Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1816-1818, October 31, 1816, Image 4

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- '• Cftfpenter for sHe, at theinstore on the,Bay, a general assort- mint of Dry Goods fr s>.- • > ebs.nrt'Ut* o* iiie; Caasiinerea, Coating, Blankets ibaxeia, cotton Hosiery, Calicoes, Cloth*, Flannels, Cambrics, kc. i. rAl/So, em consignment, ’ .. Three esses Mfllinery, consisting of ladies* straw Bats, trinjundd do white chip do" do ’• ■ ! do satin v do. and Bonnets, trimmed do bearer ' do trimmed (Jp dress Caps, cotton Vandykes, plain, figured and quilted jto white and black Feathers LTKBWISB, An Invoice of Cabinet Furmtnre, comprising an de- ant assortment of Sideboards, Secretaries, Bureaus, Sofas* pillar and claw | card, breakfast and tea Tables, dining Sets -Mahogany high and field Bedsteads, Sic. AMO A general assortment of Saddlery, consisting of Elegant Saddles and Bridles . tow priced do do Saddle-Bags, Trunks, Valices and saddle Furniture ^lcaaeGold Leaf, containing 30 packs 25 quarter and half quarter casks Colminar Wine 39 kegs English Paint, assorted colors, ground in oil Charles Harmon ot co. JJhve for tale, at Hunter’t ■wharf in lots to suit pur chat-1 ers, Ladies’ colored kid Boots and Shoes " do black do with heels Morocco walking Shoes do v Ties and Slippers an , do do itch Sandals en’s morocco Boots and Shoes rwhli those already on hand* th# offer for sals on moderate and accomm<*oatmg terms. , Their Stock, besides other JUftioUs, contains thefollormng.— 72 bales duffil Blankets 5 do rose Blankets 30 do white Plains 10 do colored Plains 8 do Flannels 6 dd Coatings, Flushings and blue Strouds 3 do Cassimeres, assorted 6 do black and colored Bombazets 1 Fine, white, Lion skin and Bath London duffil and White, blue and bt 64.7-4, 8-4, 94,10-4 a a. hiue and mixed Capemtert yellow amL-gre^o Flannel IT’S pieces Baggin] 6 trunks worstet 12 do and lamb’s wool Stockings do roan do do leather do Okttlettten’s Bootsfmd Shoes do lace Bools Atorocco Pumps Calf-skin dp Qtoys’ high laced Shoes do common laced Pumps *00 pair .Negro Shoes {50 do do Pumps ALSO MATS of various qualities do do cotton Stockings 35 do printed Calicoes 4-do do Marseilles^ for vesting 3 do woolen Vestelets 16 do cotton Cambrics 4 do black Cambrics 6 do cotton twist Shirtings 60 do assorted Muslins 15 do cotton Umbrellas 2 do Bombazines 2 do black'Crape 1 do black silk Handkerchiefs 50 cases of Ginghams, assorted 20 do coarse and fine Dimity 2 do handsome furniture Dimity 12 do Irish Linens 8 do brown Holland 6 do apron Check 10 do pound and paper Pins 1 do Whitechapel Needles Cutlery, assorted, in small casks Turkey real Yarn Russia Sheeting Crash, for towels Osnaburgs, &.c. &c. &c. net 29—129 John S. Alley Jhtg just returned from New-York, and is now opening at his store, in Bryan street, where he offers for sale On the lowest terms, Superfine blue, black and brown Cloths; superfine blue, black, drab and mixed Cassimere; elegant fancy Vest- •fing; black, green, drab and purple tabby Velvet; silver Cord, blue and mixed satinet Lion-Skin, blue Coating and water proof Cioth; blue and black Flannel; black .and figured Bombazet, silk Umbrellas, Irish Linen, do Shirting, HttmluUns, striped and mixed Homespun, flag Handkerchiefs, ladies’ white silk Hose and Gloves, do Aid do. cotton and beaver do. black worsted Hose, worsted Socks, silk Buttons, patent Cloth, do ball vest Buttons, &c. He also offers to furnish customers with superfine Coats, made and trimmed in the best manner, for twen- tr eight dollars; superfine cassimere Pantaloons, for eleven dollars; Coats made and trimmed in the best manner for ten dollars oct 29—l—129 George Schley, On the Hay, nearly opposite the Exchange, ?3 now opejyng and offers for sale, at low prices and on j accommodating terms, an assortment of well selected GOODS, just received from Liverpool and New-York, | consisting of Superfine and common Cloths and Cassimeres White, red and yellow Flannels, white and assorted Plains, Bombazets, Bombazines and Uatiuets Rose, point and duffil Blankets, Irish Linens Cambrics, Lawns and cotton Shirtings Furniture and common Dimity, Ginghams 5luslins, Toilinets and Marseilles Vestings -Brown Holland, Checks and Stripes Stockinet and fancy Cords, silk and cotton Handker chiefs and Shawls, Tiurkey red ■Curtain‘and common Calicoes, Chiqtz and Sarsinets Silk, cotton and worsted Hose, assorted English and German table Cloths and Napkins, common and superior Velvets, Corderoys and princes’ Cords Lavsntine and Florence Silks, assorted Gentlemen and ladies’ kid and silk Gloves Ribbons, Tapes, Bobbins, Threads, Needles and l’ins -Shot, Lead, Anvils, trace Chains, weeding Hoes, Axes, Spades and Shovels, rice Scives Crates of Earthenware and boxes Glassware, assorted for I the country, and a general assortment of Hard ware and Cutlery. oct 19—n—125 Samuel G. House Having taken the cornier "Store in Gibbons’ range, for By the ships Georgia, and John & Edward, from Liver pool, just arrived, ’ Brussels Carpeting, witli bordering and heal th Rugs to matcli > * Venetian and Scotch Carpeting, and carpet Binding I Green crumb Cloths and table Covers % Superior Cloths and Cassimeres 1 Drab Cloths, for great coats Fashionable pelisse Cloths Printed and plaid Bombazets, for childrens’ wear Velveteens and Corduroys Fine long Lawns ^ Irish Sheetings, and Linens, very cheap Chintz furniture Calicoes Winter Shawls and lace Viels. Furniture Fringes and bed Lace Superior green Cloth, foi^billiurd tables Bed Ticks, and a further supply of negro Cloth, Mi., .o;l cot<o . Begy-ircr, &e. oct 26—129 Jftiiiadelphia Razee AND SUWARROW BOOTS. Just received, by the brig Olyrtthus, from Philadelphia, 50 pair Suwarrow BOOTS, of Keatting’s manufactory 25 pair Razee do do do do . ALSO, From New- York, by the brig Thames, An assortment of ladies’ and gentlemen’s SHOES, | SLIPPERS, &c. For sale by John Douglass, oct 8 120 Gibbons 9 building | .Negro Shoes, occ. Just received from New-fork, by the ship Ceres, 1500 pair superior quality negro Shoes ALSO, Ladies’ morocco Boots Ditto do Jackson Roots Ditto do walking Shoes Ditto do Slippers and Ties . AMO, A large assortment of men’s fine and second qua lity SHOES, &c. For sale by John Douglass, oct 15—123 Gib ho*'* 9 building J j ust received. 1500 pair of prime NEGRO SHOES, For sale, by E. S. KEMPTO.V. oct 22—126 n ? merly occupied by S. Si L" Russel, offers for sale, on the most moderate terms, a large and elegant assort ment of Gohd-s, consisting of Superfine Cloths and Cassimere, second quality do pelisse Cloths, Stockinets, Cord and Velveteens, Mar seilles' and’wiriter Vestings, Salisbury and Welsh Flan nels,. BptnbazetS, Bombazines, and Rattinets, Merino ShaVls and Handkerchiefs, elegant bordered and plain silk do. cotton do. Satins, plain and Levantine Silks, Italiari and Ckhton Crapes, stripe and plaid colored Mus lins, Ginghams and Snambrays, Calicoes, furniture do and Ctuntk; plain, furniture and cambric Dimities; white black and colored Cambrioa, figured and plain mull Mus lins juwl Lenoes, striped and corded Muslins, gentle men^ Cravats, Llpens, long Lawns and linen Cambric, fine' twist Shirting*, Irish Sheetings, brown Linen and Plafittaa, silk and cotton Bandanoes, cotton and worsted Hosiery, ladies’ silk, kid and beaver Gloves, gentlemen’s beaver do. stair Carpetting, cotton Umbrellas superior ■quality, Frenchpaper Hangings, 8cc. ALSO 1 bale Plains oct 29—m—129 . ■ ■ — - - i ■■ -— - — ....... New Goods. Received by the latest arrivals from New- York Superfine and common Cloths and Cassimeres, lion •kin Coating; white, red and yellow Flannel; rose, point and dufiR. Blankets; white and assorted Plains, Brussels ! and ingrained Carpeting, stair ditto; fire Rugs and bed Carpets, Bombazines and Bombazets, Irish Linens and Sheetings, linen Cambric and long Lawn, silk a«d cotton Umbrellas, Gotten Shirting, and Cambric, furniture and common Dimity, furniture Fringe, corded Cambric and Dimity, 3-4 and 6-4 cotton Ginghams, 4-4 silk ditto; plain and figured twill Muslins, jaconet ditto; tpifiAet and Mar. seilles Vesting, black Florentine dittor cotton Bedtick ing, Checks and Strip(%Russia Sheeting and brown Hol land, he. Also, ait elegant assortment of FANCY GOODS. mow WHICH ABC Levantine and Florence Silks; white and colored plain, and figured Sattin; thuie Lace, white and black; ditto ditto Crape; Merirjo Shawls, very rich;. 34 to 84 Levan tine ditto, sattin, damask and serge ditto; Bandana and flag Handkerchiefs, Florence ditto; white and crimson. Merino Cloth; green and scarlet Merino Robes, ditto Trimming; Cashmere Bordering, plush ditto;, elegant thread, jpd worked muslin, . Caps, do do Colarets, vork«f BartcUi, tor do; worked Robes, Yaruitures, Cuff* and Bosoms, fcr do; figured and plaijk Ribbons, No. n to 12; Gadzefdo; velvet, sittin, Levantine and Florence Ridicules, some elegant, with clasps; do do Purses; la dies’ v idgenHemen’s embroidered and* plain' Whitt blaek silk-Hose; do do Gloves, kid and beaver dp; ed and plain Gauze*.sewing Silks, nun’s and Threadt^Npettte* in, cases* wk and CheneHe Cords Tusselfe, J$elori»)«s and lace Handkerchiefs, black and white Jg£o.8i>awH elegant thread and Bilk Laces and NtffpGksp* and work Boxes* Ornamented Trimmings, silk Bonnets, ostrich and down Stebbins & Mason, received, by the Eliza Lord, Harriet Newell, LaurS, and other vessels, fTom New-York and Boston, a variety of Fancy, Fashionable and Staple Articles—amongst which are Elegant Merino Trimmings Fancy plush do Rich silk do Fashionable Trimmings, Roses, Wreathes, Ac. for ball dresses A complete assortment of Artificial Flowers tJheneUe and silk Cords French silk Nets, for the head. Silk velvet Indispensibles, with gilt and silver chains and clasps Fancy silk and worked Indispensibles Ladies’ aud gentlemen’s silk, beaver and kid Cloves Ladies’ and gentlemen’s silk Hose Ladies’ and misses’ Angola Gloves Elastic Garters Fashionable scarlet 8-4 Merino Shawls White and colored Merino Shawls, with rich borders Lace Veils, Shawls and Handkerchiefs Levantine and other silk Shawls and Handkerchiefs, of ail descriptions Figured Satins Bandana, flag and Florence Handkerchiefs Fancy Purses Colored Sewings Embroidering Silk Floss Cotton Marking Canvas Marking Thread i Boston Wadding, for quilts, pelisses, Aq, Fine assorted Tapes and Bobbins Broad twilled Tapes Black anfl. colored French Crapes Canton Crapes Hat Crapes - Linen Bedtick Cotton Bedtick Furniture Binding Marble, green, thahogany and figured oil Cftoths Fancy French Box^_ Necklaces, with smelling bottles Hooks and Eyes Ribbons, Threads, Needles, Pins, band Baxes, Ac. Ac. Many of the above Goods fiering been purchased for cash at auction, in New-York, at the present teduqed prices, can be afforded very cheap. ALSO Five PIANO FORTES, made by Messrs. Gibson & Da vis, and warranted to stand the. climate, for sale at the manufacturers* prictej. oct 26—128 mkets ^ ll4.r»se Slankeis | Pelisse Cloth and Rockeny Baize j Stockinet, #nd fancy Cords ! Blaek Ad e litre "Velveteen Company, flag and Handkerchiets 0 . Marseilles' toilihet and 'swarisdown Vesting I Black Jlrtiitelace Viel*Shawls,andl^f Handkerchief. 1 Cashmere, sitk and Meyiitt* Shawl* [ Fine black Bombazine ted colored Bombazets and Rattinet Galoon and qpality Binding, on cotton Femt 1 Merino Trimming ! 6-4, 74,84 and 104 table Diaper Cotton table Cloths and Knapkins it and dark plaid Gingham coe*, Dimity, Canton Crape, and black and white Ka lian Crape sen Cambric, and bordered pocket Handkerchiefs ' Gentlemen’s superfine Cravats Ladies’ and gentlunen’s black and white silk Hose I.allies’ silk,' cambric, kid and beaver Gloves Gentlemen’s beaver and buck do Superior cotton Umbrellas Assorted Silks for dresses, Levantine Florence and satin | Black Canton Handkerchiefs | Irish Linen and Russia Diapeur _ Irish, Russia and German Sheetings Scotch Carpeting, Bedtick and assorted sewing Silk Gentlemen^ half Hose Ladies’ and gentlemen’s white and colored cotton Hose ! Do do d« d° uo do worsted do Figured and plain Caflibrics Cambric Trimming, Laces, and lace Edging Plain and figured hook Muslin and Leno Black Florentine Vesting 1 Cotton, flag and Madras Handkercliiefs Oil Cloths and oil cloth table Covers Tape, lace Buttons, linen Threads, llumhums, Ribbons Long Lawns, Furniture Calico, &c. ALSO 5 cases fashionable straw 130NNF.TS; all of which, to gether with a number of other articles, will be sold on tite most moderate terms. oct 29—£—126 New Importations. WHOLESALE AXII RETAIL. DUEL, GRESHAM & CO. (Comer of St. Julian and fthitakerstreets, north of Afr. SMman’s ooarihng house, in the store Lately occupied by Jllessrs. J. E. Hiiite i£ Co.\ Have the pleasure to iufown their friends and the pub lic that, they have received by recent arrivals 437 packages ENGLISH, FRENCH, INDIA and AMERICAN STAPLE and FANCi GOODS, Ordered particularly for this market; Which, with their STOCK on hand, comprises-a gener al assortment. By the ship Oneida and now landing 1 ca»e Merino Shawls 2 cases silk do 3 cases cotton do 1 case silk Bandanoes 3 bales Madras, Sistersoy, Posaky and Choppa Homal Handkerchiefs and fancy neck Cloths 3 bales Carpeting 8 do Coatings, Flushings, Fearnoughts and bear Skins 4 do Bombazets, various qualities bale superfine Cloths ‘ do Cassimeres bales Flannels, assorted colors do rose, point and duflil Blankets cases superfine Prints do Dimities do Irish linen Cambrics do do white and half white Linen do nun’s Thread - - boxes cane and common silk Umbrellas and Parasols trunk Irish Poplins cases Gloves, beaver, kid and silk do cotton Hosiery 3 do ladies’ and children’s French bearer Hats, assorted 1 case colored Sinchews and Sarsanets 1 case Nanseoks mull mull and jaconet Muslins 1-do cut Glass and silk Buttons 1 box coach and riding Whips v. 2 do stubb and double barrel Fowling-Pieces 1 do brass and stubb barrel pocket Pistols 6 casks »ad irons AND A FEW PACKAGES, Containing Elegant satin Robes, Macedonia, Paris and ble borders Merino, plush and velvet Caps and Bonnets, Feathers and Artificial Flowers Tul, Chenelle and other worked Pilloreens \ el vet Binding, head and gown Garniture, fancy Trim mings Silk, Chenelle and silver Cords and Tassels Gilt and silver clasp Indispensabtes Silk, velvet, Zephyr and damask Gauzes Brilliant white, Palnure, Amarintlie, green, lilac, im mortal, Macedonia, Levantine, Florence, satin, Vergene and Taffeta Silks Gilt and pearl diadem Combs, table and bead Brushes Pocket and .ina Inkstands, in the form of a shoe Needle Cases, ladies’ Valices, watch Stands Gentlemen and ladies’ morocco writing Cases Ladies’ work Boxes, set with mother of pearl Superfine Pomatum, Scent in bottles Walnuts, in pieces; Mussels, Chesnuts and real Eggs Toilet Tables, Secretaries and silver Seals W ooden 9and Boxes and morocco Note Books Silver Spectacles, looking Glasses and Screens Cloak Mags, boot Tassels, Corsctts and cors*tt steel Rte i Stay Strings and elastic Garters, 8tc. For sale by Duel, Gresham & Co. oc t 29—>129 . ' > WINES 4 Factorage and Grocery. The subscriber grateful for the liberal sunnort I", v received, in the above line, pledges himself tw “*• tention to business shall be such as will enable himi ^ rit a continuance of the same. " mto “t- The most prompt anti unremitted attention to -n | dew will he bestowed, for the interest of his friends' ° r * - ; Samuel G. Bunch, lYM has just received by recent arrivals from j'l/j, 'phiuand Boston, thefollvwing articles, warranted a ine,andfqr sale' at wholesale and retail; '* olu ' Champagne*' Madeira Port Teheriff Claret and -Lisbon 5 pipes Cognac Brandy 15 bis peach do , 10 pipes Holland Gin 5 do American do 20 fils rye tVhiskey 10 puncheons Jamaica Rum 10 do New-England do 30 casks London bottled Porter 15 do do draft do 25 whole and 50 half bis Mackerel Vo. [ 20 kegs Land lb half bis Salmon 5 bis smoked Beef 100 large and 100 small kegs Crackers 1 20 boxes Codfish 20 do Anchoives 60 do Soap, in boxes suitable for family use 50 do Spermaceti and tallow Candles, for family r* Hyson Tea, loaf Sugar, brown do ' Almonds, Raisins, Figs, Prunes Currants, Cassia, Cloves, Nutmegs Starch, Pimento, he. OUves, olive Oil, Capers, waluut Ketchup, and Pickles’(from !r-,.i er’s, Liverpool) c “ Which together with every article requisite Grocery fine, calf be supplied on reasonable ltr J oct 24—V—127 ' F actorage. The subscribers respectfully inform their fner.ds, atd the public generally, that they have formed a connection! under Uit firm of Shatfsh h Davast, with a view of; n ! ducting the above business, and solicit a share «.f -^cir patronage. It is their intention to bestow t!.<: -.1st prompt and unremitted attention to the orders and inter! est of their customers. They will keep constantly «n hand A general supply of GRO< ERLES. FREDERICK oct 1A—11 —193- - - JAMES The subscribers Continue to transact the LUMBER, FACTO. MY, | and COMMISSION BUSINESS, at Pooler’s wln,r s they are the agents for many of the principal Saw-Miils [ on Savannah River, they will constantly nave on hand a large supply of assorted sawed LUMBER Brown & Greene. oct 15-T.M-I24 The subscribers Have for sale 30 boxes pint and half pint Tumblers 80 pieces company Nankeens 70 casks 4d, 6.^ 10d, 12d and 20d■patent cut Nails 5 casks Marseilles Wine- 595 suils'negro Clothing 512 pair men’s $hoes 220 Grindstones^ 25 bags Pepper 300 sets Measures, 100 dozen wood Cocks 45 dozen Axes,) $0 red and black Waiters 40 boxes cotton and wool Cards 100 Trunks, 10 Legs Shot, 8 casks Flints 7 patent Times-Pieces, 100 Bridles 10 Bedstead.*., 120 dozen bed Cords 13 groce vest Buttons 58 do coat do 16 do suspender Buttons 40 dozen chalk Lines, 55 do three square Files 36 do Knives : |r.d Forks, 14 pair Candlesticks 39 boxes Pipes, 5 Bureaus 12 fowling Pietfcs 2 pair Pistols 18 Chairs ) 8 bis glauber Salts. 10 dozen printed Shawls 20 dozen case Combs, 47 do ivory Combs 200 casks stone Lime 30 boxes Soap* 20 do Windsor Soap 300 lbs Turkey oil Stone 160 Demijohns, 1 JO pieces Inverness cotton Bag 7 B ~ Letter, wnung, printing, wrapping and sne-uL, Paper 5 Looking Glioses, blank Books, &c. Olmstead $ BaUelle. fashions-1 oct 24’—-12T Brooks & Welman Have now landing from Liverpool, New-l’ork, Bonn mi Havana, the following articles, viz: 24 casks best London Porter 2 bales of assorted Slops 25 tons of well assorted Swedes’ Iron.seleefcdeiprRsIr for this market 64 chests of gunpowder, imperial, hyson zndyounjtby- son Teas, in whole and iii boxes of four to ai*. five pounds, latest importation 20 bis double refined loaf Sugar 20 boxes Muscatel Raisins 20 hhdsN. E. Run 10 hhds north wand Gin 20 bags Pepper 20 bags Ginger 20 bags pice 1 box Nutmegs 2 pipes of raspberry and cherry Brtmdv 40 boxes first quality brown Havana Shears ti# bags prime green Coffee S ^ S 5 firkins of Goshen Butter, for family use IW flTOU Taft & Sibley Have now landing, from sloop Mercy, from Providence fH. If) on After's wharf, 12 -hhds American Gin 6 hhds N. E. Hum 4 bis Sugar 3 bsgs Coffee 2000 .pair black grained Shoeg 200 do negro Shoes 2 boxes morocco Shoes 2 casks Axes 1 do negro Hoes 2 boxes wool Hats 1 do napt Hat* 2 cases straw Bonnets 10 bis Cider 50 do Irish Potatoes 30 firkins Butter 15 casks Cheese , pet 29-W-129 ~ For sale. The subscriber has just received, per brifr Henrik from Hamburg, and offers for sale, in the u£per part^f W ^ 0d endoreed ^er, Russia .Sheetings* Raven* Duek Oowlas, Britannia*, Linens, linen Checks, bed Ticks, brown GROCERY ?£NTsf which the co tfley terms, at wholesale or retsiL ; central wharf. every article in offer on their usual lof ,it their store on Bolton J Also to let the second ^loor 0 f No. 37, on Bolton’s cow tral wharf. • - , pet 19-l-125_ J ust received^ Per brig %&bniray and for 8ole y etui TWO HUNDRED AND EIGHT PACKAGES, „ . coxTAumrs 150 pan* gentlemen’s fine Boots 100 do 150 do 1200 do 3500 do 1200 do 200“ do 5500 do 300 do Soo do 100 do 300 do 2500 do 2000 do 400 do 1100 do stetwidly quality bX Welhngton’s d9 do fine Shoes do fi" Cd * nd bouad Shoes , ,. ° T - "Tie Pumps 1 ^ lie4 Morocco Bootees ■o do Slips do Perry Laces do Sandals do morocco Slippers with military hf^ do white Kid do Roan do leather Shoes colored kid Shoes brown Hollands, rool Linens, linen Th raada* Hosiery, girth W* ^teket Handkerchiefs, I oil cloths, Ribbons, ™ , nusses* morocco s» 500 do children’s morocco 300 do do leather 1000 do do 200 do do of BUSINESS* offeijs J public; his Count torfnerly occupii PB . Store is ‘ fntben, hc-’hc. which trill Be sold on accommodating | ceived on ♦ amu * C. KELSEY. | ception and shipment. d<y$—139 i. tfenrii. ‘CfittiniFM ’ ioroto his friends and die I ^ f ^ Pi^ and cotton I Combs, | Boots do morocco and leather Shoes 3500 do negro »oe* UaipS Samuel Evans, jun. •*.1. ►seriber S*ndC0.MMI» central vbstf, 1 BUSI1 1 K^ v far the oct.