Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1816-1818, November 02, 1816, Image 1

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A... .t SAVANNAH REPUBLICAN. 0 FREDERICK S. FELL.] # SAVANNAH, (GA.) NOVEMBER 2, 1813.' [Whole Number 27L 131.] TRUTH WITHOUT FEAR. / -V AL.. [Volume XT/ the republican is PCBLTSHED THURSDAY AND SATURDAY, EVERV n SIXVOLMRS PERANNUAS, IS AITVASCS. ADVERTISEMENTS , f ,u e fate of Sevkstt-Fivk Cents per will be iiiscrtecl an g Thirtt-Skven and a Hade C**"'‘ CASH T!V . a n onlers from die Coc-rTjtT, unless the tiit f^tor- ’Lettehs to the X Town, or the party vreti know a to Editor mutt be POST-rAiB. For Liverpool The fine new ship CLAlUvSON, captain Wil- V*. ’• *Y , . \ - r>.:he sm , having a part of her cargo ready, will be earliest ship off. For freight, a-Tply to R. Richardson. •.-iff For Liverpool rIntended as a regular packetJ The fine American ship JOHN &. EDWARD, r*r s S Webb, master, burthen 320 tons, built of lie oak, locust and cedar, copper fanned, and VTc»'i Itred to the bends, will commence loading in having a considerable part of her cargo en- »3T<i ivill'meet w ith dispatch. For freight or passage Lt accommodations being elegant) apply to captain 1V£,», on ho.u-d, at M'Kinne’s wharf. oct 19—125 For Liverpool The ship REBECCA, captain Ximmo, 265 tons r burthen, will commence loading on Monday tzife.-cx*. and will be dispatched immediately. For It. RICHARDSON. to 129 For Liverpool ffiteheed to tat! on the 1st Dece-nberJ 1 Cik- well known coppered ship GEORGIA, £f"§W l - !T, " s Lf, 'v, master. For freight or passage, LVy ■vn r cleg. nt accommodations, apply to captain Ui.i . oa board, at'Fraser’s w harf, or to James Dickson & Co. . oct 19—125 For Liverpool * The copper bottomed, fast sailing, packet ship AfSvfh'l CR, of Philadelphia, Robinson, master, jU-ff i'V expected to arrive at this port from Pnila- , eipi.y. i win meet with immedia’e dispatch, baying ate half of • v cargo ready to go on board. For freight o. the mmunuer, to Cli up, amity to William Gaston. nr* ff- iffy For Liverpool __ The fine new ship JUNO, captain John Doak, ArLh un-ly expected from New-York, and having one hr.’.f her cargo engaged, will meet with immediate • dispatch. For freight of the bah.m <• or passage an ,ly to B. ALKinne & Co. 0C f a? ■ v - —130 * ' For Liverpool The substantial brig ST. CROIX PACKET, of 217 tons burthen, captain Moses Olmstead, „j, .„..jWill meet with disp deli. For freight, which w ill be taken low, apply to the captain on b .ard, or to *L. Petty & Co. "f* : 1 Vfnnf^a wharf >1- For Glasgow will sail the middle " For New York * 1 The ship ONEIDA, captain Hillard, yvill be ready to take in on Monday next, and will meet with dispatch. Forfreight or passage, having el egant accommodations, apply to the master on board, ot to J. battelle, No Id, Commerce Roc-, Who has lanttingfrom said ship • 50 pieces Dundee cotton BAGGING, of very superior quality ' 50 bundles HAY * net 24—127 For New-York The fine fast sailing schooner LAURA, R. Fos- dick, master. For freight or passage apply to die captain on bo.- rd, at Telfair’s wtiarf, or to William H. Joyner & Co. 29—M—129 * Taylor's wharf For New-York The schooner HARRIET NEWELL, Gifford, master, will sail positively on Saturday next, wind and wreathe- permitting. For freight or passage apply on board, at Bolton’s wharf, or to 4 Ballard k Spencer, ocf 31——t 130 Rlc-’x ■ ■ hnrf oct For Fluladelpnia The packet brig HERO, captain Baiiet, will be dispatched about the 6th of November. iFor freight or passage apply to Perry & Wriglit. oct 31—v—130 For Charleston The packet sloop VOLANT, M‘Lean, master, k will sail on Sunday next. For freight or pas- «sage apply on board, or to Olmstead & Battelle. oct 9Q For Charleston The packet smop V ICTOit, Bradley, master, will sail on Sunday next. For freight or pas sage apply on board, at Bolton’s wharf, or to G. Gordon. ^ oct 29—sr—129 For freight or charter, To any port in Europe, the West Lillies or the United dilutes, _ The.staunch fast sailing brig HUNTER, V. '“''M^liam Rodman, master, burthen 133 tons. For Epiterms apply to the master on board, ..t Telfair s wharf, or to H. S. CUTTER, At the comp ting room of Olmstead id iSaiUlle. oct 31 130 For freight or charter. f To any yori in Enr-.pej) - The substantial brig- TWO BROTHERS, cap- ky t v^tain Lapbam, burthen 209 tons, iloubie tltxk.u, jeafejaiicurly expected. For terms apply to J. Battelle, No. 16, Commace Horn, Directly uiul--r !us firmer Counting Room WHO HAS NOW tlMUVu, Fltn.’I SvilOU-.tll >i«lJ -US, 75 caskscut Nails, assorted sizes Li store 25 quarter casks L. P. Tciicnlf and Sicily Wine, near 1} equal to Madeira 28 demijohns old L. I*. Madeira Wine 55 boxes Bordeaux Ciarcl, for Sale low to close a con signment AT.SO A small invoice French GOODS, c":isL'.ing of Umbrel las, half Stockings, cambric 1 lantlk* i-cmcix, Can l.i-ic. Fans, fire Screens,.Garlands, snuff Boxes, low priced Epaulets, oct 24-127 Medical Sketches Of the Campaigns of 1 81 2, 13 and 14, To which are added Casks; obstructions or M a nr Hosiuta-.s; and Futsu Hosi-iTals; attached to a moving army. Also an appendix, comprising a Disst.utvtion <iv Dv- sr.NTiin >•; which obtained the Bayistai-ian Prize Ms tut for the year 1616, and observations on the M inter Epide mic of 1815—16, denominated JERIPNEUMANTA NOTH A, as it appeared ill Massachusetts, by Jamks D. A. A. S. Hospital Surgeon of tiie United States’^riny and corresponding member of tlie Georgia Medical Soci ety, price 2dollars Stl cents. Just, received bv -‘r *1' w Williams. oct 29—o-l 29 Six Sheet Map OF THE UNITED STATES. Just received from Philadelphia Lewis’s Six Sheet Map of the United States, drawn from actual survey on the largest scale of aiijWVI«*.p‘of the United States ever published, being six feet square on canvas and rollers, and elegantly varnished, price »>24. Lewis's .Map of the United Slates and West liiuies, price §9. Rues’ CrcropKiiTa, vol. 27, part second,being the fifty- fourth half volume. Anaiectic Magazine, complete sets, bound in red mo rocco. VV. T. WILLIAMS. n--* 2«-sr-l 29 George Gordon Has landing, f-om brig anus, antloffn-s for sale, ut rtduc ed /)< ices and V -ig credit, TWENTY PACKAGES DRY GOODS, CONSISTINO OF Cassimcres, Clotlis, Gaunucks, Coatings, Flannels, Blankets, Prints, Dimity, C.mghams, Madras and Bandana Handkerchiefs, b iff Shawls, &c. 19 quarter casks Port Wine, old and of suqcrior quality 8 liiuis prime Jumxca Coffee 10 tons waggon tire and axe bar Iron 2-tons share vt-inl- s or.' 29—-n— xYdministrators’s sales. On '•"uesday) 12th November next, IHU be sold at the uite residence of Mr. Richard Morell, opposite to Peter Mitchel, esq. A single story Hoftse, Kitchen and other out Buildings; to he removed within seven days from day of sale. Sundry articles of Household' and Kitchen Furniture, consisting of Bedsteads, Bedding, Tables, Chest Drawers, Chairs, tec. &.c. ' Ars*) A NEGRO FELLOW. Terms, cash. . Sold by order of the administrator^. Sale to commence at 11 o’clock M. Herbert & Co. auct’rs. sept 19 112 . • ti Hi Marine a ml Fire Insurauc^ - COMPANY, Of tiie CUy of Savannah, AViil hisure Property in Boats, between Savannah and Augusta, and at and from either place to the other. R. Wayne, secretary. oct 24—127 .The subscribers TO STEPHEN EBLIOTT S BOTANY Will receive the First Number, by calling at the Book store of IV. T. WILLIAMS, .oct 19—125 J. YVoudwiird CHunter’s ichulf J HAS Foil a 75 dozen fine knupt and felt Hats Il.bOo y.ivds cotton Shirtings, Checks anil Stripes 4 boxes An. iucotton Li.riii 1 case str.v* Bonnets 2 dozen 8...Llies and Bridles 3 ton.- assoi-ud Holiow IVare 1 ton cut Mails ldO sets .4' Meusures and Buckets id bo.ves IS'o. 1 Cnocoiste biiovels. Axes, and a quantity of Thin.bles for rigging * . The, above wdl he sold at reduced prices if Applied ior soon. cj’t 31 130 Felt' cy Co. ^ The barque MARY, will sail the middle of AfRnext month. For freight of two hundred bales I&MScotton apply to JAMES JOHNSTON, oct 24—cm—127 For England COr any port on the Continent f ^ The staunch coppered brig SPARTAN, C. W. Coffin master, will soon be in readiness to receive cargo—>t considerable part of which will be fcii.v to go on board. For freight for the remainder, or p-ss-ge, upoly on board or to REA & BUTLER, Johnston’s wharf lYhi are note landing from said brig from Stockholm 110 tons Swede’s Iron, principally axe bar and waggon tire, which they will sell ff the single ton or iarg- ' er quantity, and 3 tons iron Plates, 12 to 16 inches wide, suitable for plough Shares Also, landing from schooner Harriet, 4 pipes and l'J b.s New-York Gin, best quality, which they will sell low, (for cash or short credit) if ta ken from the wharf'. oct 31- -150 I< or Havre or Bordeaux f As freight may o ffer J The brig TYBEE, N. Cobb, master, is in com plete order and now ready to receive a cargo.— aFor freight or passage apply on hoard, or to Rea Butler, . Johnston’s Wharf IHio have received by stud brig, from New-York and/or sale, 4 ^-oes Holland Gin 5 * Is 3d proof W. I. Rum 5 japes 4-u do Gognr.C Rrandy 1 warranted genu- 7 do Sici'y Madeira Wine (ine as imported 29 quarter tasks Colminar Wine ] 4 do dp Malaga do j ® half boxes Soap e ^ task bat- Lead -i do Shot, assorted bales Tv '-»e bugs Cofi'ec and *■' "■ nt hipuud wr-.ter'Casks oct 26- •Foi lioston xt/n- Tbe brig 1 HOLLON will sail with all f mh {V ^ : ' ich - freight or passage apply onboard at Moor’s wharf, or to , A. I’ ox & Co. i-ct 29—129 .3 -128 possible to the For Boston lie schooner SARAH ANN, ring half her freight captain Lum- . _. nrtl, having half her freight ready to go on .Aboard. Fur freight or passage, apply to tlie rf Lm on board or to * Olmstead §* Battelle. r| et 22—125 For freight or charter To any part in Europe, § ~ c ,The superior and fast sailing ship VIRGINIA, V™ tons burthen, Jonathan Hillman, master. *«ei’K Ur tcnr ‘ s a Ppfy the master on board, at jet ’-v rf ’£ to HAZEN KIMBALL. >6—129 For freight or charier, To any of the West India Islands, The staunch and burtiiei.zo.'.ie acno uitr AN TELOPE, 105 tons regisUr, will he ready to l-iceive u cargo in ten days. A full freight will be taken low. Apply to Isaac Course & Son, oct 31 - u —130 t)-< %iV.tJ,i»/ For freight or charter, To any northern port, -grig- .^’ ie l)r ^ GENERAL JACKSON, burthen . Vijofa,ninety tons, W. T. Pearce, master, a atu.ineii’ JKra^Wcvessei; w ill be ready to receive a cargo on Mon day next. For further iiaruculars, enquire of the cap tain, oh boarti, at Smith’s wharf, or to P. II. & T. C-rapon, Who have for sale, received by said veisj, 100 Grindstones 2 cases northern Homespuns, containing Chambravs, Stripes, Plaids, Shirting- and Cliecks 1 case India Goods 100 biS Potato- s. Onions, Sec. 1 case Bedticking ort , '1 .i.qo For sale The brig LANv.DON CHEVF.S, burthen a’.iout 200 tons, copper fastened and sneathed. A staunch, fast, sailing vessel, well found m every respect, and ready to receive a cargo on board, l-'or terms, which are liberal, apply to M. Herbert & Co. J oet 12 122 Bills on Boston or Nevv-Yor-k) At sixty days sig-ht. For sale bv ('iT.ixnk’s vvaar.F,) Have just received, and of'er for sale on accommodating te: n;S, 209 casks Nails, assorted 59 ditto trace Chains 5 ) tons waggon tire iron 29 ditto axe bar ditto 4 unto Moulds 4 hogsheads Sugar 2u bu ri s Ginger 49 boxes window Glass, 8 by 10, and 9 by 11 40 ditto cotton Car-is 75 nates Crock* rvware 4A.0 bushels Livere.ooi 8alt A I SO, 2 c;ises silk Uandkerclnels ami Parasols 2 ditto Madras, muck Madras and pulicat Hand kerchiefs 4 do Ca .co, Ginglnnns, Dimity, Shirtings, Quiltings, prince's com \ esuiig, cotfon Umbrellas aim . worsts ti 1 do India sewing Silk, assorted, and jaconet Muslins 2 do furniture oil Clotns, ike. 81—l— 139 oct I. K. Telit ec Co. (,Johnson’s square ) Have received by the J dm St Edward from Liverpool, and by tlte recent arrivals from New York TWO ut xiuiea AM) FIFTY HARDWARE; CUTLERY, JAPANNED anil FANCY GOODS; which they offer for *:iie on very accommodating terms. oct 24—i—127 M or t 22—126 George Gonlon. Bills o\i New-York. AND PHILADELPHIA. For sale by oct 8—120 A. ERWIN, LETHBRIDGE St CO. Bills on New-York, W.Vf. GASTON. At sight. For sale by ec’ 1'—12.5 Drafts on New-York, At sixty days’ sight, for current money. Apply to J. J. F. Blanchard, oct 24—m—128 Checks on New-Yor iv, At sight. For sale at the Insurance Office. Richard. Wayne, .august 22 100* sec’ru. bait. 1000 bushels Turks Island SAL.T. For sale by M. Herbert Co. oct. 19—-125 iTaiio Fortes. Just received, per schooner Mechanic, from Ntru>- York, Four elegant PIANO FOkTES. Stebbins & Mason. oct 15 i——123 I*. II. cv T\ Crapon Offer for sale The following GOODS, ivceived per ship Oneida, from New-Y ork, at wiiolesale or retail, Rose Rhnkets, London Duffiis, Irish Sheetings, Platil- 1 is, Sheetings, cotton Si.u-tings, Flushings, Bandana Handkerchiefs, Boinbazets, assorted; Calico* a, cambric Prints, cotton Hose, furniture Calico, colored Cambrics, book .Muslins, muslm Cravats, &C. Ala*) Fresh hyson Tea, in small boxes; loaf Sugar R ice Ginger, ground do; Pimento 50 piece prime cotton Bagging 2 Gilds prime Tobacco 5 *16 N. F,. Rum oct 29-o-129 li. & J. Habersham Have received,-on consignment, and for sale, 5 bales white Plains 3 ditto Blankets 1 case Linen 8 bags green Coffee 12 boxes Tin Cotton Bagging Sheet Lead, and r-‘ [foe« ocf SO-t-129 James Poultney (MARKET-SQUARE) Jla* just received, pa' 9 hip 5 Georgia and John & Edward, from J Aver pool. A LARGE ADDITION TO Iirs-FOHMKH STOCK *'f HARDWARE, CUTLERY, &c. Among -which tis-e, Casks of socket Spades, cast steel patent Hoes Carolina; narrow anti broad Hoes Chain Traces, sad Irons Cast and waggon Boxes 2d, 3d, 4*1, 5d, and 6d wrought clott 1 Nalls 6d, 8*1, 10d, 12d and 2Jd fine wrought Rose ahd Clasp Ounce Ticks, head Nails 4J to 6 inch Spikes, Ac. 41S0 A large quantity of American and English TIdll*>w- ware, an elegant assortment of plated Saddlery, 8cc. which is offered for sale on a low advance for cash, or town acceptances; and is well worth the attention of country merchants, &c. N. B. Highest price given fiSr rfd Brass and Copper. jjfit Just received A few pieces of extra superfine blue and black CLOTHS, For sale by LESLIE THOMPSON. ect 12— 122 Just received And for salt-, at factai-v prices, 17 cases HATS it. kj. BOLTON. ; oct S9— -i—129 . For sale 50 tons axe bar aud waggon tire IRON R. Richardson. r 19 . 1 . r - - ^ juaiiCllll^ 75 two gallon kegs Salmon 19 boxes, mould Candles 15 do yellow Soap 8 bis No. 1 ami 2 Mackerel For sole low, on tlie wharf, by John Lathrop & Co. oct 29-129 Hunter’s -wharf For side, 109 bags Coffee - K. RICHARDSON. seru 3 1 * *5 ■j ’ •' » ’ . - -ff. - . For sale Planters’ Bank S I OCK. Apply at this office. oct 51—i—130 •- Received; ’ Per schooner Friends and sloop Volant, 20 tons Iron, assorted 45 boxes window Glass 14 boxes tea China, and 2 tierces containing China Desert, Sets and Jars Fur sale by ISAAC COIIEN & CO. oct 29 —lz9 - For sale 59,000 feet Clear whife pine BOARDS 100 kegs BUTTER 11 cases wool HATS R. Richardson. oct 2Of—129 Goshen Cheese, See. 10 casks first quality Goshen Cheese 15 quarter casks Colminar IVine 1 hlid prime Jamaica Sugar 10 dozen superior Windsor Chairs, of different paints; landing from on board schooner Harriet Newell, aiiil for sale by Ballard & Spencer, . oct ,81—n—110 Rice's wharf The subscriber Offers for sal» the following Articles, received from New- York, per schooner Harriet Newell, elegant Secretary, pair elegant tea Tables curled maple Bedsteads half barrels Fly-Market B.eef . double writing Desk; with Stools 1 1 3 4 1 oct 31—w—TW J. George. Fall Goods. -w* THE SUBSCRIBERS Have recriv-il, by the ship Gcorgid, from liverpsot, A large ar.d well selected supply of seasonable GOOb'S; which, with t.ieir present stock, will .render their assort- ment very complete, and whieli they will dispose of by the piece «r package, on reasonable and accommodating terms. JAMES DICKSON & CD. ' oct 10 ....... I2t New Goods. CHARLES W. C ARPEfNTEli & C 0. Have received, 6y the schooner Mechanic, A part of their FALL and WINTER GOODS, which they offer for sale, consisting of Cloths, Cassimeres, Coating, Blankets, Flannels, Bbmbazets, Calico, Muslins, &c - - - j ' Also, have on hand and-wilt be receiving A general assortment of SADDLERY, manufactured in the best manner. - •■ - .... oct 24—127 t* " Just received 1 case ladies’ thread Stockings 1 tr/nk do silk do 1 do Angora ShawU 1 case paper Bureaus, in nests 1 do watch Furniture AISO Barrels Beef and Pork Hampers black Bottles Windsor Chairs For sale by oct 29 129 ' J. BATTELLE. Sicily Madeira Wine. THE SUBSCRIBERS Have received, on consignment, by the -m'ay of New-York, 30 pipes, half pipes and quarter casks of this Winer which they offer for sale on accommodating terms. They have also for sale, Negro Cloths, in bales and in clothing made up into Jackets and Trowscrs; and Rice and Cotton of the new cron. CAUNOCHAN & MITCHEL. sent 23. -—1-lS |