Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1816-1818, October 12, 1816, Image 4

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Bank of ^Geot'gjia. ft ’being deenjed expedient by the'Board of Directors, fhit another Instalment of the Stock of the Bank of she State 6f Georgia should be called in, and that the Stock holders should be required to pay a proportion thereof in specie. Notice is hereby given, that, agreeably to a resolution ■of tfife Directors of this date, twenty-three per centum on each share, of the Stock of the Bank, is required to be paid by the Stockholders, on or before the second Monday in December next; that five dollars, in specn, be paid on each share, as part of the said twenty-three per cent, and the balance in bills of either of the Banks ■of Georgia. . . , The Stockholders are further notified, that Cashier s Certificates of Stock will be issued in lieu of the Com tnissioners’ Certificates, held by the Stockholders, upon the delivery of the Commissioners’ Certificates, at the time of paying the Instalment, as above required. Western Stockholders are informed, that they may pay said Instalment, and receive their Stock> s, on delivering the Commissioners’ Certificates, at eitiier of the Offices established at Augusta and Milledgeviile, so soon as they shall be in operation, which wllll be in a short time. ELKAZAK EARLY, Cashier. Savannah, th" 20th September, 1816.——[115] . » I Valuable Lands for sale. Four hundred and fifty acres, prime tide swamp, on the Savannah Back River, situated about ten miles above the city, well adapted to the culture of rice or the sugar cane;Upwards of one hundred acres now under dam, and •cultivated by .lames Antrram, esq. Also, a tract, containing upwards of three hundred acres, adjaceiTt to the above tract—this tract w r ill be worthy the attention of the owner ot the river swamp, Graving some convenient buildings on it; it also contains -a good proportion of high pine iand, and the balance >s well adapted to the culture of cotton and provisions also, a swamp, abounding with cypress and other valua ble timber. - Also, a tract, continuing five hundrad acres, situated 'On Savannah River, a few miles above PurysbuTgh, known •% the name of Bear Bluff— this tract is very valuable, as it abounds with white oak and other timber, suitable for the Savannah market. Also, two tracts of pine Luna, in the vicinity of Purys- burgh, well timbered. The whole of tne property will be sold on easy and ittoderate terms. Apply to Jon* B. Barnwell, in Beaufort; to John Norton, on-the Okaties; or in Savannah, t > Jacob Deveaux sept 7 107 aai —-r- N otice. To be sold, at public auction, in front of the court hpuse, in the city of Savannah, on the first Tuesday in January next, one thousand acres of prime land, situate on the south branch of Turtle river, Glynn county—die joint property of the Union Society, Chatham Academ and the Savannah Poor-House and Hospital Socii tv which tract of land was originally granted to the Betlies dx College. Any person who feels disposed to embarl largely in- the cultivation of cotton, corn or sugar-cane would find this a most eligible situation. The grants can be seen by applying at the office of Lloyd & Mornsoi in the Exchange. Terms of sale—one half cash, the bo lance in one year, with interest from the date of pur ghase, secured bv bond and mortgage, on the premises. MOSES SHEPTALL, President C. S. R. W. HABERSHAM, Treasurer. C. A. J. MORRISON, Com. Sav. 1‘. 11. and II. S. aiur 23 1*. 3 For sale The Wharf, lately occupied by Cuig 8c Mitchel, con Gaining 200 feet front on Savannali.River; bounded west wardly by Carnoclian Sc Mitchel, and eastwardly by An drew Knox. Also, tire Wharf Lot, adjoining the Ferry, at Fort Wayne, containing 15u feet on tne river and near 500 feet back, from tne same; bounded eastwardly by the fence at Fort Wayne. On this lot, is the House, with two piazas, at tire east end of the Bay. For terms please apply to PETER MITCHEL. aug 24—-——101 For sale The Toll-Bridge over Great Ogechee River, at which •Joseph Hill lately resided—it is a substantial well built bridge, composed cliiefly of cypress; it has stood the creshets, and appears to be in all respects a good and Tomplete piece of work. For terms apply to JOHN BOLTON or ? e.c’ors. JEREMI AH CUYLER. 5 J. Hill. april 1 ■-40 For sale A House and Lot, in St. James’s square; being one of the most healthy and pleasant situations in (Jus city—on "the said lot are all necessary out buildings. Tins pro perty will be sold fora moderate price, and a credit of one, two and three years given for the payment . Per sons disposed to purciiase will apply to either of the subscribers. BEN. SHEET Aid,, M. SHEFTALL, sen. anril 6 41 Six and a Quarter Cents’ reward, ■Tor taking up and delivering to me, my apprentice boy, who absconded outlie evening of the 1 tP i insLa negro of rather a light complexion, aged 16 years but, for proof to conviction of his being harbored by any person, Ten Dollars will be added and all reasonable charges paid. 1 forbid all persons from harborin said •b<fy or assisting him any way, or from carrying him out of the place. JOHN ST1LWELL. sept 26 ----115 One Hundred Dollars’ REWARD For the subscriber’s POCKET BOOK, containing 500 and 20 or 30 Dollars, two of 100 South-Carolina, ditto North-Carolina, three fifty’s same bank, the balanc in 20’s, 10’s and 5’s, all of the State Bank of North-Ca- rolina. Said Book was lost on the 1st inst. at or between the bar-room, near Mr. Hotchkiss’ stables and the sub scriber’s chair, which stood before the door, and drove directly home, on the White-bluff road. In the Book, was an hid statement of money, deposited in the Planters’ Bank in the subscriber’s mmc. If any part is recovered, a proportional reward; and requested to be .-.topped, ottered by a negro. Any information left with the edi tor of this paper, or the subscriber, will be thankfully received. C-IIARLES STEWART. oct 10—u—121 Daring Robbery. Stolen last evening from mv holsters, while on my horse, in Bay lane, a pair of brass barrelled PISTOLS, v ith brass faced locks; one of them having two cuts on the but end. A handsome reward will be given for the pistols, and Fifty Dollars for conviction of the thief or thieves, if white men. S. W. C. CHASE, oct 10 ■;<* 121 On hand, A Quantity of excellent BACON, in casks, fit for,ex- portation. 14 kegs best Buncombe Butter, for family use 60 do do Lard „ 50 boxes assorted c ttton Cards 3 tierces men’s common lined Shoes Cases assorted looking Glasses Bales Cloths Cott-n Shirtings Cotton Cambrics, 8cc. 8cc. A. Erwin, Lethbridge & Co. •90 Jones’ rn/harf & Brought to gaol, on the 17th July, 3816, Tom, the property of doctor Gillett, cf South Cur- orlina. He is five feet three inches high, tiiirty years of age, and an African by birth, thin face. \ -t H. M‘Call, G . c. c. ;.,1 V 23 87 *#* Brought to Savannah gaol, on the 25th September, 1816, a negro man named Ben, five - ct nine inches high, has a scar over his left eye; says be belongs to Mr. Robert Frazier, of Richmond county. A. Harmon, d. g. c. c. sept 26——115 *** Brought to gaol, oirthe 25th inst. ; ;,gpo man, who says his name is Isaac, and belongs to -I uni Keating, of Bryan county, five feet seven inches ' it,about 27 years old, has on white woollen pantaloons t id Hue. jacket, much patched. A. Harmon, d. g. c. c. 57—102 File subscriber, Has taken the store one door.eastward of Calvin Ba ker &. Co. where he will always be found, to settle the affairs of the late firm of Samuel & I. Russel. He has on hand. And offerg for sale, on a liberal credit 68 pieces cotton Bagging 32 bis Sugar 20 bags Pepper Samuel Russel. sept 28 113 Factorage and Connpission. The subscriber having commenced in the above, line of BUSINESS, offers ins services to his friends and the p biic; his Counting-Room is on Wat lie’s upper wharf, formerly occupied by Messrs. Pfiii.izy & Barnett- 3 lie Store is large and coiumouious—produce will be re ceived on storage and every attention given to its re ception and snipmeiit. RICHARD WAYNE. d-. 2 139 Marine am! Fire Insurance OFFICE. An Election for a P< it i Jpt to the Institution, in the place of Mr. Wimt r,resigned, " ill be held on MONDAY, the 1-tth instant. Candidates wib make their application in >vri>i• g. 6 R. WAYNE, Sccl'ry. oct 8 120 N lies’ Keinster. o A few copies of this valuable and useful work remain on b ind. For sale, at tiiis office, augi'st 1—91 Library. «- The members are requested to call and pay the amount of the annual contribution. No books wiii be delivered to subscribers who have not paid for their snares Geo. Glen, oct 8 l 118 Tven** Sav. lAur n y Harris H. Hickman Has opened a Law-Office in Savannah, and tenders to tiie public his professional services m the courts of the e ' tv . , < d. ' oct 8 120 Notice. The law office of the subscriber, is at the house re cently in the occupation fdoctor M‘!.ean. Edward F. Tattnall oct 8—120 Dissolution. The firm of Fuhchks & Kino is this day dissolved, in consequence of the death of Mr. Jolm Furcives. All per sons who are indebted tothe concern, will please call and liquidate their accounts; and those who have claims against the concern will present them for settlement to the subscriber. JOHN KING, sept 26—115 surviving copartner. Ballast, Old Hulks, See. Persons having Ballast or Old Hulks, that they wish tv- get rid of, have permission to sink them on a line with the Piles between Hutchinson and Fig islands, and in no other part of Savannah River. By order of the Commissioner, of Pilotage. D. D. Williams, elk. sept 23 116 For sale A House in Market-square, which has every conveni ence for a si -'re and family, and is well calculated tor country-trade. Apply to the printer. sep 12—109 For sale A prime WOMAN, accustomed to the fir kl. Apnlv tr r the printer. oc* 1—j.—117 For sale, A Negro Fellow, a prime field hand, a good boatman and a jobbing carpenter, and is a smart, active, valuable servant A L.-’O, A Negro Fellow, a very good tailor; bo$b of which will be sold low, if applied for immediately. Bacon & Brucn. sept 14 cm 110 To be sold, Oil the Jivst 'Puttsduu in JVovtmber next, OR SOONER, AT PRIVATE SALE, Three likely XRHKO FELLOWS, one, a tolerable g’ood carpenter; the two, porters. J. CUYLER, oct 10 121 ' Attorney for Samite 1 Simons Horses lor sale. Two excellent Horses, one an iron grey; the other a bay; price, one hundred and fifty, and one" hundred and twenty dollars each; also, a light Chair, with plated Har ness. \upiv at this office. oct 10——121 \V uuri and stores. The Wharf and Stores, adjoining James Wallace, esq. at the east end of the town, to rent. For terms, apply to JAMES JOHNSTON, or GEORGE ANDERbON. ctr - i2i Wharf and Stores. To rent, that extensive Wharf and commodious Stores, at present occupied by Mr. B-.trna M c Kinne, of which possission maybe had on the first of November next.— For t> rins apply to R. &. J. HABERSHAM, jtilv 9 81 Store. To Let, the ground floor of the Store; occupied by the subscriber, on Hunter’s wharf, an excellent stand lor a Grocery Store. HENRY W. HILLS, oct 3" 118 Notice. All persdhs are cautioned against trusting any of the crew of the British ship ISABELLA; as 1 will not be an swerable for any contracts they may make. Ralph Thompson, oct 8 m 120 Master Duel, Gresham & Co. Have now landing, from the ship Winnefred, fdom Liver pool, A large supply of SUMMER GOODS. ALSO, 39 casks and cases assorted Hardware and Cutlery, each containing a complete assortment fur •a retail store One case superior plated Ware, consisting ol cruet Frames, candlesticks, Snuffers and Trays And via JVew-Yovk, Two trunks Parasols, three bales Seersuckers, three bales Humhums 1000 pieces long yellow Nankeens, one case chip Hats; white, black Und colored Lev antine and Florence Silks Stout mixed coat Silks and Florentine V esting; white and black lace Shawls and Veils; Merino Tippets; ele gant embroidered Ridicules, assorted colors and patterns Thread Laces and Edgings One case Cninelle Cords, assorted colors and sizes Fifteen cases straw Hats and Bonnets Six cases Artificial Flowers Seventeen cases Looking Glasses, a part of which are Chatham Superior Court, n elegant gilt ♦rallies. 15 -71 IS otice. The subscribe!- respectfully informs the inhabitants of Savannah, that he is recently from Chr.rleston and has established himself in this city, and hopes, thatfromhis attention and knowledge of business, to merit a portion of the public support. He will pay the greatest attention in PAINTING, in various colors, the inside of Houses; he also dazes, Var nishes and Gilds, in the neatest style. Signs can be pann ed and lettered in a workm; ".like manner, either in gilt or any of the most fashionable colors. 1 he subscriber having a large family to support, begs that ins fellow-ci tizens may afford him an opportunity of convincing them that lie is worthy their patronage. Any call# will be thankfully received and immediately attended to, at his shop, at present adjoining Mr. Marselane’s, a little to the east of the Exchange, near the old Fish wharf. James Grainger* oct 8 *M 120 Marshal’s £ales. On the first Tuesday in November ne.rt, Will be sold at the court-house, in the city of Savannah, between the hours often and three o’clock, Lots No. 15,16, 17,18, and 19, adjoining fort W .yne to the eastward—levied on to satisfy an execution a the suit of James B. Read and others, wardens aim vestry of Christ Church, versus Joanna Luctna, an James Lucena heirs, and devisees of James and Join Charles Lucena. A negro wench named Delia, levied on as the proper ty of Robert Dillon, at the suit of William Hart. Two negro women, named Rose and Di, levied on a# the property of Joseph Davies, to satisfy an exitutior at the suit of the United States, V3. Joseph Davies ana l)..vul Leion JOHN EPPINCER, * • 1 o let A very good STAND, for dry goods, in a brick house Apply at this Office. oct 8 ——120 Lands In the vicinity of Savannah FOR SALE. A tract of land, (known by the name of Bonabelle, and lately the property of a Mr. Brctet) containing about 520 acres, is offered for sale. It is situated about five miies from the city of Savannah, within a sho.-i distance of Thunderbolt, and on the salts. It lias a very com fortable dwelling house, a good barn and out buildings. The above tracts w ill l>e disposed of upon the mos 1 reasonable terms, as the heirs of the estate, of which it forms a pail, are anxious for a division of the property .further Persons desirous of purchasing will apply for rsto either, GEORGE JONES, particulars oct 8- -120 EBBNEZER JACKSON or EDWARD F. TATTNALL. Twenty Dollars’ reward ■Will be paid to any person for delivering in Savannah, to S. M. Mordecai, a decked FLAT, with her anchor and cable, thirty-five feet long by ten wide, anu four ftet deep; which broke loose some time past, and drifted from the landing at Thunderbolt; or Ten Dollars will be paid for information where she lies, by application to Mr. Moydecai’s, in Market square, Savannah, oct 5 at 119 Notice. At the expiration of nine months an application will b made to the Justices of the Inferior Court o Cha ham County, to sell, for the benefit of the Heirs and Creditors of the late James iVlackav, deceased, all that tract of Lind on Ogechee, in Bryan County, called Slrmiiy Hall, reputed to I'ntain 100acres. WILLIAM GASTON, may 16 68 Administrator Notice. Nine months after dale, application will be mad to the honorable the lustiees of the inferior cour' ot Effingham county for leave to sell or make ti tles for a tract of land, containing two hundrt d acres, situated in the twenty-third district of the county of Wilkinson, known and distinguished it the plan of said district by No. 227; being par of the real estate of Christophei F. 1’riebner, dec for the benefit of heirs and creditors. ANN M. TREIBNER, adm'rx GOTTLE1B ERNST, adm'or. N. B All persons who have any Jem > nds against the estate will render them according to 1 w. ANN JV1. TREIBNER. idm’>x. iu -e 13 83 oeorgiu. Bryan Superior Court, November Term, 1815. The commissioners of the ~) Academy of Elfinghara county, VS. J 9 * Union Society. Resolved, That the third, rule be so amended and al tered that the stated quarterly meetings of the society shall be held on the evenings of the second Mondays of July, October, and January, annually. The members of this society will take notice, that agreeable to above resolution the next quarterly meeting is on Monday, 15th inst. to be held at the Exchange at 8 o’clok p. m. as business of importance will be laid be fore them, it is hoped every member will attend. T. V. Gray, oct 8—123 ” ■ * tec'ry. j The Heirs and Representatives ofJosiAH Tattnall, jnn. dec. - Upon the petition of the commits oners of the Academy of Effingham county, praying the fore closure of the equity of redemption of all that tract or parcel of land, called and knewn by the name of the Ship Yard on Killkenny neck, in the then county of Chatham, now Bryan, containing four hundred acres, he the tame more or less, mortgag ed by Jasiah Tattnall, junior, in his life time to William, H .ld -ensdorf, Thomaa Wylly and John Moore trustees or commissioners of toe Academy of Effingham county, or their successors in office, on the twenty eighth day of July one thousand seven hundred and ninety four, to secure tne payment of a bond bearing even dale therewith, conditioned for the payment of the suin of three hundred and ninety five pounds, six shillings and six pence, equal to one thousand six hundred and ninety ;our dollars, twenty four cents, eight mills and one seventh of a mill, with interest, wiii h is n»w due and owing; on motion ot Jeremiah Cuvier, at torney for the petitioners, It is ordered, That the principal, interest and costs due on the said mortgaged premises be paid into court, within twelve months from this date and unless the same be so paid, the equity of re’ demption shall be thenceforth foreclosed and other proceedings take place, pursuant tothe act of assembly, in such case made and provided *?**'*? further ordered. That this rule be published in one of the public gazettes of this state, once a mouth for twelve months, or served on the mortgager or his sp tc ,al agent at’least .U months previous to the time the said money is ordered to be paid into court as aforesaid W 10 be Extract from the minutes, 21-" e " ry HarUea ' C, S, C. B, C. The Administrators of | *’m, Ittio John Herb, deceased, J % r* RU L E NISI The Heirs and Representative* j « of jehn Gromet, deceased J Upon the petition of the administrators of J 0 >, Herb, deceased, praying the foreclosure oi l '' Equity of Redemption of the following premis j* mortgaged by the said John Gromet in iris lie* time, to the aforesaid John Herb, dect-as d 6 the ninth day of Feoruary. in the year of o u , one thousand eight hundred and four, to . se .,'._ the payment of a certain bond, bearing ev~ n V. & therewith conditioned for tne payment o' ij.,. **” e of one thousand dollars on or before th e r j u .? day of February, one thousand eignt hundr.-h a , five, with lawful interest Horn the date th*-- vz : “All that lot of Land, situate, l v j n .. . ° r > being in that portion of ground lately d,i * common, now called Franklin ward, in the c . We ' t Savannah, known by tb« number (24) ’• ^ fronting Saint Jmian-street, and contain, feet in front and ninny feet in depth, iu>,. ’j'J the houses, out houses and buildings thtir.-„r, " “ ing or belonging (subject, nevertheless toVC•"!' nual ground rent cf seven pounds ten an- S'erlm*, equal to thirty two dollars and , '’ s cents; ‘o be paid to tfce cyporation of the <•: , ,. v nnah or their suci;e8.-->rs in office,) G‘n" n ! *' of Jeremiah Guyler, Attorney f. t the p .. lUl U It s ordered, That the principal, inWr iia ttj, ..oats, due on Said inorlgig-. i premise, \ Jt . . . into court within twalve months from ti., = j 1 and unless the same bo so paid, the «q>i;tv demption shall thence orUi he fomented i other proceedings take place pursuant t, the •► of assembly. It is turther ordeied, I bat Ihi r i be published once a mr uth until the tj ;l( . a . )3il U<i erl for pay ment, in one> cf the pu j l( > tiiis slate or served on tne heirs and represent lives of the mortgagor or their special ^ least six months previous to tne i,mp is to paid into court as> sa><; J Extract from Be minutes. Job T. Bollpu, elk. june 13 — 7^ int ^uperkor ourt, Or.u,bei jt’e-jr, : 8'5 Whereas DaTid B 5litch-1 p'>e and Cll ' ffl . mander in chief of the army arid nav v of t„f -aid S' ate and militia therepf bach filed pi-. if ; (in in .he Georgia—('Iiatbaui Superior Court, May Term. JS.6 Thomas Gibbons, assignee of George bcitt, :t J rn"s Pierce. Upon ti>>- petition of Thomas Gibbons, am- signee of George Scott, praying the foreclosatt of the equity of redemption of the following p ses, mortgaged by the said Janies Pieic to ! (,e *;• George bco'l, on th'- spventh day of Mv, oe thousand eight hundred and ten "to Sl U r t : .t payment of three certain Bsnds, beating even .i-'.e therewith conditioned far the payment of i of three thousand six nund-ted »r->> tw n y <oi>a . viz thirteen hundred dnlfars on the fiistn v ■<; January, one thousand eight ami eW’i ieven hundred and twenty dollars o tic li st day of January, one thousand eight hiniJie-i r.d twelve; and twelve hundred dollars .mlhe firs :« of January one thousand eight hundied sn i - t->en; viz. all that lot of land situate in ihe > •- it S.n annab, and known by the number (11) el-u". in Franklin ward, containing sixty feet n front and ninety feet in d<*pih, '^gether with a!! aid singular the houses, buildings and imp-ovementi thereon; and on nation of Mes rs. Lloyds Mor rison, attornies for th- petit ioner, It is ordered hy the Court, That the principal, interest and costs due upon, said mortgaged premis es be paid into court withi n twelve months fr- this date; and unless the sa'tie i»e so paid, the eq - - y of redemption shall thenc -forth be foreclosed •>{ other proceedings take plaice pursuant to the art of assembly. It is further o rdered. That tl.L rule be polished in one of the public gazettes of this s'-a te at least once a month um 11 tfee time appointed fit payment; or served on the mortgagor or his sp-'f' 4 ' agent at least six months ^previous to the tuns s* 1 * money is ordered to paid iirto court as aforesaid. Extract from the minwe- Job T. Bollcs elk. may 30 — c * $ -- 64 honorable court s-ttir.g fortn, mat Geo;--.; oi ine n the said county, is indebted to ne slaii ,ii Gvor' gia on a bond, bearing date the twenty nintn g y o .Lrmiary, eigfit-rn hundred ad eigi,', m ta-jj^ o’ fi>e thousand eignt hundit- : an - eight', n :l dol'.rs thirty sevt.ri an! a halt cents, pajl,- - instalments and whereas to secure the pai, ..creof, the sand Ge tg, Badlie did uortgagt I.ib.t uo uvuft-d tiact of land contair^ nine u»-.i. v j acres,situate an the Island ol St Sun i:;'s, t-e-c .a un fivided part of a tr-iCt contain iweti.j, .w) hundred anil nineteen acres,confiscated a the no. perty of John Graham, esq. and sold on tfce t. .rti- eth of April seventeen bnndre f an:( e.gfiiy four, and the said sums ol mor-ei being vet imp.i It is therefore ordered on m lion •; J S. P lot, solicitor general, that the sad G Bail'-.e 10 pay into court the prin.-ipsl, ;n en-st and costs due on the said bond within twelve m mtfia tr ra the date thereof, or a decree will pass agaio-t the said mortgaged premises for tne paymen Also ordered, that this rule be pubVisbeu it, one cf the gazettes of the state at leas, once n ever;- month until the time appointed for the pit.wen: expires, or served on the mortgagor or in i b eat six montiis previous therto. J S PELr»T, sol. "tr.. Ext’ act cf the minutes l. Abrahams, c. s. c. g. c, feb 27 — c 4 'i'4 Notice. At the expiration of nine n.onths, an applic^tios will be made to the Justices of the In'erio Court ot the county of Glen, state of Georgia for '» sell for the. benefit of the hrjirs and creditors ol tut late colonel William Wardrobe, a tract of Lmil. s tuate on the Island of St. S.raon’s, reputui contain seven hundred anr' nineteen ac r es, I -long ing to his estate. GEORGE BAlLLlB aord 18—o$ 46 Adm'or- f it m IV d> obi- A otice. At the expiration of rune months from this dR* pplicatinn will be made to the honorable Inlenut Court of Effingham county, for leave to sell cue tract of Land, lying in said county, and one negi° man Slave, as the property of Wiiiiam Slaiefi deceased, sold for the benefit of the heirs and cred itors of said, dec. • Lyman Sheppa«h jnne 11—jo-69 jd,n '°. r Notice. Is hereby given, tha'- nine months after d a ^® application will be made to the honoraole 11 ^ Justices of tpe Inferior court of Glynn county leave to sell the whole of the real estate «j 1 ses Barnett, escj- late of said county, dec. t° r ll benefit of the heirs and creditors. JACOB MOORE, ? a dm'»0- JOHN BURNEl'T-jon.> april 27——jo——5.0