Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1816-1818, September 26, 1816, Image 1

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j)Y JFI{EI)ERI cK S. FELL.] SAVANNAH* (GA.) SEPTEMBER 26, 1816. [Whole Number 2726. "VT'Tr IT ■ - I I— Number TRUTH WITHOUT FEAR. [Volume XIV TIIE REPUBLICAN 18 PUBE19HED EVERY TUESDAY, THURSDAY AND SATURDAY, JIT SIX DOLLARS PER ANHUM, YAYABlJi HI AT)VA2ffCK. advertisements , • _ • . .1,0 p nf S«VBXTT-FlVX CxiTTS pel* will be inserted at foe rate ^Lt-Sxtxx a** a llL, square the first time, ina Cexts for each continuation. CASH accompany all orders from the CouKtbt tmkssthe be secured in Town, or the party well knowigo must: , . . payment be secured l the Editor. Ml Lsttib* to the Editor must he Post-paid. For Boston The brig LION, captain Bryan. For freight or passage apply to the captain on board, at Bol- «tOu’9 wharf, or to Olmstead & B&ttelle. gert 10 For New-York The brig HERO, captain Uaradan, will sail on .Wednesday next, weather permitting. For .freight oi passage apply on board, or to Olmstead & Battelle IVhc have landing from said brig, 124 barrels Virginia FLOUR, from new wheat. sept 21 113 • • For Charleston The regular packet sloop V OLANT, Allen . M'Lean, master, will sail in all this week. For .freight or passage apply oh board, at Rice s wharf, or to OLMSTEAD k BATTELLE. sept 24——114 , Wanted immediately, A Vessel, of ..bout 20U tons burthen, to load with pine lumber, at Sa_;elo, for New-York.— For particular* enquire of William Craig. sept 7 107 Checks on New-York, At sight. For sale at the Insurance Office. Richard Wayne, august 22 100 sec'ry. L. Petty & Co. Rave just received and offer for sale, 5000 bushels Salt 2o casks assorted cut Nails 41 boxes cotton Cards 4 cases, containing Calicoes, Sheetings, Silk and Cotton Pullicat, Madras and. Mock Madras Handkerchiefs 1 case Brocade Parasols 1 case black silk Handkerchiefs aug 27-102 The subscriber, Has taken the store one door eastward of Calvin Ba ker & Cn. where he will always be found, to settle the affairs of the late firm of Samuel & 1. Russel. He ha* on hand, And offers for sale, on a liberal credit 68 pieces cotton Bagging 32 bis Sugar 20 bags Pepper Samuel Russel. sept 28——113 The subscribers Have just received, and offer for sate, 53 casks trace Chains 41 boxes assorted window Glass 11 crates do Crockery ware 20 bags race Ginger. L. PETTY It CO. july 16 84 - M‘/dune's -wharf. Razee Boots, Shoes and Slippers. JUST RECEIVED, TVOSt XEW-TOBK, By the ship Woodbine and brig Savannah Packet, Ladies’ colored a. d black morocco Slippers Ditto do do do Grecian Ties Ditto -do do Pumps Ditto do do walking Shoes Ditto do do undressed morocco SI Ditto do do kid Slips Misses' ’ morocco Boots, Slippers and Ties Men’s Razee Boots Just received, And for sale, on accommodating terms, by PERRY & WRIGHT, 20 bales of prime Bagging 3 bales coarse Cloths 3 do of Plains 15 boxes cotton Cards 30 hhds of Whiskey 10 pipes northern Gin 200 cis * ssorted Nails 3 pipes French Brandy 30 boxes claret Wine 10 boxes Anchovies 6 boxes Vin-de-Grave 6 do Olives 6 do Capers 287 b.rrels Philadelphia Flotii* kept 17—t—111 Just received, By ship Lucy, from Liverpool, 100 tons Ikon, suitable for the country trade 153 crates Crocker) ware 30 hhds Copperas 125 kegs White Lead 30 casks Brown Stout 5 boxes Irish Linens 7000 bushels coarse salt. For sale by William Taylor. sep 12—o—109 Just Niles’ Register. A few copies of this valuable and useful work remain on hand. For sale, at this office, august 1—91 ■'Zr Now landing, From onboard the ship Vulcan, and offered for sale by R. & J. BOLTON, A few packages of asssorted superfine CLOTHS, KERSEYMERES "and STOCKINGNETS. AMD, 150 pieces of very superior INVERNESS BAGGING sent. 21 v 113 For 100 ba?s Coffee - . v-5 sale, R. RICHARDSON. — V Oil hand, A quantity of excellent BACON, in casks, fit for ex portation. 14 kegs best Buncombe "Butter, for family use 60 do do Lard 50 boxes assorted cotton Cards 3 tiercel men’s common lined Shoes Cases assorted looking Glasses Bales Cloths Cotton Shirtings Cotton Cambrics, See. Sec. A. Erwin, Lethbridge & Co. julv 30 —9 > ’on.-F wharf Do Do Do Do Do morocco Jefferson Shoes and Pumps wax calf s skin Jeffersons morocco Pumps fine Shoes buff Slippers Youth’s Shoes and Pumps and children’s Buskins The above articles are selected by the subscriber him self, and are of a superior quality. .John Douglass, —97 Gibbon's building aug 15- Fancv Goods. The subscriber Offers for sale, The following GOODS, received per late arrivals from Liverpool and from New-York, 5 bale* Madras and other Handkerchiefs 4 cases Checks aiid Ginghams 2 bales Flannels 2 bales twilled Bombazets 1 case cotton Laces 1 bale fine Cloths 1 case pound and pack Pins 1 case black Seirshaws 6 cases French Goods, consisting of Levantine Silks, lace Shawls, Gauze, sLk Gloves, Ribbons, &c. 6 casks waggon Boxes v 80 kegs white Lead 26 kegs Shot, S G, S S G, B B, B, No. 1, 2, o 22 crates Earthenware, well assorted 1(W bags green Coffee lOd tons waggontire and axo-bar Iron And daily expected, 40 hhds Muscovado Sugar 40 hhds Copperas bales Plains and Blankets sept 24 t 114 D. PONCE. CHARLES KELSEY, Has received, by recent arrivals, from New- York, An elegant assortment of fashionable and fancy GOODS, among which are: White, pink and blue figured Sattins White Virginia Sattins White and blue figured Silks Pink, lilack, green, white, lead, silver-grey, brown, olive and Levantine SilkB White, black, silver-grey, green, lead and brown Flo rence Silks Embroidered and plain lace Pilloreens 3-4 4.4 5-4 6-4 and 7-4 black and wliite lace Veils 7-4 white lace Shawls Lace half Handkerchiefs Figured and plain silk Gauze Hull Lace Chenelle Cords Fancy Trimmings Plush Ribbons Furniture Fringe, (white and colored) Silk Umbrellas, with cases Silk Shawls, of various sizes and qualities Green sewing Silk Velvet Ribbons Stay Laces Black Crape Ladies’ work Cases Elastic (embroidered silk) Garteas Da plain silk do Do leather do Plain and embroidered Ridicules, with gold, silver and steel Clasps * Embroidered thuie Ridicules Figured Virginia sattin Ridicules Embroidered merino do Cord velvet do . Embroidered double and single Leventme Ridicules Printed sattin Ridicules Gold, silver and steel Purses Embroidered sattin do do iri pearls do Just opening and for sale, At the subscriber's Clothing store, on the Bay, next door to KK. WILLIAM T. WILLIAM’S BOOK STOBE, 100 elegant superfine Coats, various colors 150 pair superfine cloth, cassiniere and stockinet Panta loons 50 silk Florentine Vests 100 fancy Vests . 50 great Coats—all of which are made of the very best materials and workmanship—cheap for cash or approved credit at sixty days. * Leslie Thompson. sue? 22 100 Dissolution of Copartnership. The firm of Samuel & Isaac Russel is this day dissolv- *d> by mutual consent. All persons having demands gainst said firm, are requested to present them for pay ment to Samuel Russel, who is fully authorized to settle affairs of the concern. SAMUEL RUSSEL. ISAAC-RUBSEL. The subscriber, 1Has on hand, , «rge and elegant assortment of DRY GOODS, which will seB a bargain, on a liberal credit. Samuel Russel. tr—C*—10? Net silk Gold purse Clasps Ditto Tassels Morocco ueedle Cases Pearl Beads Do Necklaces Small gut Chains Snuff Boxes, 8tc. &c. &.C. The above articles arc offered for sale, at his store, (north side of Johnson’s square) at very reduced prices, either at wholesale or retail. sept 10—108 received, And noxo landing from New- Fork, 37 hhds. prime selected New-Orleans Sugar, fit for re tailing 40 do do retailing Molasses 4 pipes 4th proof genuine Cognac Brandy 10 chests Gunpowder and Hyson Tea 6 casks assorted Shot 2 pipes old Madeira Wine quarter casks L. P. Teneriifeand Malaga do barrels Pork and Beans in STOKE, old 4th proof Jamaica Rum, warranted pure, ing imported direct Whiskey, N. fc. Bum, Coffee andiron Together with a large and general assortment of well chosen GROCERIES, in any quantity to suit purchasers for sale by BROOKS & WELMAN, iune 4-—66 RoHon’s wharf Administrators’s sales. On Tuesday, 12th November next, Will be sold at the late residence of Mr. Richard Maretty opposite to Peter Mitchel, esq. _ - A single story House, Kitchen and other out Buildings* to be removed within seven days from day of sale. Sundry articles of Household and Kitchen Fumitory consisting of Bedsteads, Bedding, Tables, Cheat Drawers* Chairs, &c. &c. ALSO, "S' A NEGRO FELLOW. Terms, cash. Sold by order of the administrators. Sale to comihence at 11 o'clock . * M. Herbert & Co. aticFrs. 19 112 J*EL Executor’s sale. On the first Tuesday in October next, Will be sold before the Court House, in this city, he. tween the usual hours, being part of the estate of Ni cholas NaZaret, deceased. A large two story Dwelling House, with other oo0 Buildings, on Lot No. 10, Washington ward. ALSO, Said Lot. Terms,cash. M. Herbert k Co. auct’rs. sept 19'"-- 112 Medical Science Lottery, NO, *. be The subscribers, Have just received, 100 boxes first quality SOAP ALSO, OX HAXDj 15 hhds Philadelphia rye Whiskey 10 do prime retailing Molasses 1000 bushels Turk’s Island Salt. All of which they of* fer for sale, low for cash. Cormick & Dousset. sept 5 106 Fbe subscribers, Have received, by the ship Lucy, from Liverpool, A part, of their fall supply of GOODS—consisting of Plains, Blankets, Flannels, Bombazetts, Hosiery, Hard ware, Cutlery, bar Lead, and Shot, &c. Also, 25half bis. best FF. rag London manufactured Gunpowder, James Dickson & Co. sept 17 ■ — ■ ■ o. ■ ■ 111 The subscribers, Offer for sale, on accommodating terms, 20 bales wliite and blue Plains 10 do Blankets 5 do Flannels 10 cases 4-4 Irish Linen 5 do cotton Shirting 10 trunks assorted Calicoes Wil 5 cases Ginghams 2 trunks cotton Cambrics 2 do Pullicats cases assorted Muslins do fine and second Cloths do Hosiery do Irish Sheeting do French paper Hanging bales coffee Bags 200 pieces Inverness Bagging 50 casks best brown Stout 4 do Glassware, assorted 200 bags Coffee 20 hhds Sugar 20 pipes 4th proof Cognac Brandy 10 hhds Copperas. MINIS &. HENRY, sent 14 n 110 3 2 1 1 1 5 F'irst Fail Goods. By the ship I.itcy, just arrived from Liverpool, ANDREW LOW & CO. Have received a part of their WINTER GOODS; which, together with those already on hand, they offer for sale, on moderate and accommodating terms. Their Stock, besides other Articles, contains the following:— 72 bales duffil Blankets 5 do 430 do 10 do 8 do 6 do 3 do 6 do rose Blankets white Plains colored Plains Flannels Coatings, Flushings and blue Stroud* Cassimeres, assorted black and colored Bombazets 175 pieces Bagging 6 trunks wonted and lamb’s wool Stocking* The subscribers, Have just received, from New-York and Boston, 100 pieces Inverness cotton Bagging 10 casks Shot, assorted 2 casks Tin-Ware 40 Trunks 5 dozen Shovels 100 reams printing Paper . _• 200 coils Cordage Cotton and wool Cards Castings, gun Locks ^ Files, gun Rods Shot Pouches, chalk Lines Iron Bolts, Pencils Marking irons, Gimblets Bagging Needles, Sockets Screw-Drivers, Cork-Screws Razor Cases, wood Cocks Aies, one pair Pistols Gun Mounting*, hunting Bottle* Money Scales, desk Seals Saw pad, Handles, Whips Gun Worms, Scraper* SDonges, lock Vice* Plated Candlestick* 200 casks Stone Lime 40 cask* cut Nail*, assorted Olmsteid & BattoUt* sept 12 do 35 do 4 do 3 do 10 do 4 do 6 do 60 do 15 do 2 do 2 do 1 do cotton Stockings printed Calicoes do Marseilles, for vesting woolen Vesteleta cotton Cambrics black Cambrics cotton twist Shirting* assorted Muslins cotton Umbrellas Bombazines black Crape black silk Handkerchief* HIGHEST PRIZES, 30,000, 20,000, 10,000, 5000 Dollars' The present price of Ticket* g9 50 cents; but will be advanced on the 7th next month, (first dav of draw ing) to 10 dollars. JOSIAH PENFIELD. - sent 24 r 114 30,000 Dollars!!! The drawing of the 2d Class, Medical Science Lottery, will commence in the early part of October, in the city of New-York, tickets-will be advanced on that day to glO—the present price is £950. tfjy Persons at a distance can obtain ticket* by en closing the money post paid. William T. William® sept 21—113 White’s Letters on England. Lettebs ok Exoeajtd; comprising Descriptive Scene*, with remarks on the state of Society, Domestic Econo my, Habits of the People, and Condition of the Manufac turing Classes generally. Interspersed with Miscellane ous Observations and Reflections, by Joshua E. White, in 2 vols. 8vo, Price g4 50 in boards and $5 25 bound. try Subscribers to the work are requested to call lot it. W. T. WILLIAMS, sept 12—109 Notice. The subscriber begs leave to return his thanks to hi# friends, for the liberal support he received from the** the last winter, and hopes, by punctuality afid despatch j9 making sales, to merit a continuance of their patronage. He expects daily to receive, from England, the follow ing articles; which will be sold at a moderate advance t» planters, who may entrust him with their business, and the amount deducted out of the sales of thsir crops, ths Blue and white Plains, Blankets, Flannels Coarse Stockings and wool Cap* Rice Sei'^s, HaUow-Ware, Ac. Negro Pipes, Cotton Bagging Jaui’,8 S. Bulloch, sent 17 4k HI Factor, Hunter's wharf John Tanner, BOLTOnS KAKOE, (In the room formerly occupied by Jonathan Battelle) Has received by the.ship Adonis, A large and elegant assortment of English? French and India GOODS; which he oilers, at reduced price*, foe cash or approved paper at ninety day*. New Imported Goods. The subscribers, have received by the ship Lucy, from verpool. Part of their fall supply of goods, consisting of the fol lowing articles, Uuperfine and second Cloths, Casimeres, colored Rains, London duffil and rose Blankets, Hosiery, Bagging, Twine, Cutlery, Glass-ware, Pots, fe ens, fire Dogs, Skellets, Spiders, waggon Bushes, casHron weights, sad Irons, Shot, bar Lead, FF. Rag, single double and trible sealed pound paper* and canmster beat battle gun Pow der, &.C. ALSO, Receive/!from Boston, by the brig Zion: A general assortment of cut Nails, all of Which they of fer by whole sale or retail. Murdoch M‘Lfcod & Co. sept 21 ca 1X3 Duel, Gresham &. Co. 50 cases of Ginghams, assorted 20 do 2 do 12 do 8 do 6 do 10 do 1 do coarse and fine Dimity handsome furniture Dimity Irish Linefis brown Holland apron Check pound and paper Pin* Whitechapel Needles Cutlery, assorted, in small cn«fr« Turkey ped Yarn Russia Sheeting Crash, for towels Oanaburga, Ac. &c. See. QCj* By the ship Georgia, now on her passage, from Liverpool, A. Low & Co. will receive further supplies. s^tlS——109 . rv For sale T BuildanfSTONE and. Stone Fathom. Apply to BALLAST, at Five N. TURNBULL. * Have now landing, from the ship Winnefred, from Liner, pool, A large supply of SUMMER GOODS. amo, 39 casks and cases assorted Hardwire and Cutlery, each containing a complete assortment for a retail store One case superior plated Ware, consisting of cruet Frames, candlesticks, Snuffers and Tray* And via New. Fork, Two trunks Parasols, three bales Seersuckers, three bales Humhums 1000 pieces long yellow Nankeens, one ease chip Hat# white, black and colored Levantine and Florence Silks Stout mixed cost Silks and Florentine Vesting; white and black lace Shawls and Veils; Merino Tippets; ele gant embroidered Ridicules, assorted colors and pattern* Thread Laces and Edging* One case Chinelle Cord# assorted colors and sizes Fifteen cases straw Hats and Bonnets Six cases Artificial Flowers Seventeen cases Looking Glasses, s part of which aro in elegantgilt frames. .pine 15—71 Factorage and Commission* The subscriber having commenced in the above lino of BUSINESS, offers his services to his friends and the public; his Counting-Room is on Wayne’s upper wharf^ formerly occupied by Messrs. Phinizy & Barnett- The Store is large and commodious—produce will he re ceived on storage and every attention given to its re* ception and shipment. RICHARD WAYNE, dec 2—139 To Watch Makers. S. I- Tobias fc Co. (New-York,) of the firm of M.L Tobias & Co. wholesale Patent Lever Watch Manufao. turera, Liverpool; beg leave to inform the trade that they have established a house in this city, where thew maybe supplied with Gold, and Silver Patent Lever sn4 Vertide WATCHES, and all kinds of Watch Orders forwwded to New-York wiU fc jr attended to. Jfat-Ttrk, +--* i IF •; i r i .* I U 3 II i! i v i i li li III 11=