Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1816-1818, September 07, 1816, Image 4

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J&g* tWfijtoauuuLtio* v & T **»£» coJoted by oftc of our most approved Water The price of those siipirtbwipte* Wll ^-THIRTEEN I doll:ira each. As no mote of those copies print-1 i&mLi •5k-"H s . wmPEwbEAve.. s£ lumn of American liberty; none, at least on which, the ere of taste can rest, for a moment, with satisfaction. ^seas&J a* *■«.«»» is#* At \RT\:thaSe& everv provision it conttuns^ias oeen fy the held ambitionV foeir rtfiers, have WW^e^tion aftet, edition of gS^sssss onT. ,v s,ftSv Charts has been excelled by later specimens SSFteitMs 5 of A,..™. Mep.nde.teis, Surely tn( ' ; . t to the decorations of art as the *t least, as well ehUt-ea to , f ^ fac . simUies of thc Mag-na Ch^ta ^ na tjtots who signed it were published it would serve to gratify a curiosity, at least SdSte as that which calls for imitations of die cor- ited wi&f colofert. I _ „ doHarseacn. Asno more oi uiusc cujhco -u. -- r- ~v i i-A.j-1-it w-i. substantial well bunt •edfoan shall be subscribed ft**, gentlemen who Joseph OB.n^dth^fw eypresS;‘lt has stpod the thent£ are requested to add the i/&Tesp«ts» 7mSd subscriptions. » JOHN i ' Ao.70, Chetnut sti'tet, £jT ScnscBiPTiorsfor the abovfe proposed splendid Engraving will be received at this qffic®. # july 9 Si ' ' £/• Brought to gaol, on the 16th Au- be- gust, 181b a mulatto man, says bis name is Billy, longs to Mr. Casey , of Charleston, South-Carolinai about nineteen years of age, five feet one inch high, wants two fore teeth, has on blue jacket and pantaloons. AM HARMON, aug 17^-98 fompjete pitice , aprit For terms apply to . JoYlN BolTQN or pafm. JEREMIAH CUYLER: *** During my absence from Savan nah, for a few months, iVlr. Gill, wfo^tfoduct t * le nan. IOr il lew ruouina, -ui. —x - ^ . . _* -aAI-o. fairs of the Livery Stables; Mr, DXft, the btagfe Oflice, aqd Job T. Bouxs, will act as tny Attorney and Agent. Daniel Hotchkiss, july 6- -80 - Q\J —— Police Office, 20th July, ±6ip. Au- £5* Brought to gaol, on the 31st gti3t, 1816, a negro map named Billy, says he belongs to James Lewis, of Hancock county, five feet eight inches high, about 22 years of age, has a scar on ms left jaw, had on a black coat and yellow nantaloons. * A. Harmon, D. g. c. c sept 3 105 Pursuant to a resolution of Council, the following re port is published for the infop^tion offdl cw»«ned Chatham Superior Court trrtjdftc A A-:. > - hf,,,','*.- ... * • of the aristocracy that wrested & Brought to goal, on the 3d of September, loin, a ia'iiitto man n.tmed Dasieij* s«tjs theEngUsh Charter ta the reluctant monarchs ol the I ^^elon^’to Ruben Roberts, (s. c.) A slit in his left ear, May, , , *1 „ rentes1 °® e tooth oilt, five feet, three inches high, homespun AVeatt firmly perspadvd that the more the pnnciples Udcjoth A. H4RMON n f tiirJpnendence are spread o*t b^-| I ^ f „ knVneciaration'of Independence are spread omt oc- SSLrS55&B world, the more they wiU be adnur- ^bVforekunaUonSas well as ourown, and every m- _ serve to attract at- /-nocent and honest dev tee th 7 t0 promote the lentton toward ^ era ? S fo u ^ h a n embellished edi- -S'ls~“ 2rSJ£r« ,« v«<. »-,u ‘SmSStS .oread the t»owlea*e VMM. have H-teudcn .v . d ^ herw i se have t'irned them l’-htlV- towards the subject. Such an edi. ,crveto place it continually under the eye of X ia;i and cluld in a flunily-it will associate the ISSlLrtahie ideas;of elegaitce and ornament with fcatdry bf tbe transaction itseli—and fannlianse diose TifirSnles which form, or ought to form, the very bond KdSmefft of political society. Nor is it of small t^V siich -in edition, well executed, will serv SSS^ st^ortUe Fixe A»t» amonpt us as at ^present clay. Actuated by these views, tticsubscn- btr proposes to publish - , a spixknii IW JtlL J B. O. C. C. -105 age, Brought to goal, 011 the 17th July, 1816, To r, the property of doctor (iillett, of South Car- orlina. He is five feet three inches high, thirty years ol and an African bv birth, thii’ f ee. H. M‘Call, g. c,. c. july 23 87 „ . _ Brought to gaol, on the 191h named William; says lie belongs .*** August, a negro ; to Vlr ’jameTs Smith, of Camden, (s. c.) about 27 years of ae-eifive feet four mchesbsgh, hUs asmall serf on his left eve-brow, has on dart pantaloons, and coarse brown shirt. A; HARMON, d. aug 2d- —99 # r .8. edition <5f the DECLARATION Brought to goal, 011 the 25ihinst. a negro man, who says his name is 1 -a v , and be.on s to 1 Richard Keating, of Brvan county, five feet seven inches high, about 27 ve^-s old, has on white wooden pantalSons ' and bluejacket, much patched. ■ ■ < 4t. A. Harmon, d. g. c. c. aug-27—102, * , * *- - INDEPENDENCE, Stay PcTTn 1 n ■ a Tim Administrator* of ^ ’ lb ' "* John Hqrb, deceased, | VS. V RULE Nis, Tbe Heir* and Representatives | of John Gromet, deceased J Upon tbe petition of Lbe-administrators of j 0 ^ Herb, dvcmised, playing the foreclosure of the Equity of Redemption of the following premises mortgaged by the said John Gromet in his life time, to the aforesaid John Herb, deceased on the ninth day of February, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and four, to secu e the payment bf a.certain bond,' bearing even date • therewith conditioned for the payment of the sa^ of one thousand dollars on or before the ninth day of February, one thousabd eight hundred ,. n d fiyf, with lawful interest from the date thertof- vi*:“AU that lot of Land, situate, lying an j being in that portion of- ground lately the w-st commons now called Franklin ward, in the city „f Savannah, known by the bomber (24) iwenty-fou t fronting Saint Julian-street, and containi >g sixty feet in front and ninety feet in depth, together w.'.l, the housesyout housesand buildings thereon, sUni. ing or belonging (subject, nevertheless, to the an nual ground rent of seven pounds ten shilling sterling, equal to thirty two dollars and thirteen “The commbtee to whoii^ was referred the considera- tion of die best mode of redeeming, investing and appro priating the food* derived-from the emission of corpora tion treasury cjiange bills, report—-that for the forth security of the holders of die said bills, the treasurer 0 keep a separate account of the amount issued and that he do keep tlie sumsiu the treasury oftlie city, to enable him to pav bills whenripresented to him, and that on no occasion do he make use oftlie sums so received, but tor the payment of the saidbiHs, mkess otherwise authorised by special resolution of council. Your committee are ot . opinion that the amount issuecj is too small to enable centsj to be paid to the corporation of the city 0 f s 4 . council’to make any approoriation of the &-ine by invest- } v-tneah or their successors in office,) Un motion ‘ ■ interest, and that the - - - - * - ment in funds or otherwise to draw . existence of these bills may be too short 111 their limit.. tion to authorise council for the present^ to make any p^nanent. appropriation of their proceeds. YoiUPcom- mittee further recommend tliat the treasurer do receive for said bills, the current moajR of the city, to wit—the notes of Banks which are nbir depreciated turther than the difference of exchange, and that tlifc treasurer tarnish the of Finance with tiie amount of change ms issued, and the amount on haid‘ rtcc-ived lor tne , and that he do advertise that j persons, holders or me change bills, will receive payment at any time, by calling on treasurer—vbat no sam under one dollar iU Be paid. • CHARLES HARRIS, ~ Is . Committee" GEO. V. PROCTuR, ' EDWARD ii AH»LN, J - Extract from the tuiJivtcs. D. D. Williams, c. c. .i” ,v \Va of Jeremiah Cuyier, attorney f r the petiti n-rs, It is ordered, That the principal, inten-sl an; j costs, due on Said mortgaged premises be paid into court within#welve months from this date ana unless the same be so paid, the equity nf re demption shall thenceforth J>e foreclosed and other proceedings take place pursuant t . tbs; a c of assembly. It is^further ordered, That thi 3 ru | s be published once a mouth until the time a r: <*<1 for pay ment, in one of the pu lie Gdzrt; e u f this state or served on the heirs and reiire, ; . nii . lives of the mortgagor or their special agent, at least six months previous to the time sa.d money is to paid into court as aforesaid. Extract from Ae minutet Job T. Bolles, ell june 13 70 v ' anted To the Printing Busines, two APPRENTICES nlv ,t .this Office. •' iune 29— Ap-. -77 NYhich 'shall he, in all respects, American. M the ne- . ..L.'.l Kp mmiufactured 111 this 1 Pessary materials shall be manufactured in this country, ’SlsSSiS'iJSiewSTSfjMvS. a«££ fc $SS§S?ttr«rtM jwi citizens have don#ih pohtics and can do in ait. ^PbUodclphia, iHarch, 1816. Brought to gaol, in Savannah, July Id, 1816, PuixcE,belonging to Samuel Lowder, near Augusta. He is about fortv years of age and hve feet six Riches high; has on nankeen trowsers and Striped smrt, has a thin face and a scar on the back of his right hand. H. M>Call,G. c. c. ulv 16 84 . To rent, That commodious House, ndw ocoupied by Mr. Duke, at the northwestern corner of the market square—and possession given the first of October ncxrt Enquire of George Parker, sept 3—wf—105 at Mr. Denver’s shop. ! Vx.ak AkH TEIlHS or subscription. To all vvliorn it may concern^ Notice is hereby given, that the toUcwing persons only are licensed by the gjlbts. Commissioners of Pilotage to act as branch pilots. ■When the publisher Submitted the preceding• notice [ Thomas Nottage intention to Undertake tlds national publication, al- [ Stephen I minions Henry Cragg nf his intention to Undertake tl •♦honcrh it had Ion™ - occupied his reflections, he was not of itsSnpWUr.ce, for he had never suspected William Royston Mhvirt the-fact really^ is, that there is no -where extant an William Bragg Snoopy .f.h« ULte j Robert Kev ,p aDer i n due anhals of the world. , I Jolul genius ^fhe biitfiNAi. Declaration of Independence, as depo- I foe secretirV of state’s office, was happily pre- Benjamin Sisson Te^when so many valuable papers were consumed John Hale Noah li. Sisson Reuben Anderson E. Broughton, John Dixon John Cleary Jesse Furnace John Low CERTIFICATE PILOTS. S. H. TinunonB iienrv Baker Ranawav from the subscriber on the 1st inst. his negri Wench CLEMENCE, from thirty to thirty-five years of at re, formerly the property of A. D. Lambertoz. tVho- eyer #ill return said wench to me or lodgdThtr in gaol, 11 receive the above reward. She is Well known in citv, and I deem it unnecessary to give a minute des. dw~;iling upon sfight differ-1 «nces,inajccui-acies, -or 'omissions, the first words which •r>&.«ettt*-themselv«r in- our printed copies, and even as Fw^Scord oathe JoLmdsof the Old Congress, they are of record - ft* kg' *** BEVBESENTA-rtVES OF THE j USTFEi) STATES or ASrtBlCA -IN COXGBF.SS ASSEMBLE!., whereaa in tlie original the Declaration is thus headed- ‘S^IklROUBrECLAHATlL.NOr THE THIRTEEN UNITE11 | 6T TTd5' not a mefo verbad dirtihcriOrt: itinVOlVes a dif ference in principle. Does it become ^carel^ss tiolPcrf a l$y order of the board, D. D. Williams, c. B. p. april 10 95 %_ " Sheriff's :<T ’^ sales. Americans to trafisbutte'd to posterity word for word, "3glSSSp& «ai unhesitatingly answer YES! BiSthe-pubUsliersUnda pledged to have it so engraved, and to accompany it with the requisite pi-oofs of au_ln.11- On the fret Tuesday in October next, Will be sold at the court-hoiqg: Jefferson, Camden county, between tlie usu-d hours of ten and three o’clock, Three negroes, viz: Roduf, Sampson and Abram; lev 1 ed on as the, property ol Thomas Hughs to satisfy an and kitchen, situat- east corner of Lot incent Pendergass, dec. levied on as tlie property of Eieazer Watermen to satisfy an execution in turtir of P. Hunn. John Bailey, s. c. c. aug 29 103 ^■irttetizeofthe Paper will be thirty-six inches by t-en- Ste wanulactnred by Mr. Amies, m lus fcestnianner and of the very best materials vjitv Sheriff’s sales. The-ile«g)f, which is from the pencil of Mr. Bki^port, -WiU be exefuted in imitation of Bas Belief and wolleij- - ; acor'Uin of honor, surmounted | On the first Tuesday in October next, Will be sold in front of the courthouse, between tlie hours of 10 and 2 irciock. Tta house and lot. at present occupied by William tomediately , 'umdtT- 1 Stephens, situated in Broughton street, levied on ^hk fofStns will be alorgc mcdalUOn portrait of gene- property t& satisfy an execution in tavoi ol Euw at d a. ^ Aisorthat house and lot, in Broughton street, at preset On theonc side of this medallion occupied by Philip Box, esq. levied on as the property of f^Shtf^be-0 similar portrait of JOHN HANCOCK, Simon Jackson, to satisfy an execution 111 favor of J. J presSeht- of. Congress,'July 4, 1776; and on the other u | F. Blanchard. Conditions, cash. & PresidQitrOf. Congress, _ , portraitt of! THOJLVS JEFFERSON, autlior of tlie De- C ^The°arms “id^die' Thirteen United States,” in medal- I lions, Sd by wfoathk of Olive Leaves, will form the remainder pfthe C.otdon.whicn will be further enriched ibjHwte of -ffie chliracteriSticjjroductioiis of tlie United -States; auch as.the Tobacco and Inoigo Plants, the Cot- j ton ShOT^iRice, &&. Isaac D’Lyon, s. c. s. august 29 ■ "—-103 Georgia—Chatham county By Samuel MwEdiid, cierlqmf the court of ordinary of said county. > jm Whereas, George G en, esq. hath this day applied to me for letters of administration on the estate and effects H lAivim . *i| I iUL IOI iviu-iau. The whole of tlie dc *;n, (exceptmgttie portnuts) will q{ Mr Noble \v. Glen, late of the city of Savannah, dc -be-engraved -by-Mr. Me an at, of Philadelphia, who has ceased> nex t of kin- for some;^peks bepji at work on the plate. / j These are, to cite . Mr. JjSKEi, of NcW-York %\ ill engrave tbe Portraits. J an d creditors of tue deceased, to file then* ob- Bv fJfthktHrice o€all the.artists engag-ed, the publisher : ectlolK (if aI1 y they have) in my oificp, on or before tlie ZiM-ahandoned- tiie idea of printing the declaration with | firs , % ioni i a y in October next, otherwise — 11 K ' has {\etermined to have tlie whole of it kn- - ''-ornamental disposition and sty ie of the efl- T*W glaring of the — Declaration of Independence, wliicil will ^W«py ^ interioiAjfthe cordon, will- be designed: and •exeiufea by Mr. 'Bairman. . TiW-fdcSSiiinlie* will be ertjrraved bv Mr. Valeancr. MMHfifcsecufe this important part oftlie publication * whfL th^d^«f4VUhn%ton; wiiere by permission of the be wiU have the ohibixae bignatuhes ^afeitBritr^ur^er hiscj'e. . , , ,, ' •The public are well appmed tliat the gentlemen nesdiave been mentioned, as undertaking par- partmerits in-the propdsed publication, are the f the- United States, and they have, one and alk-BWSitkWlte'tMiblkbeT thatteiey will sedulously devote themselves to the execution oftlie several parts they hav&^tflSertalien^and will finidh them isi such a manner, as to do-credit to themselves and to the ce intrv, so far as d«m*hd§tfo : T* e * , ' xious employmcm of tiiete respecUve tJfcn&-»n-te»is natioftai work. ;F The tOhtbaitn will be engraved from ortyinal- paint ings esteemed likenesses The arms of the United States, and of the several states, will-be-taithfolly executed fbom official descbiptions and documents, and in foe manner directed by the most approved authors on science of Heraldry. From the ans^ffeiTKihts made, and the dispositions miufosted by foe avusUAtds confidently expected that this euaravme will be, when finished, a splendid and tru- letters will be granted to the applicant. [L. S.] SAMUEL M. BOND, c aug 31- —194 . - lynatiS peibcauoj. Thepubhsher tlunks he can pro- SfiBefoatitfoaUbe^dyto defiver to subscribers in FArtiaiy qesW&E TEN dollars each copy, to be paid on ^Re^R^avjagS will be accompanied by a Pamphlet, conS« foe-#e»oi documents connected withtliepub- rXjT-Ts aufoonues, and a hst of foe subscribers’ V^lievdeUveredto .punnet in whicShfouy may liavcsubscnbed. ”SSSS5W«1 u. bjy. * »r*ES2* pa " ot-carry colors, to havetlie sluelclsaccurate- foe iaudem style, and foe plants &c. City Marshal’s sales. * On Friday, the 13th September, ' Will be sold before foe'GxcjBkge, between the hours of ten o'clock a.^m. and two o’clock r. m. foe following Articles: ' ‘ja Two pipes 'of Cognac Brandy; levied on >s^he p^p petty lifStarges &. Burroughs to satisfy ad exfceution for taxes due the city; amount of tax SoOfoanii' costs Jr Also one Iron (cotton compressing screw, aqd-foe dp paratus attached to tiie same;) levied on as foe^rpp of Hazen Kimball, to satisfy an execution tbS t&SI tiie"city ; amount of tax g34 5 cts and costs 1 J - ,.JSe Also one bale of white Plains, marked l. H. C.JSo. L levied oh rs the property of-6. C. Dunning' to satisfy execution for taxes due foe city; amount of tax g95 and Five dollars’ reward. criptSoh’ of her. I warn all persons from haruoring or j and ihe s*id sums of money being yet unpaid • the utmost rigor of the law will be J It is therefore ordered on m -tton of Jose carrying her of!’, as put in force. - <! -- -lf)5 PETER EVEN. pb S. otice. An elderly person, without any family, wishes a situa tion as an OVERSEER—persons wishing to employ, may s l _ _a u:i:£r ... * * 1 *' * r depend on stability, and can have recommendations, ff j the gazettes of the state at required. Enquire at this office. sep 5 >t* 106 j month until the time appoini Notice. Nine months from the date hereof, application will be made to the honorable justices of the inferior court of Chatham county, for leave to sell a dwelling house, and Irxf VrUH fYllll lot NoTlO, Columbia ward, ustbe real estate of Timothy Bonticou, dec. for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. Ralph May, july Notice Is hereby given, that nine months after date application j will be made to the honor ble the Justices of the Inferior Court, for permission to sell ail the lancUjaid other real property belonging to the estitte£j>£ general James Jack- son, for the benefit of the henUBf WILLIAM) H. JACKSON, ? Ex’or* of\ JAMES JACKSON, 5 saideet. july 2 '1 Bulloch county By Eli Kennedy, clerk of the irt of ordinary for said coun- GEORGIA. Whereas, John Everitt Bath applied to me for letters dismis-iory, from the estate of Zedikiah Earns, dec. Now, therefore, these are to cite and admonish all per sons interested therein, to file their objections (if any they have) in my office, within six months from this date, otherwise letters of dismission will be granted to said ap plicant. Giyen under my hokid and se..l of office at Bul loch county, this 3th day of August, 1S16. ELI KENNEDY, c. c. o. b. c. % nus- JO *4:——95 Notice, Nine months after date, application will b» made to the honorable the justices of the inferior court of Effingham cohnty for leave to sell or make tl* ties for a tract of land, ontaining two hundred acres, situated in the twenty-third district of the county of Wilkinson, knpwn and distinguished in the plan oBTsaid district by No. 227; being part of the reaT^state of Christopher F. Trieboer, dec. for the benefit of heirs and creditors. ANN M. TREIBNER. adm'rx GOTTLEIB ERNSV$adm.'or. N BPUl persons who have any demands against the estate will render them according to Imv. ANN M. TREl^NEit, adm'rx. jnne 13' §0 B3 ^5- costs Also four pieces of Ticklenburgs; levied on as foeprb- perty o 1 J. Hanmer &. C*. to satisfy an execution jn favor of foe citv for taxes; amount due g57 and costs Also one Jack Screw; levied on as the property of Brooks & Welman to satisfy an execution in favor of the city for taxes; amount due glO and costs F. M. Stone, c. m. aug!3 96 Ci . * Sheriff ’s sales. On the first Tuesday in October next, ■ ■ Will be sold at the courthouse, in the city of Savannah, between foe usual hours of 10 and 3 o’clock,' All tliat Lot and ia»proveniertts7 No. 3, -Slope^tything, Percival ward, coitf-aiuing sixty feet in front' on York- and administratrix of John-Uefb eL al.—former purchas er not complying. -ADAM COl’E, *. c.c. aug - 3 l—1,4 it;' ' - Notice. Nine months after dale a piication will be marde to the honorable the Justices ot the Infor-ior court of Chatham coun v, torteav - to sell the iollowirg real estate, for the benefit of the heirs of Dr. J ames Glen, late of the city of Philadelphia, d -c. viz . bdO acres iff Land, in A1‘ county, original- antefj lo Nohle Jones, e-q. deceased, bounded on the southeast by lands of J>hn Johnson and on sides bv vacant land at foe time of survey, nndivjded^fiftb of all that House and Lot,, e;city of Savannah,, known by the number by Broughton-s reet and north bjj, a^afie, bemgnO feet in widths and 90 feet in Also, two LotsdFland on the Isle of Hope, con taining together 67 acres. GEORGE GLEN. ma>-> h 9 —- §o- — —99 adndor. Notice. Nine months after Uie: ; date of this notice^ ap plication will be made to the bonorablothe Justices of the Inferior Court of Liberty county, for permis sai n to sell a part of the real estate .of Adah Alex ander, deceased consisting of two hundred acres of land, In said county, oftLiberty, known by tbe name of &e High Houseitraut, adjoining lands of Hastings and Cuthbert, and bounded north by North Newport river; -also one improved lot, in the tofTn of Banbury, in said county, known and distinguished in the plan oi said town af lot (1301 onchundred and thfirty. much 7-*-29 - Adm' Superior 'Court—Chatham county. May Term, liifo. William Smith, p etition for foreclosure . Jo^h Porclier. > RuU Upon the petition of William Smith, pray the foreclosure-of the equity of redempMon^o.' 1 -t following premises, mortgaged by tiie saiJ J- A D. Porcher Lo tbe said William Smith, to stvari the payment of sfx hundred ani fifty dolia'sanfi 'tw>-nly-six c**nts, from the Hite of s*id mortgage, due on a certain bond dateJ third day of May eig teen hun re 1 and six— wit, all that lot of land in the o.ty of Savanna* known t-y the num'ier seven, (7) in \ imacrsw j Ewingsburg* with the improvements tn reon; i n on motion of Mr. Wayne, attorney for the pe'• tioner, it is ordered that the principal, interest an c sts, due upon the said mortgaged premise,, 118 paid into court within twelve months from date, and unless the tame be so paid, the equity v redemption shall thenceforth be foreclosed, ana other proceedings take place pursuant to the at. of assembly in such case made and pr°vided, an it is farther ordered, that this rule be publistie 1 one of the public gazettes of this state at e- once a month, until the time appointed for p r ment as aforesaid, or served on the mortgage his special agent six months previous thereto. Extract from the minutes Job T. Bolles, clerk. july 6 80 — Is hereby given, that nfhe months after - ide to the honorable tns Notice. date april 27- JOHN BURNETT,jun. . m fo «' Superior ourt, October Term, 1816. Whereas'David B Mitcbel governer and c a- mander in chief of tiie army and navy of the state and militia thereof hath filed a petition in the honorable court setting forth, that George Biill;e, of the said county, is indebted to the stale of Geor gia. on a bond, bearing date the twenty ni<uu day o January, eighteen hundred and eight in the -urn of five thousand eight handred and eighty n na doll irs thirty seven and a half cents, payable n instalments and whereas to secure the payment hereof, the said George Baillie dio mortgage all that undivided tract of land containg nine hundred acres,situate on the Island of St. Simon’s, being an undivided part of a tract containing twenty, two hundred and nineteen acres, confiscated as the pro perly of John G ra{ >am, esq. and sold on the thirti eth of April seventeen hundred and eighty four, Peiol, solicitor general, that Ihesaid George Baillie do pay into court the principal, in.erest and cos.5 due on the said bond within twelve month's fn. m the date thereof, or a decree will pass ag&ias: the said mortgaged premises for tiie payment - Also ordered, that this rule be published in oaetf least once in ei«y ppointed for tlie payment expires, or served on the mortgagor or his a.ent six months previous tharto. J S PELOT, sol. gen. Ext'act. of the minutes I. Abrahams, c. s. c. g. c. fob 27 cfo 4 Superior Court—Chatham couii»y. May Term, ibid. Robert Burton by hi Prochenami, | Benjamin Burton, 'f-Rule Nisi, vs. The ex’ors Joseph Hill.J WheresfS. a pe.iition hath this day been fib-d in tie clerk’s office of the superior enure of Chatn»<". county, by Robert Burton, praying tiie establish ment of a certain due bill, staled to have be. a given by Joseph Hill in his life time to sad Ko> ert Burton for the sum of seventy dollars and fifty cents which said due bill is ailedged on oaih in have been lost. And, upon motio\ of Messrs. Pelot and Haber sham, plaintilf’s ureornies, it is ordered, Thai sail petition, with the docoments thereunto annexed, be affiled in the clerk’s office, open to the inspec tion of all and evcrjfperson or persons mterr-teii therein; and that the executpsf aforesaid dooac: beiore the first day of the next term, shew c.aif. ifany they have, way the prayer of the should not be granted; and that the foregoinjrdt ; be published in one Or more of tbe public gaze-t^ j of this state at least once a month until the first day of .the next term. Extract/'om the minutes Job T. Boles, clerk'. june 1 —$E—65 application will be made «.» . ' ‘ Inferior court of Glynn county for Justices pfthe tmerior coun. m --"-f Mo- leave to sell the whole of the real estate 0 ^ ses Burnett, esq- Ute of sard county, dec. benefit of the hfcirs and creditors. JACOB MOORE,_ l aim'#!' !•>