegAyemor.Mr. Semple P re klU «d. As this melancholy report is given variouslv we c bear saying any thing Ikrther on the subject, until 1°'' intelligence in an unquestionable shape, and from „ sotfree. There is also another gloomy report of a -? Ure of Hudson's Bay traders, twenty in number, having-wT 7 last winter to Arathepaseow Lake, where 8evente^ n< c them -perished for the want of provisions—the other thr were saved by geltiiie to’one of &e posts of th e s d West company. It is reported too, that Mr Dunr 11 Cameron, ohe of the North West company’s atr em Itts been made a prisoner by one of the Hudson? Bay company’s ofiicers, and carried to York Factory Such are the disagreeable rumorS now in circulation. 7 ’ FROM THE MEDITERRANEAN. The following is an extract of aletter from a lieu» tI , ant of the American navy, attached to the Mediterr nean squadron, to his friend in Viginia. United States’ ship Washington, Gibraltar Bay, July 6“ 1816 “I wrote you on the morning of our arrival, w!.™- supposed we should not remain here more than twelv hours—some days, however, have elapsed, and we & still in Gibraltar. The' Java arrived yesterday, and w are momentarily expecting to see'the Constellation Erie; this I presume accounts for but- delay. “Our minister Mr. Pinckney, is treated with much at tentionby the governor, See. and has dined on shorel! The English officers seem disposed, on all occ .sions ? be very attentive: and I hope tliere ii no desire on im part to reciprocate the feeling. “The Dutch fleet, under admiral Vatl Capeli, eonsis ting of four frigates and one sloop of war, is living in the Bay; he has been off Algiers, but failed in the' .V ciation, and is now waiting tHfe arrival, of a reinforce" mentfrom Hollane, when he contemplates a second vi" sit. . The Dutch officers have also been very civil ■ n i profess great friendship for the United States “ 0 “I was this morning introduced to the above admir 1 who appeared to be well acquainted with my durac?-’ as he said, from English account*. He expressed much surprize to find me so young a man, saying, “it Was ‘ use for Americans to go to sea to acquire their profa sion, for it appeared to be their birth right. “t should infer, from all I can learn, that a war, tithe- with Spain or some of the Barbaiy powers, is bv J means an improbable event: and that too at no h;, tant period.” - to be opened in a district so pitality, and still so animatedly''alive to it. At one of the houses visited a few days since by Grant, attended by 12 men, well armed} “the captain” amused himself at the piano forte, whilst tea was preparing, and his associ ates were packing up all the things they conceived worth being carried on. :ance could occasion a aoo*» , -> ’ justly celebrated for lios- Ld ‘ lttle moT $ ■**“" a y ear affo b . v aCblony of about frrtr IlinnSfrimiQ TMTTllllPS trnm i>nnni>nfum$ T'l-»ott MR. "WILKINSON’S REED MAK1ITO MACHINE. This piece of American mechanism, Whith destnu to be placed on a par with that for cutting wire ai making cards, is capable of completing two weavtrj reeds at a single operation. As this involves the prepat. ation of the wood, the Use of the twine to bind the stt:l wire, fcc. the reader may judge of the ingenuity of the contrivance. It is a combination of various mechanical powers in play at the same time. Governor Tompkins, much to lus credit, has used every, exertion to bring it into use; but, where manufacturers languish, there was no demand for reeds. The Society of Useful Arts also gave their unanimous testimony hi its favor: and, one of its members, who was not present at the meeting, but who examined it since, pronounces it “a rare piece of mechanism—admirably fitted to the purpose intended, with an uncommon excel lency of finish in all its parts.” “The reeds produced are certainly superior in regularity and firmness to any I have ever seen, and equal to any I can suppose to be made any where or in any manner.*’ Mr. W. however, after offering the machine to his country, and seeking patronage in vain, has this day shipped it for Europe.— There it will add to the perfection and expedition of English and Irish manufactures, and, we trust, make the inventor’s fortune. We cannot but wish that it had been made known in New England*: nevertheless, we are confident of Mr. W’s. patriotism; he is a man, we bf iieve, who has served his country faithfully: and having- dcae his duty as a citizen and soldier, she has, in pear:, r.o claims that ought to debar him from employing hii'A- ents to the best advantage. Mr. Jeptha A. Wilkinson, the inventor though a \"ev Englander by birth, resides in Ot»ego county, New-York. — Columbian. OTHER INVENTIONS And of great importance, are, 1. A very improved machine for spinning wool ar.d cotton, so superior to the common spinning-jennv as to supercede it, we have no doubt in a lrttle time: [we would state many particulars of the peculiar excellence of this invention, but are not authorised to do so.) 2. The pin-making machine, which Completes the pin at one operation, making the head of the same piece of wire with the body. 3. The new steam saw-mill, which surpasses all others, for the simplicity of its construction and the quantity of work it performs. These, with the cotton gin and patent carding machine, are the mvehtions of Americans, the greater number cf them, of New Englanders. . We confess, we are much prouder of these contribu tions to the useful arts, than we should be of live timei as many of the fine ones.—ib. PROGRESS bF IMPROVEMENT. Among the numerous settlements daily making in the western states and territories, which are evidence of social prosperity and individual happiness, is one on Sandusky Bay, in Huron county, Ohio. This settlement was fora- “TOOITIVES FOR THXIB CRIMES OB THETR VIRTUES. From the Dublin Evening Post, of JuitPS. EMIGRATION—GENERAL DISTRESS. Great alarms seems to be felt in England, on account of the disposition to emigrate manifested by sill ranks of the community. The nutidling orders, endeavoring to save some thing from the wreck of their tortu nes, are collecting in various parts of the country, with a view to exportation,- nay, we have heard, that three villages, or what we in Ireland, perhaps, might call handsome country towns, have had meetings sufficiently open when the plan of ,auo 'J r *» emigration was regularly discussed, and the practicabili- board » * or “ rst S® ty of its accomplishment unanimously admitted. As they were principally small farmers, agricultural pursuits were those which occurred to them; but as they were aware of the extraordinary value of labor in America, they felL this circumstance as a serious impediment to their project. It was then proposed to article a certain number of laborers out of employment for two years with their passage free,'at a reasonable salary. When it was known to the common people, the difficulty was not in the engagement, but in the selection of objects.— However, determined to do nothing unadvisedly, they chose two delegates, one of them being their curate, to go to the seat of the American government to make the proper inquiries, and to pave the way for the young co lony. The deputies are now. actually on .their voyage. It is no wonder that such an event as this should ex cite alarm. In itself, perhaps, it is of no great conse quence whether eight hundred or one thousand individu als remain or depart from the country; but it is its exam ple. If it should become systematic, and while distress and taxes continue, there is every danger that it may 'be come so—there is no conjecturing where it will, termin ate. The trading towns or we should have said, the towns which were once the scenes of trade and business, ; will assemble next—and we feel persuaded that the on- r ly impediment presented to the tide of population in its westerly course, will be the difficulty of transportation, and want of adequate means to support the intermediate period of the-voyage. industrious families From Connecticut. They are liteni- ly making the desert blossom as the rose; have cieartd lands, built houses and raised crops. Lying on Lake Ere, this tract has the advantage cf markets in every direction, at Detroit, Cleaveland, Erie, 8cc. for all the grain 'X farmers can raise. In consequence, we hear that lands havfe doubled their value iQ the neighborhood. Mr. John Betty, b worthy, steadv and enterprising man, who removed thither from New-London, is (like the rest of the emigrants) exceedingly gratified at the prospect of the settlement. He is himself a land owner to a great extent, having purchased thirty thousand acres in various townships of the county. Where labor is so well re warded every man vies with his neighbor in cultivating the soil, and does not hesitate at any expenditure w ithin the compass of his means. Mr. B. himself, who, amidst various other works, wishes to cut a deep ditch of ten or twelve miles’ extent, has offered to employ twenty of thirty laborers, giving then one hundred dollars, with iard, for the first year. Cleaveland is about fifty miles distant from the settle ment. At this town is established The Commercial Bari of Lake Erie, Alfred Kelly, president, Leonard Case, cashier, and the following gentlemen directors; Samuel Williamson, David Long, George Wallace, Erasti-.s Miles John Beatty, Eliphaiet Austin, pieman Oviatt, John 11- Strong, Seth Doane, Robert B. Parkman, Philo Taykti William Wetmore. We learn by persons from that quarter that the peo ple of Ohio breathe the warmest wishes for the success of the intended canal. They consider it the greatest project offered to the public, for promoting the perma nent welfare of the east and the west, and do not hesi tate to pronounce it entitled to more regard than all the themes of party.—Columbian. When we read of the unexampled advancement of the interior settlements to wealth, independence and felicity we naturally wish that all the honest and industrious em igrants lately arrived from Europe, were snugly seated in some of them. None but fools would expect that la borers, weavers, &c. could (by hundreds) find employ* ment in a seaport town like this, which is the mere aep ot of foreign goods-, and none but knaves would discourage dr dissuade any emigrant from persevering till b£ try and see the country.—ib Mojrraaii, (Can.) August 17. On Thursday last a gentleman arrrived in this city from, Sault Ste. Marie, with very disagreeable reports from the Red River Settlement of which so much has been said and written, for a while past. It th>t a despot* had arisen between tivt Indiana * is said The little angry insinuation against the administration must be expected when any elections are depending. we must say hsthe great Boerhaave did, when hia p lir j reputation was attacked, sparks go out of themselves, u J 0 do not blow them’—Essex Register. Bostoh, August 23. . , The artificers are making rapid progress in laying; the *cite of the new Naval Arsenal on the bank* Charles, in Watertown.