Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1816-1818, September 07, 1816, Image 3

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“l5A y AJN t NAU JtisrDBLIOAN Saturday Evening, September7, 1810. “ In October, it is ** tK ^- and Mr. Lowndes succeeds him. 1STFWS DIRECT FROM BUENOS-AYRES. , N -manifestofromthedirectoryofBuenos- We have see ^ installation of the national con- Ayre nf a tSe Prince, of Rio de la Plata, &c in thecity of gres of the P 25th ofXpn i. This grand and porten- Tucuman.o caused by the good understanding tous £ ven l ^, va ii 3 between the governments of Hdenos. which n'J P video. The republican arimes have Ay t?^t progress in Peru. The royalist governor of rtiifSput under arrest in the capital all the principal •ahitants of that part of the country which is still under £ command. ItLTprohibited to them to handle any *^even a stick. The slightest d.sobedience » pun ned with death, without regard to age or sex. But the republican generals of Chili and Buenos-Ayres are at the head of powerful armies, exasperated against their bloody tyrants. Now that the best harmony prevails amongst the republican governments of that part of South Amenca, the most brilliant results lor the cause ol free dom will be the consequence. . It has been reported, that the Portuguese force intend ed an invasion of Buenos-Ayres, by virtue of a treaty with Ferdinand of Spain. The repubUcan general Aitegas » waiting; for them on the frontiers with 36,000 men. All the population are under arms—even women. We are positively informed, that there are whole companies of Women, furious and enthusiastic, who have volunteered on the occasion. The invaders may become the invaded. .jgew-York Columbian. „ SERIOUS QUESTIONS TO FEDERALISTS. We fequently hear your leaders exclaiming about ‘ithe loss of thousands of lives, the expenditure of millions of money and the incurring of an enormous debt,” by the wav which they pretend was closed by abandoning its pretended objects. Do you not know federalists publicly demanded re dress of British spoliations; from our government, "even by an appeal to arms,” six years before war was declar ed? Do you not know that the delay of your government in enforcing that redress, occasioned federal leaders to ridiclile our government as “pusillanimous'," to declare that it “could not be kicked into a war,” and to write to their British friends that they need not mind our blus tering, for we dare not raise a finger in earnest? Do you not know that after the war was declared fe deral leaders used every effort to make it unpopular, to discourage and impede recruiting for the army, to with hold the militia, to deny the loan of money, and deter others from loaning it, to negociate a seperate peace be tween New England and Great Britain, and to weaken the arm of our government by every possible means? Do you not kuo'wit to be demonstrable in the nature of things, that embarrassing our own government and consequently encouraging the enemy, must inevitably hsrfe operated in a double ratio to protract the war? Do you not know, that by the protraction of the war, "thousands of lives” and “millions of money” were sac rificed, that might have been saved, if federal leaders had fulfilled their solemn premises in 18l)6 by uniting their whole strengthen “an appeal to arms against Great Britain? Do you not know that previous to the peace which federal leaders now condemn their common cry was 'give lis peace on any terms?' and do you not know fed eralists of Delaware, that your own lamented Bayard was a conspicuous member of the commission which ne gotiated tile peace? In short, do you not know''(what is on record under their own hands) that the same Unprincipled leaders who condemned the war, were among the first to clamor for it;; that they who complained of its expences and suffer ings, added two-fold to those evilsby distracting the country when union Was most necessary—that tiiey who HOW sneer at the peace, then declared any peace to be hitler than the ‘wicked and ruinous war?’ It' you know these facts, and it is hardly possible that you can be ignorant of them, can yoti be so inconsider- rate as gravely to listen'to these men, and believe them when they tell you that tliey are the Culy’honest, the only consistent politicians, the only men worthy of your con fidence?—Delaware Watchman. In the election of Mr. Monroe to the presidency, the people of the United States will exhibit to the world the spectacle, unparaielled id modem times, of a nation pur suing 1 the same sy stem of public policy for at least twenty years together which is an argument of more real weight than appears to have been allowed to it, in the estimate of the advantages to be deryved from electing this'gentle. man in preference to any other. It demonstrates the uniformity of republican government which is a most im portant object. In this view the.much hackneyed objec tion of Mr. Moure’s being a Virginian assumes a very diherent and a favorable complexion. Whatever inter nal jealousy, even though well founded jealousy, may' ex ist among ourselves, it is of moment to the United States in tuair foreign relations, that one course of policy, and, in a measure, the same class of statesmen should appear 1 to nave a constant ascendancy. It acquires and receives the confidence and respect of other powers. Suppos ing Mr. Monroe’s administration to last ei;ht years, then there will have been four and twenty succes sive years of the same system of public measures.— Indeed, throwing aside the four years pt Mr. Adams’ irregular career and attaching the last administrations, those of Jefferson, Madison and'Monroe, tq that of Washington, to which twey properly belong- in the series, notwithstanding the unfounded assumptions of those who now pervert the name and attributes of the first presi dent—then the United States of America, with their re presentative institutions, will have adhered to the same NATIONAL BANK. f ft appears fhat the result has not proved the correct ness of ourcomputation of the amount of subscriptions to the National Bank. Lexington, Nashville and New- Orleans fell short of our anticipation, particularly the lat ter place, where pnly 380,000 4qliars were subscribed, instead of t,wo or three millions'. The whole amount sub scribed is said to be about twentyffive millions of dollars, leaving a deficiency of three millions, to be subscribed on the second opening of the books at Philadelphia.— The whole of that deficient amouht, we learn, (from the Democratic Press) has been taken by Stephen Gi- Ubd, a wealthy citizen of Pliiladelphia. The subscrip tion being filled, the Bank goes into effect as soon as the plates, books, &c. can be prepared, the directors being elected in the mean time.—Nat. Intel. \ . .. . When we yesterday mentioned that Mr. Stephen Girard of this city had subscribed for three millions of United States’ Bank Stock, and thus completed the whole of the capital stock authorised by law, we omitted to state that there were other citizens of Philadelphia waiting to sub scribe, whose joint lists of stock were greater in amount that five millions of dollars. The whole amount of stock held by Mr. Girard in His own name, is 33,000 shares, equal to 3,300,000 dollars— The whole amount subscribed in this city is 8,861,600 dollars.—Phil. Press. The subscription to the United States’ Bank is filled.— One merchant of Philadelphia took the whole of the shares unsubscribed for, on the last meeting of the direc tors. That merchant is the democratic merchant Ste phen Grimm, whose whole subscription to the institu tion amounts to three millions and one third of a million of dollars; more than the whole subscription of the city of Nejj^-York, or Boston, or Charleston, by upwards of a million,—Aurora. Prom the York Gazette. As the information cantained in the following letter is important, the British consul requests Messrs. Lang, Tur nery. Co. to give it a place in their commercial paper. Tresury department, _ 29th July, 1816. Sir—I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter, dated the 16th inst. stating that you have been informed by his Britannic majesty’s consul at New-, York, that a discrimination between British and Ameri can vessels disadvantageous to the former, exists at that port in the charges for pilotage, and the. fees demand ed by the wardens and at the health office which appears expressly contrary to .the stipulations contained in a clause of the second article of the late commercial con vention. The convention to regulate the commerce between the territories of the United States and of. his Britannic mi- jksty, and the act of congress concerning the convention, Constitute the law of the United States upon the subjects to which they relate; and you are aware, that instructions have been issued from this department, to the collectors of the customs, to insure a faithful execution of the law in favor of British vessels arriving in the ports of the Unit ed States. It may happen, however, that under the acts of the legislature of the state of New-York, a discrimination, for local purposes, such as you represent, may have been in troduced, prior to the ratification of the commericial convention, and may not have been since directly an nulled or repealed by the authority which introduced it. But in a general view of our. system of jurisprudence, it has fallen within your observation that thtf provisions of the state laws are virtually suspended, whenever^they become inconsistent with the constitution, laws and tra des of the United States, and that every state codrt as well as every federal court, and magistrate, must, in every litigated case, decide accordingly. It is under stood, indeed, that in relation to the very subject of the discrimination to which you allude, ami since the ratifi cation of the commercial convention, a judicial decision has been pronounced in the city of New-York, upon tile principle which has just been stated. You will perceive, therefore, sir, that if there shall at any time be an attempt to enforce a discrimination be tween British and American vessels, disadvantageous to the farmer, and contrary to the stipulations of the com mercial convention, the party aggrieved will have an ade quate remedy in that case, as in every other case of an injury- indicted by a breach of our laws, upon an appeal to the judicial authority of the country. But however desirable it always must be to facilitate a faithful execu tion of the convention, I must add (after having submit ted your communication to the president,) that it does notiie within the duties or powers of this department to regulate or control the conduct of the state authorities. 14lave the honor to be, &c. A. J. Dallas. To Anthony Si. John Baker, esq. His Britannic Majesty’s Consul General. riucuuuvc msjiuiuons, mu-nave- aunereu to tne same 1 plan of government; from their first union down to the year 1825. What other nation can say as much? In England they have had their Pittmi&istry'and their Fqx ministry, their Addingtons and their Cannings, each one employed in undoing the work of their predecessors. France, changes without end. In Russian Spain, in Its* Jy, in Holland, almost as many mutations, while the ra tional people of America have been constantly re-electing those, whom, on trial, they found worthy, occasionally casting off an unworthy servant, and , steadily pRrsuin°- the same design till they have become us powerful and forinidubie as they ■.. : re originally sensible'and free. This is a practical refutation of ail those Weak theories of the monarchists winch assert tliejickleness of the peo- , P le - It is monarchs and their ministers, who are apt to • change. The people seldom do .—Demo. Press. The sum total of Federal argument It is said by the Federalists that Democrats can say, nothing but “blue light,” in answer to all their arguments. (We can judge better about that, when they shall con descend to afford us any thing like argument.] To ex emplify this they have imagined a dialogue, in which the Democrat answers every thing with “blue light.” This is a sprightly kind of satire enough—but is borrowed trom tlle ^publican papers, which first exhibited it some years ago. We wffi give ano her specimen, rather more related to the truth. Republican. As long as 1 have been acquainted with ouaiid your politics,! never heard you offer any set of principles as the foundation of your creed. Can you tell me why you-are a federalist? Federalist. You area Jacobin. Acp. Certainly not, according to the defination of one inv^f >Ur ^ reat; * e -*^ ers m 1799, for lie said a Jacobin was an tv U rT“ t ' e °PP oser °f measures sanctioned by the majovi- p j Prey,' why are you a federalist? Fed. liUulenslmrgJ son m * * iave re *!ly a great curiosity to know What rea son,,, t x ^ xlCiin £ iv e for being a federalist. Will you quesuon and answer me? Co\va>,i i i eils ^ ur “ ! Eiadeiisburgh! Racers! Runaways! Reason v a f> a ) n Bladensburgh! Won’t you hear ••away ’ 0U “ re 814 incorrigible Jacobin, and I won^ throw 3 U mar e argument upon you!<—Wil. Watchman. ‘to tak e ^L eren ^ 1'- H. Gai’laudet has arrived at Hartford, ■opened iTu?* >nsq -action which will' shortly be i> u mb. h • c,( ^ I° r die instruction of the Deaf and . I ^tc.' one ? a ® com P a nia d by his friend Mr. Lap rent most accomplished pupils of‘Abbe ' “' " ,w$l years P l 3t & professor ill his asylum "t+Ttr+pbpcr nyth alt. r Department of State, August 29,1816. The following circular letter is prepared at this office, to be transmitted to persons holding appointments under the United States, other than those connected with the treasury, war and navy departments. It is requested that such persons'; of the first mentioned description as fpl, from whatever cause, to receive the letter in question Wifi consider this publication of it, as particularly address-j ed to them, and that they will furnish this department, accordingly, with the information called for. (circular.) The Secretary of State being required, by a resolution of congress, passed on the 27th of April last, to cause to be compiled and printed, for the information of the pres ent congress, at its next session, and once every two years afterwards, for the information of every succeed ing congress, a register of all officers anil agents, civil, military and naval, in the service of the United States, which must exhibit the amount of compensation pay, and emoluments, qllowed to each, and. the state or country in which he was born, and where employed, ■ is requested to furnish this department with a statement of the above particulars so far as they relate to himself and to the office which he holds under the United States, togeth er with a likjastitement in regard to any persons irnme- Iii diately appointed by him. Department of Slate, August 22, 1816. A The Secretary of War returned to this city from a vis it to Georgia, on Tuesday evening.—National Intelligen cer. Latest Liverpool prices, July 1. “Pot-ashes 58 to 60s; pearl 53 to 54; quercitron* 16 to 20; cottrirt, upland fiowed, 16 to 19; Tennessee, 15 to 19; New-Orleans, 18 to'19; Sea-Island, 2s to 2s 3r/; flax seed, 6s 9d to 7; flour, F. A S. 34 to 38s; wheat, 10s 6d to 11s; rice, 38 to 40; tobacco, best Virginia, 7d to 14; Maryland, 6d to Is; Georgia, Carolina and Kentucky, 7 to 10. . ’ Doubloons, 78 to 79s per ounce; Portugal gold coin, 80s; dollars, 4s 64.” 3 We are informed by a respectable gentleman, that when the royalists re-captured Chili from the patriots-* 1 ' they found a number of English merchants with‘then- goods in that country, all of which were unmolested-, but they looked for, seized and sequestrated every dollar ('American-cfniracteni be extended to' several wokimes-o- of Amentum property they could find, and one gentleman shouRHvbeexecuted in the true style of history, and * * 4 4 it i Inrttiim. * 1 __ ■- . r 1 i 1 .. had a large parcel of copper seized and $?ldu at bo—this act of partiality and injustice ^ ,e old Spanish government is well deserving of attention, and clearly proves how the enterprizing merchants of the United States are treated, and their property unlawfully sequestrated.—Balt. Patriot. Washington, August 24. Major general Gaines arrived in this city yesterday, ac companied by colonel Arbuckle, on their way, we under stand, to New York. The commubications of our naval heroes, during the late war, have generally been remarkable for their brevity, but we do not recollect Jo hafre seen any of them, that is more in that way; than > letter from general Wayne, to general Washington, which is in these words:—-Norfolk Ledger. “Stoney Point, July 16,1779, 2 o'clock A. Jit. “D*A® Gexerat.—The fort and garrison, with colo nel Johpson, are our’s; our officers and men, behaved like men determined to be free. Your*#, moat sincerely, Ajjtbojzx Watks.” Getteraf Washington. theafrWan It is an old saying, “that when affairs come to the worst, they will mend.” Without stopping to inquire into the practical truth of this old saw upon all occasions, we have only time, at present, to remark, that the. mas sacre at Nismes Was only called a disturbance—that at Bona assumes its proper name and character, and ib is called, what in really was, a horrible massacre. The peo ple of Europe are permitted to speak more freely on this latter transaction. The massacre at Bona has excited a strong sensation, not only in England, but also ou the continent, where tlie conduct of die English squadron, and the. non-effica cy of lord Exmouth’s treaty, have caused observations not at all honorable to the English government. It is well known, diat this nest of pirates have been suffered to exercise their barbarities fok more thun a century up on every power of Christendom—and it is also well known that the English fleet could, at any time, have effectually have suppressed them: that ilia very possible to check these Barbarians, was lately evinced by the Ame rican squadron; and it has been openly asserted in the British parliament, “that only two English seventv-foilr’s could at aiiy time level to the dust the fortifications of Algiers!” a Till? shameful business, however, seem* at present to be coming to a crisis, and die English nation, urged ou by the gallant ?nd decisive conduct of the American fleet in die Mediterranean, and by the horrible “out rage,at Bona, seem determined to bring diis vile colli sion to an end. On tills subject, we are pleased to see the Courier speak out in indignant language. Speaking of the non-efficacy of lord Exmouth’s treaty, and the barbarous Conduct of die pirates at Bono, it says, “Can we condescend so far as to enter into any more treaties with the pirates? British vessels have been seized, and the crews carried into vile captivity; British blood has been shed, and it cries aloud for vengeance! No co-ope ration with odier powers on tliis occasion; let this signal vengeance be inflicted on these barbarians by die English power alone, &c.” In perusing these papers we came to an article, the substance of which we have hitherto remained in total ignorance, and shows, if it be true, that ihe African bar barians at Bona acted cn the principle of retaliation.— “The massacre at Bona (it says) was a retaliation for the massacre of the Mamelukes at Marseilles, on the return' of the Bourbons to tfie thrcfiie of France!” We should like,to have a true history of the massacres at Nismes and Marseilles. The Paris and London ministerial pa pers call these massacres ihsturlmtices. Hitherto -much darkness and mystery have been itudiousl/ thrown on these horrible doings in the south of France.—Baltimore American. hit eeeutti*, like thoie d? ancient Egypt, impeach Laa- : Casas after his death, 1 have no doubt of an honorable acquital, and that every good man will bieis bis memo ry to the end of time. 1 meant to have called your attend^ to tins* subject several days ago, but presang avocMS&oS and ill health have delayed the fulfilment of ray wishes. New-Orleass, July 26. Yesterday morning at 11 o’clock, the steam boat New- Drlotns,^ captain Gale, went off from the levee very handsomely, on th^- first voyage to Natchez, with a great number of femaleTpassengers, who. wenV on board with fear and trembliflg, occasioned by ihe recent disas ter of Hie Vesuvius. The New-Orleans is a very hand some boat, and has elegant accommodations. HOMAGE TO BONAPARTE The following is an abstract of the diffuse description given by M. de Pradt, of the brilliant anjj .^angular 112. Nappieon Bonaparte held his state in tU.t city, and tributary mo- narchs came to bow before tlib-feet of him who is now a recluse—a prisoner ou a rock iu the mid ocean be tween two worlds! What a contrast between the exile of St. Helena, and the former arbiter of Europe! “Come, you who would form a correct idea of the do* mination exercised by Napoleon over Europe; who de sire to fathom the depth of terror into which tlie sove reigns of the,continent were plunged; come, transport yourselves with me to Dresden, and there contemplate that migltty chief at the proudest period of his glory—so near to that of his humiliation! “The emperor occupied the principal apartments of the palajte. He brought with him almost the whole of his household, and formed a regular establishment. The? king of Saxony was nothing: it was constantly at Napo leon’s apartments that tlie sovereigns and their families were assembled, by cards of invitation from tlie grand marshal ofihis palace. Private individuals were some times admitted. I had myself that honor on the day- of my appointment to Poland. “Tile emperor held liis levees as usual at nine. Then vou should havesjtcn in what numbers, what submissive timidity, a crowd of potentates—mixed and confounded among the courtiers, and often entirely overlooked by them—awaited in fearful expectation the moment of ap pearing before the now arbiter of their destinies! You should have heard the frivolous questions which the em peror put to them, and the humble answers which they ventured to hazard! What Plnedra said of Hippolytus residence at Drta- may be justly applied to Napoieon’s den:— Even at the altars \rifcre I seem’d to pray, Tills wa^tlie real god of all my vows. “Napoleon was, in fact, the god of Dresden, tlie Only king among the kings assembled there—tlie king of kings!—On him all eyes were turned; in his apartments- and around his person, were collected tlie august gues s who filled tlie palace of the king of saxony. The throng of foreigners, of officers, of courtiers—the arrival and departure of courtiers crossing one another in evet-y di rection; the mass of people hurrying to the gates of the palace at the least movement of the einperor, crowding upon his steps, gazing at him with an air of mingled ad miration and astonishment—the expectation of the fu ture strongly painted on every face, tlie confidence on one side the anxiety on tlie other—all these together presented tlie vastest and most interesting picture, the most brilliant and dazzling monument ever yet raised to the power of Nap ol com- He had now certainly attained the zenith of his glory. He might hold his elevated sta tion, but to surpass It is impossible.” From the Philadelphia True American. ^ WEST’S PICTURE. We learn that letters have recently been received in this city from our illustrious countryman, in which he men tions, that the picture of Christ healing tlie sick, which he has painted to present to the Pennsylvania Hospital, is finished, and wifi be sent out as soon as he hears that a suitable place is prepared for its reception. A building is now erecting on the hospital lot, fron- ting'on Spruce street, expressly for tfib purpose of re ceiving and exhibiting this splendid donation; the pre sentation of which to this benevolent institution of his native state, reflects the Jiighest honor on him as a man, as the execution of the picture does as an artist. It is said, on good authority, that this is far superior to the first- picture, which was disposed of for 3000 gui neas; and has an addition of a maniac and one or two other figures, which add greatly fo its value. We are told, indeed, that the author has refused one thousand guineas for the-exhibition of it. one year at Boston and New York, pjgqtosly to it* delivery at the hospital.— We also heifejEGt tlie proprietors of the first painting have receiv^p^r its exhibition 13,000 guineas, admitance being a shilling sterling for each visitor. Not oTily this city and state, but the whole union are wairing with anxiety for the ^rrival of this splendid gift. Noble asffhe picture is represented, and invaluable as it certainly will be to the hospital, the nation looks to it as an qbjectjOf peculiar interest as the -work'of a Native Americas*. AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. Coktrminicated for the -Yew- York Columbian. ’Should’Mr. Delaplaine’s repository of distinguished 1 A - rt-A- m m ‘ ■ |L‘mi an rttc nfi &%aa nvlfin.1/,4 A— A... 1 1 _ inv * give ns real portraits of character; 1 would suggest the peculiar fitness and justice of giving place to a sketch of tlie life of the benevolent anil celebrated Bartholomew Lae- Casas, bishop of Chipai, in Mexico. This pious per sonage was in all respects the friend of all men, morally and politically. The strenuous champion of the aborigi nes of the new world, the pious missionary, who took a voyage to Spain, to remonstrate with the king against the cruelty practised upon them by the Spaniards; tq vin dicate their rights as men; this great man has been bran ded as the projector of enslaving the Africans. To res cue his revered memory from this false stigma, bishop Gregoire, general Lavaysse, and other members of a bio graphical association at Paris, have written memoirs which were published some years ago. One.of these may Be found, I hear, in the biographical distionary (un der letter C.) publishing by Messrs. Michaud, in Paris. I find also an historical notice of Iaa*Casa? in the 2d vol. of a ‘WoySge to Trinidad,” &c. by general Lavaysse. I intasd-fonjupnish you with an abstmcloi its contents—for I delight UA.finding good men consistent tbrougiiout.-c- !f it is so desirable to render justice to Columbus, whose first discoveiy has been claimed by another, it is no leas so to dissipate the atoriea told of Las-Casas by Spanish roarers, »nd repeated by Robertoa tawelf. Though The French frigate Hermoine, has arrived at fco Janairo, with the Due de Luxemburg, minister from the court of France to the kingdom of tne Brazils. The famoqs Camille Jordon was lately in England on business for the manufacturer# of Lyions. He is in favor with Louis.—Palladitm. GUADALOUPE open. , . A letter received in town yesterday from Guadalotjpe, states, that on the 25th July the French flag was hoisted there, and that American vessels were permitted to en ter.—JVeivburyport Herald, 23d ult. SEPARATION OF MAINE. This interesting question will sliortly be decided, hi addition to the convention of York county in favor of se paration; conventions for the same object have been held in the counties of Oxford and Cumberland, and in the town of Alfred. Freem^onry. “Alluvion Lodge, Ridgeway, Genesee county, JVew York, August 1st, 1816. Married; by the right worfhjpfol Elijah Hawey, esq. brother James Browii, esq to Miss Adah Spbncer, of this place. Extract from the Lodge records. By order, O. Booth, w. *. This is a M. E. way to increase, the ‘Lodge, and a R- W. mode to multiply the craft. If females are permit ted to marry into the Lodge, they are so docile that they would undoubtedly soon become Master Masons; their influence, of course, would be very salutary in compell ing their husbands to regulate thei# conduct by the Square and Compass. "So mdte it Be.” — :e&> Departed this life, On the evening of the 3d iiwt. after a short illness which he bore with Christian fortitude and resignation, John CoohrSad Roe, esq. a naiffce of New. York, aged 58 years and 4 months; his surviving children and widow reap consolation in the assurance that l»« soul now rests in the mansions of bliss, if a full resigna tion to the wid of .God, assurances of his having changed an earthly for an Heavenly residence—whilst fifty lament his loss they have grounds to rejoice that he is now en joying the rewards of well spent life. Died, on the 29th ult. after a short illness, Mr. Jorar Pattersov, (ship-wright,) a native of Great Britain, aged fifty-three year3. Farewell! vain mortal! I bid adieu to thee, And I am careless what thou says of me— Thy smiles I court not; nor thy frowns I fear; Let me alone, my head lies quiet here. Died, at the Pennsylvania Hospital on Friday, 14d| inst. J abf.z Bowen, esq. aged 43 years, the son of the late governor Bowen of Rhode-Island. mm : — PORT OF SAVANNAH, ' Saturday, September 7, 1816. cleared; V Ship Ceres, Mix, Netv-York Sloop Gold Hunter, Stotesbuty, Darien The brig Sally Ann, Smith, from this port, arrived at Antwerp, the 5th July. E. Wambersie, esq. and family, passengers. The brig Three Sister, Saunders, from this pm* bound to St. Petersburg, passed Elsinetire on the 7th July last. Wanted immediately, A Vessel, of about 200 tons burthen, to load l^with pine lumber, at Sapelo, for New-York.— ■For particulars enquire of William Craig. sept 7- 107 , ; Notice. The monthly meeting of the board of managers, of the GEORGIA BIBLE SOCIETY, will be held in the Libra ry Room, at 5 o’clock p. w. on Monday, the 9th instant. William B. Johnson, sept 7—-—107 recording sec'ry. Notices Council will, on MONDAY, the 9th instant, elect m SEXTON, to serve until the next general election of City Officers. By order of the Mayor, < D. B. Williams, c. c. sept 7 -107 D issolution of Copartnership. The firm of Samuel & Isaac Russel is this day dissolv ed, by mutual consent. All persons having demand* against said firm, are requested to present them for pay; ment to Samuel Russel, who is fully authorised to settle tlie affairs of tlie concern. SAMUEL RUSSEL. ISAAC RUSSEL. The subscriber, Has on hand, A large and elegant assortment of DRY GOODS, whicb he will sell a bargain, on a liberal credit. Samuel Russel. sept 7 -ex --*107 4—i Valuable Lands for sale. Four hundred and fifty acres, prime tide swamp, on the Savannah Back River, situatea about ten miles above the city, well adapted to the culture of rite ot the sugar cane; up wards of one hundred acres ndW under dam, and cultivated by James Ancram, eaq. Also, a tract, containing upwards of three.hundred acres, adjacent to the above tract—this tract will be worthy the attention of the owner of the river swamp, having some convenient buildings on it; it also contain* a good proportion of high pine land, and the lahw* is well adapted to the culture of cotton and provisions— also, a swamp* abounding with cypress and other valuaa ble timber. Also, ai tract, containing five hundred acres, on Savannah River, a few miles above Purysburgh, known by die name of Bear Bluff—this tract is very valuable, an it abounds with white oak and other timber; suitable for the Savannah market. Also, two tracts of pine Land, in die vicinity of Fufya* burgh, well timbered. , The whole of the property will be sold on easy end moderate terms. Apply to Jour B BarwwSix, in Deamorts to John Norton, on the Okalies; or in Savannah; to Jacob BevcaOx. sept 7—gj-107 Ranaway From the subscriber, on the 1st inst. two negro m named Sax and Gut. Sam is about five feet six or ei] inches high, dark ’ complexion, a very cheerful coot nance, with large whiskers; he was wounded in the fi with a bullet; no other mark remembered. Guy is about five feet, four or six inches high, yell complexion, he is very steady and reserved in his m ners. It is presumed that they will either make Charleston, (s. c.) or that they are in this city. I here strictly caution all masters of vessels frOmcarrying tb ofi, as 1 will put the law in force. I also caution slip sons from harboring oremploying either of them. F ty dollars’ reward will be given for both of them, twenty dollars for either, if delivered to me in St. Pet* Pariah, (s. c.) or lodged in any ^aol so that I get tbi again sept 7 -IQ?