Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1816-1818, October 31, 1816, Image 5

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Jt'olice-Oiiice. October 11, 1816. All persons in arrears for City Tapes, will bejtfiMM to this office,'on or before of November.After.that date levies wjll be road*. rf-V SAVANNAH, OCTOBER 31, 1816, sajd gy» Two or three gentlemeu can be accommodated wiih Board.and wotf^, toasniall fami- Alexander Habersham " 1 ■ o o ’ ly, within a few minutes walk of the Exchange. Also, a 1-■ -,| st()r e to let, a good stand for business; \ B Wanted as above, a good cook, washer and iron- V>r whom iiheral wages will be punctually paid. F.n- €r ' , is ■,‘fi. e- oct'Sfl—-»• v*9 Liegaut aHirruis, of various sizes and figures, in gilt frames. For sale j, v J. J. & F. BLANCHARD, 'oct 1—ftp—117’ Niles- Register: A few copies of this valuable and useful work remain en hand. For sale, at this office. stur^s. I—°1 -sf— iioOert it • II s <1 c.inctl ♦he Practice ot Harden Medicine. Harris nicRma.i Has opened a LaW-Offioe in Savannah, and tenders to the public ins professional services in the courts of the eastern circuit. oct 8 120 Notice. The law office of the subscriber, is at the house re cently in the occupation f doctor M'l.ean. EtlwardJ*. Tattnall. I die i ibscribers,' -z “~ Have just received, 100 boxes first quality SOAP. ALSO, ON HAVD, 15 hlirts Philadelphia rye Whiskey 1> no prime retailing Molasses' 1000 busheis Turk’s island Salt:-■ All of which they of fer for sale, Low or cash." : * Cormick & Dousset. Copartnership. The subscribers entered into copartnership, un der the firm of Willett & M i lnv, are now opening' a ge neral assortment of DRY GOODS, at their store,, south side of Johnston’s square; which they offer for cash br town acceptances at ninety days. a WM. S. GILLETT. oct 19—125 JOHN .MILNE hr ' i ilc _o ibscnper, Has. taken tiie store one door eastward of Calvin Ba ker Sc Go. where he will al ways be found, to settle the aff airs of tiie Lie firm of Samuel & I. Russel. - fie has on hand, ' , And offers for sale, on a liberal credit 68 pieces cotton Bagging 32 bis Sugar 20 bags Pepper Samuel Russel. For sale, If applied for soon, A handsome two story DWELLING HOUSE, situated at the upper end of Broughton street, two doors below Barna M‘Koine, esq. O. M. L1LLIBRIDGE. oct. 22—126 For sale cent . -118 A likely Negro Boy, sixteen ftears of age, remarkably honest and can be well recommended as a house'-ser vant. For further particulars applv to the printer, oct C9—t—129 news adirajilt, TAYLOR, Respectfully informs, ills customers that he has ta- For sale ken a room above Mr. J. P. Gizorme, (jeweller) next 'door to Judge .\I‘A Ulster's and opposite Johnston’s squire, where he intends to continue his business; and from his former strict afctenuon, he hopes still to be fa- ' vored with h.s custom rs ; business, and does assure them that all business left ui Ills charge shall be punctually at tended to. ox it AX D A very handsome assortment of Waistcoating and a few dozen of lambs vfioi Suirts and long Drawes, u'.'e xtri ■ 1 oct 17—124 A voting NEGRO FELLOW, a good carpenter; also one to hire By the month. Apply to the printer, oct 26 128 Marshal’s sai<?.-~ By virtue of an order of the honorable William Ste phens, judge of the district court of Georgia, will be sold at St/Marv’s, on Thursday, the 7th of November next, at ten o’clock, Five bales COTTON, JOHN EPPINGER, not 29—a -179 marshal ~ * •'■■Sest Firs yY r ood, Consisting of oak, hickory and ash, as "well as light- wood, wliitll is constantly kept forsale tfn Wallace’s low- ‘ er viiarf. ‘ ■Purchasers are requested not to pay the drayman with out a receipt N. B. 15 dollars per month will be paid for a few prime negro men *'• •• " J. M. COLLINS, oct 2y—v*—129 For sale >$> Wanted to Hire, iiiiiuediatpiy,^ One or two Negro FELLOWS; mey Will be well treat ed, .uid their wages punctually paid. Apply at tliis OSce. - The Wliarf, lately occupied by Caig & Mitchel, con taining 200feet fronton Savannah River; bounded west- wardly by Carnochan <k Mitchel, and eastwardly by An drew Knox.: • • Also, the Wliarf Lot, adjoining the Ferry, at Fort Wayne, containing 150 feet on the river and near 500 feet back, from the same; bounded eastwardly by the fence at Fort Wayne. On this lot, is the House, with two piazas, at the east end of the Bay. For terms, please apply to I ‘° , CD ” tI aug 24 101 PETER MITCHEL. Forsale Two Tenements in the brick, store occupied bv the subscriber. r G. GORDON. art 09,,139 To; let One af the first Stands in this city, either for dry goods ■ groceries, (if applied for immediately.). -Enquire of A House and Lot, in St. James’s square; being one of the most healthy and pleasant situations in this city—on the said lot are all necessary out buildings. This pro perty wijl be sohi for a moderate price, and a credit of one, two and three years given for the payment- Per sons disposed to purchase will apply to eidier of the subscribers. BEN. SHEETALL, M. SHEFTALL, sen. aoril 6 41 Has just received, by the ship Lucy, from Liverpool, a sup ply of fresh DR UGS, MEDICINES, & c. among them are ' Henry's Calcined Magnesia Magnesia, large and small’ squares Cheltenham Salts <1 • Sodaic Powders fevans’s best Crown Lancets Loyd’s do do Wedgwood’s Mortars and Pestles Apothecaries’ Scales and Weights Cephalic Snuff Aromatic Vinegar Tooth Brushes Prussian Blue, Nos. 1 and 2 Powdered Jalap, do Hippo Tartar Emetic, and Calomel Which, with his former stock on hand, is offered for sale or* reasonable terms for cash, of on a credit to punc tual customers!, at his Medical Shop, near the Exchange, oct 1 117 Marine and Fire An election will - be held, oh Monday, N&Vembor 4% for a Director to fill the vacancy occasioned by the, resfig^. nation of George Schley, esq. R. WAYNVh oct 29—129 . . . , ■ jsec’ry • x orps of Heavy Artillery} During thee idle War. - . The members-of the p*rps of the Savannah Heavy Ar tillery, that ‘served during the late war, under the com mand of captain JfiUhim B., Bulloch, are notified "that, in conformity with' the. appropriation that vtas jnade to purchase SWORDS with the ip mis arising from the pay of the corps, they have been accordingly procured ana are now. ready for delivery, and that by calling on tVll- lLm Gaston, late lieutenant of the company, each mem ber will be furnished with hi? sword. Those members that have removed into the country will b%. furnished by sending their written order;, and the friends or repre sentatives of such members as may have deceased since the war, are also entitled to receive in their stead. Just opening and for sale, At the subsenber’s Clothing store, on the Bay, next door to 11 (l. WILLIAM f. WILLI All’s BOOK. STOKE, 100 elegant superfine Coats, various colors 156 pair superfine cloth, cassimere and stockinet Panta loons • . .. 50 silk Florentine Vests 100 fancy Vests 50 greatCoats—all of which are made of the very best materials and workmanship—cheap for cash or approved credit at sixty days. Leslie Thompson. ana* 22 100 oct 19—ca^—125 The Exchange Codec nouse a ter. of oct 29—a*—129 ■ To rent For six months, and ininiedi-itfe posession given, a small and -well finished HOUSE, having every necessary con- ' venience- on the premises—being completely and genteely fhrfnshedysituated near die lower endofflrougfiton street, : adjoining caotain Cooper’s at the next comer house beiow. Apply on the spot, to Mrs* G*u*ts. oct 29-w~l 29 A piece of Negro Cloth Was Brought and left in the. corner Grocery on : yv yne’s wharf.; The owner can-hurt: the same by proving "properly and paviner dbrthis advertisement. • oct 26 -—-if --—12d NORTHERN STAGE OFFICE, !s now fitted up and ready for the accotiimodatioh of travellers. There are a number of private rooms, suita ble and convenient for private famfiics; also for mem bers of the legislature, from 50 to 60 can be accommo dated—the hpuse is large and commodious. This bouse was formerly kept by. John Downer, and is known by Downer’s Coffee-house?. It is on the east corner of the State-house square and very convenient for members. The present proprietor hopes .from his bu siness, to meet with encouragement from his friends arid the public in general. He pledges himself to have, his table as well supplied as the market will afford, and His bar filled with the best and variety of Liquors. His sta bles will be attended with a careful Ostler and a plenty of provender. . ■•'££• * The Exchange Coffee House is now offered for sale, together with the furniture attached to it, on liberal terms, and possession given on the first day of January next. For further particulars, call and enquire of tlwj proprietor. TIMOTHY BRUJN- AUUedyeviUe, 7th October, 1816;—l-—126 , To be sold, On the first TueSilay in-November next, OH SOOXEH, AT PR1VATE SALE, Three likely NEt .RO FELLOWS, one, a tofertble good carpenter; the two, porters. J. CUYLER, ■ oct 10—-^—121 Attorney for Samuel Simone Hand In the viUnity of Savannah FOR SALE. A tract of land, (known by the name of Bonabelle, and lately the property of a Mr. Bretet) containing about 520 acres, is offered for sale. It is situated about five miles from the city of Savannah, within a short distance of Thunderbolt, and on the salts. It has a very coA- fortuble dwelling house, a good bam and out buildings. The above tract will be disposed of upon the nioat reasonable terms, as the heirs of the estate, of which*it forms apart, are anxious for a division of the property. Persons desirous of purchasing will apply for further particulars to either, GEORGE JONES, EBENEZLR JACKSON of' EDWARD F. TATTNALL. oct 8——120 For sale The Toll-Bridge over Great Ogechee River, at which Joseph Hill lately resided—it is a substantial well buht bridge, composed chiefly of cypress; If has stood; ffje cresiiets, and appears to be in all respects a . good a^d fomplete piece of work. For terms apply to ’ . ' i JOHN BOLTON or 9 ex'ort. april 4 10 JEREMIAH CUYLER. S J. Hill. To rent or lease*. That well known WHARF, at present occupied by Taylor, Davis Taylor, will be let for one or more years: it is one of the best situations for a lumber yard*, in Savannah; possession may be had on the first of De cember next For terms apply to John Gardiner. oct 24—127 ----- Ranaway From the subscriber, about a year ago, a country bom negro man named Ben, twenty-five years- of. age, black complexion, one of his little fingers is remarkable, being very crooked, occasioned by a burn when he wasa.child; he is very artful, and should he be taken will endeavor to escape: he worked on the fortifications at Savannah, and when tiiat work was stopped, he marched into the woods. He has out with him a negro, woman named Juba, late the property of Mrs. Alury, now of judge Berrien, as I have been informed. ThiS-wench I am told has relations, (by whom they are harbored) at Mr. W*ld- burgher’s plantation. Twenty Dollars’ reward will be paid to any person who will lodge said negro Bern in the gaol of this coun ty. . , . ..; tiETH G. THKEADCRAFT. , oct 29—129 - •' - - >. - , r. -t, * - se —Lost .., • A CASE, marked W H D—Landed from the ship - D No. 163 Georgia, on the 19th inst,’ and supposed to have been car. ried oft - by a drayman in mistake. Consignee* of goods by said sfup are requested) should f li€y 'diseoVer it In tlliif possession, lo give notice to the^tibscribera. ^fct 12—122