Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1816-1818, October 12, 1816, Image 1

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SAVANNAH REPUBLICAN. >{g- 2>y yiiEJiEJUCK S. FELL.] SAVANNAH, (GA.) OCTOBER 12, 181(5. [Whole Number 2733. Number 123.] TRUTH WITHOUT FEAR. [Volume XIV lA i r • - the republican IS PU BLIHRED EVERY TIT-SOW, THURSDAY AND SATURDAY, AT SIX DOLLARS J'Lit AX A DM, PAYABLE I» AUVASCK. ADVERTISEMENTS , . v tf of Sf.venty-Fivk Cents per will Be inserted at . - ri|1KTr .S£ V £x and a Hall snuare the first time, 1 Cents for each conwmation. (V\SH ,,u orders from the Cor^TSY, unless the must accomp* .. ‘ - n T()Wx> or t Ue party well known to po'.nnf'fi/ be sc'CU- the i; , L(:TTEps to the F.iiitor must be post-paid. For Liverpool The fine new snip CLARKSON, captain Wil son, hating a partjif her cargo ready, will be - -9- .'.’.he earnest ship oti. For fr> ifht, a. plv to R. Richardson. no For Liverpool The copper b<”’> ni ship I ULCAN.Jolin Reed, jpkip' ^ster to bvthe 1st next month; 150 bales tt^-conon are- wanted on freight to complete lie* >* , ,o *Enuuire’ of the master <mbo..rda’. Bolton’s wharl, ^ RICHARDS & HARROW AY, or or to er : 8- -120 S. C. DUNNING. For New-York The elegan: new naeket brig AMELIA, Hod- m ,r master, will posimelv sail on Tuesday next. F ■ I?For freight or passage apply to the captain on Cn*Sno GEORGE GORDON, j I , f 2 , Junes ivnurj For New-York The fine fa. Sailing brig 'I II AMES, Thomp- Vfr snn niast. r, will meet with immediate despatch. S^Efit'For’ freight or passage, apply to the nmster on board or to ' OLMSTEADR BAT1LLLL, lYho have landing f-om s<iid vessel, 30 boxes pint and half pint fumbieis oct 8 F or sale or freight, fTo u port m Duroje J the ft-s’ s-iling sL.p LAGl IRA. C. B. Hall, mas- Bter. Enquire oi Ure master on board, or to S. C. Dunning, „\V. 3 Commerce Row -120 Wanted immediately, A A essti, of-bout -bo tons burthen, to load with pine lumber, at Supelo, for New-York. ,ror partice. irs enquire °f William Craig. Bills on > ew-York AND PHILADELPHIA. For Sale by A. ERWIN, I.ETilRRIDwH RCO. cct 8—120 - Bills on New-York, At sliort sight. For sale by _ r , B. M'Kmne & C o. net 10 ' 121 — C hecks oil *tcw* i orK, At sight. For sale at the Insurance Office. 22 100 Richard Wayne, On Consignment, And for sale by ihe subscriber, A few pipes genuine old Madeira \V me A .cw pipes real Holland Gin A lc'A pipes 4th proof Brandy A-\ O, A few boxes of old Port \Y ine Jolm M’Nish. oct 10 m 121 Landing, jProm on board the brig" Olyuthus, pieces Cotton BAGGING. For side by Isaac Cohen &; Co. 100 bags Coffee sept 3 1 J5 For sale, R. RICHARDSON. Sicily Madeira Wine. a THE SUBSCRIBERS Save received, on consignment, by the -way of X ew-lork, 30 pipes, halfpipes and quarter cask#ot this Vv ine; which they oiler for sale on accommodating terms. They have also for sale, Negro Cloths, in hales and in clothing made up into Jack, ts and Trcwsers; and Rice and Cotton of the new crop. CARNOC11AN R MITCHEL. 3 118 i’he subscribers, Have just received, 100 boxes first quality" SOAP ALSO, ON HAND, 15 lihds Philadelphia rye Whiskey 10 do prime refilling Molasses lGGu bushels Turk’s Island Halt. All of which they of fer for sale, low for cash. Cormick & Dousset. ' 5 1 8 imported Goods. The subscribers, have received by the ship Inlet., from Li verpool, Part of their fall supply of goods, consisting of the fol lowing articles, « perfine and second Cloths, Casimeres, colored Plains, London duffil and rose Blankets, Hosiery, Ragging, Uvine, Cutlery, Glass-ware, Pots, Ovens, fire Dogs, Skillets, Spiders, waggon Bushes, cast iron weights, sad Irons, Shot, bar Lead, FF. Rag, single double and trible staled pound papers and cannister best battle gun Pow- <W, Re. ' ALSO,” Received from Boston, by the brig Lion-. A general assortment of cut Nails, all of which they of fer by whole sale or retail. Murdoch McLeod & Co. lept 21 ca U3 Fancy Goods. CHARLES KELSEY, Has received, by recent arrivals,from „YVw-Tork, An elegant assortment of fashionable and fancy GOODS, among which are; , White, pink and blue figured Suttins White Virginia Sa'tins White and blue figured Silks Pink, lilack, green, white, lead, silver-grey, brown, olive and Levantine Silks White, black, silver-grey, green, lead and brown Flo rence Silks Embroidered and plain lace Pilloreens 3-4 4-4 5-4 6-4 and 7-4 black and white lace Veils 7-4 white laces awls Lace half Handkerchiefs Figured and plain silk Gauze Hull Lace Chenelie Cords Fancy Trimmings PinsJi Ribbons Furniture Fringe, (white and colored) Silk Umbrellas, vvi’h cases Silk Shawls, of various sizes and qualities Green sewing SUk Velvet Ribbons Stay Laces Black Grape Ladies’ work Cases E las tic (embroidered silk) Garteas Do plain silk do Do leather do Plain and embroidered Ridicules, with gold, silver and steel Clasps Embroidered thule Ridicules Figured Virginia sattm Ridicules Embroidered merino do Cord velvet do Embroidered double and single Leventine Ridicules Printed sattin Ridicules Gold, silver and steel Purses Embroidered sattin do ( , do in pearls Net silk do Gold purse Clasps Ditto Tassels Morocco needle Cases Pearl Beads Do Necklaces Small gut Chains Snuff Boxes, Re. Rc. Rc. The above articles are offered for sale, at his store, (north side of Johnson’s square) at very reduced prices, either at wholesale or rttaii. s-. ; t 19—108 .1. E. White 6c Co. (South end of the new brick• building, Johnston’s sr/vare') Have associated Mr. W’lson Fuller with them in their business, which will be conducted, as heretofore, under the above firm. They have receive d, by the V ul can, from Liverpool, a partial supply of FALL and WIN TER GOODS, and are in daily expectation of an addi tion-! slock; which, having been selected by one of the firm, they can be offered on terms, at Ic-st as advantage ous, as any other importations. They nrrat offer for sale, Superfine, medium and coarse Cloths Fashionable \ estings, Cassimtrcs Coating blue, arab an i olive naps Blankets, rose, London duffil and point White and blue 5-4 ami 7-8 Plains Flannels, fine gauze and colored Carpets, Carpetting, 4-41 yard and 5-8 Venetian Hearth Rugs and Bombazines Tw illed, piain and fancy Bombazets and Rattinets Green printed table Covers Usnaburgs and Cotton Bagging Seine unit bagging Twine, 109 crates CROCKERY WARE oct 3—1^-118 Alexander Habersham Hqmmfast receive./, l,y the ship Lucy, from Liverpool, a sub pgttfreth DRUGS, AILIJIC LYIiS, id c. among them are "Henry ’s Calcined Magnesia Magnesia, large and small squares Cheltenham Saits Sodaic Powders Evans’s best Crown Lancets Loyd’s do do Wedgwood’s Mortars and Pestles Apothecaries’ Scaies and Weights Cephalic Snuff Aromatic Vinegar Tooth Brushes Prussian Blue, Nos. 1 and 2 Powdered Jalap, do Hippo Tartar Emetic, and Calomel Which, with his former stock on hand, is offered for sale on reasonable terms for cash, or on a credit to punc tual custome rs, at his Medical Shop, near the Exchange. L. Petty 6c Co. * 0/ • Have just received and offer for sale, 5000 bushels Salt 2'J casks assorted cut Nails 41 boxes cotton Cards 4 cases, containing Calicoes, Sheetings, Silk and Cotton Puliicat, Madias and Mock Madras Handkerchief's 1 case Brocade Parasols 1 case black silk Handkerchiefs atig 27-102 John Tanner, Bolton’s range, (In the room formerly occupied by Jonathan Battelle) lias received by the ship Adonis, A large and elegant assortment of English, French and India GOODS; which he offers, at reduced prices, for cash or approved paper at ninety days, julv 30 90 First Fall Goods. By the ship Lon. .—ri- ed fropi Liverpool, ANDREW LOW CO. Have received a pan of men- \\ I s I EU GOODS; w hich, together with those lrc.ut\ on hand, they olicrtor&a.e, on moderate and accommod ling-terms. Their Stock, besides other .irticles,contains the following:— 72 bales duffil Blankets 5 do rose Blankets 30 do white Plains 10 do colored Plains 8 do FLnnt Is 6 do Coatings, Flushings and blue Strouds 3 do Casslineres,assorted 6 do black and colored Bombazets 175 pieces Bagging 6 trunks w orstt ri and I r.b's woo! Stockings 12 do cotton Stockings 35 do printed Calicoes 4 do do M. rseilles, for vesting 3 do woolen \ est< lets 10 do cotton Cambrics 4 do black Cambrics 6 do cottos twist Shirtings 6o do assorted .Muslins *• 15 do cotton Uijibreiias 2 do Bombazines 2- do black Crape 1 do black suk Handkerchiefs 5u cases of Ginghams, assor’td 29 do , coars< and fine 2 do handsonu furniture Enmity 12 do Irish Linens , 8 do brown fioii.ind o do apron Check 10 do pound and paper Pins 1 do whiteclutpei NeedLs Cutlery, assi tied, in small t-sks Turkey red Yarn Russia Slice ling Crash, for towels Osnuburgs, -Rc. Rc. Rc. B;, the ship Georgia, now on her passage, from Liverpool, A. Low R Co. will receive further supplies, sect 12 lu9 Brooks cc Wei mail Have received by the l,nc arrivals from .Mac-York and I hihideiphta, f part of which are now lamtingf A large and general assortment of GROCERIES, com prising almost i very artich in tHeir line, winch they of fer for sale on ih, :r usu.d liberal terms, viz. 6 pipes 4th proof Cognac Brandy, superior quality 5 do Schviidain Gin 20 hhds. N. K Hi an 25 no rye V.’ffiskev 5 do and 2o barrels N. Gin 50 quarter Casks 2I:untain M; laga Wine 30 oo and half quarter ca ;ks superior Colemenar do ^2 pipes, 19 quarter casks L. P. Teneriffe do 29 liHcla. and tierces Sugar 50 barrels do 20 do double refined Loaf Sugar 20 do single do do 35 tierces, 15 bis and loo bags prime Jamaica Coffee 2d bags heavy Pepper 29 do Spice 50 bis superfine Flour, new 20 keJt's manufactured Tobacco, Dunlap, 8’s 30 small kegs do do Clark’s 100 Deinijoiins In store, and at retail. Prune muscovado Sugar, old Jamaica Rum, Cognac Branny, Gun Powder, Imperial Hyson and Young Hyson Teas; together with every article in the Grocery Lint, winch they offer to then country customers, on 5—•- H9 William P. Beers, Having formed a connection with Messrs. Sttt.of.s & SijEiiMAN, of New-York. will,-in future, transact business in Savannah under the firm of VV. P. Beers R Co. The subscribers mil have constantly on hawl, A general assortment of DRY GOODS, ut their store in Broughton street, where country dealers may be suppli ed on the most liberal terms. W. P. Beers & Co. oct 1 117 Inverness Bagging. 200 pieces very superior INVERNESS BAGGING, just received and for sale bv Whitney & Parkman, Hunter's wharf. ALSO, 10 pieces negro Cloth, dark colors 100 do white Shirting, (homespun) 59 do uvflled Satinets 1 piece Cassimere, merino wool qct 5—j. -119 it. 6c J. Bolton oct J HAVE JI’ST RECEIVED, Jind offer for salt, on me most reasonable terms, 200 pieces srPFRion COTTON BAGGING A few packages of wed assorted PLAINS and HOSIERY. —M 120 Just received, Pr.r brig .loir’in, 12 hogsheads and tii revs prune Sugar 70 bags prime green Guffee 8 ton Waggontire 1 ton share Moulds * 15 dozen iron Shovels 10 boxes Soap Will be sold on accommodatirg terms. Apply to • George Gordon. oct 10- -121 New Goods. STEBBINS & M ASON, Have just received, on cotr ’gnment, direct j rom France a well assorted invoice of t rench. Goods, consisting of the following articles, viz. 2 cases assorted Levantine Silks 2 do do Florence and -Florentine 1 do do Satin and Virginias 1 do black and white Italian Crape 1 do elegant Merino Shawls, from 4-4 to 7-4 square 1 do do silk Shawls and Handkerchiefs, from 3-4 to 7-4 square 1 do assorted Ribbons 1 do s.ik, cambric and beaver Gloves 1 do velvet Itibbon, Tapes, Lace, Buttons, Galoon, Rc. 1 do black and white lace Veils, Shuwis and half Hand kerchiefs 1 do linen Cambric and bordered pocket Handkerchiefs 1 do Cbambre, Souffle and Italian Gauze Thread, Edging, Footing, Rc. Together with a number nf other articles too tedious to enumerate, all of which will be sold on the most mo derate terms by the package or piece. ALSO, 14 pieces, best cotton Bagging. sept 26-T-115 Just received, AT JAMES POULTNEY’S STORE, MAfllCET-SftUAItE, Per ship Lucy, from Liverpool, A choice and general assortment of HARDWARE and CUTLERY, which is offered for sale by the package, Rc. at a low advance for cash or town acceptances. Also, 22 tons English CASTINGS, (hollow-ware) which will be sold lew by the ton. An elegant assortment of plated SADLERY, Rc. ' (fff The highest price given for old Brass and Copper, oct 1 l 117 The subscribers Have just received, and offer for sale, 53 casks triace Chains 41 boxes assorted window Glass 11 crates Crockery'ware 20 bags race Ginger. L. PETTY R CO. juJ^ Id " ATJuni.r’s wharf Administrators’s sales. On Tuesday, 12th November next, If ill be sold at the late residence of d)h . Richard JHorell, opposite to Peter Jltilchel, esq. A single story House, Kitchen and other out Buildings; to be removed within seven days from day of sale. Sundry articles of Household and Kitchen Furniture, consisting of Bedsteads, Bedding, Tables, Chqst Drawers, Chairs, Rc. Rc. ALSO, + A NEGRO FELLOW. Terms, cash. Sold b v order of the administrators. Sale to commence at 11 o'clock sept 19- M. Herbert & Co. auct’rs. — 1J2 United States’ Statistics. A sfat'stical view qj the tdxxtRCE of the United States of America: i f s connection with aubuultuue and masc- factvues: and an account of the pculic debt, revenues, and expenditures of the united state*—accompanied with tables, illustrative of the principles and objects of the work— BY TIXOTHY PITKIN ESU.. .'[ember of Congress. In one volume octavo—price g3 50. Just received by W. T. WILLIAMS. oct 8 e 120 30,000 Dollars! 11 The drawing of the 2d Class, Medical Science Lottery, will commence in the early part of October, in the city of New-York, tickets will be advanced on that day to 310—the present price is §950. \ffj- Persons at a distance can obtain tickets by en« closing the money post paid. William T. AVilliams sept °1—113 Calvin Baker & Co. Acquaint their city and country friends, that the are receiving daily, per the constant arrivals at the port, their fall and Winter supply of DRY' GOODS, which is large and extensive, in the various articles requisite for the country trade; which they will dispose of on creiii’, or for cotton, or cash, as may be most con- \ enient ’o ’Iivt hi--’ mu r ; sept. 26—115 Philadelphia Razee SUWARROW BOOTS. Just received, by the brig Olynthns, from Philadelphia, 50 pair Suwarroy BOOTS, of Keatting’s manufactory 25 pair Razee do do do do ALSO, Prom Jdew- York, by the brig Thames, An assortment of ladies’ and gentlemen’s SHOES, SLIPPERS, Rc. For sale by _ John Douglass* nr*t Q 150 fribbobuilding Negro Shoes. The subscriber has on hand, six or seven hundred pair prime NEGRO SHOES, warranted well made and ■ if good materials, which he offers for sale, in Effing ham county. DAVID GUGEL. Go’hen District, October 8—o—120 Just received Four dozen VIOLINS, web assort; d. Eor sale by J. F De Lome & Co. oct 8—m—120 JVb. 5, Gibbon's building Fall Goods. Jh THE SUBSCRIBERS mR>e received, by the slup Georgia, from Liverpool, A large and well selected supply of seasonable GOODS; which, with their present stock, will render their assort ment very complete, and which they will dispose ot by the piece or package, on reasonable and acconunc dating e-rms. JAMES DICKSON R CO. oct 10 121 Just received, Per brig Thames, 50 bags prime green Coffee 10 hhds prime Muscovado Sugar 5 pipes Holland Gin Cotton Bagging, Rc. All of which will be sold low for cash or approved oaper at sixty dnvs. GEORGE GORDON. ‘ ur < 8 ■ i-120 Received, On consignment, dndfar sale by the subscriber, A few cases approved old Rum and Brandy, A few do verv choice old Wine and Cordials 30 bis brown Stout CHARLES HOWARD. net 8—r—120 The subscribers - Have for sale, Blue and white PLAINS Rose Blankets, London Duifils Red and white Flannels Broadcloths, Cassimeres, different qualifies Dimities, Bombazets, cotton Shirtings Slates and Nails, assorted Cotton Bagging, bagging Twine Wool Hats, Smith’s Vices Smith’s Anvils, bar Lead Iron, assorted; Shot, Rc. P. H. & T. Crapon, sept 26—o—115 JWarkct square Just opening and for sale, At the subscriber’s Clothing store, on the Bay, next dodr to MR. WILLIAM T. WILLIAM’S BOOK STORE, 100 elegant superfine Coats, various colors 150 pair superfine ch)th, cassimere and stockinet Panta loons 50 silk Florentine Vests 100 fancy Vests 50 great Coats—aft of which are made of the very best materials and workmanship-cheap for cash or approved credit at sixty days. Leslie Thompson. aug 22- -100 lank Indentures, For sale at this Office,